Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 150 Clay Figure Zhang [9]

"I'm really sorry! Teacher Sanshui, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, okay, okay, it's really okay."

On the other side of the phone, Mao Xiaole apologized frantically for not being able to go to the appointment. After Wei Xun burst into laughter and said it was okay, Mao Xiaole still felt guilty and apologized several times, and then he tried to make an appointment at another time.

After Wei Xun agreed, Mao Xiaole was as happy as a dog. He apologized again and happily hung up the phone.

Wei Xun and Mao Xiaole had made an appointment for breakfast today, and now Mao Xiaole called shortly after Wei Xun came back. But he was embarrassed and apologized frantically to Wei Xun because he had something to do and couldn't go to the appointment.

"How's it going? Are you okay?!"

Yu Hehui was worried and anxious for a long time. Seeing that Wei Xun was still answering the phone slowly and Mao Xiaole was still there, he wished he could hang up the phone himself.

"Are you injured? How is your body and mental state?"

Yu Hehui immediately changed into a fox state, nervously circling around Wei Xun, sniffing everywhere. His strength has not been fully restored, and his perception in the fox form is stronger than that in the human form. Yu Hehui can smell whether there are any injuries, external or internal injuries, or even mental problems.


After spinning around for a few times, Yu Hehui showed an expression of obvious surprise.

"The aura of the abyss on you has lessened?"


Wei Xun responded lazily. He was extremely relaxed and comfortable at the moment. His SAN value was fully restored. Wei Xun wanted to have a good sleep now.

But letting Wei Xun sleep without taking a shower was even harder than killing him. Wei Xun yawned, hesitated, and didn't lie down on the bed. Instead, he went to the bathroom to take a shower first.

Guard Xun took off his cloak and then took off his soaked clothes. The station space is not large, there is no special dressing room, and the bathroom is even smaller. They were all men, so Wei Xun simply took off his clothes beside the bed.

Then Yu Hehui clearly saw the dense red marks on Wei Xun's body, like red plums in the snow, from the back of his neck to his tailbone, and even his ankles. Especially the butterfly bone on the shoulder was the hardest hit area. It was deep and shallow, as if it had been roughly wrapped and sucked by something.

Wei Xun's skin was pale, and the red marks were even more dazzling.

Yu Hehui:?

? !

His whole fox was stunned!

Tick ​​tock.

Just when Yu Hehui's heart was in turmoil and he was extremely shocked, Yu Hehui saw a drop of slightly viscous liquid sliding down the line of Wei Xun's spine and finally across his waist.

Where it flows, the red marks are quickly becoming lighter, as if a pair of invisible hands are quietly erasing the marks on Wei Xun's body.

This scene is indescribably weird and terrifying.

"Wei Xun!"

Seeing Wei Xun enter the bathroom, the little fox subconsciously rushed forward and bumped into the bathroom door.


"Is this going to be anything important?"

Wei Xun's slightly tired voice came through the sound of shower water: "If there's nothing particularly important, I want to take a shower first. I'm too sticky."

"No, nothing particularly important."

Yu Hehui opened his mouth, then closed it, turned around a few times, and finally murmured: "It's okay, you wash first."

He had to think about it.

After hearing that Yu Hehui said it was okay, Wei Xun continued to take a bath. The current area of ​​his hotel is not large, and most of it is a functional area for beekeeping and insect breeding. The rest area is only four square meters so far, half of which is occupied by beds.

Therefore, the shower area is very small, with only enough room for one shower head, and Wei Xun cannot take a bath. When it comes to taking a shower, it is actually more comfortable to go back to your real home to take a shower, but there is something on Wei Xun that needs to be dealt with at the hotel.

"Tsk, there are so many."

The water flows through the body, and some places appear extremely smooth, even water droplets cannot be retained. Wei Xun scraped the skin with his fingers, and a layer of gel-like liquid was scraped off. It was translucent and stuck to his fingers, which was warm and translucent.

Without flushing it away, Wei Xun took out a sealed container and put all the liquid blocks into it. They don't seem to want to leave Wei Xun's skin and cling to it, especially in places like the back, which is very difficult to clean.


