Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 163 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (8)

[The Hengdian Film and Television City Journey Incident was an experiential first-level extremely dangerous journey that occurred in Hengdian three years ago]

[Yes, I remember that the brigade captain who led the team at that time was from Youdu, the fourth brigade, and the tour guide was also trained within their brigade, and he was a relatively high-ranking second-class tour guide]

[The attractions in this trip originally had nothing to do with Grandma of the Republic of China. They seemed to be the Republic of China compound opened by a traveler who wanted to serve as a branch attraction]

[Yes, yes, that’s how the grandma of the Republic of China was activated! 】

[I didn’t expect this to be a sequel journey! The Half-Life deputy team member knows a lot, I admire him so much! 】

[This is my first time watching a live broadcast of an extremely dangerous journey, so excited! I'm here for the Half-Life sub-group, how about everyone? 】

[What happened to the sequel journey? I believe everyone is familiar with Journey, but what about the sequel Journey? 】

In the live broadcast room of B125 and Bing250's Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace, countless barrages passed by quickly, and the live broadcast was almost blocked by the barrages. The barrage that swipes the screen is all [! ! ! ! ! ] and [The old house is on fire! The old house is on fire! ! ] and other strong exclamations, these dozens of barrages discussing the journey and the Laoshan Half-Life deputy group are simply out of place. As soon as they were sent out, they disappeared like nothing in the ocean.

"Yu Tuan, this, this barrage is completely unstoppable."

In the movie theater where the Laoshan Brigade was stationed, dozens of people were crying and posting barrages and forum posts. The young Taoist priest in the lead was pale, his eyes were lifeless, and he looked more like a ghost than a human being. He murmured, looking dazed.

How could this happen? It was my first time to watch an extremely dangerous live broadcast, and I could also watch the heroic appearance of the Half-Life deputy team. What's more important is that this was a live broadcast of a confrontation mission between the East and West districts. They in the East district still outnumbered them in terms of numbers and strength. Passed the West End.

Yu Tuan even opened a private viewing room with the best equipment and live projection effects for them to watch and learn.

The coincidence of so many happy things should have brought more happiness. He even asked for annual leave from the company, and even canceled all the blind dates arranged by his parents, just to come to the brigade station to watch the live broadcast.

But, why did it become like this?

"You are all the backbone of Laoshan, the elites. I have taken care of you half the time. Everyone is watching how good I am to you and how much effort you put in."

Yu Xiangyang said coldly: "If something happens now, you should also understand what to do."

After a pause, he added meaningfully: "Captain Wan just called Captain An, and Captain An's cell phone was turned off... Do you understand?"

The Taoist priests trembled for a while, and started to post barrages again with sad faces. They posted on the forum and turned into trolls to try to distort the direction of the wind. Not only them, but also all kinds of paper figures, little ghosts, little demons, etc. they raised, one ghost and one mobile phone, all went into battle.

[Is it okay to focus on the confrontation between the east and west zones? Does anyone know anything about this devilish businessman? 】

[Brothers, this is a live broadcast from the World District, don’t let the West District people see the joke! 】

【Very good! Our Eastern District is stable in this confrontation mission! 】

[I heard that the reason why Taoist Ban Ming could not contact the tour guide was because he had an affair with Yu Tuan...]

[Yes, yes, I heard that it is because of this that no third party can intervene between them, even if it is a tour guide]

[Grapevine, they are together in real life! 】

When posting this kind of post, the young Taoist priest's hands were shaking. In order to change the subject, Yu Tuan went to such a point of sacrifice - alas!

Half-Life sub-group, please be more careful and stop being so loud!

Fortunately, the efforts of the Laoshan Brigade have worked. Now the topic of "Team An's old house is on fire" has been turned around. Now some people have begun to discuss the private lives of Yu Tuan and Ban Ming Deputy of the Laoshan Brigade, and they have all moved to the forum. stick.

The comments in the live broadcast room and the forum were all filled with joy, and I felt that this confrontation mission should be stable.

The West End audience was scolded and bitter.

