Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 136 Return

"Hey, don't tell me, I'm really good at making Maoxuewang!"

A large mandarin duck pot is placed on the table. On the left is Maoxuewang boiling in spicy oil, and on the right is a milky white fish soup. In the soup, the heads and tails of the big carp from the Yellow River have been fried in advance.

The soup on both sides is boiling, bubbling with bubbling water, and the aroma is fragrant.

"But I just came back from Tibet, so it's better to take it slow. Otherwise, my stomach won't be able to bear it."

Lu Shucheng was dividing the chopsticks with great interest, and even carefully prepared a small plate for Wei Xun's mink cub. A large table is filled with various ingredients, including sliced ​​fish, beef and mutton, shrimps, mushrooms, and various meatballs. The most eye-catching one is a large plate of braised beef and braised beef tendons that are perfectly braised.

Sitting at the table from left to right were Wei Xun, Mao Xiaole and Wang Pengpai. Lu Shucheng sat at the last empty seat and mixed himself a side dish.

Mao Xiaole diligently handed Wei Xun the chopsticks and asked, "Teacher Wei, what are you drinking?"

Wei Xun said: "The fruit is orange."

After An Xuefeng left, Mao Xiaole and the others came back. There are currently three people in the Return Hotel. Except for Lu Shucheng and Wei Xun, they almost all know each other. Wang Pengpai is an old acquaintance.

Although his face looked different from when he was in Zuimei Xiangxi, Wei Xun quickly clicked on his body type and his speaking style.

Lu Shucheng thoughtfully prepared a men's clothing-changing bracelet for Wei Xun. As long as he wears this bracelet with him, he will naturally wear clothes after transforming from an animal back to a human. Wei Xun's previous doubt as to why An Xuefeng had clothes after turning into a human was easily solved. He should also have similar props on his body.

In comparison, Mao Xiaole made Wei Xun feel a bit strange. When Mao Xiaole stood in front of Wei Xun, blushing and stumbling to introduce himself as a Maoshan Taoist priest, Wei Xun's impression of the Maoshan Taoist priest was completely shattered.

In his impression, as a fan of the book for five years, Maoshan Taoist priest should be a middle-aged man with a good temper, very patient, very positive and optimistic, who always wears Taoist robes.

And Mao Xiaole... is a bit too young, he looks to be twenty years old at most. Maybe less than twenty, he looks a bit small, shorter than Wei Xun.

"How old are you?"

Wei Xun changed his clothes and briefly chatted with Mao Xiaole.

"I'm twenty!"

Mao Xiaole said loudly like a report.

"Hahaha, I'm twenty years old."

Lu Shucheng, who was passing by, smiled and said, she turned into a big white wolf and walked briskly past the door with a vegetable basket in her mouth. In the basket were a handful of tender spring onions stained with soil and a few handfuls of watery green vegetables.

"When Mao Xiaole was fourteen years old, he began to strongly recommend Teacher Sanshui to us."

"Lu Shucheng!"

Mao Xiaole became angry from shame and went to pull the wolf's ears. The big white wolf didn't hide. Instead, he followed Mao Xiaole's pull and stretched his head over. He looked at Wei Xun with bright eyes and his tail swayed. He didn't look like a wolf, but more like a large Samoyed.

Wei Xun stretched out his hand tentatively, and she actually put her head under Wei Xun's hand and gently rubbed his palm.

It has to be said that normal people may feel awkward and uncomfortable when they first arrive in a strange place and receive a warm reception. Although Wei Xun didn't know how to do it, he thought that even if he was a normal person, he probably wouldn't feel embarrassed.

I've known this 'little' book fan for five years. He's handsome but also has a bit of a cute white wolf, which makes people relax.

The people on the way back were treating him seriously and didn't want him to feel uncomfortable here.


Doubts arose in Wei Xun's heart. He believed that there is no such thing as love and hate for no reason in the world. If he was so kind to him because he was a new team member, then he hadn't joined the brigade yet.

Moreover, when talking to Mao Xiaole, although Mao Xiaole was looking forward to it and very happy, he did not rush him, but solemnly asked Wei Xun to think about it again. Joining the brigade is a big deal, so don't take it lightly. It's not a particularly urgent request.

If An Xuefeng had said something to these people before leaving...Whether it was a warm reception from the bottom of his heart or an errand, Wei Xun could still tell.

The most important thing is that Lu Shucheng, Mao Xiaole, they are all great travelers who have been famous for a long time and have experienced many battles, but they have a relatively equal relationship with him. It even feels like a little licking.