Wei Xun was tired of cleaning up, so he simply put his left hand behind his back and said coldly: "Take care of it."


There seemed to be a wolf grunting in a trance, soft and gentle, with intimacy and flattery, but a little hesitant, as if he didn't want to clean up the remaining fluid on Wei Xun's shoulders and back.

"It's really possessive."

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows. When he found this kind of wet liquid on his body, especially when most of it was on the back (wings), neck and tailbone where the tentacles had been wrapped, Wei Xun immediately suspected it was * * *

But Wei Xun remembered that the liquid left by the tentacles had long been absorbed by the magic wing scales to enhance his compatibility with the abyss.

On the contrary, when An Xuefeng awakened An Xuefeng in his killer whale state later in An Xuefeng's deep-sea psychedelic realm, it circled around Wei Xun several times, rubbed its fins against Wei Xun's body as if to confirm his state, and lightly pushed its head against Wei Xun's body. , and also tried to hold Wei Xun in his mouth.

The places that received the most attention were his back, behind and other places.

Wei Xun was thoughtful and raised his hand to draw a circle on the wall in front of him. After the hotel site is purchased, all the infrastructure is complete and can be put away on weekdays and available at any time when needed.

On the wall inside the circle painted by Wei Xun, a circular mirror appeared, shining right on Wei Xun's throat.

Wei Xun then saw that there was still a trace of crimson on his Adam's apple, and a drop of liquid from the fish that had escaped the net was stuck on it. After a while, the red completely disappeared, and the skin on his throat returned to normal color.

Wei Xun:?

Wei Xun's eyes were subtle, and he pondered: "An Xuefeng's... possessiveness?"

He knew without looking that on his shoulders, back of his waist, and wherever the tentacles had been wrapped and absorbed, there might be eye-catching red absorption marks left. Unfortunately, most of these places were behind him, covered by clothes, and Wei Xun could not find them at the first time.

And the transparent mucus that the killer whale secretly applied to him could eliminate the red marks.

"This is not like a real killer whale."

Wei Xun said with a sigh, and sure enough, after he waited for two or three seconds, the wolf, who had been deliberately delaying, did not need to be urged, and scraped off all the mucus according to Wei Xun's words. The liquid scraped from Wei Xun's body almost filled a 500 ml container.

Only then did Wei Xun finally have a good shower.

"It seems that possessiveness has a deeper impact on the beast state."

That's right. After taking the risk to get An Xuefeng's possessiveness, the manifestation was that there was a half circle of beast tooth marks on his left wrist. Wei Xun also studied it a little. When An Xuefeng was around, like when he was in northern Tibet, there would be a beast state with him to protect him, just like the 'Snow Leopard Guardian Spirit' and 'White Wolf King Guardian Spirit' seen by the wrong lama at that time.

But when An Xuefeng was not around, such as now, that kind of 'guardian spirit' would not appear all the time. It would only appear when Wei Xun communicated with the tooth mark and made a request.

Wei Xun had confirmed several times before that it did not have normal intelligence and was more primitive than wild beasts. It only acted according to the 'possessiveness', such as protecting Wei Xun, guarding Wei Xun, preventing other things from entering Wei Xun's body, etc.

Wei Xun can simply command it and communicate with it, but when the command conflicts with the "possessive desire", the other party may hesitate and will not immediately execute it 100%.

Just like now.

When the liquid block wiped out all the red marks on Wei Xun's body, the bodyguard spirit actively executed Wei Xun's order and swept away all the liquid blocks on his body.

"Can it eliminate the traces left by * * *... or in other words, can it eliminate the influence left by * * *?"

Wei Xun took a shower and shook a bottle of liquid. After leaving Wei Xun's skin and being put into the container, it showed a pure and beautiful milky white color, mixed with strands of black lines, black and white, somewhat like the color of killer whales. But there are more white than black.

In the container, they coexist at the same time, but they are incompatible and do not affect each other.

"The milky white is the mucus left by the killer whale, and the black is the energy left by * * *?"