【Shit! Are all the major brigades and tour guide alliances stupid, letting the devil merchants go to the East District to do confrontation missions? ! 】

【Shadow! There is definitely something shady here, it’s not fair! 】

【What? What are the people in the East End calling? 】

[Which Oriental tour guide can connect with the strongest An? Shit, I don’t believe it, he’s only ranked 250th! 】

[Why didn’t the devil merchant contact our strongest brigade captain in the Western Region? Is our West End really going to be doomed? 】

[So what if we connect with An? Only the strong can take the lead? Devil businessman, I'm optimistic about you, give me a good kick in the ass of that East District tour guide! 】

【Hey! Guys, I hear EastEnders saying Ann's house is on fire! He has no time to worry about that East District tour guide! 】

【Yun Lianghan! Kill another one, kill him quickly, I am optimistic about you! 】

There is a one-click translator in the live broadcast room, and the barrage of passengers from the West District is blue, which is very conspicuous. This caused the East End audience to start fighting back.

[I’m not saying that even people from the Butcher Alliance know not to make trouble in confrontation missions! 】

[Hehe, smile at the sour dog]

【Urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent! 】

[Guys, don’t poison Naicui, let them talk! 】

This journey was broadcast live from the minibus. God knows how angry they were when they saw Yun Lianghan trying to attack Bing250, and how worried they were after knowing that Bing250 was only the assistant director.

Especially on a journey that is known to be extremely dangerous, the mental pollution of tour guides is everywhere, and everyone's heart is in their throats.

Bing250 has an alienated state and is more sensitive to mental pollution. And judging from the poster, his alienated state should be of the demonic type. Compared with the ghost type of the devil merchant, he is more likely to lose his mind. If he is really mentally contaminated, the situation will definitely be worse!

At that time, there were many people from the West District who were very angry in the barrage in the live broadcast room. They applauded Yun Lianghan, told the devil businessman to crush Bing 250 to death, and started betting on when Bing 250 would die. It was simply irritating.

Fortunately, the situation is now reversed, and it's the East Enders' turn to laugh and watch the West End jump around.

"Finally no one says An Xuefeng's old house is on fire anymore."

The captain of the metaphysics brigade, Wan Anpong, lamented: "It's only half a life, he still has to be put in a sack."

Not only did An Xuefeng's phoenix-bird state come out, but Lu Shucheng was accidentally injured by An Xuefeng's phoenix-bird state when he first joined the team, and he was so frightened that he turned into a wolf and could not change back for several days. .

A ghost king in red said gloomily: "To be honest, when I saw him doing nothing during the battle and paddling with his zombie arm, I could tell that he had completely forgotten about the live broadcast."

"I could tell when he loudly asked Zhou Xiyang to help tear up the seats."

Kun Dao, a beautiful and dignified man, said coldly: "He is such a good-looking person. If he is broadcast live, he will definitely do his best to perform well."

If you still remember the live broadcast, Taoist Ban Ming would never say anything like, "Without Yu Xiangyang, I can't beat him." He is usually a very tough-talking person. He wants to lose face and wants to hear him praise whoever admits that he is good. It's simply It is more difficult than reaching the sky.

It felt good to see Yu Xiangyang working so hard to wash him, even sacrificing his own image.

"I even doubted that he said later, 'Did An Xuefeng's old house catch fire on purpose?'"

The ghost king in red said coldly: "Everyone's attention is focused on whether An Xuefeng is having an affair with Bing 250, but other things are ignored."

"He knows what's appropriate. He should have figured it out when he saw Feng Huo on the minibus."

Wan Anpian said: "But he lowered his voice when talking to Bai Xiaotian, and the live broadcast angle was blocked, so his mouth shape couldn't be seen."

"Team Wan, don't take any chances."

Someone said helplessly: "This phoenix fire belongs to An Xuefeng. Bing250 can activate the phoenix fire protector. Everyone knows what this means."

"But Bing250...ah no, it would be a good thing if Director Cui is really the tour guide of Team An."

Someone laughed and said: "Before, I was afraid that Bing250 would die in 50 seconds. After all, there is too much mental pollution during the extremely dangerous journey, and it is hard to guard against. He is a killer of middle and low-level tour guides."

"But if he can contact Captain An, it means that he has good mental skills. And if he can go on the journey with confidence, Captain An must have prepared various props and items for him."

"Just connecting is enough. The old house is on fire... they shouldn't think otherwise."

Wan Anqian muttered: "If Bing250 can really rescue An Xuefeng... then he will become a thorn in the side of the enemies on their way back and a thorn in their flesh."

* *

"Captain, captain."

