Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 149 Clay Figurine Zhang【8】

The snow leopard stood in front of Wei Xun. The cold wind blew its thick silver-gray leopard fur. It stared at Wei Xun. Unlike the snow leopards in northern Tibet who only had wild instincts, its eyes were dark blue with calm wisdom at this moment.

It seems that there is a human soul living inside this snow leopard.

Wei Xun stood opposite the snow leopard, his light blue cloak fluttering in the wind and snow, revealing his almost completely alienated body. * * * There were a lot of wet water marks left on his body, which seemed to have reduced the sharp and aggressive nature of the protruding bone spurs in the joints, and became more calm and soft.

"You saved Yu Hehui and the clay figurine Zhang."

Unexpectedly, it was Snow Leopard who spoke first. No, Snow Leopard didn't make a sound, it was An Xuefeng's voice that rang in Wei Xun's mind. The voice was not as manic or impatient as imagined, but very calm and peaceful.

"Thank you."

He did not give Wei Xun time to speak, and continued to briefly describe: "Abyss-type titles are very strong in the early stage, but they are like a time bomb. Appeasing * * * will deepen your compatibility with the abyss and make your alienation stronger. The strength has increased, but it has also accelerated the speed of the explosion. "

"If you don't release it, at the rate of your progress, you should lose control for the first time in half a month."

"You mean that I won't feel pain or negative emotions. But it's not that I really can't feel it, but that these perceptions are suppressed and accumulated?"

Wei Xun was very sharp and smart, and he understood what An Xuefeng meant after a moment's thought. He still did not use his own voice when he spoke, but imitated the voice of ***:

"This is where?"

"This is your inner fantasy."

An Xuefeng said briefly, the snow leopard raised its long tail and patted the rugged and steep towering iceberg:

"It's the pain you accumulate."

It raised its head again and glanced at the sky as if indicating:

"It's your negative emotions."

Dense dark clouds, howling winds, large swaths of snow like cotton wool, ice particles wrapped in the wind and snow, all of them.


It was the first time Wei Xun heard this statement. He looked down with great interest. The iceberg was so big that he could not see the bottom at all.

"Have I accumulated so much pain?"

"I will guide you to release."

Without negation, this is the default.

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows. He found An Xuefeng's attitude very interesting.

Wei Xun believed that the connection between Bing 250 and Xi Mingren was inextricably linked, and even the fact that they were blood relatives should have been exposed.

Yu and Huineng analyzed it, and Dream Chaser should also be able to see that Wei Xun was mentally prepared that "everyone knows" the secret known to the two of them.

Wei Xun was ready to meet An Xuefeng and negotiate terms. Which of his secrets have been exposed, which ones can still be hidden, how to hide them, and whether hiding will bring greater benefits or exposing them, Wei Xun has carefully considered all these.

Just trying to appease * * * tentacles is also strengthening one's own strength.

As long as the benefits are great enough, people can ignore potential dangers.

What's more, he has been inextricably linked to An Xuefeng for a long time. A rational person will analyze the pros and cons and kill Wei Xun directly. I am afraid it is the worst choice and will not bring any benefits.

Wei Xun's only concern was An Xuefeng's mental condition, fearing that this person would not act according to common sense.

But now it seems that the situation is different from what Wei Xun expected.

"I didn't feel the accumulated emotions, but I could feel some of the pain after entering the hotel."

Wei Xun was cooperative. He even told the other party about the various attempts he had made after entering the hotel, such as experiencing dysmenorrhea and a series of things that made him feel painful.

"Don't resist."

The snow leopard listened carefully, and after hearing what Wei Xun said, it walked up to him. There wasn't too much touching, just touching Wei Xun's light blue cloak with the leopard tail.

Wei Xun felt a strong but non-hostile force sweep across his cloak. He felt that he was being watched by a mysterious force, but he did not feel that he was in danger. The other party was very polite and did not pry too much into Wei Xun's secrets. Instead, he only kept his gaze on one place.

