Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 146 Clay Figurine Zhang【5】


Before the attack by the Dream Chaser and the Puppet Master, the entire Butcher Alliance Hall had turned into a mess!

The butchers and tour guides at the back were completely powerless to resist. They didn't even know what was happening. They were all immersed in the mental field of sadness and wept silently. They seemed stupid and would not struggle even if they were killed.

But Taoist Feng is an exception! He was the closest to the Gate of Filth, the farthest away, and the weakest affected. Although he was bursting with tears and bleeding from all his orifices, he still managed to maintain a trace of sanity. What happened? ! Why did the fight suddenly start? !


At this moment, Taoist Feng only has the survival instinct left in his heart. A huge sense of death crisis has come, making him suffocate in pain. If he stays here any longer, he will die!


Wei Xun suppressed a groan and swallowed the blood that surged up. He remained calm on the surface. At this moment, the extremely intimidating demon wings spread out behind him. With his wings spread out, he was like a steel wall, standing between the Abyss Bell, the seriously injured psychic and the Yin-Yang Butterfly who were vomiting blood.

Just now, Wei Xun didn't even see clearly what the figure in the crimson cloak did, and the psychic and Yin-Yang Butterfly were knocked away!

They fell to the ground as if they were seriously injured. The phantom of the butterfly wings behind the Yin-Yang Butterfly disappeared, and the butterfly's tentacles were broken. The whole person fell into indescribable panic, but his condition was not bad because the psychic rushed ahead.

At this moment, the medium's eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes seemed to be gone, leaving only a pool of gray tears. The tears were filled with golden twisted light, and the golden light spread on his cheeks, outlining strange golden lines, which were the mental pollution of the crazy sun.

His whole body turned into a translucent gray, and he actually showed a ghostly alienated state. Only in this way can he barely contend with the mental pollution and maintain the last trace of sanity.

"My lord...the abyss bell has been opened!"

Do you need to say this? !

Wei Xun cursed in his heart, his face was solemn, and extremely terrifying power radiated outward from the Abyss Bell. It was a bloody and twisted terrifying evil spirit, and even the pollution of the sun was suppressed by it.

The crimson figure walked out more than half of the time, and the crimson hood stained by the massacre of thousands of people was full of blood. This is a strong person that Wei Xun cannot fight against.

But Wei Xun did not retreat. On the contrary, he took a step forward, spread out his devil wings as a protector, and stood in front of the psychic and the others.

Wei Xun couldn't turn around and run away. The psychic was defeated too quickly and strangely. He couldn't be such a waste. It would be too exaggerated to just fly away. Wei Xun didn't even hear him cry. Is this reasonable? !

I'm afraid that the medium still doubts whether he is real or fake and cannot make a decision. He might as well make a first move and seriously injure himself, but also completely open the Abyss Bell and let the puppet inside come out.

If you can’t see it, then don’t watch it! Psychic mediums have a superstitious belief in the strength of people who are interested in life, and they believe that the real ones will definitely defeat the fake ones. He even brought the Yin-Yang Butterfly along with him to seriously injure him, saving him from being a fool and rushing to death here by listening to the orders of a certain party (looking at you, Wei Xun).

So Wei Xun can't retreat. Once he retreats, it will prove that he is fake! At that time, I am afraid that he will be besieged by puppet psychics and Yin-Yang butterflies. Not only did he not retreat, but he spread his demonic wings again, and even had no hesitation in handing over his back to the psychics.

Who is real and who is fake is once again confusing.

The devil's wings tended to sag, and Wei Xun knew that this was another serious tear in his back muscles. But he didn't care, and looked at the crimson cloaked puppet in front of him. Wei Xun had some slight expectations in his heart, but when it came out, Wei Xun was stunned.

Too short.

He looked even shorter than Wei Xun himself, a dwarf with his cloak touching the floor. And Wei Xun felt the strong evil aura and unabashed murderous intent it had on him.

Since his brother didn't come in person, Wei Xun didn't care what status it had, whether it was a human or something else. The rich blood energy distorted the space, and the SAN value dropped rapidly. Wei Xun's brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about the current situation.

