Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 135 Confrontation


There was a beeping sound, and a ray of light fell from the glowing white door, which turned into a hard card like a room key in An Xuefeng's hand. He took the card and glanced at Wei Xun.


The card suddenly turned into a white bracelet, and An Xuefeng put it on Wei Xun's front paw.

"This is temporary permission to enter the brigade station. Only with it can you come in."

Is this where the hotel is located on the way home?

Wei Xun was really surprised. The place they were in now looked like an office, or in other words, a living room? But this living room alone is more than ten times the size of the hotel residence Wei Xun bought himself.

After being taken away by An Xuefeng, they appeared here directly.

This hotel no longer looks like a temporary residence, but more like a large villa with all the necessary facilities. An Xuefeng casually introduced a few places where he could go with temporary permission, including the reception room, the living room, the movie theater, the kitchen, and the washing area. Then he supported Wei Xun, opened the door, and walked out.

"Woof woof!"

"Old gun, sit down!"

As soon as the door opened, a wolf dog barked and rushed over. An Xuefeng gave an order and the dog immediately squatted down, stopped barking, and looked at Wei Xun with bright eyes, its ears erect, very alert.

This wolfdog looks really good.

Wei Xun praised in his heart, this is a German wolfdog, that is, a black back, long and vigorous, with a smooth and smooth coat, no fat on the body, strong and beautiful muscles, and it runs like a gust of wind. Although it is just an ordinary dog, it is not bragging. A dog that can be kept by An Xuefeng at the hotel station looks much better than Ding Yi.

However, Wei Xun did not let down his guard.

Being alone with An Xuefeng is the most dangerous and worst situation. It is when you have just come out of the journey and have not made any arrangements, so it is very unexpected. Regardless of whether An Xuefeng has any memories of being a snow leopard, he will definitely have the moment when he becomes a human.

In that short period of time at the Abyss Node, Wei Xun may have exposed too many things.

An Xuefeng used to be a policeman, and he had been on the road for many years. He was extremely vigilant, vigilant, and acumen.

This man wouldn't let Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng touch him and kept holding him by himself. Was it because he was possessive or was he on guard?

We must not underestimate such a person, even if there are various effects of adventure, we cannot take it lightly.

But Wei Xun remained calm and kept constant in response to changes. The more he did, the more mistakes he made.

"The old gun can smell the tour guide's scent."

An Xuefeng leaned over and rubbed the dog's head, and said in a casual manner: "The tour guides outside are on their way home, and at most they will stop here."


The wolfdog barked loudly, as if in response. It stood up and followed An Xuefeng step by step, huffing and sticking out its tongue, staring at Wei Xun with its bright black eyes.

Wei Xun didn't panic at all. Who knew what An Xuefeng meant, whether it was a lie or the truth. What's more, Wei Xun had been in contact with many tour guides. Maybe the dog smelled the scent of its kindred spirit, Ding Yi. .


Wei Xun barked, and Snow Leopard praised him in a perfunctory way, probably politely: 'Really? It's awesome. This dog is really good.'

When he yells again, he is neither humble nor overbearing. He means: 'Team An, thank you for the hospitality, but I want to go home first.'

After being dragged into a journey for more than ten days, it is human nature to rush home after the journey to see if everything is still normal.

"Don't be in a hurry to go home, be careful to bring bad things back."

An Xuefeng said calmly, he took Wei Xun to the living room and put him on the sofa. He took off his jacket, took a glass of water, sat on the sofa, and bent his long legs casually, frivolously The muscles under the cashmere sweater rippled like a lazy snow leopard.

"Let's chat for five minutes. You don't have to change your mind. I can understand you."

The form of a beast is more sincere, more instinctive and wild than the human form, and its emotions are more vivid and cannot be concealed.

Wei Xun had just transformed into a leopard cub during this journey, and he hadn't fully mastered how to control himself, just like he was very good-natured at the time, but slapped An Xuefeng's arm with his long tail.

The form of a beast is better hidden than the human form.

Wei Xun thought, he swung his ears back and slapped the tip of his tail on the sofa, showing a bit of impatience and nervousness.

If An Xuefeng must let him change into a human being, then some things may not be easy to hide. But in the snow leopard state, no aura was leaked, and Wei Xun could control it freely.

