Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 159 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (4)

[Tour Guide B250, do you agree that Zhou Xiyang is the brigade leader for this trip? 】

[Remark 1: During this trip, passenger Zhou Xiyang is the strongest (special four-star)]

[Remark 2: During this journey, passenger Zhou Xiyang was the first to pass the test on his own strength]

[If you agree, passenger Zhou Xiyang will hand over part of the loot to you during this journey]

So this is what Zhou Xiyang meant when he handed over the paper money?

It is indeed an extremely dangerous journey, with so many tricks to play?

Wei Xun glanced at Zhou Xiyang with interest and took the paper money he handed over.


Then Wei Xun casually gave the paper money to Yu Hehui.

Now Wei Xun and Yu Hehui each have a piece of paper money in their hands. The two paper figures sitting on the empty seats have their narrow eyes narrowed and their mouth lines painted in scarlet elongated, as if they are smiling, and their paper faces are full of greed. They had salivating expressions, but they didn't move after all.

Being a brigade captain on this journey is not an easy job. The brigade captain himself will encounter more dangers. There are also disputes between the east and west areas in this brigade and those "big guys" with sealed powers who may cause trouble at any time. It's hard to say whether Zhou Xiyang can hold his own.

But Zhou Xiyang still stood up and decided to be the captain.

After handing over the paper money, although the paper snow blowing from the car window on Zhou Xiyang's side was still there, it was much smaller. He even left his seat, but the paper snow that blew in did not condense into paper figures anymore, but simply piled up.

Zhou Xiyang said calmly: "The paper man is here for the paper money. Just tear open the seat and take out the paper money in the seat."

Yes, he said it was simple, just tear open the seat and take out the paper money. But the problem is that only the special four-star, the strongest in the journey, can tear open the seat! Only Zhou Xiyang is the most powerful person in the brigade. His strength has reached the special four-star level, and no one else can reach it!

It is an extremely dangerous journey. Becoming a brigade captain is not something Miao Fangfei can do if he is the strongest like in Xiangxi. The brigade captain in this brigade will be recognized by the hotel, has certain real power, and can even punish passengers!

Therefore, the hotel will take into account the strength of the brigade leader, the number of people in the brigade, the relationship with the tour guide, etc. Everything is aimed at maximizing the survival rate of passengers during the journey.

Whoever has the greatest chance of keeping the passengers alive, and whoever leads the team to complete the attractions perfectly, will be the brigade leader!

"Does anyone need my help?"

Zhou Xiyang's calm eyes swept across the entire minibus. He knew that there was definitely someone in this brigade who had sealed the true strength.

Should he reveal his strength and do it himself, or should he let Zhou Xiyang help, thereby recognizing him as the number one person in the brigade and making him the brigade captain?

Wei Xun understood Zhou Xiyang's intention. Zhou Xiyang stood up openly and just asked who needed help. This was a conspiracy. Let them choose.

Wei Xun thought for a while, if he were Zhou Xiyang, he wouldn't do this.

The uncertainty is too high. If the position of brigade captain involves vital interests and must be obtained, then Wei Xun will do whatever it takes to ensure that he gets it. In times of crisis, thunderous measures must be used.

Compared with him, Zhou Xiyang seemed too decent.

But in his decency, he is also decisive and diplomatic. He quickly tore up the seats, took out the paper money, and handed the paper money to Wei Xun without hesitation to 'bribe' him.

Is this An Xuefeng's former subordinate?

I heard that Zhou Xiyang used to be An Xuefeng's deputy captain in the criminal police brigade in real life. Presumably An Xuefeng must have trusted Zhou Xiyang very much to hand over the Sunset Brigade to him and let him become the brigade leader.

An Xuefeng...

Wei Xun was a little distracted. The crisis just now left him nowhere to think, but now when he thought of An Xuefeng, Wei Xun seemed to feel a tiny electric current passing through his blood, making his fingers numb.

He wanted to touch the golden-red feather.

Fortunately, Taoist Ban Ming's shout interrupted his distraction.

"Sunset, come here, hurry up, this paper and snow smells so bad that I'm going to suffocate!"

