Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 137 Passenger Rising Star List

[Passenger Wei Xun, the hotel is settling the bill for your trip, and the comprehensive evaluation is in progress——]

[After evaluation, new tourist Wei Xun has perfectly passed the 'Qiongzongshan Shangxiong Kingdom Ruins' attraction; he has perfectly passed the 'Xiaolin Temple Burnt by Fire' attraction; he has perfectly passed the 'Devil Lake Selincuo' attraction; and successfully discovered And completed a series of side attractions, perfectly completing the main line of the journey 'It turns out that I really can't become King Shang Hung'】

[You are the well-deserved captain of this brigade and have been recognized by the hotel! 】

[You are the best traveler in this team, and the hotel is proud to have you! 】

[You have been recognized by all the passengers in the brigade, and they elected you as a special police officer at the third scenic spot. You have fulfilled your duties as a special police officer and let the prisoners get the punishment they deserve! 】

[Comprehensive evaluation shows that you are an excellent new traveler. Your performance on this trip has received a five-star rating. Please participate in more trips in the future and keep up the good work! 】

[You get captain bonus: 5000 points]

[You have received a special police subsidy: 10,000 points]

[As a novice traveler with outstanding performance, you have received a newbie gift package (five-star rating) prepared by the hotel! 】

[(Five-star) Newcomer Gift Package includes:

5000 points starting deposit

Mall discount card (50% off, number of uses 5/5)

Restoring physical health services at once

A spiritual relaxation service

Hotel rule book

An opportunity to contact the target brigade]

【Please note! The reward you get for completing the main line of the hotel: 'You can upgrade the level of any title' has not been used yet. Please make your choice as soon as possible to prevent the reward from expiration over time (Note: For difficult journeys, the upgrade level is from the deep blue title onwards. You can Upgrading the green title to blue can upgrade the blue title to dark blue. After the upgrade, the previous title will disappear)]

[You have experienced all the items in the journey and received the hotel blind box X1]

[You have experienced the complete branch attractions and received the hotel blind box X1]

[You have completed the main line of the journey and received the hotel blind box X2]

【The journey is over! The hotel virtual lobby has been opened to you]

[Thriller Global Hotel APP has been downloaded to your mobile phone]

[The passenger ranking list is opened to you, you currently have no ranking]

[You can start your next journey at any time. The scary customer service reminds you that a proper balance between work and rest will help you soothe your nerves. 】

[If you want to join the trip, please always pay attention to the ‘latest trip information’ message prompt in the APP. 】

[Wish you a happy next trip! 】

"Can't we keep this service of restoring health and relaxing our mind?"

Wei Xun regretted that when the hotel announced, the 'one-time physical recovery service' and 'one-time mental relaxation service' included in the novice gift package were all used automatically, and he didn't even have time to stop them.

In just a few seconds, Wei Xun felt relaxed all over, his mind became clearer, and he was full of energy and energy.

Although in the abyss node, *** took action to restore Wei Xun's body and SAN value once, the feeling was almost the same as now.

No, speaking of it, it would be better to * * * recover. When he had just recovered, Wei Xun felt that he had regained his sense of pain, although it was only for a few seconds. But now that the hotel has been restored this time, it doesn’t feel that way.

"Hotels are showing off their skills to new travelers."

Wei Xun meditated that it can heal wounds, cure diseases, and restore broken limbs, which means that as long as you can return to the hotel alive, no matter how seriously injured you are, the hotel can heal you.

But he is so keen that the most important thing is actually ‘mental relaxation’.

Rather than saying it is about mental relaxation, it is better to say that it is a combination of 'driving away negative emotions' and 'injecting mental vitality'. After a journey, the fatigue, fear and uneasiness of new travelers will all disappear after the spirit is relaxed. Only the excitement of adventure, the novelty of the journey, and the ambition for the future are left.

This allows new travelers to integrate into the hotel faster and better and actively complete their journey.

Items to restore overall health and relax mentally can be purchased in the hotel mall. Of course, this is more expensive. But the cheaper ones also include blood replenishing agents, one-time repairing agents, primary music therapy, a sweet dream and other items. Travelers can choose what they need.

