Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 165 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (10)

When the Devil Merchant said, "My ancestors have oriental blood," the entire live broadcast room went haywire. One group of West District viewers called the Devil Merchant a piece of shit, a Western traitor who worships the East and fawns on foreigners, and said he might as well go to the East District and be a dog. One group of people scolded the West District's big brigade and big tour guide alliance, saying that they were the dictatorship that forced the Devil Merchant into this state.

Another group of people were attracted by the Devil Merchant and thought that his pursuit of freedom, ideals and dignity was really cool. The three West District viewers kept arguing, and the East District viewers became monkeys. Some people fanned the flames, saying that they welcomed the Devil Merchant to come to the East District to be a son-in-law.

For a while, the live broadcast room was filled with a joyful atmosphere, but the people from the big brigades and the big tour guide alliance turned off the barrage. They looked at Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant discussing the leader assessment task, with indescribable expressions on their faces.

"Double tour guides, guardians, East and West District confrontation tasks, leader assessment, and two tour guides assessing together... What the hell is this stacking of BUFFs?!"

Fuck, the big guys just had a word of grass in their hearts.

"Fortunately I didn't go in."

Pinocchio said faintly from the Shepherds' Union.

"I'm not worried about whether Yun Lianghan can kill Bing 250."

Yin Yang Butterfly looked indifferent from the Butchers' Union.

"I think this group of passengers was killed by the two of them."

"Good man, it's only the first day of the journey, and it's going to be completely chaotic?!"

At the Dream Chaser's team leader's residence, Dream Chaser and Zhang Xingzang watched the live broadcast together. When he thought he was going to die, Zhang Xingzang gave all his points and props to Dream Chaser. Now he is penniless and lives in Dream Chaser's team residence with peace of mind.

Although Dream Chaser wears a mask and doesn't show his face, Zhang Xingzang has been a partner for many years and can still feel Dream Chaser's complicated and speechless mood. Deliberately asked:

"Hey Dream Chaser, do you think everyone can survive this trip?"

"As long as Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant are not dead, everyone can survive."

Dream Chaser was silent for a while, and slowly said: "I thought so before."

As long as Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant are not dead, the team can maintain superficial harmony. If one side really dies, it will be completely in a melee, and it will not stop until one side dies. If those who hide their strength take action, the situation will no longer be containable.

"You thought this trip should be a game between you and the Black Widow."

Zhang Xingzang smiled and teased him: "Don't you think so now?"

"I am arrogant."

Dream Chaser said faintly.

He didn't take the extremely dangerous journey seriously before, and didn't think it would threaten these experienced travelers who had experienced many storms. He thought the most dangerous ones should be Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant, whose strength was far lower than the journey.

Now Dream Chaser doesn't think so.

He even thinks that the passengers who have not yet realized the danger of Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant, and are still fighting against each other in various intrigues, are in a more dangerous situation!

"In more than three hours, you will be able to contact Bing 250 and clean up his mess." Seeing that Dream Chaser's tone was really serious, Zhang Xingzang began to comfort him: "Nothing will happen in three hours. Besides, Yu and Hui are watching." "And Bing 250 knows what's going on. Look how well he pulled the scapegoat. Ah, he directly fooled the devil businessman in the West District." "Now I am more curious about his ideological and moral class." Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chaser were working on the Hope Project before. They could see at a glance that the devil businessman's attitude towards Bing 250 was not right. Bing 250 would definitely have the corresponding means to hold ideological and moral classes in the mutual aid association. Zhang Xingzang was interested and used the points allocated to him by Dream Chaser to join the mutual aid association enthusiastically. He krypton a councillor, under the pretext of contributing to Bing 250. In fact, he was just curious about the ideological and moral class and wanted to see how Bing 250 planned to do it. Now Zhang Xingzang felt that he was even more curious. "Isn't his Sky Fox Ball something?"

Clay Man Zhang laughed and said, "Yu Hehui has also learned bad things and is helping him."