Wei Xun's heart moved, he opened the container and dug out a piece of milky white mucus. Then he tentatively applied the mucus to his left wrist, where the half-circle of thorns was.

But before Wei Xun's fingers fell, the thorns that had been hidden under the skin in the past suddenly emerged, and half of them were detached from the wrist! It bent halfway like a climbing rope, pressed against Wei Xun's fingers, and resolutely prevented him from getting close.

Da me!

"Hmm? There is a real reaction."

Wei Xun became interested and tried a few more times. After determining the minimum amount that would cause the thorn tattoo to react, he slowly withdrew his hand.

"It turns out to be something that can eliminate the influence of * * *."

What a good thing!

When Wei Xun had just taken the risk, he had wondered whether '* * *'s love' and 'An Xuefeng's possessiveness' would suddenly disappear, how long they would last, and whether they could last for a while longer?

But this time is different, and now these two results of the adventure have not disappeared, and Wei Xun has been thinking about how to make them disappear.

It's not to erase them immediately, but Wei Xun is more accustomed to having countermeasures. If he wants to keep them, he can keep them. If he doesn't want to keep them, he can make them disappear immediately.

This is the bad thing about taking risks. It has no absolutely certain effect, and it is impossible to remove the results of the adventure. So now Wei Xun rarely takes risks with others, because its uncertainty is too great.

Since the milky white mucus can eliminate the influence left by * * *, can the black energy from * * * also eliminate An Xuefeng's possessiveness?

Wei Xun can't try it for the time being, because there are too few black filaments, and they are all mixed in the white mucus, and cannot be extracted separately. When he can extract them separately, Wei Xun will try again.

"Wei Xun."

After Wei Xun came out of the shower and put away the bathroom, he saw Yu Hehui sitting by the bed, looking at him solemnly and seriously, as if he wanted to discuss some important life events with him.

"Your aura of the abyss has become lighter. Captain An has helped you reduce some negative states."


Wei Xun sat on the bed and wiped his hair with a bath towel. He was not used to using a hair dryer. He and Yu Hehui sat very close to each other. Yu Hehui subconsciously glanced at Wei Xun's throat and didn't see the red mark, but Yu Hehui's complicated mood could not be relieved.

Yu Hehui pondered for a moment, then asked: "Captain An...what do you think of this person?"

"What's wrong?"

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

"I want to tell you about the connection between the tour guide and the brigade leader."

Yu Hehui became serious. In fact, he had a lot of things to say to Wei Xun before, but he put them aside for the time being.

Because connection is extremely important for tour guides.

"You should know that the hotel actually encourages 'lonely tour guides' to return to the brigade and encourages tour guides to become exclusive leader tour guides for the brigade."

"Your SAN value should be full now."


Wei Xun said calmly. He only knew some written knowledge in this area, but the deeper knowledge was definitely not as much as Yu Hehui knew.

He also wanted to hear what Yu Hehui had to say.

"An Xuefeng is a brigade captain. He is very powerful. If you connect with him, whether outside the journey or within the journey, as long as you are by his side, you can regain the full SAN value at any time."

Yu Hehui said: "The same is true for other brigades. It just depends on the strength of the connecting passengers. The stronger ones will return to the SAN faster, while the weaker ones will return slightly slower, but they can still fully return the SAN value."

"Compared with those expensive SAN-returning props and rare SAN-returning items, this method is faster and cheaper."

"Passengers will also encounter many unspeakable dangers during the journey. Although they do not have the attribute of SAN value, they will also be severely affected. The more powerful the passenger, the more severe the impact will be. For example, Team An, His condition is actually very bad.”


Yu Hehui was observing Wei Xun's expression all the time, and his heart sank slightly when he saw that he responded calmly and was not surprised at the fact that "Team An's situation is very bad."

Sure enough, the police, who were on the verge of losing control, took Wei Xun away, most likely to force Wei Xun to help rescue him. Moreover, after An Xuefeng took action, Wei Xun did not come back immediately, but disappeared for a longer period of time...

