Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 152 Clay Figurine Zhang【11】

"Ah sneeze!"

The big golden-red bird suddenly sneezed and sprayed out a small ball of sparks, which was burning on the clay figurine Zhang's head.

"Hey Captain An! Be gentle, don't burn my head open!"

The earth-green little mud turtle screamed, and the snake wrapped around its body hurriedly sprayed out water jets, extinguishing the flames, but the top of the little mud turtle's head was still burnt.

They are no longer in the Abyss Bell node, but at the station on their way back.

Previously, the clay figurine Zhang entered the clay sculpture state to resist the pollution of the crazy sun, but at the same time it was equivalent to self-sealing and unable to move. There are only two ways to leave the Abyss Bell.

Either he could break the seal with the help of the Dream Chaser, break away from the clay state and return to the human body, but the pollution of the crazy sun in the Abyss Bell is too terrifying, and both he and the Dream Chaser are likely to be contaminated.

Either there is external help to move his entire clay sculpture out of the Abyss Bell. Go to a relatively safe and stable place outside, and then gradually adjust and unblock.

With An Xuefeng's help, they don't have to take risks.

Of course, the normal clay figurines and clay sculptures can move. For example, the little clay turtle can crawl all over the ground now that it is out of its sealed state. He lamented that his head was burned black, and then became worried about An Xuefeng:

"Hey, Captain An, your mental state is not very good, you can't even control the flames? This shouldn't be the case."

"Your team doesn't have a tour guide yet, right?"

"There is no tour guide."

The fire bird said coldly, and it spit out another mouthful of flame, but it was light golden, and landed on the top of the little mud turtle's head, filling up the place that was so black that it was cracked.

"When I look at your flames, they are very hot. Just burn them for me."

Clay figurine Zhang clicked his tongue: "It's really impossible without a tour guide, but if you're like this now, I'm afraid you won't be able to find a solution. Hey, if you want to get married, we hope that the brigade and Dream Chasing can help you. "

"Dreamers can't solve it."

Firebird said impatiently: "I haven't seen you for ten years, why do you still talk so much? Hurry up, I'm very annoying."

"I haven't spoken for ten years, so of course I have to say everything."

Clay figurine Zhang Le chuckled, and the shadow of a man appeared above the little clay turtle's head. His hair was messy and his face was covered with stubble. He looked downtrodden, but his eyes were dark and bright, like two stars.

An Xuefeng spit out another mouthful of flames, and the burning man's shadow became blurry. It was obvious that this was painful torture. But while the clay figurine's face was distorted, he burst into laughter: "The harder you try, the bigger the fire will be! An Xuefeng, your fire is not as good as the sun fire of the man who wants to kill you. Don't you know how to use force? - WTF groove!"

The raging flames burst out and engulfed his entire shadow. The little mud turtle under the shadow was immediately burned with cracks all over his body. The shadow in the flames suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared and was brutally burned by the flames, he yelled: "An Xuefeng, are you an animal?!"

"Don't you think it's not hot enough?"

An Xuefeng sneered and sucked back some of the flames, making the illusory figure feel better: "Is it comparable to the sun fire of the life-haunting man?"

"It's even better, damn it, you were so calm-tempered when you were young, why are you so violent now, and you can't even get excited?"

The clay figurine Zhang said speechlessly. His shadow sat cross-legged in the flames, looked at An Xuefeng, and shook his head: "A tourist who hasn't had a tour guide for ten years... It's really scary, tut. I'll talk to Zhui Meng later, If he ignores me for a long time, I will become like you."

An Xuefeng was too lazy to pay attention to him. The clay figurine Zhang was talking to himself with great enthusiasm, and finally urged: "If the fire is bigger, if you burn it like this, I won't be able to make a puppet in two days."

"You can undo the clay sculpture state, nurse it back to health and you can make a puppet in no time."

