Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 139: A Cross-Level Group

"I can't get in!"

One of the Sunset Brigade members couldn't believe it and stared at his phone. His hand speed was extremely fast. He clicked 'Join the team' as soon as the interface switched, but a red [Failed] popped up.

"Shao Yuan, did you upgrade your star privately?!"

The Sunset Brigade leader frowned. Shao Yuan was stuck at the middle-level one star and was about to be upgraded. He was the strongest young man in the Sunset Brigade at this level. If he couldn't get in, then even if others got in, to be honest, it would be useless!

"Has anyone got in?"

Without caring to say anything else, the Sunset Brigade leader pointed at Shao Yuan in the air, and immediately asked the second person in line, but found that he couldn't get in either. Not only that, none of the people arranged by the Sunset Brigade this time had good news.

There was something wrong with this matter. No one could get in. Although it was indeed possible, this matter tonight revealed a bit of weirdness. The Sunset Brigade leader subconsciously looked at his phone, but then he was shocked and stunned.

"Captain, I can't get in, not because I'm too strong, I didn't upgrade my star."

Shao Yuan, who was standing next to him, didn't notice Captain Xi Yang's actions, and said hesitantly that he was indeed obedient and didn't upgrade his star. Although this time was dangerous, it was also an opportunity. He didn't want to miss it, and he didn't want to leave a bad impression on the captain.

Shao Yuan felt very aggrieved and felt that he had to make it clear, but when he raised his phone to show it to the captain, he noticed the words on it, and Shao Yuan's grievance was completely replaced by shock.

Just now, Shao Yuan was just looking for speed, and he clicked it as soon as it appeared, without thinking at all. Now he looked at his phone and couldn't believe it, and his mind was a little dazed: "The hotel didn't remind me that I was too strong and super-level, but said..."

"You are too weak."

Captain Xi Yang let out a breath, his attitude softened, and waved his hand: "It's okay, everyone has worked hard this time."

"It's so late, let's go back and rest."

In the past, Captain Xi Yang was a man of his word in the brigade, and everyone responded actively to every word. But this time, the replies were sparse. After the departure of the group leader Xi Yang, few people returned to reality. Without the group leader, the noise suddenly rose.

"It's the same on your phone... right?"

Shao Yuan still couldn't believe his eyes, and took his phone to check with others.

The man said: "Yes... that's right."

"Could it be that there is a bug in the hotel?"

Shao Yuan held his breath: "C250, just the last tour guide of C class, how could he-"

"It shouldn't be a mistake."

The man pointed to the itinerary list: "Look, five people have been added."

"If there is a bug, the hotel will definitely lock the itinerary and won't let anyone add it."


"Okay, no matter what, it has nothing to do with us."

The man had a good attitude and comforted Shao Yuan: "Look at this posture, tut tut, even if we really squeeze in, we will be cannon fodder."

"That may not be the case."

Shao Yuan muttered, but he knew it in his heart. What his companion said was indeed reasonable, but Shao Yuan was still holding his breath.

What about the difficult level group? He didn't dare to say anything else. In the intermediate one-star level, he was definitely the strongest, even if the people from the Butcher Alliance and the Shepherd Alliance came.

Shao Yuan even thought that even if Bing 250 received a dangerous group, he would not be afraid.

But the problem is, this damn, Bing 250's group is not normal at all!

A tour guide at the end of the C level actually received an extremely dangerous level group!

Is this reasonable? ? ?

"Don't think too much, don't talk about it."

The companion looked around and lowered his voice: "I think someone might be plotting against Bing 250."

Shao Yuan is not stupid. He heard this and thought about it carefully, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"You mean..."


The companion said meaningfully: "It's those two sides... Those who understand will understand."

* *

"Deputy Captain, there was a little problem with the infiltration journey.

After leaving, Captain Xi Yang called Wang Pengpai directly. But Wang Pengpai was very emotional and noisy. He shouted something like "Go, go, go." He cursed the stupid Butcher Alliance and the Shepherd Alliance. It took him a minute or two to make time. He still spoke very quickly:

"Xi Yang, I know about this. Don't worry, no one from other brigades can sneak in this time!"