"But when tour guides join the brigade and connect with tourists, they can solve the negative states of tourists and eliminate those effects. So it stands to reason that tour guides and tourists are mutually beneficial and coexist."

Travelers can earn the most points and support tour guides. The tour guide leads the group to explore various main lines of the journey, seeking maximum benefits for the passengers in the group and avoiding harm. Even if encountering extreme danger and losing SAN alienation, the tour guide will not have to worry because there is a connection within the team.

But in fact, few tour guides will follow the brigade, and the vast majority of tour guides choose to join the alliance founded by the big guide. And most of the tour groups do not have equivalent tour guides.

It is not only because of the conflicts between tour guides and tourists, but there are deeper reasons.

"Connection can be divided into shallow, medium and deep."

Yu Hehui said profoundly: "Once a tour guide and a tourist are connected, as they relieve each other and the number of comforts increases, the deeper the impact on the other person's mental illusion, the degree of connection will naturally deepen."

Having said this, Yu Hehui paused, and seeing that Wei Xun still didn't ask questions, bad thoughts arose in their hearts.

It's over, Wei Xun even knows about the mental illusion. An Xuefeng must have told him this.

With Captain An's character, he would never take the initiative to talk about this. If he talked to Wei Xun, it was some kind of self-protection instinct. He must be in an extremely bad situation, on the verge of collapse, and in desperate need of the tour guide's comfort, so he would subconsciously talk about these topics.

This is a danger signal.

If it really comes to that point, then Wei Xun is very likely to be abducted into a spiritual illusion by An Xuefeng.

Oops, neither Yu nor Hui knew whether to worry more about Wei Xun or An Xuefeng. But seeing that Wei Xun was okay now, and Mao Xiaole's tone on the phone didn't sound like something was wrong. He suppressed his worries and spoke quickly:

"When the connection is at its deepest, the tour guide is equivalent to being bound to the brigade."

Yu Hehui frowned: "In this way, the tour guide will spontaneously be full of responsibility for the brigade, and will be affected by the passengers in the brigade. Especially powerful tourists can influence the tour guide, which is not the case for most tour guides. , is intolerable and extremely dangerous, because the tour guide will also have the obligation to protect the brigade.”

The tour guides selected into the hotel are all dying people and are going to fight for their lives. In the natural selection process, those tour guides who were selfish and unscrupulous survived, but many of the 'good guy' tour guides died. Sometimes it's not that good people are not strong, but that bad people are more ruthless and better at protecting themselves.

These tour guides are unwilling to join the brigade. If a weak brigade is added, the passengers will be too weak and the effect of comforting them back to SAN will be too poor. Moreover, they have to protect them, which is equivalent to carrying a lot of oil bottles.

If you join a strong team and the tourists are too strong, it will affect the tour guide.

"Connecting, soothing, and releasing stress actually make people feel happy. The stronger the connection with the tourists and the faster the release, the stronger the pleasure the tour guide will get, and it may even become addictive."


Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully. When An Xuefeng released the pain for him before, Wei Xun was indeed addicted.

Normal people would instinctively avoid and retreat from severe pain, but Wei Xun strongly pursued it and even actively embraced it. It seems that this may not only be the pursuit of pain, but also release too quickly, leading to intense pleasure.

Seeing Wei Xun nod, Yu and Hui's hearts became even colder.

Damn it, Wei Xun's mind has turned into that of An Xuefeng, right?

What he wants to say is that if the gap between the strength of the tour guide and the tourists is too big, not only will comforting make the tour guide addicted, but the Connector will be able to influence the tour guide with his own will, even if the Connector asks the tour guide to die for the brigade, to return to zero, to get rid of SAN, tour guides will do it too.

This is not even control, but the tour guide will think that he is willing to sacrifice and protect the brigade.

The impact is horrific.

What Yu Hehui is worried about is that the strength gap between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng is too large. After joining together, he will be seriously affected by An Xuefeng, and this influence can even spread to the entire returning team.

Even if An Xuefeng didn't mean it, because he is too strong, as long as there is a real connection, even if it is only superficial, Wei Xun will most likely be affected by him.