Wang Pengpai hung up the tenth call from Qi Lecheng and crossed out his message [Really? Really, Captain An really found a tour guide who could relieve him? ] information, under the watchful eyes of Mao Xiaole, Wang Yushu, Wan Xiangchun and the deputy commander of the Sunset Brigade, he coughed and knocked on An Xuefeng's bedroom door.

No one spoke.

"At this point, the captain should be taking a nap, Xiao Liu, don't worry."

Wang Pengpai happily persuaded the deputy leader of the Sunset Brigade to leave, and looked at Mao Xiaole and the others.

The four of them looked at each other, and in the end they reached a tacit understanding and walked to the movie theater in silence.

Wang Pengpai glanced at the live broadcast screen. The live broadcast section of Bing250 was still black and blocked.

"So, what is that?"

Wang Yushu looked at the live broadcast screen, then looked in the direction of An Xuefeng's bedroom, and finally pursed his lips at Wang Pengpai.

"That's it, it's just that."

Wang Pengpai laughed twice and rubbed his hands before he could speak. His fat and white face showed a complex expression that was both happy and wanting to laugh, but also a little depressed, and a little hard to express.

His eyes were a little dazed, the kind of feeling that he had been looking forward to for countless years, and had gone from hope to despair to calm. He had stopped thinking about it at all, but suddenly saw a turning point.

After being silent for a long time, Wang Pengpeng looked at Wan Xiangchun and said:

"Xiaopeng, tell me."

"The night the captain woke up, I felt something was wrong."

Wan Xiangchun said calmly: "The rot spots on my wings have reduced."

He spread his wings, pulled the right wing over, and ruffled the feathers. What was underneath the feathers was not normal flesh, but large and small deep blue-gray pits and rotten holes, which made one's scalp numb.

But on the small area at the tip of the wings, pink and white new flesh grew.

"Team An's mental state reached the limit at that time, and he also used two tokens of 30 degrees north latitude at the same time. Even if the situation does not seriously deteriorate, it will never get better."

Wan Xiangchun folded his wings and said briefly: "I asked Bai Xiaosheng, he didn't go into details, he just said that Captain An's mental condition has indeed improved."

Then he looked at Wang Yushu: "You should also feel it."

"It's a bit of a feeling."

Wang Yushu said sarcastically: "But didn't you say that it was the Dream Chaser who comforted the captain mentally?"

"Dream Chaser failed before. He couldn't do it. What's more, he didn't join us on our return journey."

Wang Pengpai was still in a daze. He looked up and saw that the live broadcast was still blocked. He couldn't help but take out his phone, click on the segment he had recorded before, and murmured:

"Yes, this is the captain's phoenix feather. It is the phoenix fire that Feng Yu uses to protect himself. Hiss... the captain seems to have been in the phoenix bird state these days."

"Captain... Then, Cui, Director Cui, can you really comfort the captain?"

Wang Yushu's expression was also a little dazed. He struggled: "It's only been a few days. It's incredible enough to be able to connect... to be able to connect. And to comfort... this..."

"No wonder I want Bing250 to come back safely. I guess we will be connected by then, which is good."

Mao Xiaole was the one who calmed down the fastest, and said happily: "It's great, the captain finally found a tour guide! Hey, I want to tell Teacher Sanshui this good news, so that he no longer has to worry about anything, and he will have a tour guide on his way back and forth. !”

"Ahem, Xiaole, let's do this."

Wang Yushu looked a bit sore and hesitated: "You... what, Wei Xun just joined the hotel and doesn't understand. Tell him about the connection between the tour guide and the tourists. This is a normal connection."

"Don't listen to the nonsense about the old house on fire."

"Isn't it just a normal connection? What else can it be?"

Mao Xiaole was confused.

"What's more, what Director Cui said, 'An Xuefeng said you can't look at me,' Captain An said this, probably to intimidate others."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Mao Xiaole said unhappily: "Fortunately, Xuanxue Laoshan and the others have some ideas. Now no one is talking about the old house on fire, and there are fewer hot posts on the forum, otherwise it would look like nothing."

"Yes, tell Wei Xun not to listen to their nonsense and not to be unhappy."

Wang Pengpeng patted his chest and assured: "Captain An is a good character and will never get involved in someone else's affairs. You can rest assured on this point. Wei Xun! Hey, you said this was the cause of the incident. You and Wei Xun have a good relationship. You He can listen to what you say.”

"Of course I have a good relationship with Teacher Wei! We also made an appointment to have breakfast together tomorrow...right?"

Mao Xiaole came to his senses and questioned: "Why is Teacher Wei unhappy?"

