Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 162 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (7)

"Devil businessman, don't go too far."

Wei Xun sneered: "Is the Sky Fox Ball my exclusive prop, or can you just see it if you want?"

"Where did I go too far? It's just a transaction, there is a back and forth."

The devil merchant smiled and walked into the penthouse with Wei Xun.

The wing room of this courtyard house is located on the west side of the main house, close to the gable of the main house. It is built much lower than the main house. The tall devil merchant has to lower his head when entering, and the interior is relatively narrow and cramped. After entering through the door, there are two rooms.

There is a small square table and two chairs on the outside. The room inside is the bedroom, with two single beds, a wardrobe, a wooden wash shelf and an enamel washbasin.

Nothing like a 'modern courtyard hotel'

Wei Xun frowned the moment he came in. He strolled around and took a look inside the bedroom. He relaxed when he saw that the bedroom was connected to a built-in bathroom.

As long as he can take a shower, it's not a problem at all for Wei Xun. Previously, Zangbei couldn't take a bath normally, but it made him very uncomfortable.

"The bed is a bit small."

The devil merchant who followed closely commented.

The accommodation for tour guides in the brigade is inherently inferior to that of tourists. During each trip, tour guides usually have to sleep in a small accompanying room. For example, in this courtyard, tourists sleep in the main room and side rooms, while their tour guides can only sleep in the side rooms.

But to be honest, the safest place is where the tour guide lives. After all, he is a staff member of the hotel. The best room in this courtyard is probably the main room where the head of the family lives. But there is another reason why the main house is the best during this journey, and that is that the wing room is the closest to the main house.

The tour guide's intimidation can radiate to the main house, reducing the chance of ghosts and ghosts appearing.

Of course, these are very few serious tour guides. Most tour guides will stay in the best room where the tourists should stay if they are ‘actively’ invited by the tourists. And not to mention that the stay was good, the tourists who invited them to stay here had to pay tribute.

For example, when Zuimei Xiangxi lived in Xiaolong Yizhuang, Lin Xi, Miao Fangfei and Shi Tao all invited Wei Xun to their room, not only to please him, but also to invite him to live in.

It’s just that Wei Xun received a VIP experience coupon in the compensation package.

[VIP VIP Experience Voucher—In various projects under our hotel, you will enjoy the best accommodation and the best food! 】

[Experience coupon time limit: 15 days]

The room he stayed in was countless times better than other tourists, so naturally he would not stay in their small and shabby rooms.

While in northern Tibet, Ding Yi also lived with Lin Qiming.

The VIP experience coupon has long expired. During this trip, Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant wanted to show their cooperation to the outside world. On the surface, they do not favor any camp, so the two tour guides naturally have to live together.

The Devil Merchant has been on more journeys than Wei Xun. On every previous trip, he was upright and enjoyed the respect of the passengers. He stayed in the best and most delicious places. To be honest, this was also the first time for him to really stay with a tour guide. Escort room'.

But he has struggled from poverty to the present, and he is by no means a person who cannot endure hardship. Especially living in the same room as Xiao Cui...


He coughed lightly, glanced at Yu Hehui, and asked, "There are only two beds, where will she sleep?"

"What are you sleeping on?"

Wei Xun took the change of clothes from Yu Hehui and wondered: "Do you just come here to sleep at night?"

"It's a beautiful night, of course I have to go out for adventure!"

"This is an extremely dangerous journey."

The Devil Merchant was a little speechless. He felt that he was already a very adventurous and risk-taking tour guide, but why was Xiao Cui even crazier than him? This is an extremely dangerous journey, so it’s best to just stay on the safe side.

But if I think about it more carefully... the Devil Merchant has some mixed feelings.

Alas, the reason Xiao Cui works so hard must be to increase his strength as quickly as possible, have the power to protect himself, and gain a certain amount of initiative. Thinking of such an outstanding Xiao Cui being inferior to others in the mutual aid association, the devil businessman can't help but feel. complex.

