Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 147 Clay Figurine Zhang【6】

[It’s dangerous here, go find An Xuefeng! 】

Wei Xun inside the Abyss Bell felt that this was a bad thing when Dream Chaser said this, but if he continued to stay in a battle of this level, he was really cannon fodder. It happened that Dream Chaser conveniently erased the connection on the Abyss Bell when he threw it.

Wei Xun simply refused to do anything and took away the Abyss Bell!

The Abyss Bell, which has been conquered once, is not as difficult to deal with as the wild node. It still feels a bit broken and weak. In addition, Wei Xun has the same origin as the alienated one, and his aura is also similar. The resistance of the Abyss Bell is not very strong.

Wei Xun strengthened the contact and took control of it, and waited for it to be integrated after returning.

It was Wei Xun's idea to stay in the abyss node for the time being and then find a way to replace Yu and Hui.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and Xun, the defender who landed on the Abyss Bell, was involuntarily kicked out of the Abyss Bell!

'adventure! ’

Wei Xun was stunned by the lightning and had no time to think about it. At the same time, he removed the disguise of his height.


Wei Xun's pupils shrank suddenly, and the dark orange scimitar passed silently over his head, carrying a terrifying momentum, even the space was about to be split by it. If Wei Xun hadn't reacted quickly, the knife would have split open his head!

"I rescued the clay figurine Zhang, and Dream Chaser sent me here to ask you to protect me!"

Wei Xun said quickly, but the empty scimitar fell too fast, and the cloak had no effect at all. The blade cut the hood and brushed his cheek. At this moment, Wei Xun felt as if time had slowed down. He seemed to see countless things in this dark orange sword light, but he couldn't see clearly.


The clear sound of a sword brought back Wei Xun's consciousness. He seemed to wake up from a dream, only to find that the shocking and terrifying aura had dissipated, leaving no trace except for the cold sweat on his back.

Wei Xun's eyes dropped. The return scimitar was nailed between his legs at a dangerous arc, completely nailing the hem of Wei Xun's dark blue cloak to the ground.

His previous adventure when he left the Abyss Bell changed the color of his cloak!


Is this the return knife?

Wei Xun looked at the slender scimitar that was condensed like the sunset light. His heart beat like a drum gradually fell back, but he could not help but recall the dangerous excitement of his brush with death just now in his mind.

An Xuefeng's exclusive weapon is indeed powerful. If we say that at the node of the northern Tibetan abyss, the long black knife he used was purely due to An Xuefeng's amazing strength and the terrifying sword energy he displayed.

Then this return sword, just by itself, is countless times more powerful than the scimitar. It can even be said to be quite intelligent.

Because the killing, coercion, and closing were all the actions of the scimitar itself, and An Xuefeng did not control it!

Wei Xun glanced around and saw An Xuefeng in front of him with his eyes closed, holding a dark blue ancient thick book, motionless. Like a sculpture. Not far behind him, there was a figure wearing a dark orange cloak with a small golden pyramid on his head, sitting on the ground, also motionless.

Wei Xun felt like he had entered a wax museum by mistake.

Taking advantage of this, Wei Xun quickly took two risks and changed the cloak back to his own light blue. While changing color, he looked over there curiously.

Is this the true nature of the dream chaser?

The dark orange cloak was so conspicuous that Wei Xun recognized him at a glance. No wonder Yu Hehui said before that the incarnation of the Dream Chaser and the Puppet Master would come to support him. It turns out that his true form is here. An Xuefeng said something was wrong before, but it turned out that he and Dream Chaser were exploring the ice cave.

But An Xuefeng is like this too... Could it be that he also has a puppet in the Butcher Alliance?

How is the situation there now?

Wei Xun tried to get up, but his current posture was a bit awkward. The Abyss Bell fell beside An Xuefeng's legs, and Wei Xun was attacked by the Return Knife after rolling out of the Abyss Bell, and had no time to adjust his posture.

