Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 134 Mutual Selection Meeting 3

Wei Xun thinks this is not good, this is not okay.

The White Wolf King is actually An Xuefeng? !

This completely disrupted Wei Xun's plan!

Wei Xun originally wanted to find out the details first at this mutual selection meeting.

It doesn't matter if the return team comes or not, maybe not. After all, Jiang Hongguang and the others know better, and what they say makes sense.

Moreover, Wei Xun has not fully integrated with the abyss node, and his aura may be different when he becomes a human. He can only appear in the form of a snow leopard, which is not very convenient.

Therefore, in this mutual selection meeting, he only planned to take a look first and get a broad understanding of the situation of each brigade and the prospects of new passengers.

On this trip to northern Tibet, Wei Xun did well in his primitive accumulation. But he also needs to confirm what position he can hold in the entire tourist group by convincing Ding Yi, opening up branch attractions, completing the main line of the journey, and becoming an excellent tourist.

Confirm how high your value is so that you can be prepared for future negotiations and strive for better treatment. Let’s understand the situation first.

Although he had signed a contract with An Xuefeng before, the various obligations and responsibilities in the contract were aimed at An Xuefeng and Wei Xun. This is completely different from the treatment given by the brigade after joining the brigade.

What's more, since An Xuefeng didn't know about the contract, Wei Xun could have regarded himself as an 'excellent amateur' and fought for another treatment.

It was too troublesome to form a brigade by oneself, and it was too troublesome to retrain the team members. Wei Xun realized this during this trip to northern Tibet. He did not intend to waste time, and it was hard to say whether the team members could keep up with him.

It would be best to add a ready-made brigade. Regardless of whether there is a contract or not, the return brigade is within Wei Xun's goal.

As for when to contact the people on the return journey, Wei Xun doesn't think it's urgent.

Join an organization that has been famous for a long time and is filled with strong people. How you join and how you join will determine your future status in the organization.

Even if someone from the Sunset Brigade really came to invite him this time, Wei Xun didn't plan to join immediately, it would be too troublesome. Furthermore, he does not have an initial purple title. To be honest, his initial title is 'Painless One', which is just a green title. And among the titles he revealed at the time, only Wild Mind was the blue title.

The title problem is one thing. There are many people in the tour group, and Wei Xun still has the identity of a tour guide. How to be a successful time management master is also a problem. He doesn't think about taking the grassroots route or anything like that.

All in all, it's too troublesome.

Wei Xun wanted to get it right in one step.

Even if he joins a brigade, Wei Xun values ​​his quality of life the most. He also has some secrets. If he joins an organization, he must act together every time, or he cannot choose independently for each journey he joins. It depends on the brigade allocation. If so, it wouldn't be interesting.

Be able to have a certain degree of freedom, a certain status, and take the initiative in your own hands. It would be best if the returning team invites him, or even the captain An Xuefeng himself invites him.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry and took his time to figure it out.

Wei Xun wanted to follow the path of the Maoshan Taoist priest, and all the information he revealed was extraordinary and not something ordinary travelers could know. According to Jiang Hongguang and others, Wei Xun thought that this person might be from the Laoshan Brigade or the Metaphysics Brigade.

In this mutual selection meeting, there are so many monsters standing at the forefront. They should be people from the Crimson Brigade or the Phenom Brigade.

Feihong Xuanxue, one second and the other third, are both top brigade teams. From their side, they might be able to find out some details about the returning team, and then make plans.

There was a confrontation mission between the east and west districts this time, and he was about to lead the team as Bing 250. Wei Xun really didn't have much thought about adding a brigade.

In the end, the returning brigade found them on their own? ?

This white wolf and the snow leopard from the beginning are An Xuefeng, the captain of the returning team? ?

Wei Xun smiled, the strange feelings he had felt before came together, and at this moment he suddenly realized.

Snow Leopard is An Xuefeng himself, and he may also have titles like Wild Mind!

The question is who was the 'An Xuefeng' who appeared in the 'A Day of the Snow Leopard' that he saw during his adventure with the snow leopard? Is this memory true or false?

If it is fake, then An Xuefeng is so scary and cunning that he even falsified Snow Leopard's memory in advance!

If it is true, then there is another person pretending to be An Xuefeng and appearing at the same time as Snow Leopard.

