Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 160 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (5)

'ah--! ! ! ’

An extremely distorted and harsh roar exploded in the ears of the devil merchant and Wei Xun, accompanied by a noise like the sound of rustling paper, making people's brains buzz.

The giant paper man burning with golden red flames disappeared, and even the paper shell outside the minibus was burned away. The air was not only filled with the thick smoke of burnt paper, but also mixed with the smell of rancid meat being grilled. The smell of grease. The blackened burnt marks are still stuck to the outer wall of the car, like balls of burnt and carbonized grease, with dirty gray-white paper ash still stuck to them.

[Hey, you have offended Qianjiazhi and gained Qianjiazhi’s hostility! 】

[Hey, you hurt Qianjiazhi and gained Qianjiazhi’s appreciation! 】

Different hotel prompts sounded in the minds of the devil merchant and Wei Xun. The devil businessman who was still watching Wei Xun came back to his senses instantly, his face changed slightly, and Wei Xun was also startled.

This giant paper man was originally called Qianjia Paper, but why would he be ‘appreciated’ if he hurt it?

Is it related to the team leader’s assessment tendency, or is it related to the ultimate goal of Qianjia Paper?

As long as he deceives the devil merchant, it will be clear whether Qianjiazhi's "appreciation" is also obtained.

Wei Xun's mind was spinning rapidly. On the surface, he took back the tour guide flag with a smile. In front of the entire minibus passengers and the devil businessman, he breathed a sigh of relief and blew out the flames burning on the golden and red feathers.

"Sure enough, you have to use fire to deal with the paper figures."


The minibus made a lurch, and the body of the minibus, which had almost rolled over, slowly returned to its right position. During the process, the body of the minibus made a heart-breaking squeaking sound. The car was shaking violently, as if it would fall apart at any time.


The minibus came over and continued to move forward again.

There was silence in the minibus. No one could have imagined that these two C-level tour guides could actually resolve a crisis of this level!

And that golden-red flame——

"Thanks to you, I hurt the paper man's soul."

When everyone's eyes fell on Wei Xun, Wei Xun turned his head and looked at the devil merchant, and glanced thoughtfully at his tour guide flag that was stained gray and white by paper.

"Your flames are powerful too."

The devil merchant said calmly, nodded reservedly, and quietly put away the guide flag. The two tour guides ignored the different looks from the tourists and began to compliment each other.

Obviously, they are trying to establish their authority.

But no one interrupted them to establish their authority now, and the passengers were all shocked and disbelieving in their own way.

"Hey, Xiaotian, have you seen it?"

Taoist Ban Ming lowered his voice and said to Bai Xiaotian with rare excitement: "That flame, look at that flame, did I miss it? It seems to be phoenix fire?"

"Xiaotian, what did your paper man say?"

"It's Phoenix Fire."

Bai Xiaotian also rarely changed his expression. He lowered his head and wiped his eyes, and a small bulge appeared in the collar of his Taoist robe. Then a small paper man crawled out of the collar in shock and shed tears (paper scraps). Half of its body was slightly charred, as if it had been burned by flames.

"Sure enough, the paper man who can set you on fire from a distance is the Phoenix Fire!"

"It's incredible. This Bing 250 is indeed well prepared. Look at what he did when he got in the car before and look at it now. It's all fire and water. Cough cough cough cough cough."

Taoist Ban Ming spoke too quickly, and suddenly he had a heartbreaking cough. The cough made his face even paler, but he still couldn't hide his cheerful expression: "The paper man has to scold me when he sees it. He really doesn't have martial ethics." "

Bai Xiaotian tried to interrupt: "Deputy leader, let me tell you-"

"Don't interrupt, listen to me. Did you hear who Bing250 said just now?"

Taoist Ban Ming lowered his voice mysteriously: "An Xuefeng, he just said An Xuefeng! You see, that guy Zhou Xiyang is so stupid! Infinite Heavenly Lord, there are many people here who have fire and water skills, but they can kill him in one go All the paper outside was burned, and it’s definitely not a mortal thing. I guess he either has An Xuefeng’s phoenix feathers in his hand, or An Xuefeng found him Qi Lecheng’s golden crow feathers!”

