Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 145 Clay Figurine Zhang【4】

There are so many people.

Seeing the strange alienated butchers and tour guides kneeling in the hall, Wei Xun's eyes showed a hint of interest under his hood, and he scanned the entire hall with a strange gaze, as if he was inspecting the large vegetable garden planted by his brother.


After passing through the Gate of Filth, the devil's wings scattered into black and silver spots of light. Demon Wings are somewhere between illusion and reality, and are not afraid of most physical attacks. After Wei Xun's body is tempered, his alienated demon body will also have the same characteristics.

Homology and alienation, indeed.

Wei Xun had already understood when Yu Hehui sent a photo of his devil wings to Dream Chaser, falsely claiming that it was the alienated state of the puppet of the Life-seeker, but Dream Chaser did not object and instead acquiesced. The alienated state of human beings is most likely to have the same origin.

Now the butchers and tour guides had no suspicion, and they all knelt down in unison, which further proved Wei Xun's guess.

He is indeed my brother.

Black and silver light spots floated around him, scattered on the crimson cloak, like stars in the sky, forming an invisible and terrifying deterrent.

Taoist Feng, who was kneeling on the ground, clenched his plush forelimbs tightly, and just now a black light point floated in front of him. I don't know where the courage came from, but he actually grabbed it. Immediately afterwards, a line of information appeared in Taoist Feng's brain out of thin air. He had no time to read it, but a turmoil arose in his heart.

It's opportunity!

He made the right bet, and he really got the chance!

The originally extremely anxious and nervous heart suddenly passed by like a strong wind, but Taoist Feng managed to clear his mind in the ecstasy and remained calm. Don't listen, don't think, don't see.

He had already been paid, and what happened next was beyond his control.

Wei Xun had no pretense of guilt at all. He walked forward calmly, like the true master of the Butcher Alliance.

The third generation of Demonic Insects lay tremblingly under his cloak, conveying the message to Wei Xun.

Although it is the third generation of a ladybug, it is also bred by a female insect, and it is rare. It is the native insect that protects the female insect. Therefore, although it is not yet proficient in the two points of 'joy aura' and 'responsibility aura', it also has a new talent, that is, it can detect whether the surrounding living beings have a responsible mentality and whether they have joyful emotions.

The detection talent shows that this demonic insect is not focused on combat, but more on supporting. But this is exactly what Wei Xun needs.

Wei Xun came this time for two purposes.

First: Open the Abyss Bell and save the clay man Zhang.

Second: Distribute leaflets.

Wei Xun knew that it was too inefficient to work hard to cultivate talents and develop forces. Instead of cultivating talents yourself, it is better to dig up the semi-finished vegetable seedlings in my brother's vegetable garden.

Anyone found out by Laosandai who is not happy about the arrival of his "life-loving person", who is not responsible enough for his "life-loving person", has no collective glory, no companions, and is a lone wolf, has been secretly discovered by Wei Xun A 'leaflet'.

There is no use keeping such a person anyway, they might rebel in the future, so I might as well start a rebellion and test it out first, which can be regarded as helping my brother purify the internal elements of the alliance.

Wei Xun's eyes are very poisonous, and the people he "hands out flyers" are all those who are not too high-ranking, like Taoist Feng, who are neither above nor below. He has great ambitions, but the matching resources are not enough, and the alliance does not take him seriously, so he can only secretly find another way.

Wei Xun was still conscious about digging up the vegetable seedlings planted by his brother. He only handed out more than 20 'leaflets' and then stopped.


Wei Xun felt a little regretful that he was not well prepared.

The Abyss Clock chimes the time every night at midnight and noon. Sensing the breath of the abyss is equivalent to having two opportunities every day, which is not uncommon. Therefore, although there are relatively more people coming in the early morning, it is not too many.

After all, the number of butcher tour guides is not too many among the tour guides. According to the information provided by Dream Chaser's traitor in the Butcher Alliance, the average number of butcher guides gathered in the early morning should be around fifty.

Yu Hehui advised Wei Xun to be more careful and prepare for the worst after all. Wei Xun was deeply concerned, after all, his personal luck was not very good. So Wei Xun calculated it based on a hundred people.