"No, if I break out of my clay sculpture state, I'm afraid I'll be raped by the hotel soon."

Clay figurine Zhang Youyou said: "I feel the deep hostility of some of the people in charge towards me. Really, if I were to unblock now, I might be assigned a journey immediately."

"One of the principals on duty now is..."

An Xuefeng said lightly.

"...? I have no impression. The new person in charge in these ten years?"

Clay figurine Zhang frowned and said doubtfully: "I shouldn't have any grudge against him, but looking at him like that, it seems like I killed his mother."

"...I want to seize the Dream Chaser's carrier at 30 degrees north latitude."

An Xuefeng said, passing by the fact that he broke off his hand, he said naturally: "I snatched it back, but it seems that he still doesn't want to give up."

"Is that so? I thought you had offended someone in charge, and he picked on me."

Clay figurine Zhang didn't believe it, but he still believed it. He sighed and said: "It's hard to live alone. It's not easy to pursue dreams these years. Even with your help, he will definitely be targeted everywhere. Hey, I disbanded Hope at that time, but actually I just want Zhui Meng to defect to you. If Zhui Meng can get into your team, at least he won’t have to worry about food and drink before you die.”

An Xuefeng chuckled and said, "Come on, you said this to Wan Anqian, Ji Feihong, Le Tianren, Chen Chaoping and others, but you told me last, and you pretended that I didn't know?"

"Who told you to be the leader at that time? Aren't I afraid?"

The clay figurine Zhang sighed helplessly: "You are that kind of person again... When things are done, everyone will be liberated together. If things are not done, you will bear everything. Tell me, can I trust you to pursue my dreams?"

"Only smart people like Wan Anpong and others who are rational and can survive can live longer. I didn't expect... tsk."

Unexpectedly, almost all the old friends from back then are dead now. The Feihong Brigade is still there, but Ji Feihong is gone. The next few were just like him, with all their brigade and people gone. Not counting him, the only brigade captains back then were An Xuefeng and Wan Anpian.

"They are not smart people, they are all fools."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "They could have survived."

"Yeah, if I wasn't a big fool, how could I be inspired by you?"

The clay figurine Zhang said with a bit of a sour tone: "You don't know, when Zhui Meng mentioned you, I was so enthusiastic and expectant. Hey, I just want to recognize you as a leader and jump to your place to be a tour guide!"

* *

"Did An Xuefeng force you to do something beyond the scope of normal interactions?!"

The dream chaser couldn't believe it, and his tone increased: "No wonder, no wonder I think his mental state is better, so he vented it all on you?"

"The word vent is not the right word."

Wei Xun coughed lightly and explained: "At most, it's mutual. After all..."

After all, I was quite happy and wanted to have more.

"He got you hooked!"

The dream chaser was shocked and raised his voice, confirming again: "* * * and An Xuefeng, are they all treating you..."

"It's just normal relief and release."

"No, this is not a normal relief and release!"

Dream Chaser looked very excited, but Wei Xun felt that Dream Chaser, Yu Hehui, and the others opened their mouths to relieve themselves and kept silent about their release. Could he still understand the wrong meaning?

Wei Xun understood relief and release in its normal literal meaning. He was even thinking about whether it would be better if there was real physical contact and mental relief.

Anyway, you are here, try as many as you can.

But according to the reaction of Dream Chaser...

"Did I understand it wrong?"

Wei Xun frowned: "Isn't that what An Xuefeng means?"

The previous possessiveness and love came out of danger, and Wei Xun didn't care about emotional issues. But the release of the mental illusion relieved him. He was really happy. It was exciting enough. Wei Xun was too weak before. This was the first time he had tasted marrow. It was addictive enough. He didn't mind having a deeper relationship with An Xuefeng. A more satisfying relationship.

But according to the normal thinking of tourist guides, connection seems to be just a matter of cleaning up mental garbage?

It turns out that they are not bed partners, but just each other's cleaners.