"So, you don't have to worry. Is there any place that Yu Hehui can't handle?"

"You're right."

Dream Chaser finally relaxed a little: "I thought too much."

There was a little smile in his voice, a little embarrassed, and he said carefully: "Well... You know, I always like to think of things in the worst direction."

Dream Chaser has suffered a lot in the past ten years, and the pressure is too great.

Dream Chaser was obviously the most positive and always full of hope before. But now he has become much more depressed and negative.

But it's good this way. Dream Chaser has relaxed after he came back, and he will occasionally reveal his true, low and gloomy emotions when they are alone.

As long as he doesn't hide everything and bear everything by himself, it's fine.

Zhang Xingzang felt a little distressed, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he smiled widely, put his arm around Dream Chaser's shoulders roughly, and hugged him: "Come on, let's do some mental relief, let you be infected by my positivity...hiss."

Zhang Xingzang said bitterly: "An Xuefeng and Bing 250, these two guys, I can't even look at the word relief directly."

"Yes, An Xuefeng can also help at critical moments."

When it comes to relief, Dream Chaser thinks of Bing 250's previous mention of 'bed companion', and his expression is a little wrong, but fortunately he is covered by a mask. Dream Chaser kept his tone unchanged and brought the topic back on track.

"Bing 250 chose the team leader assessment, so An Xuefeng may be able to help. After all, there is a 'chief examiner' for the team leader assessment."

"It's a journey beyond levels, and there's a confrontation mission. It's reasonable for the examiner to choose the person who ranks first in each district. Besides, Bing 250 and An Xuefeng have a deep bond."

"If we want to rank number one, I think the person who is interested in life is the Jiayi tour guide."

Zhang Xingzang wanted to tease Dream Chaser again: "The bond between Bing 250 and Mingxiren is quite deep. Maybe he will become the examiner... Hey, don't be depressed! I'm just talking nonsense—— "

The dream chaser suddenly became gloomy again, and said quietly: "I think what you said makes sense. The possibility is indeed very high -"

"Not big, definitely not big."

Zhang Xingzang was decisive and grabbed the dream chaser's cloak: "Don't think about it, come and relax. They are not dolls, they are experienced travelers who will take care of themselves."

"It's just over three hours. If you don't watch, no one will die."

* *

"Are you crazy? Do you want to die?"

During the journey to the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, the devilish merchant's previous coolness and wantonness were all gone. He stared at Wei Xun in confusion, unable to believe his ears.

"Do you think the two of us alone can test Qianjiazhi's true strength?"

Wei Xun asked rhetorically, he blocked the live broadcast when talking about Qianjia Paper, and so did the Devil Merchant.

"of course--"

Of course not.

"What are you thinking about? After the team leader's assessment tendency is determined, the assessment will be conducted at the corresponding scenic spot."

The Devil Merchant told Wei Xun what he knew about the assessment, in an attempt to dispel his dangerous thoughts: "We are not required to simply fight monsters. The assessment tests our overall team leadership ability, ability to communicate with NPCs, etc. Come to Sometimes there will be help from tourists, and even help from the attraction itself.”

It’s not about head-on confrontation!

For example, for example, the devil businessman's assessment of Mr. Skinner is more likely to lead a brigade to find the escaped skins, or satisfy Mr. Skinner's wish through other special methods, such as "performing in front of the emperor". Eliminate its resentment and pass the team leader assessment.

Definitely not Mortal Kombat with Mr. Skinned!

"do you understand."

The devilish businessman tried to change Wei Xun's mind: "Besides, your plan doesn't work. Well, I haven't found the team leader's assessment tendency at all."

Speaking of this, the Devil Merchant just regrets it. Just now he asked Xiaocui, ‘Summon Qianjiazhi now? ’, in fact, there are also those who have just challenged Black Widow and the Werewolf Alliance from a distance, with that high-spirited momentum.

As a result, when Xiaocui said enthusiastically, "It's too few to call, why don't you also call your team leader's assessment monster?" The devil merchant was stunned on the spot and could not deny it immediately.