"The treatment of tour guides is completely different."

The hotel treats tourists like honey, but treats tour guides like they are threatening them with a big stick. Before Wei Xun entered the hotel, he had nightmares of alienation and death for a month. To him, it was enjoyment of pain, but to others, it was probably unbearable torture.

But the tour guides are all people who are dying, and they naturally have a desire for life. Only in the hotel, and only by leading groups and tasks, can the countdown to death be continued.

This is the greatest reward for them.

Wei Xun is thinking about the mechanism of a hotel. For travelers, a hotel is powerful and generous. It can provide travelers with a safe and strong backing, encourage them to go out for adventure, and give them generous rewards.

But he was extremely stingy towards the tour guides and resorted to iron-blooded methods. He almost said that he would die without taking the brigade with him.

You can see it from the points.

The source of Wei Xun's income from the beautiful trip to western Hunan. Xiaotou illegally bought and sold Wu Laoliu hand-woven bamboo baskets, while Datou sold props to the hotel that were given to Bingjiu by an outside organization, so he became rich overnight.

In terms of settlement after completing the journey, apart from half of the basic salary of 1,500 (temporary tour guides only have half!), there is no other points gain.

Not to mention any 'gift packages for novice tour guides', not even a shadow.

Looking at the passengers, although the special police subsidy of 10,000 is very high, it can be said to be based on difficulty. After all, being selected as a special police officer requires the recognition of all passengers, collecting all information clues, and punishing all evildoers.

The captain’s bonus is 5,000, and the newcomer’s starting bonus is also 5,000. This is outrageous!

"This traveler is rich, tsk."

Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh: "I want to snatch it all."

Wei Xun made a calculation in his mind. Not counting the final 20,000 points and some miscellaneous little tips, just during the journey, he got 1,000 points for completing the first scenic spot. The captain's bonus was 50%, which is 1,500 points. .

In the same way, he completed the second scenic spot and got 7,500 points after floating up. After completing the third scenic spot, he got a full 15,000 points after floating up. Not to mention that Wei Xun completed the main line of the journey, and the hotel rewarded him with 20,000 points!

Even if these 20,000 points are double that of a novice traveler, it would still be 10,000 points even if it is normal. But when Wei Xun was a tour guide, he opened a journey to the 30th North Latitude, and the hotel did not give any points rewards!

“Hotels are very stingy with tour guides in terms of points.”

Wei Xun said, it was not the first time he said this, but when he said it this time, he had a new feeling.

Although there is a huge disparity in treatment between tour guides and tourists, tour guides are basically in a dominant position during a journey and are the safest.

Because he does not need to complete various attractions like a tourist. There are also props provided by the hotel such as tour guide flags, tour guide microphones, tour guide brooches, etc. Even ghosts will basically not attack the tour guide.

"How many points are too many?"

Wei Xun murmured, it can be said that as long as the tour guide does not seek death, his points will always increase. Points are life for tour guides.

If you have more points, you will need to heal yourself, buy props, develop a brigade, and honor the tour guide. They will all be spent in the end.

But if a tour guide has more points, most people will buy their lives immediately. After all, the tour guide’s strength and status are guaranteed by the hotel. Buying lives and buying back SAN props should be the biggest consumption of tour guide points.

However, this is detrimental to the hotel.

Just like a bred fighting dog, it can only be ferocious enough if it is hungry enough.

Will the hotel sit back and watch as the tour guide accumulates too many points and is no longer in danger of death? Or will he find a way to make the tour guide points drop sharply and the death countdown drop sharply?

Any tour guide has a way to unleash his absolute strength, and that is to return to zero. Reset the death countdown to zero through suicide.

Wei Xun vaguely realized something, and he planned to do an experiment. At present, Wei Xun had a lot of points. He spent points on clearing the abyss node, buying individual rocket launchers, buying various mines, and falling seriously injured into the abyss to stabilize the countdown to death.

