Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 140 Yu Hehui wakes up

Bing250 is actually asking him for help? !

The Devil Merchant's pupils were shocked. He suddenly stood up and walked around in the small private residence. After a moment of disbelief, he narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

Bing250...that's Xiaocui.

His previous suspicions were confirmed during this 'asking for help'.

But he and Bing250 have never met and have no friendship. In theory, they are still rivals. How could she ask him for help?

Is it a trap? Bing250 has been arrested? The other party wants to fish him out to get the prize for the confrontation mission?

Coming to the East District alone, the devil merchant had to be cautious.

Is this text message true or false?

The possibility of it being true is very high. After all, now that information about the Bing 250 tour has appeared, the major tour guide alliances and brigades in the Eastern District have focused their attention on her. Even the forces that insist on hunting down the devil businessman have become much smaller and are almost non-existent. ——

In fact, the Devil Merchant was also surprised at first and felt a little sour in his heart. Why did Bing250 get such high attention?

He is just a Xinxing tour guide, and he is also a devil businessman. Why didn't he cause such a big storm?

Especially after seeing that the group Bing250 picked up turned out to be an extremely dangerous group, the devil merchant took a deep breath.

This, this is definitely not a group that Bing250 can take on by herself. Someone must be messing with her behind the scenes. The purpose may be the ‘double tour guide’ mechanism.

After all, the Devil Merchant has joined the Werewolf Alliance and is connected with the Black Widow. He also holds the soul contracts of several people in his hands, and he knows all kinds of unknown secrets. It is precisely because he knows so much that he Understand how deep the water is.

Bing250's current situation is very difficult. He has to rely on joining a major tour guide alliance. Now that he joins, he may still be free. But if you really join an extremely dangerous group, you may be at the mercy of others.

The devil merchant suddenly understood why she came to him for help. In this situation, he is her best choice. The difference in strength is not too big, he has the fetters of confrontation missions, he is a rising star guide in the West District, and he has no involvement with the major alliances in the East District.

And the Devil Merchant also has a backer behind him, which may make the major alliances in the Eastern Region fearful and form a confrontation in the air, but no one is willing to take the first move.

"So now, do you still want to try again?"

The devil businessman had a complicated expression. Even he himself lowered his head to save his life when his self-esteem was in conflict with his life.

But Bing 250 is not like that. It seems that she means that she would rather join forces with his opponent and gain another advantage than join the major tour guide alliances and enjoy preferential treatment but also lose her freedom.

Even if the journey is extremely dangerous, she refuses to give up on the spot or bow her head.

This is really...

[Do you want to meet and talk with me? 】

The Devil Merchant pondered for a moment, then cautiously spoke in Chinese. But to be honest, if the other party agreed, he would immediately block Bing250. What a joke, he is not a fool. In this situation where he is almost besieged on all sides, if Bing250 still agrees to meet with him, then either this person is a big fool, or this person has been killed, and the meeting is fake. Bring someone here Rounding him up is real.

The devil businessman can survive to this day not because of his arrogance and stupidity.

After typing this sentence, his nerves were tense and he stared at the screen. Countless emotions surged in his heart, and he didn't know what he was expecting.


The other person quickly replied:

[I just want some magic crystal... I'm borrowing it]


Unconsciously, the devil merchant breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his lips. These few words of conversation seemed to outline Bing 250 in his mind.

Calm, strong, smart, stubborn, unwilling to lose freedom, would rather take a gamble.

He is also a gambler, otherwise he would not come to the East District alone just to seek a truly powerful opportunity.

This made the devil merchant feel moved for a moment, but then he became as cold as stone.

【What are you borrowing for? Do you have any leverage left? Might as well sell your soul to me. 】

【Get out】

The other party didn't hesitate.

The devil businessman chuckled and continued. This time he typed a long list of words in English. After all, his Chinese was only average. It would be bad if he expressed the wrong meaning.

[You are in a very bad situation right now. Magic crystals can also be purchased in the hotel mall, but you asked me for help. It seems that you are short of points now, or someone is watching you, so that you dare not leave any traces of purchase in the mall? 】

[You have been able to hide until now, probably because you bought a hotel location. You have just experienced a journey, and you probably don’t have many points in your hands. If you buy a hotel, you will be completely bankrupt and cannot make any other transactions. 】

The other party was silent. It seemed that what he said touched her embarrassment. The devil merchant did not continue to be aggressive and tempted, but instead said:

[You know, I am a businessman, and devil businessmen are the most fair, and what they want is equal value transactions. You need magic crystal, of course I have it here. I still have a lot, but is there anything you can satisfy me with? 】

It is better for him to have the initiative of speaking.