To a hundred people, twenty ‘leaflets’ only accounted for one-fifth of the total, and were not inconspicuous.

But the fact is that when Wei Xun sent out more than twenty "leaflets", they disappeared without a trace like water drops falling into the sea. There were too many people in the entire Butcher Alliance hall. Wei Xun roughly estimated that there were at least three to four hundred people.

This is not good news.

There must be a reason why so many people have gathered tonight.

This group of butcher tour guides knelt very obediently. They had mastered the special skill of sliding and kneeling. Wherever Wei Xun went, the road ahead was open, and nothing unsightly dared to block his way.

Wei Xun could see the strange bell tower suspended in the middle of the hall at a glance, that was the Abyss Bell.

He had already walked through the main hall and was about to reach the Abyss Bell, but Wei Xun was still thinking about the buzzing of the Filth Gate just now.

Regarding the Gate of Filth, Dream Chaser and Yu Hehui had reminded him when communicating with each other that the tour guide would display an alienated state when entering the Gate of Filth. However, the lower the level, the more susceptible to the influence, while the higher level would have more self-control.

It's just that everyone changes regardless of their strength, because this is respect for the rules set by the life-seeking person.

If 'Yu Hehui' entered the hall disguised as a life-seeking puppet, that would not change. After all, he is the boss. Of course, it would be more bluffing and real if the devil's wings could be unfolded.

But no matter how true it is, there are still many doubts about it. The most suspicious thing is that the person who wants to go home will take the main entrance!

Which boss would go to the main entrance of the outer hall when returning to his home station, and bring a notice with him? The bosses no longer pretend to be cool, but instead keep a low profile. Just like An Xuefeng could go directly to the living room and his bedroom on his way back.

In fact, there are countless loopholes in this disguise plan, which is extremely dangerous, so the principle tonight is to use your troops quickly.

It seems high-profile, but in fact it is low-key. After Wei Xun joins the Butcher Alliance, all the butchers he fooled will kneel down and worship. Then he approaches the abyss as fast as possible, turns it on, and then retires.

However, the fact that the Filth Gate buzzed and vibrated due to resonance, disturbing the entire hall, and the number of people in the hall beyond imagination was unexpected.

Even Dream Chaser doesn't know this, because his people have never seen a life-seeking person walking through the front door, so naturally they don't know that the filthy door will resonate.

Tonight's plans may not go well.

When he was about to reach the Abyss Bell, Wei Xun stopped.

Between him and the Abyss Bell, two people stood.

The boy on the left looks to be about twelve years old. He has colorful hair, is wearing a light gray shirt, overalls, black shoes, and a silver-purple cloak. There are slender butterfly tentacles in the hair on his forehead, and The unaltered voice is indistinguishable from male to female, sounding mysterious and elegant.

He smiled at Wei Xun and said in a somewhat excited tone: "Sir, you are back."

Behind him are the illusory two-color butterfly wings, which are extremely beautiful and fascinating.

Yi Er's elite tour guide, Yin Yang Butterfly.


The Third Generation was trembling, unable to hide its fear. As soon as they met, it was completely suppressed by this young man! He has the aura of a king insect!

But Wei Xun's attention fell on another person.

"Sir, welcome home."

The slightly deep male voice came from the thin young man standing on the right. He was not wearing a cloak and looked about eighteen years old. He had black hair reaching his shoulders, a pale face, and very dark eyes with no light in them. He looked cold, melancholy, and handsome.

But the corners of his eyes were slightly red, as if he might cry at any time. The moment he saw him, invisible power extended outward. Wei Xun felt nothing, but he seemed to hear low sobbing coming from behind him, and the entire hall was filled with a sad atmosphere.

It was uncontrollable sadness, pain originating from the depths of the soul, more like some kind of mental distortion and pollution.

The first among the three first-class guides, the Yiyi elite guide, and the crying psychic.

B, one, and two are all here today!

And this kind of sad and twisted mental field that quietly spreads is not friendly, but more like a temptation.

The crying medium may have become suspicious of Wei Xun!

* *

Oops, Hideo Sandai was completely suppressed!