It's not a derogatory term, it's just that their words are really nice and make people like them unconsciously. Lu Shucheng even acted in a wolf state, quickly eliminating the feeling of unfamiliarity.

What are they planning?

Wei Xun doesn't quite understand.

Naturally passionate, like this for everyone? It shouldn’t be.

But as a newbie traveler, no matter how good his performance is and he stands out among the newbies, he should not be too unique in the eyes of top travelers.

Just complete the main line of the journey and obtain exclusive weapons. Although it was difficult, just now, Mao Xiaole asked Wei Xun to stay for dinner. After Wei Xun agreed, he was very happy and asked Wei Xun if he could eat fish and what kind of fish he liked.

After Wei Xun answered casually, Mao Xiaole excitedly took out a copper plate, filled it with water, and with a swing of his rod, he actually fished out a big Yellow River carp from the water in the copper plate!

"Can I see it?"

Wei Xun was very curious, and with Mao Xiaole's permission, he took the copper plate and inspected it, and found that it looked like an ordinary copper plate with a dull color, only one finger deep at most. After Wei Xun got it, he didn't see any description of the props.

Either this is not a prop, just an ordinary item.

Either this is a personal prop, and others cannot see its name and function after getting it. Just like Wei Xun's Fanatic's Knife, after others pick it up, they won't be able to see its name unless they use special methods.

But Wei Xun had heard of the allusion of fishing with water in copper pans.

"Is this Zuo Ci's copper plate?"

Zuo Ci was an alchemist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. "Book of the Later Han: Biography of Zuo Ci" records that Zuo Ci used magic magic to have a banquet with Cao Cao. Cao wanted to catch the Songjiang perch, so Ci used a copper plate to fill the water and fished it.

After Zuo Ci's copper plate is filled with water, it can connect all rivers, lakes and seas. No matter what kind of river seafood Wei Xun wants to eat, Mao Xiaole can get it for him.

Wei Xun wasn't too interested in seafood, he was more interested in this copper plate.

Mao Xiaole only said it was for food, but Wei Xun felt that the copper plate had a more terrifying function.

Can this copper plate transfer people to all major rivers, lakes and seas?

Or, if someone is hiding in the water, or there is something important hidden at the bottom of the lake, can Mao Xiaole catch it with a copper plate?

If you think about it for a moment, its functions are amazing. Especially Mao Xiaole replied:

"Yes, it is a special prop of mine."

One piece.

Wei Xun keenly noticed Mao Xiaole's words, which meant that he did not only have one exclusive prop.

Wei Xun displayed his fanatic knife and discussed with Mao Xiaole. When Mao Xiaole saw Wei Xun actually taking out the Madman's Knife, he suddenly felt that he trusted him, and he happily told Wei Xun all about the exclusive weapons, including the classification of the exclusive weapons.

Pure attack type, purely auxiliary type, rule type, causal type, etc.

Wei Xun's fanatic's knife is considered a pure attack and is very suitable as a weapon. It will be the strongest single attack in the future.

Mao Xiaole's copper plate and his fishing rod are all considered rules. The rule of the copper plate is that it can be connected to all rivers, lakes and seas in the world. The rule of the fishing rod is that everything under the water can be fished.

Two pieces, just the copper plate and fishing rod, are two exclusive props.

Wei Xun was secretly surprised. He remembered that when Maoshan Taoist discussed the character of Zuo Ci with him, it was about three years ago when he was writing "Maoshan Taoist: The Horror of the Ancient Tomb". Maoshan Taoist secretly hinted to him overtly and covertly, Speaking of Mao Sanwu, the protagonist in this article, he should have found a copper plate when he visited Zuo Ci’s tomb.

Mao Xiaole was definitely not aimless. It was very likely that he had obtained two exclusive items, the copper plate and the fishing rod. This year he is twenty years old but actually nineteen years old. Three years ago he was sixteen. In other words, when Mao Xiaole was sixteen years old, he had already completed two main journeys.

This is really shockingly young. Xu Yang, a blind boy in northern Tibet, was also younger, fifteen years old, but Mao Xiaole was not much older than him at the time.

"How long have you been in the hotel?"

They carried the carp and walked towards the kitchen. On the way, Wei Xun asked curiously

"About ten years, it's quite a long time."

Wang Pengpai answered the question with a smile. He wore an apron on his fat belly. If he wore a chef's hat, he would look like a chef in a restaurant:

"Xiao Le was just a child when he first came here. When the captain took him out, others thought he was the captain's kid."

"I'm an adult now!"