Wei Xun clicked his tongue, his tone slightly regretful.

He is too busy and has no time to do more in this area. If the physical and mental problems can be dealt with together, that would be the most efficient in his opinion.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

I misunderstood... That's not what An Xuefeng meant...

Hearing the regret in Bing250's tone, Dream Chaser's whole body went numb.

This is really addictive!

Even if the newbie Bing250 doesn't understand this kind of thing, An Xuefeng should understand it!

But considering that An Xuefeng's mental state was so bad before, it is possible that he would lose control and do some irreparable things.

Furthermore, the strength gap between Bing250 and An Xuefeng lies here. He can enter An Xuefeng's mental illusion, find An Xuefeng's deeply hidden spiritual problems, solve them and comfort them, and maybe An Xuefeng can use them to solve them. some special means.

For example, through the connection on the other side, the degree of closeness and compatibility between the two people can be improved, so that Bing250 can connect with him...


The dream chaser took a breath. He thought of An Xuefeng's previous contact and said he wanted to help Clay Figurine Zhang. In fact, you are not just here to help clay figurine Zhang, but you are also here to see Bing250!

An Xuefeng is definitely awake now. Based on Dream Chaser's understanding of An Xuefeng, if An Xuefeng really did something irreparable and wrong when he lost control of his mind, he would definitely come in person. I very solemnly apologize to Bing250 and provide compensation.

But now An Xuefeng has turned into a firebird, and the dream chasers can hear it chirping at Bing250! However, Bing250 obviously didn't know that this firebird was An Xuefeng!

Hide your identity properly and observe secretly.

An Xuefeng, what does this mean?

He feels guilty!

Could it be that he just wanted to make mistakes and continue like this?

This is a deception tour guide!

The more Dream Chaser thought about it, the harder his fist became.

If Bing250 hadn't mentioned this to him today, I'm afraid this matter would have continued like this? After all these years, Dream Chaser still believed in An Xuefeng's character. He felt that this matter must be discussed with An Xuefeng.

After all, Bing250 was the planner of this rescue plan, and both he and the clay figurine Zhang owed a huge debt of gratitude. Even though An Xuefeng was also his good friend and it was his first time to find a tour guide in so many years, Dream Chaser couldn't continue to be so addicted to Bing250.

What's more, there are Yu and Hui caught in the middle, alas!

“Things like mental relief are very addictive.”

The dream chaser calmed down and Tong Wei Xun said: "The more times you do it in a short period of time, the easier it is to become addicted."

Fortunately, Bing250 is going on a journey soon. If he comes back after half a month, his addiction symptoms will be alleviated. But before leaving for the journey, he must never let An Xuefeng out of each other's arms, otherwise it would be difficult to quit!

"What are you going to do with them?"

The dream chaser changed the subject. He knew that even the most rational tour guide would find it difficult to control himself after becoming addicted. In addition, An Xuefeng was too strong, so maybe with a little provocation, Bing250 could enter his mental fantasy.

There is no point in talking about this. The best way is to keep Bing250 busy. There were only five days left before his next journey, and he was so busy that he had no time to think about these things.

The dream chaser was asking about the butcher guides who were taken into the red stone abyss node by Wei Xun. At this moment, they were not far in front of the two of them, but Wei Xun was the master of the abyss node, and the Dream Chaser was too strong, so the butcher guides could not detect them.

Wei Xun said: "Send him back to the Butcher Alliance."

"Okay, I'll help you throw them back."

The dream chaser also roughly guessed that Bing 250 was related to the life-haunting people, so he was not surprised that he decided to let these butcher tour guides go.

In fact, last night, if Bing250 hadn't activated the Abyss Node, allowing the Yin-Yang Butterfly to take in all these butcher guides, I'm afraid they would have all been crushed to death by the aftermath of the Dream Chaser battle.