"Your pain was released briefly, but there is still too much left."

"Your negative emotions have not been released, and sadness, fear, and anger have accumulated more."

An Xuefeng said softly: "Today I will guide you to release some of the pain and some of the sadness."

His tone was calm and steady, like a professor telling his students which course he would teach today, which made people feel very reassuring.

"Captain An, why don't you change into human form?"

Wei Xun suddenly asked curiously, but the other party did not answer, he just asked:

"Are you ready?"


Wei Xun did not answer. When An Xuefeng asked this question, he suddenly felt very clearly that the snow leopard's tail was touching his ankle. The touch seemed to be magnified countless times, reminding Wei Xun of the tentacle blood he had smelled just now, but the next moment, his breathing was erratic.

There was no sign of severe pain, coming from every muscle and bone in his body. Wei Xun was like a prey captured by an invisible and terrifying python. The python was wrapped around and tightened, depriving him of his breath, and it was rough and wanton. Squeezing Wei Xun's flesh, bones and internal organs.

He began to struggle subconsciously, his whole body convulsing with pain, but he could not escape from this terrifying assailant no matter what. Crack--the bones in his body made an unbearable sound.

But the most unbearable thing is that whenever the entanglement and oppression are excessive and the person is close to death, the other party will loosen slightly. This cycle is more torturous and painful than a direct and decisive death.

Not only his body, but his wings and tail were also tortured by such entanglement and oppression. The assailant's body seemed to be covered with suckers, sucking on every sensitive spot that could be touched, making people's scalp numb.

Pain and other feelings come at the same time, making people fall into the abyss of pain.

"'s a tentacle."

In a short breath, Wei Xun murmured, and he realized that this was exactly what it felt like to be surrounded and squeezed by tentacles just now. If he felt pain then, that's what he felt now.

The pain at this moment was actually not too intense, and was even considered 'just right' for Wei Xun. Such pain made him more excited and happy, and his mind became more rational and calm.

What An Xuefeng meant was that Wei Xun's pain from every previous injury was not that it was not painful, but that it was 'hidden', just like the pain of being entangled and squeezed by tentacles.

The more unscrupulous Wei Xun is, fighting without fear of life or death, the more pain he will accumulate from the past. When the accumulated pain and negative emotions explode at a certain point at the same time, it may cause extremely serious consequences.

So An Xuefeng is helping him to be released in advance.

But Wei Xun still wanted to confirm again.

Being squeezed and entangled in almost suffocating pain, Wei Xun squatted down as if it was unbearable. He waved his hands randomly, as if trying to find support, and then Wei Xun grabbed the snow leopard's tail.

The fluffy leopard tail froze immediately after he grabbed it, but Wei Xun had no time to observe more changes in the leopard tail.

"Hiss... ha..."

An unstoppable, broken breath sounded from Wei Xun's throat, and pain beyond the endurance range of ordinary people suddenly came from his head!

The veins on his forehead throbbed with pain, as if a fire was burning every nerve and every part of the skin. The pain was so intense that Wei Xun's eyesight instantly went black, as if he was about to faint, but was forced to Awakening.

The severe headache instantly overcame the suffocating pain of being entangled by the tentacles. Wei Xun held his head tightly, his eyes red with pain, but what was more unbearable than the severe pain was the voice that sounded in his head.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

It was as if a sharp steel cone hit his head again and again, splitting the top of his skull with severe pain, cruelly splitting his whole body from it, and then blended and reorganized, the cycle continued, and the devilish ticking sound swept through Wei Xun's entire consciousness. There was no way to escape, no way. Dodge, like tarsal maggots, entangled in Wei Xun's mind, making his head feel like it was immersed in magma, surrounded by pain that exceeded the threshold of human beings.

"This, this is...a drop of water..."