On the contrary, the other party was obviously startled and hesitated a little after seeing Wei Xun in a crimson cloak and the devil wings behind him.

"Who are you……"

It turned out to be a hoarse female voice.

"Dream chaser, puppet master,"

The same hoarse female voice suddenly came from Wei Xun's mouth, but it was more majestic and mysterious, and the cloak itself had functions such as concealment and voice change. Before, Wei Xun didn't know how the puppets spoke, and he only snorted coldly when he entered the Butchers' Alliance. Now he has a reference sample.

Wei Xun was not talking to the puppet, but the two words he spoke attracted everyone's attention. Even the puppet did not continue speaking, but felt a chill in his heart and listened carefully. He was indifferent. He sneered, put his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "You two, there is no need to hide anymore when you are here."

According to the plan, they should arrive when the Abyss Bell is opened. Although Wei Xun's current strength cannot detect whether Dream Chaser and the others have arrived, it does not prevent him from pretending to be a tiger by pretending to be a tiger.

Wei Xun wants to get rid of the two unstable factors, the psychic medium and the Yin-Yang Butterfly, as well as the butchers and tour guides in this hall. They cannot resist his pressure at all. If they stay here any longer, they may become fools.

Not to mention the war that may break out next!

The Dreamcatcher and the Puppet Master are here?

The psychic who was observing the situation trembled in his heart, and his face suddenly changed drastically when he sensed it.

The Butcher Alliance was all blocked at some point! They were completely unaware of the combined power of the two top leaders!

"As expected, I still can't hide it from you, the life-loving person."

After Wei Xun's words, a female chuckle resounded throughout the entire butcher alliance. This voice seems to contain infinite magic power, making people lose their minds and completely become the opponent's puppet.

Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of the psychic, Yin Yang Die and Wei Xun suddenly changed.

The puppet master is really here!

* *


Two top-level directors simultaneously blocked the Butcher Alliance, causing a huge tremor in the virtual lobby of the hotel. The major brigades that had been secretly observing and guarding against the Butcher Alliance were shocked and vigilant, only to find that the Gate of Filth had been blocked from within!

“The Butcher Alliance—what happened?!”

Is this a fight? Is someone rebelling, or who is fighting the Butcher Alliance?

There are not many people who can seal the door to filth!

"This is the puppet master's method. The puppet master went to fight against the Butcher Alliance?!"

Wang Pengpeng was in disbelief. Is it raining red in the sky? Can the million-year-old puppet master still take the initiative to fight against the Butcher Alliance? ? Next to him, Mao Xiaole was divinationing urgently and muttering, and suddenly his face turned pale.


Mao Xiaole coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly became weak. Divination is an extremely dangerous thing. He spent a lot of money, but his eyes were blazing, as if there was a ray of light blooming.

"It belongs to the earth, and the earth shape returns to its position, which is dangerous and slightly unlucky."

"Earth, belonging to earth, earth, earth, butcher alliance, earth..."

Wang Pengpeng murmured and suddenly slapped his forehead: "Fuck! Damn it, dirt, mud, clay figurine Zhang!"

"Did Dream Chaser rescue Zhang Xingzang?! Join forces with the Puppet Master? This -"

This is wrong! Even if the Puppet Master joins forces with the Dream Chaser, he will never offend the Butcher Alliance. Besides, the Dream Chaser doesn't believe her, so how can he go to save the clay figurine Zhang with her?

It is more likely that Dream Chaser and An Xuefeng will save him together! But An Xuefeng and Dream Chaser should be at the Laplan Glacier now...wait.

Wang Pengpeng's expression changed slightly.

An Xuefeng and Dream Chaser are indeed together. Could it be that the trip to Laplange was fake and that they actually secretly attacked the Butcher Alliance? !

The more Wang Pengpai thought about it, the more reliable he felt. After all, the puppet master was really useless at critical times!

* *

"Long time no see, please forgive me for visiting unexpectedly."