Since they didn't stop Yin Yang Butterfly from taking over the butcher tour guide at that time, Dream Chaser gave Bing 250 face and would not attack them again now. Instead, he took the initiative and said:

"The psychic is still in the hands of the puppet master. I'll get him back later."

"Thank you very much."

Wei Xun smiled and changed the subject from Shan Ruliu:

"What do you think of my mutual aid club, Chasing Dreams?"

"If we only use items related to Thirty Degrees North Latitude, it will not be traced back to the tokens and will not have much impact on the pioneers."

The dream chaser frowned: "But it's still too risky. If a strong person recognizes it, he will most likely rob it. After all, from every item related to Thirty Degrees North Latitude, you can get information related to the journey. Know yourself and know your enemy. , fight a hundred battles without danger."

"And what you have in your hands is an item related to the latest journey to 30 degrees north latitude. This is the goal coveted by countless people."

Dream Chaser shook his head: "But if you really want to accommodate existences of the Black Widow and myself, you can only build an organization with objects related to Thirty Degrees North Latitude as the core items."

"Yu Hehui said that with the restrictions from the West District to the East District, he can stop the Black Widow's prying eyes."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "Plus Chaimeng you, I'm not worried."

"Together with Yu and Hui, it is indeed more than enough to prevent Black Widow from peeking into the core."

Dream Chaser pondered: "But it would be best if your core could hide itself, let me think about it."

Dream Chaser originally wanted to recruit clay figures Zhang and An Xuefeng to help Bing250.

But now he has directly discarded An Xuefeng's option. The single clay figurine Zhang cannot be separated from the clay sculpture and will not have much effect.


After the dreamer thought for a moment, he took out a small crystal bottle the size of a medicine bottle.

It contained a third of a bottle of gray sand.

"This is the spiritual pollution of Death Sahara. It has been solidified by me and can be regarded as an item related to Death Sahara."

He handed the crystal bottle to Wei Xun: "When you submit the core object, pick a few and submit them together. It can confuse the breath of your core object."

"Even if Black Widow senses that the core object is an object at 30 degrees north latitude, she will only think it is me."

The dream chaser smiled and said: "The Sahara of Death has been open for many years, and they all know roughly what the spiritual pollution there is, so their curiosity will not be too great."

Like the crazy sun of the Inca Sun Gate, it is about singing and worshiping, while the black sand of the Sahara of Death is about the strange silence and spiritual stagnation.

Everyone knows more or less about these journeys to the 30th North Latitude. In the final analysis, the tomb of the Tusi King in Wei Xun's hands is a journey to the New Thirty Degrees of New North Latitude that has not yet been completely formed and is full of mystery. Everyone wants to know what kind of mental pollution there is.

Wei Xun asked: "Won't this affect you?"

"No, this is just some mental pollution during the journey, and it is not a token."

The dream chaser said: "Look, there are so many pollutions from the crazy sun in the Abyss Clock node. Whether they are wiped out or collected and subdued, they have no effect on the life-haunting people."

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully. The ray of sunlight he had used to pull off the back of the medium's neck with a human leather glove was exactly what the dreamer was talking about.

"If you can, find a few more of them. They are both traveling at 30 degrees north latitude, so their auras will infiltrate and interfere with each other."

The dream chaser suggested: "As the founder of the mutual aid association, the items related to you occupy an absolute core position and will not be affected by other things."

Wei Xun planned to use the human skin maggot shed, and the human skin right hand glove as the core object. It is an item related to the Tusi King's Tomb, and the contamination of the Tusi King's Tomb may be related to 'sloughing'.

It’s just that this journey has not yet been developed, and it is not yet in its final state.

As for what Dream Chaser said about finding more items... Not to mention, Wei Xun really has quite a few on hand at the moment.

Items related to the tomb of the Tusi King include a human leather right glove.

The item related to the Dead Sahara is the gray sand just given by the dreamer.