But regardless of these two conditions, An Xuefeng should have hidden Snow Leopard's identity. Why is it exposed now?

What is the purpose of his journey into northern Tibet?

What happened to his red eyes? Did he have any consciousness when he turned into a snow leopard?

He deliberately approached him. When he was the Snow Leopard and when he was the White Wolf King, he was so close. What was his intention?

Does he know about the contract?

Does he still have memories of the snow leopard days?

Also, why did An Xuefeng naturally wear clothes after he transformed? !

Wei Xun thought a lot for a moment, and he did not try to jump down again. Under so many unknowns, being kidnapped and restrained by the gangster An Xuefeng, and with a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, the little snow leopard cub behaved very well.


But his tail was not clever. The snow leopard's tail reflected Wei Xun's true emotions, crackling like a whip and lashing An Xuefeng's arm. An Xuefeng didn't care. He grabbed the snow leopard's tail casually and rolled it around his fingers twice.

The leaders of the brigade, who were just surprised by An Xuefeng's sudden transformation and the polite "OK", all twitched their eyes after seeing this scene.

"Tsk, you guys came together."

An Xuefeng was in a good mood holding the warm and fluffy little snow leopard, and asked casually:

"But why did you all turn into beasts, and you all turned so big, don't you think it's a nuisance to block the road?"

But the other captains who heard him were not in a good mood and were full of depression.

Why do you say we turned into beasts?

As someone who just turned back from beasts, are you qualified to say that?

Of course, being bigger is more majestic and can attract more attention!

"An Xuefeng, this Snow Leopard King is really you."

The three-legged golden crow said depressedly, it flew to the ground and turned into a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, and said unhappily: "Snow Leopard ripped the ghost king alive, you dare to advertise it on the way back. It's too sinister, how many high-level passengers who can turn into snow leopards are embarrassed to go out without ripping the ghost king alive!"

"Alas, I said that when collecting snow leopards, you shouldn't use ripping the ghost king alive or ripping the fierce ghost alive as the standard."

The white fox sighed faintly and turned into a human in a blink of an eye. He smiled calmly, dressed in white, and his hair was also white, with a few strands of red highlights, tied into a bunch, and draped over his shoulders, looking extremely handsome.

He smiled and looked at Wei Xun: "But it's true, didn't Wei Xun tear the devil apart alive this time?"

"Yes, my Feihong's standards are high, I just want to recruit a snow leopard that can tear the ghost king apart alive, Wei Xun is very good!"

Qi Lecheng looked at Wei Xun, and smiled and stretched out his hand to him: "Wei Xun, think about it, do you want to come... Hey, what are you doing?!"

What am I doing?

An Xuefeng didn't know, when he saw Qi Lecheng approaching, he instinctively unzipped his jacket and stuffed the leopard cub into his arms.

As if he didn't want others to see it.

An Xuefeng was thoughtful, his mind was clearer now, not as irritable and impatient as before.

His strength was suppressed too much during the journey in northern Tibet, and he had no human consciousness after turning into a snow leopard. He regained consciousness only when the off-road vehicle reached the end of the journey and opened the door to get off the car.

That is, when the little leopard cub nestled on his back, An Xuefeng had already woken up.

But he didn't push Wei Xun off, but carried him off the car, and ignored him even though he pulled several tufts of hair. Instead, he felt that it was good to carry him on his back, and it would be even better if he could carry him all the time.

The same was true at the Abyss Node.

An Xuefeng was keenly aware that something must have happened during this journey to northern Tibet.

Without the memory of the journey to northern Tibet, he planned to make up the screen recording of this journey after returning.

In any case, this Wei Xun must be special. Just seeing Qi Lecheng smile, An Xuefeng wanted to beat him.

It shouldn't be.

It's inappropriate.

He reflected on himself and felt that he was not wrong.

It was all Qi Lecheng's fault. It must be that his smile was too disgusting.

"Don't smile at us like that."

An Xuefeng said coldly: "What if Wei Xun vomits on me if you're disgusting?"

"I, fuck."

Qi Lecheng didn't know whether he was stunned by the retort or shocked by seeing An Xuefeng stuff the snow leopard cub into his clothes, and murmured:

"You are a fake An Xuefeng, right? Tell me, who is pretending to be you? Wan Xiangchun? Or Wang Yushu?"