Yu Hehui was shocked. Xiaocui could sense the situation on the third generation of Lao at any time from his body. No matter what, the third generation of Lao is still the cub of Xiaocui and the emotional demon insect, and he can suppress it in an instant... Damn it, did Wei Xun encounter the Yi Er Yin Yang Butterfly? !

The situation was not good. Yu Hehui was anxious. Dream Chaser had just sent him an urgent message, saying that there were many butchers and tour guides, and the situation tonight was abnormal. For the sake of safety, it was best to terminate the plan. But there is a time lag in the transmission of information. From the information being discovered by insiders in the Butcher Alliance, to being passed on to Dream Chaser, and then to Yu Hehui, after all this, Wei Xun has already joined the Butcher Alliance!

The key is that time is too tight. It has only been a few hours since the decision was made, and there is almost no room for planning and setting up. We can only watch Wei Xun play freely.

Yu Hehui could only comfort himself. Wei Xun was measured and could definitely act according to the situation... He was so measured!

Wei Xun is now facing Yin Yang Butterfly!

Yu Hehui knew that when Wei Xun was at the Abyss Node, he encountered the Yin-Yang Butterfly possessing Ding Yi, but there is no need to let the past go. The Yin-Yang Butterfly of Yi Er in its full state is not something he can fight against at the moment.

Even with the cloak and the alien disguise, Wei Xun is still in the most dangerous situation.

What to do...

"I want more Western fox fur."

Yu Hehui was secretly anxious, but his face was calm and he said coldly: "At least it must be above the special level."

"Ms. Cui, you also know that fox fur is even rarer in the Western District. The number of special-grade or above is even rarer, and I don't have any on hand now."

The devil businessman helplessly spread his hands, keenly feeling the urgency in Xiao Cui's tone, and his heart moved slightly. He had had several verbal exchanges with Xiao Cui just now, and it must be said that he had rarely encountered such a difficult opponent. This made the devil merchant appreciate Xiaocui even more, but he refused to back down.

Now it seems that Xiaocui is really anxious to come out to see him. Western fox fur... The Devil Merchant has it on hand, and he also has some high-end ones. After all, the Werewolf Alliance is the top tour guide alliance, and most of its subordinate alliances are beasts, and the foxmen are one of them.

It is said that werewolves can "borrow power". They can temporarily borrow the superior's powerful power through the skin and flesh of the superior. Xiao Cui needs special grade Western fox fur, so it should be the same. Surrounded by major tour guide alliances in the East District, she chose the West District as a breakthrough. Even the devil businessman was amazed. Xiaocui is really smart and ambitious.

However, he would not take advantage of Fox Feather so easily.

After all, although he and Xiao Cui were talking about cooperation, in essence, they were also enemies in a confrontational relationship.

"Although I don't have special-grade fox fur, I have some high-grade fox fur in my hand, as well as some moon demon crystals that are good for women."

"I want it."

Yu Hehui agreed without much hesitation.

Sure enough, she was really anxious.

The devil merchant was thoughtful, and he was keenly aware that this might be a good opportunity.

"You should take all the goods with you."

Yu Hehui said coldly: "Then follow the price negotiated before..."


"You want to regret it?"

Yu Hehui narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold green color flashed across his eyes. These were fox pupils. It seems that the level of Xiaocui's bloodline is definitely not low. Even the devil merchant was shocked, but he hid his surprise, folded his hands, smiled, and said slowly:

"Of course not. Businessmen are most particular about credit. But I already know almost all the information about the East District."

"In comparison, I am more curious about you, Ms. Cui."

The devil merchant is very thoughtful, and he knows that Xiaocui can understand what he means. As for whether she would agree...

Xiaocui was rarely hesitant, as if he was making a difficult decision. She pondered for a long time and suddenly said forcefully:

"I want five super-grade fox hairs, plus fifteen moon magic crystals of ninth grade purity."

The devil merchant smiled bitterly: "I really don't have that many fox hairs here...well, I have one special grade fox hair here, ten moon magic crystals with ninth grade purity, and more than twenty moon magic crystals with slightly lower purity. , just as a bonus.”

"Of course, it also depends on whether the products you bring out satisfy me."

"Huh, merchandise?"

Yu Hehui sneered: "It is not a commodity, it is a priceless treasure."

