Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 151 Clay Figurine Zhang【10】

"This kind of not a matter of pleasure or displeasure. Why do you sound so weird when you ask it?"

The other party was a little helpless. After thinking about it, he still reminded: "Be careful when making deep connections. With your current strength, the level of passengers you come into contact with is not very high. Even Yu Hehui is not a good choice. There is no need to be so hasty."

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully: "It makes sense, you are right."

Then he was curious: "Dream Chaser is here, can you come out of this turtle shell?"

"Not a turtle shell."

Clay figurine Zhang sighed: "How can there be a serious turtle with a snake wrapped around its shell? I am Xuanwu."

Although, a palm-sized, round and cute little lame earth-green mud turtle vowed to call himself Xuanwu, but he was not so shameless that he would not be able to say it.

After finishing the phone call with Mao Xiaole and talking to Yu Hehui about the connection between tour guides and tourists, Wei Xun suddenly remembered the clay figurine Zhang in the node of the Abyss Bell.

Yu Hehui also talks about the deep connection and mutual influence between tour guides and tourists, but isn’t there a ready-made example right in front of him?

Before, when he was in the Butcher Alliance, Wei Xun had already entered the Abyss Bell once while the Dream Chaser, the Puppet Master, and the Life-seeker puppet were confronting each other. However, this abyss node is completely different from the one Wei Xun collected in northern Tibet.

A serious abyss node is an entrance to the abyss. Although there will be certain restrictions on the range of activities after entering the abyss. For example, Wei Xun's abyss node corresponds to the surrounding area of ​​fifty square kilometers. But if he becomes stronger in the later stage, his ‘territory’ will also expand accordingly.

But it was completely different inside the Abyss Bell Node. Wei Xun was almost blinded by the dazzling light as soon as he entered!

He seemed to be inside the sun, with golden light everywhere. It's like an endless brilliant ocean.

After staying here for a while, Wei Xun could hear countless devout prayers praising the sun. Seeing the seemingly pure and brilliant light for a long time would distort and pollute people's nerves, leaving only a brilliant brilliance in the brain.

There is only a piece of land the size of a mahjong table suspended in the bright sunshine, where it will not be disturbed by the sun. This is where the clay figurine Zhang was imprisoned.

But so far, Wei Xun has not been able to see the real clay man Zhang, because he is self-imprisoned in this earth-green little clay turtle.

The meeting between Wei Xun and the clay figurine Zhang Chu was not actually friendly, after all, he was still wearing a crimson cloak. But Wei Xun didn't bother to argue at all. He came in just to see if the clay figurine Zhang was still alive, and then to take a look at his general condition.

After waking up this time, Wei Xun did not waste his energy. He first sent Yu Hehui to the Abyss Clock node and asked him to talk to the clay figurine Zhang first. He took the time to visit the butcher guides who were still in his own node.

When Yu and Hui settled down and came out, and Wei Xun went in to see the clay figurine Zhang again, the other person had lost his vigilance and hostility, and was still a little embarrassed towards Wei Xun. After all, his initial attitude towards Wei Xun could not be said to be good, it was quite bad, and Wei Xun Xun is his savior.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, and now there are only two of us left in the Hope Alliance."

When talking about these words, the little clay turtle seemed very calm: "The clay sculpture state is a seal. My situation is very bad and I cannot leave the clay sculpture state by myself. I need the help of the dream chaser.

"But if I leave the clay sculpture state, Dream Chaser will also be seriously affected. It doesn't matter that I am a traveler, he will most likely be contaminated by the Crazy Sun."

In the past ten years, the clay figurine Zhang has not always been imprisoned here. There are many things involved in it, and there have been many rescues. It is impossible to explain clearly at the moment. About five years ago, he was imprisoned in this abyss node and suppressed in the Butcher Alliance by the passage of the Inca Sun Gate.

In the past five years, this abyss node was gradually polluted by the crazy sun of the Inca Sun Gate. This abyssal land can still be preserved and has not been completely swallowed up. There are four core clay sculptures of Clay Figurine Zhang.

It has only managed to hold on until now, and only Xuanwu, the main defensive figure, is left, and all other clay sculptures have been destroyed. The clay figurine Zhang was huddled in the clay sculpture with his title, struggling to hold on, while the puppet of the man who had previously used a special method to cut off Xuanwu's left foot was in the abyss node.