The Devil Merchant also wanted to find out the bottom of Bing250. If she was really a small ship that was about to be swallowed by the sea, he would not be willing to get on it anyway.

But usually, people like them have endless back-ups.

If Bing250 is not in a completely desperate situation, there is still a chance...

Then it's not like he can't take a gamble.

The other party still didn't reply, but he didn't block him either, as if he was deep in thought.

This is a good start.

The devil businessman tapped his phone screen with his fingers and smiled.

What businessmen lack most is patience.

* *

"Master, he typed a long list of crooked words."

The fox cub ran to the door with his mobile phone in his mouth, tilted his head and looked into the newly opened room, feeling aggrieved:

"I can't understand..."

"This APP is still not good enough. It would be nice to have a translation system."

Wei Xun stood up, frowned and said. He was wearing gardening gloves, and there were many spar chips on the gloves. Behind Wei Xun, the small iron tree was transplanted into the spar pile, and it was growing pretty well.

He had a lot to do, and with more than 300,000 points on hand, Wei Xun simply bought an eight-square-meter brigade station and settled everything he got from northern Tibet. Four square meters were used to plant iron trees, place fungus piles, and temporarily set it up as a nest for cultivating demonic insects.

He used the other four square meters to place the magic bee nest, grow flowers, hatch magic bee eggs, and cultivate bee colonies.

He got both the iron tree and the fungus pile in the Nine Layers Swastika Crystal Tower. The rusty red liquid secreted by the iron tree can cause the fungus pile to grow rapidly and grow a large amount of 'black-haired human skin', and this black-haired human skin is The favorite food of devil bugs.

After all, most of the evil ghost insect swarms were ordinary insects, and the ones that survived were left in northern Tibet and were not brought back. Currently, there are nearly a hundred insect eggs in Xiao Cui's belly, all of which have a high chance of hatching into inferior demonic insects, and even some low-level demonic insects.

Insect swarm, bee swarm, this is what Wei Xun needs to prepare before his next journey.

As for making excuses with the devil businessman, he has no time for the time being and leaves it all to the fox cub.

Although the little fox cub is still hesitant about turning into a female, it is already very skilled at pretending to be a female to chat with the devil merchant.

In fact, he didn't pretend to be very feminine, maybe it was the tone... Tsk, maybe this is Tianhu's specialty.

The only problem is that the fox cub can't read English.

This makes sense. After all, they are local fox fairies. I wonder if Yu Hehui can understand English. Those who can get into college should have no problem with their English proficiency.

Wei Xun glanced at it casually, but he couldn't hide the devil merchant's intentions.

He casually took out a soul contract, tore it into pieces, ate it, and then typed a string of text indifferently.

【Speak in Chinese】

"If he doesn't speak Chinese anymore, you don't need to pay attention to him."

Wei Xun said.

Tearing up the soul contract is a demonstration, a flex of muscles, and a warning.

He, Bing250, is stronger in terms of demons than the devil merchant.

This can be regarded as one of his trump cards, in the eyes of the devil businessman.

As long as the Devil Merchant is not frightened enough to cut ties with other contracts, there will still be something to talk about.

After all, in reality, if Wei Xun tears up a contract, the soul of the devil merchant will be damaged a little bit.

Of course, if the devil merchant is really scared enough to break the contract. Wei Xun would never consider cooperating with him again. People who are too timid, have too little ambition, and shrink back when faced with danger will not achieve great things and will only hinder him.

Sure enough, the devil merchant did not break the other contracts after a moment of silence, but instead sent another message to exchange as if nothing happened, this time in Chinese.

Wei Xun didn't look any further and gave the phone to Hu Zai. Watching it patting each word with its paw pads, Wei Xun casually said:

"It's just easier to use your fingers. Do you really not want to change back to human form?"