The entire Abyss Clock node is full of items related to the Inca Sun Gate. Just grab a ray of crazy sunshine.

Even the crow badge took over the 'water' that fell from An Xuefeng's book, which should be considered related to the fall of Daxi Continent.

There are only seven journeys to 30 degrees north latitude in total. Looking at it this way, Wei Xun has already obtained more than half of the related items!

Wei Xun extended the invitation: "Chai Meng, don't you want to be the vice president?"

"It's enough for me to be the judge."

Dream Chaser smiled apologetically: "You know, even if hope is gone, I will always be the vice president of the Hope Association."

The Clay Man Zhang led the Hope Brigade, and the Dream Chasers formed the Hope Alliance. These two organizations almost broke out in the war ten years ago and were called the Hope Association.

But in the end, the whole army was wiped out and they died for hope.

Dream Chaser joked: "But you can leave me the codename Hope."


Wei Xun and Dream Chaser looked at each other. Even though they were both wearing masks, they could still feel that they were looking at each other and smiling.

In fact, this is just the first meeting, and they are not comrades who live and die together, so how much trust and tacit understanding can there be?

A good atmosphere comes from understanding each other and taking the initiative to be polite.

Dream Chaser knew that Bing 250 was suspicious, and this was what Yu Hehui reminded him. So the dream chasers set all the places for meeting and communication in the abyss node of Bing250, precisely because Bing250 is the owner of the abyss node and he is safest here.

And Bing250's invitation to become the vice-president was just polite. The vice-president has power second only to the president, and there is Dream Chaser's Gray Sand in the core, so Bing250 must not be worried.

It is better to take a step back and go further.

* *

"With the human leather right hand glove, the crazy sun's rays, and the dying gray sand as the core objects."

The dream chaser sent away the butcher guides in the abyss node, and the clay figurine Zhang is no longer here. Only Wei Xun and Yu Hehui were left in the station.

Under the gaze of Yu Hehui, Wei Xun was filling out an illusory application form in front of him.

When he put the human leather gloves wrapped in the crazy sun's rays and the gray sand on the application form, these items were automatically integrated into the form and became the pattern behind the [Core Object] column.

Taking the outer outline of the central figure as the core, the left and right are lines drawn toward the sun and quadrilaterals representing grains of sand. They are the same size, regardless of front or rear.

"Using the Ancient Kingdom's Destruction Witness (emblem), Invisibility Cloak, Responsibility Demonic Insect, Red Stone Abyss Node, Gambler's Dice, Fanatic's Knife, and Yu Hehui's Inner Alchemy as auxiliary items."

Wei Xun then placed the seven items on the table one after another.

Unlike core objects that cannot be changed once they become the core of an organization, auxiliary objects can also build certain rules for the organization, but they only leave a mark on the application form and can be added later.

Because of this, Wei Xun listed the badge as an auxiliary item that might have the aura of sinking Daxizhou.

After all, the core items are handed over, and if you want to withdraw, you will have to disband the organization. However, handing it in as an auxiliary item will not affect Wei Xun's future use.

As for using the two exclusive items, the Fanatic's Knife and the Gambler's Dice, as auxiliary items, Wei Xun had thought carefully about it. The most important point is that the auxiliary items leave a breath mark on the application form and are not easily destroyed.

Even if it is destroyed, Wei Xun can be recast according to this brand if he is strong enough.

Of course, if these two items are destroyed, the rules of the mutual aid association will also be shaken accordingly. But they are the lowest level among auxiliary objects and have little impact.

After handing it in, the pattern behind the [auxiliary items] column changed. The abstract wave and the fluttering black bird are the core, with a looming cloak behind it. In the middle of the waves and the blackbird, a circle represents the Insect of Responsibility, while beneath the waves is a fox head and crossed dice and knives.

At the top of all the patterns is a crack representing the abyss.