"Yes, the people we selected didn't get in."

Captain Xi Yang smiled bitterly. He could understand Wang Pengpai's feelings, because his feelings at the moment were also very complicated: "I went in."

Who the hell can he talk to? None of the team members who had been arranged in advance could get in, but the captain who was responsible for supervising the organization went in.

"Fuck! ”

After hanging up the phone, Wang Pengpai was still so angry that his head was about to explode. He stood up and looked over at Mao Xiaole and the others, and asked nervously: "How is it, has it passed the review?"

"It's still under review."

"Waiting for the high-level review."

Lu Shucheng and Mao Xiaole replied one after another. They were also the first to find that there was something wrong with the itinerary information of Bing 250, and their reaction speed was faster than Xi Yang. But Xi Yang passed the review, and they were still stuck. Wang Pengpai had no chance.

He was exposed at the end of The Beautiful Xiangxi before, and was on the blacklist of the hostel, so he couldn't think of sealing his strength to participate in the journey.

Mao Xiaole was also on the key focus list of the hostel because he killed too many people and behaved improperly. Waiting for the high-level review means that he failed the initial review, and basically there is no hope.

Among the three of them, the only one with hope was Lu Shucheng.

"I really didn't expect that these tour guides would be so damn cruel."

Wang Pengpai cursed: "Damn it, the first level is extremely dangerous. Isn't this just trying to stuff people in and create more trouble for us!"

* *

"First level of extreme danger?"

Wei Xun was surprised, this was really a path he had never imagined!

According to what Wei Xun thought, even if he had a huge sum of money, the hotel would not go too far and would have to keep some fig leaf.

For example, he was given a dangerous-level tour, but in fact this group was located near the 30th degree of north latitude. Like the beautiful Xiangxi, it was essentially a super-dangerous journey.

Or you can make some mistakes in the content of the itinerary, such as creating a three-element hybrid of horror and folklore, which will be extremely difficult.

After all, on the surface, there are generally only five levels of difficulty for hotel journeys, 'safe level', 'difficult level', 'dangerous level', 'extremely dangerous level' and 'unsolvable level'.

Super dangerous and some more detailed classifications are actually subdivisions made by tourist guides based on the experience accumulated during many years of travel.

"Extremely dangerous level..."

In fact, to this day, Wei Xun is still not sure whether his 300,000 points played a role in this group formation. After all, this is too advanced. Just like if you were on a blind date and gave the matchmaker hundreds of thousands in red envelopes, she wouldn't be able to introduce the British prince to you.

This involves a level issue.

Wei Xun's rank should be matched with difficult-level journeys, and it would not be an exaggeration to even ask him to lead safe-level journeys.

Even if it is a dangerous level, the hotel is equivalent to putting on small shoes for him. It would be even worse if it was a dangerous-level journey at 30 degrees north latitude, but it was actually a super-dangerous level. Even Bingjiu taking over Zuimei Xiangxi was unbelievable. Some people were even betting that he would be wiped out within an hour.

But the hotel was so shameless that it sent Wei Xun an extremely dangerous group!

Under normal circumstances, he would almost die with the journey, and there would be no room for struggle. Maybe when I went to buy tickets as a tour guide, a certain ghost king expressed his friendliness and stuck with him, and he just had to burp.

Wei Xun was incredulous.

Does the hotel really want to kill him?

It's only 300,000 yuan... To be honest, top tour guides should also be very rich.

Wei Xun felt that what the hotel did was completely unreasonable.

Because this is not only targeting him, it is also equivalent to targeting the passengers in this group.

If Wei Xun, as a tour guide, died as soon as he got off the bus, the passengers would probably be sad too. He has learned that the more senior the group, the higher the quality requirements of the tour guide.

A game like Zangbei, where Ding is gone, can be cleared just by leading the way and Wei Xun leads the team, is almost impossible in the later stages.

Because the higher the level of the journey, the existence of the guide itself will be more terrifying, and it is not a good thing.

