Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 153 Clay Figurine Zhang【End】

Daoren Feng returned to his brigade station. Recalling the night of the Butcher Alliance, he was still frightened and unable to calm down.

"I'm alive……"

He buzzed blankly, thinking that just now that dark orange cloak appeared, they would all be thrown back to the Butcher Alliance in an instant... Taoist Feng didn't dare to think about it, the strength of the Dream Chaser was too much for him. fear.

Not only him, but also the other butchers who were thrown back to the Butcher Alliance. Those who had brigade stations went home immediately, and those who didn't immediately returned to reality. None of them dared to stay longer. Fortunately, the Yin-Yang Butterfly and the psychic were both there to control the situation, so no one was too panicked.

Before returning to his station, Taoist Feng glanced at the center of the hall. The abyss bell tower that used to be suspended there had disappeared.

Did the Butcher Alliance fail in this confrontation?

But they are all still alive, and so are the Yin-Yang Butterfly and the psychic.

But it must not be called victory, otherwise why would the Dream Chasers throw them back to the Butcher Alliance? Where did Mr. Ximing's number one puppet go?

In an instant, Taoist Feng thought a lot. A normal butcher tour guide would not think so much. Their spirits have been polluted for a long time, and even if they can be repaired later, the damage caused is irreparable.

Replenishing SAN and healing mental damage are actually two different things. But most tour guides only know the former, not the latter. They have no contact with travelers, and they don't even know about such things as mental illusions.

Only Mr. Feng, who has been drinking purified magic honey for a long time, even if mixed with ordinary magic honey, his situation is different from other middle-level butcher tour guides.

With the same low SAN value, why can he still stay sane while other butcher guides can't? It's also about restoring the SAN value. Why can he immediately resume normal combat when it's full, while others are always in a trance?

Taoist Feng is not stupid, he has figured out some things over the years. He had also wondered before why the alliance had to keep so many tourists. Normally they would not see any shadows, but now Taoist Feng suddenly understood something.

But it was impossible for him to establish contact with travelers or join a caravan. The price of betraying the Butcher Alliance is too high.

However, Taoist Feng is also looking for a way out for himself, such as selling out some irrelevant information, or doing some irrelevant favors to outsiders. For example, this time, the liaison officer gave him the task of seeing the deep-seated The red cloak was the first to kneel down and shout "I've seen you, sir".

As long as he shouts this, he will get a chance to enter the abyss node!

In fact, Taoist Feng can roughly guess which force the contact person is. There are only a few forces with abyss nodes, and the most likely one is the Shepherd Alliance. He was not interested in why there was a crimson cloak over there or what its purpose was. Taoist Feng only focused on his own interests.

If he doesn't find a chance to give it a try, everyone might be dead!

Whether it was the First Puppet of the Life-seeking Man who betrayed and cooperated with the Dream Chaser Puppet Master and others, or whether the Life-seeking Man had other plans, these Feng Taoists didn't care.

What's the point of betraying or not betraying? They are all people who are about to die, people who have joined the horror global hotel, where murder and betrayal are commonplace. Feng Daoist just wants to live.

It's also good to join the Butchers' Alliance, and it's also good to do things for others. Live and live better, this is his only goal!


"Mutual Aid Association..."

Taoist Feng returned to his human form and took out a small badge. This is a lavender, incomplete butterfly scale wing. This is what he got that night in the Butcher League.

Taoist Feng has always been cautious. Although he has exchanges and transactions with outsiders, he has never thought of completely betraying the Butcher Alliance and joining other organizations. It is because he firmly believes that if you want to add the best, only the best organization will have enough resources and room for growth, and will have a bright future.

In the past, he had thought this way. The Butcher Alliance was also the most secretive alliance that spanned the east and west districts. Just the fact that the Abyss Bell chimes the time twice a day allows them to absorb the breath of the Abyss, which is already an incredible benefit.