It can be said that without the series of rescues triggered by Wei Xun's action, this land and the little mud turtle with a broken leg would soon be polluted by the sun, and the clay man Zhang would have died completely.

"How did you solve the problem of eating, drinking and eating in the abyss node for the past five years? Has anyone brought you food?"

Wei Xun asked curiously.

"I'm a 'mud man' and of course I don't have any physical needs."

Clay figurine Zhang answered Wei Xun's many questions patiently. After so many years, he really wanted to talk to the young man more.

"That's why I can hold on."

"If you die, will Dream Chaser die as well?"

"Yeah, so I can't die."

The clay figurine Zhang smiled helplessly: "Zhui Meng is too stubborn. He should have found another passenger to connect with him long ago. He shouldn't have hung himself on my tree. I was the one who dragged him down."

"Can a tour guide with a deep connection also change partners?"

Wei Xun's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask.

"You are such a young tour guide, why do you always think about deep connections?"

Clay figurine Zhang Xiqi looked at Wei Xun's light blue cloak: "The ranking of Bing 250 is not high. At your level, the problem of mental pollution should not be serious."

"If you just want to increase SAN, shallow connections are enough, but deep connections are really fatal."

Clay figurine Zhang asked: "The passenger you want to contact is the brigade captain, right?"

Wei Xun responded: "Indeed."

"You probably haven't passed the team leader exam yet, so you need to get the team leader certificate."

Clay figurine Zhang shook his head: "Without a team leader certificate, you and the other party can only have a moderate connection at best, but not a deep connection. Because once there is a deep connection, you will be the leader and tour guide of that brigade."

"Only when you get the tour leader certificate can you become a tour guide."

Wei Xun was surprised, so there was such a thing? He calculated in his mind: "Don't worry, I should be able to get the certificate next month."

"So, people can be replaced after a deep connection?"

"Young man, you can't control what's going on in the team leader's assessment."

Clay figurine Zhang warned, but he did not suspect that Wei Xun was talking nonsense. Although most of the middle and low-level tour guides are very secretive about the team leader assessment, from the perspective of clay figurine Zhang, the team leader assessment is not too difficult. Moreover, it would be even easier to do it at level B250.

Because you can start the team leader assessment task on any journey, and after starting, the difficulty of the journey will increase accordingly.

If you are already at the peak of Silver, probably ranked as a tour guide before C or B, then most of the tours you take will be dangerous. If the difficulty increases slightly, it is likely to be super dangerous or even extremely dangerous. Then It is extremely difficult to complete the mission goal again.

But at the level of B250, most of the people we receive are difficult groups, and there are even a small number of safe groups. Even if the difficulty increases, it will only be dangerous level at best.

At that time, it is not difficult to contact a few familiar passengers in advance to complete the task.

However, after passing the task of leading the group and becoming a gold-level tour guide, the hotel stipulated that the gold-level tour guide must take one extremely dangerous group every month. This is the most terrible thing.

So Zhang Hui, the clay figurine, warned Bing 250 that he was in the team leader's assessment.

"Besides, deep connections are not something that can be easily broken off."

He continued to talk about the deep connection: "Everyone in my team was dead at that time. I canceled the brigade at the last moment when I turned into a clay figure. It can be said that from then on, Chai Meng has become a free guide. That’s why he has the possibility to find another partner.”

"But normally speaking, this brigade cannot be disbanded unless there is only one passenger left. And if you want to disband the brigade, you need to pay a huge price, and the points alone will cost millions. As long as the brigade does not disband , you are the leader and tour guide of the brigade.

Wei Xun thought thoughtfully, it turns out that the deep connection is not irreversible, but the cost is too high. And according to what the clay figurine Zhang said, I am afraid that Dream Chaser has never given up on him, nor has he released the deep connection with the clay figurine Zhang.

"Oh, if he had been released, I would have exploded the Inca Sun Gate by myself, but it would be easier to blow him up than to be a turtle bastard."

The clay figurine Zhang sighed helplessly: "This guy knows that I can't blow myself up, so he insidiously connected the Inca Sun Gate passage here and asked me to suppress it."

After being transformed into a clay figure for five years, enduring the erosion and pollution of the crazy sun for several years, his strength was constantly weakened, and he no longer wanted to live.

But he has to live, because if he dies, the dream chaser will also die.

"Don't curse people in front of me."

Wei Xun said calmly: "The past has nothing to do with me, but don't make me regret saving you."

