Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 158 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (3)

At this moment, in the minibus, Zhou Xiyang's attention was on the man following Bing 250.

It was strange. Zhou Xiyang noticed him when he stood in front of Bing 250 at the door. He wore a light blue cloak of the same color as Bing 250, and covered his face with a mask. He was dressed the same as Bing 250. He discovered the paper man hidden in the crack of the door faster. His strength was definitely not weak.

The one who could follow Bing 250 into the journey could not be his own tour guide puppet. There would be no place for a third tour guide in a two-guided journey.

But this person definitely had a close connection with Bing 250. In the eyes of the hostel, they were the same person, so they could come in.

It could be that he was a person transformed from an abyss creature collected by Bing 250, or it could be a spirit. He was one of Bing 250's trump cards.

Such an existence should be taken seriously by the passengers on the minibus. By testing Bing 250 indirectly by testing him, the effect achieved is definitely better than using the devil businessman to test Bing 250.

But the passengers on the entire minibus seemed to ignore the existence of that person. Even the Half-Life Taoist didn't even look at the person behind Bing 250 when he was talking to him.

Even Zhou Xiyang was the same. He was still thinking about who this person was before. But after watching Bing 250 pulling out the paper man for a while, he completely forgot the existence of that person. When he followed Bing 250 and walked past Zhou Xiyang's seat, the familiar and strange feeling made him suddenly notice it again.

Can be ignored, with a low sense of existence... best suited to be an assassin, or a pathfinder.

This made Zhou Xiyang stunned, and he thought of someone.

He subconsciously turned his head and followed the man's back, but saw him following Bing 250's pace and stopped at the seat behind Zhou Xiyang.

"Guide Bing, my chair is really uncomfortable."

"Please help me take a look."

Hearing this, Zhou Xiyang frowned. He was very familiar with this kind of rhetoric, which was specially used to guide the tour! After all, it was the duty of the tour guide. If he ignored such tourists, he might be lightly punished by the hotel.

The veteran tour guide would not care at all, because the points deducted from this penalty were harmless to them, just like a cow's hair.

But the new tour guides who were not experienced in the world and had little money were easily fooled!

"Really? Let me take a look."

Sure enough! Hearing what Bing 250 said, Zhou Xiyang frowned and snorted coldly: "I think the seat is very good. Is there anything that you are not satisfied with the minibus produced by the hotel?"

The driving tools produced by the hotel definitely have no miscellaneous problems. This person is deliberately looking for trouble to lead you over!

What he reminded was already very obvious, but——

"I also think your chair doesn't look very comfortable."

But Bing 250 said so!

The undercurrent in the minibus was turbulent, and everyone was looking at this side. The red-haired, green-eyed, bear-like Westerner no longer bothered with the devil merchant. He looked towards where Bing 250 was, with a fierce light flashing in his pupils.

He had learned Chinese to understand what they were talking about, so he could understand the superficial meaning, as well as the deep meaning.

If this man was going to kill Bing 250, shouldn't he have taken action in advance to avoid falling behind?

However, his keen intuition told him that there was something dangerous next to Bing 250.

Let the first fool who took action go and try.

"Hey, Bing 250 is really a guy who can cause bloody storms wherever he goes."

The Taoist of Half Life sighed. Now Bing 250 had walked to the middle of the minibus, while he was sitting in the front seat, and he had to turn his head back hard to see.

"A walking juicy beggar chicken, everyone wants to have a bite, Xiaotian, what do you think of my analogy?"

Bai Xiaotian was also looking over there, and said softly: "He picked a good time."

"Yeah, then so-and-so picked a good time."

The Half-Life Taoist said, holding a zombie arm, frantically slapping and tearing the paper scraps stuck to his body.

"It's not easy for us to leave our seats now."

The paper snow blowing in from the window was already very heavy, and it could completely cover half of a person's body in white in an instant, but the paper scraps fell relatively slowly in the position where there were people. The terrifying thing is that the paper scraps that fell on the empty seats actually accumulated and condensed at a very fast speed, and finally condensed into a paper man!

Not counting the driver and tour guide seat, the passenger seat of the minibus with twelve seats and ten passengers, the remaining two empty seats are now occupied by paper men!

The two paper men lowered their heads, but no one underestimated them. The hostel's test for tourists is much stricter than that for tour guides. Bing 250 and the devil businessman passed the test of dealing with a small paper man, but the test of tourists boarding the bus has not been passed yet!

If you leave your seat, the scraps of paper will quickly turn into paper men on their seats. What will happen if your seat is occupied by a paper man?

No one dares to risk their life on an extremely dangerous journey!

Even if Zhou Xiyang just turned back and shouted, no one could get off the seat to help Bing 250 at this time. So for Yun Lianghan, this is his best chance to kill!


Bai Xiaotian did not speak.

He meant that Bing 250 chose a good time.

No one can interfere with him at this time. What a good opportunity to establish authority.

Since you have your trump card with you, you don't want to hide it. People have to be clearly aware of how strong this trump card is in order to have enough deterrence.