The Butcher Alliance, a female figure wearing a cheongsam appeared above the Gate of Filth. At this moment, the huge arch was roaring like thunder, with countless tentacles extending from the arch, as if a giant eye of the abyss was about to open in the dark doorway.

But the entire arch was completely tied up by countless extremely thin puppet threads!


There was a flash of silver light in the air, reflected by one or two puppet strings. The puppeteer sat leisurely on the silk strings that stretched across the entire hall. Her long legs were crossed, her bare toes were raised, and the hem of her cheongsam slipped down, revealing a piece of snow-white skin.

There was a smile on Meiyan's face. It didn't look like an invasion, but more like chatting with old friends.

In fact, the puppet master was extremely depressed! When she saw there were two crimson cloaks, she wanted to observe them again, but since they were named by the other party, it would be inappropriate not to come out.

She smiled and said: "Hiding in front of you is indeed a trick in our class..."

"Why bother talking so much."

A cold male voice sounded, and in the next second, a corner of a dark orange cloak was swept across. The butcher tour guide who was still immersed in sadness beside the Filth Gate was suddenly missing a piece - with the fainted Taoist Bee as the boundary.

Just now, he tried his best to touch the door of filth to escape, but he touched the cloak of Dream Chaser who happened to sneak in.

This unlucky big bee looked familiar, and Dream Chaser had a vague impression that he was one of the insiders. So when he started to obliterate it, he started from the ugly giant spider in front of Taoist Feng.

The demonized giant spider that had provoked Taoist Feng before, a tour guide ranked at least second-rate, was actually wiped out and disappeared without any resistance while his eight eyes were weeping silently!

A blank space suddenly appeared in the originally dark crowd, which was reduced by a quarter. It was as clear as day, as if it had been erased by some rule!

"Butcher, damn it."

At the same time, the dream chaser's eyes fell on the Abyss Bell and the two crimson figures in front of the Abyss Bell.

Who are Yu Hehui?

Dream Chaser is so ruthless!

At this moment, both the puppet master and Wei Xun cursed in their hearts. At the same time, Wei Xun felt great pressure, that was the gaze of the dream chaser! What else are you looking at? Take action and kill that real puppet.

But something suddenly moved in Wei Xun's heart, and he secretly felt that something was wrong.

From the situation in front of him, it seemed that the medium and the Yin-Yang Butterfly were blocked behind him, and as a false puppet, he was 1.9 meters tall, which fit perfectly with the life-seeking man's cloak. The real puppet is 1.6 meters tall and looks like a child pretending - he looks more like a real puppet.

Damn it, the dream chaser won’t admit the wrong person!

‘Kill the one with wings’

At the same time, the puppet master sent a message to the dream chaser with a solemn tone. At this point, even if there are really two life-seeking puppets, they can only be beaten.

But killing them all would offend the life-seeking people severely, and the puppet master vaguely felt that a riot was about to occur at the Gate of the Sun. She was very anxious, and she did not want to get close to the Abyss Bell.

In this case, let's take advantage of the big wings far away from the Abyss Bell! The alienation of the same species, the formation of devil's wings, the level of this life-haunting puppet is probably not low. Killing him would be a way of showing sincerity to Dream Chaser.

The puppet master stopped talking nonsense. Her jade-like onion-like fingers were intertwined, and her fingers were filled with tight puppet threads. Suddenly her fingers tightened, but before she could tighten the puppet threads——


The dream chaser did not wait at all and flashed directly in front of the Abyss Bell. A handful of black sand suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Rustling rustling——"

The sound of sand quietly slipping from the fingers resounded throughout the hall, but the sand did not fall completely. The fallen black sand was picked up by the strong wind that came from nowhere, and the surrounding area instantly became as dark as ink, and amidst the roaring wind It seems as if the doomsday sandstorm is about to appear out of thin air in the hands of the dream chaser!

"Are you crazy?!

Even the puppet master was horrified. The threads of her puppets broke apart in the black sand. This was the power originating from the 30th degree of north latitude. Except for fellow pioneers, it would be difficult to resist! Of course, the Puppet Master can be dealt with by going all out, but she is in alliance with Dream Chaser now, so what does it mean to go all out to deal with the alliance!