Like the Heir of the Eagle Flute, although it is not a good thing, it actually has no lethality. Even if it signs a contract with the devil, it will not be of much use. Wei Xun took out the crown and snatched the eagle flute, but he only talked and didn't even slap Wei Xun.

But if it’s Li Gui Pingping, you’ll have another look.

As for the extremely dangerous group, the guide will only be more dangerous than Li Gui Pingping. The tour guide died at the beginning, and the entire trip collapsed. Did the hotel want a whole group of big travelers to bury Wei Xun with him?

"Zhou Xiyang, special four-star traveler, leader of the Sunset Brigade."

"Half-life Taoist, special two-star traveler, deputy leader of Laoshan Brigade."

Wei Xun glanced at the passenger list that was still being generated, and saw these two familiar names at a glance. Although the others had unfamiliar names, at least they were all special-class passengers.

Wei Xun smiled playfully and touched his chin: "I'm... pretty good at it."

There are five levels of travellers, primary, intermediate, advanced, special, and the highest, top.

Top big travelers refer to top travelers. There are stars within each level that are further subdivided. The top fifty stars and higher are also called the pinnacle.

People like An Xuefeng and the captains of major brigade teams are top travelers. Mao Xiaole and the others are also at the top, but their star numbers are lower than An Xuefeng's.

Different levels require different points to upgrade stars.

This score is a score given by the hotel after each trip is completed based on the performance of the passenger or tour guide during the trip. It is different from the points.

After Wei Xun's two trips, his points can be used interchangeably, but the scores are based on his status as a tour guide and as a tourist respectively.

Once when he came down from Tibet, he scored a total of 8,800 points and successfully passed the elementary level and became an intermediate one-star tourist.

Intermediate one-star passengers can participate in the lowest difficult-level journey and the highest dangerous-level journey.

When you reach the intermediate two-star level, you have a small chance of participating in a super-dangerous journey, but this is usually an act of risking death, such as Shi Tao. If Wei Xun hadn't led him to Xiangxi, he would have died before reaching the first scenic spot.

In fact, there were still many doubts about that trip to western Hunan, but they were all covered up by the "everyone survived". It stands to reason that the main group of people who will take super dangerous journeys should be high-end passengers.

It's rare for an entire brigade to be supported by just one senior one-star Miao Fangfei. To be honest, if Wei Xun hadn't been there, that brigade would have been a dead brigade. Although hotels usually recommend the most difficult journey for travelers within their level, they should not send them to death.

Therefore, the Sunset Brigade took Miao Fangfei and the others under their wing at that time, not only to avoid exposing the fact that Bingjiu was on the bus from the beginning, and that Bingjiu might be a new tour guide, but also because the people in the group were probably For various reasons, he was targeted by the hotel.

If they go out and let them enjoy the journey freely, they may be quietly tricked to death by the hotel.

When it comes to extremely dangerous journeys, only a small number of high-end five-star passengers and the vast majority of special-class passengers are matched.

Extreme danger has also been artificially divided into levels by tourist guides. Wei Xun's current journey is considered to be the first level of extreme danger, which is a relatively simple category among extremely dangerous journeys.

But looking at the passengers who can match three or four stars in the special class, you know that this thing is by no means simple.

Extremely dangerous journeys include ultra-dangerous supernatural adventures, ultra-dangerous no-man’s-land explorations, ultra-dangerous ruins adventures, and mixed categories that include all.

The one Wei Xun received was considered a 'super dangerous supernatural being'.

【Tour information】

[Journey code: Beijing suburbs]

[Journey Level: Extremely Dangerous]

[Specific itinerary: Undetermined]

[Specific group type: Undetermined]

[Tour guide: Bing250]

[Departure date: 9.20]

[Return date: Undetermined]

The group departure information was announced seven days in advance, but in fact there was still a lot of information that was not yet confirmed. Including the total number of passengers, their names and information, the temporary passenger list in Wei Xun's hands is still increasing from time to time.

At this time, passengers can already search for Bing250 through the latest itinerary information to choose to join the trip. Of course, the number of people on a trip actually fluctuates. There is a minimum number of people and a maximum number of people.