"You're still young, you don't understand."

Wang Yushu said with a sneer, it was * * * strange before. Wan Xiangchun used ice crystal roses to project the scene opposite the door, and Mao Xiaole did fortune-telling. Both of them saw the tendency of 'reproduction/love'.

Coupled with An Xuebao's special treatment of Wei Xun along the way, and what Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng recounted after they came back, the scene during the mutual selection meeting - An Xuefeng actually still hugged Wei Xun (a child) after he changed. Leopard state) Don’t let go!

Everyone almost understood that Wei Xun was the opportunity for them to return! * * * He and An Xuefeng are essentially the same person. * * * We see each other right. An Xuefeng definitely has something in mind!

Therefore, Wang Pengpai and the others invited Wei Xun several times and pushed Mao Xiaole out to establish a good relationship with Wei Xun. They not only wanted to have a good relationship with Wei Xun, but also secretly wanted to improve his opinion of An Xuefeng.

It's not that they said that Captain An is mentally abnormal now, sometimes violent and sometimes depressed. He is a good captain, but he is definitely not a good love partner, and he is still a man. It is normal for Wei Xun not to accept it.

The most important thing is that Team An is burdened with many responsibilities, and a person who puts his return journey more seriously than himself will most likely suppress his emotions without wanting to delay Wei Xun. If Wei Xun really decides to return home at this time... Hey, that would be really cruel!

Wang Yushu has improvised several sadomasochistic cuts. The sadistic Lu Shucheng cooks very spicy food every day before leaving, which makes it difficult for them to invite Wei Xun out for dinner, so they allocate money to Mao Xiaole to invite Wei Xun. Eat out.

If this continues, Wei Xun will not be able to fully accept it, but at least there will be a change. If there is another chance, right, maybe this will happen!

Who knew that at this moment, An Xuefeng would suddenly be able to contact the tour guide!

All the returnees were actually happy about this, but contacting the tour guide didn't sound very pure. Of course, they all know that this is the relationship between serious tour guides and tourists, but Wei Xun has just entered the hotel not long ago, so aren't they afraid that he will misunderstand him.

"Teacher Sanshui is not unhappy. There is nothing between him and Team An!"

Mao Xiaole emphasized unhappily: "Look, he even sent me a message, saying congratulations on having a tour guide on the way home!"

"Ah this..."

Wang Pengpai glanced at Mao Xiaole's cell phone and saw the "smiling" expression after this message. Somehow, he also started to have a toothache. Somehow, he felt a little guilty for An Xuefeng.

"Besides, I really don't think there's anything between Wei Xun and Captain An, and neither Captain An nor Director Cui. Why are you just messing around with each other?"

Mao Xiaole couldn't understand it at all. Wei Xun's split-screen live broadcast was now unblocked. Everyone on the way back looked over subconsciously. When Mao Xiaole saw the live broadcast, he couldn't help but complain:

"To be honest, I think the relationship between the devil businessman and Cui Dao is more interesting."


Staring at the picture on the live broadcast screen, Wang Pengpai and others were speechless for a moment, with complicated emotions.

"Cui! Are you okay?"

As soon as Wei Xun went out, the devil merchant grabbed his hand anxiously.

"I feel the flames, is the paper coming again?!"

"Huh? I thought you left."

Wei Xun quickly took a shower, changed his clothes, put away the golden bell, unblocked the live broadcast, and found that the devil merchant was not in the bedroom.

"No, I've been keeping watch outside."

The devil merchant looked up and down, but unfortunately he couldn't tell whether Xiaocui was injured through the cloak. Even if Xiaocui's tone remained the same, he couldn't rest assured. If she wants to be strong, she will never show weakness to others.

Especially when she discovered that the 'puppet' did not come out with her, the devil merchant's heart sank again.

"Your flames are too repellent and I can't stay in the room. You know, I'm in ghost form."

The devil merchant said worriedly: "So, is the paper coming again?"

The devil merchant can actually detect the phoenix fire! No, of course he can feel it, and yes, this is not relief in the realm of spiritual illusion, but in the journey.

Wei Xun was a little sad. He originally thought that during this journey, even if it was a little inconvenient because he lived with the devil merchant. But at least he could still be happy in the bathroom.

But it doesn’t seem to be possible now.

With such a mood, there was some heaviness in his tone.

"Yes, it's Qianjiazhi's revenge. Fortunately, I have flames."