Adding up the remaining points from the last trip and the new points earned from this trip, there are a total of 69,110 points, which is not a small amount. Full redemption of death countdown, 100 points: 1 day ratio, can be exchanged for 691 days, almost two years.

It is now seven o'clock in the evening on September 12th, and after midnight, it will be September 13th.

Wei Xun will return from Xiangxi on August 20 and will lead a new group on September 20. The group opening information will be announced one week in advance, that is tomorrow.

According to the level, Wei Xun is now a silver-level zero-level four-star tour guide. The tours he will receive will only reach the difficult level at most. From the perspective of rank, there is actually not much difference between Bing 250 and Ding 1.

But if, tomorrow he can receive a group that exceeds the dangerous level, or even the super dangerous level——

It's very possible that the hotel is deliberately controlling the tour guide's points.

For groups that exceed the rank of the tour guide and have more powerful passengers, the tour guide loses his advantage and is in danger.

In order to protect themselves, if the tour guide wants to maintain high strength - then the death countdown must be low.

The lower the death countdown, the easier it is to die suddenly due to a sudden crisis.

The tour guide was forced into a desperate situation and had no choice but to burn everything - that is, to return to zero.

When the death countdown reaches zero, the tour guide will explode with great strength.

But when the death countdown reaches zero, the SAN value will plummet. If the SAN value reaches zero, it will be completely hopeless. Wei Xun has a prop name tag and can always remember his name, but other tour guides are different.

Expensive and rare SAN return props, reset to zero, countdown to death.

"Nearly 70,000 points, hotel, what level of group will you send me to?"

Wei Xun smiled: "I'm really curious."

There was no response from the hotel, but Wei Xun's cell phone beeped. Wei Xun took a look and saw that the message was from An Xuefeng!

[An Xuefeng: Are you there? 】

A mobile phone with the Qitu APP downloaded is different from a normal mobile phone. It is not afraid of damage and can be used anywhere. This software has an address book and a chat system inside. Wei Xun added the hotel contact information of An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai, Lu Shucheng and Mao Xiaole. Currently, there are only these four people in his hotel's address book.

At this point, An Xuefeng sent a message, and it turned out to be a serious message to Wei Xun to pay for his mental damage and physical health treatment.

Wei Xun mentioned this before, firstly to elicit a contract, and secondly to test An Xuefeng. He did not mention the specific number of points, nor did he emphasize it when An Xuefeng left. Later, he got along harmoniously with Mao Xiaole and the others.

When I mentioned this before, it was more like I was angry. I said it deliberately, and it didn't sound like I really wanted to ask for much. It stands to reason that even if An Xuefeng doesn't give it, it's normal.

But now Wei Xun basically believes that An Xuefeng is a serious person. He should give these points.

How much and how to give?

Wei Xun is good at guessing people's hearts and can outline a more complete character image from many details and habits.

For example, the Devil Merchant used precious bait like magic crystal to catch Xiao Cui at the beginning. This shows that he is either backed by a large organization, or he is rich and has no shortage of items such as magic crystal, or he is extremely interested in this confrontation mission.

However, he has not yet settled the soul contract in his six subsequent bait fishing attempts, which shows that this person is confident in his own strength and has a certain tendency to take risks and gamble. He may like to gamble with small things.

With An Xuefeng's character, the points he would compensate must be, according to his assessment, able to make up for Wei Xun's losses, and show his sincerity, or show his financial resources for his return.

The tourists are definitely not poor. This is Wei Xun’s deepest feeling at the moment. The top brigade on the way back will definitely not be raided and persecuted by tour guides. I don’t know whether An Xuefeng bought such a large brigade station in full or the team members raised funds, but in any case, it cost at least several million points.

If I have millions of points, can the hotel directly send me to lead Thirty Degrees North Latitude?

Wei Xunchang thought for a moment, fiddled with his phone casually, and replied "Yes".

An Xuefeng... Although he said so, he probably wouldn't have scored so many points. First, in the eyes of a traveler of this level, points may be just a number. If he really wants to compensate Wei Xun, he may give out some precious props, resources and the like.