Thinking of the mutual aid association, the devil merchant's heart moved slightly. He suddenly took out a pair of single-sided glasses and wore them under his hood. This is a prop to block the live broadcast. Seeing him doing this, Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and took out a golden bell.

This is the Dapeng Golden Wing series of items he got in northern Tibet. As long as he holds two of them at will, he will get the title of 'False King' and the live broadcast will be blocked.

Wei Xun has been wearing the necklace, a key item in this confrontation mission. As long as he takes out another item at will, he can block the live broadcast room.

This works better than a shielding cloak.

Wei Xun thought it was too troublesome to get two things before, but now that he thinks about it, this kind of combination of props can work well, and at the same time, it can misunderstand the other party very well.

For example, now, the devil merchant will think that this golden bell is his shielding prop.

[Your live broadcast room is blocked! 】

"Do you know why I was able to become a devil merchant when my strength was low, so that many people willingly chose to trade with me?"

Knowing that Xiaocui had also blocked the live broadcast, the devil businessman smiled even deeper.

The devil businessman said calmly: "Guiding people's thoughts, making people trust you, tend to you, and ultimately make sacrifices for you. This is a very sophisticated and complex method."

"Will you teach me this method?"

After understanding what the devil merchant meant, Wei Xun was very suspicious. But he was obviously moved. After pondering for a moment, Wei Xun asked paradoxically: "Is there any way to make people have the same impact when facing a projection as when facing a real person?"


The devil merchant smiled secretly, he tried it out.

What he said before was actually to test who the "ideological and moral classes" in the mutual aid association are for! The name "Ideological and Moral Course" is too obvious. Anyone with a little bit of thinking can immediately imagine that this is definitely a course similar to "brainwashing".

Now it seems that the person who wants to use ideological and moral classes to brainwash members and control them is none other than Xiao Cui.

"this is very simple."

The devil merchant said easily: "As long as there is a trace of soul will on the projection... I am very good at souls."

Since Xiaocui has been exposed on the bright side, with her intelligence, she will definitely talk about the relative benefits. And the big tour guide behind the scenes can definitely see Xiaocui's talent and will also train her to a certain extent.

In fact, those big tour guides definitely have many precious props and even extremely rare items, which can be seen from the welfare rules of the mutual aid association. But judging from the devil businessman’s keen intuition, the most valuable thing in this mutual aid association is the ‘Ideological and Moral Course’!

Sure enough, Xiaocui had the same ambition as him and wanted to truly form a force that was completely loyal to him.

The devil merchant appreciates Xiao Cui even more, but he also becomes more vigilant. How to gain people's trust and loyalty? Of course it is the easiest to influence the soul!

The Devil Merchant investigated the species of vixens native to China and found that they all have similar witchcraft that can affect people's will and soul. Therefore, the Devil Merchant is always on guard. He has fused something into his soul. If an outsider really tries to influence his soul, the Devil Merchant will know it immediately.

Including before, when he received the ball from Xiao Cui Tian Fox, the devil merchant was also wary.

Fortunately, Xiao Cui never made a move to him.

That's right. If there really is something that can affect the soul, it should be hidden and quietly affecting it slowly. How could it be given to him directly?

"What's the price?"

Wei Xun asked, had he really changed his mind about the devil merchant? This man was not a high-ranking person, but he was a treasure trove that kept growing more and more!

"In front of the third scenic spot, whenever you don't need it, you must lend me the Sky Fox Ball for observation."

The devil merchant said: "If you agree, I will teach you."

The devil merchant became more interested in Xiao Cui. Tianhu didn't have any information, and he couldn't find a powerful creature at his current level. Xiaocui can now influence people's souls, and she definitely has countless back-ups. She is a formidable enemy.

In the previous investigation, the devil merchant used special means to imprint a trace of the Sky Fox Ball. After analyzing it at great cost, he discovered that the power covered by the Sky Fox Ball (the disguise Yu Hehui made on the Demonic Insect Ball) was most likely derived from the original 'inner elixir' of the Sky Fox!

