Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 124 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (68)

【Why is it blocked? Why are all the live broadcast rooms blocked? ? 】

【How is this going? The tour guide is dead? there is a problem? 】

Just now, the live broadcast room that was normal just now suddenly went black with all screens, and no split screen could be seen!

At this moment, the live broadcast room of Exploring Northern Tibet has a huge audience. As early as when Wei Xun took out the crown and wildly said that I also wanted to be King Xiangxiong, the number of viewers exploded once, and they rushed directly to the live broadcast room on the homepage of the region.

Wei Xun's live broadcast itself has attracted the attention of many big brigades and the big tour guide alliance. The gimmick of this year's strongest new tour guide is higher than that of Zuimei Xiangxi, and is on par with the "all members survive" gimmick. What's more, Wei Xun has been unblocked all the way. Many people are betting that he can complete the main line of the journey and join the big tour group. Therefore, even if Wei Xun's live broadcast is split-screen and blocked, everyone enjoys watching it.

Especially after this big devil appeared, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached its peak. Not only the East District, but also many viewers in the West District also clicked in to watch. Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has not decreased but increased, and it is almost the same as the original Drunken Beauty Xiangxi Bingjiu The maximum traffic in the live broadcast room is the same.

This kind of demon can be found on a difficult journey, and you can earn it just by seeing it! The only pity is that except for Wei Xun, the other passengers are really not that good. They can only watch the battle between Lama Cuocai and High Priest Yangjin and the demon without participating in it. This is really unsatisfying to watch.

But laymen see the excitement, and experts see the door. When the first bolt of lightning struck the lake, causing Wang to jump up in surprise, there were also many tour guides who were shocked by this scene!

After all the Tibetan Exploration live broadcast rooms were blocked, it was basically confirmed. The tour guides in the live broadcast rooms quickly spread the information to the outside world. Many high-level tour guides from various alliances received the news, and many silent high-level accounts flooded into the live broadcast room. audience. The information in the tour guide’s exclusive channel is as fast as the screen.

"Abyss Node, that's the Abyss Node!"

"Who is the tour guide of this brigade? Ding Yi? Where is Ding Yi? Why didn't the lightning strike him!"

"Ding Yi is too weak. The strongest demon was struck by lightning."

"Damn it, why did you let idiot Ding Yi hit this great opportunity!"

"What abyss node, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it because lightning struck the demon because he had too much demonic energy? What does it have to do with the Abyss Node?"

"Ask your alliance master. If you are a new tour guide, don't beep. It's useless for you to know."

"Hey, it's useless for the old tour guide to know. The abyss nodes are only in the hands of those big tour guides."

"It's not necessarily the case that lightning strikes the devil, but if the live broadcast room is suddenly blocked, then it definitely is."

"I don't believe it, how could Ding Yi be assigned to a difficult journey with an abyss node! Is he some kind of talented person?"

"Fuck it, I would rather believe that Wei Xun is a tour guide reserve, and only talented tour guides are worthy of being selected. Ding Yi is a D-level, and he is still being controlled by others, he doesn't deserve it!"

"It's so funny, you have the final say on whether Ding Yi is worthy or not? The forces behind him have the final say!"

"Behind Ding Yi is Taoist Feng, Taoist Feng is from the Butcher Alliance, I understand!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the Butcher Alliance is awesome. I think this abyssal node has to be named Tu again."

Those mid-level and low-level tour guides who were completely watching the excitement and had no hope of fighting over the points were nagging in the channel. Those tour guides with connections in the major tour guide alliances spread the news, and some even secretly went to find Master Feng - he and Tour guide Ding Yi contacted him, but he was not found. Taoist Feng disappeared!

"An abyss node appears again? A new one?"

In the virtual hall, in a teahouse, six or seven people in cloaks were sitting around tables and chairs.

"There should be no more abyss nodes, unless the node Silverfish got is fake."

One person sneered, pushed the person next to him, and said lazily: "Hey, silverfish, tell me, are the nodes you got fake?"

"If you want to know, you can go in and have a look."

Silverfish chuckled and stirred the tea in the cup with a chopstick. He just put six or seven pieces of rock sugar into the cup, and the fine tea was turned into a cup of sweet water. But he didn't drink the tea himself. There was a soybean-sized hairy ball on the chopsticks, lying at the junction of the chopsticks and the tea, as if he was drinking tea.

One of them didn't lie down properly, and the fur ball rolled into the teacup, making a frightened squealing sound. The tea water rippled in circles. Silverfish picked it up with his chopsticks, but his eyes were not on the little fur ball, but on the mobile phone leaning on the sugar bowl.

The screen of the mobile phone is divided into two parts. One side is Ding Yi's black live broadcast room, which is completely blocked, and the other side is the double-speed playback of the screen recording of Exploration in Northern Tibet.