Now he was sitting on the ground, leaning back slightly, with his right leg bent and his left leg straightened, and his left foot was stepping on An Xuefeng's calf and his combat pants.

The problem is that Wei Xun’s feet are still alienated!

At this moment, Wei Xun's legs looked nothing like humans from the knees down, but more like the hind legs of a cat. The tibia and fibula were backward and the tarsus were forward. The magic scales that fit the skin wrapped around the pale calf, gradually transitioning from light gray. To black, it looks like wearing a pair of black gradient stockings.

The shoes had long since been stretched to pieces, and the sharp claws like scimitars curved outward from the toe bones. The sharp black jade claw tips were deeply sunken, and made a small hole in the waterproof and snowproof fabric of An Xuefeng's combat trousers.

The battle situation in the Butcher Alliance is too terrifying, and no one can stay rational. Wei Xun's SAN value has dropped to a dangerous level now, but with his name tag, this is not a problem.

The problem is that Wei Xun can't get up now. The scimitar has not only nailed his cloak, but also seems to have nailed his whole body to the ground. Wei Xun felt that he was targeted, obviously, although he was not killed. But the meaning of this scimitar was to keep him still and to be a wax figure with An Xuefeng and the others for the time being.

The alertness is so high, the fighting situation there should be very dangerous.

Wei Xun pondered, he did not give up trying, Wei Xun changed to the title of tourist.

This knife locked his aura through the cloak and pinned him completely. Then Wei Xun simply stopped being a tour guide!

Sure enough, Wei Xun felt that the locking feeling was slightly shifted, and the next moment he turned into a snow-fox.

This is a vital fox fur prepared by Yu Hehui for Wei Xun. Once Wei Xun is in danger, using the title of Wild Mind can immediately activate him and temporarily turn Wei Xun into a sky fox cub.

The Returning Blade locked onto the aura of the cloak. Although he was not familiar with Wei Xun's aura, Yu Hehui was an old man who had returned, so he should be included in the 'safe list'.

As expected, the scimitar shook slightly, but it was still nailed to the light blue cloak, and did not stop Wei Xun who had escaped.

[Wei Xun, are you okay? ! What's the situation now? Is it dangerous? Is it safe? ! ]

As soon as Wei Xun turned into a fox cub, he heard Yu Hehui's anxious voice. Yu Hehui, who was finally able to contact Wei Xun, was almost crazy and asked a series of questions.

[I'm safe, Zhang the Clay Man has been rescued, how is the battle situation over there now? ]

Wei Xun asked, he put away the Abyss Bell, and slightly sensed his own Abyss node. Fortunately, there were more than 200 butcher guides, and his brother's vegetable garden was not wiped out.

Is the Bee Taoist still alive?

When he saw the big, fluffy bee curled up in a ball and unconscious, Wei Xun was really a little surprised. After a closer look, Wei Xun found that he was about to advance. After being baptized by so many powerful forces, as long as they don't die or go crazy, they will get a blessing in disguise. This person's luck is really good. In addition to the bee Taoist, there are still more than a dozen people alive among the twenty people who Wei Xun distributed flyers before. As expected, if you want to be an ambitious lone wolf, you must be the best in strength, luck, acumen and crisis awareness among your peers. But the rest of the people are not so lucky. Although nearly one-third of them were taken into the abyss node, they either became corpses or completely crazy and stupid, their spirits were destroyed and polluted, and they sat in a daze like puppets. Most of the remaining people were also unconscious, and occasionally one or two awake ones were crying silently, unable to get rid of mental control. The only one who was in a better situation was Yin Yang Butterfly. This time he was really completely transformed into a butterfly. A large two-color butterfly seemed to have been ravaged, with dull scales on its wings, fluttering and trembling, and was sorting the corpses from the living butcher tour guide. Wei Xun scanned the area but could not sense the medium.

The medium was an elite tour guide, so he should not die. This meant that the Abyss Node was still in his hands—or it might be snatched away by the puppeteer Dream Chaser.