After being tricked by Xiaocui, he also got involved in the team leader assessment.

"You really think it won't kill you?"

Wei Xun glanced at the devil merchant and asked, "Qianjiazhi can kill me, so you must be sure that your monster won't do it?"

Wei Xun relied on the Devil Merchant to pass the team leader assessment for the first time and was able to fool him like this!

"You just pissed off Qianjiazhi."

The Devil Merchant was speechless, but he couldn't help but think of the scene when Mr. Skinner raised the blood-stained iron hook and dropped it from above his head.

Are these monsters really incapable of taking action?

He checked the team leader assessment information and it all said that, but everyone encountered different situations.

The devil businessman remembered that he had received [You have offended Qianjiazhi and gained Qianjiazhi’s hostility! 】 System prompts, obviously, those scary monsters can also think and have normal emotions.

Are they really not going to attack the tour guide directly? No, they will. Xiaocui was attacked by Qianjiazhi before.

Will Mr. Skinner do anything to him?

The devil businessman couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Think about it first. Anyway, I think this is an opportunity."

Wei Xun looked at the depths of Leigu Hutong, where the tourists were. The night was extremely dark, and no one could be seen clearly. Only a few bright and dim lights could be seen.

It's the light of the lantern.

But a closer look reveals that there are far more than ten light spots.

It's not just the light of the lantern, but also... the faint light emitted by something unknown.

Leigu Hutong started to get lively at night.

"Other tour guides have no choice but to do that when they are leading a group. Because they are completely unable to fight against the terrifying monsters."

"So we can only hand over the choice to them and use 'monsters won't kill me'. The team leader assessment considers the overall quality of the tour guide to paralyze themselves."

Wei Xun said freely: "Do you know how high the mortality rate of the tour guide leader assessment is, and how high the failure rate is."

...The devil merchant didn't know what he wanted to say when he opened his mouth, but he didn't say it in the end.

Wei Xun didn't know either, so he just snorted meaningfully and ignored it:

“But we are different from other tour guides.”

Both tour guides have received the leader's assessment tendency and can attract monsters at the same time.

"When the monster comes, it is more likely to kill us first."

The devil merchant retorted: "Can you guarantee that they will kill each other?"

"I can guarantee that without confirming the assessment tendency, the monster and we are not in the same 'dimension' for the time being."

Wei Xun said: "They can mentally pollute us, but they cannot attack directly. They are restricted by rules."

"But the monsters themselves are very likely to be in the same 'dimension', and there is a high possibility that they can attack each other."

Wei Xun chuckled: "Actually, I said I wanted to kill Qian Jiazhi before, just thinking about it. But knowing that you also discovered the tendency of team leader assessment... I think this might be possible."

"Think about it, if they really kill each other and weaken each other, it will definitely only be beneficial to us."

"Even if they don't kill each other, they are very likely to contain each other. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. You also understand the meaning of this sentence."

"The worst possibility is that we all lose the SAN together. Anyway, the assessment tendency has not been determined yet, and they can't kill us. And we also have more opportunities to observe them."

The devil businessman was a little tempted, but he was a little confused.

Because this is too risky! This is an extremely dangerous journey. Can you really play around like this?

"The guardian will supervise you and me early this morning. Tomorrow morning we will go to the Zhijia compound. Tomorrow night we must confirm the direction of the team leader. Tonight is the last chance."

Wei Xun said no more and just nodded: "You can think about it yourself."

He turned his back and walked toward the entrance of the alley. He said calmly without looking back, "I hope what you just said is true."

I want to become stronger, I want to control my own destiny, I want to live with dignity in the Thriller Hotel.

Only the dignity you have earned can be respected by others.

After instilling a lot of anxiety in the devil merchant, Wei Xun and Yu Hehui walked to the entrance of Leigu Alley.

‘This is where the kid I saw ran past. ’

Wei Xun looked outside and saw darkness everywhere.