Wei Xun said hoarsely, he understood, it was the ticking sound when he used the badge to secretly catch the water droplets shed by An Xuefeng's book, and it was the severe pain when the badge crow was smashed and reassembled again and again by the water droplets.

really! It's the reappearance of his past pain, it's release.

The more An Xuefeng's body is exposed to, the more pain he will endure at the same time!

Wei Xun tightly held the leopard's tail in his hand and tried to pull it away, and even tried to suppress the leopard's tail with the power of his own body. His whole body shivered in pain, and physiological tears wetted his eyelashes, flowing down his face, and finally disappeared into the light blue cloak.

"Follow your ability. The more you come into contact with me, the more pain you will endure at the same time."

In the daze of severe pain, Wei Xun seemed to hear An Xuefeng's voice, with a hint of warning: "Everyone has their own tolerance threshold——"

very noisy.

An Xuefeng was stunned for a moment, as he was hugged by someone. The light blue cloak covered him and the tour guide like raised wings. The tour guide let go of the leopard's tail and hugged the snow leopard.

His arms hugged its head, his upper body pressed tightly against the snow leopard's body, his legs squeezed between the snow leopard's legs, and even his tail was wrapped around the snow leopard's tail.

It's like dodder twining around an ancient tree, desperately trying to absorb the nutrients from it.

But no one knew that he was embracing pain.

"Tsk, wake up."

An Xuefeng frowned, feeling the man's body go limp, as if he was unconscious due to unbearable pain. This is extremely dangerous. If the pain threshold is exceeded, people can be pained to death!

The snow leopard swung its head and tail and struggled back, trying to reduce the contact area with this person.

But the person who seemed to be unconscious was still holding its head firmly with both arms. His whole body was obviously shaking and trembling, and his face was full of tears. But she was still muttering incoherently, squeezing into his arms like a little beast and clinging to him.

Even the thin, dark, flexible tail was clearly so painful that even the bone spurs stood up in pain, and it kept trembling, but it was still tightly wrapped around the snow leopard's long tail.

It is too inconvenient to escape the embrace of humans in the form of a snow leopard. After a moment of hesitation, in the cold wind and heavy snow, the snow leopard turned into a human. An Xuefeng pushed away the head that kept squeezing into his neck, tearing the man apart like a piece of sticky tape. His movements were swift and powerful, and the other party couldn't resist his movements.

But it is really not easy to completely separate yourself from this person, because wherever he touches, he will hug tightly and hold on, and if he lets go, he will immediately stick to him again.

In the end, An Xuefeng had to hold both of his wrists with one hand, lift them up, put one hand against his body, step on his feet with his left foot in military boots, and step on the restless long tail with his right foot, to keep the contact area to a minimum.

Even so, the opponent's spread demon wings still tried to close in front of him, trying to trap An Xuefeng in front of him.

"wake up."

An Xuefeng shouted, and at this moment his eyes seemed to turn golden, full of strange power. As he spoke, his body, which was shaking like fallen leaves in the cold wind, finally slowly returned to normal.

After feeling that the limbs controlled by his hands no longer had the tendency to desperately want to get closer to him, but began to relax, An Xuefeng finally let go.

His brows were furrowed, and the golden color in his eyes faded, becoming filled with scarlet bloodshot eyes. Even if he closes his eyes to suppress it and opens it again, his will on the verge of collapse is like a collapsed building block, unable to be controlled or recovered.

"Let's get here first today."

But An Xuefeng's tone was still calm and calm, and nothing strange could be heard. But just as he turned to leave, someone grabbed his hand.

"Captain An... just left like that?"

His breath was still not completely calmed down, so his words seemed intermittent, with a hint of choking after crying, and his voice was hoarse.

But even so, people who had previously lost consciousness due to severe pain, unable to control their bodies, and collapsed collapsed. It's still amazing how quickly I can stand up and regain control of my body.

"You...have reached your critical point, too. I saw..."

The voice of the words gradually became deeper and blended into the sound of the surrounding wind and snow.