"Do you remember the few people you met at the Abyss Node?"

An Xuefeng said: "The puppet is Pinocchio, a second-class elite tour guide from the Shepherd Alliance, and the one with the butterfly is Yin-Yang Butterfly, a second-class elite tour guide from the Butchers Alliance."

"The dark red cloak at the end is the color of the cloak of the Life-Ricker. He is the leader of the Butcher Alliance."

Wei Xun listened very seriously and devotedly. It was indeed the first time for him to hear this. These people gradually understood in his heart. An Xuefeng paid attention to Wei Xun's demeanor and body language, and his eyes fell on his left paw.

His speaking speed has always been unhurried, as if he was speaking in ancient times. He knows a lot. Although his words are concise, they are very interesting, making it easy for people to relax their vigilance and gradually fall into his rhythm.

"The Life-haunting Man is a cunning guy. No one knows what his real name is. The Life-Happy Man is just his title. In the past few years, he has rarely appeared in public in person, but there are still many people who unknowingly appear in public every year. He took control of his destiny and became his puppet."

An Xuefeng said righteously: "So you are in danger now. It is for your own good that I don't let you go home."


Wei Xun doubted: "I am just a new tourist, Ximingren is a tour guide, can he come to mess with me? '

"Of course."

An Xuefeng suddenly leaned forward, like a beast in hunting mode, his deep eyes locked on Wei Xun, giving people a strong sense of oppression, he said word by word:

"Otherwise, how can you not feel pain."


An Xuefeng shouted like thunder, and asked quickly and fiercely, making it difficult for people to think: "You are painless, right, Wei Xun."

"Ah?" 'So you have been pinching my tail all the way? '

Wei Xun asked suddenly, no wonder An Xuefeng kept pinching his tail all the way, he thought this man was seriously ill. It seems that he was testing whether he could feel pain.

Sure enough, when his left hand was cut off, just a few seconds of getting along, still in the battle, made him suspicious.

It seems that the painlessness has a lot to do with Ximingren, the leader of the Butcher Alliance, Bingjiu should be like this.

An Xuefeng is doubting that he is a spy of Ximingren?

"Ah." 'Are you interrogating me, Captain An?'

Wei Xun said calmly: 'I am not your criminal, and I am just a new traveler. If there is really any problem with me, involving such a high level, I certainly don't know it. '

'Yes, I can't feel pain. This is my disease in reality. If you want to say that I am painless, then that's right, and it's quite appropriate. '

'But even if I don't feel pain, I will be injured and bleed. You pinched my tail and questioned me, which hurt me physically and mentally.'

With a snap, the snow leopard cub slapped out a piece of agreement. It was a roll of brown parchment tied with a red ribbon. The ribbon fell naturally and the parchment unfolded.

An Xuefeng was rarely stunned. He stared at the agreement, not hiding his surprise.

"Ah." 'You didn't fulfill Party A's obligations. '

Wei Xun's leopard claws fell on the item [Party A shall be responsible for Party B's physical health and mental health].

"Awoo." 'You broke the contract. You knew all my secrets when we signed the contract. Is it fun to interrogate me now? '


An Xuefeng had a rare headache. He picked up the contract and read it from top to bottom. His expression gradually became serious: "Who signed this contract with you?"

"Tsk." The leopard cub sneered, his eyes unkind: "Awoo." 'Besides you, who else can sign the contract with me on your behalf? '

An Xuefeng frowned. The contract was real. He knew it when he picked it up. But he didn't have the impression of signing this contract.

However, besides him, there was indeed another person who could sign the contract on behalf of 'them'. After all, they were one.

But their memories were not interoperable! In fact, they should be considered split, and neither of them was a complete person. They hadn't seen each other for a long time after the split.

You know all of Wei Xun's secrets? And you took the initiative to sign this contract with Wei Xun, right during the journey?

For the first time, An Xuefeng felt that it was too inconvenient to have no memory after becoming a snow leopard. He had to watch the screen recording several times.

As for now, An Xuefeng understood that the rhythm of this conversation had completely fallen into Wei Xun's hands. A new traveler, so courageous, neither humble nor arrogant, with many advantages, is indeed a rare and excellent talent.

An Xuefeng has seen many talents, but * * * rushed to sign the contract and specifically listed "joining Party A's team" in Party B's obligations. It can be seen how much the other party values ​​Wei Xun. The importance of Wei Xun.