The hierarchical status of different items can be seen from their position in the pattern. What surprised Wei Xun was that the status of the Responsible Demonic Insect was actually very high, almost comparable to the water waves that represented the sinking of Daxi Continent.

Although it may be because the aura attached to the badge is too little and imperfect. But even so, the status of the Responsible Demonic Insect is extremely high.


[After review, your organization can reach 30 degrees north latitude]

The thirty-degree north latitude level is the highest level that can accommodate the top people.

"The name of the organization is 'Mutual Aid Association'"

When the organization name and level were confirmed, ripples like ocean waves appeared on the application form. Wei Xun saw a gilded pattern appear behind the 'Mutual Aid Association', but the drawn human figure, sun, sand piles and wave patterns came together, but they blurred and dissipated, and finally turned into a bird with broken wings. Butterfly.

It is the symbol of Horror Global Hotel, Maria Butterfly.

This is what the dream chaser said. Will a variety of thirty-degree north latitude items be confused with the presence of the core object?

Wei Xun saw something more from it.

After the items from the trip to Thirty Degrees North Latitude were gathered together, it turned out to be the logo of the hotel!

No, if we just look at the butterfly species, does the Maria Abyss Morpho represent the hotel or the abyss?

It was said before that the journey to 30 degrees north latitude was the only way out of the hotel, and it was also said that only the journey to 30 degrees north latitude was the way back. But the behavior of the objects gathered at 30 degrees north latitude is terrifying to think about.

Could it be that the hotel, or the abyss, is where everyone returns?

Wei Xun did not continue to guess. It was meaningless to just guess. Even if Wei Xun guessed the essence of the hotel, it would be of no use to him now, because his level of strength is not here.

The pioneers definitely know more about the journey to the 30th North Latitude. For example, An Xuefeng, who pioneered two journeys, should have the deepest understanding.

“I’m going to check out a few other trips in the future.”

Wei Xun said to himself that the butterfly on the sign was incomplete, and he still lacked three items for the seven thirty-degree north latitude journey.

If we have these three things, can we complete the butterfly?

Or is it that even with these three things, it cannot be completed? The seven thirty-degree north latitude journey is not all, and there are still undiscovered journeys?

His chest felt slightly hot, and the place where the butterfly tattoo was located shivered as if in response. Wei Xun thoughtfully touched his chest.

So what kind of journey does the Maria butterfly fragment in his hand represent?

"The mutual aid association shall have a president, a vice-president, three adjudicators, seven knights, and thirty-six councilors."

Wei Xun clicked on the table and suddenly smiled: "Dream Chaser is the judge. Yu Hehui is the knight. Bing250 is the vice president."

"Wei Xun is the chairman of the meeting."

As he spoke, various names gradually appeared in the 'Organization Members' column on the facial list. I struggled with the names of the president and vice-president for a while, but finally passed successfully.

"It sure works."

Wei Xun smiled, and Yu Hehui next to him also breathed a sigh of relief and sighed with a smile: "I didn't expect it to work really well."

If it were a group or forum group, Wei Xun would definitely not be able to succeed if he did this. But now the Mutual Aid Association is an organization built on his core. Wei Xun can set various rules without violating the basic premise of the hotel.

Of course, it must also comply with the rules for core items and auxiliary items.

For example, Wei Xun can set the identities of tourists and tour guides, respectively, as members of the mutual aid association, because Wei Xun uses the Madman's Knife and the Gambler's Dice, two exclusive weapons representing tourists and tour guides, as auxiliary objects, and Wei Xun is By switching names and identities, the hotel recognized his dual identities.

So this rule works.

But if he doesn't use Yu Hehui's broken inner elixir as an auxiliary, then Yu Hehui cannot join the mutual aid association.

Because Yu Hehui is a resurrected person, he cannot be counted among tourists and tour guides.

In the same way, Wei Xun was able to set the rule that "within the mutual aid association, members are all addressed by code names and their true identities are not revealed" because the auxiliary items include a legendary invisibility cloak.

