Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 125 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (69)

[Task name: Prevent the Abyss Node from affecting the human world]

[Mission Level: Extremely Dangerous]

[Number of people convened: 2 people]

[Task description: The abyss node connects the human world and the abyss. Excellent traveler Wei Xun, use all your methods to completely open the abyss node. When it affects the human world, minimize the influence of the abyss node! 】

There was no option to accept the mission, and no mission reward was indicated. This extremely dangerous mission appeared directly in Wei Xun's mind, and he accepted it by default!

At this moment, Wei Xun suddenly realized that he knew more information about "excellent travelers". Originally, he should have learned this information after returning to the hotel and updating his traveler badge. After all, according to Wei Xun's status as a "novice traveler", he still You are not bound to a hotel. Only by being bound to a hotel can you truly become an excellent traveler and know your rights and obligations.

But something extremely urgent happened right now. I went to the hotel in an emergency and recognized Wei Xun as an outstanding traveler regardless of the binding.

As an excellent hotel guest, you will receive various benefits from the hotel, such as shopping discounts, more permissions, more title tasks, opportunities to upgrade titles, and even your own exclusive live broadcast room to earn points like a tour guide, etc. wait. At the same time, once the hotel issues a summons, outstanding travelers must respond!

It can be as small as collecting a certain resource, defeating an enemy, as large as exploring a dangerous no-man's land, or even providing assistance when a hotel is attacked, etc. Like this time, unblocking the abyss node and preventing the node from affecting the world are all done by the best. Only passengers can receive the summons!

Every outstanding traveler will become powerful quickly. Most travelers don’t understand. They only see the hotel’s preferential treatment to outstanding travelers and the strength of outstanding travelers. They envy and admire them. However, everyone in the brigade knows that this outstanding traveler is simply like Mortal travelers are no different, those missions are too dangerous and simply impossible to refuse.

The faster you become stronger, the faster you die. The only ones who can survive are the strong ones with good strength and luck. For example, Wei Xun entered the journey as a novice traveler, but he received a summons to prevent the Abyss Node from affecting the human world. , even if he has extraordinary strength to unblock the journey, this is an almost impossible task!

"Two people?"

Wei Xun noticed the number of people summoned. Who else was summoned besides him? Could it be that there is another outstanding traveler in this brigade, Jiang Hongguang and the others?

Or does the hotel try to scare people from outside? After all, tour guides have ways of hacking into the journey, and it’s impossible for a hotel to fail to do this.

But I haven't enjoyed any preferential treatment yet, so you want me to just work hard?

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and dropped the title of passenger again. This time he took a little longer to remove it, a full two seconds. The temptation just now made him bolder. To be honest, Wei Xun was taking a risk when he tried it for the first time.

He remembered that when he had just completed the novice tour guide mission in Zuimei Xiangxi, the hotel frantically sent out an alarm. The tour guide had been identified as Bingjiu, and two tour guides could not coexist on this tour.

The tour guide Ding Yi was dead in name only, Wei Xun could kill him at any time, and he had ***** love, so he tried it out.

But there was no response from the hotel!

This is strange, even if * * * is on the journey, it should be the hotel's usual alarm first, and then suppressed. What factors influenced this result? Is it the state of tour guide Ding Yi? * * *The presence? Or is there something wrong with this abyss node?

He did remember that the prompt of 'discovering the abyss node' appeared when he was holding the status of a tour guide. The connection between the abyss itself and the tour guide should be deeper.


[Abyss Node (opening degree 45%)! 】

Wei Xun did not touch the demonic crystal this time, but it continued to crack from the moment he became a tour guide! When the click sounded, Wei Xun immediately put on the passenger title. This time his expression was a little strange.

His heart was beating very fast just now, and his heart was burning, as if there was a fire burning. He pulled off his clothes and found that the incomplete butterfly tattoo that was originally so dim that it almost blended into his skin color lit up. The dark blue and purple lines were exceptionally clear, mysterious and magical. Even Wei Xun couldn't stare at it for too long, otherwise he would be completely addicted to it. Absence.

Just now, when he became a tour guide, Wei Xun's SAN value dropped by 15 points.

But Wei Xun did not lose control. He even thought more clearly and became more rational and calm. He seemed to hear a voice calling him from the opposite side of the demonic crystal.