"Insidious is a compliment for a tour guide... Okay, I won't say it."

Clay figurine Zhang was a little embarrassed, then curious: "Since you value Xi Ming so much, why didn't you ask Zhui Meng and I not to be enemies with him, or not to kill him?"

"If it is your request, we will agree to it, tit for tat."

"no need."

Wei Xun made an understatement: "With what you are now, can you kill someone who wants to kill someone? And I don't believe in promises. Promises are completely based on people's conscience and can be reneged on at any time. It has no meaning."

Then he smiled: "Besides, enemies are sometimes better than friends."

"Didn't you help the people suppress the Inca Sun Gate Passage for five years?"

When communicating with the clay figurine Zhang, Wei Xun learned that the Abyss Bell indeed suppressed the passage of the Inca Sun Gate, and that this passage led to the terrifying eighth layer of the sun.

Once the channel is completely unblocked, the consequences will be disastrous. Back then, when the people were trapped in the Inca Sun Gate, they were actually punished by the hotel. It was precisely because of this passage that should not have appeared that it appeared.

Before the passage problem is solved, the life-haunting person's body is not allowed to return completely.

The channel will spill out a large amount of crazy sun spiritual pollution, and the people must deal with this pollution to prevent it from affecting the human world.

So he used special means to connect the passage to the abyss node and inserted a clay figurine Zhang into it.

It is like using clay figurine Zhang to eliminate mental pollution.

"The way you use the word "help" really makes people's teeth itch."

The lame little mud turtle's face turned green: "You tour guides are really more eloquent than the other."

"Forget it, I'm just telling you, don't touch this thing of deep connection. It's especially best to find someone with similar talents and someone who grows faster than you. Tour guides need more resources than tourists, and they need more support in the early stage."

It’s been a long time since I chatted with a living person. Clay figurine Zhang is really nagging. He can’t stop talking: “Let Chai Meng take you and introduce you to some good ones. Tsk, my old friend from back then is dead. That’s pretty much it, otherwise there are quite a few good people.”

"Don't ask for someone who is not a brigade captain, but don't be fooled by brigade captains of small and medium-sized brigades. Choose the people you connect with carefully. Don't believe anyone who talks about your ideals but doesn't talk about the future."

Clay figurine Zhang said with emotion: "It was too naive to pursue his dream and join our hope team. Otherwise, with his talent, he will first increase the development of the tour guide alliance. In the future, no matter what, it will be better than being with us."

Wei Xun asked curiously: "So you deceived Dream Chaser back then?"

"It's my discerning eye. I could see at a glance that he was a talented tour guide. While he didn't know much about these tour guides and tourists, I had a heart-to-heart talk with him several times during the trip, and then he Talked over."

The clay figurine's eyebrows danced with joy, and then he sighed: "It's just a lie... You think too much about some things and do too much, and you really become that kind of person. How can you still call it a lie?"

"Dream Chaser joined our team because of his ideals, and we finally died fighting because of hope. By then we will be a complete group in our own right. Dream Chaser's belief is our belief, and our belief is also his belief. There is no such thing as What a difference."

Speaking of these words, he was still very calm. For nearly ten years, everything in the past was like smoke in the past, disappearing in an instant. The topic changed and the clay figurine Zhang talked about Wei Xun again.

"You... to be honest, if you want to connect with passengers, it's best to connect with someone with a higher level, someone stronger than you."

The clay figurine Zhang said: "You have an abyss node and you love taking risks. You will become stronger quickly, but you are also more likely to be mentally polluted and need to solve mental problems frequently. If you are connected to a traveler who is the same as you, or is only slightly stronger For some tourists, it may be difficult for him to deal with your mental pollution problem.”

Wei Xun continued: "So you were unable to deal with the mental pollution problem of Dream Chasers at that time?"

"How is that possible!"

The little mud turtle retorted fiercely and plausibly: "Indeed, Zhui Meng was really talented at the beginning. But at that time, he was just a C-level tour guide, and I was already a high-level tourist!"

"Not only will I not be overwhelmed, but I also have to restrain my strength to prevent the addiction to dream chasing. But the difference in strength is here, hey! Let me tell you, if dream chasing is a girl or I am a girl, our children will have a litter... Ah Zhui Meng, you are here!”

Clay figurine Zhang's tone changed very naturally, and he was instantly filled with enthusiasm and the joy of meeting again after a long separation.