‘I didn’t notice anything strange when I came here’

Yu Hehui shook his head and communicated with Wei Xun from his heart: "I told Zhou Xiyang and the others about this. If it is really the spirit of this city, then if it doesn't want to appear, it will be difficult for us to find it." ’

'But the chance of it actively finding passengers will be very high, so Zhou Xiyang and the others will pay special attention to it. ’

* *

Leigu Hutong is obviously neither too long nor too wide, but the tourists gradually became separated in the darkness.

"Oh, it's a pity that we have no money."

Ban Ming Taoist and Bai Xiaotian were walking together. In this kind of attraction project involving supernatural beings, even holding hands might cause them to get separated in the dark. The most terrifying thing is that after walking for a while holding hands, they turned around and found that they were not holding hands but a ghost. .

But Taoist Ban Ming had his own way. He asked Hong Zhan to walk between him and Bai Xiaotian, and each of them held one of Hong Zhan's hands. Zombies are immortal and will not be affected by ghost energy and Yin energy, so they will naturally not be separated if they walk together.

Taoist Ban Ming rambled on, and they passed various shops selling snacks, taking photos, and renting rickshaws, but none of them stopped. Taoist Ban Ming walked quickly with clear goals until they found a paper-making shop.

The 'boss' who was sitting at the door of the store carrying a small mat was pale, with his sleeves tucked up, and he didn't even show his face to them. He was obviously too lazy to look at the poor guy.

Taoist Ban Ming stood at the door for a moment and took a look. The 'boss' suddenly floated up and glared at them. In an instant, the boss turned gray and two bloody tears fell from his eyes. His neck seemed to be touched by a strange force. It had been twisted, and now it was stretched out like a rubber band, making a circle, staring at the two men miserably.

At this moment, the candle in the lantern burned violently, and the bright lantern irritated the boss. The boss shrank back suddenly, the blood flowing in his eyes became more violent, and he looked at the half-life Taoist with a bit of resentment and fear in his eyes.

"Hey, this lantern is so good, can it scare even a three-star ghost?"

Taoist Ban Ming was very surprised. He looked at the red lantern carefully and took a breath: "That Director Cui... wouldn't have spent all his real money to buy the lantern?"

There are no shopping stores in the extremely dangerous journey, so it is no longer possible to simply use points to obtain mission items. Therefore, the role of tour guides is even greater.

Excellent and powerful tour guides can collect necessary supplies in advance and exchange them for tourists when receiving mission props. Of course, if it is a united team of tour guides and tourists, and the passengers collect important items without any selfish motives and hand them all over to the tour guide, this effect can also be achieved.

There are not many passengers who can reach the special level, and most of the people in the circle are acquaintances. Even a patchwork team has a certain tacit understanding. Just like the real paper money on the minibus this time, if there weren't those few people from the West District, they would probably cooperate to force the special five-star paper people away and keep the paper money to get off the bus.

As for whether this paper money should be handed over to the tour guide in exchange for items for the whole team, everyone has it but divided it thinly, or only half of it should be handed over, which is just enough to exchange for basic mission props, or all of it should be handed over... It depends on the relationship between the passengers, the tour guide The captain's ability is as good as the tour guide's skills.

So when he saw Wei Xun sending Yu and Hui on the minibus to search for real paper money, Zhou Xiyang, a half-life Taoist who knew better, didn't say anything and even helped him cover up.

But in the view of Taoist Ban Ming, Bing Er50 turned over half of the real paper money in exchange for basic mission props, which was considered the most benevolent thing. Compared with these patient and experienced travelers, Bing250 needs paper money to protect himself, and maybe he can be bribed if he is in danger.

"This lantern can burn for four hours."

"No wonder Zhou Xiyang said Bing250 is reliable."

Taoist Ban Ming sighed a little: "When he grows up, he becomes a good tour guide like a dream chaser."