There was a muffled sound as if an iceberg was collapsing, mixed with the howling and roaring of the wind. But gradually the sound of wind and snow subsided and became more like the sound of ocean waves.

"let me……"

An Xuefeng's eyes were dazed for a moment. He still wanted to leave, but the steps he took became heavier and heavier.


His eyes were crimson, his mind was filled with chaotic scenes, and the sound of the waves in his ears was getting louder and louder. An Xuefeng's eyes showed unconcealable fatigue and struggle, but in the end, his eyes still closed a little bit.


The sound of wind and snow stopped, but the sound of waves became louder and louder, almost deafening. The surrounding scene changed, and the snow-capped mountains and glaciers disappeared. With a pop, Wei Xun fell into the sea.


He was still immersed in the afterglow of pain, and it took him a while to finally recover. His eyes were sore and slightly swollen from excessive tears, and his body was still sensitive from severe pain. His muscles would tremble nervously when the waves hit him.

But his consciousness has returned to reason.

"It's cool."

Wei Xun let out a long breath and smiled happily. As if after strenuous exercise, I still feel a little light-headed and weak, but my whole body is relaxed. It was as if the invisible burden that had been weighing on my body had finally been relieved, making people feel more relaxed than ever before.

Wei Xun didn't feel much before, he just felt that everything was normal and nothing was wrong. But only after this time did he truly understand the difference between the two. The relief after release was like lying in the softest cotton pile warmed by the sun.

In fact, it's not much different. Wei Xun is floating alone on the water at the moment, which seems to be an endless sea.

This is An Xuefeng's 'problem'. Perhaps it can also be said that it is his mental illusion?

Floating on the sea, Wei Xun connected all the clues.

The towering snow-capped mountains represent Wei Xun's accumulated pain and various negative emotions. The last faint sound of the avalanche that Wei Xun heard was part of the pain he had released.

If the release continues until the glaciers and snow peaks are ground into flat ground, Wei Xun will no longer have this hidden danger. Of course, the glacier and snow peaks are extremely tall, and smoothing them down is definitely a time-consuming task.

However, Wei Xun's snowy peaks pale in comparison to the boundless vastness of darkness.

"The problem lies in the abyss."

Wei Xun said to himself: "This is An Xuefeng's problem."

But Wei Xun didn't explore the ocean first and find the missing An Xuefeng. Instead, he was sorting out his thoughts.

At the beginning of this meeting, Wei Xun thought that An Xuefeng would talk to him, negotiate terms, press him for his true identity, etc.

An Xuefeng did not ask, so Wei Xun thought that An Xuefeng was suspicious and would not easily believe his words, so he wanted to find an opportunity to interrogate him.

When a person is in severe pain or immersed in some strong emotions, his willpower will be extremely weak, and this will be the best time for interrogation.

But when Wei Xun almost lost consciousness due to severe pain and his will seemed to collapse, An Xuefeng did not interrogate him. Even after Wei Xun kept approaching the snow leopard and finally hugged it, An Xuefeng didn't do anything to him.

He didn't even lift Wei Xun's hood to see what he looked like.

In fact, when the pain reached the point of mental breakdown, Wei Xun miraculously retained his last bit of sanity. This is really unbelievable, but if An Xuefeng really takes action, he will realize it.

But in fact, An Xuefeng did not take advantage of this, but wanted to wake him up.

What is An Xuefeng's purpose?

Is it just to repay him for saving Yu Hehui and the clay figurine Zhang, and simply let him release the pain?

Wei Xun thought this sounded a bit ridiculous. But in fact, if he had not taken the initiative to hug the snow leopard, maybe An Xuefeng would have let him release the pain one by one instead of all at once.

It can be said that the degree of pain is controlled by Wei Xun himself.

"I still want to..."

Thinking of the various and multi-level severe pain just now, Wei Xun's body trembled, but he still narrowed his eyes.

