Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 148 Clay Figurine Zhang【7】

Wei Xun bit down subconsciously, but he missed. His upper and lower teeth touched each other with a slight click.

But the strange feeling of fullness and fullness in his mouth was still there. Wei Xun could even feel the soft and slightly cool tip of the tentacles brushing against his teeth marks, causing waves of itching. His tongue was pressed down tightly, unable to move.

He could clearly feel the other person's presence, but he couldn't touch or affect it. This feeling...

'***? '

But when Wei Xun said the name of *** in his heart, the tentacle that had been trying to explore deeper into his throat with ill intentions finally calmed down a little. It withdrew from Wei Xun's throat and only stayed on his mouth and tongue tip, but it was still very full.

At the same time, Wei Xun felt that the cold shadow covering him became heavier, the ubiquitous feeling of being watched, surrounded, and sticky and heavy, as if he was captured by a huge monster in the deep sea. Compared with it, humans are so small, unable to escape, and nowhere to escape.

But the most terrifying thing is not the physical contact, but the gradual decline of the mind and spirit. Only endless whispers can be heard in the ears, the body can only feel the touch of the tentacles, and the mind flashes through one colorful picture after another, but with an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Those strange buildings, ugly and dirty monsters, all returned to the deep darkness in the end.

Very dangerous.

Wei Xun's SAN value was dropping madly, and he had already hallucinated and heard hallucinations, but Wei Xun was already very skilled in dealing with this situation. He could even spare his attention to look at Yu Hehui not far away. Yu Hehui was still sitting at the table, waiting anxiously, but had no idea that Wei Xun was in front of him.

It was still safe.

Wei Xun calmly judged the current situation. It seemed a little out of control. He didn't feel the breath of at all. Whether he was watching or doing anything else, he didn't expect that had been following behind him and attacked him.

But the good news is that * * * was not completely out of control. Yu Hehui, Wei Xun's hostel, and the demon insects including Xiaocui and Xiaojin Magic Bee were not affected.

Then it was still within the controllable range.


Wei Xun groaned, and his SAN value dropped wildly. He could not help but reveal his alienation state. At this moment, the indescribable tentacle lifted the light blue cloak and wrapped around his tail. It seemed to punish him for his inattention.

On the flexible black long tail, the originally obedient silver bone spurs suddenly exploded in response, making this tail a sharp killing weapon like a thorn whip. They seemed to hurt the tentacles. Wei Xun smelled a faint smell of the sea, perhaps the blood of the tentacles.

But the tentacles did not avoid it, but pressed deeper. The exploded bone spurs made it easier for more small tentacles to penetrate between the bone spurs and attach to the fragile skin at the root of the thorns.

This is really a bit too much.

It doesn't hurt, but the unbearable itching feeling is even more obvious, like the smell of the tentacles' blood, making every part of Wei Xun's body countless times more sensitive, and even the endurance and rationality that he has always been proud of seem to have signs of collapse.

Too bad.

Wei Xun glanced at Yu Hehui in front of him. He seemed to have heard something, and looked at Wei Xun with suspicion and vigilance. The surprised look was as if he could see them and Wei Xun's particularly embarrassed posture at the moment.

This sense of exposure and staring is like being in broad daylight, leaving people nowhere to hide, making people instinctively ashamed, trying desperately to avoid, trying to hide themselves in the shadows.

But Wei Xun just raised his eyebrows and analyzed rationally.

He still has the mind to play this trick, it seems that * * *'s situation should not be too bad, at least the basic logic and many cognitions are still there.

Then what is the purpose of his doing this?

Why is it out of control?

Is it related to the Butcher Alliance, or is it related to An Xuefeng's use of the 30th Degree North Latitude Token? * * *What is the specific situation now? What is his purpose in doing this?

‘* * *’

Wei Xun tried to call the other party’s name again. After he called out the name before, the other party’s movements eased a lot. Sure enough, it worked this time. The chaotic tentacles let go of the tail that was tangled and trembling constantly, and turned upwards.

Wei Xun unconsciously raised his head, and the cold and slippery tentacles wrapped around his neck, and the tip kept rubbing against his Adam’s apple. An unbearable itching sensation spread from the inside of his throat, as if something was trembling in his flesh. It was the demon seed of * * *.