Exploring the Sky Fox Ball is the most important purpose of the devil merchant, which is hidden under the casual tone.

Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you fight without danger. Even if they cooperate for now, they will still be absolute enemies in the confrontation mission.

There can only be one winner.

Things like image projection and soul will were only used by the Devil Merchant in the earliest days, and are no longer used now. Because this is too easy for strong people to detect. If the other party intercepts your soul and will, it will be able to analyze all your information, which is too dangerous.

But under the protection of the mutual aid association, Xiaocui can use this method.

The advantage of exchanging something that has been discarded and meaningless is a good deal in the eyes of the devil businessman.

"I don't care what you want to do."

Wei Xun suddenly chuckled and said seriously: "But I must have a trace of Qianjiazhi's soul."


The Devil Merchant frowned, how come after talking for a long time, Xiao Cui was obviously tempted, only to end up back to the original point?

"Influencing others, adding projection of soul will, I am really interested in it."

Wei Xun said calmly: "But my life is gone, and everything is gone. Sitting back and waiting for it to kill me is definitely not my style."

Wei Xun's tone was ruthless and he said to himself: "I have to try to see if I can take the initiative to attract it!"

ah? kill? Who wants to kill her?

The devil merchant was a little confused.


The devil businessman suddenly thought of the key point!

When he passed the Moon Gate before, Xiaocui told him about Qianjiazhi, saying, 'Qianjiazhi was furious and said he wanted to kill me.'

right! This is it!

The devil businessman thought that Xiaocui was deliberately exaggerating to deceive him, but after thinking about it again, the devil businessman felt that something was wrong.

Although he was lucky when he did it on the minibus before, in fact, it was easier than the devil businessman imagined to plunder the soul of Qianjia Paper.

He never thought he would succeed! After all, he couldn't even see the appearance of Qianjia Paper!

In this case... Qianjiazhi's soul was most likely peeled off, so it happened to be collected by him. The peeling off of Qianjiazhi's soul is definitely related to Xiaocui's golden red flame that burned away Qianjiazhi.

The devil businessman completely understood!

Why did he obviously take away a trace of Qianjiazhi's soul, but the hotel prompt he received was just "You have offended Qianjiazhi and gained Qianjiazhi's hostility!" 】That’s all.

It turns out that all the hatred was attracted by Xiaocui!

Being targeted and hunted by such a terrifying monster, even the devil businessman couldn't figure out how Xiao Cui could survive!

Xiaocui...will she die?

"If you die, I will be the winner of the confrontation mission."

When the devil businessman said these words, I don't know how complicated his emotions were. There was no excitement or joy at all as imagined.

"Death? It's impossible for me to die."

Wei Xun sneered without fear. There was no trace of nervousness or fear in his tone. He could even hear the excitement and ambition: "Hey, devil businessman, don't you want to lure that big guy over again?"

"We haven't entered the most dangerous scenic spot yet. We can lure it over and maybe even kill it!"

"Kill it? That's impossible."

The devil businessman said flatly.

The giant paper man was too powerful, even stronger than the ghost monarch sealed in his magic mirror, and it was absolutely impossible to kill him.


The devil merchant fell into deep thought.

If Xiaocui is really targeted by the giant paper man, if she holds a trace of Qianjia Paper's soul, it is indeed possible to attract him.

Her golden-red flame is not a mortal thing. If she attracts hatred, and with the Devil Merchant by his side, he might be able to steal a few more souls.

The devil businessman is thinking about his team leader assessment task! That Qianjiazhi might have a tendency to lead the assessment! He had to make sure before tomorrow night, and he actually didn't have much time.

A snow-white, round object was thrown towards him, and the Devil Merchant subconsciously avoided it. When he saw what it was, he hurriedly caught it.

"How could you throw the Sky Fox Ball around!"

What Xiao Cui threw over was the Sky Fox Ball!

"Then it's settled."

Wei Xun nodded slightly, holding a change of clothes and going to take a shower. The previous battle on the minibus was so dirty that he felt like his body was full of paper stench.