But there was still a spiritual imprint of * * * on the Abyss Node, so Wei Xun was not worried.

[As long as you are safe]

Yu Hehui breathed a sigh of relief, and his voice was finally not too tense.

[Now the virtual hall is full of people, it is a mess, the teahouse is blocked, the sky to the east of the virtual hall has collapsed, and the shadow of the Butcher Alliance building can be seen. All the major tourists and tour guides have rushed over, but they should not dare to get too close]

[Someone from the hotel took action, I don’t know who was in charge, I saw its illusory big hand, but don’t worry, Dream Chaser and the others will be fine. ]

This time the incident was a bit big.

Wei Xun was a little guilty.

Yu Hehui paused, he felt the silence from Wei Xun, and could vaguely guess his thoughts. Wei Xun was probably not just worried about the Dream Chaser, but...

With a sigh in his heart, Yu Hehui's voice was very soft, as if talking to himself [The Butcher Alliance's base... will be fine, as long as the Ximing people are not dead, this place will not be destroyed. The main hall is not actually a core area, at most it can only be regarded as an outer square]

The Butcher Alliance is fine!

The Ximing people are not dead either.

Wei Xun's brows relaxed, fortunately, fortunately, at the critical moment he opened the authority of the Abyss Node to Yin Yang Butterfly, the casualties were not heavy, most of the seedlings were alive, Yin Yang Butterfly and the medium were also alive, and the main one who died was the puppet.

Even if the puppet was not dead...the Dream Chaser would never let him go.

Before, Wei Xun found the Clay Man Zhang after entering the Abyss Bell. His situation was really bad, and it was not suitable to move. There was still the breath of the puppet on his body. Anyway, it was miserable.

Wei Xun did not move him rashly, but waited for the Dream Chaser to come back to deal with it. Clay Man Zhang was rescued, and he is still alive now. This mission can be regarded as a great victory.

He now had to consider his own way out. After becoming a fox cub, Wei Xun could now return to his hostel.

But he did not leave. The fox cub stood up, supported its body with its hind legs, and clasped its front paws in front of its chest. It poked its head and looked up at the dark blue book in An Xuefeng's hand.

The aura lingering on this book was terrifying. Wei Xun even felt that it was more powerful and dangerous than the golden sunlight.

This was a token related to the 30th degree north latitude. The journey opened up by An Xuefeng on the way back at dusk. The pyramid was pressing on the dream chaser's head. This should be a token of the sinking of Atlantis.

Wei Xun had always been curious about the order of the 30th degree north latitude. He originally thought it was the time of opening up, but now it seems that it may also be related to strength and weakness. The momentum in this thick book was not aimed at him, but Wei Xun felt dizzy and his eyes were stinging after reading it for a while.

Closing his eyes, the deep blue still floats in his mind. A drop of clear water slides down the spine of the book. The surface of each drop of water seems to have an ancient and decaying existence from birth to prosperity, from death and extinction. The water drops fall to the ground and dissipate, just like the dissipation of those ancients. Finally, it returns to the spine of the book, another reincarnation.

This sense of horror of great destruction and great extinction makes Wei Xun's soul tremble.

But at the same time, he vaguely feels a sense of resonance.

Wei Xun shook his head, and a black crow-shaped badge appeared in front of him.

[Name: Witness of the Destruction of the Ancient Country (Badge)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Suppress the ancient country and the inheritors of the ancient country]

[Note: Quack, you are like a crow! You have witnessed the complete destruction of an ancient country, and of course you can also witness others. Your appearance will make them feel fear and the pressure of destruction! Let those old immortals see, destruction is their only way out! The world belongs to now! 】

[The more destruction of ancient kingdoms you witness, the stronger the badge will be! 】

It was the badge Wei Xun obtained at the third scenic spot on his journey to northern Tibet!