If the departure time is about to come and the minimum number of people is not enough, the hotel may randomly pull people, and those passengers who have given up their free choice will be assigned by the hotel.

If it is a difficult or safe journey, the missing number of people may be filled by new people.

But in the extremely dangerous level, there will be no new people. The number of people will be finalized the day before departure. However, if a passenger on the itinerary dies unexpectedly after the reservation is confirmed, the hotel will pull another person, and others will have the opportunity to apply to join the team again.

"Grandma's new clothes."

Wei Xun whispered, holding a pale white travel card in his hand.

On the front of the card, the words "Grandma's new clothes" were written.

This is the 'travel ticket' that the tour guide will get first when leaving the group, which can be regarded as some hints about the scenic spots in the next itinerary. This is his first time leading a serious group, but Drunken Beauty Xiangxi was just a stop in the middle, and he actually didn’t have many of the things a serious person should have.

For example, when the information about the group departure came out, Ghost B and Forty-Nine got a travel ticket that said "The gates of hell on earth are closed, but there is no chance of a divine hall."

In fact, this kind of reminder will also be received by the passengers who join this group. But they get very little of it. Passengers in Wei Xun's group only know the reminder "grandma's new clothes".

Only Wei Xun, as a tour guide, could see it. When he turned over the tourist ticket, there was another passage that seemed to make no sense and was confusing.

[In the past hundred years, grandma has been in poor health. She stays in the old house every day and rarely goes out. I bought this dress for my grandma, saying it would make her happy. I received the new clothes. Grandma likes them very much. She wears them every day and is willing to go out. She also said that she will wear hats in winter]

[But before winter came, grandma passed away]

"The old man is not in good health. I want to celebrate the occasion with new clothes..."

Wei Xun murmured, his expression slightly changed:

"This is a shroud."

In many places, it is customary to buy shrouds for the elderly in advance, especially those in poor health. There is an old saying that wearing a shroud for the elderly can bring happiness and increase longevity.

But what Wei Xun noticed was that ‘grandma has been in poor health over the past hundred years.’

Living for a hundred years is not too unusual, but if you combine the sentences above and below, it is not as simple as living for a hundred years.

Most likely, she has been a 'grandma' for a hundred years.

"Old goblin, this is... tut."

"Pingping is also a hundred-year-old ghost, but this hundred-year-old grandma is stronger than Pingping."

Wei Xun thought of Li Gui Pingping. She was also a ghost from a hundred years ago. She was so resentful and powerful. In the end, it was just a super dangerous journey to Xiangxi.

Still can't compete with this extremely dangerous centenarian grandma.

Wei Xun remembered that the tentative code name for this journey was [Beijing Suburbs]. It could be used as a code name, and it definitely not only hinted at the location, it definitely had a lot to do with the journey. The grandma's shroud, the centenarian grandma, etc. are probably just side dishes. There should be a deeper secret hidden behind her.

* *

"Jingjiao, grandma's new clothes, Jingjiao, grandma."

Bai Xiaosheng flipped the parchment in his hand quickly, and his eyes glowed with a faint golden light, which complemented the golden light on the parchment roll.

Suddenly, the parchment stopped. There was a hint of surprise on Bai Xiaosheng's face.

"It turns out it's her...I understand."

Bai Xiaosheng took out a quill, pulled out a blank piece of parchment, and wrote something quickly. As he wrote, he said: "No wonder Bing250 can receive an extremely dangerous mission, so that's how it is."

"A sequel to Journey?"

Wan Xiangchun looked at the travel ticket that Bai Xiaosheng got and pondered for a few seconds before speaking.


Bai Xiaosheng said: "It's the continuation of the journey."

"It would have been impossible for Bing250 to take an extremely dangerous journey, even if the butcher alliance planned it, or if the person in charge above intervened, it would have been impossible."

"But there is a slight possibility of reducing the difficulty level of extremely dangerous journeys."

For example, the difficulty of the scenic spots located on the 30th degree north latitude will increase greatly, exceeding the dangers originally marked by the hotel. So the passengers created a 'super dangerous level'.

Then naturally there will be journeys that are slightly lower than the hotel's rated level.