The half-life Taoist couldn't bear it and shouted, covering his nose with his zombie arm, and said in a loud voice: "Help Xiaotian do it too."

"Deputy leader, at least you have to have a good attitude when asking for help."

The young Taoist priest Bai Xiaotian said politely: "Team Zhou, I'm sorry to trouble you."

A shout from Captain Zhou brought this matter to light.

"Team Zhou, please help me too."

Another person greeted lazily. He was smaller and looked like a teenager, but his hair was rebelliously dyed silver gray. He had cat eyes and looked naturally arrogant and cold.

But when he smiled, his very endearing smile immediately destroyed this cold feeling.

Wei Xun quickly matched him with the brigade list.

Mekel, deputy commander of the Crimson Brigade, has a special two-star strength.

They are considered acquaintances, having met during the mutual selection meeting in northern Tibet. Later, I heard Mao Xiaole and others casually introduce it. The Crimson Brigade has two sub-troupes, the six-tailed silver fox Peng Yingwu and the six-tailed black cat Mekel.

Black cat.

Black cats can ward off evil spirits, which should be quite useful during this journey.

"I can do it myself."

A cold female voice came from the back seat. She was holding a sword in her arms. It was like a swordsman in a martial arts novel, but then what she pulled out of the scabbard was a strange-looking red oil-paper umbrella. The umbrella seemed to have thick blood coagulated on it.

The paper snow flew and fell on the scarlet oil-paper umbrella, but it was all swallowed up by pus and blood on the umbrella surface.

"October, are you coming this time?"

Zhou Xiyang said in surprise. The woman nodded coldly and said, "Captain Zhou, I don't need help here."

After saying that, she stood up, held the umbrella as a sword, and slashed down hard. A fishy wind rose, and a knife edge soaked in pus and blood appeared directly on the seat! At first glance, it looked as if the seat was split open and bleeding, which was quite horrifying.

The thick blood even dyed the flying scraps of paper with blood, and it was extremely aggressive and infected the paper blood outside the minibus. It was really arrogant and wanton.

On October 10th, a mysterious lone traveler with a special three-star rating!

Although she didn't ask Zhou Xiyang to help, she still recognized his status by calling him Captain Zhou.

Zhou Xiyang nodded slightly and looked at the man sitting in the fourth row of the bus.

"I don't need help either."

The man smiled gently. He obviously looked Eastern, but he wore the robes of a Western cardinal. Holding a cross in his hand, he looked particularly pious.

“We are all lambs in the pasture of God.”

He whispered piously, as if a holy light was shining around him. Those flying scraps of paper turned into real paper when he was around him.

The solo traveler Yun Tianhe is said to be of mixed Chinese and Western descent, with the title of ‘Cardinal’ and a special three-star rating!

But Zhou Xiyang frowned after hearing his words.

It’s not that he is too allergic, but if he starts with the words ‘we are all lambs’, he is most likely a passenger raised by the Shepherd Alliance!

Only travelers from the Shepherd Alliance will firmly believe that tour guides are shepherds and travelers are lambs.

Without the protection of the shepherd, the weak lamb cannot survive in the cruel world.

Therefore, it is most correct for tourists to support tour guides, believe in tour guides, fight for tour guides, and die for tour guides, all for the sake of a better future.

In fact, there are far more travelers who seek refuge in the Shepherds' Alliance than those who seek refuge in the Butchers' Alliance. They even believed from the bottom of their hearts that the Shepherd Alliance was doing the right thing. It is impossible for tourists to survive in this cruel hotel alone. The tour guide is the savior and protective umbrella of tourists.

The more guides who are shepherds and the fewer guides of other genres, the better the future for travelers.

They are not as cruel and dangerous as the travelers raised by the Butcher Alliance. But in fact, they are more terrifying and paranoid. They even promote this kind of thinking to the outside world, which really attracts a large number of precarious middle- and low-level tourists. It's almost like a cult if you become a fanatical believer.

They are not even limited to the Shepherd Alliance in the East District. They can be found in countless large groups of travelers in the East and West Districts.

"Director C, here you go."

