Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 164 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (9)

"You must do it tonight?"

After finally suppressing his inexplicable joy, the devil merchant coughed lightly and seemed to be saying to himself:

"The danger is too great. How can you and I try out anything... Anyway, just make a decision before tomorrow night. There is no need to rush."

Wei Xun understood what the devil merchant meant, he was talking about the guardian!

You must know that this journey not only has a pair of guides, but also a guardian. However, the guardian cannot be contacted until early morning on the first day of the journey.

Even if it is an over-the-top journey, the hotel wants the tour guide to be able to spend the first day on his own, so that it is meaningful to exercise.

What the Devil Merchant means is that there is no need to rush into selecting the team leader's assessment tendency. It is best to discuss it with your guardian first.

"You know."

Wei Xun was unmoved and said calmly: "I don't want to rely on others for everything, otherwise I won't cooperate with you."

"Wouldn't it be better to cooperate with the guardians and the passengers from the Eastern District?"

"Furthermore, if your guardian knows about..., do you think she will continue to sit back and watch you and I cooperate, or will she let you kill me and control me first?"

Wei Xun smiled teasingly: "My guardians are nothing more than dream chasers or puppet masters. They are all pretty good-natured, and after all, now that I am on the bright side, no matter how much, they will consider my opinions. "

"On your side...tsk."

After An Zuozou applied the eye drops to the Devil Merchant, Wei Xun shook his head and walked towards the passengers first, leaving only the Devil Merchant's back and a faint word:

"Maybe the only chance for you and me to cooperate is tonight."

The devil merchant's original joyful mood disappeared instantly. He understood that the word Xiao Cui deliberately skipped was 'confrontation mission'. The devil merchant was about to say that he had not revealed it, but when the words came to his lips, there was no words left.

Yes, Xiaocui is right, the guardian will guide them throughout the journey, and the confrontation mission will be exposed sooner or later - not to mention their live broadcast outside, which may have been exposed.

The Devil Merchant has a connection with the A5 Little Witch. Before he went on the journey, the Little Witch also had to lead a group for the Mexican Day of the Dead, and it had to be broadcast live. He asked a few questions curiously, and the little witch casually said that any journey involving the year-end celebration would be broadcast live, and would also be promoted in the world area.

If this is the case, then outsiders are very likely to know about the confrontation mission between him and Xiao Cui. If you think about it this way...yes, Xiao Cui is right.

The Devil Merchant laughed at himself and thought, although he heard Xiao Cui's provocation, what she said was indeed true. Tonight might be their last chance to work together. According to Black Widow's style, after contacting her in the early morning, she would probably ask the devil merchant to release the black widow poisonous spider and turn Xiao Cui into a spider puppet.

Even if Xiaocui is not killed, she must be controlled. In the confrontation mission between the east and west districts, only victory is allowed, not defeat. There's never been a better time than now.

Because starting from the trip to Zhijia Courtyard tomorrow, the danger level of the scenic spots will definitely make them overwhelmed. There will be too many surprises by then, and it will be difficult to really start.

The devil merchant was a little confused for a moment, but Xiaocui's understatement broke the illusion of harmony with him.

The devil merchant calmed down and walked towards the travelers carrying red lanterns. They gathered together in twos and threes, and some were looking at how long the candles were burning in the lanterns, estimating how long they could stay in Leigu Hutong.

"We will go to Zhijia Courtyard tomorrow morning. During this trip to Leigu Hutong, everyone must complete as many projects as possible."

Zhou Xiyang is relatively relaxed: "Admire the alleys, taste snacks, take photos, play hide and seek, pick up door nails... Some projects require money, some are free, the level of danger and difficulty, everyone is an experienced traveler, so you don't need me. Say more.”

Everyone present was a veteran. At their level, most of the journeys they could take were extremely dangerous. Not to mention once a month, at least once a quarter, everyone has experience.

Even though this was the third level of extreme danger, Zhou Xiyang did not panic at all. He just reminded: "What you must pay attention to is the time. The hotel has repeatedly emphasized being on time. This time the stipulation is to return to the courtyard before the red lantern goes out. You must make the return trip The time is also included.”

"Understand, this kind of attraction project cannot be difficult for us."

Half Life Taoist said enigmatically, Lao Cheng patted Bai Xiaotian on the shoulder and said lightly: "Xiaotian, do you still remember what I told you before coming out?"

"Deputy Commander, you said that you just finished practicing a red zombie and want to practice your skills."

In front of outsiders, Bai Xiaotian still gave Taoist Ban Ming face.

"That's right."

The half-life Taoist waved his whisk, and an eight-foot-tall zombie with a red face, fangs, and shriveled skin appeared in front of them.

"You still practice this?"

Zhou Xiyang wondered, stepped forward to take a look, and discussed it with Taoist Ban Ming. He found that this zombie was made from a century-old zombie using his and Yu Xiangyang's flesh and blood. Under the control of Taoist Ban Ming, it had at least three stars. Peak, close to super four-star strength.

Even if he is not as good as Yu Xiangyang, who has the title of Mutated Drought Demon, and is not a tourist, he is just a serious zombie, it is enough for this journey.