“Cough cough——”

Wei Xun wanted to cough instinctively, but the cough was blocked. This time his mouth could no longer close, the tip of his tongue was pressed and could not move, and the saliva was secreted abnormally. He could not swallow it and could only drip down, which made Wei Xun frown for the first time.


But as if it could sense his thoughts, the next moment the tentacles moved even more excessively.

Wei Xun frowned and dodged, but no matter whether he went forward, left or right, there were tentacles blocking him, and he couldn't move at all. Only backward, there was no obstacle.

Behind him was a cold and deep embrace.


When Wei Xun completely fell into the embrace, his mouth, which had been stretched sore, finally gained freedom. It was just that he couldn't close his mouth for a while. Just when Wei Xun's eyebrows were tightly locked, a soft touch passed by, and all the excess saliva disappeared immediately, and Wei Xun became clean and refreshed again.

At the same time, Wei Xun slightly felt * * * a pleasant emotion.

In a trance, Wei Xun understood something!

Wei Xun found that the tentacles seemed to be deliberately testing his bottom line, causing him to have negative emotions such as 'fear, disgust, and withdrawal', so he deliberately showed his disgust for 'dirty' just now, and sure enough, the tentacles followed. The action was even more extreme.

But all actions have a reason. Wei Xun tried to figure out the other person's thoughts, and after a little exploration, he discovered that * * * maybe he wanted him to "throw himself into his arms" and seek asylum. Then he comes out again and 'drives away' the tentacles.

This is really... right. Normal people would not think that tentacles are related to * * *, and might regard them as enemies and protectors respectively. But Wei Xun realized from the beginning that both sides actually reached the same goal by different paths.

But * * * what’s the point of doing this?

‘* * *? ! ’

Suddenly, the reliable embrace behind him disappeared, and Wei Xun fell into the tentacle frenzy again. This time the tentacles reached for his wings. The broad demon wings were entangled and absorbed by the tentacles, and the captured bone wings trembled slightly. It wanted to turn into light points and dissipate but was unable to do so. It could only be forced to open and let the tentacles do whatever they wanted.

And as if he had mastered Wei Xun's weakness of being afraid of getting dirty, this time the tentacles secreted a lot of slippery mucus with great interest. The devil's wings he played with were dripping wet and looked very pitiful.

Wei Xun:......

Wei Xun still looked disgusted and fearful, and repeated his old trick, leaning back slightly. Sure enough, he could still move backward and could not dodge forward or left.

But this time Wei Xun did not continue to retreat. He was thinking about the meaning of * * *.

Wei Xun remembers thinking that the breath of the abyss was dirty, treating it as filth. But judging from the fact that Wei Xun regained the abyss node after establishing contact with him, in a sense, he himself can also be regarded as an abyss creature.

If Wei Xun keeps retreating, does that mean he is gradually retreating into the abyss?

* * * You will be happy because Wei Xun falls into your arms, and the tentacles of peace, security and shelter will make people subconsciously retreat, and sheltering them again and again will gradually form a habit.

But Wei Xun has a hard time trusting others. He is suspicious and trusts himself even more.


The tentacle went even further. It seemed to realize that Wei Xun didn't feel pain and rarely had negative emotions. Even the chaotic and noisy visual and auditory hallucinations couldn't defeat him. The dirty aspect didn't seem to work either.

But it’s never just pain that makes people lose control.

Wei Xun gasped, and his demonic claws tightly grasped the tentacles. The sharp claw tips pierced the slimy skin, but at the same time they were trapped by the tentacle muscles, unable to move. Under the cloak, the instinctively curled limbs were forcibly pulled apart, and there was no way to hide except retreating. The smell of blood from the tentacles surges up, making people feel dizzy and their bodies become hot.

Wei Xun held his breath and stopped smelling the blood. Suddenly he realized something.

The smell of blood, considering the difference in strength between him and ***, he shouldn't be able to smell blood. But the truth is, he's always been able to hurt the tentacles.

There was something wrong. Wei Xun quickly smoothed out his thoughts and connected countless clues. A slightly absurd idea appeared in his mind.