"Deputy Corps——"

"No, no, no, the golden-red flames are definitely phoenix feathers. Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, he didn't have any means to activate the feathers, he just stabbed them out flatly. The flames were the protector of phoenix fire who automatically counterattacked! Xiaotian, You know what this means!"

The more excited he became, the lower his voice became. It was almost a whisper, and only the two of them could hear it.

"Phoenix Fire Protector, who dares to call himself An Xuefeng's master? A new tour guide can let the Dream Chaser and Shepherd Alliance work together to protect him. Is it just because he is the pioneer of the 30th North Latitude? A token of the journey to the 30th North Latitude?”

At the end of the sentence, Taoist Ban Ming only made a mouth gesture.

‘Connect Tour Guide’

This Bing250 is most likely An Xuefeng's contact tour guide!

Everyone knows that this team has never had a tour guide on the way back, not only openly but also privately. To be honest, the reason why people in the high-level elite circle feel that Homecoming is almost over is not only because Homecoming has not been able to add new people in the past few years, but also because there is no tour guide for this brigade!

Anyone who has been to the 30th parallel north latitude journey clearly understands how important a tour guide is to a brigade. Fortunately for middle- and lower-class travelers, the caravan traveling to the 30th parallel north must have a tour guide. Only the way back is an outlier!

The returning team members have not gone crazy so far, firstly because they are strong, and secondly because their brigade captain An Xuefeng is too strong and can bear some of the mental pollution. But An Xuefeng's current situation is deteriorating day by day, and this is a fact that they all secretly understand.

The Half-Life Taoists know better, because their zombie-controlling Maoshan sect is the rare tourist who doesn't need much help from a tour guide. It can even be said that the more mental pollution there is, the stronger the cooperation between him and Yu Xiangyang will be.

The price is that Yu Xiangyang has become less and less human in the past two years, and his appearance has become increasingly barbaric. And his half-life Taoist body is a bit weak, and he is usually quite unlucky.

But it is incredible that we will not be affected by mental pollution without the help of a tour guide! Taoist Ban Ming is a leader in the Corpse Control Stream, and the two teams of Huilu Xuanxue have a good relationship. He has occasionally heard An Xuefeng chatting with their Wan Team. Mao Xiaole, who had been returning home a few years ago, communicated with him frequently because he wanted to learn his method of controlling corpses.

They all want their passengers to take other wild paths to eliminate the influence of mental pollution. Taoist Ban Ming had guessed at that time that it was probably true that An Xuefeng could not contact the tour guide.

If the brigade leader cannot contact the tour guide, it will be impossible for the entire brigade to contact the tour guide.

But looking at it now...

"Captain An, he is so cruel."

Taoist Ban Ming sighed, looking at Zhou Xiyang who looked confused and even a little overwhelmed, with a hint of sympathy in his tone.

Things are getting serious.

If Bing250 is really An Xuefeng's tour guide, then it is very likely that he will be the only life-saving straw on the way home in the past ten years!

Darling, how could An Xuefeng be willing to let such a precious baby go on this extremely dangerous journey?

Those who sneaked in with the power of sealing and wanted to kill Bing 250 and seize the treasure were probably either because the forces behind them were not too afraid of returning, or they were in the Western District far away from the Emperor. If you kill Bing250 now, you will not only get the token of 30 degrees north latitude, but you will also kill the most likely only tour guide on the way home!

"Zhou Xiyang is going crazy."

Taoist Ban Ming sighed.

He had to risk his life to protect Bing250!

But the situation is not that bad. Not many people know that An Xuefeng has the beast form of a phoenix. Even if they hear Bing250 say "An Xuefeng", they may not necessarily guess in which direction. After all, Dream Chasers and the others had promised to guarantee C250 before.

"Let's go back. If we can't help it, we have to help take a look."