An Xuefeng ignored Qi Lecheng, he was suppressing the struggling little leopard cub.

But Wei Xun is a man after all, even though he has turned into a snow leopard now, it's not good to stuff him in his arms.

An Xuefeng hesitated for a while, and finally, under the tentative resistance of the snow leopard cub, he reluctantly unzipped his zipper - he only unzipped it halfway, so that it could poke its head out of the gap.

It's better not to go downstairs, it's not safe, the playful people who appeared in the abyss node before... There's something fishy.

"Don't move."

An Xuefeng casually hugged the half-exposed leopard cub back and threatened: "The Ximing people love to kill snow leopards the most."

"Ximing people?"

The big grass turtle immediately looked up, but did not continue to speak. Instead, he turned back solemnly and gestured: "Half-life deputy group."

"Meow, Captain Qi, you are still live broadcasting the mutual election meeting."

The coal-like black cat scratched Qi Lecheng's trouser leg and meowed in a low voice. Hearing it say this, Qi Lecheng frowned, restrained his expression, and looked back.

The group of people from the small and medium-sized brigades were still crowded in the back, hesitating and looking at this side with curiosity and amazement. But these dozens of people are still few, and more viewers are screaming in the live broadcast room and forum!

When it comes to the Ximing people, they can't listen to it. And the live broadcast should also be blocked.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know that the live broadcast was about to be blocked. They were passionately discussing:

[Captain An! What did I see? ! It's a living Captain An! 】

【Fuck, it's Captain An, damn, did you see it just now, he changed from the White Wolf King, fuck! 】

【Rounding off, I saw Captain An's live broadcast of his journey, my god, I'm going to faint! 】

【Fuck, I'm so angry, why didn't I go to this mutual election meeting, those people's luck has run out in this life, they met so many captains at once! 】

【Wow, I'm so envious, and Jiang Hongguang and his friends are more worthy of envy, they have had close contact with Captain An, fuck, and Ji Hongcai, Captain An has held his bun in his mouth! 】

【Fuck, with Captain An here, the Tibetan Northern Brigade will not not release the vlog, fortunately I recorded it in advance! 】

【Fortunately I recorded it in advance 1】

[Really, if I didn’t want to figure out what happened when Wei Xun’s screen went black, it was a difficult journey, I wouldn’t have spent the points to record it]

[Shhh, I suggest those who record videos not to show off, just keep it for yourself and watch it quietly. Some people show off on the forum and their account has been banned]

[Team An on the way home, Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng, Team Qi from Feihong, Deputy Team Yangxia, Team Wan from Xuanxue, Team Wu from Fengdu, my God, is this the scene of the year-end celebration? What day is today? I’m crazy! 】

[Ten thousand teams? Where is Team Wan? Isn’t this the leader of the Laoshan Brigade? 】

[God damn big turtle...yes, it’s a big turtle]

[Hahaha, you're a coward above...yes, it's the big tortoise]

[I fucking burst into laughter on the spot]

[No, don’t any of you envy Wei Xun! Damn it! I don’t even dare to think about it! 】

[He hugged Captain An, and they hugged each other and slept together. Captain An also caught fish, deer, and various kinds of prey for him! 】

[More than just hugging him, have you forgotten the time he got on and off Captain An’s body? 】

[He was bitten on the head by Captain An, and he even licked Captain An’s mouth! 】

[UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHe even combed Captain An’s hair, and he even played with Captain An’s tail. I’m so sour, I’m a lemon tree]

[What the hell, sisters, let’s fight together! 】

[Am I serious? ! 】

[Where’s Furikong! Let me hear your voices! 】

[In the past, during the journey to northern Tibet, Wei Xun said to Snow Leopard, I want to be with you. Snow Leopard said no, I am just a leopard and we cannot be together. Today, Snow Leopard turned into Captain An, holding Wei Xun in the palm of his hand and stuffing it into his clothes! 】

[Wei Xun: No, I am a leopard now, we can’t be together]

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuakuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuancynuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu They say Captain An is ferocious and violent, he is indeed the brainwashing bag of those tour guides! Why is Team An so angry? Will he stuff the little snow leopard into his clothes if he is so angry? 】

【Big and small leopards are real! 】

[…I said, it’s not good for you to say that. This is Team Security, don’t talk nonsense]

[Yeah, I don’t know if Snow Leopard is just talking about it when it’s the security team. This is the security team. Why are there still people talking nonsense? Can you be more respectful?]

