Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 138 Three Hundred Thousand

"Good guy, I didn't expect that the new regiment who was squatting in B250 would actually get Wei Xun's report first."

Wang Pengpai was sitting on the terrace eating skewers with a smile, while Lu Shucheng and Mao Xiaole were busy in front of the grill. In the evening, the unfinished beef and mutton in the hot pot were skewered and grilled. Mao Xiaole was giving directions randomly. One moment he was clamoring for grilled fish, and the other moment he complained that Lu Shucheng was too cooked, but was kicked away by the werewolf.

"Wei Xun will definitely top the list!"

Lu Shucheng was very confident in Wei Xun. The beef she roasted was indeed raw, basically only lightly roasted on the surface and considered mature at most. Her werewolf nature made her prefer eating raw meat. She was afraid of scaring Wei Xun at the hot pot party, so she behaved normally. Mao Xiaole and Wang Pengpai also behaved normally.

Just like a few years ago, when everyone was still a normal person.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, they are all a bit abnormal.

"Tch, if you don't listen to what I said before, Brother Wei is awesome."

Mao Xiaole said that after he was kicked away, he simply held the talisman in one hand and the cinnabar talisman pen in the other, hanging his wrist in the air, and started drawing the lucky charm.

"With Brother Wei here, I don't really want to kill anyone anymore."

Because of some previous incidents, Mao Xiaole had a murderous intention, and even became addicted to it. If he was not allowed to kill, he would be in pain. An Xuefeng forced her to quit smoking several times but it didn't work. Wang Yushu couldn't solve the addiction by crying or Lu Shucheng by eating raw meat.

Moreover, Mao Xiaole has severe paranoia about being persecuted. It was so heavy that when he was walking in the virtual hall, passers-by glanced at him twice, and he felt that the other person had evil intentions and wanted to kill him.

Later, he was able to control himself somewhat, and everyone else was relieved for the time being, but who knew that Mao Xiaole was just pretending. He just wanted to rush into the Butcher Alliance, kill them all no matter what, kill all the way up to the top, even if he died, it didn't matter.

However, An Xuefeng was always watching. He actually deliberately moved other people away that day so that no one else could watch in the brigade station. This was actually a test for Mao Xiaole.

If Mao Xiaole really couldn't control himself and really wanted to fight out, it's hard to say what An Xuefeng would do.

Maybe they will lock him up and suppress him to see whether his murderous addiction wears off first, or whether Mao Xiaole completely collapses and goes crazy first. Perhaps in that case, there would be no Mao Xiaole today.

But that day, Mao Xiaole did not fight out in the end. An Xuefeng found all the props, weapons and even a final letter he had prepared. Mao Xiaole made complete preparations, but he did not leave.

A long time ago, in reality, Mao Xiaole's master died, the Taoist temple was destroyed, and Mao Xiaole entered the hotel. At that time, he was addicted to killing and almost joined the Butchers' Alliance. It was An Xuefeng who found him. Showed a photo to Mao Xiaole.

That was the only photo of Mao Xiaole and his master. When An Xuefeng was still a policeman, he found the Taoist temple and the fairy-like old man asked him to take it.

Perhaps he had anticipated his own death, and leaving this photo was just to keep Mao Xiaole from going crazy and killing people.

In the past, every time Mao Xiaole couldn't help it, he would look at this photo. But then the photos won't work anymore. He wants to delete the photos, then completely free his nature and go out to kill people.

But when he turned on his phone and wanted to delete the photos, he somehow clicked on a novel website and saw the book "Maoshan Taoist" that he had just written dozens of photos on.

The protagonist in the book is named Mao Sanwu. He has an old Taoist priest who is very good to him as his master. The two live together in an unknown Taoist temple in a remote country. The little Taoist loves to eat fish and always secretly catches fish in the stream, but This time he encountered a murder case involving a floating corpse and was involved in many dangers and conspiracies.

Mao Xiaole was so fascinated by the book that he no longer thought about killing people, but thought about reading every day. They even spent a lot of money to help the author get listed, but the author who was so surprised added his contact information and wanted to refund the money to him.

In fact, Mao Xiaole doesn't have that much money, and the author is not short of money. He never responds to readers. He just leaves after updating the article every day, so he won't notice a young reader.

It was An Xuefeng who read this article several times and figured out the author's character. In the tone of a Taoist priest from Maoshan, he pointed out several problems with the techniques, and talked about various folk mysteries and rare wonders in the world. The weird and horrifying legend gradually attracted the other party and added his contact information.