Mao Xiaole gritted his teeth and glanced at Wei Xun quickly as he spoke. He didn't want to be treated like a child by Teacher Sanshui. He was an adult man and could definitely protect Teacher Sanshui from coding safely! seems that Teacher Sanshui doesn't need his protection.

Thinking of Wei Xun's performance during his journey to northern Tibet, Mao Xiaole felt happy and proud, but also a little sad. His original dream of traveling to work while Teacher Sanshui coded at home seemed to have been shattered.

Alas, it turns out that Teacher Sanshui is such a person. No wonder, he likes to take risks everywhere, how can he stay at home and code in peace.

Especially now that he has joined the hotel, Mao Xiaole has an ominous premonition.

He may never see the end of "Maoshan Taoist" again!

Wei Xun didn't pay attention to 'Young Mao Xiaole's Troubles'. He was only surprised when he heard Wang Pengpai's words.

Ten years ago, even ten years ago, Mao Xiaole was nine years old.

Selected into a hostel at the age of nine? Or when you were younger?

The hotel has its own selection criteria, but in any case, the tour guides are all people who are about to die, and the tourists are all people with firm wishes and an extremely strong desire to realize their wishes.

What wishes does nine-year-old Mao Xiaole have that must come true? But no matter what, he was selected into the hotel at the age of nine and is still alive today. Regardless of talent, strength or luck, he is absolutely top-notch.

And this kind of Mao Xiaole is not arrogant in front of Lu Shucheng and Wang Pengpai, but more like a big boy. In other words, his status in the journey home is not the highest.

There are people who are equal in strength to him, or even stronger than him.

If the entire journey back was filled with such strength, Wei Xun couldn't understand why they would treat him so eagerly.

What exactly are you plotting?

Wei Xun remained calm and planned to take another look.

Eating together is the best thing to do to bring the relationship closer and make both parties relax. Lu Shucheng and Wang Pengpai, the chefs, made two kinds of soup bases: Yellow River carp pot and Maoxuewang spicy pot. As soon as the food was served, everyone ate and drank, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

"Wei Xun, try this braised beef!"

Lu Shucheng enthusiastically recommended: "This is my homemade one."

The braised beef on the wide-mouthed porcelain plate is not cut into thin slices like restaurant takeout, but in large chunks, which looks very bold and attractive. Especially when simmered in the Maoxuewang spicy pot and dipped in red oil, it is spicy and rich, full of sauce aroma, and the meat quality is very good. There are amber-colored tendons in the lean meat, which is extremely soft and waxy.

"The canned beef you ate when you were at Longshen Waterway was something we especially liked to buy before."

Lu Shucheng said with a smile: "Mao Xiaole moved boxes one by one to the hotel, but the price of the cans increased. From 'canned braised beef' to 'canned braised beef, the favorite of Maoshan Taoist priests on the return journey', Directly increased from 5 points per can to 100 points per can! ”

"Trash hotel, profiteers, simply outrageous."

Mao Xiaole muttered bitterly, so embarrassed that he didn't even dare to look at Wei Xun. He drank tea and added a piece of braised beef and chewed it as hard as chewing hotel meat.

"Really, I'm laughing to death. When this incident dominated the forum, as soon as Mao Xiaole went out, an acquaintance would ask, 'Mao Xiaole, did you eat canned braised beef today?' Xiaole was so angry."

Wang Pengpai was happy: "Later, he stopped buying canned food. The captain thought he was pitiful and braised beef for Mao Xiaole. The result was, tsk, hehe."

"Then why has the name of this can been changed now?"

Wei Xun was curious. He remembered eating canned braised beef in Longshen Waterway. This can was brought in the travel bag given to the newcomers by the hotel, and its name is simply 'braised beef can'. There is no other name like 'Mao Xiaole's favorite on the return trip'.

"The captain went to the hotel, and the name of the can was changed back to its original name."

Lu Shucheng said with a smile: "But even if the name is changed, Xiao Le will not buy canned braised beef anymore. But now, my braised beef is more delicious, and there is no need to buy any canned braised beef."

Wei Xun's heart moved slightly after hearing this. Wang Pengpai and the others' chatty words revealed countless information.

For example, the hotel's items will change their names and increase their prices.

What's more, when An Xuefeng went to the hotel, the name and price of the can were changed back.

Is it because An Xuefeng has a big reputation, or is he strong enough? "Find the hotel." What did An Xuefeng do?

Hit it up? Or negotiation?

By ‘over there at the hotel’, do you mean the person in charge of the hotel? Or something else?