Taoist Ban Ming patted Bai Xiaotian on the shoulder: "This paper man of yours has the same origin as Mao Xiaole's paper man. You can be regarded as the cub of his paper man. You have also inherited his kindness and have to repay it."

Mao Xiaole didn't come to communicate for nothing. He was good at controlling paper, so he temporarily left one of his natal paper figures in the metaphysics brigade for others to observe. As a result, when he finally left, although Taoist Ban Ming taught him without reservation, Mao Xiaole was suspicious and unruly by nature and refused to trust others absolutely. If he could not raise a zombie with a similar mind, he would not be able to learn the essence of controlling corpses from Taoist Ban Ming.

But his paper figures were figured out by many Taoist priests of metaphysics.

An Xuefeng and Mao Xiaole didn't pay attention, saying that this was his destiny, but Xuanxue Laoshan and the others had learned Mao Xiaole's core paper manipulative skills, so they always felt a little shortchanged.

This time, a suspected tour guide came in, and they might be able to protect him.

"Deputy commander, are you sure he needs our protection?"

Bai Xiaotian spoke calmly and questioned: "He must have protected us just now."

"I suspect you are trying to argue with me."

Banming Dao said angrily: "He is still weaker in terms of strength... Ahem, I'm too lazy to argue with you. By the way, what did you want to say just now? Have you handed over the paper money?"

Bai Xiaotian wanted to interrupt him several times just now, he must have something to say.

"Hand it over."

Bai Xiaotian said: "It's real money."

Taoist Ban Ming said cautiously: "No surprise?"

"No surprise."

"That's good, no wonder I can't feel the bad luck on my body."

Taoist Ban Ming said happily, then wondered: "Then what do you want to say?"

"Just now, Bing 250 and the devil merchant were driving away the paper monsters with the guide flag. The assassin led by Bing 250 captured the two paper monsters."

Bai Xiaotian said expressionlessly: "With the paper money we just handed over."



The half-life Taoist trembled and broke off the fingers of the zombie's arm in his hand.

"Bing 250... No wonder it is an existence that Master Yin Yang Die attaches great importance to."

When Taoist Ban Ming and Bai Xiaotian were whispering, Yun Lianghan was also frightened, but not because the Bing250 flames destroyed the outer paper shell.

He saw the assassin taking the opportunity to capture two special five-star paper figures!

The assassin's movements were as easy as lifting a rabbit's ears, and he immediately carried away two special five-star paper figures!

Although Yun Lianghan saw that the two paper figures were in a strange state and did not resist at all, this also showed that either the assassin had done something wrong, or he realized that the special five-star paper figures were strange, so he took action at the right time.

And just now, this assassin just killed 'him' once. This assassin had really killed Yun Lianghan, and he was even more impressed by it.


A chill ran down Yun Lianghan's back, and he later felt apprehensive and fearful.

This assassin's strength is far more terrifying than he imagined!

In fact, before setting off, Yun Lianghan felt that his ability was not bad during this journey. Although it appears to be a special two-star, in fact it is deliberately stuck on the side and is only a few points away from reaching a special three-star.

Moreover, his title is special, it is a complete set of matching titles, and when used together, it is even comparable to the golden title. Yun Lianghan has also assassinated high-level tourists and tour guides. He even killed a special five-star tourist at the cost of serious injury to himself!

So he thought that assassinating Bing250 was a very simple matter.

Even just now Yun Lianghan was thinking that with his own strength, there would be no problem in being a lone wolf in this brigade waiting for opportunities.

But now, Yun Lianghan has a sense of crisis.

Yuntianhe is his best choice.

"Yun Tianhe, let's cooperate."

Yun Lianghan whispered seriously: "I don't want to go to the West District people, and you don't have an organization. Only by forming a temporary alliance can we survive the journey better..."

"You also think our tour guide in the East District is more powerful!"

Yun Lianghan:? Which of my words meant this?