But it's too slow. It's still too slow for Taoist Feng. Even if he gets the chance to enter the abyss node for one day this time, it's just a drop in the bucket. He was seriously injured, and his spirit was greatly polluted that night in the Butcher Alliance.

Moreover, that night, the Dream Chaser, the Puppet Master and the Life-Haunting Man's puppets fought fiercely. Under this level of fighting, even the Yin-Yang Butterfly and the Psychic Medium, who used to be aloof, were like ants. This made Taoist Feng fearful and terrified, but at the same time he also gave birth to great ambition.

He wants to be that person too!

He also wants to be that strong!

"Mutual Aid Association..."

Taoist Feng tightened his grip on the badge in his hand and made up his mind. He planned to go and see what the origin of this organization was.

A flyer will be sent to him, indicating that this organization is still in its early stages of development and has not grown particularly strong. If there really is a top guide like the Puppet Master behind it, as a 'veteran' who first joined the organization, I might be able to get more opportunities...

【drop! 】


The mobile phone scanned the badge, indicating that a new APP was being downloaded, which made Feng Daoren confused. Although the Butcher Alliance he joined is a large offline organization, Taoist Feng also has some understanding of online organizations. There will be new APP downloads, indicating that the other party is a core object construction group, not a common forum group or chat group.

"Core Property Construction Team..."

The core property construction group means that there will be welfare rules in this organization!

Thinking of this, Taoist Feng suddenly had more expectations for this mutual aid meeting. The APP was downloaded quickly, but just before he clicked to enter it, Taoist Feng casually glanced at the APP icon and was suddenly stunned.

"This is……"

The icon of the mutual aid association APP is almost the same as the butterfly on the hotel logo, except that the wings are missing!

Feng Daoren had actually noticed it before, but he didn't pay attention at the time. After all, he thought that this mutual aid association was also a common forum group or chat group, with the Thriller Global Hotel as the main body, so it was normal for the logo to be similar to that of a hotel.


Taoist Feng's breathing was stagnant, his pupils shrank suddenly, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

However, this mutual aid association is organized around core elements.

But its APP icon is the same Maria butterfly as the hotel!

what does that mean? !

* *

"Organization at the 30th North Latitude level——"

The devil businessman gasped and stared at the APP icon he had just downloaded. He thought of a lot in an instant. After they separated last night, he immediately went to get a detailed and comprehensive understanding of what happened that night. After understanding everything, the devil merchant sighed sincerely.

Are these the people at the top level?

It is said that in this battle, only the puppet master appeared in his true form, and the others were either just puppets or incarnations of energy bodies.

Even so, it blasted a hole in the virtual lobby of the hotel, leaving the mysterious Butcher Alliance with nowhere to hide!

But this doesn’t mean that the Butcher Alliance is weak! It is said that despite the dual coercion of the Dream Chaser and the Puppet Master, the Butcher Alliance still managed to evacuate with most of the butchers, and the life-seeking man far away in the Puerta del Sol of Inca resisted the pressure of the hotel owner with only one hand. How powerful this is!

Even if the Devil Merchant is a tour guide from the West District and not from the East District, everyone's heart is surging after hearing this, wishing he could be powerful enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with those strong men.

The focus of that day, apart from the Butcher Alliance, was Bing 250. The new star tour guide, supported by Dream Chaser, Puppet Master, An Xuefeng and Homecoming, can definitely be called the number one new tour guide in the world. Even he, the Devil Merchant, was overshadowed by comparison and had no sense of existence at all.

This made the devil merchant feel complicated and unspeakable, but he became more curious about the mutual aid association established by Bing250.

Was this organization built by Bing250, or was he just a puppet? The Devil Merchant still remembers that night when Xiao Cui said, ‘Do you think this is what I want? ’, that melancholy and melancholy tone.

The devil merchant's heart was filled with emotions. He contacted Xiaocui the next day and asked her for a few more flyers. Xiaocui didn't ask him where the one he gave him before went, but gave him ten directly and asked him to develop it if he had any friends he knew.