"Are you going to take a shower?"

The devil businessman was shocked. He had just arrived at the hotel. It was nothing if he didn't explore it. Why should he take a shower?

She loves cleanliness so much, she is indeed a lady.

But holding the Sky Fox Ball, thinking that the rhythm of the conversation just now was somehow in Xiao Cui's hands, the devil businessman felt a little unhappy for no reason. He threw the Sky Fox Ball and said deliberately:

"I haven't agreed to anything yet, and there is no contract between us. You just gave me the Sky Fox Ball. Aren't you afraid that I will regret it?"

Wei Xun was too lazy to speak, so he turned sideways and made a gesture of wiping his throat at him.

If you regret it, I will kill you.


The devil merchant suddenly smiled, and all the subtle dissatisfaction in his heart was swept away.

Glancing at the 'puppet' who followed him to the bathroom at the same time, the Devil Merchant had a profound meaning. Hearing the sound of water, he sighed softly:

'Hey, man, she's hot. ’

'Oh, with all due respect. He (he) is a man. ’

A gloomy and bitter voice sounded from within the devil merchant's cloak. This was a conversation that only they could hear each other. A pale figure looms, it is the ghost monarch living in the magic mirror.

He looked in the direction of the bathroom and said secretly: 'Did he organize the mutual aid group you joined? ’

‘She is just a person on the surface, but there are at least three strong men like the Black Widow behind her. ’

The devil merchant smiled and played with the Sky Fox Ball: 'Even if you kill her, the mutual aid association will not be disbanded. ’

Since joining the mutual aid association and having the welfare rules for the ancients, the devil merchant has become more and more comfortable in dealing with the ghost monarch in the magic mirror, and even dared to temporarily release him.

The ghost monarch knew full well that the devil merchant released him just to take the opportunity to leave more marks on the magic mirror. But he was too lazy to care. After being locked up in the magic mirror for a thousand years, he really missed the outside world too much. Even though the world had undergone earth-shaking changes, this was not the country he once had.

He understood what the devil merchant was thinking. He just wanted to completely control the magic mirror and subdue him. But it's not simple either.

'Don't approach love, it will make you unhappy. ’

The ghost monarch sneered. His original death was closely related to his favorite mistress.

'love. ’

The devil businessman smiled: ‘I have never encountered such a thing before. ’

His family failed when he was young and he grew up in an orphanage. He sold the last family pocket watch, bought a guitar and sang rock and roll, wrote and practiced songs, practiced musical instruments, and performed around the world. He worked so hard that he became terminally ill. On the verge of death, he entered the Thriller Global Hotel and became a tour guide.

He has been busy all his life, just to live with dignity. Love has nothing to do with him.

Ahem, he just has some normal appreciation for Xiao Cui, this is human nature.

Such outstanding members of the opposite sex can always attract attention.

The ghost monarch was speechless, too lazy to say anything more, and returned to the magic mirror. Anyway, he had warned the devil merchant. Since he entered this journey, he has become more and more unlucky.

Misfortune is entangled.

But it was obvious that this person probably didn’t understand. The ghost monarch will not remind you again.

They have backlash and fusion, a life-or-death relationship, and they are not exactly friends. Why bother.

Maybe the more unlucky the devil merchant is, the luckier his ghost monarch will be.

But the devil merchant didn't pay attention to the ghost monarch at all. He stared at the Sky Fox Ball in surprise. Just now, under his touch, golden lines suddenly appeared on the surface of the snow-white ball!

This pattern disappeared in a flash, but it made the devil merchant excited. After the Tianhu inner elixir is stimulated, it will automatically reveal its body pattern defense!

Obviously, the powerful momentum of the ghost monarch has affected the Sky Fox Ball!

It turns out... is she a little golden fox?

Little golden fox.

So special and beautiful.

The Devil Merchant could not help but touch the Sky Fox Ball, trying to make her appear again.

He had never seen a golden fox before. Xiao Cui was indeed the most special!