"Think clearly, I can use my points very quickly. I had 300,000 yuan just now, but now I only have 100,000 yuan left. If you hesitate for a while, I might run out of money and you won't be able to change even if you want to. ”

After saying that, Wei Xun ignored the fox cub. He took out the crown with golden wings and roc horns, and touched it with his hand. Wei Xun carefully pulled out a bright golden bird-shaped shadow from the crown. It is the thin bloodline of the golden-winged roc.

The bird's shadow weakened rapidly as soon as it left the crown and was about to disappear in an instant, but Wei Xun's hand was faster and he threw it directly to the small iron tree.


As thunder rang out, the small iron tree suddenly shook violently. The shadows of the birds on the small iron tree were also bright and dim, but most of them were illusory, as if they were about to dissipate soon. Upon seeing this, Wei Xun immediately put out the diamond body of the Congcha Lama, the skull inlaid with gold and silver, the Gusin skin thangka, and the crystal lamp.

Under the suppression of Bon's breath, the small iron tree and the golden bird shadow finally gradually stabilized. The golden bird perched on the branches of the small iron tree, curled up, like a golden, rice-sized orb, but it was much more solid. .

The small iron tree, which was originally only as tall as a human, no longer looked as wilted as when it was first transplanted. Instead, it quickly grew taller, with iron-gray branches extending in all directions, almost "blocking out the sky" in this space.

"Sure enough, they can promote each other."

Wei Xun breathed a sigh of relief and said with satisfaction.

Legend has it that there are big iron trees growing on the nine crystal mountains of Weimo Longren. Every ninety-nine and nine hundred and ninety-nine years, the big iron trees will bear orbs. Each orb is a golden-winged roc. There should be a mutually reinforcing relationship.

The iron tree in Wei Xun's hand was too small, and there wasn't much rust-red liquid in the tree. If he pumped it too much, the iron tree might die. Wei Xun didn't have time to wait for it to grow slowly.

It happened that the bloodline of the golden-winged roc in his hand was too thin. Wei Xun had identified it at the hotel and found that the concentration of the bloodline extracted from the descendant of the Eagle Flute was only 5%.

If there is more than 30%, Wei Xun can also consider merging it with himself, or merging it with an eagle to cultivate a hybrid golden-winged roc eagle. But at a concentration of 5%, it is really tasteless and a pity to throw away.

Of course, Wei Xun can integrate all the props from the Golden Winged Dapeng series into his bloodline. After all, the eagle flute is the right wing bone, the golden bell is the heart, and the crown is the diamond bird horn. If they are all integrated, the concentration of this bloodline should be Soaring.

But these props, along with the title of 'False King', are all useless.

Wei Xun simply decided to put the blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng into the small iron tree. He was taking a risk. The transplanted iron tree was weak and far from mature. It might not be able to withstand the blood of the golden-winged roc. The concentration of this bloodline is only 5%, which is even more weak. Once it leaves the crown, it will quickly weaken and dissipate.

Wei Xun admitted that he was gambling. If the bloodline and the little iron tree couldn't bear it, he would drain the juice from the little iron tree at the last moment and feed the bloodline to the fox cub. Then see if there are any parts that can be sold.

Others may think this is a waste of resources, but is a bloodline that may be useful in the future, a small iron tree that takes a lot of time to grow, really useful to him?

Ten days later will be an extremely difficult journey. If Wei Xun dies or is completely controlled, everything will be useless.

If Wei Xun can survive from the suburbs of Beijing, he believes that he will definitely get better things in the future.

Now, he just wants to invest all his resources to make himself stronger quickly.

Of course, before taking action, Wei Xun still put on the crown and necklace, spent his flesh and blood with the blessing of good luck, and threw the gambler's dice to six o'clock.

Isn’t this getting better now?

After the place was stable, Wei Xun put away the lama's diamond body and other items, took out the scissors and began to cut the overly dense branches of the iron tree. Then he squeezed out the rust-red liquid in these branches and sprinkled a few drops on the fungus pile.

The fungus pile immediately began to grow hair rapidly, and one after another terrifying and strange black-haired human skin quickly gathered, and then waited to be eaten by Xiao Cui on the side.

Wei Xun took out another crystal vial, which was the thirty drops of purified magic honey that Xiaocui had left with him.

"Thank you, Master!"

Xiaocui's spirit emerged. The green-haired young lady looked a little tired, but his cheeks were red, he was holding his belly contently, and he was full of maternal nature.

He looked at Wei Xun gratefully: "I will definitely bring the swarm of insects to the master!"