But the other party didn't appreciate it very much.

"Zhang Xingzang, you look good now."

A tour guide wearing a dark orange cloak appeared quietly next to Wei Xun, with a big golden-red bird standing on his shoulder. The dream chaser first nodded to Wei Xun and said hello, then looked down at the little mud turtle and said calmly:

"My legs are broken and I still talk so much."

"You guys are busy first."

Wei Xun said understandingly: "Senior Clay Figurine Zhang has been trapped here for so long, it would be best to rescue him first."

"Thank you so much this time."

Dream Chaser solemnly thanked Wei Xun: "I will come to you after I solve his problem."

Although the dream chaser's tone of voice when he said 'afterwards' sounded very much like 'afterwards', the little mud turtle shuddered after hearing this and his face turned even greener. But what does this have to do with Wei Xun?

He glanced at the big golden-red bird on the dream catcher's shoulder. This bird looked like a legendary mythical species. Its golden-red feathers burned like flames. There were three feathers hanging back from the top of its head, with the ends raised, and its tail feathers. It's very long, looks noble and gorgeous, and very beautiful.

Its eyes are like two grains of gold, like the eyes of a dragon, indifferent and majestic. The big bird was originally staring coldly at the clay figurine Zhang, but when Wei Xun looked at it, it turned its head keenly.

The big bird blinked and chirped softly at Wei Xun.


* *

"Have you seen the bird that the dreamer brought? It's really majestic."

Returning to his brigade station, Wei Xun praised Yu Hehui. He gave Yu Hehui certain authority to allow the Dream Chaser to enter the station and then enter the Abyss Node through the Abyss Bell.

Of course, Dream Chaser comes openly and without any hidden aura. It was precisely because Wei Xun knew he was coming that he induced the clay figurine Zhang to talk about that topic, which was considered a small dig.

Who told him to say that life-seeking people are sinister?

Wei Xun was very interested: "Tell me, if I could cultivate the blood of the golden-winged roc, would it be so beautiful? It's beautiful and powerful."

He sighed: "Other tour guides have such majestic and powerful pet companions, but I don't have many that can handle them."

Yes, there are only all kinds of bugs here. Yu Hehui is a beautiful and gorgeous fox, but after all, he is a human being, not a pure animal.

The liar snow leopard left such a deep impression on him that now, Wei Xun is still filled with a different kind of yearning for his wild animal companions.

Yes, what other tour guides have, how can Wei Xun not have it!

Yu Hehui was interrupted by Wei Xun and forgot what he wanted to say. As he thought about what he said, he suddenly felt a little distressed.

What man doesn't like mighty and powerful beasts? However, Wei Xun's main demon insects, Xiaocui, Xiaojin and even the emotional demon insects are not the main attack type. The demon bee swarm is considered to be highly aggressive, but there is no queen bee in it, so it does not look as eye-catching as the fierce beasts.

As for himself, the beastly form of the Sky Fox is one of the most noble and gorgeous. Unfortunately, Yu Hehui is not a pure Sky Fox, but a human being...

wrong! Why does he regret that he is human? !

"I'll give this back to you. If you take it away from me, I'll be stupid."

Yu Hehui threw the Demonic Insect Ball to Wei Xun angrily. He met with the devil merchant at midnight and has been carrying the Demonic Insect Ball with him for seven or eight hours now. No wonder he is becoming more and more uncomfortable.

The scariest thing is that if you carry this thing for a long time, you will ignore its danger. After all, 'responsibility' is too positive, and there is no emotional guidance and contradiction like the seven emotions.

For example, if you were originally on guard and guarded, but suddenly felt joyful, you would definitely suspect that you were affected by something.

But no matter what situation or emotion you are in, you will always be responsible.

The responsibility bug is really scary.

Seeing Wei Xun put Lao Sandai into the magic bug ball to reunite it with the responsible devil bug, Yu Hehui was simply frightened.

[You are a natural observer, and your swarm will also be able to distinguish between your real enemies and your potential teammates! 】

After Lady Lady III entered the Demonic Insect Ball, the Insect Ball gained a new attribute. Indeed, what it calls observation is that it can more intuitively detect how responsible and happy outsiders are for Wei Xun.

Moreover, the Demonic Insect Ball turned these into numerical values. Unlike when Wei Xun directly used the third generation of Lao, he could only perceive it roughly, not concretely.

Just like now, Wei Xun looked at Yu Hehui with the magic insect ball.