* *

‘There is a very powerful being beside the devil merchant, a ghost, who is a little stronger than me. ’

In the bathroom, Wei Xun turned on the shower. In the sound of water, Yu Hehui communicated with him in his heart: ‘But he should be bound in a certain prop, and the devil merchant is still suppressing him. Overall, he and I are evenly matched. ’

‘I drew the power of the inner elixir to disguise the magic worm ball and the responsibility magic worm. He can't see it.’

‘I trust you to do things.’

Wei Xun said casually: ‘I will summon Qianjia Paper again tonight, but before that, I saw a child running over at the entrance of Leigu Hutong. ’

‘You go and see, do it according to your ability. ’

It’s easy to think that a child who would appear in such a place is not simple. Then think about the nickname of this city in the tour guide.

Although I don’t know how true it is, Wei Xun doesn’t want to be influenced by the child.

‘Are you going to summon Qianjia Paper tonight? ’

Yu Hehui was not surprised at all, as he was used to Wei Xun’s vigorous and decisive style.

‘It shouldn’t be too dangerous… I had the same feeling at the time. It seemed to be some kind of spirit. ’

As the old saying goes, when you keep talking about something, it will gradually become spiritual.

Praying to gods and Buddhas is sometimes more than just seeking spiritual comfort. So gods and Buddhas cannot be prayed to easily, and Buddhas cannot be worshipped easily.

Believed and believed by countless generations, with hundreds of years of history, stories and legends about him and this city have even been written about and widely circulated. The imperial city in the past, the political center now, and the entire city are located in ‘his’ body.

It’s hard not to be a spirit.

‘If he is really a spirit, it should be the greatest help we can ask for on this journey. ’

Yu Hehui habitually thinks like a traveler.

‘But on an extremely dangerous journey, the price you have to pay to get help from someone is probably more dangerous than the scenic spot mission’

What is the legend about him in this city? What is his self-identified duty? What price do you have to pay to ask him for help?

It’s terrifying to think about it.

It is even more likely that they will still be hostile when Granny Zhi's funeral is held.

'I believe they are all mature tourists, so I don't need to worry at all'

Wei Xun smiled and said: 'I just want you to see his attitude. Summoning Qianjiazhi should not have much impact, after all, he did not show up when Qianjiazhi arrived on the minibus. '

It is more likely that there is something he wants in Leigu Hutong, after all, he flashed by and showed up after the tourists entered the hutong.

'Don't rush back, you can get in touch with Zhou Xiyang and the others'

Wei Xun began to take off his clothes, and the dark gold pendant on his pale skin made him look more luxurious and eye-catching. Although they were all men, Yu Hehui subconsciously avoided his gaze. Somehow, his mind was full of the image of Wei Xun coming back that day, covered with red marks. This scene was deeply rooted in his mind.

Captain An is really...

Too much.

After all, he is the old captain, and Yu Hehui still can't say the word "beast".

‘Why didn’t Zhou Xiyang take the initiative to invite you to live in his room!’

Let’s not talk about An Xuefeng, Yu Hehui rarely took out his anger on others.

Wei Xun is so clean, how can he stay in this small bathroom to take a bath!

Even if Wei Xun doesn’t go, Zhou Xiyang has to invite him! Can’t he see Wei Xun’s identity?

The half-life Taoist sees it!

‘I have to have a good talk with him!’

The steam was steaming, unusually hot, Yu Hehui glanced at the golden red feather that Wei Xun brought in when he took a bath - this heat came from it.

This heat was not directed at Wei Xun, but at him, Yu Hehui, and the heat even carried a hint of expulsion and rejection!

Yu Hehui was inexplicably a little suffocated, he cursed in his heart, turned into a little fox and jumped up, pushed open the small square window leading to the courtyard from the bathroom, and jumped out.


Wei Xun used a red rope to pass through the golden bell and wrapped it around his wrist. Golden bell, necklace, live broadcast blocking continues.

"Qianjiazhi is too dirty."