The puppet master cursed secretly in her mind and stepped aside. She could not clearly see the scene near the Abyss Bell in the black sandstorm. I saw the black sand suddenly rising up. No one could move under this extremely dangerous and terrifying pressure. Even the medium and the Yin-Yang Butterfly could only crawl to the ground in fear. The black sandstorm swept over the place and turned it into blood foam, leaving no one alive!

We can't let Dream Chaser continue killing like this!

Seeing this, the Mingxing puppet rushed forward without hesitation, but there was a tall dark red figure who rushed forward faster than him!

"dream Catcher!"

The man yelled angrily in a hoarse female voice: "How dare you come here to act wild?!"

Take a gamble!

The situation became increasingly dangerous, and Wei Xun did not hesitate any longer. Furthermore, Wei Xun could feel that this black sandstorm was the same as the sun mark on the back of the medium's neck, both coming from the 30th degree north latitude. Even if there is a human skin map, he may not die.

After saying that, he rushed into the black sand storm without any hesitation, and even turned the devil's wings into points of light without any alienation power. Being so arrogant and fearless is simply amazing!

Wei Xun believed that Dream Chaser would definitely recognize him, because there was the most essential difference between him and the real life-seeking puppet!

So weak.

The corner of Dream Chaser's eyes twitched. His face was expressionless and solemn. The black sand storm was raging. The outside was as terrifying as the howling of ghosts and wolves, but inside, under Dream Chaser's desperate control, a vacuum was created. He barely managed to kill this man. Just grind him to death.

The concealing effect of the tour guide's cloak in the black sandstorm was no longer effective. Although the other party's face and aura were still hidden, his true strength was fully revealed in front of the dream chaser.

The only ones who can show the wings of devil but are so weak in real strength are Yu Hehui.

With this little strength, Yu Hehui still said that his strength has recovered well? Blow it! With such strength, do you still dare to break into the Butcher Alliance? And take the initiative to pretend to be a female puppet? He really didn't want his life!

The dream chaser thought angrily, but quietly retracted his fingers, and deafening roars suddenly sounded frequently in the black sandstorm. The black sandstorm trembled violently, as if there was a fierce battle inside!

"The strength is not bad."

After a few seconds, Dream Chaser's face turned pale. Suddenly, the black sandstorm that originally ravaged most of the Butcher Alliance suddenly only had half a ball left. The sand grains were thinner and the color became lighter. Then a crimson figure emerged from the sandstorm unscathed.


He snorted coldly and dropped his hands proudly. The black and silver light spots floated and lingered between the cloak, making it even more mysterious and powerful. However, the cloak was not even damaged at all and was as new as ever. The landing movement was extremely stable, as if he didn't waste any energy——

Dream Chaser's sand is so stable and considerate. Wei Xun was held down by a small wisp of black sand from Dream Chaser, otherwise he would have to fall freely from the air. However, this man remained calm, raised his chin slightly, and looked calm and proud. Dream Chaser couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw it.

But there was more importance on his face. The dream chaser sneered and said lightly:

"No wonder, it turns out he is the number one puppet under the throne."

What? Turns out to be the number one puppet under the throne? !

The medium, Yin Yang Butterfly, the other puppet and the puppet master were shocked at the same time. There was a huge black sandstorm just now, and the puppet master didn't see clearly what was happening in front of him, but he saw that the sandstorm weakened and the opponent was unscathed. Just understand that this puppet is definitely not a good person!

Misstep, no wonder he has devil wings. But the sense of danger he gave her was not even as good as the dwarf in front of the Abyss Bell... He was indeed the number one puppet, he was so well hidden!

The puppet master noticed the anger hidden in the dream chaser's cold words... She suddenly felt guilty. Indeed, such a sudden sneak attack plan ended up facing two puppets of the Mingxi people, and one of them was ranked number one. Everyone would be suspicious!

But she really wasn't the one who leaked the secret. She just found out about Dream Chaser's plan in the early morning. Even if she wanted to leak the secret, she didn't have time at all... But looking at this, Dream Chaser was suspicious of her!