Although this badge seems very powerful and can be upgraded, it also has many limitations. Just the two qualifiers "ancient country" and "destruction" can show how strong its improvement ability is. Wei Xun has no idea yet.

But now, he has a clue.

Wei Xun no longer looked at the dark blue book, but looked directly below it. When he concentrated to a certain extent, he seemed to actually see water droplets falling from the spine of the book.

Different from the majestic and terrifying sense of desolation in the thick book, what is contained in this water droplet seems to be the phantom of those ancient beings. It does not have much power, but more of a sense of sorrow for the vicissitudes of life.

In fact, it is more like something that is not dissolved in this book and will be gradually eliminated. Every time the water droplets fall and disappear, and return and reincarnate again, the light and shadow on the water droplets will become dimmer.

Since it is something that is consumed and destroyed...

Wei Xun glanced at An Xuefeng. He still had his eyes closed, acting like a wax figure like the dream chaser.

Wei Xun looked at the water droplets again, and the fox cub flicked its tail.

[Wei Xun, when will you come back...]

[Shh, don’t make any noise]

The sky fox cub turned its head, paying attention to the movement of the returning knife, and then quietly raised its hind legs.


There was a soft sound, and the return knife trembled vigilantly. As if it was aware of something strange, Wei Xun felt like he was being scrutinized by a very intimidating force.

He sat back upright and tilted his head, pretending to be innocent.

What evil intentions can little Tianhu have?

The Return Knife seemed to have solved no problem and returned to calm. Wei Xun breathed a sigh of relief and looked over again. He kicked the black crow-shaped badge right under An Xuefeng's book, where the water droplets fell.

It seemed as if a small crow stood out from the badge. It spread its wings happily and raised its head, 'Wow! ’ cried out, and then opened his mouth to catch the water droplets.

The power on the water drop is very small compared to the entire dark blue book, but it is much stronger than the black crow's shadow.

Every time a water droplet falls, it will scatter the crow's shadow, but soon it will tremble and gather again, and then open its big mouth to catch the water. This cycle goes on and on, and the shadow of the black crow becomes more solid each time.

Wei Xun felt the veins on his forehead beating, and his head was buzzing. The water droplets didn't seem to fall on the badge, but on his mind. If it was normal, he should be in severe pain that was completely unbearable.

But Wei Xun didn't feel any pain at all, and allowed the black crow on the badge to be smashed and reborn again and again.

* *


In the middle of the messy, almost ruined Butcher Alliance hall, a pale figure looked slightly surprised, looking at the dark blue thick book in his hand. If Wei Xun were here, he could clearly see that the energy state of this book is completely like a miniature ocean!

The dark blue writing represents the unfathomable sea, and the giant crimson eyes and tentacles on the cover turned into terrifying and huge ocean monsters, sinking and floating in the sea.

This is the energy main body of the Book of Ancients, and it shows more than the book in An Xuefeng's hand in the ice cave. That drop of water that falls endlessly and circulates is actually countless 'rivers' of various colors.

They represent various ancient forces, which extend from the ocean like a Möbius strip, loop back and finally return to the ocean.

There is only one 'river' that has no loops. It goes straight down, and its end point disappears into nothingness. It is unknown where it flows.

It stands out among countless complete cycles.

It's as funny as the ocean leaking.

"Team An, you go back first."

The dream chaser looked tiredly and worriedly at the water that was flowing away silently. Unexpectedly, An Xuefeng came to help in the end. But looking at the energy cycle of the water flow being broken... An Xuefeng's condition is probably extremely bad.

"No problem, just a little robber stealing water."

An Xuefeng smiled casually: "As for other thieves, if they don't return the stolen goods to the owner, I will take action."

"The last ten seconds."

An Xuefeng chuckled and moved his wrist: "Ten--"


He actually took action the moment he read out ten! An Xuefeng was seen grabbing the sky out of thin air. His fingers were like eagle claws and he clasped a certain void, and actually pulled out a big hand of nothingness from the void!