Bing250’s back-up plan...

The devil merchant stared at the figure behind Bing250, his face dark, and no one could tell what he was thinking.

“Since the seat is uncomfortable.

Under the gaze of everyone, only Bing250 and Shandao were heard:

"Tear it down."

Dismantled it?


Are you crazy?

Yun Lianghan sneered, can you dismantle the hotel's transportation facilities whenever you want? Of course, you can dismantle it. The defensive power of this vehicle is based on the strength of the strongest person in the brigade. After all, the hotel encourages travelers to become stronger, and the strong always have privileges.

But if you are not strong enough, you can stay where you want to cool off.

Can't waste any more time.

Seeing that Bing 250 refused to come any closer, Yun Lianghan's eyes flashed with a ruthless light. The shadow hidden under the seat suddenly struck like a sharp arrow, and at some point it silently reached Bing 250. Behind him, the evil intention was to stab him in the back!

But the next moment, Yun Lianghan's expression suddenly changed!

"I really like working with people."

Wei Xun chuckled and sighed: "Especially when cooperating with the enemy."

At any rate, this shadow dared to attack from behind, and was caught by Yu Hehui who was guarding behind Wei Xun! He seemed to have just grabbed it lightly, but the shadow sword was showing signs of collapse, but Yun Lianghan couldn't care less about his own shadow. He lowered his head in confusion and found a snow-white hand piercing his chest. Holding his heart!


It's the sound of a heart being squeezed alive.

Yun Lianghan's breathing suddenly stopped, but his body turned into a strange shadow and flowed away. The next second, the shadows gathered in the back of the minibus, and Yun Lianghan reappeared from the shadows. But his face was pale, and a bloody hole opened in his chest. Even if there was a shadow blocking it, the blood could not stop flowing downward.

Hide your aura, reduce your presence, and kill with one hit. This is the top title in the assassination category!

He didn't feel anyone behind Bing250 at all just now! Sure enough, this is his trump card!

Yun Lianghan's face was gloomy and his brain was spinning rapidly. That man had the top title in the assassination category, which put him at a disadvantage. But once the assassin shows up, he cannot attack and kill, and the threat is greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that he doesn't feel that there is a big gap in strength between himself and his opponent. Yun Lianghan is a special two-star, so this assassin may be a special three-star or four-star.

This gap can kill him, but he has to pay a huge price! But for the Butcher Alliance, for the orders of Lord Yin-Yang Butterfly, Yun Lianghan was full of energy when he thought that the Lord might be watching through the live broadcast!

The most important thing is that he took action against Bing 250. This was a deadly feud. The other party would definitely fight to the death and kill him in the minibus before arriving at the scenic spot!

bring it on.

Yun Lianghan sneered in his heart, and the shadow quickly clung to his body, like a shadow armor.

He is not that easy to kill!

But Yun Lianghan did not wait for the assassination he imagined.

The ruthless assassin who had just crushed his heart was using his sharp claws under the command of Bing250——

Tear the seats raw.

"The way you asked your fellow travelers to leave just now was too rude."

Bing250 sighed.

"You're right, I was a little rough."

A hoarse, low female voice came from the assassin's mouth.

It seemed that they really didn't take Yun Lianghan's attack to heart. The assassin crushed the heart just to 'invite' the passengers to leave so that they could check the seats more easily.

Seeing how easily she could tear open the seat, the entire minibus, including the passengers and the devilish businessman, fell silent.

This is exactly what Wei Xun wants.

Whether he uses magic insects or demonic power, he has countless ways to check the seats from a distance. But since Wei Xun brought Yu Hehui with him, he planned to show Yu Hehui's trump card.

The previous neglect and hiding were all to make Yu Hehui more intimidating when he showed his hard power!

Would you be afraid of a strong man who can be seen, or would you be more afraid of a powerful assassin who has great hiding methods?

The whole place was silent except for the sound of paper snow falling.

Zhou Xiyang, who was sitting closest, could see it most clearly, but at the same time, his thinking direction was also a little strange.


Zhou Xiyang looked at Yu Hehui with a subtle expression, and then his eyes narrowed.

Because there was actually a piece of paper money hidden in the seat that was violently torn open!

When the assassin handed the paper money to Bing250, the two paper figures sitting in the empty seats turned their heads. The dark pupils on their pale paper faces stared straight at him, which was really weird and penetrating.

The passengers present were not stupid and understood everything in an instant.

Why do those two paper figures keep their heads down after they were born?

They are 'looking' at the paper money in the seats!


Zhou Xiyang also tore open his own seat. He is a special four-star. Not counting those with sealed abilities, he is the most powerful person in this brigade!

"Sure enough, there is paper money hidden."

After Zhou Xiyang took out the paper money, he found that there was a faint golden layer on the outer circle and the inner square of the funeral paper money, as if he was trying his best to imitate the real copper money, but it showed a false quality. After looking at it, to everyone's surprise, Zhou Xiyang handed the paper money to Bing250.

"Director C, here you go."

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