That’s the sequel journey.

As the name suggests, just like the sequels of film and television dramas, the "second part" and "third part" of the movie are all based on the original work, and the same is true for the sequel journey.

Take the journey to northern Tibet as an example. If Wei Xun had not joined the brigade and Ding Yi had just led the brigade to mess around, there could have been two endings. Either with the descendant of the eagle flute, Serin stopped the sacrifice by the lake in the end, angering the devil or foiling the devil's conspiracy, or he helped the descendant of the eagle flute complete the sacrifice and help the devil get out of trouble further.

This demon cannot be solved. It will have to wait until next year, when the real demon-killing warrior who has been prophesied by the wrong lama arrives, can it be completely solved.

The journey next year will be the sequel journey.

In fact, the background boss in the previous journey has become the ‘protagonist’ of the new journey.

The sequel journey is actually not easy. But because of the ‘previous work’, I can roughly guess some information about the enemy. For example, his experience, what he fears, what he desires, what abilities he has, the extent of his recovery, etc.

Knowing yourself and the enemy means you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Therefore, objectively speaking, the journey to the sequel is less difficult than those journeys in which one knows nothing at all. You can choose props to restrain the enemy in advance and bring them in.

“The sequel journey alone is not enough.”

Bai Xiaosheng said: "There is too much difference in level B250."

In fact, the level of passengers who can join this journey is higher than the limit. The highest level of passengers who can enter the first-level extremely dangerous journey should be the special three-star, like the special four-star of the sunset captain. Unless there are not enough people in the end to make up for the leak, there will be a chance to enter.

It is impossible for him to get in just by applying. The tour group list has not yet been determined. Except for the tour guide, the passengers do not know the group list. But Xiyang was one of his own, and Bai Xiaosheng learned the news immediately.

"Letting slightly superior tourists in, as the tourists are powerful, from the hotel's point of view, they are also protecting the tour guides."

Bai Xiaosheng said calmly: "Maybe in addition to tourists from the East District, the hotel will also let in tourists from the West District this time."

If there are conflicts, fights, or chaos, the tour guide will be safer.

"But it's not enough."

Level B250 is too low, and the tour guide is the first to get off the bus. Even though there are so many big boss passengers to 'protect', the tour guide often acts alone.

Arranging accommodation, exchanging tickets, collecting attraction items in advance, etc. are all beyond the reach of tourists.

"Two tour guides, or 'guardianship'."

Bai Xiaosheng closed the parchment: "This is their purpose."

Those tour guides not only want to use the tourists they train to influence the journey, they also want to go directly themselves.

"Why didn't he stop it?"

Bai Xiaosheng murmured, lost in thought. His mind jumped quickly and he was already thinking about other things in an instant. But Wan Xiangchun, who has been a teammate for many years, can keep up with Bai Xiaosheng's thinking.

"Maybe it involves the confrontation between the forces above."

High-star passengers, sequel journeys, double tour guides, and perhaps other factors can push Bing250 to move the first-order extremely dangerous group that he can barely lead. But this is going backwards from the result. It talks about ‘the movement’ rather than ‘why it was received’.

The matter of Bing250 was definitely handled by someone from above. There are many people in charge, and the one on the way home is considered the strongest, but he is not the absolute authority at the top. There are also people on the tour guide's side and the butcher's side.

Promoting dual tour guides is actually in the interests of the tour guides. After all, to be honest, during the entire trip, tourists and tour guides will not stick together anytime and anywhere. Passengers cannot see or participate in many things of the tour guide. This is the rule.

But tour guides and tour guides are different.

The news of Bingjiu's death has not yet been confirmed, and it is still uncertain whether Bing250 is a 'tourist'. Is the tour guide so reckless that he will really pay a big price to let a principal take action for such a 'trivial matter'?

The Butchers Alliance is the most likely to do this kind of thing, because apart from the return trip, the Butchers Alliance is the only one who can confirm that 'Bingjiu' is dead and Bing250 is a passenger.

However, the price is a bit high...