Wei Xun still remembers that when he first entered the journey, when he was drunk in Xiangxi, the customer service had a prompt that "the hotel has been attacked and has been lifted." Now Wei Xun wants to know, was it the hotel that was attacked, or the person in charge of the hotel who was attacked?

"You still said that Sister Cheng was almost abducted when she first entered the hotel."

Mao Xiaole snorted coldly and began to fight back, exposing each other's shortcomings: "It was also her first trip and she performed well at that time. She was favored by major brigade teams and also noticed by tour guides. At that time, the tour guide alliance invited her at the mutual selection meeting. She actually thought that the alliance sounded bigger than the brigade, and she almost joined the tour guide alliance!”

“Can tourists also join the Tour Guide Alliance?”

Wei Xun was surprised.

"Of course, there can be tour guides in the brigade, and of course there can be tourists in the tour guide alliance."

Wang Pengpeng took a sip of wine, shook his head and picked up a piece of tender fish meat: "But that's not a good thing, those tour guides, hey."

"Tour guides should die."

Mao Xiaole said coldly. For a moment, his brows and eyes were full of anger, but when Wei Xun looked over, he immediately restrained himself. He looked like a good dog Gou who was trying hard to put away his fangs.

"I received a mission at the last third scenic spot and met three tour guides."

Wei Xun said: "Team An said they are Pinocchio, Yin-Yang Butterfly and Mingxiong, who are in the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance respectively?"

"What?! Did you meet a life-seeking person?!"

Wang Pengpai was shocked. He didn't know about this. The live broadcast was blocked after the Abyss Node appeared. At this moment, his eyes were looking at Wei Xun, and he couldn't help but cursed: "Fuck, really, fuck."

"It's okay, Team An was there at the time."

Lu Shucheng consoled her. She and Mao Xiaole listened to An Xuefeng's mention of life-seeking people at the mutual selection meeting and could roughly guess what was going on.

"Those butchers are like fleas. They can't be killed."

Mao Xiaole was full of evil spirits, his eyebrows were unruly, and he couldn't hide it anymore: "One of them should be killed."

"I heard you talking about the Butcher Alliance, and the life-haunting man is the leader of the Butcher Alliance."

Wei Xun frowned and said: "Butcher, is it the one who kills passengers? But the man who ordered me didn't kill me immediately..."

Wei Xun was testing. He wanted to know what other aspects of himself were exposed in front of An Xuefeng besides the lack of pain perception.

For example, the fact that he turned the fox cub into a leopard cub and threw it at An Xuefeng instead of killing it was inconsistent with the character of a life-haunting person.

This owner actually wants to kill the mink cubs, he is simply inhumane!

The mink who was eating hard next to Wei Xun shuddered, ignored Wei Xun, and continued to chew on the large pieces of braised beef, until his face was covered with the fragrant marinade.

It smells so good. If you want to kill it, just kill it. Anyway, you will definitely have to be a stuffed ferret.

"It would be more dangerous if the man who killed you didn't kill you than if he killed you."

Wang Pengpeng said solemnly: "Do you know Bingjiu?"

Bingjiu? Then I'm familiar with it.

"have no idea."

Wei Xun said: "Bingjiu, the tour guide with the ninth rank of C?"

"That's right, in fact, every Bingjiu is carefully selected by Xi Mingren. Before he became a tour guide, he was a tourist."

Wang Pengpai’s words are astonishing!

Every Bingjiu was a tourist before becoming a tour guide?

Wei Xun's heart was like thunder, and his face remained calm: "Tour guide, aren't you a tour guide after being selected into the hotel?"

"No, the people selected into the hotel are all tourists at the beginning, but they are divided into Y type tourists and X type special tourists. X type special tourists are actually the reserves of the tour guides."

Lu Shucheng explained: "Only X-type special tourists can become tour guides. Y-type tourists are pure tourists. But it is rumored that Ximing people have special means to transform Y-type tourists into X-type special tourists."

"Every Bingjiu is born like this."

She didn't go into detail about Bingjiu, but just used it to give Wei Xun an example: "The last Bingjiu died, and people who care about life may want to have another Bingjiu."

No wonder An Xuefeng only asked the question based on the painlessness before, but he didn't have any doubts about the fact that he was not killed by the life-seeking people.

"So there is such a thing?"

Wei Xundao said insincerely: "This is too terrible."

This is wonderful.

"You mean, the Mingxing people didn't kill me, but they wanted to make me a tour guide?"

"It's possible."

Wang Pengpai said, muttering in his heart. If he is really a life-thirsty person, that would be incredible.