"You know."

Wei Xun sighed and said solemnly: "It's hard to guard against, so I have to deal with it in advance."

While speaking, Wei Xun politely wanted to take back his hand. He held the feather with his left hand and the tentacle with his right hand. The aftertaste of pain was still there, and he could still recall it, not wanting to be destroyed by the devil merchant.

"you're right."

The Devil Merchant took a deep breath and felt regret for the first time. He let go of his hand, but not completely. The Devil Merchant grabbed the Sky Fox Ball and placed it in Wei Xun's hand.

"I shouldn't have let it get away from you."

God knows how much regret and panic the Devil Merchant felt when he realized that Xiaocui had used Phoenix Fire again, most likely due to the arrival of Qianjiazhi. Her Sky Fox Ball was still in his hand!

Who knows how many times Phoenix Fire can be used and how long it can be used? Qian Jiazhi's attack was hard to guard against, and he didn't feel anything strange at all before!

Terrible, such an enemy is so terrifying. If Xiaocui really dies this time...

"I did not do it on purpose."

The Devil Merchant said solemnly: "I want to defeat you in an upright manner, not through such tricks."

And if Xiao Cui dies now, he will be alone and those East District travelers will never let him live.

What's more, although the confrontation mission is divided into victory and defeat, it is not divided into life and death. It's rare to have an equally matched genius opponent. If he dies, the devil merchant will feel lonely.

Yes, that's it, that's why he doesn't want Xiao Cui to die.

The devil businessman felt at ease.

"Okay, I'll take it first, I really want to use it."

Wei Xun took the Sky Fox Ball without much resistance, but said: "But our previous agreement has not been invalidated. When I don't use it, I will give it to you for observation."

"Don't refuse, this is a deal. So, give me that trace of Qianjia Paper's soul now."

Wei Xun took the opportunity and said. The sooner you get this soul, the better. The devil merchant is not a fool. If he also discovers a certain assessment tendency, he will most likely realize the true reason for the existence of Qianjia Paper.

"I knew you'd say that, huh?"

The Devil Merchant finally relaxed and wanted to take back his hand to get something. Only then did the Devil Merchant seem to realize that he was still holding Wei Xun's hand. He coughed lightly and let go as if nothing had happened.

【Oh Shet! If you didn't hold his hand for so long to poison him, I really can't think of any reason! 】

[Two minutes and thirty-three seconds, Fu·ck, after holding it for such a long time, is there glue on his hand? ! 】

The West District audience broke their guard. They had just argued with the East District barrage, saying that the devil businessman would definitely beat the East District tour guide to the ground, and the assistant director should just follow the leader and eat shit!

As a result, we saw the scene where the devil businessman cared about Wei Xun! It wasn't just a show of false concern, they even held hands!

[Devil Merchant, can you stop caring about him so much? I have never cared so much about my boyfriend! 】

[You are enemies, enemies! 】

[The Devil Merchant is gay! 】

【Oh, LGBT! 】

[Fu·ck, I thought they were having an affair. Look at what’s on the poster, the King and the Princess! 】

[This is unfair, why is the devil businessman the princess! 】

[Will he give birth to a child for Bing250? Oh, if shaking hands can bring about a baby, yes, the devil businessman wants to give Bing250 a baby! 】

"The soul you want is on this coin."

The devil businessman had no idea what the barrage was saying in the live broadcast room. The atmosphere was a bit strange now. He rarely thought carefully when he spoke: "But I can't give you this coin. Do you have any props to carry your soul?"

Wei Xun looked over and found a golden ancient Greek coin in the hands of the devil merchant, with the three-headed dog of hell engraved on the front.

Once an ancient Greek died, his family would put a coin into the mouth of the deceased when decorating the body. This was the fare paid to the ferryman in the underworld. But the coin in the hands of the devil merchant is different. It can carry souls, and it carries souls at the level of Qianjia Paper.

"I have."

Wei Xun took out his Ancient One's badge, and under the cover of his wide cloak, he and the devil merchant's hands touched slightly. The devil merchant handed over half of Qianjia Zhi's soul to him, and also made a note of it secretly.

Xiaocui has a badge-like prop that can store souls.

But in fact, how can the Ancient One's badge store souls? Wei Xun only used it to temporarily suppress Qianjia Paper so that he could transfer it.


When suppressing Qianjiazhi's soul, Wei Xun was surprised. When this soul fell on the badge, it resisted at first, and then was overawed by the water vapor.