That tone of matter-of-factness made the devil merchant laugh or cry, but he also felt relieved. Xiaocui is indeed a resolute woman. She has not remained silent, but remains optimistic and full of unyielding ambition.

[Ask me to help develop people, what benefits can I gain? 】

The devil businessman joked.

The other party replied: [Letting you join the mutual aid association first is the biggest benefit! 】

The devil businessman smiled, and he smiled happily.

"Xiao Cui, tsk."

The Devil Merchant didn't know why he was so happy, maybe it was Xiao Cui's tone of not showing any concern. It feels as if they are all founders of a mutual aid association and want to work together to develop this organization and make it bigger.

"What are you thinking about?"

The devil merchant shook his head and laughed at himself.

In this mutual aid association, maybe Xiaocui is just a puppet on the surface, but there are still those big guys behind the scenes.

The devil businessman feels that this possibility is very high, but he still attaches an unspeakable importance and expectation to this organization.

However, when he downloaded the Mutual Aid Association APP and saw that it had Maria's incomplete butterfly as its symbol, the devil merchant's heart sank.

He has more knowledge than Taoist Feng, even though Taoist Feng has more experience, stronger overall strength and higher ranking than him. But the Devil Merchant has contact with S-level black widows and A-level little witches, and his level of knowledge is actually much higher than that of Taoist Feng.

He could tell at a glance that the use of Maria's mutilated butterfly as a symbol meant that the core objects of this mutual aid association were definitely multiple items from the 30th North Latitude.

It is impossible to obtain so many things at 30 degrees north latitude based on Bing 250 alone. Even if the devil merchant can probably guess that the "visitor" who opened the 'Tusi King's Tomb' may be Xiaocui, then this is only a north latitude Just a journey of thirty degrees.

Judging from the incompleteness of the butterfly, there should be more than three items at 30 degrees north latitude in the core object.

"Sure's just a puppet."

Sure enough, Xiaocui is just a puppet on the surface.

With mixed feelings, the devil businessman clicked into this APP. To be honest, for a core online organization with many big guys behind it, and as one of the first people to join, this is a huge opportunity no matter what!

But when he thought about Xiao Cui, and when he thought that she might be inferior to others in this mutual aid association, the devil merchant felt a little complicated for some reason.

It would be great if... this organization really belonged to Xiao Cui.

[Please select your code name]

"Choose a code name. It seems that there should be shielding items among the core items or auxiliary items."

The Devil Merchant commented: "The codename is Ghost."

When he was doing underground business in the West District, he always used this code name. Although his title is the Devil Merchant, his alienated state is actually a ghost state.

Black Widow already knew his code name, so the Devil Merchant should be careful if he continues to use it. After all, there are probably many East Area bosses behind this mutual aid association, and judging from Black Widow's previous performance, she should be very curious about this mutual aid association, and may also come in.

The Devil Businessman just wants to confront the Black Widow, and he is always cautious.


[Sorry, your title does not conform to the core values ​​of the mutual aid association. Do you want the mutual aid association to recommend a code name? 】

"The core values ​​of the mutual aid association?"

The devilish businessman burst into laughter. This was the first time he heard of an online organization engaging in core values. After all, to be honest, online is not as good as offline, and this is an anonymous organization. Even if it has core values, will anyone really believe it? Will you act in accordance with your values?

It's all superficial, just perfunctory.

"Okay, let me recommend it."

The devil merchant said casually, and then he was stunned when he saw the long list of code names recommended by the mutual aid association.

"Peace, kindness, beauty...What is Xiaocui doing?"

The Devil Merchant was a little speechless. It was not for him to say that tour guides and these titles of truth, goodness and beauty were not really compatible with each other. Xiao Cui set the code name of the mutual aid association to this. Not only did he find it a bit awkward, other tour guides probably had no interest in joining.

It's better to come up with some code names related to the abyss, or related to the characteristics of the core objects. This way, others will want to join in when they see it.