Yu Hehui slowly took out an item. The moment he saw it, the devil merchant's hands trembled, and he used his utmost willpower to maintain his composure on his face.

"This is my... prop, the Sky Fox Ball."

Yu Hehui said vaguely, but the devil merchant understood what it was.

This may be a personal prop!

Bing250 can get such high points. In the eyes of the devil businessman, he has definitely completed the main line of the journey. As long as you complete the main line of the journey, you will definitely get personal exclusive props!

The devil merchant leaned forward subconsciously, wanting to take a closer look, but Yu Hehui only took it out for a second and then immediately took it back. He narrowed his eyes vigilantly and displeased, and said in a threatening tone: "I've let you know enough."

There are enough, really enough. Personalized props are the most important trump card. Even if you only know the name, you can guess countless things.

But while the devil businessman was shocked and excited, he also had some slight doubts and disbelief. The businessman was suspicious, and he actually didn't see anything clearly at that glance just now. There are always omissions when you look at them from a distance, it is best to hold them in your hands...

Of course, the Devil Merchant noticed that Xiao Cui's anger had reached its limit. If he raised doubts again, the other party would most likely take action... The Devil Merchant used his brightest smile, complimented and friendly exchanges with Xiao Cui several times.

In the end, he spent two extra-grade fox hairs, twenty-five moon magic crystals of ninth grade purity, and more than fifty moon magic crystals of slightly lower purity in exchange for the opportunity to observe the Sky Fox Ball in person.

"Only ten minutes."

Yu Hehui said worriedly: "Return it to me in ten minutes."

"Don't worry, businessmen are most trustworthy."

The Devil Merchant said perfunctorily, all his attention was already on the snow-white and round Sky Fox Ball. Yes, it is a personal prop! The devil merchant cannot view its information, but he can feel the mysterious and alluring power on it. Is this the charm of Sky Fox?

But with ghost alienation, the devil merchant is least afraid of charm! Therefore, he studied and observed it more intently, and couldn't put it down to touch it, just like playing with a precious luminous pearl.

Here, Yu Hehui fed all the Moon Demon Crystals to Xiaocui, but the two special fox furs that he had bargained for for a long time were put away casually.

Yes, what he really wants is the Moon Demon Crystal! But the devil merchant is cunning, so Yu Hehui has always shown that he is interested in the special fox fur, but does not pay much attention to the moon magic crystal.

Over and over again, under the various hints such as his attitude and words, and under the temptation of "personal exclusive props", the devil businessman finally took the bait.

The disguise that Yu Hehui made on the Devil's Insect Ball was so perfect that not a small tour guide of the Devil Merchant's level could see through it. In fact, Yu Hehui can be more careful, but now he is really worried about Wei Xun.

The Moon Demon Crystal is full of energy, which is especially beneficial to female Abyssal species. Yu Hehui asked Xiaocui to swallow them all, just to transfer the energy to the third generation of Lao next to Wei Xun.

With this energy, it will not be completely suppressed in front of the Yin-Yang Butterfly in a short period of time.

Wei Xun——

Yu Hehui was extremely worried. On the surface, he was keeping a vigilant eye on the devil businessman, but in fact, he secretly contacted the dream chaser. Five minutes... The conversation he just had with the devil merchant lasted for five minutes.

In the crisis-ridden Butcher Alliance, the situation is changing rapidly. Five minutes is enough for a lot to happen. Wei Xun may now be in fatal danger!

* *

In five minutes, the situation changed rapidly.

In the main hall of the Butcher Alliance, the butchers were still kneeling obediently, their bodies trembling slightly, not daring to peek or think.

But next to the Abyss Bell, the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Don't get me wrong, this subtle atmosphere is not directed at Wei Xun.

Instead, the crying medium is targeting the Yin-Yang Butterfly.

Just now, the crying psychic unkindly tried to expand his mental field, and the Yin-Yang Butterfly was smiling but its wings were moving slightly. The two formed a target and surrounded Wei Xun, and the situation was extremely critical.

The tall figure under the crimson cloak remained unmoved. The crimson hood that covered his face moved slightly. He seemed to glance at the crying medium and then raised his hand casually.