"I believe you can."

Wei Xun encouraged: "Come on, I won't disturb you anymore. If you don't have enough tree sap and magic honey, please contact me."

He placed the remaining radioactive black stone mines, including the fragments of the black stone emerald skull, next to Xiao Cui so that he could build a nest inside.

"I'll go check out the magic bees."

"Xiao Cui will not let the master down!"

Compared with before, Xiaocui's voice was a little more firm and passionate.

Wei Xun smiled, only competition can make people more motivated, especially for Demonic Insect.

Wei Xun didn't plan to use only Xiaocui, a female insect, as it would be too dangerous. It's not just a matter of trust. If Xiaocui controls all of his insect swarms, most of the demonic insects, if there is an accident or the enemy targets them, the whole army will probably be annihilated.

Like the magic bee, Wei Xun didn't intend to hand it over to Xiao Cui. He wanted to take a look at the mother bee.

Even if she is not a mother bee, a mother bee can lead two hundred magic bees. He currently has less than a hundred demon bee eggs in his hand, and one bee mother is enough for the time being.

Wei Xun walked to the newly opened space next door, which was also four square meters in size. The ground was covered with a thick layer of soil and filled with flowers brought back from Taoist Feng.

Among the colorful flowers stands a wooden pillar with a honeycomb made of magic beeswax on it. A parasitic wasp is busy in the hive. This is the only parasitic wasp left that once parasitized the successor of the Eagle Flute.

It doesn't know how to collect honey, so Wei Xun simply lets it take care of the children. One by one, the bee eggs were diligently carried into the hexagonal cells in the hive. In addition to the magic bee nest, Wei Xun obtained a total of one female bee egg, dozens of magic bee eggs, and hundreds of magic bee eggs from the Bee Taoist. Various bee eggs that serve as food for the magic bee.

Now he wants to hatch all these bees. The mother bees will be hatched with pure purified magic honey, the demon bees will be hatched with half-diluted purified magic honey, and the other bee eggs will be hatched with ten times dilution.

Now the mother bee has hatched out and is a golden young bee. Wei Xun fed it a drop of blood from the butterfly tattoo, but unfortunately the female bee did not evolve into a female insect, but became more intelligent and felt close to Wei Xun. A strong connection was established between them, and Wei Xun also Can vaguely sense the emotions of the mother bee.

When the mother bee hatches, other magic bee eggs will also be induced and will hatch one after another soon. Other bee eggs do not require so much energy and have been hatched long ago.

These bees can collect honey and feed the demon bees. As long as the mother bees are around, the magic honey they collect can also be purified, but there is not enough time.

Ten days... Wei Xun counted the days, not thinking about the production of purified magic honey. As long as he did not hesitate to purify the magic honey, these bees could grow to be used by him.

"How is the development over there?"

The newly hatched white fat bees looked a little like maggots, which reminded Wei Xun of the maggots who stayed at the hotel. During this trip to northern Tibet, Wei Xun became stronger, and Maggot Da became even stronger, and was able to devour and digest demonic energy.

Wei Xun saw that its feedback was still vague, and it was difficult to contact its distant brothers, so he simply left a few sections of demonic spider legs and a ball of demonic spider silk for it to eat first.

"Demons... As I become stronger, they will also become stronger."

Wei Xun thought thoughtfully, the abyssal species are good, they will become stronger if their master is strong. The stronger their master is, the higher their upper limit will be. Wei Xun has not yet merged with the abyss node. Once fully merged, his strength will increase, and the strength of his demonic insects will probably soar.

But before swallowing the abyss node, he had to deal with one thing first.

A blood-red little ladybug appeared in Wei Xun's hand. He can put the blood ladybugs into the devil's ball, but there is no benefit brought by the blood ladybugs in the devil's ball.

In other words, Blood Ladybug has been connected with him, but has not yet completely surrendered to Wei Xun.

If Wei Xun merges with the Abyss Node, it will most likely become stronger, but the possibility of backlash after becoming stronger is extremely high.

Even now, Wei Xun's consciousness is communicating with the Blood Ladybug, but it is still in a passive and unresponsive state.

Of course, the Blood Ladybug is afraid of An Xuefeng. As long as Wei Xun uses the beast's tooth marks on his wrist, it is very possible to conquer the Blood Ladybug. But does this count as An Xuefeng's subjugation, or his subjugation? Will the Bloody Ladybug be obedient after the subjugation?