"What's wrong?"

Regarding his gaze, the fox cub was a little wary, and the hair on the back of his neck exploded slightly: "You have just come back now, so you should have a good rest. Do you have any new ideas?"

[Sense of responsibility 80-90]

[Happiness 20-90]

Humans are living creatures, and their emotions are constantly changing. Wei Xun could see that Yu Hehui had a high sense of responsibility for him. He basically had the sense of responsibility that only very responsible parents would have, and it was relatively stable.

But the level of joy goes up and down like a roller coaster.

Obviously, Yu Hehui was happy to see Wei Xun and happy to get along with him, but he was unhappy with the crazy adventurous ideas that Wei Xun often had.

"Hyo Sandai is so useful."

Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh.

It is a perfect match for the responsibility bug. If only the responsible demonic insect was there, Wei Xun would not be able to confirm how much the other party was affected by the demonic insect, and he would not be able to truly rest assured.

But with Sandai here, everything is simple.

"You're not planning to use the third generation of Hyo to build the core of the mutual aid association, are you?"

After hearing this, Yu Hehui said warily: "The third generation of Lao is too low-level. It can be easily discovered and destroyed. Moreover, it is Xiaocui's natal insect and is also related to the responsibility insect. If it falls into the hands of others, the other party will be extremely vulnerable." May I gain insight into your countless secrets!”

Yu Hehui lowered his voice: "Didn't I tell you that there was an extremely powerful being behind the Devil Merchant last night, almost comparable to the Dream Chaser. I suspect that the other party is the great director of the West District."

"The leaflet you asked me to hand over to the devil merchant will most likely fall into the hands of the other party. You have to think about this clearly."

From this incident, Wei Xun realized that his personal power was still too small in the hotel and it was very inconvenient. For example, he can only exchange large-scale transactions for the concealment provided by the hotel. Once he appears in the mall to buy items, or even just logs on to the forum, he is very likely to be targeted by outsiders.

As for the source of information, we can only rely on the devil merchant to buy from him. This is too unstable and restrictive, and can easily be taken advantage of by the other party.

So Wei Xun decided to establish a secret anonymous organization to conduct private transactions of various intelligence items.

There are actually many such organizations in hotels. Generally speaking, they are various brigades and tour guide alliances. Speaking from a small perspective, forum groups and even some shopping groups are actually loose organizations.

Of course, anonymity means that members of the organization are anonymous to each other, and Wei Xun wants to have all their information.

Hearing what he said, Yu Hehui expressed his understanding. Many tourist guide alliances had their prototypes in the form of anonymous meetings and anonymous groups. After they developed and expanded, they bought a place in a hotel and then moved from online to offline, becoming a real one-party organization. .

Wei Xun will not consider purchasing a location to organize offline for the time being. He was thinking of an online anonymous organization with him at its core.

Yu Hehui gave him several suggestions.

The first is a chat group based on the Qitu APP chat system.

The hotel APP has full functions. Wei Xun and An Xuefeng communicated through the hotel APP before. The group also relies on this and uses the hotel APP as the main body to attract groups.

The problem is that the rules in the group must be in accordance with the hotel, which means that the tourists in the group all have their real names, and the tour guides all have their real code names. Those who set up chat groups to communicate are usually small brigades who cannot afford a ten-square-meter brigade residence and cannot apply to form a brigade. They are more like a few friends.

This was inconsistent with Wei Xun's requirements, so he was directly PASSed. What he wants to do is to be the manipulator behind the scenes, not the 'group leader Bing250'.

The second is the forum group based on the Qitu APP forum system.

Much like the former, forum groups are also organizations where people can communicate and trade. And all the names displayed on the forum are titles. Everyone has countless titles. After joining the forum group, if you want to keep a low profile and hide your identity, you can choose one that is not commonly used, such as "mosquitoes don't bite" and "head shaver".

If you want to gain a certain status, you can choose familiar high-level titles such as 'Maoshan Taoist' and 'Mountain Village Old Corpse' as your code name.

But this does not meet Wei Xun's requirements.

Neither the chat group nor the forum group can play the role of the responsibility bug. At present, given its status, it is still unable to achieve the point of "seeing words as seeing people". When others see what Wei Xun typed, they won't feel responsible for him.

It was Yu Hehui who was well-informed and Wei Xun was so picky, yet he still came up with an organizational model that could meet Wei Xun's requirements.