An Xuefeng's inner belief is protection and responsibility. Protect the way back, protect important companions and friends, and keep everyone alive.

On Wei Xun's next trip, someone from the Homecoming and Sunset Brigade happened to sneak in!

It was an extremely dangerous journey. If Wei Xun was really influenced to have the idea of ​​'protecting' the way home, then he would most likely have a brain attack in order to protect himself from danger, and suddenly rush out to block those people, just like An Xue That’s what Feng is accustomed to do!

But the problem is, Wei Xun is really dangerous in the extremely dangerous group. Those dangerous travelers can survive, but he may not be able to survive. Yu Hehui feels frightened just thinking about it!

Wei Xun asked: "What is a shallow connection?"

Yu Hehui still has one last hope: "It stands to reason that the tour guide and the tourist have entered each other's spiritual illusion, which is considered a preliminary contact. When they have comforted and relieved each other, it is considered a true shallow connection."

That's right, the difference in strength between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng means that it is easy for An Xuefeng to comfort him, but it is difficult for Wei Xun to comfort An Xuefeng.

Even if he was abducted into a mental illusion by An Xuefeng, it shouldn't have any effect. After all, An Xuefeng is too strong, and his spiritual problems are definitely hidden deep, and Wei Xun may not even be able to find them——

"Then we should be considered a preliminary connection."

Wei Xun thought thoughtfully: "But I have no intention of protecting the way back, protecting An Xuefeng, and being responsible for An Xuefeng."

He was just in the bathroom trying to see if he could eliminate his love, so Wei Xun thought he was different from what Yu Hehui said in this regard.


But Yu Hehui was shocked and couldn't believe it: "You, you gave An Xuefeng relief?!"

* *

"Bai Xiaosheng, how is the captain doing now? Is he really feeling better?"

As soon as Bai Xiaosheng came out of the lounge, he met several pairs of expectant eyes. On the way back, everyone crowded at the door, looking at him eagerly, like the patients' family members waiting in front of the operating room.

"much better."

Bai Xiaosheng pushed up his glasses and spoke with data: "Compared to the same period before, An Xuefeng's negative state has been reduced by 5.7%. Calculated, he used two tokens of 30 degrees north latitude to combine with *** to suppress the seal. The superimposed effects of the cracks should reduce Team An’s negative status by a total of 13.25%.”

"I knew it! I just said that the captain is fine. His condition must be getting better instead of getting worse!"

Mao Xiaole said excitedly and happily: "I don't really want to kill anyone anymore!"

"Silly Xiaole, just because you don't really want to kill someone, everyone is more worried."

Lu Shucheng patted Mao Xiaole's head.

"Indeed, if the captain is going to fall into a deep sleep... he will do so in advance."

Wang Yushu said rarely seriously.

An Xuefeng's situation is very bad. He not only suffers from his own mental pollution, negative influence and other problems. As the brigade captain, he also took on some of the problems of the people returning home.

It was precisely because An Xuefeng did this that everyone on the way back could remain roughly normal, and those negative effects were only manifested in some "quirky" situations.

Once An Xuefeng is on the verge of collapse and cannot bear to fall into a deep sleep, what Wang Yushu and others worry about is that he will absorb most of the negative effects of everyone on the way home before falling asleep, so that the way back can still remain intact after he falls asleep. combat effectiveness.

But if he really does this, it means that An Xuefeng's condition is definitely extremely bad, and he has no confidence that he will wake up in a short time.

It's even more likely that he won't wake up.

That's why everyone becomes so worried after they find that their situation has improved.

"But now it looks like things are getting better."

Lu Shucheng smiled safely. In other words, their condition improved because An Xuefeng's condition improved, not because of some bad reasons.

As a brigade without a tour guide, the condition of brigade captain An Xuefeng can greatly affect the returning members.

"Which tour guide has Team An contacted?"

Wan Xiangchun asked calmly: "Are you a dream chaser?"

"It's impossible. Clay figurine Zhang is still alive. There's no way Dream Chaser can connect with our captain."