It is severe pain, but it is also happiness. It is the pain that completely breaks through the sanity, the relaxation and joy after the mental breakdown. It is the perverted and twisted joy that rises in the heart after actively embracing the pain.

Wei Xun has always pursued pain, but every time he suffered pain, he was very measured. Whether he experienced menstrual cramps or held a tour guide flag as a tourist, he never exceeded the boundaries he had set for himself.

Especially this aspect is difficult to control, so recently Wei Xun seldom pursues physical pain, but begins to indulge in the joy of losing SAN, using visual hallucinations to torture his nerves, but with the name tag, he will never completely lose his mind. .

However, now Wei Xun discovered that physical pain and mental distortion were completely different. The former is more passionate, more real, and can evoke endless aftertaste in him.

Breaking through the bottom line, there is no need to think so much, no need to think so much, just immersed in the severe pain, self-destruction without scruples, sinking endlessly, without thinking about any consequences.

Really wanton and carefree, doing whatever you want.

Compared with the pain when * * * planting the demon seed, Wei Xun was even more fascinated by the pain this time.

Even a little addictive.

Although it was a bit of a show-off, this could be regarded as the first time Wei Xun had handed over the bottom line to An Xuefeng. An Xuefeng's strong strength and firm willpower allowed him to be more confident, and also allowed Wei Xun to have more unbridled pleasure.

"An Xuefeng."

If he hadn't sensed that something was wrong with An Xuefeng's situation and was on the verge of collapse, he wouldn't have been able to keep telling the truth. Wei Xun would still have wanted to continue to suffer.

This is so cool.

The connection between tour guides and tourists is relative. When Wei Xun hugged An Xuefeng, he vaguely felt that there was a sea of ​​silence and silence deep in An Xuefeng's heart.

An Xuefeng originally said that he would help Wei Xun release some of his pain and sadness this time, but in fact, after releasing the pain, he was about to leave.

At that time, An Xuefeng's condition was extremely bad, and Wei Xun could feel it. So he finally took the plunge.

An Xuefeng can enter Wei Xun's mental illusion, and Wei Xun can also enter An Xuefeng's.

Wei Xun wanted to know more about An Xuefeng.

By now, the other party knew many of his secrets, but Wei Xun still didn't know much about An Xuefeng.

That's not fair.

Just as Wei Xun expected, An Xuefeng didn't put up much resistance to him entering the spiritual illusion. One is the connection between tour guides and tourists, and the other is An Xuefeng's condition is really bad.

Another point is——

Wei Xun did not find An Xuefeng in this mental illusion.

Wei Xun wanted to change the position of lying on his back and floating, but the buoyancy of the sea water was too strong, so he could only float.

Different from the thick clouds and blizzards in Wei Xun's mental fantasy, the sea was very calm. Wei Xun, who was floating upward, could see the clear blue sky with wisps of flowing clouds. It was not too hot and had just the right amount of sunshine.

Everything is so peaceful that you can't help but want to have a good sleep here.

But Wei Xun is very excited now, as if he is overly high, and he doesn't want to sleep at all. After trying countless methods but unable to sink, Wei Xun paddled the water with both hands to let himself float on the 'sea surface'. While looking for An Xuefeng, he pondered the current situation.

Clay figurine Zhang was rescued. His title is very powerful. He can make a puppet in two days and two nights. There are still six days left before the new journey begins, so there is still time.

I have established a relationship with Dream Chaser, and maybe I can ask him to be my guardian.

As for the two tour guides, it is no surprise that the devil businessman will agree. But he will probably also find a guardian for himself, most likely a top tour guide in the Western District.

Wei Xun, the leader of the group, planned to take the task as soon as he entered the journey, otherwise the difficulty of the journey would increase, which would definitely attract the attention of the big boss passengers.

At the same time, beware of the devil merchant who also takes over the task of leading the team.