But to be honest, Wei Xun wants points now, more points to verify his conjecture.

As expected, An Xuefeng didn't say anything more: "Do you have time?" 】[Let’s talk] and other nonsense, but after a short silence, he directly sent information about many props.


Wei Xun was so shocked that he took a breath of air!

The first three props sent by An Xuefeng were all of 'unknown' quality!

What is the concept of unknown quality? The only "unknown" quality Wei Xun has ever seen is a series of props!

The items An Xuefeng took out were [* * *'s Jacket], [a half-bill of ¥¥¥], and [...a ghost lantern]


Wei Xun thought thoughtfully, in addition to * * *, the newly arrived ¥¥¥ and... are probably also the owners of the hotel, otherwise their items would not be on the same level as * * *.

But hotel managers should also have strengths and weaknesses in the world. Although the quality is unknown, ***'s jacket has three functions, the ¥¥¥'s banknotes have two functions, and...'s ghost lantern has only one function.

And they are all defensive and protective.

"What does An Xuefeng want to do?"

He gave too much, and Wei Xun became more cautious.

Even if you really show sincerity, you should have a certain degree of restraint in your heart. How could he throw all the good stuff at him before he even started on his way home?

Although An Xuefeng and Xingxing (* * *) have a close relationship and are probably separated by the same person, they cannot be sure whether they are friends or foes. If An Xuefeng and *** are enemies, what is his relationship with Qian Qianqian and Diandian?

friend? ally? Throw their things over and use them to monitor Xingxing and Wei Xun?

Wei Xun, this kind of thing, was not easy to get. He remembered what happened to his climbing rope when he was adventuring to the stars in northern Tibet. At that time, Wei Xun was thinking that the stronger something is, the more dangerous it is. The owner's items may not be completely dead, but may contain some of his attention. The other party can communicate with such items at any time.

Wei Xun does not intend to accept any more items related to the principal, even if they are stars.

In addition to these three items of unknown quality, other props are also top-notch. Some can give people an extra life, such as Clay Man Zhang’s clay figurine, Russian matryoshka dolls, etc., and some have strong protective power, such as the Thousand-Year Tortoise Shell, Snail shells of monster snails and more.

There weren't many weapons. What An Xuefeng meant was that the fanatic's knife in Wei Xun's hand was purely offensive. Personal weapons are always the most suitable for individuals and have strong growth potential, but they must be used all the time.

If Wei Xun stops using the Fanatic Knife because of a stronger weapon at this stage, it will be detrimental to his future.

In addition, there is also a shielding prop [Invisibility Cloak]. With so many precious props, An Xuefeng actually let him choose three at will!

Wei Xun couldn't understand.

"What does An Xuefeng want to do?"

The value of these items really exceeded his expectations. If Wei Xun really wants three pieces, even if he doesn't use them himself and sells them to the hotel, at the hotel's ridiculous recycling price, he might be able to sell them for hundreds of thousands of points.

Although only idiots would sell them, Wei Xun didn't think that An Xuefeng was doing charity. The value of these things far exceeded the so-called 'mental damages' and 'physical health damages'.

After all, Wei Xun really didn't have much to lose.

[I’m not sure I want to join the return journey yet]

Wei Xun pondered and replied tentatively.


What the hell are you talking about?

Wei Xun sent another message: [Captain An, the props you gave are too precious. I can’t take them. I was just joking before. 】

[No joke, this is mental damage fee]

An Xuefeng typed this line, but quickly withdrew it.

[Okay, what do you want? 】

"Interesting, mental damage fee..."

Wei Xun's mind whirled, and he suddenly thought of something. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, saying: [Can I have anything I want? 】

[As long as it does not violate morality and I can do it, I can do it]

Wei Xun was almost sure of what he was thinking. He typed slowly: [I don't know if this is against morality, but it is like this, Captain An, I want a snow leopard. But it seems to already have an owner. 】

[This matter has bothered me for a long time. Captain An, tell me, is it against morality to have the Leopard of the Lord? 】

* *

Puno Gangri Glacier in the uninhabited land of Qiangtang in northern Tibet.