Wei Xun's eyes narrowed slightly in enjoyment, and his sudden rapid breathing gradually eased, but he still did not retreat, and even grabbed the tentacle more tightly, becoming more active. It's not like the tentacles are actively attacking him, but he is using himself as a weapon as a barrier, blocking the way between the tentacles and the body.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Wei Xun's voice trembled slightly, but his tone was full of determination.

Yes, every time you step back, you will be protected, seemingly * * * a guardian.

But looking at everything else, * * * is behind him, not between Wei Xun and the tentacle. Judging from his position, Wei Xun should be the guardian.


The ominous sound of water sounded, and the tentacle seemed to be angry. It wrapped around Wei Xun like a python. No longer merciless, horrible red marks appeared on his body, and an unbearable clicking sound seemed to come from his bones. The cold horror is like a basin of cold water under a hood. No one can bear the physical and mental pressure at the same time.

Before being completely destroyed, either risk everything to tear the tentacles apart, or retreat and seek shelter.

What would you do before a death crisis?

Are you still determined?

Wei Xun realized that his claws trapped by the tentacles could move slightly. If he wanted to, he could immediately tear the tentacles in front of him into pieces. Wei Xun pulled out his hand, and just as he expected, the tentacle reaction seemed to be slow and he failed to dodge in time.

But unexpectedly, the tentacle was not torn into pieces. Wei Xun's hand fell on its slippery and tough skin and retracted his nails.

"do not be afraid."

He chuckled, obviously facing an abyssal creature that was countless times more powerful than himself, but somehow Wei Xun felt more like he had taken the initiative and was standing on the home court.

"Didn't you say so?"

Wei Xun held the tip of the tentacle and squeezed it: "I will protect you."

On the surface, the tentacles are the enemy and the body is the protector, but Wei Xun knows that they are originally one! It's just human nature to regard scary, ugly and powerful alien species as enemies, causing all kinds of negative emotions.

People in the world will always accept the good side and hate the dangerous side, but in fact, what is the difference between them.

Wei Xun vaguely noticed that ***'s human form and the state of his tentacles were somewhat separated. Compared with the previous meetings between Wei Xun and ***, he was more dangerous at this moment, and his aura was not stable enough.

Comforting and accepting is like taming an out-of-control dog. Don't be afraid of its scary and powerful appearance, but see through its true inner needs.

Wei Xun stroked the tentacles, and the cold and dark embrace behind him came close to him. Behind him and in front of him, his arms and tentacles wrapped Wei Xun in the middle. This was the real whole.

Feeling the faint morbid joy coming from the other party, Wei Xun's mouth curved slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes, only calmness.

This was expected and familiar to him.

Hidden under the elegant and powerful appearance are temptations, suspicions, wariness, and paranoia. They use the worst thoughts to predict the development trend of things in order to make various reactions in advance.

They are the same kind of people, have the same ideas, and are easily predictable and understandable.

"a little cold."

Wei Xun complained in a low voice, and then he felt the powerful presence hugging him behind him was silent for a moment, and then his body temperature increased to a warm level, and he was clean and refreshing.

That's right.

Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed in his heart.


Discovering that being hugged can gradually ease * * *'s emotions, Wei Xun patted his tentacles rhythmically and slowly, lost in thought.

How did An Xuefeng split like this?

* * * If there is such a loss of control, then An Xuefeng's physical condition should be even worse. Using two tokens of 30 degrees north latitude at the same time, or driving them through the air, should consume a lot of power.

But Wei Xun didn't feel anything. It was strange. Logically speaking, there was a contract between him and An Xuefeng. According to the contract, "provide Party A with assistance within its capabilities when necessary." This should also be considered as help.

And in the process of soothing * * *, Wei Xun also felt that his compatibility with the abyss seemed to be getting stronger. The scales and carapace attached to some limbs that had been smeared with mucus by the tentacles became harder and more mature.

The devil's wings that would have torn the back muscles when opened have become lighter and more powerful. Wei Xun felt that if he could do it a few more times, he might be able to fly.

It can also be regarded as mutually beneficial.

Wei Xun guessed that this might be related to the special connection between the brigade captain and the tour guide. In that case, An Xuefeng, as the brigade captain, should be in more need of help.