Wei Xun took the feather and turned it around. The soft fluff fell on his fingers, as if he was leaning against it. But thinking that it had poked into Qianjiazhi's eyes, Wei Xun put the feather under the shower with a blank expression.

"You have to wash it well too."

Suddenly he smiled, his eyebrows full of joy: "Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a mandarin duck bath."

Wei Xun played with it for a while, and then felt that it was too troublesome to take a bath with the feather. The circle of the devil's tail that had been wrapped around his thigh loosened, and the tip of the tail flexibly reached over and entangled the feather. When the tip of the tail was wrapped around it, the feather still shyly leaned back, wanting to stay in Wei Xun's hand.

But it was eventually swept away by the devil's tail, and soon it was entangled and played with into a mess.

"Don't play with dirty feathers."

Wei Xun freed his hands to take a bath, and used the devil's tail to wrap the feather and rinse it. What his demonic transformation revealed was Wei Xun's undisguised desire. Wei Xun rationally thought that the feather was dirty and needed to be cleaned, but the devil's tail had already wrapped around it.

And the tail could not be retracted for the time being, because Wei Xun's SAN value has not been high since entering this courtyard hotel.

This is Wei Xun's current information:

[Guide information]

[Code: Bing 250]

[Rank: Silver 0th rank 5 stars]

【Death Countdown 240:11:55】

【Points: 27351】

[SAN value: 50]

[Team leader assessment task in progress]

240 hours, ten days, no lower than the safe value, but his SAN value still materialized. The plus sign after his rank is the effect of low SAN value.

If the death countdown is too low and the SAN value is too low, the tour guide's strength will increase.

Wei Xun didn't mind the low SAN and low death countdown. What he cared about was that since he got off the minibus, no matter how much he ate the purified magic honey, his SAN was stuck at 50.

There are four possibilities. One is that he is conducting a team leader assessment task. This is also one of the tests to see whether the tour guide can lead the brigade normally under low sanity conditions.

The second is the mental oppression that comes with extremely dangerous journeys and the tour guides. Maybe their level is too low, so this kind of oppression is particularly strong.

Third, there is something strange in this courtyard, hiding monsters that can cause people to lose SAN.

The fourth is the appreciation of Qianjia Paper.

Of course, it is possible that it is all of the above.

The first and second points can be confirmed by just looking at whether there is any alienation in the devil merchant. The fourth point will wait for tonight. As for the third point...

Tonight, tourists can take a night tour of Leigu Hutong and enjoy the night view of the alley. This afternoon Wei Xun is going to the back courtyard behind the main house to collect the red paper lanterns distributed to tourists.

The back courtyard is a row of rooms behind the main house, usually a place for women to live.

If there is anything weird in this courtyard, Wei Xun will be able to find out if he goes there in the afternoon.

"Tsk, you're so slow."

Wei Xun was a little impatient. He had been using the devil's tail to entangle the feather for a long time, but the other party was stubborn and refused to release any heat.

It was as if it could sense whether Wei Xun was really in pain that was almost out of control, or just wanted to feel good.

Restraint, abstinence, and no addiction, even if it is a feather of An Xuefeng, it is implemented very well.

"An Xuefeng, you are really good."

When his needs were not met, Wei Xun laughed angrily. He touched his Adam's apple, * * * The demon seed was hidden here.

'Are you coming? ’

He whispered, and a pulsating tremor could be clearly felt on his fingertips.

'At this should be able to come'

After establishing a connection with the brigade station and ***, Wei Xun discovered that when his SAN value decreased and his body was alienated, the connection with the abyss node became closer.

* * * As the person in charge, there should be restrictions and you should not have frequent contact with him.

But as an abyssal creature that is connected to Wei Xun in the abyss node, when Wei Xun's SAN value decreases, * * * can come to Wei Xun in another way through the connection between the demon species and the abyss node.

Everything went dark and Wei Xun lost his vision. But he smiled.

The * * * summoned in this way is not the human form, but his abyssal state. He regarded the abyss as ugly and filthy, and did not want Wei Xun to see it.