Wang Pengpai was also relieved and said with a cheerful smile: "Unless the clay figurine Zhang and Dream Chaser are ready to merge and return home, then we will definitely support and welcome them. If I, the deputy captain, don't do it, I will abdicate on the spot and make way for others!"

"Hey, that's good. Our team will have no shortage of puppets in the future."

Mao Xiaole joined the discussion enthusiastically, and even started to think about the future: "It just so happens that I can give Teacher Wei a surgery! Teacher Wei likes to take risks, and it is really dangerous without a puppet."

"Hey, I didn't expect that Dream Chaser could really connect with our captain. I thought our team would be without a tour guide until the hotel was destroyed. Tsk, it would have been better if it had been earlier. Then maybe I could pass the review."

Mao Xiaole said regretfully: "It's an extremely dangerous journey with two tour guides and guardians. It's a pity that I can't participate in such a lively event. And this is obviously Chinese supernatural horror. I'm the best at this stuff. Sister Cheng Don’t hit him on the head as soon as a fight starts, forgetting everything, and then when the fight is over, you’ll see, Bing 250 is dead!”

"Come on! Mao Xiaole, do you want to make a bet? If I bring Bing250 back intact and healthy, you will lose. You have to get me ten top-quality ingredients!"

"It's so funny, whoever bets you that Bing250 will die, I will bet that he will live."

Mao Xiaole spoke plausibly, and the two began to quarrel, and there was a happy atmosphere throughout the return journey. Everyone is really happy to know that An Xuefeng has the possibility of recovery.

Bai Xiaosheng saw everything with his eyes. He took a few bottles of wine from the freezer and then returned to the lounge.

"Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng have been initially affected."

As soon as you enter the lounge, you feel like you are entering a police station office. Mainly in black and white, it is concise and clear, full of a fair and serious atmosphere. Ordinary people would be nervous and at a loss when they come in, but for An Xuefeng and Bai Feibai, this is the most familiar and relaxing environment for them.

An Xuefeng sat at his desk with a cup of coffee in front of him. The ashtray next to him was full of cigarette butts. When Bai Xiaosheng came in, he had just lit a new cigarette, his eyes dark, as if he was making a difficult and important decision.

"The two of them are the purest, and they will be affected more deeply."

Bai Xiaosheng started mixing drinks while talking. He took out a special goblet and poured the wine into it one after another. The strange thing is that after the various colors of wine are mixed in the goblet, they turn into pure white.

"I need to confirm the state of your mental illusion again."

Bai Xiaosheng pushed the glass of wine towards An Xuefeng. An Xuefeng paused slightly, and then he held the wine glass.

A magical scene happened. When he held the wine glass, the white liquid in the wine glass began to layer and change color. The eight floors below are all deep and shallow, but distinct gray. Only the top layer has a touch of light blue floating in the light gray.

"You were indeed soothed."

Bai Xiaosheng used a special method to extract the light blue wine liquid, put it back into a small crystal cup, and pushed it to An Xuefeng.

"This shows that you have established a shallow connection between you."

"It was my mistake."

An Xuefeng drank the small glass of wine, put out the cigarette, and said solemnly: "I was not fully prepared. Even though I knew that he was very likely to possess the Maria Butterfly fragment, I still entered him." The spiritual illusion, releasing and comforting him——"

"Second team."

Very rarely, Bai Xiaosheng interrupted An Xuefeng's words. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and he was actually smiling: "This is not a meeting for you to review, so you don't have to be so serious. Finally, there is a tour guide who can comfort you. Everyone is here." very happy."

"Are you prepared to solemnly invite him to join us on our way home and become our only tour guide?"


An Xuefeng shook his head. He took out another cigarette and held it between his fingers instead of lighting it. The irritability of the past was gone, and he looked unusually calm and calm: "No, I don't plan to invite him on the way home. Nor on the way back..."

"I understand. Indeed, if he becomes the tour guide on the way back now, he will definitely be targeted by many parties, and there may even be danger from the person in charge."