He knew at the first glance of this book that Mao Sanwu, Xiao Shi San Hua, Le Shi Wu Hua, the protagonist of "Maoshan Taoist" is Maoshan Taoist.

An Xuefeng also checked the author of Sanshui Riyue and confirmed that he was not sent by someone from another organization and that he was not someone who deliberately wanted to prey on Mao Xiaole. After that, he did not hinder the communication between him and Mao Xiaole.

Mao Xiaole has a fate with him. The protagonist of "Maoshan Taoist" is named Mao Sanwu. It is not accidental.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mao Xiaole's life changed because of him. Throughout the entire journey home, I was actually very grateful to Sanshui Riyue, and the warm hospitality came from the bottom of my heart.

Mao Xiaole used to look forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that Sanshui would come, but then he hesitated and hoped that he would not come. After all, the hotel is not a good place. But when Wei Xun actually came, had a hot pot meal with him, and heard that he had topped the list of new tourist stars, Mao Xiaole was really happy.

Wei Xun was still repressed and pretending to be serious back then, but now he is so happy that he can't help but want to tell the world that his teacher Wei is the top tourist star now!

Wang Pengpai was still joking: "Xiao Le, you have fallen out of the top five on the list, are you still so happy?"

Mao Xiaole snorted and continued to draw lucky charms, laughing again as he drew.

"That's great. I was pushed out of fifth place by Teacher Wei, hehe."

"This kid is crazy, it's really incredible!"

Wang Pengpai was very happy: "When Yu Hehui transformed into Sky Fox for the first time, the little pigeon behaved like this. I couldn't pull my eyes out. I laughed to death. That guy Bai Xiaosheng was full of evil, and no one knew about him. Seriously, it ended up being photographed.”

"Almost ten years have passed in such a flash. Back then, Xiao Zizi, Tong Hege and Xiao Le were the same age, nineteen years old."

"Go back and visit the grave, wait for the captain and others to come back."

Lu Shucheng smiled and said: "I planted new iris flowers. Before, you said that Brother Tong likes blue and purple flowers."

"Yes, Tong Hege likes blue and purple flowers, and Tong Hele likes red flowers. Both brothers like flowers."

Wang Pengpai was a little drunk: "I'll bring you all with me when the time comes to sweep the tomb."

"Tell me, after so many years, if Huihui has a chance to come back, will the two of them be miserable in some Sangada?"

"It's certainly possible."

Mao Xiaole complained: "Tell me, why didn't you bring Brother Hui back at that time?"

"Hey, the boat capsized in the gutter. But Yu and Hui should be doing well at Bing250."

Wang Pengpeng murmured: "To be honest, if I take action, I may not be able to bring the person back. The hotel is watching."

"But Bing250 will do. Maybe Huihui's soul is still there."

Bing 250 is too weak and has too much limelight. Sooner or later, someone will discover that he is Bing Jiu, who is intoxicated with the beauty of Xiangxi, leading the team on the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

In the past ten days, all the major tour guide alliances and tourist groups have been looking for him, but no one can find the recording of Bing250's first tour. This is very problematic.

To be able to get such high points and be on the list on the same day as Bingjiu, I can't find the first screen recording of leading a team.

Others are not fools, but firstly they cannot confirm that Bingjiu is really dead, and secondly they cannot believe that a new tour guide can really do this.

But as long as they watch the live broadcast of Bing250 leading the team again and see his methods, everything can no longer be hidden.

"Maybe it's because of this..."

Just because the hotel expected that Bing250 would encounter such a dead end after becoming a new star tour guide, it was willing to let him take away Yu Hehui's remaining souls. Logically speaking, this was against the rules. Wang Pengpai even speculated that, Could this Bing250 have hooked up with a certain hotel manager?

Wang Pengpai let go because of this. The rest of the team complained and complained, and they all knew that in that case, only Bing 250 could bring Yu Hehui back.

For the past ten days, he has been able to hide for so long that no one can find him. Yu Hehui must be teaching him. This guy is the best at hiding. He has been hiding for ten years so that even old friends like them can't find him.

Wan Xiangchun and Bai Xiaosheng were outside, looking for him in such a loud and aboveboard manner. In fact, they were helping him attract attention and hindering others at the same time. If we talk about the priority to develop the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, the one who is least interested in it is the return journey. After all, they already have two journeys in hand, and the original one has not yet been explored.