Bai Xiaotian is the least powerful, but he is also an experienced traveler. It's just that his title is not good and he is unlucky, so he has never been promoted. He still has experience.

Zhou Xiyang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yun Lianghan again.

"Did you really give all your money to Bing250?!"

Yun Lianghan was going crazy: "It's time to spend money, brother. If you have money, take it out as soon as possible."

"Did you see that Director Cui smiled at me?"

Yuntianhe's lips were indifferent and he smiled happily. Facing Yun Lianghan's question, he was puzzled: "This is Director Cui's money, not my money. How can you think that the money is still in my hand?"

"What's more, there are projects that don't cost money."

"But those projects are definitely dangerous!"

Yun Lianghan is about to be pregnant. Isn't it clear in this kind of attraction that you can experience the project with or without spending money, but the effect of the 'no money' experience is definitely worse, which means that they will face more dangers.

There was no one in Leigu Alley. Everything they encountered was definitely a ghost!

"It's about danger."

Yuntianhe became serious: "Suffering creates strength. Only by handing over all resources to the management of tour guides can we not take chances and risk our lives every time."

"Only in this way can we become stronger as quickly as possible. Liang Han, don't let down Director Cui's good intentions."

Yun Lianghan went crazy at that time. Zhou Xiyang nodded secretly not far away.

Indeed, Yuntianhe was so deeply influenced by the Shepherd Alliance, and was able to grow to this level after being squeezed all the way. His hard power is definitely stronger than those travelers who rely on buying props to survive every journey.

The children of poor people have long been in charge. Even though Yuntianhe is only a three-star star, his true strength is probably close to a four-star star.

Yun Lianghan had Yun Tianhe watching over him, so Zhou Xiyang could barely feel relieved. He and Mekel will be watching the West End Werewolf on October 10th.

"Director Cui, when we are free to move around, you'd better not get too close to us. It's very dangerous."

After thinking about it for a while, the passenger had nothing to worry about. He was most worried about Bing250 now.

Zhou Xiyang advised tactfully: "The hotel's attractions are mainly for tourists to experience. When we go to Leigu Hutong at night, the ghosts who come out may be of the same level as us, or even higher."

A special ghost is extremely dangerous to Bing250. Even if Yu and Hui took away two special five-star paper figurines, it was only because of the deterrence of the Phoenix Fire. Who knows how many times Team An’s Phoenix Feather can be used.

"But for tour guides, there is no need to get too close to tourists during free activities."

Zhou Xiyang’s meaning is very clear! Stay away and don't get too close to the tourists, otherwise you might be affected by ghosts. You two tour guides can just have fun on your own.

"If you want to experience it at the scenic spot, at least wait until after midnight tonight."

If he had Yu Hehui guarding him before, Zhou Xiyang wouldn't be too worried about Director Cui.

But now that he knew that he was most likely the only tour guide who could connect with Team An and the way home, Zhou Xiyang simply held it in his hand for fear of dropping it, held it in his mouth for fear of melting, and was so worried that his hair began to fall out!

"Okay, I'll just take a look at the entrance of the alley."

Wei Xun readily agreed. He was thinking about the team leader assessment.

So far, he has obtained the tendency of a semi-team leader assessment, respectively in the minibus and in the courtyard.

So... in this Leigu Hutong, is there also a tendency for team leader assessment?

But Wei Xun is not pursuing more now, he is thinking about a problem.

Wei Xun keenly noticed one thing, and that was the remarks about the different assessment tendencies of the two team leaders.

A note about the traditional mourning paper figurine tendency is [After selecting this tendency, you will complete a series of your team leader assessment tasks in the paper-making related attractions! 】

Donkey Shadow Puppet’s note is [After selecting this tendency, you will complete a series of your team leader assessment tasks in the attractions related to the ‘performance’! 】

There are a total of four scenic spots in this trip, Leigu Hutong, Zhijia Courtyard, Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, and Tianshou Mountain Mausoleum. First of all, exclude Leigu Hutong, because the team leader’s assessment prompt is to ‘select the assessment tendency before the second night’.

The tour of Leigu Hutong is tonight, and tomorrow they will go to Zhijia Courtyard.

If the attractions related to 'paper-making' and 'performance' are respectively in Zhijia Courtyard, Yangshou Town Funeral Palace and Tianshou Mountain Mausoleum, then there should be a leader tendency that has not been found.

But no matter how many are found, a tour guide can only choose one.

This involves the issue of difficulty before and after. The assessment tendency in the hands of the devil businessman should also be a 'performance' related attraction.

There is no doubt that Qianjia Paper is very powerful. But this only appeared after Wei Xun fully acquired the tendency of traditional funeral paper making.

But the shadow puppet in the backyard appeared after he only gained incomplete tendencies.

Which side is stronger? Which of their corresponding attractions is closer to the front and easier to pass?

Wei Xun is thinking about which one is more beneficial to him!

"Okay, okay."

Seeing Director Cui's cooperation, Zhou Xiyang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Director Cui was reliable. Even Yu Hehui was unreliable in his eyes. Zhou Xiyang guessed that the guardian of Bing250 might be the Dream Chaser. After midnight, Director Cui will be much safer if the Dream Chaser can guide her from a distance.