An Xuefeng is actually the same. The inexplicable desire for exclusivity is okay, mainly because he has a natural sense of closeness to Wei Xun. Instincts can't deceive people. He just wants to stay by Wei Xun's side.

It is this uncontrollable sense of closeness that makes him more vigilant.

But now...


An Xuefeng said seriously: "I was too abrupt and offended you. I apologize to you."

He considered: "This contract...I did sign it, but I have some health problems now and I tend to forget things. Of course, this is not an excuse. I will give you satisfactory compensation for the harm to your physical and mental health."

"Oh." 'Let's talk about it later. '

Wei Xun said coldly: 'Since Captain An said so, I believe it. As for compensation and the like, I just want to see what kind of person you are and your attitude'

Wei Xun showed some arrogance. As a new traveler, he overwhelmed the tour guide as soon as he entered the journey. He took more risks than veteran travelers and dared to fight the demon that had been sealed for thousands of years. He was so outstanding and bold, so he was naturally arrogant and proud!

Yes, Guitu is very strong. It has always been you who tested others, and there are so many people rushing to join.

But I am different. I want to see if Guitu is worth joining!

"Oh." 'I won't join the team now, it's not a breach of contract, right?'

"No, choosing the right team is indeed very important for travelers, and it's something that needs to be carefully considered."

An Xuefeng said, when he was not aggressive, people who were stared at by his eyes could feel his seriousness and sincerity.

Serious and sincere people are always easy to like, especially An Xuefeng who has his own special charm. He doesn't have any 'captain's airs', he is very peaceful at the moment. People can feel that his interrogation just now is not directed at you personally, but more like a duty, he is very serious and responsible.

After so many years in the hotel, An Xuefeng still looks like the police captain back then.

"Comrade Wei Xun, I will not force you. Although the contract states that you will join the brigade, I still respect your opinion. If there is anything you want to see or understand, Wang Pengpai and Mao Xiaole can take you to see it at any time. ”

An Xuefeng said sincerely: "I have something important to do now, and I have to leave for a while. Let's talk about it in detail when I come back. If by then, the return journey still doesn't satisfy you, and you don't want to join, I think about the contract. Solution."

"Ouch." 'Okay'

The leopard cub nodded: "Team An, have a good trip."

An Xuefeng asked him if he wanted to stay here or go home. Wei Xun was noncommittal and expressed that he wanted to know more.

He no longer required that he must go home before, and his attitude was obviously gentler.

"Okay, Mao Xiaole and the others will take you to see it later."

An Xuefeng laughed. There was a smile in his eyes. He was no longer stern when he looked at you. He was really handsome.

I have to say that An Xuefeng was really happy when he heard that Wei Xun wanted to get to know him again instead of leaving immediately.

It came from the bottom of his heart. He had rarely been so happy. If possible, he would even like to take Wei Xun on his way home. The hotel he and his team members had built was a place like home.

But it’s really time for him to meet the Dream Chaser and explore the Laplange Snow Mountains.

After An Xuefeng left, only Wei Xun and Lao Qiang, the black-backed dog, were left in the hotel. Lao Qiang was wary and curious about Wei Xun. He was tentative and wanted to come over and have a sniff, but hesitated.

It didn't understand why the leopard cub was shaking.

Wei Xun was not shaking, he buried his head under his paws and smiled happily.

An Xuefeng is really dangerous.

This confrontation... was so exciting that it made him tremble all over.

It is a different kind of excitement than taking risks and fighting powerful enemies.

The most important thing is that he will take the lead next. It is no longer the return journey that examines him, but he comes to examine the return journey and whether it is worth joining.

* * *Knowing all his secrets... Well, this is the truth, and he didn't lie either.

He is so powerful, and he is the owner of the hotel, how can he not know everything about him? Wei Xun doesn't care, it's An Xuefeng's fault. If there's something that he knows but An Xuefeng doesn't know, it's none of his business. The two of them can handle it themselves.

"Teacher Sanshui, Teacher Sanshui!"

An excited and nervous call came from the living room. It was Mao Xiaole, the Taoist priest from Maoshan who had been his fan for five years.

Wei Xun jumped off the sofa and walked over there.

Let him see what the return journey can bring him.

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