The Punogangri Glacier is the third largest glacier in the world after the Antarctic and the Arctic. It is known as the third largest glacier in the world. There are many ice tongues, ice beams, and ice caves on the glacier. The climate is harsh and few adventurers Can reach the third pole of this world.

But the most mysterious thing deep in the Punogang Glacier is a legendary ghost glacier that does not exist, which is the Laplanglacier. According to legend, Laplange is the location of the Demon Kingdom, with countless demon kings and generals sealed inside.

On weekdays, it is hidden in the human world. Only when the once-in-a-millennium Buddha's light descends on the sacred mountain Kailash, the Laplangli Glacier will briefly appear, allowing the demons sealed in the glacier to bathe in the Buddha's light. Those who repent will be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering; those who do not repent will be burned to charcoal by the Buddha's light.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was already dark on the plateau. The cold wind howled and rolled up the snow foam, and scattered snowflakes were floating in the sky. Towards the end of September, it started to snow on the glacier. The roar of the wind was as terrifying as the roar of a wild beast.

No, there really is a beast roaring in the strong wind mixed with snow flakes! But this was the cry of fear and despair before death. The huge black shadow staggered and fell, turning into a ball of white snow, like a small snow mountain collapse. After the roar, except for the howling of the cold wind, there was deathly silence.

But the next moment, there was a dim light cutting through the darkness and passing through the snow. No, it was not light, but a scimitar. Where the dim light of the sword fell, time seemed to slow down. The scimitar fell, and like the sickle of death, it hooked through the snow, and three bloody skeletons were drawn out, and these bones were still struggling and trembling as if they were alive!

It turns out that the silence before was just an illusion. If no one paid attention, these three skeletons would soon escape from the ice crevice! But right now, they were 'frozen' in the dim light of the sword. One of them couldn't even withstand the power of the blade and shattered directly into slag. The other two were also trembling, their bodies were full of cracks, and they might shatter at any time.

It wasn't until a soft song sounded that they no longer continued to break, but continued to shrink, and were finally collected into a dream catcher.

"The Laplange Glacier has not appeared yet. We will capture some Blood Pagodas tomorrow."

According to legend, the Snow Pagoda that protects the ice field for the Demonic Kingdom only appears during snowstorms. It is not in season now and the snowstorm is not too heavy. The dream chasers should gather their strength and set off a big enough snowstorm on the glacier tomorrow night to attract more snow pagodas.

Using snow as skin and flesh, using demon bones as blood bones, eighty-one sets of blood bones can force a crack to appear on the Laplange Glacier.

With their strength, there is no difference between a crack and a door. As long as there is this crack, they can invade.

Dreamcatcher's dark orange cloak was inconspicuous at night, not as bright as the light of a single star. An Xuefeng's evil spirit had not dissipated, but he had put away the knife and silently lit a cigarette. The lighter was specially made, but the cigarette was not. In such a strong wind, it was impossible to tell whether he was smoking or the wind was smoking with him. Anyway, the cigarette burned out in a few seconds.

An Xuefeng was still holding the butt of his cigarette in his mouth, as if deep in thought. The calloused fingers caressed the screen of the mobile phone. The usually decisive person showed a rare hesitation, opening and closing the phone.

"Mentally unstable?"

Dream Chaser noticed something strange about him and muttered: "You have to stay on the glacier for a few more days, or else you turn into a snow leopard..."


An Xuefeng said coldly, as if he had finally made up his mind, he took out his phone and lit up the screen. The video starts playing again, muted. Dream Chaser didn't know what An Xuefeng was looking at. In fact, Dream Chaser had been focusing on things on the snow-capped mountains and glaciers recently. He occasionally took care of his health and didn't have much time to pay attention to anything else.

It was also this time after I came to the Qiangtang Safe Zone that I accidentally discovered that several tour guides from the Western District wanted to enter the country. After killing them, I found out that they had reached the abyss node during their journey to northern Tibet.