The big hand suddenly wanted to withdraw, and An Xuefeng directly covered it with a book. The sea monster wandering in the deep blue ocean roared, and countless wet tentacles instantly tightened it, making it impossible to take it back immediately. In this brief moment of stalemate——


An Xuefeng actually broke that big hand bloody!

[Passenger An Xuefeng! 】

A roar of rage, resentment, and deafening roar rang out in the void. Only An Xuefeng could hear this sound, but at the same time, garbled codes temporarily appeared on all passengers’ APPs!

[Your attack on the hotel is an unforgivable crime and should be deprived——]

"Wrong, wrong."

An Xuefeng laughed and threw his void hand into the ocean of books at will, letting it be swallowed by the ocean monster. And there was only a black scale left on his hand.

"I'm just getting what I deserve."

An Xuefeng's laughter gradually subsided, and he said sarcastically in a very kind manner: "You are a piece of trash that can't even seal the cracks. You didn't complete the transaction. You don't deserve to be paid. Don't you even understand the rules?"

He threw the scales to Dream Chaser casually, and when Dream Chaser frowned and was about to speak, he raised his finger and shook it: "I don't need it, it's too troublesome, you take it."

"The clay figurine Zhang is coming out. Go back and ask him to make another puppet for us all. Tell him that there is a new guy in our team. Remember to ask him to prepare gifts."

"Team An, you..."

Dream Chaser frowned, but he could no longer feel An Xuefeng's mental state. The complete An Xuefeng was so powerful that no one knew whether he was about to go crazy or whether he could still remain calm.

Just like now——

【An Xuefeng! you--】

"It's too noisy, it's too noisy."

An Xuefeng smiled and murmured to himself. He raised his hands and covered his face, but there was a subtle vibrato at the end of his words.

"..., are you sure you want to keep me here?"

Between the middle finger and the ring finger, his deep and dark left eye is revealed, showing both indifferent calmness and uncontrollable madness. An Xuefeng said in a gentle and consultative tone: "I might kill you, are you sure?"

The other party was actually silent!

[Even if I failed to seal the crack, I took action twice...]

After a while, when... he spoke again, there was a hint of fear in his tone.

"That's your business."

An Xuefeng's tone suddenly became irritable and impatient, as if he was a different person, and his eyes also changed. They were completely different from before, full of manic and violent temper: "Get out of here now, I'm very annoyed, do you understand? "

The other party became silent, his momentum disappeared, and he actually rolled away silently.

"And you."

An Xuefeng closed the book, looked at the ground angrily, and said in a cold tone: "It's not time yet, just stay in there."

I saw that the passage leading to the Inca Sun Gate under the Abyss Bell Tower was blocked by a monster arm. It was dripping wet, extremely thick and long, and each suction cup contained an eyeball.

The arms and legs were severed from the middle, and the transparent blood flowed downwards and turned into thick and thick mucus when it fell to the ground. The mucus spread and expanded outward, blocking all corners of the crack.

"An Xuefeng, you are going to die."

An indifferent and low male voice sounded from under the crack.

"The destruction predicted by the astrologers has arrived, and your power will continue to be weakened... By then..."

The mucus blocked the last crack, and the sound completely disappeared. The entire tentacles and slime along with the cracks disappeared, and the ground was flat, as if the cracks had never existed.


An Xuefeng snorted coldly. He looked around, as if he was looking at the puppet master who had escaped the crucial battle, or as if he were looking at the tourist guides who gathered around him. It was more like he was looking at the void in the distance, some of whom were faintly observing here. The presence.

"We can talk about things after death after I die."

"Now, whoever dares to mess up again, don't blame me for being rude!"

An Xuefeng's voice resounded throughout the virtual hall, and the next moment several figures appeared next to An Xuefeng. They were Wang Pengpai, Mao Xiaole, Wan Xiangchun, Wang Yushu and other returning members. Each of them had an extremely powerful and terrifying aura. !

"Homecoming agrees!"