There will be many dangers ahead, so Wei Xun doesn’t want any instability.

With a wave of his hand, the diamond body of Lama Tsocha appeared in front of him.


【Adventure successful! The lama's body turned into a mummy! 】



Four adventures later.

【Adventure successful! The lama's body turned into a living corpse! 】


The blood ladybug, which had been restless since the lama's body transformation, became completely crazy at this moment, but Wei Xun held it tightly. Seeing that the blood ladybug wanted to bite him back, Wei Xun's eyes gradually became cold.

"Surrender or die."


But the blood ladybug was still resisting and struggling desperately. Even if Wei Xun cut his finger and soaked it with blood, it had no other reaction, and the situation suddenly reached a deadlock.

Is it true that the blood ladybug cannot be conquered?

Wei Xun frowned.

Or am I currently too weak and the alienation is incomplete?

The blood of butterfly tattoos will fail in front of it, and the former is more likely. Wei Xun is now a demonic insect controller, and he also has some sensitivity to demonic insects. This blood ladybug seems to be the kind of demonic insect that cannot be conquered no matter what.

If this is the case, Wei Xun can only consider giving up on this blood ladybug.

It is now a high-level first-class demonic insect. If Wei Xun absorbs the abyss node and the blood ladybug also advances, then its strength may be so powerful that Wei Xun cannot suppress it.

Kill it while you can still suppress it?

High-level demonic insect, Wei Xun's strongest demonic insect at present.

If you kill Xiaocui to feed Xiaocui or feed the bee mother, it will definitely not be as valuable as its life.


Just when Wei Xun was deep in thought, the fox cub heard a slightly hesitant, but more firm and nervous call from the door.

"I, I am willing to serve my master!"

It's just a temporary change into a female. The fox cub is actually more hesitant because he feels that he may not be qualified and is afraid of spoiling his master's good deeds. After all, he is a male fox cub.

But the communication with the devil businessman made him confident.

If the person the master wants to deal with is him, the fox cub thinks he can do it!

"You promised too late."

Wei Xun put away the living corpse of the lama and subdued the unwilling bloody ladybug. His thoughts were temporarily removed from it, he looked at the nervous fox cub and said calmly:

"If it were just now, I could awaken your consciousness a little more. But now, I don't have many resources at hand."

Indeed, if Wei Xun had proposed before and the fox cub had agreed directly without hesitation, he would have fed the blood of the golden-winged roc to the fox cub.

Yu Hehui's remnant soul was too broken and needed a lot of nourishing energy. The blood of Dapeng Garuda was of course a great supplement.

But the fox cub hesitated. No matter why it hesitated, Wei Xun's treatment of it would drop by one level.

"Needless to say, let's see if you are worth the price I pay."

The fox cub was nervous and anxious and wanted to speak, but Wei Xun interrupted him directly. He clicked on the hotel APP and purchased an item directly.


It was like the sound of money draining away. Wei Xun had spent 300,000 points on the residence and other miscellaneous purchases and still had over 130,000 points left. But now, Wei Xun's points dropped sharply, and he only had 30,000 left in an instant.

He actually spent a huge sum of 100,000 points to buy an [Excessively Mutilated Sky Fox Neidan (1/100)] from the hotel!

[Name: Excessively incomplete Tianhu inner elixir (1/100)]

[Quality: Legend]

[Effect: A great tonic! After taking it, you will have a 1/100 chance of having a weak Tianhu bloodline! 】

[Note: This item is recommended for foxes to eat, but not for humans? If a person eats the inner elixir of Tianhu - he might go crazy, hehe. 】

"Lord, master!"

When this snow-white jade inner elixir fragment appeared in Wei Xun's hand, the fox cub's eyes straightened! It ran over at great speed and hugged Wei Xun's thigh, wagging its tail vigorously, and started chirping so anxiously that it couldn't even speak human words!

In fact, spending 100,000 points to buy Tianhu Neidan is a bit wasteful. After all, hotels are really profiteers and charge huge premiums. Weixun Mall bought Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, Ten Thousand Years Chalcedony and the like sold by other tourists. I bought a lot of miscellaneous things, but they were actually barely usable and relatively cheap.