Wan Xiangchun suddenly realized something was wrong and his train of thought was off track. What Bai Xiaosheng said was not 'why did this happen', but 'why didn't he stop it'. Prevent? Who will stop it? The person in charge on their way back must be * * *, but why did Bai Xiaosheng think that * * * would stop the tour guide's conspiracy?

* * *But it’s not exactly the same as the captain. Even if someone dies on the way home, I’m afraid he won’t take action.

How could he take action for Bing250?

Wan Xiangchun suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

"You...know Bing250's true identity?"

"Not sure."

Bai Xiaosheng said casually: "I want to go and see for myself."

That travel ticket was obtained by Bai Xiaosheng after he suppressed his strength to a special one-star level and was successfully selected into the travel group.

Suppressing your strength is actually very risky. As long as you are selected into the brigade, you have to suppress it from the time you are selected to the end of the brigade. Otherwise, the hotel will probably kick you out of the group, and there will be corresponding consequences. punish.

Bai Xiaosheng did not ask Wan Xiangchun to suppress his strength because he was an intellectual, and it didn't matter whether he was weak or not. Wan Xiangchun was a force, and his strength could not be suppressed. After all, they were still hunting for the "mysterious, ghost-like" tour guide related to Bing 250, and they were also causing trouble for other tour guides who were also being hunted.

Taking advantage of the fact that Bing 250's group information came out just now and the chaos in the tour guide alliance, they also took the opportunity to destroy several tour guides.

"Let's go."

Bai Xiaosheng said, "Go back to the hotel lobby."

* *

"It's so funny, first the tourists squeezed in desperately, and then it was the turn of the tour guides to squeeze in desperately."

In the Shepherds' Alliance, in a carefully built garden, under the shade of a tree, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam was leisurely enjoying afternoon tea and eating small cakes. In front of her, a large group of dark balls were working diligently, dividing themselves into several strands to play multiple roles to perform skits.

This hodgepodge of Eastern, Western, and weird things really looks difficult to appreciate.

"Forty-nine, your skit is boring. Not as interesting as what I just said."

The woman sighed: "Tell me, do you blame me for not bringing Ding Yi back so that you two brothers can perform together?"

"No, no, no, my life was saved by you, sir!"

Hair ghost B Forty-nine collapsed, and a ball of hair fell to the ground like an anemone.

"Oh, that's enough, it's boring."

The puppeteer admired his nails and said faintly: "I also know that some people in the alliance have been unsettled these days. After all, the Butcher Alliance has made a big splash and recaptured an abyss node. I'm afraid Pinocchio is tempted."

"No, no, we are all absolutely loyal to you!"

B Forty-nine's hair group split into 108 forks, terrified, and murderous: "If someone dares to betray you, I will kill him at the risk of my life!"

"Okay, what's the point of you dying? What's the use of it? Isn't it just giving away your life in vain? "

The puppeteer said gloomily: "You said, it's rare that I didn't make you a puppet, and you are still loyal, why can't your strength be improved. "

"Forty-nine, a waste, no matter how loyal, is just a waste. Years ago, you said that you wanted to rush up the rankings, but now look, you are not even forty-nine, you are now fifty."

Ghost B Forty-nine stopped talking, every hair was trembling, he wanted to say that he was sincere, every word was true, but he... was really too weak, really weak. He has been maintaining an alienated state, isn't it because he wants to become stronger and wants to work for the puppeteer!

The temporary weakness is not terrible, but the upper limit, talent, and bottleneck will make people crazy.

If he walks out now, I'm afraid others will directly recognize him as a butcher tour guide. Even most butcher tour guides are not as thoroughly maintained as his alienation!

"Forget it, I know your heart, you are not not working hard."

The puppeteer's fingers circled around his ears, and he twisted a strand of black hair: "It's your alienation state, it's too weak."

"Ghost Hair is not the strongest demon system, not the most likely alienation system, nor the complete ghost system, it's not like anything... That's why you were surpassed by Bee Dao Ren."

After hearing this, Hair Ghost 49 seemed to have lost his strength, and every strand of hair drooped to the ground, full of dejection. Yes, the puppeteer was right, this is what he feared the most. He is not afraid of hard work, not afraid of desperate efforts, but only afraid of not being able to become stronger.