That is to build a group with items as the core.

Unlike chat groups and forum groups that rely on the Qitu APP, if you build your own group based on items, you can set your own rules without violating the basic principles of the hotel.

Of course, there are many restrictions on forming a group in this way. The first is the level of the core object. Item levels from low to high are divided into tattered, ordinary, unique, special, amazing, legendary, peak, and undetermined unknown.

The core items that can support an online group must at least be special-level items. And items of this level also relatively limit the strength of the team members.

Yu Hehui originally suggested that Wei Xun build a group with the 'invisibility cloak' as the core item. This was one of the 'mental damage fees' that An Xuefeng had previously paid to Wei Xun. It had reached the legendary level and was a very powerful shield. Class props.

Moreover, the core objects of group building also have a corresponding impact on the organizational rules constructed. If Wei Xun uses the invisibility cloak as the core object to build a group, then any member who joins the group will completely hide his or her title and real name, achieving absolute privacy between each other.

Legendary items are enough for special travelers and gold high-level tour guides. They are definitely enough for Wei Xun at the moment.

But Wei Xun did not agree.

Wei Xun smiled and said: "Look, if we use the invisibility cloak to form a group, the director of the West District will definitely not be able to join."

# %*%——

Yu Hehui cursed garbled words in his heart and said worriedly: "You... the water here is really too deep, are you sure——"

"I can make sure of it."

Wei Xun shook his head: "The pattern of small fights is too small and has no appeal at all."

"Have you ever heard a saying that as long as the throne is high enough, even if you put a dog on it, the people below will only think that the person on the throne is the king."

Wei Xun said lightly: "Because the throne is too high and too mysterious, they will spontaneously create various illusions about the existence on the throne. That is the real king in their imagination."

"This is what I want to do."

"But... this is too dangerous."

Yu Hehui frowned: "Even if the throne is high enough, if there is a person that tall, he can still tell at a glance that the person on the throne is a dog."

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a knight of the same height to stop him, that's enough."

Wei Xun chuckled. He was dressed as a tour guide, with a light blue cloak and a bronze mask hiding his appearance, but Yu and Huineng could hear the unruly ambition in his smiling tone.

"Just give me enough time. It won't take too long."

"I will grow up to be a true king."

"You are so... ugh, so crazy."

Yu Hehui was silent for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly.

"A person like you is born to be a tour guide."

"So, Yu Hehui."

Wei Xun smiled and extended his hand to Yu Hehui: "Will you be my knight?"

"Tsk, it's been a long time ago."

Yu Hehui grabbed Wei Xun's hand angrily and shook it. Suddenly he was embarrassed and said: "Wei Xun, when your mutual aid association is established, can you let my brother join in?"

"Aren't you worried that I'm too crazy and will bring down the mutual aid club?"

Wei Xun asked curiously: "Shouldn't the eggs be put in one basket?"

"Although you are crazy, nothing you have done so far has failed."

Yu Hehui smiled, with Tianhu's unique cunning in his eyes: "Of course all fragile eggs must be put into safe baskets."

"I didn't expect you to have so much confidence in me."

"Yes, that's right."

Yu Hehui laughed at first, and then said seriously: "If there is a black widow or a higher-level tour guide behind the devil merchant. Even if there are restrictions from the West District to the East District, I can barely stop her from peeking."

"To be on the safe side, you'd better find another 'knight'."

* *

"Xingzang has recovered well and is in good condition. After two days of rest, he can start making clay figurines."

In the Red Stone Abyss Node (Weixun's Abyss Node), a tour guide in a dark orange cloak and a tour guide in a light blue cloak were walking side by side.

"He needs a whole day with you to observe every aspect of you. Another day to make the clay figurine."

"No rush, I have five days before I go to the extremely dangerous group."

Wei Xun said kindly: "Senior Clay Figurine Zhang can rest for one more day."

"After the clay puppet is ready, it's best to let it adjust to you for another day."

The dream chaser shook his head and set the time for the clay figurine Zhang.

"There is also the aspect of the guardian. Although the guardian cannot enter the journey at the same time as you, I can remotely assist you, guide you, and protect you when necessary."

Dream Chaser said seriously: "Are you willing to let me be your guardian?"

"It's my pleasure."

Wei Xun smiled, and then asked curiously: "Is there a limit to the total strength of the guardians during a journey?"