Yuntianhe used a cross to mark the seats. It seemed that his cross and the scarlet oil-paper umbrella of October 10 were both special props. Both of them are special three-stars, and with the addition of special props, their strength can reach the special four-star level, which is enough to scratch the seats.

Yun Tianhe handed the paper money to Wei Xun without hesitation, looked at him with extremely focused and burning eyes, and said softly:

"Whoever you identify with as a brigade captain is someone I identify with."

Yuntianhe's voice is pleasant to the ear and his tone is elegant, as if he would recite a psalm at any time:

"Director C, your strength impresses me. During this journey, everything I have will belong to you."

"I admire you very much too."

Wei Xun asked Yu Hehui to take the paper money from Yun Tianhe. After successfully getting the paper money without any manipulation, Wei Xun gave Yun Tianhe an appreciative look.

No wonder, who wouldn’t like such travelers?

If nothing else, just judging from the results, although the overall strength of the Shepherd Alliance is not as good as the Butcher Alliance, the travelers they cultivate are really well-behaved. Even if a normal tour guide encounters such a tourist, he will certainly not be willing to kill him.

Wei Xun looked again at Yun Lianghan, who was still wary of wearing shadow armor and had a sinister face.

Who would attack and kill him at the beginning of the journey at all costs, just to seize the token of 30 degrees north latitude?

What is the origin of Yun Lianghan?

Bing250 is looking at him.

Yun Lianghan stood in the car like a hedgehog, extremely alert. As a traveler secretly trained by the Butcher Alliance, he knew that the value of his life was at this moment. Kill Bing250, take away the token of 30 degrees north latitude, and then send it back to the organization in a special way.

No matter what the cost, even if you die, everything is for Lord Yin Yang Butterfly.

This was Yun Lianghan's mental preparation long before departure.

If you fail once, you will have to bear the consequences of death. After all, during the journey, the tour guide will never leave any tourists who have murderous intentions towards him.

If you want to kill the passengers, you have to do it early, and the best time is now. Even if Bing Er50 didn't say anything, people like Zhou Xiyang would control him and kill him in order to show their loyalty to him and gain his support.

However, the reality is different from what Yun Lianghan imagined.

No one yelled at him to kill him, and no one killed him.

This made Yun Lianghan feel uncomfortable.

That's right, the people in this brigade probably don't know that he is a member of the extremely vicious Butcher Alliance. Yun Lianghan's identity was pretty well hidden, and his contacts with the Butcher Alliance were all private.

Should these people in the minibus only regard him as an extremist tourist?

Or maybe this was their conspiracy to make him relax his guard? No, probably not. Others don't know that he is from the Butcher Alliance, so there is no absolute need to kill him.

Yun Lianghan walked back to his seat step by step vigilantly, ready to be attacked at any time.

However, in reality, no one really cared about him.

Even Zhou Xiyang didn't even give him a look.

Somehow, Yun Lianghan felt like he was punched in the air, feeling a little lonely for no reason.

Seeing Yun Lianghan return to his position step by step, but Bing 250 and his assassins did not take action, and it seemed that they had no intention of killing him, Zhou Xiyang completely stopped paying attention to Yun Lianghan.

——Anyway, Yun Lianghan's paper money was dug out by the tour guide. He passed the assessment with the help of the tour guide. He did not show his own strength, and naturally he did not have the right to choose the brigade leader.

Furthermore, even if you don't count him, Zhou Xiyang's "votes" are enough, and he has won the support of a tour guide and more than half of the passengers in the brigade.

After all, there are only three people from the West End, and they cannot be compared to each other.

[Zhou Xiyang became the brigade captain of this journey]

The hotel's reminder sounded in everyone's mind, announcing the end of the brigade captain selection. The devil merchant glanced over there, his expression a little solemn, but not too serious.

In this journey, whether it was the location or the number of people, the East Enders had too many advantages, and he had already been mentally prepared for this.

However, external pressure will also promote internal unity in the West District, but it will help the devil businessman gain a foothold in the small group in the West District!

The tourists from the Eastern District are numerous and not weak in strength. During this journey, they were indeed outnumbered by tourists from the western region, but they were not unable to seize the opportunity. In this brigade, the devil merchant is the leading tour guide! His rank rights are stronger than Bing250.