Then, then why is the puppeteer talking about this again now?

Could it be that she really couldn't bear it anymore and was going to abandon him?

Every strand of hair of Yi 49 dimmed, and he was full of despair. He didn't become a human, because he knew that the puppeteer thought he was ugly and said that a ball of hair looked more pleasing to the eye. But now, the weakness of Ghost Hair and the lack of future of Ghost Hair made Yi 49 feel even more ashamed and humiliated. He probably couldn't leave the puppeteer or his master with a good impression, and it would be a shame to die...


At this moment, a black curved horn fell on the hair of Yi 49.

"Okay, your crosstalk is ugly, but it can kill time."

The puppeteer said lightly: "Can you continue to stand in front of me... Yi 49, it depends on whether you can seize the opportunity."

This is the pass to the Abyss Node!

It leads to the only Abyss Node in the Shepherd Alliance!

And now, the puppeteer actually gave him such a precious opportunity, allowing him to capture stronger Abyss creatures and get the opportunity to change the alienation state!

Yi 49 couldn't believe it, and great excitement emerged. He was so excited that he couldn't speak, almost choked, and knelt in front of the puppeteer with his hair.

"Nine days, I only give you nine days before Bing 250 sets off."

The puppeteer said: "You can grasp it, right?"

"I can!"

Yi 49's voice was low, but he was determined: "I can."

He can, he will definitely grasp this opportunity!

Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared resolutely, and he didn't waste a minute or a second, and he had passed the pass and entered the abyss node.

The puppeteer continued to drink tea, and she ate a corner of the cheesecake in front of her. But she put down her fork.

"It's still a bit boring to drink afternoon tea alone."

"My lord, do you want me to perform a puppet show for you?"

In the bushes, a strange and hoarse child's voice suddenly sounded, and a piece of wood rolled out of it, smiling, but the head looked a little swollen.

"Yi Forty-Nine can perform skits, and I can also perform a puppet show for you, sir."

Pinocchio pretended to be sad, and big tears fell from his wooden face: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, how can you say that I am attracted to the Butcher Alliance? I will not go to that stinky place. I will stay with you." Pinocchio’s forever home.”

"Okay, it would be better if you cry than if you smile."

The puppet master said calmly: "You know how the devil came about. To be honest, I do think he is the most loyal."

"Pinocchio, let me ask you, did the life-seeking man really appear in northern Tibet?"

"I didn't see it, but Xiao Wei Xun probably didn't lie either. The crimson cloak definitely exists."

Pinocchio immediately turned from crying to laughing, and said with a smile: "And Captain An is really here, and the guards are very protective."

"Sir, do you still want a puppet like Wei Xun? If so..."

Pinocchio pretended to hesitate, and then said firmly: "If you really want it, sir, I will fight to the death to get little Wei Xun back to you!"

"Don't imitate Yi 49, your words make me feel weird."

The puppet master said lazily: "This time, there is a position in the suburbs of Beijing. No matter what, you take it."

"No problem, Pinocchio."

The puppet master sat up straight, with two long snow-white legs under his cheongsam. She looked at Pinocchio quietly, as if there were stars and a sea in her eyes.

"Yi 49 is a waste, and you are actually a waste too. Your previous actions have all failed."

She whispered: "Pinocchio, I want to see the results, okay?"

"Okay, my lord."

Pinocchio lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the puppet master. His whole body was trembling, like a child who had done something wrong.

He restrained his exaggerated laughter and crying and answered honestly:

"I'll do it for you."

"Good boy."

The puppet master smiled, his smile not reaching his eyes. After Pinocchio disappeared, she drank afternoon tea alone. She felt a little bored, so she pinched it with her fingers and made a ball of plush.

She threw the stuffed ball into her tea cup, but the stuffed ball didn't seem to like the weak tea very much and tried desperately to swim aside.

"Some people like sweet tea, and some people like light tea. This is human nature."

The puppet master said softly: "Of course the people under me can have their own preferences. But here, you can only like light tea. It doesn't matter if you don't like it, I will make you like it."

"Silverfish, do you understand?"