The Yin-Yang Butterfly reflexively took the flying thing and glanced at it subconsciously. Then his hand shook and he almost dropped the thing to the ground.

This is the carrier of the abyss node!

That's right, this dark red semicircular stone is filled with a strong aura of the abyss. Yin Yang Butterfly has experienced it personally, and he can confirm that this is the newly opened place in northern Tibet, the abyss node connecting to the Abyss Demon Zone!

Really an adult!

Yin Yang Butterfly felt happy, and then trembled again. He felt the deep gaze of the psychic. In the alliance, adults trust the psychic the most, and all the abyss node carriers they usually get will be handed over to him for full authority.

But this time... the adults gave it to him.

Yin Yang Butterfly feels troubled. This is an adult slapping the psychic medium in the face in public! To be honest, he didn't want to be involved in this mess. Yin Yang Die smiled shyly and said respectfully to Crimson Cloak:

"Sir, things related to the Abyss Node have always been..."


The cold snort, which was unable to distinguish between men and women, made Yin Yangdie instantly shut up. He felt panic in his heart and was sweating behind his back.

Wei Xun's hum was imitating the voice of * * *. This feeling of nobility, majesty, and mystery was indeed powerful enough.

Although Wei Xun has integrated the Abyss Node, the Abyss Node carrier is still there. It can be integrated into * * * demon species, or it can be taken out at any time and placed in a certain place, just like the Abyss Bell in front of him.

As for the problem of not being able to recycle nodes - Wei Xun is not worried at all, because in a sense, this node is shared by him and * * *.

When the Abyss Node left his hand, he vaguely felt the gaze from above. Wei Xun smiled slightly, but his smile was obscured by his cloak. Yin Yang Butterfly only saw the crimson hood shaking slightly, as if the other party was shaking his head indifferently.

"It is my fault!"

His heart trembled, and he immediately apologized loudly and urgently, not caring that he would be embarrassed in front of the entire hall butcher tour guide.

Questioning an adult’s decision is a taboo! If you apologize quickly and sincerely, adults may not pursue it, but if you insist on it... haha.

Yin Yang Butterfly was still uneasy and resentful of the psychic next to her. If he hadn't been so bold as to test the Lord, the Lord would not have embarrassed him in public!

A subtle sense of responsibility arose in Yin Yang Die's heart... Of course, he was already loyal to adults, but this sense of responsibility only made him more inclined towards adults.

What's wrong with entering through the gate? The entire Butcher Alliance belongs to adults. If you want to enter through the gate, you can enter through the gate! What's more, the Gate of Filth resonated, and the phantom of your demon wings appeared in everyone's mind. This is the best evidence to prove your identity.

Yin Yang Butterfly has no idea why the psychic would become suspicious! Could it be possible that an adult could be someone else pretending to be someone else? It’s so funny that you are not affected by the mental field of sadness at all.

The puppet wearing a crimson cloak looks like the real person. You should be respectful and loyal to him, but be suspicious of him. This is disrespectful!

The Yin-Yang Butterfly clenched the abyss node... Before, he thought it would be better to do less than to do more, but now it seems that this is no longer possible. It was he who reported the appearance of the adult puppet in northern Tibet, and it was he who reported the adult puppet's duel with An Xuefeng and then captured the abyss node.

The psychic is suspicious of you, so the Yin-Yang Butterfly cannot escape it!

"My lord, I'm sorry, I overstepped my bounds."

The psychic next to him also apologized, but after his voice fell, Yin Yang Butterfly took over the conversation and said with a smile: "Sir, the psychic has been too affected by the sun these past two days, and may be a little too nervous."

It seems to be excusing the spiritual medium, but in fact it is just eye candy. He once again emphasized that the psychic was suspicious of the temptation, and because his spirit was too tense, he was certainly not suitable for controlling the abyss node.

"grown ups……"

The medium sighed softly, lowered his head and smiled bitterly, with a hint of fatigue and weakness in his voice. Of course he understands the meaning of the Yin-Yang Butterfly, and also knows why the Yin-Yang Butterfly is yin and yang, but when he doubts this... he also has his own reasons.

What's going on right now is really strange, and it doesn't look good. The medium's heart sank, and when he was about to continue speaking, he was shocked to see an adult in a crimson cloak waving to him!