This ancient badge witnessed the fall of the 'Shang Shung Dynasty', which was a country 1,600 years ago. The limit of the range it can suppress is within 1,600 years.

In other words, the history of Qianjia Paper probably exceeds 1,600 years. But with the breath of dripping water, it was still suppressed. But at the same time, it is also being weakened rapidly, and I am afraid it will disappear soon.

After thinking about it, Wei Xun put this soul test into one of the special five-star paper figures. Sure enough, Qianjiazhi's soul was more in tune with the paper man. It quickly got in and showed a hint of intimacy and joy to Wei Xun.

Maybe this was due to Qian Jiazhi's 'appreciation', but Wei Xun put the badge on it without mercy, suppressing the opponent.

"Thank you very much."

He nodded to the devil merchant, and the two of them passed each other and walked in two directions.

Wei Xun went to Houchaoyuan to pick up the red lanterns that would be distributed to tourists during the night tour in the alley tonight.

The devil merchant went to the front yard, and Augustus came to see him for something.

"Hey Ghost, look what we found!"

A tall brown-red werewolf roared: "We found a dungeon!"

"This is not a dungeon, Augustus; it is a cellar, as the Orientals say."

Mia said, looking gently at the devil merchant: "Come on ghost, there are things here that we can't open."

Something that travelers can’t open?

The Devil Merchant was startled and came closer, only to find Mia and the others standing in the southwest corner of the front yard, next to the toilet in the courtyard. The land was dug up, and underneath was a pit more than four meters deep. The white werewolf Olena was still under the pit. He also transformed into a werewolf. He set a fire at the bottom of the pit and then jumped up, holding a jar in his wolf claws.

Mia said: "Augustus smelled blood here."

"Humph, there was also a fat cat who also found it. I just yelled it away."

Augustus proudly flexed his muscles: "There are many bloody corpses of difficult beasts in this dungeon, at least three-star ones, but I tore them all to pieces!"

Then he urged: "Ghost, hurry up, while the woman in October is out, take a look at what's in the jar, it's definitely good stuff!"

The smell of blood, the bloody corpses of beasts...

The Devil Merchant frowned. He looked at Augustus and saw that many tufts of wolf hair had fallen off his arms, exposing his skin and even showing horrific bite marks. Obviously, those bloody beast corpses are definitely not as easy to deal with as Augustus said.

He looked at Olena who was holding the jar again. The white werewolf seemed fine, but the devil merchant didn't relax either. He put on special gloves and touched the jar a little.

Then he was stunned.

"As long as we protect you, nothing will happen to you. Don't wait any longer."

Seeing this, Augustus urged: "There are some things that only the tour guide can open, and we won't hurt you!"

After the devil merchant took the jar, he smiled with satisfaction and said, "This is just right."

But the devil merchant did not trust these werewolves to open it. When he touched the jar, he got a tip from the hotel!

[You have found the skinning knife, and your team leader assessment will increase the tendency of "Mr. Traditional Skinning"! (incomplete)】

[Only a traditional skinner can completely peel off a skin with a soul. The shadow puppets made from this kind of skin are so good that they can be performed in front of the emperor. Of course, they have to be skinned alive. But Mr. Skinner was so annoyed that the skin he peeled off actually escaped! 】

[After selecting this tendency, you will complete a series of your team leader assessment tasks in the attractions related to the ‘performance’! 】

[Please confirm your team leader assessment preference before the second day of the trip, otherwise it will be randomly selected by the examiner! 】

[Note: The tendencies you have obtained so far are not complete, please collect them completely, otherwise you will not be able to choose the traditional Mr. Skinner tendencies]


The devil businessman's mind was shaken, and his SAN value dropped drastically, almost to zero. His hand holding the jar instantly turned into a translucent pearl color glowing with golden light, and his ghostly alienated state appeared uncontrollably!



Heavy, bloody breathing came from the top of the devil merchant's head. Without thinking too much, he immediately turned completely into a void soul state. At the same time, a hook carrying a strong smell of blood fell from his head and penetrated directly through his body. !

'No skin - why no skin -'

The devil merchant's brain was rumbling, and he heard an angry and twisted roar in a daze. He tried his best to look back and saw a huge, crimson, twisted figure standing behind him. It held a hook in its left hand, but its right arm was directly broken. Mr. Skinner uses the hook in his left hand to hook the living creature, and holds the sharp skinning knife in his right hand to peel the animal.