This is also an opportunity that the Western District travelers must seize. They will help the devil merchant stabilize his position!

Sure enough, after discovering the alliance in the East District, the red-haired werewolf Augustus responded quickly, and his attitude towards the devil merchant was a polar reversal. Under his protection, the devil merchant took out the magic mirror, summoned the ghost monarch hidden in the magic mirror, and neatly solved the problem of paper money for people in the West District.

What's even more advantageous is that the people coming in from the West District are all werewolf travelers!

In the West District, as long as they are werewolves, whether tour guides or tourists, they are inseparable from the Werewolf Alliance. The Werewolf Alliance can even be called the home of the devil merchants.

The people in the West District quickly united together, and although the seven people in the East District gathered together, there were various forces among them, and there was even a stir-up stick who wanted to attack Bing250. Very prone to infighting.

The situation is delicately balanced.

"Sunset, come here quickly, I won't let you fight in vain."

Taoist Ban Ming called Zhou Xiyang over, avoided the others, and said mysteriously: "I'll show you something good."

"This is--"

What Banming Taoist showed Zhou Xiyang was the small piece of paper money under the character "福".

"These two kinds of paper money are different."

He lowered his voice: "This is the paper money hidden under Fu."

Compared with the rough big paper money, this exquisite small paper money is indeed different. It even feels weighty in the hand, like a real coin.

Wei Xun knew this because he had just taken the small piece of paper money from Taoist Ban Ming's hand and turned it over.

"Don't grab my paper money."

Taoist Ban Ming did not stop him, but just said: "Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, so go and rob Yun Lianghan. Really, if you don't rob, you will get nothing."

Yun Lianghan:? ?

Wei Xun returned the small piece of paper money to Taoist Ban Ming, but did not leave, still standing beside his seat.

From front to back, Wei Xun walked around in the minibus.

The golden boy with paper ties was at the front door of the car, and Wei Xun originally thought that the jade girl with paper ties would be at the back door of the car. That's why he just stopped at Yun Lianghan who was sitting next to the back door of the car.

But the jade girl was not there.

After going around in circles, Wei Xun returned to Taoist Ban Ming's seat.

Golden boys and girls are always together.

Taoist Ban Ming's seat is closest to the front door of the car.

As soon as his heart moved, Yu Hehui took a step forward, picked up the half-life Taoist who was still chattering, and put him aside. Here, Zhou Xiyang had just opened the seat of Ban Ming Taoist, but before the contents were exposed, he was blocked by Yu Hehui.

Zhou Xiyang was stunned at first, and then saw Yu Hehui making a gesture towards him.

This is a combat gesture that was agreed upon when the returnees fought side by side many years ago. It was designed by An Xuefeng and was born out of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Meaning: [cover]

Sure enough it was him.

Zhou Xiyang had mixed feelings in his heart. He turned sideways calmly, leaving Yu Hehui room to move. His tall and straight body blocked the eyes of others, and even half-life Taoists were blocked by him.

Yu Hehui quickly took out something from the torn seat, and quietly returned to Wei Xun. The thing was handed over to him under the cover of the cloak.

It was a small ball of paper.

Just like the one caught in the crack of the car door at the beginning, with Yu Hehui's strength, the paper ball was still a paper ball in his hand and did not get bigger.

With Yu Hehui's hand, Wei Xun grasped the ball of paper. Under the badge of witness of destruction of the ancient country, the ball of paper quickly became soaked and began to melt. It didn't even have a chance to change into its original shape, and couldn't even say begging for mercy. exit.

The golden boy paper man driving the car shivered and drove the minibus faster. The devil businessman who holds the soul of the golden boy paper man looked at Wei Xun thoughtfully.

"Where did the car go?"

Wei Xun calmly turned around and walked towards the devil merchant. No one saw the paper ball in his hand that was on the verge of melting, like a ball of cream.

【You captured the jade girl made of paper! 】

[You have obtained a complete team leader assessment tendency: 'Traditional funeral paper binding'. Please confirm your team leader assessment tendency before the second day of the journey, otherwise it will be randomly selected by the examiner! 】

Swipe and pull——

An inaudible sound.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The devil merchant did not answer Wei Xun's question, but asked instead, with a tone of worry and vigilance.