Bai Xiaosheng has been monitoring the activities at the Inca Sun Gate. Although he and Wan Xiangchun are mainly tracking Bing250 now, the surveillance at the Sun Gate will not stop. He didn't send any news back, which means that the body of the life-seeker should still be in the Sun Gate.

If that were the case, that would be terrible.

Many powerful tour guides have their own puppets and avatars, and powerful avatars can even be recognized by the hotel to lead the brigade. For example, Dream Chaser has multiple incarnations. When he went to explore the Laplange Snow Mountains with An Xuefeng, his incarnations could be at various levels and lead the group as a tour guide. This was also tacitly approved by the hotel.

There is a huge disparity in the number of tour guides and tourists, and the number of tour guides has always been somewhat insufficient. The fact that tour guides are incarnated is not a secret among high-level tourist circles.

But there is only one exception, and that is the trip to the 30th North Latitude.

The tour guide who leads the team on a journey to 30 degrees north latitude cannot control other external incarnations. He can only control the original body.

That's why Wang Pengpai felt terrible.

Either the life-seeking person's strength has broken through and reached a higher level, and he can still control the external incarnation during the journey of 30 degrees north latitude.

Either he came out of the Inca Sun Gate quietly, and no one noticed it.

As for whether anyone would pretend to be a life-seeking person, as long as a crimson cloak appears, it is impossible.

Those top tour guides' cloaks...not everyone can wear them. They are almost a rule of the hotel.

"Don't be afraid, we won't be afraid of their Butcher Alliance on our way home."

Wang Pengpeng comforted him and said, "One will kill one, two will kill a pair."

"There's nothing to fear from the butcher guide, just kill him and that's it."

Lu Shucheng also said, with a look of yearning on his face: "Some butchers make delicious food, so it's better not to kill them first, but to wait and kill them later. Like the pollen balls of the Yin-Yang butterfly, the devil dragon man's poison Eggs and Bee Taoist's magic honey are both delicious. Hey, let me tell you, there is a tour guide named Spider Man who is not very good. He raises spiders that are as delicious as king crabs! Each spider leg is filled with plump and tender white meat, and the taste is amazing! "

Lu Shucheng couldn't help but sip his saliva, and discussed with Mao Xiaole: "Xiaole, let's kill the dragon people. Kill them until only the dragons and spiders are left, and get some dragon eggs and big dragons." The spider is back. When Teacher Wei comes next time, I will give you three whole spider meat dragon eggs!"

"Humph, it depends on whether they know each other or not."

Mao Xiaole said coolly: "Don't come to die under my peach wood sword."

It's just that he was holding the same orange juice as Wei Xun, and he also deliberately drank the orange juice to the same height as Wei Xun. Putting the two glasses together, looking at the orange juice at the same height, Mao Xiaole's mouth curled up slightly, happily. It was as if he had done something extraordinary, which severely weakened his evil spirit.

"Yes, I'm not afraid."

Wei Xun smiled and said nonchalantly: "Captain An is stronger than the Ming Xier at first glance. I was caught by the Ming Xier in his hand and could see clearly. When Captain An's knife fell, the Ming Xier couldn't even hide. ”

Yes, this is the second loophole in Wei Xun's test.

At that time, he was really intimidated by An Xuefeng's sword and could not move or fight back at all. Fortunately, the abyss node was opened at that time. But even so, he was hit with blood marks all over his body. After falling into the abyss node, he couldn't move at all, just like a broken glass man.

"Team An is very strong."

Broken, Wang Pengpai glared at Lu Shucheng and the others. They were boasting like this, but it seemed that Wei Xun began to underestimate the Butcher Alliance and the life-seeking people.

This is not possible! Wang Pengpai had a bit of a toothache, but he thought about himself. If he were Wei Xun, he would have crushed Ding Yi like a dog on the first day of the journey, and then watched the big tour guides cutting melons under Captain An. It fell down like a dish, and after coming out, I listened to Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng's playing.

I'm afraid he can do it and so can I. I think the butchers' alliance is not worth mentioning!

But this is an absolutely wrong perception. If he is really targeted by a life-seeking person, it will be very dangerous!

"But the man who ordered me not to hide was not because he was suppressed by the force of the sword."

Wang Pengpeng considered and explained how to make An Xuefeng realize the power and danger of life-haunting people without damaging his image.

"He is a very proud person. If the opponent goes all out, he will go all out. If the opponent does not go all out, he will only use weaker power to defeat him."

No, if you say it like that, the life-seeking person will sound like an idiot.