The intimidating power of the peak traveler and the momentum of his return are shocking in all directions!

"Dreamers approve."

The second person to speak was Dream Chaser, whose dark orange cloak shrouded the ruins like the setting sun. His crystal dragon wings were slightly spread, like the legendary dragon that lives at the end of the long river of time.

After finishing speaking, Dream Chaser glanced at the Filth Gate.

In the chaos, the puppet master who captured the psychic medium and seized the abyss node froze. She knew that Dream Chaser might not be completely satisfied with her performance this time. If she didn't express her position at this moment... she made a quick decision and did it quickly. Make a decision.

Dream Chaser robbed Butcher of an abyss node, and she also robbed one. No matter what, in the eyes of outsiders, they were all allies!

If you don't take a stand now, you will miss your last chance. But no matter what her stance is, she has more than a hundred butchers including the psychic medium, Yin Yang Butterfly and the Butcher Alliance. As long as she releases them, it will be a great favor! What about the Abyss Node, and what about her assisting the Dream Chasers in attacking the Butcher Alliance this time?

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests!

"The Puppet Master approves."

The puppet master smiled and said, and the female voice also echoed throughout the virtual hall. She was still being clever and didn't say 'Shepherd Alliance', only Puppet Master. However, two first-class tour guides and the strongest returning team announced on the same day that the Butcher Alliance was attacked and the virtual hall was shocked. The news will spread quickly!

At this moment, everything was silent, and no one dared to make a sound. These were existences that were too powerful and beyond their reach.

An Xuefeng, Return, Dream Chaser, Puppet Master.

The devil businessman's eyes flickered, and deep in his eyes were admiration, yearning, and ambition!

At some point, he will also become a big shot, a being who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

"Bing two fifty."

The Devil Merchant clenched the Sky Fox Ball in his hand, without looking back, and whispered in a firm tone: "The winner of this competition..."

It will definitely be me!

But before he finished speaking, he heard the voice of Dream Chaser rang again in the void where the Butcher Alliance was located in the distance!

An Xuefeng's shadow disappeared, leaving only the dream chaser and the puppet master in the butcher's hall.

"I'm leaving first."

The puppet master chuckled. She looked at the black scales in Dream Chaser's hand, and her figure gradually disappeared: "Next time I invite you to tea, don't hesitate to come."

Dream Chaser ignored her. At this moment, he was extremely exhausted, but also extremely excited. All kinds of emotions accumulate in my heart, like a volcano that has been brewing for a long time and is about to erupt. He desperately wanted to withdraw from consciousness and go back to see how An Xuefeng was doing and how the clay figurine Zhang was doing. He wanted to recuperate his body, and he wanted to fuse the token again...

He had countless things to do, but at this moment, the dream chaser did not leave.

He knew clearly that Yu Hehui and Bing 250 were indispensable for the success of this search and rescue! No amount of thanks, no matter how many puppets and clay figures, can never express my gratitude.

The dream chasers know that Bing250 is in a dangerous development period and is about to embark on an extremely dangerous journey. Yu Hehui is absolutely worried - don't worry.

The dreamer smiles and he will give them the best gift.

"Bing 250, come under our protection."

The dream chaser's cold and solemn voice, like a threat or an oath, resounded throughout the virtual hall again!

"Whoever attacks Bing250 is our enemy!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar! Most people know that An Xuefeng, the Puppet Master, and the Dream Chaser are three powerful men gathered in the Butcher Alliance, but they don't know why they are here. Even if some insiders speculate that it may be for Zhang Yao, they cannot be sure.

But now that the Dream Chaser has spoken out, and combined with what they just said, everything points to a clear answer!

The three big bosses, Dream Chaser, An Xuefeng and Puppet Master, most likely started a fight with the Life-haunting Butcher Alliance over the recent turmoil of Bing250!

For Bing250, a new tour guide!

"Dream Chaser..."