He longed to open the demonic crystal and go to the back of the crystal. Something was calling him. This desire is not a hunger for demonic energy or food, but another more instinctive desire to possess.

This thing is mine.

Wei Xun thought, can this abyss node be taken away? What about plunder? What about markers?

Anyway, this thing is first come, first served, he has to get it.

But after becoming a tour guide, the mission of an excellent tourist has not disappeared. In other words, whether as a tour guide or a tourist, Wei Xun must solve the problem of the influence of the abyss node.

"Prevent the abyss node from affecting the human world..."

Wei Xun murmured, he seemed a bit conflicted. The simplest way to prevent the Abyss Node from affecting the human world is to prevent it from opening, or to destroy it after it is opened. But Wei Xun had a vague hunch that he could only get this thing after opening it.

Without opening it, it is just a demonic crystal on this land.

What will happen after it is opened? Will there be demons coming out or demonic energy rising? Is this fixed here to connect to the abyss, or is it just a point that can be taken away?

"I want a weapon."

Wei Xun suppressed his thoughts and ignored the tasks of excellent travelers and the demonic energy nodes. Instead, he had to complete the rewards of the main line of the journey first. After all, this reward has a time limit, and a decision must be made within five minutes. Now two or three minutes have passed!

[Your identity is detected as a traveler! ]

The voice of the hotel was not small. In an instant, Wei Xun's mind was filled with various information, and he felt a little swollen and painful. Countless pictures passed by like a revolving lantern, which were the information and patterns of various weapons! At the same time, Wei Xun heard the prompt of the hotel. He could choose pure weapons, such as swords, spears, swords and halberds, or weapons that matched his title, such as the magic insect ball.

The former is powerful but has limited potential, while the latter is relatively weak at the beginning but can be upgraded with Wei Xun's strength, and it matches his title and can release more powerful power.

But this weapon is limited to being a traveler!

"Are there any others?"

Wei Xun was not satisfied. He looked down on ordinary weapons. Those swords, spears, swords and halberds were just pure weapons without supernatural powers. If he chose talismans, whisks and the like, he was not good at using them. It is better to choose weapons that match the title, but the titles that Wei Xun is currently powerful and often uses have exclusive props.

The false king has a series of props of the Golden Winged Dapeng, and the Demon Insect Ruler has the Demon Insect Ball. The remaining titles are mostly used for auxiliary purposes, and only the title of Adventurer is used more, but it is only a blue title after all.

The titles are limited. In the future, when Wei Xun obtains higher-level titles, these low-level titles may be rarely worn. At that time, the exclusive weapons will not be able to exert their full strength.

"I want a weapon that matches me!"

Wei Xun wants the weapon that best matches him. He has the dual identities of a tourist and a tour guide. The weapons he originally obtained should have both. How could it be a prop that "only tourists can use"!

But the hotel did not respond. Obviously, Wei Xun's identity made it unable to judge immediately.

"I am a traveler and a tour guide!" Wei Xun simply removed the title of traveler and changed it several times. He switched from a tour guide to a traveler very quickly and did not stay on the tour guide identity for too long. However, the opening degree of the abyss node gradually increased by more than 50%! * * "Dang-dang-dang-" The bell rang, and the loud bell sounded throughout the magnificent hall, even affecting the deeper and farther places. This is a strange bell tower, which is suspended above the hall. It is silver-white with mysterious and magical black patterns on it. There is no pointer on the top dial, only a shadow. At this moment, the shadow occupies half of the dial and is spreading to the other half. "So fast, the abyss node opened so fast this time!" A tour guide with black hair on his face exclaimed, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like a crow. His back was bulging high, like a hunchback. Those were his wings that had not grown completely, like two tumors. "Yeah, it's only been a few minutes, and I suspect that the Abyss Bell is broken!" said the man next to him. He had big spiral horns on both sides of his head, his pupils were like those of a sheep, and he spoke in a bleating voice. And the two of them were the ones with relatively normal looks in the hall! At this time, there were more than a hundred people in the hall. Some of them wore cloaks and some did not. Those who covered their faces and bodies looked like normal people, but those who did not wear cloaks were simply a group of demons. Some of them were two meters tall, some had four arms, some were covered with hair as if they were atavistic, some had tentacles on their bodies, and some were directly weird monsters. All kinds of weirdness made ordinary people look strange. There were also levels in this hall. The more monster-like, the closer they were to the front, and the more human-like, the less alienated, the closer they were to the back. Several more people entered the hall, and one of the young men was shocked by the scene and widened his eyes. "Don't look around, be careful of getting into trouble." The bull-headed middle-aged man who brought him here scolded in a low voice: "Anyone who passes through the filthy gate will show his alienation state. There is nothing to be surprised about." The filthy gate he mentioned is an archway at the entrance of the hall. This is the rule of the Butcher Alliance. The alienation state is respected and the abyss state is respected. Anyone who passes through the filthy gate and enters the hall will be directly exposed to the alienation state. Unless they are new and tender. "I, I haven't alienated yet." The young man felt countless malicious eyes looking at him, and he didn't dare to look anymore. He pulled down his hood and felt that he was out of place, as if monsters were normal. "Don't worry, there will definitely be opportunities for alienation. This time I just bring you to see the world." The bull-headed middle-aged man mooed and said in a muffled voice. In fact, he and the young man were not from the Butcher Alliance, but a subordinate alliance of the Butcher Alliance - the Mutual Aid Association. This Mutual Aid Association is a well-known new tour guide alliance in the East District, and many new tour guides will enter this alliance. No one knows that its superior is the Butcher Alliance, which specializes in discovering talented new tour guides and subtly inculcating them into Butcher tour guides.