"The Life-haunting Puppet is indeed well-deserved, and I would like to ask for advice."

The puppet master smiled sweetly, stretched his arms like a hug, and revealed a jade-like wrist from his wide cuffs: "Come on."

Damn it, why did she feel like she was on a pirate ship? But now she has to take action. If she hesitates any longer, both sides will be displeased! But the puppet master had a scheming plan. Instead of dealing with the No. 1 puppet, she targeted the other one. Anyway, Dream Chaser has taken action before, so let him handle this tricky thing.


Countless puppet filaments were thrown out from her fingertips and instantly wrapped around the life-seeking puppet in front of the Abyss Bell. The opponent's evil aura was astonishingly strong, but he had no resistance in front of the puppet silk. He was actually pulled in front of the puppet master in a moment!

The puppeteer was also holding his breath in his heart, and he attacked without mercy. She came here in her original form, and except for not having the 30th degree north latitude carrier, she was stronger than the Dream Chaser incarnation.

So strong!

When the 1.6-meter puppet was dragged away by the puppet thread, Wei Xun was right next to it, but he didn't react at all - he couldn't react at all! This puppet is extremely strong, with bloody murderous aura overflowing, as if she had slaughtered tens of thousands of people and absorbed all the blood and energy. Even so, she is no match for the puppeteer at all. Now that she is dragged over, she is still beaten. The puppeteer only uses the puppet thread to play with her in the palm of his hand!

Is this the true strength of the second-class tour guide? So strong!

In comparison, the Dream Chaser seems a little weak.

Wei Xun thought silently, but his face was solemn as he retreated to the Abyss Bell, and shouted sternly: "You hold on for a while, I will go to the Abyss Node to contact the adults!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked. Yin Yang Butterfly's hands were shaking, and the Abyss Node carrier he had been holding tightly in his hands was getting hot... It was the adults who gave him the authority to lead everyone into the Abyss Node!

Yin Yang Butterfly immediately understood the deep meaning of the adults' words. He tightly grasped the sleeves of the medium, looked at him, and let go of his brain a little.

The medium saw what Yin Yang Butterfly was thinking, and he thought so too. Yes, they are too weak, this is no longer a battlefield they can set foot in. If they continue to stay, they will only die, but the adults still left them a chance to live.

The Abyss Bell is about to break and the riot cannot enter, but they still have an Abyss Node carrier in their hands! The medium said nothing, his body became completely translucent, and the spirit attached to Yin Yang Butterfly's body.

Yin Yang Butterfly alone cannot take other people away. Tonight was originally an important matter to meet the adults' new puppet. The butcher guides who came were all either special talents or special alienations. They all had great potential and were also the backbone of the Butcher Alliance.

Although a group of people have died, most of them are the butchers in the back row. There are still two or three hundred good hands. It is better to take them away if you can! Now, while the two adults are desperately holding back the dream chaser and the puppeteer, this is their last chance to escape!

"Hurry up!"

The puppeteer was anxious. Although the playful man seemed to be trapped in the Sun Gate and could not get out, if the first puppet really contacted him and caused the other party to be possessed by the spirit, it would be too embarrassing to have a three-party meeting at that time.

Kill these two puppets first!

At this moment, the puppeteer no longer perfunctorily held back, and every move was fatal, but the puppet that was originally at a disadvantage also became tenacious, as if it accepted the order of "you hold on for a while", and it burst out with extremely strong power!

Every move of the puppeteer seemed to be within her expectations, as if she could see the "future" and see through all the attacks of the puppeteer. In addition, she was not afraid of death, and she actually struggled to entangle the puppeteer!

The puppeteer was really angry. When she killed the puppet, she would be kind to the dream chaser. She would not care about the next thing!

But this abyss node... The puppeteer noticed that Yin Yang Butterfly was using the abyss node to quietly transfer the tour guide in the Butcher's Hall. Her red lips curled up. After paying so much tonight, she would accept this abyss node without hesitation!

Abyss node!