[Nonsense? You first ask Captain An to take Wei Xun out of his clothes, and I will say that I was talking nonsense]

[Nonsense? You first ask Captain An to put Wei Xun on the ground, and then I will say that I was talking nonsense]

[Nonsense? Look at the screen recording of hunting, licking, navel oranges, grooming, hugging and playing, and tell me who is talking nonsense]

[...Maybe when Captain An turns into a Snow Leopard, he will be a Snow Leopard, no one has the consciousness to do so]

[Laughing to death, this is Captain An, how can he be unconscious? I do not believe】



[Damn it, sisters, you’ve discovered your blind spot! ! 】

[Shocked, Captain An did all this consciously and proactively? ? Damn it, holy shit! 】

【I do not believe! 】

[Damn it, it’s a live broadcast. Why is the live broadcast screen gone? ! 】

[Which bastard blocked the live broadcast room? Damn it, wait a minute, I still want to watch it! 】

"Meow, don't hang around here, hurry up and go to the mutual selection meeting."

The black cat of the Crimson Brigade turned into a lazy boy, and together with the Taoist Half Life of the Laoshan Brigade, drove away the people from the small and medium-sized brigades.

This is just the entrance to the mutual election meeting in northern Tibet. The real mutual election meeting is held in a specially opened hall of a hotel.

"You are the newcomers this time, Fei Lezhi, Yin Baitao and Xu Yang."

Captain Xiyang smiled gently and smiled at those who got off the off-road vehicle and were completely stunned and could not believe the journey to northern Tibet: "Let's go, the first mutual selection meeting is quite important for you, don't delay ”

"And Jiang Hongguang, it's time for you to return."

Jiang Hongguang and others did not dare to say more, or even look at more. They nodded and walked towards the bus. Fei Lezhi and the others were hesitant and looked at Wei Xun.

Wei Xun bit open the zipper, stuck his head out, and nodded at them.

"Brother Wei, let's go first."

"See you at the hotel!"

The three of them then followed the sunset and left.

"Wei Xun has the talent to be a captain and can convince others."

The little dyed golden dragon turned into a human form, a blond young man with droopy eyes who looked like he was not awake. The huge green snake next to him also returned to a human form. The two people stood together. Apart from their hair color, they looked very similar, like a pair of twins.

The blond young man said lazily: "Feihong Brigade, Wen Renyue, you can also call me Qingqing."

"Tiangang Brigade, Wen Renri."

The young man transformed by the green snake is more grim.

"I am the captain of the Phenom Brigade, Qi Lecheng."

Qi Lecheng smiled brightly: "Hey, Wei Xun, come to our brigade? Of course, I won't be angry if you reject me. I just think you are really talented. With your strength, it would be good to form your own brigade. , the name Captain of the Guard sounds so nice, why bother to be inferior to others..."

"Form your own team?"

An Xuefeng whispered: "Qi Lecheng, don't mess with this."

"To form your own brigade, you have to waste a lot of points to buy a brigade station. The tourists you recruit are not as good as Wei Xun. Is this a baby or a brigade?"

An Xuefeng said coldly: "Don't be a drag and don't waste time. Only by joining the Grand Brigade will you have a wider space."

Wei Xun discovered that An Xuefeng meant what he thought. He stopped struggling and started thinking.

Just now, after he was stuffed into An Xuefeng's clothes, his so-called struggles and resistance were actually all intentional.

He was testing An Xuefeng's bottom line, and thus testing what this person knew and didn't know.

Wei Xun could analyze a lot of things from his attitude.

The current situation might not be so bad. What he was worried about before might not exist. In this case, there was no need to struggle and test too much, so as not to go too far.

Seeing that the little leopard cub stopped struggling and calmed down, as if he agreed with him, An Xuefeng felt better and curled his lips.

But then, he made an impatient "tsk" sound and looked in the direction of the bus.

"Listen, don't make trouble."