Only those with the title of Executioner (who have slaughtered a team three times) can enter the Butcher Alliance. In fact, there are rumors that the Alliance deliberately spreads this rumor, and there are also rumors that it is becoming more and more demonized. In fact, for tour guides who can be alienated, this requirement will be relaxed accordingly. Those alienated tour guides with excellent talents can join the Butcher Alliance even if they have never slaughtered a team.

But for tour guides, unless there is a big opportunity or they are born strong, most of the alienation will occur after returning to zero. The situation must have been extremely dangerous. Not only were all of the brigade dead, more than half of them were definitely dead or injured. Moreover, after being transformed, most tour guides cannot control themselves and focus on killing, and the entire team will be almost wiped out.

But if he is just a madman who kills people and has no alienation, he will not be taken too seriously in the Butcher Alliance. For example, if Ding Yi is introduced to the Butcher Alliance by Taoist Bee, he must be alienated first, otherwise he can only enter the affiliated alliance.

In reality, this young man is the nephew of the Minotaur. After entering the hotel, the two parties unexpectedly recognized each other. The Minotaur is a second-class tour guide. Although he is the tail of the crane, he still has a good reputation. This time he brought his eldest nephew to see the world.

"Look, that's the Abyss Bell."

The tauren pointed at the strange bell tower suspended in the middle of the hall, and said in a rather proud tone: "Only our Butcher Alliance can be so generous as to integrate the abyss node into the bell tower - stop playing with your badge, listen to me!"

The tauren slapped the young man's hand. The young man gasped in pain and hurriedly grabbed the badge to prevent it from falling. Obediently looked at the bell tower. After a few glances, he wondered: "Uncle, isn't this the same as the one on the badge?"

In his hand was the lowest-level bronze butterfly-wing tour guide badge. At this moment, half of the badge was black, almost the same as the shadow distribution on the bell tower.

"The degree to which the abyss node is open will be displayed on the tour guide's badge, but it is not as accurate as the bell tower!"

The tauren scolded: "I don't know what I'm talking about. This is the prop of our alliance leader. How can it only show the opening speed? You will know it in a while!"

"I heard that there are already four abyss nodes in our alliance?"

"Five, this one will be ours too."

The tauren said proudly: "Although Ding Yi is a waste, Taoist Bee is a newly promoted to the forty-nine second class. The man behind him is one of the top ten powerful members of our world's butcher parliament! The abyss node appears, no matter what To limit the intrusion of tourists, the Abyss Node will definitely be captured with their help.”

"Hmph, even if the Shepherd Alliance has exhausted all its mechanisms, it still won't be as lucky as our Butcher Alliance."

Someone next to him echoed, snorting coldly: "I heard that there are twelve alliances, and a few trashy little tour guide alliances in the Yin Mansion Alliance also want to get a share of the pie. It's simply wishful thinking!"

* *

"Damn, are they groundhogs? They all want to get in there!"