In fact, Wang Pengpai just wanted to say that although Captain An had transformed from a wolf into a human at that time, his strength was definitely not at its peak. At most, he might only have 50% to 60% strength. The life-seeking man remained motionless and allowed him to chop him, which was actually a sign of disdain and provocation.

And it is very possible that this life-haunting person is not the original body, but just an incarnation. If he had been there, he probably wouldn't have been able to let An Xuefeng chop him without moving. Moreover, northern Tibet is only a difficult journey. Neither An Xuefeng nor Xie Mingren can use their full strength, otherwise they will definitely be thrown out of the hotel.

In that case, the life-seeking man actually remained motionless and allowed An Xuefeng to chop him, which was intended as a provocation. Then he entered the abyss node in front of An Xuefeng and threw Wei Xun back to An Xuefeng, which was a signal to declare war.

Wei Xun, give it to you first. I will take him back when the time comes.

The life-loving man is so radical and confident. What did he gain from the Inca Sun Gate?

Wang Pengpeng is worried. Maybe at this year-end celebration, there will be a bigger war between the major brigades and the Butcher Alliance, and it may even change the power structure between tourists and tour guides over the years.

"Wei Xun..."

"I understand, it's the man who didn't use his full strength."

Wei Xun said, but when Wang Pengpai saw the look on his face, his heart skipped a beat.

It's over, Wei Xun really thought that the 'life-loving person' was a fool!

Wei Xun didn't think that the life-seeking person was a fool. If this person was as proud as Wang Pengpai said, he could still survive and become the leader of the Butcher Alliance and the first tour guide, he would definitely hide more terrifying strength.

Maybe this pride is just disguise.

Wei Xun felt that if it were him, he would not hold back just because his opponent was weak. Just take advantage of his illness and kill him! Before the war begins, he spares no effort to weaken his opponent, and when the war begins, he crushes his opponent with thunderous force. When he sees someone becoming hostile to him, he will never ignore him because he is weak. He will either control or kill him, so as not to cause any trouble to himself.

If he were in the novel, he might be the kind of cautious villain who has to dig deep into the ground to make sure there are no survivors after his family has been slaughtered.

Just like the devil merchant, he caught Xiao Cui six times, and now Wei Xun has six soul contracts in his hand. When the fight comes, he will take advantage of the opportunity to tear up the soul contract, and the other party will definitely reveal its flaws. Even a small flaw can sometimes affect the situation of the battle.

* *

"Ah sneeze!"

The devil businessman sneezed heavily and looked solemn. He immediately left the hotel lobby and appeared in the presidential suite of a real-life hotel. Then the devil merchant took out a mirror. It was half broken, full of cracks, and looked very old.

"Mirror, Mirror, who is the unluckiest person in the world?"

The devil merchant asked seriously.

"Of course King Shang Shung, my lord."

A black shadow appeared deep in the cracked magic mirror, and a hoarse and rough sound, like the friction of tree bark, came from the magic mirror.

"Master, this is the sixth time you have asked Magic Mirror this question. Do you need Magic Mirror's help?"

The shadow in the mirror became heavier and heavier, like a thick black water seeping out, giving off an evil and weird atmosphere.

"No need."

The devil businessman said coldly, and directly grabbed the magic mirror. There seemed to be a scream of unwillingness and resentment that sounded from the magic mirror. The black water in the mirror was struggling and surging violently, as if it might rush out of the mirror at any time. But in the end, it was pressed back into the mirror, and the sunglasses turned into an ordinary-looking mirror again.

"The unlucky person is still King Shang Shung..."

The devil businessman was lost in thought, pacing in the suite.

When King Shang Hung on the opposite side took away his bait for the third time, the devil merchant felt something was wrong.

His ability to survive the disputes between the major tour guide alliances and the pursuit of the Western District Brigade depends not only on strength and luck, but also on caution.

When he realized something was wrong, he did not hesitate to use this magic mirror. There was a ghost monarch sealed in it. It was a treasure that the devil merchant found in the deepest treasure chest of the undead ship when he was opening a branch line of the journey.

This is a tool that has both rules and seals. It is very powerful. Rather than being unlucky or lucky, it is more of a tendency to judge losing and winning.

The Devil Merchant did not explore 'Xiao Cui', because Xiao Cui was probably just an achievement title, just like his achievement title was the Devil Merchant.

In addition to him, there may be others who are 'devil businessmen'. Similarly, 'Xiao Cui' is not known to be one either.

Therefore, what the devil merchant is exploring is ‘King Shang Hung’.