The dream chaser looked stern. Yu Hehui was reminding him! The abyss bell trembled violently, and the ominous light surged. The spider-web-like cracks instantly spread throughout the bell tower. Under the dangerous breath of the abyss was a golden light, as if the sun was about to leap out of it.

This is the Inca Sun Gate riot!

The dream chaser understood that this was the riot in the inner passage of the Inca Sun Gate! Even he could not suppress the riot of the Sun Gate, but this was his only chance!

Only when the inner passage of the Inca Sun Gate rioted, it would be separated from the abyss bell and there would be a chance to rescue Zhang Xingzang.

That 1.6-meter puppet has the breath of the sun on her body. She must have just come out of the Abyss Bell. The dream chaser understood what this meant.

The Ximing people might have to attack Zhang Xingzang. Zhang Xingzang is really going to die!

The riot of the Inca Sun Gate came too quickly and too strangely. It is very likely that the Ximing people who were sealed in the Sun Gate noticed the changes in the outside world and intervened. Perhaps the Ximing people wanted to force him to take action.

But this time the dream chaser had to take risks anyway.

The dream chaser gathered the black sand again, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood fell on the black sand and glued the scattered sand grains together again. But before the black sandstorm formed, it suddenly dispersed. Not only that, the black sand grains seemed to have an invisible ominous breath, which poured into the dream chaser's body when the sandstorm failed to condense.

His face turned pale again.

This is the death curse of the Sahara of Death.

But the dream chaser was indifferent. He coughed up another mouthful of blood and continued to gather the sandstorm.

Only the 30th degree north latitude token can touch the power of the 30th degree north latitude. He must condense the black sandstorm, but it all depends on luck.

He was lucky to successfully condense the sandstorm and distinguish Yu and Hui before.

But now, his luck has become worse.

* *

"Death curse?"

In the ice cave of La Plange Glacier. An Xuefeng, who closed his eyes to recuperate, suddenly frowned. He walked to the side of the dream chaser and looked down to see that the hem of his cloak was turning into rustling black sand.

An Xuefeng frowned, and he suddenly pulled out his return knife and stared at the dim light flowing on it. I don't know if it was an illusion, but his pupils turned into a gilded color in an instant, which contained infinite vicissitudes.

"The Sunset One, the Sahara of Death, the Abyss Bell, the Butcher's Alliance, the Inca Sun Gate. The Returner, the Crazy Sunshine, the Abyss Believer."

He murmured. After he finished speaking, An Xuefeng's eyes returned to normal.

"hold on."

Dream Chaser, who had closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, looked pale and apologized, "I haven't recovered from my injury yet."

"Recuperate? Recuperate!"

An Xuefeng sneered. Faced with his sarcastic words, the dream chaser repeated: "Wait a little longer."

At first glance, something was very wrong.

"Abyss Bell, Butcher Alliance, Inca Sun Gate, are you going to rescue Zhang Xingzang?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Dream Chaser is like a programmed robot. He has obviously transferred most of his consciousness and power into his incarnation, and his body is in standby mode. And he has mobilized so much power, either to use the incarnation to carry out alienation, or to forcibly use the power of the Black Desert.

The former is fine, but the latter is terrible. There is something wrong with the Dead Sahara, and it would be really bad if the Dream Chasers forcefully use black sand to fight against the Inca Sun Gate again.

Just like he interpreted the sunset and the return journey from the return sword.

"You really don't want your life."

An Xuefeng saw the black sand scattered on Dream Chaser's body and understood that the situation was the latter. He sighed: "You are really... more impatient than me now."

But he doesn't blame Dream Chaser. This man is too affectionate. There must be something strange in the Abyss Bell. Zhang Xingzang will really die if he doesn't save him. Even if this operation would cause chaos in the hotel, he would definitely go back.

Although the Dreamcatcher's cloak was dimmed, it still hadn't completely changed color. His original intention has not changed, which is to pursue dreams with his companions and change the world.

After going around and around, his closest companion at that time was only Zhang Xingzang. If there is no dream, will the dream chaser still be the dream chaser? When the time comes, will we be able to stand up after breaking up, or will our dreams be shattered?