Bai Xiaosheng interrupted An Xuefeng again. He pulled out a stack of parchment: "We are in the light and he is in the dark. This way the safety factor is higher. Here are several plans I have listed. Mao Xiaole and the others think they are Dream Chasers By contacting you, it just so happens that Dream Chaser owes you a few favors in this matter, so I can ask him to help cover it up."

"But Wan Xiangchun and Wang Yushu may realize the existence of Bing250, and he also needs more secret support and protection. I will at the appropriate time..."

"Fei Bai."

An Xuefeng interrupted Bai Xiaosheng's words and looked helpless: "You know, that's not what I meant."

An Xuefeng said in an unquestionably serious tone: "There will be no tour guide on the way home, and I can't contact the tour guide. You know."

"Yes, I know."

Bai Xiaosheng remained calm: "You are an incomplete person now. If you contact the tour guide, it will be difficult for you to influence the tour guide until you and *** are completely integrated, and the tour guide will seriously affect you and even affect you." The whole journey home.”

Tourists will spontaneously protect the tour guides in the team, which is more like an instinct.

"When the brigade dies, the guide dies. Likewise, when the guide dies, the brigade dies."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Your connection with Bing250 is equivalent to his connection with the entire Homecoming. Once he dies, it will be the end of the Homecoming."

"That's right."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "I won't bet on my return."

The guide is associated with the strongest person in the group, usually the group leader. Once connected, the tour guide can appease the entire caravan. When the brigade leader dies, the bond will automatically go to the second strongest character in the brigade, and so on. When the last passenger in the caravan dies, the tour guide will die with him.

However, once the tour guide in the team dies, the other travelers in the team will gradually collapse mentally and die.

Sometimes the tour guide is more like the spiritual leader of the brigade than the brigade leader.

Therefore, major brigades rarely have overt tour guides, and even if they do, they are mostly hidden to avoid being targeted.

An Xuefeng's situation is even worse. As the most powerful tourist, he cannot influence the tour guide, but he and the entire return trip will be affected by the tour guide.

Like Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng, they originally didn't have much thought about Bing250, and even when they sneaked into the journey, they just acted according to the situation. If there is really a danger and Bing250 dies, then they will join other passengers to snatch the tokens of the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

This is the reason why so many big travelers suppress their strength and try their best to squeeze into extremely dangerous groups.

It doesn't really matter whether Bing250 is alive or dead, as long as he can grab the token of the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, because 30 degrees north latitude means the Maria butterfly fragment, and only it can cure Xuefeng's illness.

But just now, the thoughts revealed inadvertently between Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng's words had already brought back Bing250's 'safety, health and well-being'.

If their lives are really in danger, they will definitely risk their lives to protect Bing250. This is more like some kind of instinct.

"I won't bet my return."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "I promised that I would help solve his pain and negative emotional problems. After solving the problem, I will cut off the superficial connection with him——"

"Captain, sometimes you can be selfish. There is a 99.95% chance that he is the only tour guide who can connect with you and comfort you."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "This is not selfish, it is also a common wish of everyone. As long as he can really comfort you and relieve your pain, then we are willing to take all risks, just like you take the initiative to take on our negative state."

"We're on the same brigade."

Seeing An Xuefeng's silence, Bai Xiaosheng continued: "To put it mildly, if you die, we won't be alive either."

"You will survive."

An Xuefeng frowned and interrupted him: "Even if I really fall asleep this time, I will..."

"If people find out that you are most likely to be asleep, they will kill themselves one by one in order to wake you up."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Including me."

"Not everyone is as strong as you. Homecoming still exists because of you. If you were gone, everyone would go crazy. They have been suppressed for too long."

"Fei Bai, I rarely hear you talk like this."

An Xuefeng smiled instead and sighed: "It reminds me of the past..."

"We have more to come, why dwell on the past."

Bai Xiaosheng looked a little aggressive: "To put it bluntly, if Bing250 really becomes our tour guide, maybe we will be safer. At least even if you die, there will be a tour guide in the team, and we won't go crazy. "

"The excitement is of no use to me."

An Xuefeng was not angry, but just laughed: "I understand what you mean, but Bing250..."