Few people know that the Abyss Node and the Journey to Thirty Degrees North Latitude are actually related to each other. Being able to get out of the Abyss Node strengthens the dream chaser's idea that there must be a Journey to Thirty Degrees North Latitude hidden in Tibet.

This time it was not a trip through the hotel, but a secret exploration of the scenic spots with An Xuefeng, which was essentially illegal. And the difficulty will also increase sharply. Even if it is to cooperate with An Xuefeng, Dream Chaser is ready to return to zero.

But who would have thought that An Xuefeng would start a fight as if he had eaten gunpowder, and he would fight so fiercely that he would not spare any hand. It's like a direct violent push, and until now there is basically no room for his dream chaser to take action.

The only thing he did was to hit An Xuefeng too hard, and when he was about to smash the Blood Pagoda, he took a handful of it and left it alive.

After all, it is better to kill them together after gathering enough numbers.

He also discovered that in addition to fighting too hard, An Xuefeng, a guy who usually didn't touch his phone and was often unable to find anyone, actually looked at his phone once or twice after every fight. Previously, he had killed the Three-Headed Snow Buddha with a single blow, just to retract a message and kill him so fast that even his dream chaser had no time to collect the body.

It was the same thing just now. If it weren't for his quick eyesight and quick hands, these three snow pagodas would have been destroyed again.

"What are you looking at?"

Dreamers are rarely curious. The progress is faster and more stable than expected, and he should be able to go to the glacier tomorrow. He is also more relaxed, and he is in the mood to tease: "Captain An, are you in love?"

To be honest, An Xuefeng looks at his phone now and then again, really like a young man in love.


An Xuefeng's voice was cold, and his tone was even more irritable and impatient. His voice was frighteningly cold. Let alone being in love, it was as if he was his enemy on the other side of the phone.

"I'm looking at a beast."

brute? Who is An Xuefeng scolding?

Dream Chaser sensed something was wrong, and he warned: "An Xuefeng, your situation is not right now, and you are showing signs of losing control."

We are not on a journey now! If An Xuefeng loses control, especially if he loses control because of his enemies, he will most likely rush out and kill all the enemies who offend him!

What is he looking at? Who made An Xuefeng lose control? Is it an alliance of butchers, a trap set by people who are desperate for life?

Dream Chaser's eyebrows furrowed tighter and tighter, and his expression became more and more solemn. He was already thinking that if the secret was leaked and the Butcher Alliance really set a trap here in advance, would he and An Xuefeng be able to open the Ghost Glacier under the Butcher Alliance's offensive? Or, could it be that the Ghost Glacier and Shabalam Cave Just a game? Does the Butcher Alliance want to catch him and An Xuefeng in one fell swoop?

After thinking about it, Dream Chaser whispered: "If it doesn't work, we will withdraw."

"Withdraw what?"

An Xuefeng asked rhetorically.

"If you suddenly rush out..."

"Why should I rush out suddenly?"

An Xuefeng said impatiently, finally moving his eyes away from the phone and looking at the dream chaser. He rubbed his temples, the anger on his face lessened, and asked calmly: "Dream Chaser, what's wrong?"

The dream chaser knew that his situation was not stable, and he didn't want to irritate him further by saying things like 'butcher alliance', 'life-seeker', etc., so he thought carefully and said: "I'm afraid of you, so I'm going to hunt down that 'beast'..." …”

"What am I hunting for?"

An Xuefeng looked strange and sneered: "I'm scolding myself."

"I am that beast."

Ah this.

The dreamer was at a loss.

How can anyone call themselves a beast?

No, An Xuefeng kept looking at his phone and concluded that he was a beast?

Dream Chaser felt that this person's spirit might be more unstable than imagined. That’s right, tour guides need brigades, and brigades also need tour guides. An Xuefeng's condition is so bad, and there has still been no tour guide joining him on his return trip over the years. It's no wonder that his mental state is getting worse and worse.