Even the name 'Mutual Aid Association' is a bit unimpressive to be honest. It’s better to use words like ‘mysterious’, ‘northern latitude’ and ‘butterfly’.

"Really, why am I worried about the development prospects of the mutual aid association?"

The devil merchant laughed dumbly and chose a code name.


He has always wanted to live with dignity since he was a poor child. If he just wants to live, just wants to live well, with his talent and potential, he has already succeeded under the Black Widow and Werewolf Alliance, why should he keep working hard to seek independent self-development?

What he pursues has always been dignity.

[B125 Devil Merchant, selected code name: Dignity]

[Congratulations, you have become a member of the Mutual Aid Association! 】

Just members?

The devil merchant was slightly stunned. He thought that with his strength, not to mention becoming a judge knight, he could at least become a member of parliament first.

Could it be that the thirty-six members are full now? This shouldn't be the case. The mutual aid association is indeed a new organization. Normally, this kind of organization automatically ranks based on strength, and enjoys various benefits based on the ranking. Just like a hotel, this also urges members to work hard to improve themselves.

After discovering that he was just an ordinary member, the devil merchant was a little depressed, but the next moment, his mood changed drastically!

[It has been determined that the most applicable welfare rules for you in the mutual aid association are as follows:]

[Rule 5: Members of the Mutual Aid Association will gain more advantages in confrontations and battles with the Ancients! 】

Gain more advantages in confrontations and battles with the Ancient Ones!

The devil businessman was stunned immediately, and he immediately thought of his magic mirror!

When he was opening a branch line of his journey, he obtained an astonishing broken magic mirror in the deepest treasure chest of the Undead Ship, which contained a powerful ghost monarch sealed inside.

As long as the magic mirror is repaired, it can become a legendary level item. But similarly, the ghost monarch will also be completely imprisoned in the magic mirror. Therefore, every time the devil merchant uses the magic mirror, the other party will infiltrate crazily, and the magic mirror will become more and more broken.

When he came to the East District and was hunted by several major organizations, the devil merchant used the magic mirror several times, which also made the ghost monarch in the magic mirror more restless and active.

Unfortunately, he has no particularly effective means to suppress the opponent now, and in the upcoming journey, the devil merchant still wants to use this magic mirror.

"The Ancient old is it?"

After the brief excitement, the devil businessman quickly calmed down. This rule is too vague. How old is the ancient it refers to? What are the more advantages? How many advantages can it have?

Especially the ancient ones in the other party's rules, which are only for those who are more than a hundred years old. The ghost monarch in his magic mirror has a history of more than a thousand years!

The Devil Merchant is a businessman, and he is most keen on these traps of words, and he immediately noticed several loopholes that may be contained in them.

What's more, only members of Congress can enjoy these benefits. Blindly donating money and materials or completing tasks to gain contribution points for a rule with unclear effects is a fool's errand.


"I am one of the first members to join the mutual aid association. Are there any benefits?"

the devil merchant asked skillfully.

[You are the first 100 members to join the mutual aid association and enjoy special benefits! You can experience the most suitable rules once for free! 】


The devil businessman smiled with satisfaction. He knew that the first batch of people to join the organization would definitely enjoy various benefits. This is something that latecomers cannot get.

"Xiao Cui is too smart."

This benefit was not shown actively. If he didn't ask, wouldn't he miss it?

Thinking of Xiaocui, the devil businessman felt better. After he confirmed it, the lavender incomplete butterfly scale wing badge turned into green gold.

Green-gold color is the symbol of parliamentarians.

Then the devil merchant felt the special coercion attached to the badge that never dissipated.

The devil merchant's face changed slightly. This pressure brought him a sense of vicissitudes of life, which was no less than that of the ghost monarch! Even better! Not only that, he also vaguely felt a more terrifying and profound aura in this pressure, but could not be seen, like the bottomless sea.

The devil merchant's mood changed completely, and he solemnly took out the magic mirror. Once the half-broken magic mirror of the past is taken out, there will be shadows and black mist rising inside without him summoning it. The ghost monarch is attacking the magic mirror all the time, trying to escape!