Captain Wu stood in front of the bus with his arms folded, watching Jiang Hongguang and others get on the bus, and threatened the tour guides in the bus in a cold voice.

"Bai Wuchang, you go back with them."


The woman from the Youdu Brigade said coldly, walking towards the bus with cold eyes. Captain Wu obviously didn't trust the tour guide in the car, and it was also a warning and deterrence.

"Captain Wu, this is not necessary."

The door of the bus opened, and a doll with curly blonde hair and blue eyes poked out. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips were like roses, her eyelashes were very long, and she looked cute and beautiful. She was holding a small teddy bear in her arms.

But compared with normal children of seven or eight years old, this doll looked a little weird and scary.

"We are not members of the Butcher Alliance, and we won't do anything."

She said faintly, her voice was sweet, and she spoke softly:

"Captain Wu, isn't this a little too much..."

"Xiyang, go back with them."

Just then, An Xuefeng over there suddenly spoke in a cold voice, impatiently: "Whose doll is it? It's so noisy."

The doll that was talking just now immediately shut up, with a little horror in her eyes. The teddy bear in her arms had cracked eyes, and the big mouth sewn by black thread opened as if it wanted to scream, but the doll covered its mouth tightly.

Then she bowed hurriedly, and didn't dare to stay at the door anymore, and hid directly back in the car.

The next moment, at the door of the bus, a faint yellow light dissipated, like the afterglow of the setting sun.

Seeing this scene, Captain Wu's pupils shrank slightly.

"Captain Wu, I'll get on the bus too."

The setting sun smiled, and a black cat strolled from his feet to the bus, meowing at Captain Wu.

"Black Charcoal, wait for me!"

The Half-Life Taoist called out, and got on the bus right after him. Nonsense, now that the live broadcast is over, the captains seem to be talking about business, and the people in their brigade should also withdraw. Especially he seemed to have vaguely heard Captain An say, hiss, Ximingren, no no no, don't want to, don't listen, this is not what they should listen to.

Wei Xun didn't pay attention to the bus, but looked at An Xuefeng's right arm curiously.

Did An Xuefeng make a move just now?

In addition to the jacket, An Xuefeng only wore a very thin cashmere sweater. Wei Xun could feel his muscles tighten and relax in an instant.

In addition, just now, the abyss aura that had been restless in Wei Xun's body suddenly calmed down! There was no more resistance and restlessness. Wei Xun seemed to feel a faint deterrent force, which was spreading from An Xuefeng.

What kind of power is this title?

"Teacher Wei, did you recognize me!"

A young Taoist priest stood in front of Wei Xun with a smile, and there was a small paper man standing on his shoulder. It seemed to be the one who was squeezed to the back by the giant turtle and white fox just now.

But now the small paper man was stretched straight, as if it was new. This young Taoist priest also looked neatly dressed and heroic.

Wei Xun's heart was slightly chilled.

This Taoist priest... seemed to be the one he met in the hotel lobby after returning from Xiangxi.

He also asked him if he was the author.

It seemed that someone just called his pen name, it should be this Taoist priest. Could it be that --

"I am a Taoist priest from Mount Mao! Teacher Wei, we have known each other for five years and finally meet each other!"

Mao Xiaole's eyes sparkled with joy, as if he had met his idol at an offline fan meeting. If he had a tail, it would be swinging wildly.

"So Mao Xiaole, you have known Wei Xun for a long time."

The big grass tortoise chuckled, and was the last one among them to turn into a human form. He was a handsome middle-aged man, dressed in a green shirt, and looked very friendly. He was holding a tortoise shell in his hand and smiled:

"Then we are destined to meet."

"No wonder, Guitu is going to recruit people now."

Qi Lecheng nodded thoughtfully. They all knew the law of 'travelers attract each other'. If Mao Xiaole really knew Wei Xun for five years and the relationship had never been broken, then Wei Xun might really be the one who could enter Guitu.

It was a bit destined, and the hotel had appointed him.

In this case, it was no wonder that An Xuefeng had such an attitude. It seemed that Guitu would not let Wei Xun go.

The other brigades were a little depressed and a little regretful, but they were soon relieved, and even began to look forward to what kind of excitement there would be after Wei Xun joined the returning brigades.

But some people didn't want to be relieved.