This psychic is a loyal and smart person, and the Yin-Yang Butterfly is a loyal Yin-Yang licker.

Wei Xun could easily see through the situation in front of him.

The reason why the crying medium is so tempting may not only be because he walks through the door, but may also have some other information.

But Wei Xun was not worried.

In terms of blood relationship, he has blood, in terms of title, he has a title, in terms of alienation and homology, he has alienation, in terms of cloak, he has a cloak, he has the scenic spot of 30 degrees north latitude, and he also has the abyss node, although his strength is weaker. But many times, strength is not needed in confrontations involving unequal status.

The most important thing is that Wei Xun doesn't have too many negative emotions. He will not feel sad due to the spiritual field of the psychic, nor will he feel any fear when going deep into dangerous situations.

Only by being fearless can there be no flaws.

Especially just now, Hideo Sandai suddenly received a large amount of energy from Xiao Cui. After absorbing all of it, he could even temporarily resist the Yin Yang Butterfly, and even exert a slight influence on him. It seems that Yu Hehui's operations are going smoothly, there are no problems in the rear area, and Wei Xun has nothing to worry about.

That being the case, he could concentrate more on his thoughts. Wei Xun noticed what Yin Yang Die said, that the psychic was too affected by the 'sun'.

The thing that can influence Yiyi Elite Tour Guide is by no means an ordinary sun.

Wei Xun quickly thought of the information Yu Hehui got from the dream chaser.

To open the Abyss Bell, you need both the breath of the crimson cloak and the breath of the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

The nodes of the Abyss Bell merge with the Life-Haunter's journey to the 30th North Latitude.

The Life-Happy Man is currently at the Puerta del Sol of the Incas…

Inca Sun Gate, psychics are overly influenced by the ‘sun’. And now the psychic appears in the Butcher Alliance Hall, which means that he can really contact the Inca Sun Gate through the Abyss Bell and even enter it.

Wei Xun knew what he was doing, and knew that his current strength was not enough to make the journey to the 30th degree north latitude. But he also wanted to know more about the Inca Sun Gate.

For example, this 'sun' influence.

Wei Xun waved to the psychic as casually as barking at a puppy.

Facing his wave, the crying medium hesitated for a moment, and finally walked up to the crimson cloak.

The adult is really very tall, he only just reaches the opponent's chin. The medium saw the pale and thin jawline and subconsciously held his breath.

The adult was not wearing a mask... He didn't dare to think too much, he just lowered his head silently and exposed the back of his neck.

He also wanted to see if it was true... sir.


Wei Xun was surprised when he saw a pale golden circle on the back of the medium's neck, the size of a one-yuan coin, with radiating lines around it, like sunlight. As soon as he took a look, countless twisted and narrow eyes seemed to appear inside the circle.

Those eyes expanded infinitely in Wei Xun's field of vision. At this moment, a majestic and sacred prayer seemed to be ringing in his ears. It was to sacrifice to the sun and worship the sun. However, the sun has gone crazy and polluted all the sun's believers!


Crazy murmuring prayers turned into spiritual shocks and poured into Wei Xun's mind, and golden twisted ripples surged. If the spirit was really invaded, all thinking and reason would completely go away, and he would completely become someone who only wanted to sing the praises of the sun. madman!

However, these murmured prayers failed to stir Wei Xun's spirit at all, because it was blocked by a human skin map!

This is the human skin map that Wei Xun obtained after opening the tomb of the Tusi King. It can be regarded as the certificate of the developer of the tourist attraction at 30 degrees north latitude.

really. Wei Xun knew well that all the pioneers of the 30th North Latitude should have this kind of certificate, so they would have a natural advantage in facing various corresponding mental shocks.

He was suddenly worried.

Clay figurine Zhang has been trapped in the abyss node for so many years, and this node is connected to the Inca Sun Gate... Couldn't he have been brainwashed into a fool who praises the sun?

Will he still be a puppet?