But this time, with the badge nearby, there was nothing strange in the magic mirror! The restless ghost monarch, waiting for an opportunity to break out, seemed to be asleep, without any movement.

Even the devil merchant can feel a trace of suspicion and fear coming from the magic mirror.

really! This rule can restrain the ghost monarch!

But the next moment, the green-gold color on the badge faded away, and the magic mirror immediately showed signs of restlessness again. The devil merchant was shocked and immediately took it back.

" didn't even last half a minute."

He complained, complained, and laughed again.

"This is really..."


This is the opportunity!

The devil businessman has determined that this rule is what he needs! Not only dealing with magic mirrors, he also knows countless ghost-related ruins, and he can even enter some ghost abyss nodes in the West District.

Those ghosts are all ancient ones!

I'm afraid it was only when the mutual aid association was established in the early stages that such good welfare rules were brought out for members to enjoy. He has completely enjoyed the blessings of the mutual aid association when it was first established!

As long as you spend 100,000 points or items of equivalent value, you can become a councilor! This is the price after the discount, and it is also a benefit for the first-time mutual aid association!

Although the price is very expensive... no, it is not expensive at all! Compared with the welfare rules, this price is not expensive at all! What's more, completing mutual aid club tasks or providing various information to the mutual aid club, the contribution points in exchange can also offset the points.

The Devil Merchant's heart was pounding with rare excitement. He chose on the spot and sold part of the information he knew. After all, Black Widow also knows most of the information he knows. Although Black Widow probably wouldn't sell information, the Devil Merchant still sold it first. After all, if the other party sold it first, then his information would be worthless.

After the information is sold, the value needs to be reviewed. The devil merchant briefly visited the mission area of ​​the mutual aid association. He found that this mission area was also graded, from safe level, difficult level, dangerous level, super dangerous level, extremely dangerous level all the way to the 30 degrees north latitude level.

After all, he is just a tour guide of B125 and an ordinary member. He can only view the first three levels of tasks, and the subsequent task areas cannot be opened. There are currently no tasks in the first three levels of task areas.

That's right, there are now big bosses in this mutual aid association, and the initial recruits should all be high-tech talents. Those like the Devil Merchant should only be considered potential investments. How could there be a low-level mission?

The Devil Merchant regretfully withdrew from the mission area, but he also thought that he would be able to issue tasks in the mission area when the time comes. As long as a small amount of points and rewards are provided, tasks can be issued. The mutual aid association is equivalent to an intermediary organization.

After completing the task, the other party can choose to receive the reward from the devil merchant, or they can choose to contribute the reward to the mutual aid association in exchange for contribution points.

The devil businessman with 100,000 points can come up with it, but other tour guides may be short of money and don’t have such a large amount of mobile points. Maybe if he releases a few tasks now, he can attract strong people to solve them for him!

The devil businessman immediately saw the business opportunity, but instead of rushing to send out tasks, he went to see the tasks of the mutual aid association.

Yes, although he sold the information first, it was because the information transaction was not unique. He might have sold it to others if he didn't sell it to others first. But the devil businessman has not yet done the actual handing over of money and goods.

He must first clarify where the obligations of members of the mutual aid association lie.

When you join an organization, in addition to enjoying benefits, there are always obligations that must be fulfilled. Some things are harmless, but if you agree to some things without looking carefully, you will suffer losses later.

The Devil Merchant carefully read the mutual aid association's obligations several times and was quite satisfied.

Roughly speaking, it is the minimum accumulation amount of monthly contribution points, the amount of tasks completed, and the members of the mutual aid association who are in danger. When asking for help, nearby members of the mutual aid association should provide help, etc. Members and above also have the responsibility to protect mutual aid associations, etc.

The only thing that made the devil merchant hesitate a little was the ‘ideological and moral education class’.