Before that, please don't get involved with Bing250. If two tour guides are together, there won't be anything dangerous.


"Don't get too close to the devil merchant."

Zhou Xiyang suddenly became alarmed. He glanced at the devil businessman walking towards him and warned in a low voice: "The person behind him is most likely the Black Widow. The Black Widow... is best at making people into things without saying a word. Spider Puppet."

"Don't get too close to the devil merchant, be careful."

Zhou Xiyang gave Wei Xun a round red jade, which was warm and glowed faintly in the dark night, like a setting sun.

"If you encounter danger, come to me immediately."

After saying that, he glanced at the devil merchant, and did not hide his voice, which was intended to warn!

Of course, the devil merchant heard it. His face did not change, but he felt a little unwilling and aggrieved in his heart.

Xiao Cui and Zhou Xiyang also thought so. Why did they all think that the devil merchant was a puppet in the hands of the black widow, a knife?

That's right, the black widow was asked to be the guardian so that he could rely on her experience and guidance to survive this journey.

But the devil merchant knew the purpose of his trip.

Whether he participated in an extremely dangerous journey, became a double tour guide, or chose to take the leader assessment, his only purpose was to stay alive, become stronger, and not be a puppet of others!

Not to surrender to a certain organization!

Otherwise, he would not have been able to hide the werewolf alliance and the black widow forces, and ran to the East District to meet Xiao Cui alone.

People are going to die, and they have entered the horror global hostel, so why can't they do whatever they want and have a good time?

Those organizations, camps, honors, etc., even if they can bring him real benefits, as long as they involve the loss of freedom, the first reaction of the devil businessman is inner resistance and running away.

After all, glory and fame come at a price. Since he was on the tour guide star list, he has been attacked and killed by major brigades in the West District, forced to become a werewolf by the Werewolf Alliance, and hinted by the Black Widow to be loyal to the Black Widow and become a spider puppet in her hands.

The law of the jungle is more vividly reflected in the tour guide industry in the West District. Of course, if the devil businessman is not so outstanding, he will not attract so many recruits.

Maybe others will think this is honor and get used to it, but the devil businessman still has a rebellious spirit in his bones. He will not give in until he is really at the end of his rope.

This confrontation mission is also the case. The devil businessman pays more attention to the extremely dangerous journey itself and the leader assessment itself.

If he can pass this journey and the leader assessment, he and Bing 250 will both become gold-level guides, and their strength will definitely increase significantly.

Moreover, because of the confrontation mission, Xiao Cui can be said to be his best partner.

[The Princess's Missing: Princess Orel misses the King of Xiangxiong all her life. Every two hours, you will get the real-time location of the king! ]

[The Guilt of the King of Xiangxiong: The King will not hurt you and cannot attack you]

With this point, the Devil Merchant does not have to worry about being stabbed in the back by her!

Xiao Cui is afraid that there is a similar influence over there, so she has been testing his attitude, whether there is a possibility of cooperation or absolute hostility.

There are no absolute enemies or friends in the world, only absolute interests.

Moreover, Xiao Cui got the assessment tendency of the paper man, which is not in conflict with his Mr. Skinner.

Xiao Cui can use his power to test the paper man, so why can't the Devil Merchant use her power to deal with Mr. Skinner?

Even if Black Widow is a guardian, she can only take action once from beginning to end, and the rest are all verbal analysis and instructions. How can it compare to Xiao Cui being right beside you?

Everything is for profit.

"Let's go."

The devil merchant remained calm and led the team out of the courtyard. After calling the roll and emphasizing again that they must return to the courtyard before the red lanterns go out, the veteran travelers dispersed on the spot and moved freely. Xiao Cui did not follow the travelers, and neither did he.

The two walked together to the entrance of the alley.

[What's wrong? No way, it's not going to be a showdown now! ]

[Zhou Xiyang, come on! This devil merchant wants to make trouble! ]

The audience in the East District who saw this scene live were all worried, and the audience in the West District were excited, all cheering loudly, asking the devil merchant to kick the oriental boy's ass hard to see who is the real strong man!

"Don't worry."

When they reached the entrance of the alley, the devil merchant said lightly: "No one can control me, and no one can intimidate me."

He looked up, as if looking through the dark night sky, looking at the audience outside the screen.

The devil businessman knew that Black Widow's subordinates, and even Black Widow herself, might be watching the live broadcast.

The big guys in the East District should also be watching.

"All I want is to become stronger, control my own destiny, and live with dignity in the horror hotel."

"We can discuss it, but no one can order me or control me. Don't push me too hard."

The devil businessman laughed softly, his laughter was somewhat wanton, his tone was somewhat rebellious, and meaningful:

"From my ancestors... I also have oriental blood."

Push me too hard, I can also join the East District.

He stroked the Sky Fox Ball in his hand, felt Xiao Cui's surprised eyes, and felt indescribably happy.

"Come on."

The devil businessman threw the Sky Fox Ball to Xiao Cui.

"Summon Qianjia Paper now?"

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