Mao Xiaole said impatiently, took out a few talismans and made several tour guides into stone statues. He flicked the whisk away and swept away the splattered blood, complaining: "Sister Cheng, please pay attention, the blood is all splattered on my side!"

"Huh huh huh... Okay, I'll definitely pay attention."

Lu Shucheng, who was squatting on the ground, turned around and smiled brightly. Her face was covered in blood, her teeth were stained with scarlet blood, and her eyes completely turned into wolf eyes, with pupils like needlepoints, showing a bit of ferocity and wildness.

They arrived in Tibet one step earlier, but Mao Xiaole kept urging them on the way, not wanting to see Wei Xun in the dust. I wanted to get to the place first and wash up and tidy up, so I arrived early. Unexpectedly, like a prophet, I blocked several waves of tour guides on the only way to the end of northern Tibet.

The tour guides’ intrusion into the trip is not random. Those big tour guides can contact the hotel parking lot, find the bus for this trip, lock the location through the bus, and then invade the trip. Those who are slightly less powerful and cannot contact the parking lot, or do not want to compete with the big tour guides, will first go to the end of the journey and invade the journey through there.

What Mao Xiaole and the others intercepted was the latter.

"Don't kill me. We are not butchers and tour guides. We are also civilized tourists."

Mao Xiaole said lazily, ignoring the five or six blood-stained bodies stacked in front of Lu Shucheng. He walked directly to the person he had pinned, took off his badge and looked at him, frowning.

"The abyss node opens too quickly, which is abnormal."

Mao Xiaole frowned. In the past, the opening speed of the abyss node was very slow. It was almost the end of the journey when it was fully opened. There are still more than two days before the end of the journey, and it should take at least forty-eight hours to fully open.

Unlike now, it’s only been a few minutes and it’s already more than half turned on!

"Something's wrong. Stop fighting. Let's go see where the finish line is."

Mao Xiaole dragged Lu Shucheng forward, who wanted to fight again, and was worried. Logically speaking, if the abyss node is opened, the hotel will directly issue tasks to outstanding travelers to see who can grab it faster. Although there are very few outstanding travelers, they are found in all major brigades, and Mao Xiaole himself is one.

But he didn't see the mission at all!

Did others grab it too quickly, or did the brigade itself have two outstanding travelers who directly met the hotel's needs?

Mao Xiaole's heart was pounding, and the more he thought about it, the more hairy he felt. Yes, there are two outstanding travelers in this northern Tibetan brigade, but damn one is the newcomer Wei Xun, and the other is An Xuefeng who hides his identity! The hotel shouldn't give them tasks, right?

If this is the case, it will be terrible. No matter how many tour guides they stop outside, some of them will definitely get in. Otherwise, the opening speed would not be so fast!

The more Mao Xiaole thought about it, the more anxious he became. He called Bai Xiaosheng and called him by his real name in a hurry: "Hey Bai Feibai, have you stopped Pinocchio?"

"No, he should have already gone in."

Bai Xiaosheng's tone was as calm as ever. Mao Xiaole heard a noisy voice on his side, like a tearing cloth, and seemed to hear Wan Xiangchun's vague voice: "Humph, I caught another one."

"Hang up first."


Mao Xiaole hung up the phone worriedly. Wan Xiangchun had a special title. When it came to space, the tour guide he caught was definitely the kind of big tour guide who could contact the hotel parking lot. He was at least in the top ten of the second class. I don't know if he had caught it. who.

"Dream Chaser is in northern Tibet and the situation should be fine."

Mao Xiaole glanced at the live broadcast room and found that the screen was still black. He turned on and off his phone irritably and muttered to himself.

"What? He rarely takes action anymore."

Lu Shucheng was licking the blood on his fingertips and muttered: "In his situation, he can touch as few abyss nodes as possible, but I don't know if there will be a tour guide from the West District coming here. If there is a tour guide from the West District, he will come here." If he wants to seize the abyss node, he should take action. "

"The West District... not many people will come. I think Shepherd and others have ideas."

Mao Xiaole frowned and fiddled with his mobile phone: "Wang Yushu was stopped by the puppet master. She was probably worried that the captain had received the summons from the hotel...if he ignored him, he would not die. But the fact that she would show up to stop someone in the Shepherd Alliance must have invaded Brigade."

"Who could it be? Pinocchio? Silverfish?"

"Silverfish has an abyss node, so he probably won't go there again."