Seeing that after the dream chaser finished speaking, he just nodded to them hastily, and then left quickly, as if he was in a hurry, and he was a little embarrassed to run away. Wang Pengpai and others had a slightly subtle expression, and they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

They had just spoken before, and Dream Chaser said this again, as if they were also protecting Bing250 on their way back.

"Forget it, just give it shelter."

Anyway, Yu Hehui is probably by Bing250's side, and he should be protected on the way home. Wang Pengpai didn't care too much and was worried.

"It's not good. The captain's situation is really not good."

"Wan Xiangchun, let's go back to the station quickly. Take a look at what's going on on the other side of the door!"

The figures on the way back disappeared into the butcher's hall.

When they all disappeared, the devastated Butcher Hall disappeared and began to repair itself.

* *

"Is this what you rely on?"

The devil businessman's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at the woman beside him in astonishment, his expression changing uncertainly. He knew very well that Bing250 had indeed been hunted down by the Butcher Alliance with great fanfare recently.

No wonder she dared to come out tonight. It turned out that two first-class tour guides and the strongest tourist An Xuefeng were attacking the Butcher Alliance!

With the strongest brigade and the two top tour guides in the East District escorting her, Xiaocui actually has such power behind her! The devil businessman's mood was extremely complicated. The image he originally thought of Xiao Cui as lonely, strong and stubborn was instantly reversed, leaving him at a loss as to how to speak.

"Do you think this is what I want?"

Yu Hehui ignored the complicated tone of the devil merchant and spoke calmly. He didn't care what the devil merchant thought of because of these words. To be honest, Yu Hehui's smile was very forced.

It's chaos, it's completely chaos!

The dream chaser had good intentions and felt grateful. He took this opportunity to return home and use himself and the puppet master to establish Wei Xun's authority. According to his past personality, he would not involve others and would only protect Wei Xun himself.

Obviously, this is the dream chaser showing his face, sincerely considering Wei Xun, and establishing his authority.

But Yu Hehui's mood is very complicated!

What he hoped was that Wei Xun would keep a low profile, pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, and rise steadily and safely. It seemed that this kind of thing would never happen again.

After today, Bing250 will definitely become the center of the public opinion storm! To be honest, Dream Chaser's intimidation tonight was much more sensational than Bing 250's cross-level encounter with an extremely dangerous group.

The latter only really understand the significance of the higher-level pick-up group. Other passengers will gradually stop caring even if they discuss it for a while. After all, Bing250 is just a C-class tour guide.

But the topics of Dream Chaser, Puppet Master, An Xuefeng and the Returning Brigade are so hot! These people have countless followers and admirers in the hotel, and their influence is spread across the upper, middle and lower floors. In a hotel that advocates strength and adventure, their status, influence and attention are completely the leaders of a party!

Think about it when the top leaders of the three parties protect a newcomer and attack another leader's force for him... Is this reasonable?

This world is not like a Tom Sue novel. How can newcomers be so virtuous and capable? So many people have conspiracy theories and think that there must be a deep meaning behind this incident!

Or use the newcomer as an excuse to intimidate the Butcher Alliance. Either the new man himself is anything but ordinary, anything but special. So more people will think about it, why is this Bing250 able to receive an extremely dangerous group?

I am afraid that soon, the secret of the East-West Zone confrontation mission and the journey to the 30th North Latitude will be exposed to the public.

Especially the former.

"Take it."

Yu Hehui was emotionally numb and spoke with a sense of desolation. He handed the devil merchant a leaflet and took back the 'Sky Fox Ball'.

"This is a small organization I built. You can take a look at it."

Yu Hehui said half-heartedly, according to Wei Xun's words, after sending the leaflets to the devil merchant, he returned to the station without hesitation. He was eager to see how Wei Xun was doing now.

"The organization you built..."

The Devil Merchant received too many shocks today and was so confused that he even began to question his decision. Has Xiaocui already attached himself to a big force? Does she hope to build her own power, have newcomers rise and compete with the established ones?