It's just that the inner elixir of the Heavenly Fox is of course the best, and it fits Yu Hehui best. If he uses those miscellaneous things, he may have sequelae after his recovery, and his strength will also decline.

But Wei Xun is not concerned about this. People always leave traces on the Internet, and the same is true on the hotel APP. When he just left the most beautiful Xiangxi, Bai Xiaosheng reminded him from a distance not to click on private messages casually, or someone might send him special props by private message to obtain his location or even capture him.

This is the case with private messages, and it is even more so with transactions with players, especially if Wei Xun purchases in large quantities, it will be more eye-catching.

What if someone connects him to Bing 250?

So from the time he came back to now, Wei Xun has been conducting large-scale transactions with the hotel for more than 100,000 points, including the purchase of the brigade's base and decoration, as well as this broken inner elixir of the Heavenly Fox. This kind of transaction is the most hidden and will not be detected by other travelers or tour guides.

For those who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy things, the hotel is still relatively protective.

"Master, Master!"

Seeing that the fox cub was just calling anxiously but didn't come up to snatch it, Wei Xun didn't say much and took out the name tag. The fox cub immediately jumped up and jumped into the key-like white fox head tag that was hung together with the name tag. There was only a slight sound of dong, and a white light jumped in. This was the residual soul of the fox cub.

The little white fox fell down and was dizzy. It blinked, and there was still a trace of spirituality in its black eyes, but it was more like a normal fox cub. At this moment, it stared at the white fox head tag in fear, trembling all over and curled up into a ball.

At the moment when the fox cub's residual soul returned to its place, the white fox head tag shook violently and turned into a wisp of light white mist. This was the residual soul of the fox fairy! Compared with before, it was a little more condensed. The fox cub absorbed a lot of yang energy in northern Tibet and ate a lot of good things.

But this condensation is just a drop in the bucket. If the fox cubs alone eat, it will probably take a hundred years to fully revive Yu Hehui.

But the remnant soul immediately solidified when it reached the edge of the inner elixir fragments! Wei Xun did not move his hand, nor did he use too much force. If the remnant soul wanted to roll away the inner elixir fragments, it could have.

But it did not move, it really just "sniffed", then spread out and turned into an illusory human form.


Yu Hehui bowed his head to Wei Xun, and his appearance had changed a lot from when he was in the beautiful Xiangxi. His facial features were not only handsome, but also charming. The tail of his eyes was raised, his pupils were emerald, and his facial features were full of breathtaking beauty, with a hint of melancholy and coldness, but it made people unable to look away.

Yu Hehui, who was just a handsome guy before, should be the appearance of Yu Hean's 18-year-old missing brother. At this moment, Yu Hehui is the real celestial fox.

"What is this?" Wei Xun asked directly, showing him the blood ladybug: "How can I subdue it?" "This is the Imosh Demon Worm at the bottom of the abyss. It is extremely rare and almost extinct. It is also called the emotional demon worm. It is divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, representing joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, love, hate and desire." Yu Hehui took a look and immediately said: "Imosh Demon Worms are all wild and cannot be domesticated. Only their offspring can be domesticated. Imosh Demon Worms like to eat zombies, but only zombies with the emotions of this kind of demon worm can induce it to reproduce." "Okay." Wei Xun nodded, and the next moment he actually threw the extremely precious broken Sky Fox Inner Pill to Yu Hehui! Yu Hehui was slightly surprised, but he did not hesitate. The whole remnant soul rushed forward and wrapped the broken Inner Pill. In an instant, a strong wind blew up, and there was a faint sound of thunder. Wei Xun felt an extremely terrifying momentum gathering in the sky, but because he was currently in the hotel, the power did not fall. In just a few seconds, the broken inner pill was completely merged with the residual soul, and a huge white fox shadow suddenly appeared in front of Wei Xun.

It was beautiful, elegant, noble and mysterious, with pure white fur like the first snow, lavender fox patterns on its face, and nine long tails that were fluffy and soft. The celestial fox looked at Wei Xun with a gentle gaze, called him softly, and lowered its noble head.

Then the celestial fox shadow turned into a human body, and Yu Hehui saluted Wei Xun with great respect.

"Thank you, Master, for helping me recover my human form."

Wei Xun sneered and said casually, "Okay, call me Wei Xun. Master, it sounds weird. I don't like this name."

Then he asked curiously, "I feel that you have recovered well. Is only one percent of the inner elixir of the Heavenly Fox enough?"