Lu Shucheng consoled him: "You are too nervous. Not only are we stopping you, but Feihong Xuanxue and the others also want to invite Wei Xun. This is good, as it can stop the tour guides."

"Those who will be blocked are all rubbish. The problem is that the abyss node opens too fast. There must be a forced intrusion!"

Mao Xiaole jumped up angrily and grabbed Lu Shucheng's wolf ears: "You are not allowed to eat blood. The more you eat, the stupider you will become. If you eat again, I will file a complaint when Bai Xiaosheng comes back."

"Okay, okay, if I don't want to eat, I won't eat."

Lu Shucheng was not angry either. He tilted his head and asked him: "The psychic just entered the trip the day before yesterday. Silverfish will not go. There are not many tour guides available for this difficult journey. The top ones can only enter two more." , Even the strongest ones can only go in with both Pinocchio and Yin Yang Butterfly, which is not enough for our captain to poke with one finger, let alone those miscellaneous fishes. "

"I'm not afraid that the captain won't wake up. The two tour guides just invaded and he won't be able to wake up."

Mao Xiaole let go of her ears and said worriedly: "Unless the abyss node opens and the demonic energy overflows and invades, he will be able to wake up, but then -"

He was afraid that the hotel was really stupid enough to issue a summons to Wei Xun and ask Wei Xun to solve the abyss node. In this case, he and the two tour guides will definitely meet!

* *

"The dead?"

The battle at Serincuo Lake has come to an end, but violent storms are still washing over the land. The accumulated water flowed into the big hole. The huge hole drilled by the devil's hands was pitch black and bottomless. The big devil just fell in from the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone saw that it and the Cuocha Lama were both injured, and then they were struck by thunder and lightning and fell into a deep hole. Facing a demon at an extremely close distance made Jiang Hongguang and others feel numb.

"The devil, he, he is not dead..."

The wrong Lama who was knocked out said weakly. His soul was about to collapse, but he still struggled to get up: "Quick, help me, put me down..."

The seal of the earth suddenly disappeared, and the Lama's perception of the error was most obvious. If the seal is still there, if the big devil falls, he will definitely be bound by the seal again and will not be able to escape.

But now, the seal has mysteriously disappeared! This made Lama Tongcha feel trembling and worried. What could possibly cause all seals to fail? Could it be that the gate to the lake has opened? Or the passage to the Demon Kingdom?

The lama is even more worried that the demon body under the earth will resurrect and riot, and the demon soul must be removed before that!

"Lama, do you want to go down?"

Ji Hongcai was so courageous that he and Fang Yuhang walked out of the protective circle of the successors of the Eagle Flute. They tried to help Lama Cuocai up, but Lama Cuocai was a soul, and the situation was not good. They could not touch the lama's body at all. , let alone helping him up.

Lama Cuocao also knew that his situation was extremely bad at the moment and he could no longer fight the big demon. His anxious soul was even more scattered, but he could not stand up no matter what.

"If... there is help from the Snow Mountain Sacred Beast..."

Ji Hongcai and Fang Yuhang looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They had just received a special mission [Wrong Lama's Request for Help] to help the lama completely kill the devil. But the problem is that they have no idea where the Snow Mountain Sacred Beast is. Both the Snow Leopard and the White Wolf King followed Wei Xun. He seemed to be on the altar before, but then he didn't know where he went.


Yin Baitao and others screamed suddenly. Ji Hongcai did not look back. His long-term instinct for dealing with danger made him throw Fang Yuhang to the ground directly, avoiding the attack coming from his side.


It was a beautiful butterfly, with scales like light dust scattered between its wings, but the aura on it was extremely terrifying. A man in a dark green cloak walked over slowly. The heavy rain fell on him, and all that washed away was blood.

"Did you see anyone else come in?"

the man asked softly.

"Ding Yi?"

Jiang Hongguang said vigilantly, suddenly stunned: "No, no, no, you are not..."

He stared intently at the visitor's chest. There was a tour guide brooch pinned there. It was actually like a diamond! Thinking of something, Jiang Hongguang's face turned pale and he was almost suffocated and unable to speak. The man glanced at them lightly, moved his fingers slightly, and the butterflies were about to fly. But at this moment, he suddenly noticed the successor of the Eagle Flute.