Losing a companion is so painful. An Xuefeng didn't want to see such a tragic situation again.

"I hope you believe me."

An Xuefeng sighed: "It's me, have I seen too many sunsets, so I have become depressed?"

"Don't worry, we will succeed."

The dream chaser seemed to be having a conversation with him.

"Of course we will succeed."

An Xuefeng listened intently and smiled.

"I haven't heard you say that for a long time."

"The scenery on the top of the mountain must be beautiful."

The next moment, a small pyramid suddenly appeared in An Xuefeng's hand. The bottom of the tower was as big as a palm. The tower had a total of nine floors. The bottom six floors were already shining brightly, but only the upper three floors were still dim. .

This is a journey to the 30th degree north latitude, a token of Pharaoh’s pyramid!

"The pioneers said the pyramids should stand in the desert."

An Xuefeng raised the corners of his mouth. When he took out the pyramid, An Xuefeng's eyes turned completely red. Countless strong emotions invaded and eroded his nerves. At this moment, he seemed to be out of control, but in fact, An Xuefeng's expression was still calm.

He pressed the small pyramid on the dreamer's head.

In an instant, the black sand that had been falling from the Dream Chaser's body stabilized and stopped falling, as if it had been suppressed!

* *

Dream Chaser successfully united Black Sandstorm, and this success was no accident. At the moment when the sandstorm was about to collapse, he seemed to see a pyramid suppressing the sandstorm, giving it a backbone and preventing it from collapsing so easily.

Team security...

He sighed inwardly, noting the favor. Then the dream chaser looked solemnly at the Abyss Bell.

Yu Hehui helped him so much, and Team An helped him so much on his way back. Dream Chaser vowed to bring Yu Hehui back safely!

The dream chaser seemed to have seen him enter the Abyss Bell just now, but the Inca Sun Gate passage is connected to the Abyss Bell. Once the passage is cut off or there is a riot at the Sun Gate, the Abyss Bell will never be safe.

He must send Yu Hehui out safely and return them to An Xuefeng.

Dream Chaser made up his mind, and he controlled the black sandstorm to cover the sun's rays of light next to the Abyss Bell, but he did not rush forward. At this moment, Dream Chaser's momentum changed, and when the body under the cloak quietly changed, huge wings appeared in front of him. behind him.

This membrane wing is similar to the devil's wing but not exactly the same. The hard and slender wing bones are as clear as crystal glass and glow with a colorful halo. These are the dragon's bone wings! A dragon tail that looked silver at first glance, but glowed with colorful lights under the light, quietly came out from under the cloak.


After the Dream Chaser's alienation, his figure suddenly became illusory, as if he had crossed space. As soon as he flapped his wings, he hit the Abyss Bell.


With the last bell ringing, the Abyss Bell was completely shattered by his impact, turning into a small bell tower and rolling to the side. This is the carrier of the Abyss Node!

The dream chaser instantly grabbed the small bell tower. After confirming that there were the auras of Yu Hehui and Clay Figurine Zhang inside, his hands turned into dragon claws. The sharp claw tip tore through the space, found An Xuefeng's coordinates, and threw the clock directly!

"The sun, the sun, sings the sun, the sun sings the sun -"

Brilliant and crazy sunshine shines outward from the depths of the earth, and endless murmurs seem to ring in the ears. The Abyss Bell Tower once cracked a gap in the underground of the location. This is the passage of the Inca Sun Gate. Even if the dream chasers remove all the black sand It's all covered in the cracks, but it still can't block all the sunlight!

Yu Hehui and the clay figurine Zhang send them away, and then the dream chaser has to deal with the endgame. He wants to seal this passage again!