Just a little comfort, hug and help can have benefits such as enhancing the compatibility with the abyss and strengthening the alienated body. Wei Xun didn't mind "helping" An Xuefeng. After all, judging from past experiences, the benefits An Xuefeng could bring to him were closely related to An Xuefeng himself.

Wei Xun is looking forward to something related to 30 degrees north latitude.

How is An Xuefeng doing now?

* *

Inside the Wei Xun Hotel, Yu and Hui frowned, thinking about the one or two strange noises they heard just now.

This was no accident. Yu Hehui did not miss any clues, but no matter how he searched and explored, he could not find any foreign objects that had invaded the hotel.

Wei Xun didn't reply to his messages for a long time.

Countless clues and fragments were connected together, and Yu Hehui was horrified. Could it be that...

Without hesitation, he decisively called the police on the spot. The call was picked up quickly after the call was made. When the call was connected, Yu Hehui felt relieved at first, but then became nervous again.


An Xuefeng's voice was low, and you could tell that he seemed a little tired, but no matter how long it took, he was always here, as calm and reliable as ever. There are no excessive greetings or unnecessary pleasantries.

"What's wrong?"

Just hearing this sound of Hehui brought back endless memories of Yu Hehui.

"An, Team An..."

Yu Hehui choked up at the moment when he said a name he hadn't called for a long time, and his eyes were red, but he quickly suppressed the countless emotions that surged up, took a long breath, and said tactfully:

"Captain An... I suspect that Bing250 was kidnapped by you."

An Xuefeng:?

* *

"Is it Huihui's phone number?"

In the Laplange Glacier, inside the ice cave, Dream Chaser reluctantly raised his spirits and looked in the direction of An Xuefeng: "What happened?"

"Bing 250 was taken away by * * *."

An Xuefeng was looking at the reflection on the Return Knife, and saw scenes of silent scenes appearing on the dark orange blade of the Return Knife. They were all scenes from before!

From the space crack, the Abyss Bell entered the ice cave, and the tour guide in a crimson cloak staggered out of the Abyss Bell. When the Return Knife counterattacked defensively, the opponent's tour guide's cloak changed from dark red to blue, and the split cloak vaguely revealed the demonic alienation. Then Bing250 turned into a Sky Fox cub, evading the lock of the Return Knife, and took out the badge. Steal the water dripping from the Book of the Ancients.

Various pictures flew by the Return Knife, and An Xuefeng had already looked back and forth several times.

"There is a special connection between Bing250 and Yu Hehui. Yu Hehui...he has an ongoing relationship with Homecoming. In a sense, Bing250 can also be regarded as the guide on Homecoming."

The dream chaser analyzed: "You are in extremely bad condition now, * * * should be approaching the critical point. He took * * * away, maybe it was a mutual relief and comfort between the tourists and the tour guide."

"But you are the real body and the real brigade captain. If you don't solve your own problems, what the other side can do is only a drop in the bucket."


Seeing An Xuefeng just responded without comment, the dream chaser sighed inwardly. Seeing that An Xuefeng was still looking at the scene on the return knife, he pondered for a moment and asked, "You should have figured out that Bing 250 is related to the Mingxi people. They have the same origin and alienation, and the same kind has succeeded. They may be blood relatives."


"The reason why he was able to escape the lock of the Return Knife is probably not only because he turned into a Sky Fox cub, but he also instantly switched to a passenger identity, which is why the Return Lock failed."


"It is basically certain that Bing250 is the 'traveler' who brought out the tomb of the Tusi King, and that the abyss node in northern Tibet...may not be someone who sneaked in, opened the node, and took away the node. Maybe it was from the beginning to the end. It’s Bing250.”

Not only that, the person who was bold enough to enter the Butcher Alliance as a puppet of the Life-haunting Man, who dared to deal with psychics and Yin-Yang Butterflies, and who was fearless even under the token of the journey to the 30th North Latitude, was definitely not Yu Hehui, and should also be Bing Erwu zero.

Dream Chaser confirmed this when he activated the abyss node in Yin Yang Butterfly's hand. Only tour guides can establish contact with the nodes of the abyss.

Dream Chaser is not a fool. There were many flaws in what Yu Hehui said about the ‘life-seeking puppet’, but he did not expose it. Because the dream chaser can imagine that Yu Hehui is desperately trying to clarify the relationship between Bing250 and the life-seeking person, and they don't want Bing250 to attract too much attention from others before he fully grows up.