There will only be one King Shang Hung who is still alive, just like there will only be one 'Princess Shang Hung'. The devil merchant even gave the magic mirror a drop of his own blood to confirm that King Xiangxiong was the one closely related to him.

Because of this drop of blood, the magic mirror even showed signs of rioting, but he suppressed it every time.

The devil merchant wondered if the other party had some plot. After all, a normal tour guide would not be able to accept the bait one after another and turn a blind eye to the soul contract.

Therefore, every time the bait is released, the devil merchant will turn on the magic mirror. If the other party has any counter-planning attempt, it will be judged as 'the princess is unlucky'.

But the problem is that every time the magic mirror is turned on, the magic mirror determines that the king is unlucky!

This confused the devil merchant. He cautiously cast the bait three more times, but the judgment of the magic mirror did not change at all.

Could it be that the other party is really an earth-shattering unlucky guy?

Or did he really not see the problem with the bait?

Or was the magic mirror lying to him?

The devil businessman has thought about it a lot, but now, he feels that there is another possibility.

The other party's misfortune may not be caused by his devil businessman, but he took the bait, or had to take it.

With his heart moving slightly, the devil businessman entered the hotel lobby in an instant. And just two seconds after he left, two black shadows flowed in from the open window and spread to the entire presidential suite.



The shadows merged with each other, communicated, and passed the message to others: "Keep tracking."


In the hotel lobby, there were two people guarding the place where the devil businessman disappeared. Several people were guarding the entrance, waiting for the devil businessman to fall into his trap! But looking at them being wary of each other and paying attention to each other, these two groups are clearly not in the same camp!

Thousands of meters away, in a cemetery behind a mountain in a rural area, the devil merchant looked pale and had unruly eyebrows. At this moment, he was completely transparent, like a ghost. He had felt that he was being followed when he was in the hotel lobby just now, so naturally he would not return to the hotel lobby and throw himself into a trap.

He wears a pearl-colored, ghost-like badge on his chest. The English translation on it is 'Messenger of the Undead'. This badge is an exclusive prop he obtained after completing the main line of a journey.

Although it is still elementary, it can also teleport the devil merchant to the nearest place where the undead exist, and the undead will not be hostile to the devil merchant. After all, he is the 'Messenger of the Dead' and is here to inspect the cemetery.

But after being teleported here, the devil merchant did not stay, but immediately returned to the hotel lobby - the place he was in in reality changed, and the position he appeared in the hotel lobby would also change. This was the secret discovered by the devil merchant.

Now that he returns to the hotel lobby, he will not be at the previous location, but a hundred meters away.

Ten seconds after his figure disappeared, a man walked towards the cemetery.

"One hundred meters east, south, about thirty degrees."

Bai Xiaosheng said calmly: "The target returns to the hotel lobby."


In the originally peaceful hotel lobby, a person suddenly grabbed him to the southeast. He was so fast that he seemed to turn into a stream of light at this moment, and directly grabbed the shoulders of the devil businessman who suddenly appeared there!

But at the moment when the devil businessman was about to be imprisoned, the devil businessman suddenly self-destructed, breaking the imprisonment that was about to be formed, and then disappeared directly!

"He bought the hotel site."

Wan Xiangchun grabbed the few drops of soul liquid - the other party exploded himself and was seriously injured. The soul liquid was like human blood.

"The alienation is confirmed to be a ghost state."

A thunder struck, which was a warning and punishment from the hotel. Private fights were not allowed in the hotel lobby. Wan Xiangchun did not dodge, but when he was struck by lightning, a faint golden light appeared on his skin, like pieces of feathers. The thunder struck him, but he was unharmed. After the thunder and lightning, he disappeared on the spot. At this time, there were bursts of exclamations in the hotel lobby.


At this moment, the devil businessman who was huddled in the one-square-meter brigade station and peered out of the window looked pale.

"Homecoming, Wan, damn it."

Even if he is as elegant and rational as a devil businessman, he can't help but curse at this moment, but he still has lingering fear. If he hadn't reluctantly exhausted his savings and spent 60,000 points to buy a one-square-meter space in the hotel lobby, he might have been doomed this time!

The hotel halls in the east and west districts are not connected to each other, nor are the brigade bases. Not only that, it was originally impossible for tour guides in the west district to buy a place in the east district. It was the devil businessman who relied on the hotel's preferential treatment for the participants of the 'Confrontation Mission' and his status as a rising star tour guide in the West District to make an exception and let him buy a one-square-meter hotel space.

The price is three times the normal price!

"Damn it, two five zero."