So Wei Xun would be blindfolded every time he came.

Wei Xun leaned against the wall comfortably, but behind him was not a cold wall, but slippery and cold tentacles. The soft tentacles wrapped around his body, as if they knew that human skin was too fragile, so they wrapped around the demonized devil's tail.

The golden-red feather whose territory was 'invaded' became angry.

Across the infinite distance, Wei Xun seemed to be able to sense An Xuefeng's anger and confusion. He didn't understand that Wei Xun had summoned the abyssal state just for, for -

‘To help you feel relieved, return to normal as soon as possible’

Wei Xun raised his head, restrained himself, and took a deep breath while suppressing his voice.

The angry feathers finally caught fire, and he felt the pain he had dreamed of.

Get better.

Wei Xun was so painful that he burst into tears of joy. His tears melted into the shower water and slid down, and were swept away by the tentacles.

On the first day of his journey, he successfully developed multiple uses for feathers!

Presumably An Xuefeng, who handed the feather to him, would also be satisfied.

Outside the window of the penthouse, a sleek, silver-grained cat that was just passing by was so frightened that it flew back to the main room with its ears flying.


It screamed at the top of its lungs, attracting the attention of everyone in the main room.

"Hey, Mekel, aren't you a black cat? Why are you dyed?"

Taoist Taoist Half Life who had just brought Bai Xiaotian over for a visit said curiously: "I thought it was strange when I saw your grandma's gray hair before."

"The black cat is too evil-proofing. He was afraid that he would be too targeted during this journey, so he dyed it with a paint bucket in advance."

Zhou Xiyang explained briefly. He realized that Mekel was in something wrong and became serious: "What's wrong?"


Yin Jian was spinning around anxiously, but he couldn't change back to his normal state no matter what. He was so frightened that his screams sounded pitiful.

"Oh? Let me see."

Taoist Ban Ming went over curiously, picked up the cat, looked at it for a few times, and let out a laugh:

"It's okay, it's just that the evil spirit has been suppressed. It will be fine in a while."

"The demonic energy has been suppressed?"

Zhou Xiyang took Fei's ears and touched the aggrieved silver layer twice. His eyes turned orange-red for an instant, like two sunsets, but the next moment Zhou Xiyang was shocked: "The afterglow of the sunset cannot be lifted, this is deeper More holy flames!"

"Hey, I get it."

Taoist Ban Ming suddenly smiled mischievously and said, "Hey, Mekel, did you go to Director Cui to plot something evil, but you were affected?"


Yin Jian layer got angry and threw himself directly into Taoist Bansheng's face, making him scream.

Until Bai Xiaotian picked him up by the back of his neck and pulled him off, his hair exploded as if he was angry, and he swung the cat fist out of thin air.

"Deputy commander, those who talk nonsense will have their tongues pulled out."

Bai Xiaotian said, pulling out a small paper man and placing it on Yin Jianlayer's back. The little paper figure instantly turned red, as if it had absorbed invisible heat, and the silver-colored layer squinted its eyes in comfort.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? Look, your paper man, who has the same origin as Mao Xiaole, can absorb heat. It must be Team An's Phoenix Fire."

Taoist Ban Ming covered his face, and when he put down his hand, he saw that his face was covered with cat scratches. He said depressedly: "This is not the first time. Captain An's phoenix-like attitude means he has restraint against all kinds of monsters. Back then, Lu Shucheng was intimidated when he first returned home, and he turned into a wolf for several days. When he met the security team, he walked away with his tail between his legs——"

"Deputy leader, did you forget that this will be live broadcast?"

Bai Xiaotian reached over, blocked Taoist Bansheng's mouth with a cat, and said seriously: "After you go out, you will definitely be sacked by someone returning."

"Uh-bah, bah!"

Taoist Ban Ming ate a mouthful of cat hair, but he didn't care about it at all. Taoist Ban Ming had a look of horror on his face. He looked around and stumbled, "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, Zhi, live broadcast?"