Wei Xun was worried silently for a moment, and then he looked again. After a mental shock, the golden circle on the back of the medium's neck became dim, and he was obviously much weaker.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Xun did not take out the human skin map, but instead took out a flesh-colored ‘glove’

In fact, these are not gloves, but the human skin shed by the maggots during their great advancement. Perhaps because of insufficient strength, the entire human skin was not formed, and only the right hand was formed. Maybe this can be regarded as the right hand of ‘Wulaoliu’.

The human skin map that is a token of the Tusi King's tomb, and Wu Lao Liu's alienated form is a human skin maggot. Maybe there are indeed many connections between them. Otherwise, Wu Laoliu would not have been able to break into the not-yet-completely opened Tomb of the Tusi King and remain alive for so long.

Wei Xun thought in his mind, put on this 'glove', and then grabbed the psychic medium's neck.

The human leather glove caught the ‘sun’!

Wei Xun seemed to smell the smell of burnt protein. The sun in his hand was struggling wildly, twisting and deforming, as hot as magma. The 'gloves' could not completely withstand the power of the weakening sun. They were burned black and curled, and the charred human skin fell off little by little, like maggots turned into charcoal.

Vaguely, Wei Xun seemed to hear Wu Lao Liu's wailing and frantic cursing - could this really connect his right hand?

Wei Xun doesn't care about this. He grasped the little sun tightly with his gloves and put it all into the human skin map. He didn't let go of the burnt maggot pellets either, picking them up one by one for later study.

But some small particles fell into the medium's collar and could not be taken out.

Wei Xun lowered his eyes and looked at the psychic, hesitant.

After all, he is my brother's right-hand subordinate, so asking him to take off his clothes on the spot is a bit too bullying.

But the psychic didn't know what Wei Xun was thinking. At this moment, he was both excited and ashamed.

If you can handle the influence of the sun, you must be an adult!

Could it be that An Xuefeng sneaked in? Laughing to death, if it were really him, the Inca Sun Gate would have rioted the moment he stepped into the Butcher's Hall.

He actually doubted the Lord and tested him just now. It was really inappropriate.

"grown ups……"

The crying medium was emotionally unstable, and he was so apologetic that he wanted to show his sincerity to himself, with tears shining in his eyes. Wei Xun was still thinking about whether he could escape, but suddenly he felt a great sense of crisis coming over him, and the source of this crisis was the psychic medium's gray tears!

But Wei Xun did not take action. He found that the psychic was not crying at him, but at the Inca Sun Gate! He cried silently, but quietly sent a message to Wei Xun:

‘Sir, someone pretended to be your identity and infiltrated the alliance. The psychic was guilty and failed to see through his identity and let him enter the Abyss Bell! ’

‘I think his purpose is probably to rescue the clay figurine Zhang! ’

Aren't you talking about me?

Wei Xun was incredulous. But as soon as his mind changed, he suddenly understood what the psychic meant.

Wei Xun completely understood why the psychic would test him and doubt him in the first place.

There has been a fuss for a long time, I am afraid there is a real life-haunting puppet, he is now in the Abyss Bell, and he is personally received by the spiritual medium. The two of them have collided!

‘Sir, the psychic is willing to atone for his sins, and I will lead him out. ’

The weeping medium issued a military order, full of anger: "Kill him!" ’

Ah, this, this...

Wei Xun was disappointed.

How can I beat the real Ximingren puppet?

But at this moment, the Abyss Bell suddenly rang, and a deep red halo appeared. Before Wei Xun could react, the psychic rushed over crying, and the sad mental field instantly enveloped the entire hall.

"Yin Yang Butterfly, come together!"

The "disguised" Ximingren puppet came out!

* *

The Abyss Bell opened? Did Yu Hehui succeed? !

At this moment, the Dream Chaser incarnation who was hiding outside the Butcher Alliance and secretly watching felt nervous and anxious.

It was too urgent, all of this was too urgent. Even if he had a secret line in the Butcher Alliance, the other party only discovered in the early morning that there were too many butcher guides coming to the hall this time, which was really abnormal.

He told Yu Hehui immediately, but Yu Hehui had already joined the Butcher Alliance. He said he had a sense of propriety... Bah! If he really had a sense of propriety, he would never make such a rash decision to act in the early morning!

The dream chaser is not someone who will completely rely on others. When he learned that the Butcher Alliance might have unusual movements tonight, his incarnation immediately took action and convinced the puppet master.