The devil merchant cursed that he was in such a mess and being hunted by many parties, all because of Bing250! He had heard of the name Bing250 before he set foot on the eastern land and entered the hotel lobby. He is a person who suppresses his life-threatening behavior and remains silent, ranking first on the list of rising stars among tour guides!

And it’s not the East or West district list, it’s the first place in the overall ranking of the World Tour Guide Rising Stars!

The devil businessman has a sense of arrogance. This time he came to the East District not only to find Xiaocui, but also to meet Bing250.

In particular, he had some doubts that Xiaocui was Bing250. After all, he is probably the only person of the same level who can take on this confrontation mission with him!

But the devil merchant stirred up a hornet's nest with just a quick check of Bing250.

The two people who suddenly appeared in his presidential suite said, "Are you checking C250 again?"

'Come with us'

The tragic life of the devil businessman being chased like a rabbit unfolds.

Bing250 has disappeared for ten days without any clues. All major organizations, including brigade and tour guide, are looking for him, and even forums, live broadcast rooms and other places are under surveillance.

Although the Devil Merchant was fairly covert, the rare ghostly alienation he revealed when he was hunted down for the first time made people pay attention to him!

"Butchers' Alliance, Shepherds' Alliance, Returning Brigade..."

After venting his anger, the devil merchant looked solemn. In the past few days, he has escaped the pursuit of many small and medium-sized brigades and tour guide alliances, but these three are like maggots in the tarsus. No matter he appears in reality or in the hotel lobby, he can be found immediately, with almost no chance to breathe. .

Sure enough, the big tree attracts the wind, so many forces are looking for Bing250!

The devil merchant's expression was complicated, his anger was lagging behind, and he had a complicated feeling in his heart.

He thought that he had this kind of unsettled moment when he reached the top of the Western Region Rising Stars list, knocking down the original number one, the current A2 Ghost Captain. But the devil businessman was sensible and immediately joined the American Werewolf Alliance and finally settled down temporarily. But he also fell into various alliances and disputes between forces and could not live in peace.

However, this Bing250... doesn't seem to be attached to any tour guide alliance.

That's why they are being searched for in such a big way.


The devil merchant was silent for a long time and then uttered one word. He admitted that Bing250 was the real strong man and that they were actually the same type of people. Neither wants to succumb to the big tour guide alliance, but wants to carve out a world of their own.

That's why the Devil Merchant kept silent this time and came to the East District. Even though it was extremely thrilling to be hunted like this, he didn't ask for help from the Werewolf Alliance or the Black Widow.

The same goes for Bing250.

However, Bing 250's time is running out, and the devil businessman knows that a tour guide of Bing 250's level will receive a new group leadership task in a month. The group opening information will be announced one week in advance.

it is tomorrow.

After tomorrow, no matter how well Bing250 hides herself, she is destined to be exposed to the eyes of all major forces.

Now the Devil Merchant feels that this Bing250 is really King Xiangxiong. She is being followed by so many forces, no wonder she has been so unlucky. She knows that his bait is not a good thing, but she can only accept it.

He was forced to this point.

Being hunted like a mouse by many forces, she must be living a miserable and humiliating life now.

"Bing250...what kind of woman will you be?"

The devil businessman sighed. At this moment, he suddenly felt some pity for Bing250, and more of sympathy for each other.

Perhaps, in the confrontation mission, they are not only opponents, but also have opportunities to cooperate.

Overthrow the overlords of the past, and let us join hands to open a new era.

The devil businessman's expression changed. He clenched his fists. Although his face was pale, his eyes were burning with ambition!

* *

"Be careful on the road."

"Hey, I've been a little unlucky lately."

Lu Shucheng stuffed a heavy box of braised beef into Wei Xun's hand. For some reason, the box of meat almost dropped, but Lu Shucheng reacted quickly and leaned over to catch it again.

"Teacher Wei, wait until I draw dozens of lucky charms for you, they will work!"

Mao Xiaole looked at Wei Xun reluctantly and gritted his teeth: "I, I can finish the painting in one day, Teacher Wei, I will go see you then."

"We come and go from time to time. We are a family. Don't see anyone outside."

Wang Pengpai also said happily: "Come often!"


Wei Xun also smiled. The meal was indeed worth it. He learned a lot of important information.

Next, it’s up to you.

Wei Xun turned around and left through the gate of the brigade station on his way back. He stepped out and went directly to the hotel.

The hotel’s familiar reminder sounded:

[Passenger Wei Xun, the hotel is settling the bill for your trip, and the comprehensive evaluation is in progress——]

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