With a wail, the dragon's sorrow, the dream chaser tore off the reverse scale on his chest. At this moment, he became weak. When the black scale fell off, all the black sand gathered and the cracks shone brightly. The dream chaser took a last look at the scale, threw it into the air without hesitation, and said coldly: "The dream chaser is willing to give the 30 degrees north latitude journey: the token of the Sahara of death to the hotel in exchange for the hotel to seal this passage for me." [Transaction... Passed] It was as if a big hand came from the sky out of thin air and grabbed the reverse scale and black sand. It also grabbed the dream chaser, as if it grabbed something illusory from him. At this moment, the dream chaser's breath became weak, and even the dragon state could not be fully maintained. There was a sense of crumbling. Then the big hand of nothingness slapped the crack that radiated sunlight. As if sensing a crisis, as if resisting, the bright sunlight suddenly shot out like a golden spear, but was directly broken by the big hand of nothingness. Then countless sunlight condensed again, and they turned into little people praying, singing, and chanting the epic of the sun. Endless light radiated outward, no longer as dazzling as before, but with more gentle corrosive power. Even the hand of nothingness glowed with a faint golden light.

But it still extinguished all these little people.

The little people dissipated, and no more sunlight came out of the crack. The hand of nothingness pressed down, trying to completely smooth out the crack.

But the next moment, it could no longer go down.

A hand with distinct joints stretched out from the crack, and countless golden chains were wrapped around the wrist, binding it firmly below.

But this hand was free, with the back of its hand facing up and its slender fingers slightly bent. In the absolute contrast, this hand lightly blocked the hand of nothingness.

At this moment, the dream chaser's face changed suddenly.


* *

"The getting less and less useful. It's ridiculous that not even one passage can be closed."

Inside the ice cave, An Xuefeng sneered and talked to himself.

"Merge with me."

The irritable atmosphere began to spread, but An Xuefeng's tone remained calm.

"I want to use that book."

He seemed to be talking to himself, and also to be talking to someone who didn't exist. At this moment, his temperament suddenly became contradictory, as if the left side was irritable and crazy, and the right side was cold and cruel.

"One minute, that's enough."

He stood still, like a sculpture, allowing the two completely different temperaments to collide and impact, and finally merged into one with difficulty and temporarily.


Instantly, the Laplange Glacier shook violently! This dangerous glacier seemed to come alive, but it was not as wanton and arrogant as before. The glacier was trembling and it was afraid!

Those terrifying and powerful monsters like oil wandered on the deep blue glacier, roaring with fear and despair. They gathered in front of the ice cave, but did not dare to attack the ice cave. They could only wander outside and pray desperately.

It was obviously the monsters that surrounded the ice cave, but judging from their performance, it was more like the people in the ice cave surrounded the entire glacier. When An Xuefeng opened his eyes again, everything returned to calm.

At this moment, the return knife trembled slightly, and An Xuefeng's eyes returned to pure black, bottomless. He looked extremely dangerous, as if standing between madness and reason. It seemed to be absolutely rational, but also absolutely crazy.

He took out a book.

The dark blue book had a fist-sized crimson eyeball on the cover, which was still moving. The purple tentacles were wriggling and rustling, wrapping around the book like a chain and blocking the book.

But when An Xuefeng's hand fell, these tentacles avoided it as if they were afraid. Let An Xuefeng open the pages.

The first page of this book is a scene of a prosperous sea city, from creation to destruction.

The second page is an extremely terrifying deep-sea monster, from birth to death.

This is the book of the ancients, a token of the journey to the 30th degree north latitude and the sinking of Atlantis!

An Xuefeng, he is the only one who has opened up two journeys to the 30th degree north latitude, and the only one in the hotel who holds two tokens!

"The pioneer said, I have been here, I witnessed that the ancients have all disappeared, and should not affect the present world."

An Xuefeng said, at this moment his voice was vicissitudes and mysterious, as if he had crossed countless years, as if a pair of black eyes opened in exhaustion, and it witnessed the demise of countless ancient existences.

An Xuefeng in the ice cave closed his eyes, held his breath and concentrated, using this power to seal the crack across the distance of space, splitting against the seal, Atlantis against the Sun Gate, this is a distance contest between him and the playful people!

At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and a broken small bell tower flew out of the crack and rolled down at An Xuefeng's feet.

The next moment, Wei Xun, wearing a crimson cloak, was dizzy and drilled out of the abyss node of the bell tower.

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