"I am fine."

Wei Xun took out his thermos cup and took a sip of water. His thinking was clear and his tone was brisk. He glanced out the window and reminded the devil merchant: "We have arrived at the Temple of the Five Internal Organs, why don't you read the tour guide?"

The Devil Merchant took a deep look at him and began to read the tour guide in a perfunctory manner, leading the tourists to look out at the ruins of the Five Internal Organs Temple, a roadside attraction.

But in fact it was completely white outside and nothing could be seen. Everyone has dug out the paper money under their seats, but the confetti 'blizzard' has not stopped yet. The confetti has already coated the glass. Looking outside, everything is foggy, as if it is covered by a piece of paper. Eye.

The inside of the car was better, the passengers all passed the small test, and the additional functions on Wei Xun's and Devil Merchant's brooches worked. Even though they were staring at everyone with saliva before, the two paper figures sitting in the empty seats were silent and lowered their heads, no longer looking at people randomly.

But the expressions of the passengers still became solemn, because they could feel that the speed of the minibus was getting slower and slower!

"Could it be that the paper was caught in the wheel?"

"The car must be carrying too much weight. We should kill those two paper figures."

"The minibus is about to turn into a paper car. Of course, the paper car won't move. Try tearing off all the paper casings you can get outside the car!"

The passengers in the car all had experience and quickly proposed one possibility after another. Putting aside the two points of needing to get out of the car to check the wheel and the paper killer, they did not hesitate and used various means to lean out from the open window and peel off the paper shell.

No one was showing off, even Yun Lianghan had a sullen face and controlled his shadow to tear up the paper. The West District Werewolf Passenger even turned into a half-werewolf. He leaned out with most of his body and violently tore apart the paper shells stuck on the minibus.

'What's wrong? ’

Seeing that all the passengers in the minibus were busy, Yu Hehui stood beside Wei Xun. The contract between the two allows them to communicate spiritually. Yu Hehui could also feel Wei Xun's current state better.

Wei Xun's calm tone was able to hide it from the devil merchant, but he couldn't hide it from Yu Hehui. Wei Xun's thermos cup was filled with purified magic honey water, and he drank a whole bottle just now!


Wei Xun acted as if nothing had happened, but what he said made Yu Hehui's heart tremble.

‘It’s just that the SAN value returned to zero’

‘It’s okay, I have a name tag’

Wei Xun was very calm. Indeed, he had marked two abyss nodes and fused one. Coupled with the name tag and the connection with ***, losing the SAN would not have much impact on Wei Xun. Even if the SAN value instantly returns to zero, he can still resist alienation for a short period of time.

The Devil Merchant may have felt the devilish aura on his body just now, but Wei Xun was not alienated - the only tail that couldn't help but grow was also hidden under the cloak, wrapped around Wei Xun's thigh, and the Devil Merchant couldn't see it.

After eating a handful of purified magic honey candy balls, Wei Xun looked out the window.

'can you see it? ’

'What? ’

Yu Hehuijing looked out the car window: ‘Paper snow, paper shell? ’

Sure enough, Yu Hehui couldn't see it.

Wei Xun ate another handful of purified magic honey sugar balls. In just half a minute, he had already consumed a hundred drops of purified magic honey. But the rapidly rising SAN value quickly fell rapidly.

Because of the indescribable terror, I stared at him from the car window.

It was a giant paper face.

At first, Wei Xun only thought it was an eye. After all, the eye was so huge that it occupied two adjacent car windows. Her dark pupils were split in half right in the middle, staring at him from the car window.

But Wei Xun soon discovered that this was not the case. He saw another eye outside the last window of the car. The vast expanse of white outside the window is actually a giant pale paper face.

The two eyes were slightly curved, as if they were smiling, looking at him with joy, as if they were friendly and kind.

But Wei Xun's SAN value was reset to zero!

The moment he returned to zero, he looked out the window again and saw the two giant paper eyes turning scarlet like bloodshot eyes. The smile in the eyes was still there, but they were filled with greed and covetousness, like a vulture looking at carrion and a hunter looking at its prey!