"If the guardian of the Devil Merchant is the S3 Black Widow, will that affect you?"

"Two tour guides, two guardians... Tsk, indeed."

The dream chaser pondered: "You are right. If you are the only one on this journey, as your guardian, I will use all my strength to protect your life when necessary."

"But if the devil merchant also has a guardian, the overall strength of the guardians will have a maximum limit for the consideration of the hotel to prevent excessive interference with the journey. At that time, the power I can exert will be weakened, and so will the other party."

"In other words, the more difficult the journey is, the stronger the guardian can exert?"

"That's right, but you have to remember that the guardian can only take action when it is most dangerous. After taking action once, the hotel will limit my guardianship."

Dream Chaser said seriously: "So most of the time, the guardians will not take action easily. Many times, our experience and awareness are more important than the strength of that one action."

"I understand. Senior, you don't have to take action at that time."

Wei Xun said sincerely: "Even if you see me return to zero, alienate, lose SAN, or self-harm, senior, don't care. I will communicate with you when necessary."

"You will be the main body at that time."

Dream Chaser laughed dumbly, then nodded. He has a really good temper and respects Wei Xun's decision even more.

"You don't have to call me senior, just call me Dream Chaser."

"Okay Dream Chaser, but I don't have a title that I can show off yet. 'Traveler' is a bit weird."

"I believe you will have one soon."

Dream Chaser teased: "But you have to hurry up, otherwise the code name Bing250 will probably be with you for a long time."

Both of them are good at controlling the atmosphere of communication. In addition, Dream Chaser is in a good mood and wants to make friends. Wei Xun also goes with the flow, and the two chat very happily.

This kind of happiness is between tour guides. Dream Chaser can be regarded as Wei Xun's first tour guide friend. After all, Yu Hehui is a traveler, and he knows some topics vaguely.

It is better to talk to the tour guide about tour guides.

"Yu Hehui... is very concerned about you. Although people say that the Sky Fox is cunning, it will also be the most sincere to the important people."

Dream Chaser said lightly: "You and An Xuefeng have a superficial connection, Huihui will also feel happy."

Yu Hehui is still a returnee after all. Wei Xun's superficial connection with An Xuefeng is equivalent to a connection with the entire return journey. As a resurrected person, Yu Hehui is under close scrutiny by the hotel, and it is basically impossible for him to connect with the tour guide.

Wei Xun can really have a superficial connection with An Xuefeng, and the dream chaser is sincerely happy for Yu Hehui.

Hearing what the dream chaser said, Wei Xun's expression was a little strange.

"Dream Chaser, I have some questions to ask you about connection." Wei Xun said modestly: "It may be a bit offensive, but I really don't know much about this." Dream Chaser smiled and said: "You said. Connection is indeed very important." "You and Zhang the Clay Man have a deep connection, right?" "Yes." "Then do you and the other people in the Hope Brigade have a deep connection?" "I guess so. Xingzang is the brigade leader and I am the brigade leader. I have a deep connection with him, which is equivalent to a deep connection with the entire brigade." "In other words, they can all enter your spiritual fantasy to comfort you?" "That's not , the mind illusion is not a good thing, there are many dangers. It is better to have two or three people fixed, not too many people. "

Dream chaser shook his head: "If Xingzang is not in good condition, and my mental state is too bad, Jingrou and Wenchang can also help."

Wei Xun was curious: "Is Jingrou a lady?"

"Yes, Jingrou is very strong, and she is a doctor in our team."

Dream chaser sighed: "Her method is more gentle, and the mind illusion is actually a bit fragile. Xingzang always tries to be quick, too rough, a reckless man, tsk, he is always competitive at this time. "

It seems that the faster he can relieve the problem, the more awesome he is. It's really outrageous. Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood something: "What if someone has a strong desire for exclusivity and doesn't let you find someone else?"

"As adults, we should all know better, not as much as children."

Dream Chaser said lightly, whispering: "Travelers should not be spoiled too much, which is not conducive to the harmony of the team. Of course, we are fair on the surface, but you can also comfort him down there."

"After all, comforting each other is indeed addictive, which is understandable."

"That's right, you make sense." Wei Xun frowned, "But if I don't want too many people to enter my mental fantasy, it won't have much impact."

He pondered, "After all, I have a bit of a mysophobia, and one bed companion is enough-"


Dream Chaser was shocked and interrupted Wei Xun's words: "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"What did An Xuefeng do to you?!"

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