After sighing for a while, the shop owner became more and more vicious and ugly, but Taoist Bansheng was not in a hurry. He smiled and took out a small radio from his sleeve and pressed the switch. The pure and sweet Taoist music sounded, and even the darkness in this place seemed to be dispersed.

The shop owner's eyes widened immediately. His eyes remained motionless, staring greedily at the radio in Taoist Ban Ming's hand.

Not only the shop owner, but also the paper people, paper horses, gold mountains and treasure mountains, ingots and paper money in the paper shop all opened their eyes, staring at the radio greedily and salivating, listening to Taoist music.

When the half-life Taoist turned off the radio, the entire paper shop almost rioted. But at this moment, Xue Zheng, who had been silent all this time, roared and stepped forward, his red hair radiating unbearable heat.

Both paper figures and ghosts filled with yin energy are most afraid of yang energy and fire.

The paper goods in the paper shop no longer moved, and the shop owner also returned to his original shape, with an ugly face and rolled up his sleeves. There was still greed in his eyes, and he was eager to grab it, but he was afraid of the red lantern and the red zombie.

"How much...sell..."

Finally he spoke quietly.

At this time, Taoist Ban Ming stopped talking. Bai Xiaotian took a step forward and threw out the little paper man. The paper man landed and turned into a handsome man who seemed to have stepped out of an anime.

"This is Taoist music sung by Hetu Turtle himself. It can wash away all the sorrow in the soul."

The handsome paper man spoke domineeringly and began to bargain with the shop owner.

In the end, Banming Taoist exchanged a radio for a paper cow, a paper horse, and a pair of paper-made golden boys and girls in the paper-making shop.

The store owner who lost money while bargaining gave Bai Xiaotian a fierce look, and then picked up the radio. The next moment, the entire paper-making shop disappeared directly from Leigu Hutong.

It is no longer possible for other travelers to buy anything from the paper shop.

"A little bit."

Taoist Ban Ming quickly put away these paper objects and made a face at the West District werewolves who had just rushed over to see the paper shop disappear. Then, holding a lantern, he and Bai Xiaotian disappeared into the darkness.

"Xiaotian, why are you, this paper man, still an anime character?"

After getting rid of the werewolves, Taoist Half Life slowed down and stared dissatisfied at the paper man on Bai Xiaotian's shoulder.

"It feels like he was an anime character the year before last. At most, he changed from two heads to seven heads? But there is no substantial change!"

Mao Xiaole has a special method of raising paper figurines. The natal paper figurines he raises correspond to the paper figurines that people of different ages recognize.

The paper figures raised in this way are born with the support of countless people's cognition, almost spiritual. For example, Mao Xiaole is an expert at paper manipulation. His natal paper man is the paper man in the eyes of the 'older generation'. He is a supernatural, mysterious and extremely powerful man who can be called the king of paper!

But the paper man raised by Bai Xiaotian is not a beginner, and is still in the early stages. It corresponds to the paper man in the eyes of 'young people'.

Commonly known as Paper Man.

Bai Xiaotian is a paper guy who is quite good at bargaining.

"Deputy Commander, why did you buy these paper bundles?"

Bai Xiaotian delivered the words at the right time, and when he had a chance to show off, Taoist Ban Ming immediately shifted his attention.

"Ahem, you don't understand this."

Taoist Ban Ming glanced at Bai Xiaotian appreciatively and coughed lightly. He knew that there must be many spectators outside, especially the Laoshan Brigade. This journey was not too dangerous for him and could be regarded as a rare field teaching.

It is also rare to use an extremely dangerous journey to teach.

"First of all the attack on the bus, we knew there was definitely an element of this journey."

Ban Ming Taoist said: "The journey description emphasizes 'Grandma Zhi's funeral'. Zhi Tongzhi, the next attractions in the Zhijia Courtyard will definitely involve paper figures, and the really dangerous attractions start from the Zhijia Courtyard. This night trip to Leigu Hutong can be regarded as an opportunity to accumulate supplies and information clues. "

"There are three opportunities for Level 3 Extremely Dangerous Journey. One time on the minibus, one time to explore the Siheyuan, and one time now. Let’s not mention the discovery of the Siheyuan for now. Since this attraction involves paper figures, let’s take a night tour of Leigu Hutong. The most important thing is to find a paper shop.”