The devil businessman... has many methods and can have deeper connections. Looking at the development of the mutual aid association, and then looking at the effect of the responsibility insect, it would be best to use the responsibility insect as the symbol of the mutual aid association...

Anyone who joins the membership should touch it more.

In addition to the tour guide, we will bring in some more tourists next. It’s best to have something mid- to high-end that can be helpful. You can let Yu Hehui pimp you, or you can... the next extremely dangerous group will have big guys from all forces coming in, and there will be confrontation missions between the east and west areas, which can all be used as bargaining chips.

The most important thing is An Xuefeng.

The situation in the hotel is relatively balanced now, but if An Xuefeng collapses and dies, all balance will be lost. Of course, a strong man like An Xuefeng shouldn't die so easily.

How much information has he exposed to An Xuefeng so far?

Yu and Hui Weixun are still trustworthy, so assuming that Dream Chaser knows everything, An Xuefeng knows.

Then he knew that Bing250 and Ximingren had the same origin and had similar titles, and they were blood relatives of Ximingren.

Knowing that Bing250 conquered the Abyss Node and opened up a journey to the 30th North Latitude, he had the title of "Passenger" and could become a Traveler.

Does An Xuefeng know that Bing250 and Wei Xun are the same person?

When he was in northern Tibet, Wei Xun let the fox cub mimic the appearance of a leopard cub. In front of An Xuefeng at that time, the leopard cub and the crimson cloak appeared together.

Wei Xun is a completely new traveler in northern Tibet, and everyone can testify to this. Moreover, he was destined to Mao Xiaole, which meant that Mao Xiaole was looking forward to and paying attention to him from beginning to end.

As for the hair color and eye color, Wei Xun also tried to cover it up, and he found that the hair color and eye color would change a lot after alienation, so this cannot be used as confirmatory evidence.

Except for the "painless" aspect, Wei Xun has no similarities with Bing250 for the time being.

The only problem may be Wei Xun's "An Xuefeng's desire for exclusivity" and "his love". But from An Xuefeng's signing of the contract with Wei Xun without telling him, to An Xuefeng's recovery as an adult, he didn't show any excessive desire for exclusivity. Wei Xun suspected that this might have been covered up.

But people like An Xuefeng have the sharpest intuition, especially those who have been police officers, who have their own unique and keen perceptions.

Wei Xun thought that An Xuefeng might have begun to doubt his Bing250 vest, but there was no conclusive evidence yet.

An Xuefeng's appearance as a snow leopard this time may have been a test, but Wei Xun did not reveal any other flaws.

Just like a highly intelligent criminal evading the pursuit of a detective, this kind of simulated speculation always makes Wei Xun very excited, like playing a game with a strong person in the air.

Now, he is in An Xuefeng's mental illusion.

How many secrets does this person have?

"An Xuefeng, where are you?"

During this period of thinking, Wei Xun had been paddling, but the calm sea was so vast that it seemed to have no edge at all. Wei Xun didn't encounter anything like an island, nor did he find anything in the sky.

"Not on the sea, not in the sky."

Wei Xun stopped searching endlessly and stopped. He felt that as time went by, the sea was gradually repelling him, trying to push him away from this spiritual illusion. We can't delay any longer, we must find An Xuefeng's identity as soon as possible.

"What's An Xuefeng's problem?"

What does this sea represent in An Xuefeng's heart?

There is no roaring snowstorm and thick haze clouds on Wei Xun Iceberg, and there is no endless dark abyss.

The sea is calm and waveless, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, and the years are peaceful.

"Water waves..."

Wei Xun pondered, remembering the crashing waves he heard when he entered An Xuefeng's mental fantasy. This shouldn't be an auditory hallucination, it must have its own meaning.

"In fact, the most likely place is the bottom of the sea."

But the buoyancy of the sea is too great, but it cannot sink.

"An Xuefeng..."

Wei Xun pondered, and he began to figure out what kind of person An Xuefeng was.

* *

"Dream Chaser, what did Captain An say?"