In a trance, the bus seemed to become transparent, and Wei Xun saw a giant paper man. Its upper body was lying on the minibus, its lower body was floating, and the pale white paper connected directly to the gray sky. The paper man's head drooped, his face pressed against the minibus, and he looked at Wei Xun from the outside with joy and greed.

It's like humans observing broiler chickens in a cage.

This giant paper man was prompted by the hotel in Wei Xun [You have obtained the complete team leader assessment tendency: 'Traditional funeral paper making'! ] Appeared after!

"Is it so exciting..."

Wei Xun lamented that it was too easy for him to collect golden boys and girls. It turned out that a difficult problem was waiting for him here.

No wonder the difficulty of the entire trip will increase after the tour guide chooses to lead the team for assessment.

It turns out there is such a big guy!

This was because Wei Xun had not confirmed the tendency, but as soon as he obtained it, this giant paper man appeared. The slowdown of minibuses is entirely due to it. Wei Xun's SAN value returned to zero again, and he saw the entire giant paper man through the bus.

The giant paper man was originally floating, but the sticky gray-white dirty paper pulp flowing from its body stuck like giant spider threads between the paper man and the minibus. It seemed to have limitations. It was not like the minibus yet. They are completely stuck together, but the paper pulp connects them, and it is it that slows down the minibus.

In fact, after the appearance of the giant paper man, the paper snow outside has long stopped falling. The paper shells outside the minibuses are actually all the condensation of sticky pulp!

At the moment when the giant paper man's eyes turned completely red, Wei Xun calmly ate a handful of purified magic honey jelly beans.

The SAN value returned to full, the giant paper man's eyes turned black, and the paper face returned to a happy and friendly smile.

I'm afraid that what you see after losing the SAN is the real thing, and what you see after the SAN value is full is false.

But in any case, Wei Xun has not chosen this assessment tendency. As long as he does not completely lose control, the giant paper man will not be able to take action.

After realizing this, Wei Xun's expression changed subtly.

With Yu Hehui frightened, Wei Xun left the SAN and returned to the SAN several times. The eyes of the giant paper man changed from red to black several times.


Wei Xun smiled.

"Cui, something is wrong."

The devil businessman spoke solemnly, and after the bus slowed down, he started to feel hairy on his back. It seemed like there was something extremely terrifying and indescribable outside the window. But when he looked out the window, he saw nothing but white.

The scariest thing is that the vast expanse of white is all part of the monster.

Maybe when the monster turns its head, they will see huge monster eyes that can fill the entire window of the minibus.

Western horror is different from Chinese horror. Many of them are bloody and huge horror monsters. The Devil Merchant has experience and is very good at figuring things out.

But he couldn't believe it.

No way, we haven't even arrived at the first scenic spot yet, how could we encounter such a monster? !

Is this the increased difficulty of the team leader assessment?

"Maybe we should join forces and use the guide flag."

When he said these words to Bing250, the devil merchant rarely felt guilty. He wasn't sure if Xiaocui also took the team leader assessment during this journey - probably not. After all, she had only gone through one journey and there was no need to be in such a hurry.

But the Devil Merchant conducted the team leader assessment at the moment he entered the journey.

The difficulty of this journey jumped from the first level of extremely dangerous to the third level of extremely dangerous, and he was definitely responsible for a large part of it.

Although Bing250 said it was okay just now, the devil merchant felt it. At that moment, she was filled with an aura of alienation. The uncontrolled alienation definitely came from the sudden drop in SAN value.

Although the devil merchant was not feeling well, he was still able to control himself and not reveal his alienation.

Sure enough, this level of journey was still too much for Xiaocui. What's more, he also made the journey more difficult.

The devil merchant shook his head, shaking away some guilt that somehow emerged in his heart.

"you're right."

Wei Xun replied absentmindedly and took out the tour guide flag. Secretly, he told Yu Hehui:

‘The moment we wave the flag, you take those two paper figures away. ’

Wei Xun was talking about the two paper figures made of scraps of paper on the empty seats.