"What you buy is also very important. If a man burns a horse, if a girl burns a cow, there are certain things to do."

Taoist Ban Ming explained a little bit.

When a man dies, his horse is burned. It used to be said that after a man dies, he goes to the underworld to serve as an official. The rules in the underworld are strict, and you will be severely punished if you are late. Riding a horse makes you go faster.

The woman died and burned the cow, which means that there is a pool of blood in the underworld, and after death, a person must drink the sewage produced in the underworld before being reincarnated. In ancient times, women worked hard throughout their lives, washing and cooking, and used more water. The cow can help the woman drink the dirty water and avoid the penalty of the blood pool.

"Of course, this is no longer popular in modern times, and the above mentioned are all feudal customs. But the journey introduction said that Granny Zhi will have a funeral according to the rules of the past, so it is appropriate to burn a paper cow... But why should I buy a paper horse. "

Taoist Ban Ming was quite happy with it: "Xiaotian, tell me, why?"

"If Granny Zhi is a paper doll, she wants to become a human being by performing the funeral in a human way."

Bai Xiaotian also cooperated: "The transformation of a paper man into a human being is rare, and it is even more difficult than a spirit seeking to be sealed. Although the paper man bears the character "human", it is easy to decay, extremely fragile, and is destined to be burned by fire before it is complete. And paper is most afraid of fire, so it is easy for it to become a spirit, but it is difficult for it to become a human being."

"If she wants to be an adult, she must not have any sin on her body. But the paper cow helps people drink dirty water in the underworld and avoid punishment."

There will be punishment, which means you have sinned in this world. Working backwards, in order to avoid any sin, paper cows cannot be burned.

"The paper dolls have no gender, they are all cut out by people. If she wants to be buried as a man, she must either kill the man to absorb the yang energy, or reshape her body."

Bai Xiaotian said: "But murder is a crime, so Granny Zhi will either design us to kill each other, or let other evil paper figures kill us. I bought the paper-tie Golden Boy so that she can reshape her body. road."

"But at the same time, her transformation from female to male will definitely attract the attention of ghosts, so a substitute is needed, and the paper-shaped jade girl is the substitute."

"If the body is really reshaped and the identity is successfully replaced, then the paper horse will be burned to Grandma Zhi, and the paper cow will be burned to the substitute Zhi Jade Girl."

"Not bad, not bad, the analysis is good, it's a bit like Bai Xiaosheng's demeanor."

Taoist Ban Ming felt happy and continued to move forward. For them, this night tour of Leigu Hutong is just an appetizer, and it is really not too difficult.

But don’t look at how relaxed he was just now! The owner of the paper-making shop is a three-star super ghost, and all kinds of paper-making shops are also special-level monsters. If it were a normal, special one or two-star tourist, he might have suffered a lot.

"Hey, why is Zhou Xiyang here? Isn't he guarding Bing250?"

Before the lanterns were burned out, Taoist Ban Ming and Bai Xiaotian continued their night stroll in the alley. At this time, his sharp eyes saw Zhou Xiyang's figure.

I saw Zhou Xiyang with his eyes covered, as if he was looking for something. But on his back were eight gray-black imps lying quietly.

Zhou Xiyang searched everywhere, but the little ghosts were silent, clinging to Zhou Xiyang's back like stacks of arhats, and could not be found no matter what. For a while, the little devils were playing tricks on Zhou Xiyang, making him lie down on the ground to look for movement, and making him hit the wall, laughing viciously and silently.

Seeing Zhou Xiyang's rare embarrassment, Taoist Bansheng covered his mouth and did not say a word to remind him. There was no tension at all, and he and Bai Xiaotian stood nearby and started watching.