"My strength has not been fully restored, but it is no problem to maintain my human form."

Yu Hehui explained, "My body was destroyed, and a wisp of residual soul has no place to live. I can only attach to the name tag of Master, Wei Xun."

"The longer the time, the more my consciousness dissipates, so I can only close myself, but I didn't expect..."

I didn't expect Wei Xun to get the incomplete inner elixir of the Heavenly Fox so quickly! It's only been a few days, ten days? So Yu Hehui was a little confused. He knew how difficult it would be for him to revive, and he was ready to sleep for two or three years, and his consciousness gradually disappeared and turned into a stupid fox-maybe his master thought so too.

After all, the Heavenly Fox is too smart, and its wisdom is close to that of a demon. A stupid fox is easy to control.

But, he really didn't expect it.

"This inner elixir originally belonged to me. With the same origin, my residual soul was able to revive, and Wei Xun, you also fed me a lot of good things like purified magic honey, so I was able to stabilize and restore my human form."

"This inner elixir originally belonged to you?"

Wei Xun was surprised.


Yu Hehui smiled and said with a hint of pride in his tone: "I am the only Nine-tailed Sky Fox in the hotel. Anything related to the Nine-tailed Sky Fox sold in the hotel belongs to me."

"Hiss, that's it."

Wei Xun's face was solemn and he murmured: "It seems that if I am about to die, I should just blow myself up. Otherwise, it will be cut up, recycled and sold by the hotel, and I won't be able to get the money. It's such a loss."

Hearing what he said, Yu Hehui smiled helplessly: "Actually, there are benefits to this. Maybe you will have a chance to be resurrected, just like me."

"You must have been returning home before."

Wei Xun asked: "I think Wang Pengpai really wants to take you back. You two should have a good relationship? Homecoming is not short of money. Haven't all the parts you have been offered for sale by the hotel over the years been bought back by Homecoming?" "

Parts for sale, hey, Wei Xun's words sound true.

"Hotels don't resuscitate people easily, and the more... parts an organization has for sale, the lower the likelihood of resuscitation."

Yu Hehui shrugged: "Look, you originally had nothing, but I was resurrected in your hands."

The lower the possibility, the greater the chance of resurrection.

The fox cub's consciousness returned, and Yu Hehui was secretly shocked as he had the memory of this period of time.

A new tourist, replacing Bingjiu at the beginning, the super-dangerous and beautiful Xiangxi brought everyone alive, opened up the 30th North Latitude attraction, and topped the list of rising stars in the world's tour guides. And then he even had the identity of a passenger. He joined the difficult group as a new passenger and completed the main line of the journey, which gained the attention of both An Xuefeng and ***...

There are simply too many impossibilities in Wei Xun, almost impossible existences.

Only such a person can possibly revive him.

"Can you eat now?"

Wei Xun is not in a hurry to get the next generation of Bloody Ladybug. He is now more interested in the 'old antique' Yu Hehui.

"I had dinner with Wang Pengpai and the others yesterday. Sister Cheng brought me back a lot of braised beef."

Wei Xun took Yu and Hui to his sitting area. The space was not big. He sat on the bed, while Yu and Hui sat on the stool. There was a small folding table in front of them. A large box of braised beef almost took up the table.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. You must also miss the taste of the past."

"taste good."

Yu Hehui added a piece of braised beef and tasted it, with a satisfied expression on his face. He ate slowly, savoring every little bit, enjoying it. It took him five minutes to eat a small piece of meat. His whole temperament also changed subtly, as if he had finally settled down and returned to the human world.

"But I'm not familiar with the smell either."

Yu Hehui sighed: "Sister Cheng... The sister Cheng I knew at the time died earlier than me. Her name was Wu Lecheng."

"No wonder."

Wei Xun suddenly realized: "I said they all call Lu Shucheng Sister Cheng. She obviously looks like she is only in her twenties, so she must be younger than Wang Pengpai."

It turns out that there was a woman with orange in her name on the way home, and she seemed to be used to it.

"Are there any oranges?"

As if thinking of the past, Yu Hehui's eyes were a little wistful.

"I have wine here."

Wei Xun said casually and took out a bottle of wine: "I heard it was made by Wang Yushu. I have never seen this person, but the wine is still very delicious."