Thinking of this, the dream chaser sighed. After all, they have been friends for several years and can be considered friends. He comforted:

"There is still hope for your team, Wei Xun, that's what his name seems to be. Maybe he can join us on the way home."

"Wei Xun..."

When the name was mentioned, An Xuefeng's expression was complicated. He took another cigarette but did not light it this time. Instead, silently and masochistically, he watched the video again. In the dim tent, the snow leopard purred happily and pressed a young man beneath him.

What a beast.

When An Xuefeng watched it for the first time, he couldn't calm down his fluctuating mood even after killing more than 20 Xuefeng. Dream Chaser said that he is mentally unstable. No, he feels that his mind is extremely stable now, otherwise he would not be able to watch this screen recording completely.

After all, if you pick a random section of this northern Tibetan recording, most of the scenes where snow leopards appear only make An Xuefeng want to bury them in the snow and destroy them forever.

But it has happened.

You cannot escape, you must face it and find a solution.

An Xuefeng took another look. The snow leopard was lying on Wei Xun's lap and refused to get up. He had to comb his hair before he got up——

"I'm really indifferent."

He covered his face in pain and muttered to himself.

* *

"An Xuefeng must have seen the screen recording."

Wei Xun couldn't help laughing when he saw An Xuefeng on the other side of the phone determined to compensate him for his mental losses.

In fact, he thought it was nothing. He might have been a little angry when he first learned about it, but he also understood that An Xuefeng's transformation into a snow leopard was not an ordinary wild mind, but a suppression of strength and thinking. He had no human consciousness and was just a simple snow leopard. After that, it didn’t feel too weird anymore.

After all, to be honest, Snow Leopard had helped him a lot during the journey, and he had indeed been helping him without asking for anything in return. As for the snow leopard's closeness, it may be vaguely guided by the contract, or it may be because of the fragment of Maria's butterfly, and it is not An Xuefeng's original intention.

But An Xuefeng might not be able to get over this hurdle. He felt that he really owed Wei Xun, so he kept trying to compensate for mental damages.

After understanding this, Wei Xun no longer refused firmly, but asked for the invisibility cloak and asked An Xuefeng to give him some points casually, and the matter was settled.

When someone feels that they owe you something and wants to make it up to you, it is not good to just refuse.

There is no such thing as the more debt one owes, the closer two people get. Just like fishing, it is not good if the line is tightened, and it is not good if it is relaxed.

How can we communicate so that people feel happy, relaxed, and even feel a little indebted in their hearts, but get closer to you?

That is to accept his apology, but the symbolism is greater than the real meaning. If Wei Xun really collected three items belonging to the owner of the hotel, no matter how precious they were, after collecting them, in An Xuefeng's heart, I'm afraid this matter would be completely over.

He is very principled and is willing to use three precious props to buy peace of mind.

Wei Xun refused.

Accepting the invisibility cloak and some points was a signal to An Xuefeng that I don't mind what happened before, so don't worry.

But for An Xuefeng, the value of the invisibility cloak and the points added up were not as far as what he had decided in his heart that he should compensate Wei Xun for this matter.

So he should be relieved, but there is still some guilt deep in his heart, and the memory is even more profound. Because of this guilt, he may be more willing to help Wei Xun in the future. And with An Xuefeng's character, he might watch the live broadcast and recording again and again.

Because this person is extremely self-disciplined and principled. He never runs away from anything, but faces it directly.

Wei Xun could feel that even with the contract, An Xuefeng still wasn't completely at ease with him. On the way home, as soon as An Xuefeng left, Mao Xiaole and the others arrived behind them, leaving Wei Xun no chance to 'visit by himself'.

So after Wei Xun realized that An Xuefeng might have seen the screen recording and wanted to compensate him, he quickly grasped his guilt and took the initiative.

" taught me these."

It took less than ten minutes to think about these things and reply to some text messages, but Wei Xun felt a little nostalgic.

A long time ago, his brother told him how to treat people and how to get along with them. No matter how complicated people are, they all seem to be transparent in his brother's eyes. He can easily judge what the other person wants and is thinking, which made Wei Xun admire him as a child. Under the guidance of words and deeds, he has become like this.