As if he realized something, the man suddenly clenched his hands and let the butterfly return to his body. He lowered his head slightly, as if to greet the successor of the eagle flute, and then jumped directly into the dark hole without saying anything!

"Top... tour guide."

A long while after his figure disappeared, Jiang Hongguang took a sharp breath of air and turned pale.

That was not Ding Yi, and the person who just passed by them was definitely not Ding Yi.

Diamond brooch, that, that is the legendary top tour guide!

"Top tour guide, are you talking about me?"

Suddenly, a strange child's voice sounded in his ears, mixed with a sizzling sound like rough wood rubbing against each other. Jiang Hongguang was completely unable to move, and could not even look back. Only the people behind him saw everything.

That's a kid wearing a purple cloak!

No one saw when he appeared. At this moment, he was standing next to Jiang Hongguang, looking up at him. His face was covered by the hood, and a shy laughter sounded:

"Oh, I'm really embarrassed to be praised like that. But you're right, I'm a top tour guide."

He laughed, and his laughter was slightly sharp: "Anyone who is not top-notch and dares to come in will be killed by me."

He threw his hand to the side, and it was a handful of something like wooden beads. But when they rolled down and jumped to the ground, they all turned into human heads.

"I hurt so much, I hurt so much!"

"I feel so much pain!"

These heads were rolling and jumping on the ground, their eyes were still open, and they were wailing in pain, despair and fear, as if they were still alive! The child laughed amidst the terrifying wailing, and Jiang Hongguang's pale face seemed to satisfy him.

"Don't worry, of course I'm joking. After all, I'm not a butcher, and they are all still alive. Listen, they are all praising me as a top tour guide."

The child laughed, and suddenly he turned his head and got closer and closer to Jiang Hongguang: "What, you said, the top tour guide you just praised was not me?"

"It's so sad, but I'll let you know that I'm a top tour guide."

As he spoke, countless sharp puppet lines invisible to the naked eye were drawn towards the necks of all passengers present. No one can react. But at the next moment, someone directly lifted the child's cloak.


He was thrown directly into the pit!

All this happened so fast that no one could react. Jiang Hongguang stared blankly at the figure in front of him. His heart was about to burst. It was all about the luck and fear of escaping from death.

It was the descendant of the Eagle Flute, and he was the one who threw this man down.

How strong is the guide? !

At this moment, he seemed to hear a faint chuckle. The guide looked leisurely at the deep cave in front of him. He seemed to want to go in, but he didn't seem to want to. Jiang Hongguang stared at him in trance for a long time, and he seemed to hear a long wolf howl.

* *



Wei Xun seemed to hear a familiar wolf howl.

"Have you found the White Wolf King?"

He wasn't surprised, after all, whether it was a snow leopard or a white wolf, it would always come looking for it. Wei Xun listened to the wolf howl for a while, but didn't hear any special meaning, so he focused on the system prompts again.

[Your identity is detected as a tourist and tour guide! 】

Finally, the hotel responded. The prompts "You are detected as a tourist" and "You are detected as a tour guide" were combined into one. All the miscellaneous information about weapons and props disappeared. The next moment, two new items of information appeared in front of Wei Xun.

[Passenger Wei Xun, you unlocked the difficulty level, completed the side plot as a newcomer, completed the main line of the journey, and became a brigade captain recognized by the hotel, an excellent traveler! You even dare to contact the host of the hotel and suffer unknowable and imperceptible influences. There is nothing you dare not do on this journey. The hotel has judged that you are a fanatic! 】

[You get the fanatic’s knife! 】

A black narrow knife appeared in Wei Xun's hand. It looked similar to a narrow knife ground from crystal, but it was longer and sharper. It had no scabbard, and the blade was full of gaps. The uneven and jagged blade The stars are dotted with dark red, as if they are all residual blood stains!

[Name: Fanatic’s Knife (Elementary)]

[Quality: Special]

[Master: Wei Xun]

[Characteristic 1: Madness]

[Madman, you dare to do things that ordinary people dare not do, and you dare to do things that ordinary people dare not do. You regard rules as nothing, and become stronger whenever you are strong. No difficulty or danger can trap you. But be careful, the hotel rules cannot be violated! 】

[When your level increases, it will have more features as your level increases! 】

Wei Xun held the knife and felt that it was just right in terms of weight and length. With a casual wave of his hand, he left a very deep knife mark on the stone wall in front of him. He threw the Mantis No. 3 and slashed it open, splitting it directly from the middle! You must know that it is a demonic insect that has been transformed from the blood of the butterfly tattoo. Its carapace is extremely hard, almost as good as diamond!