After waiting for several hours, Yu Hehui was anxious and worried. He couldn't dial An Xuefeng's number. Helpless, Yu Hehui had to call Dream Chaser's number again.

Didn't he say he would send it back soon?

Why did it take longer to disappear?

But after hearing the answer from the other side, Yu Hehui stood up in shock:

"What?! You said Team An left the ice cave a few hours ago and returned to the hotel?"

Yu Hehui frowned: "Yes, I didn't hear any strange sounds anymore, and there was no other strange feeling. * * * Maybe he left... Was Captain An the one who did it?"

His expression was sometimes relaxed and sometimes solemn, and he walked around the brigade station: "You mean, Team An may be releasing Bing 250? But it has been five hours, and 250 is the first time again. It won’t take so long to be released.”

"For such a long time, the security situation has been so bad. Tour guides and tourists, you said..."

Dream Chaser said: "Team An can guide and release Bing250, but the possibility of them relieving each other is very low."

"No one can truly enter Team An's mental illusion, and to a certain extent, his mental illusion is very safe. If Bing250 enters by mistake, there won't be much of a problem."

"On the contrary, Team An..."

The dream chaser sighed: "He is just too tired. In fact, he has also had a 'rest' in the ten years since you left, but he will wake up on his own soon."

But now, An Xuefeng's condition is so bad that he may not be able to wake up on his own.

"How could this happen? Then Captain An..."

Yu Hehui heard the subtext of the dream chaser and became even more worried.

"Don't worry, he will wake up."

Dream Chaser said: "When the situation needs him, he will wake up."

When an important person dies or is seriously injured, or when the situation in the hotel becomes chaotic and uncontrollable, An Xuefeng will definitely be awakened. He has always been the most responsible person and has shouldered numerous responsibilities.

But every time he was forced to wake up, it hurt him more deeply. Unless a tour guide establishes a connection with him and wakes him up in An Xuefeng's mental fantasy and then comforts him, the damage can be minimized.

But no one has ever been able to do that.

* *

On the endless sea, Wei Xun recalled in detail his few interactions with An Xuefeng, as well as his interactions with ***. Although An Xuefeng and *** look very different, in fact they reach the same goal by different paths.

* * * Very powerful, but his request in the mental illusion is to be protected and sheltered, and the other party does not care about the weird and ugly appearance of his alienated tentacles.

So what will An Xuefeng's appeal be?

"Protect, be protected."

Wei Xun murmured, feeling vaguely inspired.

The sea was calm, without wind or waves, and there was no danger. Maybe what An Xuefeng needed was not to be 'protected'.

Suppose An Xuefeng is at the bottom of the sea and Wei Xun is at the surface. Now it seems that he can't dive no matter what, so the way for him to 'reunite' with An Xuefeng is for An Xuefeng, who is on the bottom of the sea, to swim up to find him.

Under what circumstances would An Xuefeng take the initiative?

Wei Xun tried shouting, but it was no use. Once he shouted loudly, his voice seemed to be swallowed up, and almost only he could hear it.

Quiet, peaceful and tranquil environment. Looks best for sleeping. Wei Xun almost fell asleep the moment he came in. But Wei Xun's clear thinking and mental illusions are where all kinds of accumulated physical and psychological pressures and distorted spirits are concentrated.

This peace is most likely just an illusion. They are 'deceiving' An Xuefeng, making him think that there is peace and tranquility outside and he can sleep.

And if An Xuefeng really fell into a deep sleep, something very bad might happen.

If you want to wake him up, you have to let him know that 'it's not peaceful outside, something happened', but Wei Xun tried, he couldn't affect the sea water, and it was even difficult to cause ripples. Compared with the sea, his power was too small, and even more so. What's more, this spiritual illusion continues to exclude him.

The only one Wei Xun can influence is himself.

"Something happened outside, false calm, protection, An Xuefeng will come out..."