‘The two of them are probably as strong as five-star super’

Yu Hehui reminded: 'They are very strong, they are the ultimate test for the passengers and tour guides on this car.'

These two paper figures sat silently in the empty seats of the minibus, completely invisible, but in fact, all passengers did not ignore them!

Obviously, these two paper figures will be their final test!

"It's time for the tour guides to take action."

Taoist Ban Ming was close enough to hear the conversation between Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant. Then he lowered his voice and said to Bai Xiaotian: "Secretly, give the paper money to the two paper men. Remember, you have to pay 'real money'."

There are two types of paper money hidden in minibuses. You can tell from the fine workmanship alone. One is 'fake money' hidden under the seats, and the other is hidden on the air-conditioning vent above each person's head. 'real money' after the word '福'!

Those two paper figures are obviously eager for money, which can be seen from their greedy eyes. But what they always focus on is the ‘fake money’ under the seat, which is misleading to passengers.

The confetti flying from the car window was also attracted by the 'fake money' under the car seat, which further deepened the misunderstanding.

Not everyone can be like Taoist Ban Ming. Because he is usually very unlucky, he is particularly sensitive to things like "the word "福" is missing a little bit" and "the character "福" is not reversed." Even if people from the West District learn Chinese, it is impossible for them to understand all aspects of Chinese culture.

"Those two idiots, hey, they're not completely stupid."

Taoist Ban Ming whispered: "Believe it or not, if you give them fake money, they will let you get off the bus. Even in the scenic spots behind, they will definitely come to find you in the middle of the night."

You can't get off the bus without paying. If you give the fake money, you can get off the car, but you will definitely be chased by the paper man behind.

Only by giving real money can you have no worries.

"Hey, special five-star paper figurines, what a good material. If I can get this material, I can definitely raise a pair of paper figurines that are similar to Mao Xiaole's original paper figurines!"

The half-life Taoist said regretfully: "Oh, what a pity, that fool Yu Xiangyang couldn't come in with me. I can't fuck the corpse. I can't beat this five-star paper man."

Of course, in addition to giving money, you can also beat these two paper figures to death. The special five-star paper figurine is definitely a good material and may be useful in the next attractions.

But now in the minibus, Zhou Xiyang, who is apparently the strongest, has a special four-star rating, one star less than the paper man. Those who come in deliberately hiding their strength cannot be so short-sighted as to unlock their strength just for the sake of a paper figure.

What's more, everyone in this car is not of the same mind, and they have to always guard the rear during a fight.

The half-lived Taoist can only look at the paper man and sigh.

'Did you hear that'

Yu Hehui said: "Even I can't deal with two special-level five-star paper figures at the same time."

'heard it'

Wei Xun took out the guide flag and walked forward with the devil merchant, Gao Gao and Yu Hehui whispered:

"It's great that you wait until Bai Xiaotian hands the paper money to the paper person before taking action. You can also use their money for free."

Yu Hehui:?

‘I promise, those two paper figures will not fight back at that time’

Wei Xun held a purified magic honey sugar ball in his mouth and controlled his SAN value to slowly decrease.

‘In this case, you can catch them’

The eyes of the giant paper man outside the window gradually turned red.

'If you're sure they won't fight back'

Yu Hehui's tone also became serious: "I can"

‘Okay, that’s settled’

Wei Xun's tone was brisk. He had discovered just now that when his SAN value returned to zero and the giant paper man's eyes turned red, the two paper men on the minibus were actually trembling, and they were so intimidated that they could not move at all. Dare to move!

It's a pity that this wave of paper people are not in vain.

"Be careful, that feeling is coming soon."

Holding the tour guide's flag in hand, the devil businessman walked to the car window first and looked out with a solemn expression.

Those who don’t know have nothing to fear. The devil businessman is standing in front of the giant paper man's right eye, and the giant black pupils are bigger than his head.

"Xiao Cui, you——"

The devil businessman was about to say, Xiaocui, stand next to me, but he saw Wei Xun walking to the end of the carriage with a bright red tour guide flag.

"In front of you, behind me."

Wei Xun sorted out the tour guide flags.