Yu Hehui smiled and said, "No, the wine is too intoxicating. Just some oranges."

Wei Xun also smiled. He put away the wine, took a bottle of orange juice, and put it on the table. Yu Hehui picked up the orange, twisted it open, and first poured a glass for Wei Xun, and then poured a glass for himself.

"Want to go back and take a look?"

Wei Xun picked up a piece of beef and said with a smile: "Mao Xiaole said he would draw a lucky charm for me and invited me to come over today."

"The lucky charms Xiao Le draws are of particularly high quality, but they are difficult to draw and require his own blood. He rarely draws them."

Yu Hehui said in surprise: "He took the initiative to draw a lucky charm for you... so you have to take it with you. This is a lucky charm that can be used during the unsolved journey."

Then he became serious: "I won't go, and Wei Xun, if possible, it's best not to let the fox cub go with him."

"I can't be too close to the way home, and I can't have close contact with the people inside. I can't recall many important things from the past, otherwise I will most likely be targeted by the hotel, and you will be unlucky when the time comes. "

Then he smiled helplessly: "You don't have to worry about my loyalty. A person like me who was rescued by you from the journey will be absolutely loyal to the rescuer. I will never betray you, I will never hurt you, and I will do everything for you." For your sake, and I have actually signed a contract with you, you should be able to see it. "

Tianhu is smart, and Wei Xun is also smart. But smart people are too tired to test each other, and their conversation just now was actually full of temptations.

Yu Hehui thought about it and made it clear to Wei Xun directly. Only by trusting each other can they have better cooperation.

"Of course I believe you."

Wei Xun said that he could actually see the attributes of Yu Hehui.

【Tianmen Fox Fairy】

[Nickname: Xiaobai]

[Master: Wei Xun]

[Status: 1% restored]

[Strength: Heaven level five stars (special one star)]

【Loyalty: 100】

The fox fairy's strength judgment seems to be different from that of pure travelers. It is not the peak level, but the heaven level or something like that. But Yu Hehui's strength is really terrifying, and now he has only recovered one percent, reaching the level of a special one-star.

In fact, his loyalty soared to full value after he recovered, but Wei Xun would not trust the value entirely.

It’s a joke. If the numerical value is useful, his codename is Bing250. Could it be that his real strength is also Bing250?

However, this was the first time Wei Xun heard what Yu Hehui said that people who were rescued from the journey would be 100% loyal to the 'rescuers'. He asked curiously, thinking of Wu Laoliu.

If he 'rescued' Wu Lao Liu, or rescued part of him, would Wu Lao Liu be 100% loyal to him?

Wei Xunchang thought about it for a moment, and it would be up to him to see how far Maggot can grow after merging with the Abyss Node.

"I'm going to breed the bloody ladybugs."

After chatting, Wei Xun stood up and said, "Yu Hehui, come and help me take a look."

He is still used to calling the blood ladybug, and the red ladybug corresponds to happiness. When he was at Xiaolin Temple, Lama Cuocai was overjoyed when he saw the arrival of the demon slayer Wei Xun. The demonic figure controlling the living corpse was also overjoyed at first and wanted to coax Wei Xun. No wonder the blood ladybug wanted to drill hard and was full of desire.

Now that the lama's long-cherished wish has come true, his body and soul are all perfect, the demons have been removed, and the land of northern Tibet has returned to peace again, he should be very happy. The remaining emotion in the living corpse is pure joy.

Wei Xun knew that such a living corpse should satisfy the blood ladybug and successfully produce the next generation.

But there was something wrong with Yu Hehui's expression.

He stared at Wei Xun. At this moment, Wei Xun was standing and he was sitting. Wei Xun looked at him from a condescending angle, his face...

"Wei Xun."

Yu Hehui's voice was slightly trembling, as if he was recalling something, and his eyes were so green that they were almost ink-colored.


Wei Xun noticed Yu Hehui's vision and frowned with concern: "What's wrong? What supplements do you need? I still have some points here -"


Yu Hehui lost his composure: "No, don't frown, just keep that indifferent expression. Yes, your eyes are indifferent, but with a smile..."

He was a little incoherent, his eyes were almost crazy, he held his forehead as if he had a headache, but still stared at Wei Xun, muttering to himself in pain:


Yu Hehui's voice was very soft: "Can you turn your hair and eyes into black so that I can see?"

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