"I owe Bing250 a life on my way home."

Wang said surgingly, and then said with a smile: "I also owe Wei Xun one."

Yu Hehui’s fate and Mao Xiaole’s fate.

"It's not good. Bing250's next journey should be difficult."

At the level of Bing250, it is almost destined to lead a difficult group. He was able to get Mei Xiangxi drunk before. Although he didn't know the reason, it should be considered a foul. Someone must have paid a high price, and it was very likely that the hotel would notice him.

It's almost impossible to make any small moves this time. Then everything should follow the hotel rules.

"A difficult group is difficult to handle."

The lower the group, the harder it is to recruit people into it. For example, Wang Pengpai suppressed his strength to the extreme and joined the super-dangerous Zuimei Xiangxi, which was already very reluctant. An Xuefeng was simply a purebred snow leopard without any human consciousness in northern Tibet.

But as far as Wang Pengpai knows, the Butchers' Alliance, the Shepherds' Alliance, etc. actually have travelers who are not high-ranking, just waiting for this to be used.

Serious travelers of the same level cannot defeat travelers trained by the Butcher Alliance and the Shepherd Alliance. Even those trained by the Grand Brigade may not be able to defeat them. The main reason is that those things are too cruel and are no longer normal. , almost all puppets. In the end, they can even sacrifice themselves to guide the guide.

The next brigade of Bing250 is facing this kind of problem.

Wang Pengpai knew what Wan Xiangchun and Bai Xiaosheng meant. They wanted to seal the power and join the journey, but the difficult journey was, to be honest, too difficult and there was nothing they could do. How should this be compressed?

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time."

Wang Pengpeng patted his belly, but still couldn't hide his anxiety, got up, and called Xiyang.

Tonight's Sunset Tour, travelers of the appropriate level, and those who are willing, will go to the B250 group as soon as the tour information appears in the early morning. The same is true for other tour groups, brigades, and tourists specially trained by various tour guide alliances.

But for the difficulty-level journey, only passengers with one star at the intermediate level can enter. This is really too low. Even Shi Xiao's younger brother Shi Tao has two stars at the intermediate level!

"Hey, it would be great if Bing250 could lead a higher-level group, even if it's just a super-dangerous group."

Wang Pengpeng said with emotion, if this were the case, people could squeeze in half the way home and cheer him on!


* *

"It's a pity that I only managed to collect 300,000 points."

Wei Xun regretfully thought that he had sold all the rags he collected from his trip to northern Tibet after appraisal.

What about the black stone Buddha statue of Dalameba, the partially radiated black stone mine, excavated from the Hailuogou ruins, the small conch fossil, the small black stone statue, the small gold plate as big as a fingernail, etc., all of which came from the belly of a fox cub. I found them in every nook and cranny and sold them all to the hotel.

He worked so hard, but finally accepted the 200,000 points that An Xuefeng insisted on transferring, and finally managed to collect 300,000 points.

It’s really hard for Xinxing Tour Guide to spend a penny.

Wei Xun would be scolded by other tour guides after hearing this. Who would be like him and accumulate 200,000 points just to test whether the hotel company will control the tour guide points and send him a group with a super rank.

"What level will it be?"

Wei Xun also rarely became nervous. He hoped to be sent on a more difficult journey.

Only if it is difficult enough, he will be strong enough after he comes out.

"Dangerous level, or super dangerous level like Drunken Beauty Xiangxi?"

The kind of "Drunk Beauty in Xiangxi" should be impossible. After all, Bingjiu would have a hard time leading this group. Usually those who lead super-dangerous groups are second-class tour guides.

They are not the bottom-class second-class tour guides like Yi Baihun and Yi Yihun, but the middle-class second-class tour guides like Fu Gui Yi 49!

Not to mention the extremely dangerous levels on the upper levels. That is second only to the difficulty of the journey to 30 degrees north latitude!

Time passes minute by minute.

As the morning approached, everyone's hearts began to tighten.

Finally it’s twelve o’clock!

"Quickly, search for Bing250!"

In an instant, all major brigades, tour groups, even tour guide alliances, and even some people in the West District all clicked on the latest journey information and searched for Bing250 in the tour guide column as quickly as possible. No matter what you see when you switch the page, just click ‘I want to join the group! ’


"I can't join in!"

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