Finally, the little ghosts seemed to be tired of playing, and the last little ghost quietly floated out of the sewer and flew towards Zhou Xiyang - these nine little ghosts gathered together, probably wanting to merge into one and devour him greedily!

"Found you."

But the next moment, Zhou Xiyang chuckled. In the flash of lightning, he took off his T-shirt with one hand by the collar and took off his T-shirt with one hand. With a flick of his wrist, he wrapped all the little devils hanging on his back. The other hand, as if it had a back eye, firmly grabbed the kid who just floated over!

"I won this hide-and-seek game."

He casually rubbed it on his shoulder and took off the blindfold. Carrying the squealing little ghosts, Zhou Xiyang took out a few pieces of White Rabbit milk candies and halva candies with his backhand. After he ate the candy himself, he burned the sweet wrappers to the little ghosts.

After a while, all nine little ghosts had candies in their hands, and they were all coaxed. They whispered to Zhou Xiyang one by one, and then disappeared into the dark alley with laughter.

"You guys got here pretty fast."

Zhou Xiyang casually put on his T-shirt and then looked at Taoist Ban Ming and the others.

"This journey is in the Eight-Armed Nezha City. 'Nezha' may very well be our helper or enemy on this journey. We need to get good news in advance."

"It is said that Liu Bowen and Yao Guangxiao took over the design of the city, and the empress ordered to suppress the evil dragon was very distressed. One night they dreamed of a child in red at the same time, and they came up with the idea of ​​the eight-armed Nezha City. This spirit is most likely to be 'Childlike Nezha', so when looking for information, I have to start from the 'child', and I learned a lot of information in one hide-and-seek."

Zhou Xiyang said to himself. Apparently, like Taoist Ban Ming, he also took the opportunity of this trip to give on-the-spot analysis lessons to the people of the Sunset Brigade.

"When I choose to be a 'ghost' in hide-and-seek, one is because the little ghosts want to be human, and they will be happier. The second is that I find all the little ghosts. If they lose, I can get nine pieces of information. If I play as a human, even if I hide If you win, the only one who loses is the little devil who is a ghost, and you can only get one piece of information.”

"Of course, don't play like this if you are weak."

Of course, there must be more than just these two brigades in the live broadcast room. But it’s not troublesome to say this. Maybe it can attract more people to join the Sunset Tour Group and Laoshan Tour Group.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xiyang greeted Half Life Taoist and the others.

"Isn't Mekel with you?"

Taoist Ban Ming was curious: "Where are the others?"

"I went to pick up door nails."

When Cao Cao arrived, he saw a silver cat shadow running over with a red lantern in its mouth. When he ran to them and put down the lantern, he started meowing and cursing.

"Meow, this is not called picking up door nails. It's like kneeling on a nail board! It almost cost me my life... ahem, for me, it's pretty simple."

Mekel also maintained his image before the live broadcast: "Why do you have to pick up doornails? I don't understand. The palace gates of the Eight-Armed Nezha City pay attention to 'nine vertically and horizontally', and each door has nine Nine and eighty-one doornails are the number of Zhengyang, which shows the majesty of the royal family.”

"Only Donghua Gate has nine horizontal and eight vertical door nails, a total of seventy-two. The odd numbers are yang and the even numbers are yin. Donghua Gate can be called a 'ghost door'."

"Grandma Zhi is not a normal person. She can only go through the ghost gate when she goes to the funeral. But letting the paper man go to the funeral in a human form and leave the city is not allowed by the evil forces. The courtyard where we live has seven and eight masters in black and white guarding it on the door. Impermanence will most likely come out to stop it."

As the deputy commander of the Crimson Brigade, Mei Keer peeled off the cocoon and analyzed: "Don't think that the guide on this journey is a good person. Grandma Zhi let the Hengdian Brigade be destroyed before. She is a selfish bad thing. When the time comes, there will be Maybe they'll leave us behind and use us as a bait to delay the conspiracy, so that they can carry out the funeral quickly. In order to prevent her from betraying her, the door nail is very important."