[Members of the mutual aid association must receive four fifteen-minute ideological and moral education classes every month. It can be completed at one time or in batches]

* *

"Ideological and moral it really the Alliance of Hope?"

In an ancient castle on a cliff by the sea in Northern Europe, a petite and graceful woman sat by the window, her posture dignified and elegant, like a beautiful oil painting. Outside the window is a leaden sky, with seabirds flying, rolling waves hitting the rocks, and forming large white foam on the beach.

The sea breeze blew her flaxen curly hair, and the layers of lace gauze skirt fluttered gently in the wind. The tulle covering her face was also blown and lifted up, vaguely revealing the scary brown scars on her face, like the marks left by severe burns. . In her hand was a green-gold badge.

Obviously, this woman has turned in her points and became a member of the mutual aid association!

"Do you still want to use the Hope Bug to influence everyone? But your previous failure proves that the Hope Bug is not very useful, and your Hope Bug... is already dead."

The woman smiled, raised her hand, and sprinkled a handful of grains out the window. Seabirds that were accustomed to being fed flew over to fight for it, and a few brave ones even landed on her hands to peck at the grains.

Suddenly she grabbed her hand and broke the neck of a seabird. The scarlet bird's blood was stained on her white fingertips and smeared on the burn marks on her cheeks. But the other seabirds seemed not to notice the death of their companions, and were still frantically fighting for the grains, and even started fighting over it.

"Are you still not giving up? It's interesting. The welfare rules of this mutual aid association are also somewhat interesting."

"Is it necessary to make a significant contribution to become a knight...?"

She dropped the mummified seabird and let it be swept away by the waves. Then the woman smiled and plucked a white feather from behind her hair.

This feather is longer than a finger and is an owl's feather.

In 586 BC, the Jews who were annihilated by the new Babylonian king and demolished the holy city of Jerusalem viciously cursed the Tower of Babel, known as the 'Gateway of God', saying that 'the beasts of the desert and the beasts of the island will live there. There, where the owl shall dwell, it shall be uninhabited forever, and uninhabited from generation to generation. ’*

This owl feather is the curse left by the Jews who were subjugated and enslaved in the past, which turned into spiritual pollution thousands of years later.

"I wonder if this item from the Tower of Babel can be considered a major contribution?"

The woman chuckled, and she let go of the feathers between her fingers, letting them fall, spin, and eventually disappear.

"Can we gather the items from the journey to the 30th North Latitude to form a complete Maria butterfly?"

"I'm also very curious about this matter."

Journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude, the pioneer of the Tower of Babel, the Black Widow.

* *

"Ideological and moral classes? Chasing Dreams, is this mutual aid group actually organized by you?"

Zhang Xingzang rested his head on Dream Chaser's shoulder and groaned. He was burned badly by An Xuefeng, but his energy and energy were much more solid. Coupled with the comfort and relief from Dream Chaser, in less than two days, he can almost be a puppet for Bing250.

Clay figurines not only pay attention to the clay shell, but also pay attention to the spirit. It is said that the old craftsman of the past, the real clay figurine Zhang, would eat and live with the person for at least half a year when he was making a puppet for someone, not only to observe the person's every move, but also to knead the person's spirit into the clay. inside.

Therefore, according to legend, if you make a statue of a living person, your life will be shortened precisely because the essence is squeezed into it. Therefore, before the clay figurine is formed, some adjustments need to be made without changing the demeanor.

It is said that in the longest time, the clay figurine Zhang had to sit and lie with his opponent for three years before he finally made a pair of clay figurines. This clay figurine has various supernatural manifestations when it is kneaded halfway. If it is completely kneaded, it will be exactly the same as a real person. So when the clay figurine Zhang pinched his hand, he deliberately shaped his hand to be longer.

Long hands mean longevity, and with these long hands, the clay and the host family are not exactly the same, so they will not replace others, but will concentrate on protecting the safety of the host family.