Later, it was easy to get along with You Ziming. After all, Wei Xun wouldn't live long, so he didn't care about some things and was too lazy to think about it.

But now, he feels a little bit better than before.

Maybe others will think, are you tired from thinking so much?

But Wei Xun enjoyed it, he felt that this was what he was living for.

He's dead, he's dying, so he won't think so much.

Only by living and living a wonderful enough life can he meet a strong person who is worthy of such a test and such a confrontation.

It was like a secret competition. Once he was immersed in it, Wei Xun was extremely excited and trembling.


Wei Xun exhaled and closed the phone.

The prerequisite for all kinds of trials and confrontations is equal strength.

What he has to do now is to improve his strength. Wei Xun sets a small goal for himself. Before entering the Return Path, it must at least be strong enough to defeat any two Return Team members.

This goal sounded extremely arrogant to others, but Wei Xun felt that he could achieve it.

Even though he has only participated in two tours now, he has topped the list of tourist guides and tourists' rising stars in the world respectively.

[Dear traveller, congratulations on choosing Thriller Global Hotel! Thriller Global Hotel, the best choice! 】

A cheerful reminder sounded in Wei Xun's ears:

[The full functionality of the Choutu APP is open for you, and the points you earned during this trip are being settled! 】

Accompanied by the sound of the hotel, various scenes from the exploration of northern Tibet flashed before Wei Xun's eyes. When the first scene was on the bus, Wei Xun put on his seat belt and talked with Fei Lezhi and the others.

[Become a leader among newcomers: 300 points]

Then he stepped on Ding Yi under his feet. All the passengers were either shocked or in disbelief, but Ding Yi, with a smile on his face, announced that Wei Xun was the captain of this journey.

[Become a captain as a newcomer: 1000 points]

Then there are various scenes where Wei Xun fights the dragon fish on the bank of Dangra Yumcuo Lake late at night, enters the Dragon God Waterway and encounters evil insects, and fights the devil in the nine-story swastika crystal tower.

[Complete branch attractions: 1500 points]

Later, he won the golden-winged roc badge in the ruins and the golden-winged roc horn crown in the collapsed nine-layered swastika crystal tower. The golden necklace from thousands of years ago shone on the third floor of Xiaolin Temple's Scripture Cave. In the heavy rain, he took away the bone flute of the successor of the eagle flute. In the darkness, he stole the golden bell from the devil's arm.

[Complete the main line of the journey: 2500 points]

Then came the appearance of puppets and Yin-Yang butterflies, fighting around the abyss node under the earth. This node opened too fast, and the air of the abyss did not leak out and pollute the world. Wei Xun, the mission of summoning outstanding travelers, was also completed!

[Become an excellent traveler and complete the first summons mission: 1500 points]

Finally, the faces of Fei Lezhi, Yin Baitao, Xu Yang, Jiang Hongguang, Ji Hongcai and others flashed through Wei Xun's mind, as well as the successor of the Eagle Flute standing in the darkness, replaced by ***.

[You have been recognized by the hotel and your companions: 1000 points]

The final image is of an old, bone-made eagle flute. It glows with a faint light, as if it has traveled through years and time. It is ancient and mysterious.

[First pass of difficult level journey: 1000 points]

[The total score you obtained during this exploration of northern Tibet is: 8800 points. Congratulations! You set a record for the highest journey score among novice travelers and topped the list of rising stars in the world’s travelers! 】

[You are awarded the ‘Rising Traveler Star’ label by the hotel and receive an invitation to the year-end celebration! 】

At this moment, in the outside world, whether it was the East District or the West District, whether it was the tour guides and tourists staying in the hotel lobby, or the tourists and tour guides checking their mobile phones in the real world, their mobile phones buzzed, and a message was pinned to the top of the Thriller APP.

[Another passenger with unlimited possibilities and amazing talents appears. He will be destined to leave a mark in the history of the hotel! 】

[Newcomer traveler Wei Xun tops the list of rising global travel stars! 】

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