"I want to see your sincerity."

He seemed to finally give in, but he still frowned and said coldly: "I will find it myself at 30 degrees north latitude, so you don't have to worry about it, puppet master."

"But I want to make sure that there is no connection between the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance."

"Of course there is no connection between the Shepherd and the Butcher."

The puppet master smiled. It was not easy to get the dream chaser to give in. She had been working hard for several years, and now she finally saw hope. She knew how high the dream chaser's appeal was, almost comparable to An Xuefeng, the captain of the return trip. And he had a very good reputation, and many large brigades were willing to give him face.

What the Shepherd Alliance lacked now was this kind of momentum.

And there was another advantage with the Dream Chaser Alliance. This person was naive and honest, and he would never swallow up the Shepherd Alliance. But the Butcher Alliance was too overbearing.

"We didn't send anyone to the death anniversary of the Weeping Psychic this time, and all cooperation with the Butcher Alliance has been terminated."

She said sincerely, but the Dreamer shook his head.

"Not enough."

He said lightly: "The hatred between the Butcher Alliance and I is irreconcilable. Captain Zhang, I must rescue him."

This made the Puppet Master feel troubled. It was almost impossible to rescue Zhang Xingzang, and she didn't believe that the Dreamer would trust her so much and be willing to go with her to rescue Zhang Xingzang. This should be just a condition he offered, and he could slowly bargain.

Sure enough, after a while of negotiation, the Dreamer relented.

He didn't ask the Puppet Master to help rescue Zhang Xingzang, but he had to make sure that the Puppet Master and the Butcher Alliance had drawn a clear line.

"The Hipster has a new puppet, which will appear in the Butcher Alliance tonight and integrate the Abyss Node into the Alliance's base."

The Dreamer's tone was calm, but it revealed a fierceness: "Kill him."

Killing a Hipster puppet, that's much easier.

The puppeteer breathed a sigh of relief and ambushed the periphery of the Butcher Alliance's base with the Dreamer's incarnation. No matter how secretive the Butcher Alliance's base is, it often changes its location, but without the Hipster directly in charge, it will never be hidden from their eyes.

Although it is not the Dreamer's body, his incarnation also has most of the power. It is more than enough to join hands with the puppeteer to kill a Hipster puppet.

But the puppeteer hesitated again.

Do you really want to kill the Hipster puppet? After killing it, there will be no room for easing between the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance. She understood what the Dreamer meant, that he wanted her to kill, but in her heart, the puppeteer really didn't want to do it completely, just in case in the future...right, there should always be a way out.

But she had just promised the dream chaser, and if she went back on her word, the covenant would be broken.

"Let's go!"

While she was still hesitating, the dream chaser suddenly growled, grabbed her cloak and teleported to the inside of the Butcher Alliance - the puppeteer cursed in his heart, was it necessary to grab her cloak? She wasn't really going to run.

'I know you like to hesitate - don't worry, you just need to resist the filthy door and block the entire Butcher Alliance, and let me do the rest! '

The dream chaser was anxious and wanted to rush in immediately, but he was also wary of staring at the puppeteer to prevent her from turning against him.

This job was assigned well!

"Don't worry, I promise to seal it tightly."

The puppeteer laughed, not taking the dream chaser's slightly sarcastic tone to heart at all. Isn't this exactly what she wants? Of course, it might not be easy for the dream chaser to kill the puppet of the playful man alone, so she could help suppress and contain it with the puppet, and also express her sincerity.

Moreover, she accepted the job of blocking, so she could secretly send a few people out when the dream chaser wanted to kill the butcher guide, which was a win-win situation.

It was just a puppet of the Hipster. To be honest, the puppeteer didn't take it seriously at all. Seeing the dream chaser rushing so fast, she felt that the hatred between the two sides was really deep. When she waved her hand to block the butcher alliance, she also paid attention to the dream chaser's battlefield, so that he would not be seriously injured and blame her for not paying attention.

But as soon as she looked over, the puppeteer's eyes widened and her face turned pale.

Damn, is she dazzled?

Why are there two crimson cloaks!

Two Hipster puppets? !

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