As for code names, of course members cannot be allowed to randomly mix them up, as this looks too inconsistent. Regarding the code name, people and non-people around Wei Xun actively put forward their opinions. Yu Hehui suggested that the Tarot card name could be used as the code name, which would look more fashionable, but Wei Xun rejected it.

After all, there are too few Tarot cards. Although there may only be a dozen or a few people in his association now, Wei Xun must plan in advance for a future full of talents.

Xiao Cui Qiqi Ai Ai suggested that the insect names could be used. Things like magic spiders, magic ants, worms, etc., sound nice, and are very abyss-like and powerful.

But Wei Xun also rejected it. His mutual aid association wanted both tour guides and tourists to earn money. It was not good if it was too abysmal.

Demon Mosquito Xiaojin was smart and flattered him directly: "Master must have already thought about it!"

"That's right."

Wei Xun looked at Yu Hehui with a smile: "Do you still remember what I told you before? It is our duty to rebuild the glory of the Alliance of Hope."

Thinking that Wei Xun used the Demonic Responsibility Insect as an auxiliary, Yu Hehui twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Yes, yes, that's right."

"This is not an empty talk. Our mutual aid association is the most active."

Wei Xun said enthusiastically: "Hope, responsibility, peace, kindness, beauty, morality, love, dignity, sincerity, justice, compassion, sacrifice, protection...these are the code names of the mutual aid association!"

Ah this...

"Good code name!"

Demon Mosquito Xiaojin was the first to say: "Support!"

"Be responsible for the king, love the king. The king is everything good, and you must protect the dignity of the king at all costs... This series of code names is so good!"

Xiao Cui sighed with longing.

"Beauty, love, responsibility..."

Yu Hehui had a strange expression. He knew that Wei Xun wanted to recruit all the butcher tour guides in the early stage. When he thought of the butcher tour guides being called this code name...ha.

Yu Hehui said with great interest: "It's quite interesting."

He sensed Wei Xun's bad taste.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "Dream Chaser's code name is Hope, Yu Hehui, what kind of code name do you want?"

Yu Hehui thought for a while: "Guard me."


Wei Xun filled it in one by one, and Yu Hehui tilted his head, curious to see what code name Wei Xun would give himself.

Then he saw that the codename Wei Xun gave Bing250 was responsibility.

Uh-huh, Yu Hehui nodded, and he could guess that, to be honest, he was a little responsible for PTSD now.

What's Wei Xun's code name?

To be honest, Wei Xun's operation of using himself as the president and vice president is really cool, but Yu Hehui doesn't understand it, because the chairman of the conference has the greatest authority and can also enjoy the greatest benefits brought by the organizational rules.

Organizational rules can also bring benefits. For example, Wei Xun set the rule "Members of the mutual aid association are more resistant to the mental pollution of the journey to the 30th degree north latitude." ’

Because Wei Xun used the item at Thirty Degrees North Latitude as the core object, this rule can be established.

A total of seven rules related to benefits like this can be set in an organization at the 30th North Latitude level, which is the maximum.

Of course, if you purchase a hotel location and transfer the online organization to offline, the benefit rules can be increased to nine.

That's why Yu Hehui had this question, because Wei Xun's organization model is actually the prototype of the tour group and tour guide alliance. In an organization, the president always has the greatest authority and enjoys all the benefits, while the vice president enjoys lower benefits.

For example, the president can enjoy the benefits of all rules, but the vice president can only enjoy six of them, the arbiter can enjoy four, the councilor can enjoy two, and so on.

Although Wei Xun has the title of tourist, Yu Hehui believes that he will be used more as a tour guide in the future. He might even become a pure tour guide at some point.

By then, isn't the current setup just holding us back?

"What's true is what's true, what's true is what's true."

Wei Xun noticed Yu Hehui's doubts. He chuckled and said, "Since they all think there is someone behind Bing250."