Wei Xun's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, he has an idea!

Transforming his hands into sharp claws, Wei Xun stabbed into his chest without hesitation and dug out his heart!

Maybe his 'pain' iceberg would have an extra layer of heart-wrenching pain, but Wei Xun didn't feel any pain at the moment, only feeling weak and cold. He is not completely alienated, and is still more human than demon. Although his vitality is more tenacious, he will eventually die if his heart is dug out.

But Wei Xun let go and let his heart fall... It fell!

Wei Xun's guess was basically correct. His eyes were slightly closed, and he was floating on the sea like a dead corpse. He couldn't see the countdown to his death here, but Wei Xun could still feel that his hands and feet were getting cold, and his limbs were gradually losing control.

His mind was empty, his thoughts could not be continuous, and many broken and incoherent pictures flashed through his mind.

If you die here, you will probably be severely injured in reality.

Such thoughts passed by in a flash, but Wei Xun was thinking more that he was like a madman, using his heart to catch a fish sleeping in the deep sea.

That fish has a strong sense of responsibility. When its non-beating heart passes through the false calm water and falls to the bottom of the sea, when it senses that someone is dying, the fish will be awakened.

Like a ridiculous and interesting fairy tale.

The corners of Wei Xun's lips curled up slightly, and his consciousness gradually blurred and dissipated, but before falling into complete darkness, he vaguely heard the sound of the waves.

"Whoa, whoa-"

The sound of the waves is getting louder and clearer, and a huge shadow rises rapidly from the bottom of the sea, stirring the entire sea surface. The huge waves are like knives and mountains, and the huge vortex is like a deep swamp, but it is no longer No matter how calm the ocean is, it cannot deceive the sleeper.

Wei Xun's consciousness, which had sunk into darkness, gradually regained consciousness, and he heard the sound of his own heartbeat again. His heart was beating healthily and forcefully, and the thumping sound was very rhythmic.


At the same time, he also heard the ethereal and melodious cry of the whale, which was full of urgency, worry, sadness and pain, like crying.

Wei Xun opened his eyes and found himself in front of a huge whale. It was black and white and looked a bit like a killer whale, but it was bigger than a killer whale, but it was covered in bruises. When Wei Xun opened his eyes in front of it, it was full of disbelief and surprise. It cautiously pushed against Wei Xun, as if to confirm whether he was really alive.

It was as if someone had once awakened it in this way, but when it woke up in a hurry, those people died completely and never came back to life.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

Wei Xun stroked the smooth skin of the killer whale, touched his forehead with it when it came over, and said with a smile:

"Thank you, you saved me."

The killer whale circled around him several times, constantly using different tones of chirps to confirm Wei Xun's condition. Wei Xun let it push and rub him, even when the killer whale tried to open its mouth and hid him in its mouth, Wei Xun did not resist.

After it was confirmed that Wei Xun was really alive, the sadness surrounding the killer whale finally gradually dissipated. It became happy and chirped happily.

There is nothing that would make a killer whale happier than that the person it values ​​​​is still alive and has been saved by it. , in its cry, the sea is gradually dissipating.

"Let's go back."

Wei Xun patted the killer whale, and his body gradually became illusive, as did the killer whale. In the end, the killer whale vaguely turned into a human form, and it was An Xuefeng. An Xuefeng looked at Wei Xun at the last moment when he disappeared, but Wei Xun was looking deeper into the ocean.

The ocean disappears, but there's still something beneath it. Wei Xun could vaguely see that it looked like a deserted and silent cemetery, as if someone was leaning on the tombstone, looking up in loneliness.

An Xuefeng's spiritual problems are not limited to the ocean level.

After realizing this, the next moment, Wei Xun finally left An Xuefeng's mental illusion completely.

"Wei Xun!"

His vision went dark and bright again, and Wei Xun appeared in his brigade station. Yu Hehui, who had been waiting all night, rushed over in surprise.

"You're back!"

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