But his head is not a human head, but a huge twisted donkey head!

"Devil Merchant? Devil Merchant, are you okay?"

In a daze, the devil merchant came to his senses. The terrifying butcher-like figure disappeared, leaving only a filthy and smelly bloodstain on the ground. His SAN value was almost reduced to zero.

"Devil businessman, you are really useless, hurry up, contact me!"

Augustus cursed, and he turned deeper into a beast, completely turning into a giant reddish-brown wolf, biting the devil merchant's arm.

The Devil Merchant is the tour guide of the Werewolf Alliance. Even if he does not join the brigade, he can temporarily connect with the werewolf travelers. The SAN value quickly stabilized under the connection, and by the time it rose to 20, the devil merchant had generally regained his sanity.

He pushed Augustus away and took some SAN medicine himself, but the SAN value could not be restored to full, and could only return to 50 at the highest.

The devil merchant looked at the jar in his hand and found that it was broken, revealing a sharp and sharp knife inside.

It has been buried underground for so many years, but there is no trace of rust. This knife is surrounded by cold evil aura and resentment.

"Devil Merchant, what happened just now."

The white werewolf Olena asked, fearfully looking at the pool of blood.

"What is this knife?"

Augustus grabbed the knife and looked at it, and said dissatisfiedly: "It has no attributes, so why is it not a prop?"

"It's not a prop, it's an item from a certain mission, or..."

Mia looked at the devil merchant. She was still in human form, and her amber eyes flashed with a calm and rational light: "The difficulty of the journey has changed since the beginning."

Mia whispered: "From the first level of extreme danger to the third level of extreme danger."

She looked steadily at the devil merchant, but the devil merchant was silent, as if deep in thought. After a long while, he said calmly:

"Yes, I decided to complete the team leader assessment on this journey."

"This is my assessment task tendency."

He took back the sharp knife from Augustus.

"Are you crazy? Ghost, are you crazy?"

Augustus couldn't believe it, and the wolf's face was full of shock: "You, you are so weak, and you still make the journey more difficult. You are seeking death! How dare you!"

"She dares to do it, why don't I dare?"

The devil merchant's voice was very soft, full of countless complex emotions.

Team leader assessment tendency, this is how you get the team leader assessment tendency!

He understood something in a daze, and understood why the difficulty of the journey jumped two levels, directly from level one to level three.

He also understood why Xiaocui wanted Qianjiazhi's soul so much. He understood everything.

"We'll help you."

Mia said calmly: "Devil merchant, we are in this together. I know that as a tour guide, you don't really trust tourists and would rather join forces with that oriental tour guide."

"The difficulty of the journey has increased by two levels. I'm afraid Director Cui also chose to complete the team leader assessment during this journey, but he didn't tell you, right?"

But I didn't tell her either.

The devil businessman thought mockingly.

"Let's go to tonight's attraction first."

He subconsciously said perfunctorily: "Let me think about it again."

* *

At eight o'clock in the evening, all the tourists gathered in the courtyard of the courtyard. After being called by the devil businessman, he announced that there would be a night tour of Leigu Hutong as a gift from the hotel.

Admire the alley, taste snacks, take photos, hide and seek, pick up door nails, etc. There are more than ten activities to choose from.

But before the red lantern goes out, we must return to the Courtyard Hotel.

The Devil Merchant's tone was normal, but Wei Xun noticed something strange. He felt that the Devil Merchant's eyes fell on him more frequently.

What happened?

Wei Xun never let go of the slightest sense of strangeness in his intuition. He handed out the red lanterns to the passengers, thoughtfully.

Wei Xun thought of what happened when he went to the back yard to get a lantern.

There were two old people living in the backyard. Their white hair was messy, and they had a tattered quilt hanging around their waists, covering their legs. They looked very poor. As soon as Wei Xun entered the house, the door was closed. The old man smiled miserably and said in a weird and horrifying tone that they still lacked a piece of skin to make a lantern.

But Wei Xun was not afraid at all and directly put out a few 'real paper money'.

Only October 10th and Zhou Xiyang discovered the real paper money, except Taoist Ban Ming. However, they handed the real paper money to the five-star paper man, and it happened to fall into Wei Xun's pocket.

After all the passengers got off the bus, Wei Xun secretly sent Xiaocui to search for all the real paper money.