Yun Tianhe's cheeks were red and his eyes were sparkling. He looked at Wei Xun with admiration and babbled in an excited tone that sounded very fanatical:

"Tour guides are all great shepherds. We should respect the tour guides equally, but we are from the East District after all. Sure enough, I still prefer our tour guides from the East District. Lord, I hope you can forgive me."

He prayed for a while, and Yun Lianghan couldn't bear to listen for a while, but he was so disgusted.

What kind of tour guide will protect us, just like a shepherd protecting a lamb? Even a tour guide who seems to be of low rank is really powerful and should never be looked down upon.

What guide will ultimately protect us. For example, God blesses his people, so we should also devote everything we have to our tour guides just like we believe in gods.

Yun Tianhe is a crazy person.

Yun Lianghan was convinced, he simply didn't understand Yun Tianhe's brain circuit! This person obviously saw the assassins taking away the two paper figures. Yun Lianghan thought that the tour guide was showing power to them, but Yun Tianhe thought that it was because they handed over the paper money to the tour guide, so the tour guide was protecting them!

See, without paper money, you can't buy the paper man, and you can't get off the bus.

The great tour guide grabbed the paper man directly and allowed all the passengers on the bus to get off safely!

What reason do tourists have not to be grateful to their tour guides?

"I have long heard that the travelers raised by the Shepherd Alliance are different."

Yun Lianghan heard someone whispering next to him.

"My old swan, he is really good at finding sugar in the behavior of tour guides towards tourists."

Yun Lianghan glared at him angrily, and the silver-gray haired boy made a face at him. Yun Lianghan felt the gazes of others, and beside him, Yun Tianhe was still praising the tour guide. He wasn't embarrassed, but Yun Lianghan's face was burning, and a mixture of frustration and anger filled his heart.

Forget it, don’t cooperate! Yun Lianghan calmly walked aside, wanting to stay away from Yun Tianhe and draw a clear line between him and this person.

"I think you are right. One person is weak and we should consider forming a temporary alliance."

But Yun Tianhe's words made Yun Lianghan look back.

Yes, cooperation is necessary. After all, he and Yuntianhe are both single-person households, and there is a high possibility that they will be arranged to live together when staying.

No matter if they form an alliance early, Yun Lianghan doesn't plan to take action against Bing250 until he finds out the assassin's true strength, and there isn't much conflict between him and Yun Tianhe.


Yun Lianghan still felt that it was a bit embarrassing to stand with Yun Tianhe, so he only replied with the word "hmm" reservedly. After all, Yuntianhe is a special three-star, and passengers who can open the seats by themselves with props will definitely not lose money by cooperating with him.

But the next second, Yun Lianghan regretted it.

"You think so too, right? Our i Cui guide team should take the initiative to protect the interests of tour guides!"

What, what, i Cui Guidance Group?

Yun Lianghan was at a loss, and then he heard Yun Tianhe say seriously:

"The first thing we have to do is to get Director C's paper money back."

The paper money in the passengers' hands should finally be handed over to the two special five-star paper men.

Bing250's men captured the two special paper figures.

Therefore, the paper money in the passenger's hand should be handed over to Bing250.

I haven’t handed over to these people because I haven’t thought of it yet. Their i Cui Guidance Team has the responsibility to remind them and help Bing250 recover the paper money.

"I wonder when I will be qualified to call him Director Cui."

Yun Tianhe was full of expectations, he said, crossing himself on his chest.

"Green Gate."

When Yun Lianghan struggled to straighten out Yun Tianhe's thoughts, he felt bad.

Lord Yin Yang Butterfly, you are right.

After being disbelieving and irritable, Yun Lianghan felt a little depressed.

This journey is indeed difficult.

"This additional feature is nice."

Over there, after confirming that Yu and Hui had successfully captured the two paper figures, Wei Xun stood next to the devil merchant, and the two of them glanced at each other's brooches.

The additional function on the Devil Merchant Tour Guide's brooch is 'foreign visitor'.

[Tour Guide Brooch (Silver Level 3, Four Stars): Additional Function "Foreign Guest\

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