Zhang Xingzang is the descendant of clay figurine Zhang for who knows how many generations. In reality, he is no longer in the business of making clay figurines. After entering the journey and getting the initial title, I picked up the old skills and gradually gained the name of 'Clay Figure'.

Although his true body is still sealed in the little clay turtle, his energy and spirit, burned by An Xuefeng's flames, are almost the same as those of ordinary people, and he can shape clay figures.

"No, this is his organization."

Dream Chaser shook his head: "Ideological and moral lessons... I hope he doesn't use emotional demon insects, but some other means."

The dream chaser sighed sadly: "After all, the magic bug can only make people have stronger certain emotions or beliefs, but it cannot really change people's hearts."

In the past, after the Hope Brigade and the Hope Alliance were destroyed. The clay figurine Zhang does not know whether he will live or die, only the dream chaser lives alone. Dream Chaser wants to use the Demonic Hope Insect to quickly reorganize a new Alliance of Hope to organize people to rescue Clay Man Zhang. However, a traitor appeared in the newly formed Hope Alliance, and the final operation fell short.

The dream chaser also realizes that the hopes of others and his hopes may not be the same. The hope bug can inspire people's hope, but it cannot truly make them empathize with the dreamer.

"Or the love bug could."

The clay figurine Zhang couldn't hear the slightly disappointed tone of the dream chaser, so he laughed and joked: "If they all fall in love with you, then they will take your hope as their hope!"

"They all fall in love with me, and then some people want to kill me because of their too strong love, and some people commit suicide because of the love that they don't get, and finally it becomes a mess?"

Dream Chaser was angry.

Clay figurine Zhang chuckled and stopped talking. The two of them enjoyed the rare peace and companionship.

Suddenly, the dream chaser was startled.

"Why is there a new knight so soon?"

As the arbiter of the mutual aid association, Dream Chaser feels it when new people join and advance. At this moment, he suddenly felt that there was a new knight in the mutual aid association!

It is normal for ordinary members to be promoted to members. One hundred thousand points or items of corresponding value are enough. In the past half day, Dream Chaser has sensed that seven ordinary members paid money to upgrade and became members of parliament. There are also many other people who pay money and goods in exchange for contribution points.

In terms of making money, Bing250 has very detailed settings. Even ordinary members can temporarily experience a certain rule after paying 100 contribution points (approximately 10,000 points). It is just a one-time and limited time, and the time limit is very short.

The most cost-effective thing is to pay 100,000 points in one go to become a junior councilor and enjoy a welfare rule.

Moving up the ladder, after becoming a mid-level member of parliament, you can enjoy two welfare rules.

But the annoying thing is that no matter whether you are a junior member or a mid-level member, the welfare rules you enjoy are randomly given to you, and you do not get whichever one you want! If you want to change the welfare rules, you have to spend more money.

Of course, if you get a senior member of parliament, you can choose any two welfare rules, and you no longer have to suffer from randomness.

"The rules that MPs have access to may not be enough for some people."

Dream Chaser smiled. As the arbiter, Bing250 opened the back door for him. Dream Chaser could enjoy six welfare rules, comparable to the vice president.

[Rule 1: Members of mutual aid associations are more likely to gain the favor and title of top spirits]

[Rule 2: Members of mutual aid associations are more likely to gain the friendship of ancient demonic insects]

[Rule 3: Members of mutual aid groups are more likely to establish relationships with abyssal creatures in abyss nodes]

[Rule 4: Members of mutual aid groups will have better luck]

[Rule 5: Members of the Mutual Aid Association will gain more advantages in the battle against fellow ancients]

[Rule 6: Members of the mutual aid association are more resistant to the mental pollution caused by the journey to the 30th degree north latitude (hidden rule, available to knights and above)]

There is also a rule seven. Dream chasers may also be of the 30 degree north latitude type, and only knights and above can enjoy it.

To be honest, knights have three rules, only one more than senior councilors. But cherish it, cherish it, there are six or seven knights' exclusive welfare rules related to the 30th degree north latitude.