But when I heard Xiao Cui say, ‘Do you think this is what I want? ' When he heard the unconcealed sadness in her tone and knew that she had formed an organization, the devil businessman's mood changed again.

He calmed down completely. For some reason, the devil merchant felt sorry for Xiao Cui.

Yes, joining a big force, being protected by a big force, but also being restrained, is this really what geniuses like them want?

This may sound like Versailles to others, but the Devil Merchant feels the same way. The flyer disappeared as soon as it arrived in his hand, but it was not collected by the devil merchant, but taken away by another person.

‘Bing 250, that’s interesting’

A soft female voice sounded, with a standard London accent, adding a bit of dignity.

'Yes, my lord'

The devil merchant is respectful.

'Mutual Aid Association...'

She whispered the name on the flyer, and in an instant the flyer turned into a small badge, which was a lilac, incomplete butterfly scale wing.

‘With the broken wings of Maria’s butterfly as a symbol, is there an organization like An Xuefeng, Homecoming, Dream Chaser and Puppet Master behind it, a small organization? ’

The female voice sighed and laughed, with a bit of playfulness in her tone: 'This mutual assistance will be very interesting, but it makes me... want to join in and have a look.'

* *

"Why do you feel like Black Widow is that little bitch? Is it an illusion?"

The puppet master sneezed and snorted coldly. She tossed the abyss node carrier she had just received, her good mood undisturbed.

"Honest people and dreamers are not honest either."

The puppet master tsked. She also heard what the dreamer said and understood that he was there to make a raft for her. But the puppet master thought for a moment and did not refute.

It's just to show off to Dream Chasers, and it's not like they really want to protect Bing 250. The puppet master was holding the unconscious medium in his left hand and throwing a red semicircle of stones in his right hand. He was in a very good mood.

She didn't suffer any injuries today, and she reached an abyss node without any pressure. It was a big gain!

What’s even more beautiful is that there are so many butcher guides in this abyss node. In the past, butchers kidnapped people from their shepherd alliance, maybe this time...

And now the Butcher Alliance only has three abyss nodes. After adding this one to the Shepherd Alliance, they have two, and the gap is further narrowed...

The puppet master was just thinking about something good, when suddenly a big hand stretched out from the void and shot away the abyss node in her hand!

"who is it?!"

The puppet master immediately became furious and took action. Thousands of puppet threads struck the void like thousands of arrows, but they were unable to bring back any abyss node carrier!

This shows that the person who took away the abyss node carrier is the person connected with it!

The puppet master was furious, and the sound of anger echoed through the Thriller Hotel:

"Life-haunting man——!!!"

* *

came back!

The heart of Wei Xun in the ice cave was slightly moved. The sky fox cub grabbed the badge in his mouth at lightning speed and ran away, leaving nothing behind except the light blue cloak that was nailed to death with the return knife.

He felt that An Xuefeng's consciousness had returned and he was about to wake up. Wei Xun started a few seconds earlier, but even so, he still felt the lag in his movements, as if someone was stopping him from leaving. But at the critical moment, Wei Xun got rid of the obstacle and successfully returned to his home base.

"Thank you."

Wei Xun smiled and said, he returned to his human form, opened his clenched hand, and in his palm was a dark red stone.

The Abyss Node was indeed retrieved and returned to his hands. Returning just now was also helpful. But Wei Xun no longer felt the other party's gaze or voice, so he must have left.

I don’t know what’s going on with An Xuefeng.

Wei Xun thought at random that he saw Yu Hehui waiting anxiously in the station, spinning in circles with worry.


Wei Xun greeted him briskly, but before he finished speaking, a cold finger quietly touched his Adam's apple!

In an instant, Wei Xun was unable to speak and lost his voice. Then Wei Xun fell into the dark and cold embrace, and something blocked his mouth.

Cold, wet, pliable, flexible.

It doesn't look like a human finger, but more like a tentacle.

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