"Then let me have someone behind me."

And Wei Xun actually doesn't agree with many hotel rules.

For example, tour guides hide their real names and can only refer to them by code names.

It can be said that this is the actual protection of the tour guides by the hotel, but it is also very similar to the fact that tour guides are labeled tools in the hotel.

Only prisoners, criminals, and shady lackeys are called by code names.

Wei Xun is Wei Xun.

What tour guide, tourist, Bing250, or other titles.

He is Wei Xun.

Wei Xun chuckled and said: "Wei Xun, the chairman of the conference, is codenamed Lord."

Only Wei Xun is the leader of the mutual aid association.

The title Bing250 given by the hotel is not.


Yu Hehui tasted it carefully, and he suddenly fell into deep thought. From this code name, he seemed to really recognize Wei Xun, understand Wei Xun, and see the deeper part of Wei Xun's heart.

He has never been disturbed by the powerful hotels, dangerous journeys, and countless rules and unspoken rules in the hotels.

Instead, he has always been unswerving, believing in what he believes in, and identifying with what he identifies with.

He was never an enforcer of rules.

But the creator of rules.


"The code name Dominate, is it very positive?"

Yu Hehui asked humbly: "Do you think it fits well with code names like 'hope', 'honesty', and 'protection'?"

"Of course, the big boss behind it is the master of everything."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "In my association, I only have one voice."

* *

"The mutual aid association has been established now? He acted so quickly."

Dreamcatcher smiled while holding a brooch. He and Yu Hehui were among the first batch of people who were accepted by Wei Xun to join the mutual aid association. After the application form was submitted successfully, as long as they paid a certain amount of money, the hotel would provide them with a sub-APP for download. At this moment, there was already an additional sub-APP in the dream chaser's mobile phone. An APP named 'Mutual Aid Association' is made with the incomplete butterfly as its symbol.

"Did you pay Bing250?"

Suddenly, the dreamer asked.

"It's not about making money."

An Xuefeng was still in his birdlike state, and while burning the clay figurine Zhang said: "It's part of the mental damage compensation."

"I knew it."

Dreamer sneered. To establish an organization, especially an organization at the 30th North Latitude level, the registration fee alone will cost at least 300,000 points. Bing250 A tour guide who has only taken one trip cannot earn so many points even if he sells his kidneys and body!

There is also the money to buy the incomplete inner elixir for Yu Hehui, and all kinds of things. The dreamer thought about it deeply, and it was really scary to think about it!

Sure enough, An Xuefeng's idea is absolutely abnormal!

Instead of apologizing to Bing 250 and seeing him in person, he started sending money from a distance. What kind of behavior is this?

This is an act of nurturing!

God, is An Xuefeng really an invisible scumbag emotionally?

Dream Chaser ignored that his bed partner was actually no more affectionate than Bao Yang. He had been a friend for so many years and An Xuefeng had helped him a lot. He couldn't say anything to accuse him and was silent for a long time. In the end, he just snorted coldly and reminded him lightly. :

"Bing250 will not be short of money soon."

After reading the rules of the mutual aid association, Dream Chaser understood that ordinary members cannot obtain the benefits of the rules and can only use basic task transactions and other sections. Only members starting from the members can obtain some of the benefits of the rules.

However, the rules and benefits of the mutual aid association were so attractive that even he couldn't help but be moved after reading them. Presumably other members are like this too. Bing250 has already been set up. If you want to upgrade from an ordinary member to a member, you need to complete a certain amount of tasks, or submit intelligence information, etc., to accumulate contribution points.

If you want to be promoted from a council member to a knight, you must make a significant contribution to mutual aid.

However, Bing250 has also set up a shortcut for those who want to be promoted quickly!

That is donating money and materials to mutual aid associations.

As long as you donate enough, you can become a member of parliament!

And there are only thirty-six seats for members, so please donate on a first-come, first-served basis!

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