Seeing that the two 'old men' were very poor, he first tested them with money. Sometimes you will encounter danger, but you are not prepared enough in advance.

This is an extremely dangerous journey, and there is a solution to any danger. Sure enough, after taking the money, the two old men changed their attitudes and asked Wei Xun if he had any other money.

Although after giving out five pieces of paper money, the old man said enough. But Wei Xun thought that there were ten passengers on this journey and there were ten lanterns in front of him... Wei Xun tentatively gave all ten coins to the two old people. Sure enough, the old people were very happy!

Not only did they give him all the thin-skinned red lanterns. He looked at Wei Xun with a particularly kind look, and even gave him a palm-sized shadow puppet donkey.

The next moment, Wei Xun heard the prompt from the hotel.

[You have obtained a shadow puppet donkey, and your team leader assessment will increase the tendency of ‘traditional donkey shadow puppet’! (incomplete)】

[Shadow puppetry is an ancient traditional art among Chinese people. Old Beijingers call it "donkey shadow puppetry". This ancient art has been passed down for thousands of years*. After the donkey skin is made into a shadow puppet, it can also be transformed into a shadow puppet according to the human body. Love and admiration gradually gain aura through performances. When the shadow puppet ends, it is also when it truly gains spirituality, and it can be reincarnated into a human being in the next reincarnation! 】

[But someone used insidious means to peel off its soul when peeling off its skin! Let the shadow puppets endure the pain of being skinned forever! 】

[After selecting this tendency, you will complete a series of your team leader assessment tasks in the attractions related to the ‘performance’! 】

[Please confirm your team leader assessment preference before the second day of the trip, otherwise it will be randomly selected by the examiner! 】

[Remarks: The tendencies you have obtained so far are not complete, please collect them completely, otherwise you will not be able to choose the traditional donkey shadow puppet tendencies]

The huge shadow puppet appeared in Wei Xun's shadow, smiled softly, and firmly grasped his leg. Relying on the paper man and phoenix feathers integrated into Qianjiazhi's soul, Wei Xun escaped from the back courtyard, and then he was deep in thought.

He thought there would be other tendencies, but he didn't expect to find one in the courtyard so quickly.

According to experience, the other half of this tendency is very likely to be in the courtyard. When Wei Xun went to Zhou Xiyang's place later, he heard Mei Ke'er telling Zhou Xiyang that the people from the West District dug something out in the front yard.

The other half's tendencies may have been acquired by the devil businessman.

Thinking of the strange behavior of the Devil Merchant at this moment... It seems that he may have guessed that the origin of Qianjia Paper is not simple, and it is most likely related to the tendency of leading the team.

Wei Xun had everything figured out.


After the Devil Merchant finished explaining, Wei Xun stood beside the Devil Merchant, handed him the Sky Fox Ball, and said with a smile: "I won't use it now, you take it first."

"Give it to me later."

The Devil Merchant who got the Sky Fox Ball was stunned for a moment, understanding what Wei Xun meant by 'for a while'. Thinking of their agreement to 'kill Qianjia Paper together', the Devil Merchant had a complex expression and was a bit self-deprecating.

Xiaocui, it turns out that you have been hiding this from me all this time, are you still planning to take advantage of me?

"Tonight, I plan to lure Qianjiazhi over while I'm at Leigu Alley."

Wei Xun said calmly, with a voice that only he and the Devil Merchant could hear clearly: "Devil Merchant, I won't hide anything from you until now."

"You said before that you wanted to defeat me in an upright manner and did not want to resort to such means. To be honest, I think you are naive."

"But, I never like to owe anyone favors. When Qianjiazhi attacked me, you guarded me at the door. No matter what, I accept your favor. So this time, I will tell you the truth."

"Qianjiazhi is my tendency in the team leader assessment. I just want to see if it has a chance to win this time. If it doesn't work, I will give up this tendency."

Wei Xun chuckled: "Yes, it is very dangerous, so after thinking about it, I feel that with someone who understands the soul as well as you, the probability of survival will be higher."

"But now I'm telling you."

Wei Xun said calmly: "Whether you want to help or not is up to you."

The Devil Merchant clenched the Sky Fox Ball in his hand. He subconsciously looked up and saw Mia waiting for him not far away.

She told me!

The Devil Merchant was in an unimaginably happy mood, a little complacent, very happy, and even wanted to go back in time to refute Mia.

Xiaocui didn't hide it, she told me about it!

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