"What's wrong with him? Is he too weak? Is he in danger? Is he related to the Life-haunting Man?"

Bai Xiaosheng asked a series of questions, but his tone became calmer: "No, Captain, do you want to make a bet with me?"

"I bet Bing 250 on this extremely dangerous journey, even without much help from us, he will survive, and his strength will grow rapidly. He has more butterfly fragments than you. This kind of person is favored by the hotel, absolutely He will not die easily, even if you die, he will not die. "

"Hey, why did you start a bet with me? Gambling is strictly prohibited in the team, have you forgotten?"

An Xuefeng sighed. He folded his hands and put them on his nose, rarely showing any real emotion.

"I understand what you mean, and I understand my current state. I also understand the others. If I have the chance, I will fight."

"But the problem is, people may not be willing to contact me and be my tour guide."

An Xuefeng was a little nagging: "This time, to be honest, I lost control of this connection and went too far. I probably didn't bring him any good experience."

"And I think he might prefer to be a lone wolf and develop his own career, and he is less willing to be tied to an established brigade."

An Xuefeng frowned slightly, a little troubled:

"Oh, I didn't mean to peek into his thoughts intentionally. It's just that after the connection, well, you know that I'm not in a good state, and I will instinctively want to get closer. If I continue to maintain a shallow connection, I will inevitably disturb him frequently and pull him away. Entering a spiritual illusion. This kind of too frequent contact will be too much for him."

"First, you can't influence him."

After hearing this, Bai Xiaosheng said: "Captain, given your current situation, even if the connection between you reaches a deep level, your will will not affect him. He does not need to be responsible to us, nor is he bound to the brigade. Whether he is developing his career or being a lone wolf, any of his thoughts will not be affected by you."

"As for us protecting him and supporting him, if he dies and we die together, it is also our decision and our business. He will not know about it and does not have to bear any burden. This is equivalent to a unilateral connection. Even if Homecoming is destroyed, nothing will happen to him."

"As long as he lives, there's always hope that you'll get better."


An Xuefeng was speechless and looked a little moved.

Bai Xiaosheng's face was expressionless: "As for frequently dragging him into spiritual illusions, which he couldn't bear, and because he lost control, he failed to bring him a good experience."

"Captain, you have such a strong willpower. If you restrain yourself, be patient, and hone your skills, you should be fine."

"You, tut."

When An Xuefeng heard what he said, his emotions turned into dumbfounding. Then he became serious: "Let me think about this matter again."

"You really have to think about it."

Knowing that An Xuefeng had really listened to what An Xuefeng said, Bai Xiaosheng did not say anything more and said instead: "Captain, I think you should apologize to him. After all, it is * * * something like dragging him into a mental illusion. , and letting him enter your inner fantasy is actually extremely dangerous for him, and he didn’t agree. It was you who forced him to do it, right?”

"The former is, and the latter...well, not entirely, but I do have that thought."

An Xuefeng simply admitted it.

"So I suggest that you ask for his forgiveness and ask him to give you another chance."

"What you said makes me feel weird."

An Xuefeng gave him a strange look and clicked his tongue: "Okay, I know what's going on."

He stood up and murmured: "Dream Chaser, he can't hold on for so many years. He couldn't even go see the clay figurine Zhang immediately after he was rescued... Tsk, I'll go see him."

After saying that, An Xuefeng disappeared into the lounge.

* *

"Wei Xun, Dream Chaser has sent a message. He wants to talk to you."

Yu Hehui's voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind. The communication equipment in the abyss node was unavailable, and Wei Xun's mobile phone was placed outside. At this moment, Yu Hehui received the news and came to contact him.

'okay, I get it'

Wei Xun responded, then looked at the person in front of him, and said thoughtfully: "Dream Chaser is here to find you. It seems that he should solve the problem."

"So, you are already deeply connected. I will go out soon and ask the last question."

Wei Xun humbly and cautiously asked: "Will a deep connection be more enjoyable than a shallow connection...?"

Clay figurine Zhang was in bad shape.

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