Otherwise, a C-level tour guide can disguise himself as a life-haunting puppet, break into the Butchers' Alliance, be completely unafraid of words in front of many big-name tour guides, and finally retreat calmly. If this is revealed, it will definitely set off a storm.

But Yu Hehui's wish is destined to be impossible to realize, and Bing250 will definitely attract everyone's attention.

That’s why dream chasers will speak at the end to protect Bing250. Let the public's attention shift to the protected Bing250 itself, and not pay attention to the 'number one puppet of the life-haunting people' who stirred up trouble.

But Dream Chaser also knows that this kind of thing can never be hidden from An Xuefeng. What's more, there is still picture playback on the Return Knife, so it is difficult to hide any secrets in front of him. What Dream Chaser is worried about is that An Xuefeng will target him after learning that Bing250 is related to the Mingxi people.

An Xuefeng's targeting was terrifying.

But now it seems that's not the case?

"Then what are you still looking at?"

The dream chaser was puzzled. An Xuefeng could analyze something just by watching the light and shadow playback once, so how could he watch it so many times?

"Tell me, Bing250 is a woman."

Woman or man? this……

"It should be a man, right?"

However, the dream chaser is not sure. Bing250's voice was Bingjiu's voice in Drunk Beauty Xiangxi, while Bing250's voice was the same as that of another life-haunting puppet in the Butcher Alliance, both of which were hoarse female voices.

Guidu Dao can only play back the picture, but not the sound. It can only be seen from the mouth shape of Bing 250. What he said at that time should be: "I saved the clay figurine Zhang, and the dream chaser sent me here to ask you to protect me!" This sentence, but could not hear his voice at that time.

"It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, right?"

The dream chaser wondered why An Xuefeng was stuck on this issue.

"It's time to go back."

An Xuefeng didn't answer him. The dream chaser was led astray by him and thought about it, which was right. They came to Laplange Glacier because they suspected that there was a journey to 30 degrees north latitude, but in fact, the oil-like monsters on this glacier had all disappeared after An Xuefeng used two tokens of 30 degrees north latitude. .

This 'living' glacier has become like an ordinary glacier. If it cannot withstand the power of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude token and does not show any vision, then the possibility of it being a journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude is infinitely low.

In this case, there is no need to investigate.


The dream chaser also wanted to persuade An Xuefeng to calm down a bit, but Bing 250 and the life-seeking person were different in nature, but before he could speak, An Xuefeng's figure disappeared. From the looks of it, he was returning directly. Got to the hotel station.


Dream Chaser shook his head helplessly and sent a message back to Yu Hehui.

[Don’t worry, Bing250 will go back soon]

With An Xuefeng taking action to suppress him, *** would not 'kidnap' Bing 250 again.

After soothing him, he pondered for a moment and then said:

[After Team An returns, he should meet with Bing250. There is a connection between him and you, and you are connected with the return journey. Rounding off, Bing 250 can also be counted as a return journey]

[If possible, it is best to let him meet Captain An. Bing250 has grown too fast and has been affected by the aura of the abyss too much. In addition, he is very likely to have the same title as the Life-haunting Man]

[Their titles look normal on the surface, and they will grow rapidly. But no pain, no feeling, no negative emotions, etc., are actually temporary. They will have a backlog of countless problems. If they cannot be relieved and released early, there will be big problems in the future...]

After receiving the reply from Dream Chaser, Yu Hehui breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart felt heavy. The dream chaser was right, but Wei Xun probably had his own choice on whether to meet An Xuefeng.

He is a person who has his own ideas, including hiding his identity as a tourist. Yu and Huineng can see that Wei Xun probably doesn't want to be involved in the return journey as a tour guide for the time being.

* *

It was very close to Yu Hehui, but he couldn't see it. Wei Xun suddenly opened his eyes, and he found that the penis and various tentacles suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding environment also changed.

He seemed to be standing on a tall and steep iceberg, with heavy snow falling from the sky, and everywhere was a pure white sky. In the white snow, a familiar and beautiful snow leopard slowly walked up to Wei Xun.

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