[Tour Guide Flag (Silver Level Zero Five-Star): The bright red tour guide flag allows tourists to quickly find their tour guide; experienced tour guides can lead tourists to scenic spots smoothly under any circumstances! 】

The second half of the sentence in the guide flag has changed. Now that the bus encounters obstacles, the guide flag is working.

Of course, the silver zero-level five-star tour guide flag, even if coupled with the higher-level devil merchant tour guide flag, the combined effect of the two would probably be a drop in the bucket.

Even though the passengers didn't put much hope in the tour guide flag, they were still trying to use their own strength to tear off the paper shells stuck to the outside of the bus.


Wei Xun heard Zhou Xiyang's happy voice. After the passengers tore off the thick paper shells, the minibus, which had been moving slower and slower, could move normally again.

What Wei Xun saw was that the adhesion between the giant paper man's face and the minibus was torn and broken, making the giant paper face uncontrollably want to float into the distance.

But the paper face moved away and Wei Xun could no longer be observed at close range. The giant paper man became angry.

Without the drag of the giant paper man, the minibus can naturally move forward normally.

Taking advantage of the time, many passengers went to pay the two paper figures. After passing the Wuzang Temple, we were supposed to walk ten minutes to Leigu Hutong. According to the original driving speed, we would arrive there very quickly.

Everyone could see that these two paper men loved paper money. Yun Lianghan was filled with tension and depression. The paper money under his car seat was at Bing250!

Without paper money, he might not be able to get off the bus!

"Hey, Yuntianhe, let's go get the paper money back."

He approached Yuntianhe, who also had Bing250's paper money. He must have regretted it now.

If the two of them join forces, they will definitely not be afraid of the assassin Bing250. Both of them have the surname Yun, which can be regarded as fate——

"I believe that Director Bing will protect me, just as a shepherd protects his lambs."

But Yun Tianhe was not anxious at all, with a peaceful and joyful face, and advised Yun Lianghan: "You have too much anger in your heart, and you attacked the distinguished tour guide just now. It is really disrespectful. You just need to sincerely ask for his forgiveness." , and he will protect you, just as he protects me.”

"Are you stupid?"

Yun Lianghan stared at him in disbelief: "Tour guide protects tourists? Protect me! Is there something wrong with your mind -"


Suddenly, the minibus trembled violently, making a tooth-piercing sound. The speed of the minibus suddenly slowed to an extreme, as if a giant's hands were holding the minibus! The violent vibration made all the passengers look solemn. They gritted their teeth, no one screamed, and they all remained calm.

But calmness does not mean the absence of fear! They saw that the entire window on the left side of the minibus had turned into papery white, and the minibus was tilting to the left!

Wei Xun could clearly see the sticky pulp flowing down the face of the paper man. Its entire giant face was trying to stick to the car window, and it even desperately tried to penetrate through the car window and get close to Wei Xun. At the same time, Wei Xun's SAN value returned to zero, and the giant paper man's eyes suddenly turned evil scarlet.

"It's now!"

In an instant, the devil businessman's body turned into a translucent ghost. He couldn't control the alienation! The moment the SAN value dropped sharply, he growled and thrust the tour guide flag out the window like a spear, but the next moment his expression suddenly changed!

The bright red tour guide flag was polluted into a paper-like gray in an instant, and the gray was still spreading upwards! But then, the gray suddenly retreated, and the devil merchant seemed to vaguely see a star of golden and red fire. He subconsciously looked towards the back of the carriage, where the firelight was coming from the direction of Wei Xun.

"Feel sorry."

At the same time as Yu Hehui took action, Wei Xun stabbed out the tour guide flag and stabbed the giant paper man in the eye!

Of course, the guide flag, which is lower than the Devil Merchant, cannot cause harm to the giant paper man, but when Wei Xun was sorting out the guide flag just now, he secretly tied something to the top of the guide flag.

What he tied to the top of the tour guide flag was the golden red phoenix feather that An Xuefeng gave him!

"I'm really sorry."

Wei Xun smiled and looked at Feather with an expression that seemed gentle and crazy: "But An Xuefeng said, he won't let you look at me."

The next moment, golden-red phoenix fire burst into flames in the pupils of the giant paper man!

Paper figures are most afraid of fire!

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