After a while, a male voice sounded out from the hair ball submerged in tea, with a hint of pain.

"I understand, sir. I, I will not join the Butcher Alliance-"

"Contact the Dream Chaser and ask him to come to me."

The puppet master didn't listen to what he said, but just ordered: "I know that you have a close relationship with him. Within three days, Silverfish. I want to see Dream Chaser, or his main incarnation, you know what I mean."

"Don't forget who helped you solve that mess."

"I will never forget the kindness you showed me."

Silverfish was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I will contact Dream Chaser."

It was only after he left that the garden truly became quiet.

Ghost B 49, Pinocchio, and Dreamcatcher.

The puppet master's eyes were blurry, and she hummed a song, like a Jiangnan folk tune.

Puppet master, puppet. Who is the puppet?

This turmoil that started due to Bing 250 and became increasingly fierce can be regarded as the most exciting thing before the year-end ceremony.

"Let's see who can laugh last."

* *

Of course Wei Xun will have the last laugh!

"Two guides and guardians."

Wei Xun has a lot of things to do, and he is now divided into several areas.

Dual tour guides are tour guides of similar abilities. The guardian can be a very powerful leader.

Double tour guide is a special situation, which means that there are two tour guides leading the tour together. This situation is actually not uncommon, because there is a huge gap in the number of tour guides and tourists, especially high-end tour guides. During the peak tourist season, for some difficult journeys, tour guides of the corresponding level may not be found.

At this time, two tour guides who are inferior to each other can come together to lead the group to fill the gap. But there won't be much difference in the strength of the two tour guides.

A trip to the hotel not only trains tourists, but also trains tour guides. If the gap between the two tour guides is too big, one party will completely become the boss of one party, and the weak one will become a useless tool.

Therefore, double tour guides are usually tour guides with similar strengths and complementary abilities.

But the guardian is different. The guardian refers to the connection between a big tour guide and the little tour guide. The big tour guide can give guidance and make suggestions from afar, but cannot directly affect the journey.

Of course, if the little tour guide's life is in danger, or the entire brigade is about to be destroyed, the big tour guide can still take action.

The concept of guardian is actually extended from the assessment of tour guides. Only by passing the team leader assessment can one truly lead a brigade and become a tour guide of a certain brigade.

Moreover, the team leader assessment is also a rare shortcut for tour guides to reach the sky in one step. Wei Xun is now a tour guide at the bottom of the silver level, but even if he comes up with another 30 degrees north latitude, he will not be able to be promoted to gold without passing the team leader assessment.

The team leader assessment is a checkpoint.

But similarly, as long as he passes the team leader assessment, even if he is bronze, he can directly become a gold-level tour guide.

The hotel encourages lonely tour guides to return to the brigade. There is no lower limit for the group leader assessment. As long as you are not afraid of death, you can participate.

You can start the team leader assessment task on any journey, but the difficulty of the journey will increase accordingly. If the passenger group is destroyed, your mission will be considered a failure.

But Wei Xun is not afraid! It was already so difficult anyway, and he even felt that this was the perfect opportunity to lead the team!

"These big guys should be able to take care of themselves."

Wei Xun smiled, and suddenly he sighed quietly.

"But I can't protect myself well. It seems I have to find an ally."

Dual tour guide, guardian, team leader assessment——

Wei Xun wanted them all.

Messy? Not messy enough. A little more messy.

The more chaotic it is, the freer he will be during the rest of the journey.

"Fox cub, turn into a female, quickly."

Wei Xun urged: "Just for a moment, you will become a mother, and I will pay for your return to human form!"

After that, he contacted the other party.

Devil's time to make contact.

* *

At this moment, the devil businessman, huddled in his one-square-meter hut, suddenly received a message.

Although the source of the message was marked 'the other party is not your friend', the devil merchant immediately became energetic when he saw the code name of the sender.

The person who sent him the message turned out to be Bing250!

[Bing250: Are you there? 】

[Bing250: Do you have more magic crystals? 】

After a few seconds of pause, another message was sent over there:

[Bing250: I'm a little... can't hold it anymore]

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