"Kang, will you be strong when you meet the strong?"

Wei Xun directly took Mantis 3 back to the Demonic Insect Ball for recuperation. The fanatic knife in his hand actually buzzed and vibrated, as if he was dissatisfied with the enemy being too weak! Wei Xun just slashed at the stone wall with the same force as Mantis Three, but the stone wall was weaker than Mantis Three, so when he slashed down on the stone wall, it was just a slash, but Mantis Three was cut off directly.

But there should be a limit to how powerful it is. After all, it is currently only at the elementary level and should be consistent with Wei Xun's current strength.

The blade buzzed, and Wei Xun discovered that the knife was pointing at the diagonally upward passage. This is the passage dug by the big devil, and this is where he comes down. The tip of the knife buzzed, and Wei Xun's heart moved.

This sword is crazy, it will point at the strong, and it only desires to fight the strong.

Could it be that some strong man is coming down from there?

Wei Xun sensed carefully and only noticed pure demonic energy. Ever since the crystal of demonic energy collapsed, the demonic energy began to leak out from this place. The seal in the surrounding soil seemed to have failed, and the demonic energy could no longer be driven out. But the overly strong demonic energy also affected Wei Xun's perception, making him unable to detect whether something was coming down from above.

Wei Xun looked around. It seemed to be a naturally formed cave. In addition to the crystallized layer of demonic energy in the middle, there were also stalagmites and gravels around it. The rock walls were uneven, and there was a concave crack in the depths. It can't accommodate people, but snow leopard cubs can get in.

Wei Xun directly transformed into a little snow leopard, put away the fallen clothes and props, picked up the fanatic's knife and ran towards the crack. He threw the knife in first, then got in, and hid his tail so that it wasn't exposed at all.

Then he looked at the second item.

[Guide Wei Xun, you have completed the extremely difficult task of a novice tour guide. As a newcomer, you have been given the temporary title Bingjiu. You have led the brigade through a super-dangerous journey, allowing all passengers to survive, and have been recognized by all passengers. You even opened up new attractions, became the pioneer of the journey to the 30th North Latitude, and made it onto the return list! You are destined not to take the ordinary path. Every choice you make is a gamble. According to the judgment of the hotel, you are a gambler! 】

[You get the Gambler’s Dice! 】

A dice fell in front of Wei Xun. It was not an ordinary six-sided dice, but had twenty sides. The background color was dark blue and purple, like the mysterious universe of stars. There are numbers marked on each side, but only one to six are shiny gold. The numbers on other sides are dim and cannot be used for the time being.

[Name: Gambler’s Dice (Elementary)]

[Quality: Special]

[Master: Wei Xun]

[Feature 1: Gambling]

[Gamblers, ordinary people dare not gamble. Real gamblers do not take money seriously. Money is just a small bet. Props, weapons, blood, life span, and even souls can all be used for gambling! Do you dare to put your soul and flesh on it and make a huge gamble? It should be noted that small gambling is pleasant, but big gambling is harmful to the body. Gambling is destined to lose more and win less, and it will eventually lead to bankruptcy. 】

[When your level increases, it will have more features as your level increases! 】

[You have the dual identities of a tour guide and a tourist at the same time, and you have two personal exclusive props at the same time, just like the two sides of you. When they all reach the intermediate level, they can be combined together to become a new combined prop ‘clown’]

[You have other people under control, and they are like clowns in front of you. But be careful, you don't become a real clown yourself! 】

Wei Xun fiddled with the dice and put it into the fox cub's belly before he had time to carefully examine its usage. He fed Xiaojin a drop of blood while staying in the Demonic Insect Ball to maximize his stealth.

The little snow leopard almost blends into the shadows, and no one can detect his presence. Wei Xun held his breath and concentrated, gathering all his breath.

Boom, boom.

The footsteps came closer and closer, like heavy objects falling on the ground, or like an upside-down corpse jumping forward. This thumping sound almost exactly matches the sound of human heartbeat. The faster the thumping sound, the faster the heartbeat sounds. It is so fast that it makes people feel panic, tinnitus, and nausea.

Something came down.

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