Captain Wu wanted to try again.

"Wei Xun, come to Fengdu."

He returned here after the bus left, frowned and said coldly: "Wei Xun, I don't know if you have a demon title. But if you do, Fengdu is your best choice."

"It is difficult for ordinary brigades to have resources with demon titles, but our Fengdu Brigade has them. Our resident tour guide controls an abyss node. If you come..."

"Abyss node?"

An Xuefeng chuckled, patted away Mao Xiaole's eager hand to hug Wei Xun, and said to Wei Xun, "If you want these things, I'll take you to the Butcher Alliance to grab some."

"You can play with one and throw one."

Team Black frowned and was about to say something, but he found that An Xuefeng's eyes began to turn red, with a fierce look in his eyes, full of the meaning of 'you will die if you try again'.

It seems that this person is still not well, he is going crazy.

Wu Dui frowned and said nothing.

"Wei Xun can't speak now. He can make a choice after he goes back and recovers."

A big white wolf howled and howled, and suddenly turned into a human. She was a woman with wolf ears and tail, and a lively smile. She showed two small fangs when she smiled. She was very friendly and smoothed things over:

"Hello Wei Xun, I am Lu Shucheng from the homecoming team! Mao Xiaole has been talking about you for a long time, and even copied the novel with his own brush. Do you want to be our guest on the way home first?"

"Don't worry, our journey back is very democratic! We won't force you to join the brigade. Let's get to know it first."

Just now the captain mentioned the life-haunting person, and they will definitely have to discuss it next. This is not information that Wei Xun can know now, because this person is too dangerous.

Looking for an excuse, I might as well take Wei Xun back to the brigade for a look. Of course they talk about democracy and don't force people. They use resource points and various good treasures and props to win over people!

"Captain, let me take Teacher Wei back."

Mao Xiaole's face turned red and he glared at Lu Shucheng fiercely. He was a little shy about using a brush to copy novels, but look, the fluffy Teacher Wei was right in front of him!

Mao Xiaole thinks he can do it again! Not only did he use a brush to copy novels, he also used a brush to draw leopards and plaster pictures of snow leopards all over the station!

An Xuefeng frowned, and he took out the leopard cub from his arms - this leopard cub has grown a bit, and is no longer the small cub it was before.

He didn't really want to hand it over to Mao Xiaole. He was so sloppy. What if he didn't hold it securely and fell?

He looked at Lu Shucheng again... He didn't really want to give it to her. What if this person got addicted to meat on the road and wanted to eat leopard meat?

But before he let go, this little snow leopard actually stretched out his claws towards Mao Xiaole!

This is a good opportunity.

Wei Xun thought that to get rid of An Xuefeng and the others, he would first get some information.

It was too inconvenient to have An Xuefeng around. Wei Xun never underestimated the acumen of a strong man. Even with An Xuefeng's desire for exclusivity, ***'s love and the blessing of the contract, Wei Xun still doesn't feel very safe when staying with An Xuefeng.

Compared with the unfamiliar Lu Shucheng, the Taoist priest from Maoshan, whom he has known for five years, is of course a better target for information.


Wei Xun greeted Mao Xiaole, and Mao Xiaole was so excited that the hand he stretched out to pick up Bao Bao was trembling slightly.


Wei Xun turned around and said hello to An Xuefeng politely. After all, he might be the big boss in the future.

I am leaving!

An Xuefeng had a straight face, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Wei Xun ignored him and stood up, about to jump onto Mao Xiaole's hand.

But the next moment, his tail was caught by someone!

"Tsk, why are you clinging to my hand?"

Before Wei Xun could look back in shock, he heard An Xuefeng take the lead. He slightly raised his eyebrows, a little impatient and a little fierce, and spoke very quickly:

"The little leopard cub is clingy."

"Forget it, we're just going back to the base anyway, I'll take you back."

With that said, he and Wei Xun disappeared into the land of northern Tibet.

Mao Xiaole was stunned, Qi Lecheng was stunned, and Team Wu opened his eyes slightly.

"As for that?"

Wan Duan murmured, shaking the turtle shell in his hand, and he wanted to guess what was going on.

Only Lu Shucheng was calm, without any surprise, and said matter-of-factly:

"It's okay, I'll get used to it later."

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