"Is our journey going live?!"

He really forgot! God knows how many years it has been since he participated in a tour with a live broadcast. Ever since he was promoted to the special level, no, from the advanced level, the tour guides leading the tour are all gold level and can choose to turn off the live broadcast.

He had really gotten used to it, being surrounded by acquaintances, and it was okay to talk casually.

But this is a live broadcast!

"Ahem, the phoenix fire feathers won't spread out their intimidating power for no reason."

Taoist Ban Ming suddenly became serious and said righteously: "Maybe Director Cui is in trouble, let's go over and have a look. Xiyang, really, why do you let Director Cui live in such a small shabby room without inviting him? Come and live in your main house.”

After saying this, he stood up, looking like he was going to defend Director Cui and was eager for justice.

"Ahem, half a life."

Zhou Xiyang's expression was a little subtle, a little embarrassed. In fact, he was anxious just now, but seeing that Yu Hehui, who was sitting next to him, was still calm, Zhou Xiyang also understood that Director Cui was not in much danger.

Why does the Phoenix Fire still ignite when there is no danger?

Bing250’s identity…

After thinking a little deeper, Zhou Xiyang was a little happy, but also a little uncomfortable.

Especially when this was discovered by Mei Keer and also known by Half Life Taoist and Bai Xiaotian.

"He's still here, Director Cui will be fine."

Zhou Xiyang said tactfully, changing the subject: "Just now you said those werewolves were looking for the cellar?"

"Cellar, dungeon, everything that involves the evil nature of buildings during the journey to the West End, isn't it all in bungalows, churches and castles? Fortunately, it's not winter here, otherwise they really find a cellar to store cabbage in the winter, then That’s interesting.”

Taoist Ban Ming said a little absent-mindedly. He looked at Yu Hehui, then at Zhou Xiyang, and then again, becoming suspicious:

"That's weird, why aren't you worried at all?"

"Deputy commander, why are you so worried about your return journey? Do you still want to jump over there?"

Bai Xiaotian stood up and pulled Taoist Ban Ming to go out: "Yu Tuan asked me to keep an eye on you when you come here. Don't run around blindly."

"Xiaotian, don't interrupt!"

Taoist Ban Ming's eyes opened wider and wider, and he didn't know what had happened, but he actually figured it out!

After ten years of waiting, we finally have a small tour guide. Even if the tour guide comes during the trip, Team An will ask someone to take his natal feather with him. When he is in danger, he should use it as protection; when he is not in danger, let others use feathers to relieve him...

Taoist Ban Ming figured it out and blurted out:

"Infinite Heavenly Lord! No way, Captain An's old house is on fire——"


This time Taoist Ban Ming covered his mouth himself.

"Half life."

Zhou Xiyang smiled kindly.

"You really know a lot... If you know so much, wouldn't it be unkind if you didn't tell your brothers?"

At the end of the sentence, he gritted his teeth a little.


The half-life Taoist wants to cry but has no tears, live broadcast, this damn live broadcast!

He decided to remain mute for the rest of the journey and never, ever speak.

* *

"You should also know that this is a sequel journey."

After being educated, Taoist Ban Ming said depressedly: "Ahem, actually even if you don't tell me, I will definitely share this news. We are a brotherhood."

It's just that brothers have settled accounts clearly. These messages are used to exchange resources, and everyone knows it.

But who made Ban Ming Taoist fail to control his words and talk about Captain An on the live broadcast. He could only bleed a little.

"You know the trip to Hengdian Film and Television City a few years ago? The Ming and Qing Palaces, Qin Palace, and Hong Kong Street are quite famous attractions. I originally thought that all members of the group would survive, but the Hong Kong Street Group was destroyed at the last attraction. ”

Taoist Ban Ming said: "According to the schedule, we should go to the Zhi Family Courtyard tomorrow. We must be careful about Granny Zhi."

"She may be the 'Grandma of the Republic of China' who caused the destruction of the tour group and was hidden in Hengdian."

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