Therefore, Bing250 is very strict in this regard. You cannot become a knight just by paying money. You must make a significant contribution.

"Significant contribution... new knight 'beautiful'."

The dream chaser said: "It should be the Black Widow. Maybe she turned over the items from the Tower of Babel."

"Babel Tower of Babel... Huh? I remember that at that time, the founder of Babel Tower of Babel didn't seem to be the Black Widow?"

Zhang Xingzang said doubtfully.

The dream chaser said: "The man died, and the black widow inherited his token."

"So that's it... Hey, Dream Chaser, are you really going to help Bing250?"

Clay figurine Zhang said lazily: "Aren't you afraid that he will become the second life-seeking person? After all, they have close blood and are of the same alienated species. Maybe they are brothers."

"I will see with my own eyes what kind of person he is."

The dream chaser patted the clay figurine Zhang on the head: "I will be his guardian on the next journey."

"Sure enough, Chai Meng, you have really grown up."

Clay figurine Zhang lamented: "I am no longer the little tour guide who would be deceived just by listening to a slogan."


The dream chaser smiled and suddenly asked:

"Why did An Xuefeng talk to you about deep connection? Tell me again."

"Ah, this, this is not good."

Clay figurine Zhang sneered: "This is a private topic between our brigade captains. I'm so embarrassed to tell your tour guide about it."


Dream Chaser had no expression on his face and said calmly: "He's talking about deep connection with you."


Clay figurine Zhang's expression was a little stiff.

* *

"Wei Xun, is it really okay to let Black Widow become a knight?"

Yu Hehui looked a little worried.

"She turned in items related to Thirty Degrees North Latitude, and paid enough points and props. She has made so many contributions to me, so of course she is qualified."

Wei Xun smiled and carefully put away the pure white owl feather.

A rough calculation showed that, except for the lost ancient Maya belonging to the 'astrologer', he had more or less seen all the other items at 30 degrees north latitude.

"Here, look at this."

Today is an absolutely bumper day since the opening of the Mutual Aid Association. Not only did the Black Widow directly win over the Knights, but seven others also managed to win over the Junior Councilors. But what Wei Xun didn't expect the most was that Taoist Feng actually risked his life and went bankrupt directly to the mid-level councilors!

Sure enough, the welfare rules of the mutual aid association are absolutely precious opportunities for those who are ambitious but lack opportunities and want to give it a try.

But now Wei Xun has no time to count the loot, because the hotel’s latest tour notification appears!

【Tour information】

[Tour Name: Jingjiao Funeral Palace]

[Journey Level: Extremely Dangerous]

[Specific itinerary: Undetermined]

[Specific group type: 10 people small group, special car, two guides]

[Tour guide: Bing250, B125]

[Itinerary date: Departure on Wednesday 9.20-Return on Saturday 9.30]

[Brief description of itinerary: omitted]

"Except for the specific itinerary and a brief description of the itinerary, everything else has been decided."

Yu Hehui opened his mouth but did not continue. After seeing the group information, his worry rose to the extreme.

The specific itinerary will not be revealed immediately before departure, nor will the itinerary be brief. Only the name of the journey can give people a rough guess. The difficulty of the extremely dangerous group can be seen from here.

Even though Wei Xun had made so many preparations, accumulated so much supplies, and even contacted Dream Chaser as a guardian, Yu Hehui was still worried.

This is an extremely dangerous group. It is a terrifying journey where there will be several attacks and killings on the bus! Wei Xun, can he really survive?

"The journey is about to begin. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will go find the clay figurine Zhang to make a puppet."

Wei Xun seemed very calm: "Then I will go find An Xuefeng tomorrow."


Yu Hehui asked subconsciously: "Why are you looking for Captain An?"

"Make a moderate connection."

Wei Xun smiled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and breathed out lightly.

"When I think that I won't be able to see An Xuefeng for the next ten days... I feel uncomfortable here."

He tapped his heart and said with a smile: "You have to feel good enough."

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