He transformed from a cat back into a human, with nine shiny doornails on his hands.

"Put the nail on the ghost door and it will become the Yang Gate. If Granny Zhi cannot get out after the funeral, she must rely on us and cannot leave us alone to escape. Of course, if Granny Zhi is obedient and willing to cooperate, she will not cause trouble. , this door nail can also be used to stop ghosts."

Mekel smiled slyly, revealing his sharp fangs.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

【666666! 】

[It’s so awesome, so awesome, I was dumbfounded. Is this the boss’s idea? ! 】

[Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast! 】

[Is it my imagination? Even though we haven't gone to the Zhi Family Courtyard yet, why do I feel like they have arranged everything for Granny Zhi? ? 】

[This live broadcast is so valuable! I must buy it and take a good look! 】

[One thing to say is that some big guys may be slightly weaker than others at the same level, and it would be a bit difficult to fight with real swords and guns, but there is no such thing as experience. A journey like this involving folk customs is most suitable for them to play]

[Ahem, just say Half Life Taoist.]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot, is this a journey? Is this really extremely dangerous? 】

[The lanterns Cui Dao bought are also great! Yuntianhe specifically said that this is the best quality red lantern! If Director Cui had bought a bad lantern, they wouldn’t have been so relaxed]

"I didn't expect to see them cooperating."

Zhang Xingzang sighed at the Dream Chaser station.

Sunset, Crimson, Metaphysics, the top three brigade groups in the East District. Regardless of the group leader or deputy group leader, they are all experienced and have gone through hundreds of journeys.

"We haven't even gone to the Zhi Family Courtyard yet, but we have made all the arrangements for Grandma Zhi's funeral."

This is really clear. From the fact that they still have time to explain, it can be seen that even if it is a journey adjustment, the third level extremely dangerous journey is not a problem for them.

"Of course, the lanterns Bing250 bought for them are better. They burn for a long time, otherwise these guys wouldn't have time to chat."

Zhang Xingzang smiled and said, "Now you can rest assured. Bing 250 and Zhou Xiyang and the others are all reliable."

"Don't worry, you don't have a headache."

The dream chaser smiled sheepishly. He was a little flustered just now, as if it was an ominous sign. He hurriedly disconnected from Zhang Xingzang and hurried out to take a look.

If it was done too hastily and roughly, Zhang Xingzang might get a headache.

"It's okay, I don't feel any pain. Just be okay."

Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chaser watched the live broadcast again, watching Zhou Xiyang and the others pass several more projects. Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Xingzang looked at his watch: "At half past ten, the night tour in Leigu Hutong is almost over. You can contact Bing250 soon. Do you want to go to sleep?"

"Get some sleep."

The dream catcher yawned. His title is related to dreams. It is best to get enough sleep every day. Over the years, he has been unable to sleep peacefully every night. Now that the clay figurine Zhang has finally returned, Dream Chaser can also sleep well.

Of course, Dream Chaser didn't plan to sleep at first, so he was a little worried. But now after seeing Zhou Xiyang's performance, Dream Chaser is completely relieved.

Before leaving, he took one last look at the live broadcast room. It was this glance that made Dream Chaser pause.

"How come Director Cui and the Devil Merchant got together again?"

"The two of them are talking quietly."

Zhang Xingzang glanced casually: "Young people have fallen in love, and it's normal for them to like to whisper."

But Dream Chaser felt something was wrong. He ignored Zhang Xingzang's urging and stayed where he was to continue watching.

Then the dream chaser saw Wei Xun happily patting the devil businessman on the shoulder. The devil merchant shook his head helplessly, and finally gave in, taking out a sharp skinning knife.

Wei Xun took out the special five-star paper figurine that contained the soul of Qianjiazhi, took out the phoenix feather, lit the fire, and the devil merchant pricked the palm of his hand with a peeling knife.

Two people came together.

next moment--

In the entire live broadcast room of the Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace, all the split screens of the tour guides and tourists suddenly went dark.

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