A person next to him smiled and said: "Of course it can't be fake. Silverfish is an elite Yiwu tour guide, and he also received an invitation letter from the crying medium on his death anniversary."

"The Butcher Alliance has the most abyss nodes, four of them, which is more than all the other tour guides combined. If Silverfish goes, there will be five abyss nodes -"

"I dont go."

Silverfish said in a gentle tone: "I didn't go to the death anniversary celebration either. To be honest, I'm not interested in being a monster."

"Hey, if you ask me, they still have to come to you. The Butcher Alliance will not let go of the tour guide who has mastered the abyss node."

The man smiled and saw Silverfish smiling without saying a word, and changed the topic: "After the birth of King Tusi's Tomb, two more abyss nodes appeared. The Little Witch of the West District got one, and Silverfish you got one. I'm curious about what this Ding Yi can do Can’t get this.”

"If this could really be marked, the number of abyssal nodes would be more than fourteen, more than twice the journey to the 30th North Latitude!"

"It's impossible for Ding Yi to get it. It depends on the Butcher Alliance to see if he can get another one."

Another person mused: "If they really want to invite Bingjiu back, this abyss node would be a good gift. Bingjiu's alienation is not yet mature, and he needs the abyss node."

Someone analyzed: "We have to fight. There is no way those big brigades can let the Butcher Alliance get another abyss node."

"This is a good thing. I want it too...I think it's not just the Butcher Alliance, the Shepherd Alliance also wants it."

"The second-ranked major league in the Eastern Region only has one Abyss Node in hand. It's too little. It's not enough. It's embarrassing to tell anyone."

"The Butcher Alliance is too overbearing. This abyss node cannot be released to them. I guess someone has informed the person at the Inca Sun Gate."

The man's words caused a roar of laughter.

"You're laughing me to death. Are you planning to laugh me to death? Although the abyss node is precious, the Butcher Alliance will not disturb that person."

"One abyss node is not enough. Is it enough for Bingjiu to defect to the Butcher Alliance and become the pioneer of the journey to the 30th North Latitude?"

The silverfish put down the tea cup. The tea inside had been sucked up by the fur ball. Now it swelled to the size of a lychee and rolled happily on the chopsticks.

"Silverfish, where are you going?"

Seeing Silverfish stand up, the person next to him said curiously: "You'd better not go out. It's very chaotic outside. There must be many people who want to see if the node you got is real."

Silverfish just smiled and didn't reply. He left the cafe without anyone stopping him.

When he returned to his station, he picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Lend me your silverfish."

Opposite was a slightly tired male voice. There seemed to be strong wind blowing in the background, and the howling wind made the man's voice a little blurry.


The silverfish immediately agreed. He flicked his chopsticks and the fur ball lying lazily on it disappeared.


The person on the other end thanked him, and Silverfish knew he was going to hang up the phone, so he hurriedly asked, "Did you kill the tour guide?"

"Have you already arrived in northern Tibet? Are there any butcher guides there? Or are they from the shepherd side? Other tour guide alliances also have ideas -"

"Kill someone from the West District, it'll be fine."

“It’s best not to kill anyone in the West District!”

Silverfish's voice was high-pitched, without any of the gentleness before, and even a little heartbroken; "You said you wouldn't kill the tour guide anymore, and the color of your cloak can't get any darker!"


The person on the other end seemed to sigh and then hung up the phone.

"Hello? Hello? Dreamcatcher?!"

"Hang up the phone now. Damn it, he shouldn't have gone to northern Tibet. Why did he really have to catch up on everything?"

Silverfish cursed angrily and became anxious: "There are so many tourists, it's your turn to take action? Hell, even the Western District is here, everyone wants to rush into the journey and snatch them away!"

It’s all because of the journey to northern Tibet that there was no tour guide who could mark the nodes of the abyss. Once no tour guide can mark the abyss node, the hotel will relatively relax the rules and allow outside tour guides to enter the journey!

Ding Yi? What a waste!

"Idiot Ding Yi."

Silverfish cursed vently, staring at the live broadcast room, even if it was blocked.

The fight ends either with the Abyss Node being destroyed or with it being marked. But on this journey to northern Tibet, there are no tourists who can destroy the nodes, and there are no tour guides who can take away the nodes!

It can only be the guide who invades the journey and takes away the nodes, and the brigade intercepts it at the end of the journey. By then the battle may have spread outside the journey.

It’s almost the end of the year celebrations and this thing comes out again. If it continues like this, it will be chaotic!

* *

Abyss node? What is this?

Wei Xun's eyes changed, and he immediately left the area of ​​demonic energy crystals. The surface of the demonic energy crystals that he had dug for so long without any response actually began to crack outwards from a small pit, and dense cracks were filled like a spider web in an instant. The entire crystal surface. This dent is exactly the point where Wei Xun's finger was pressing just now.

In other words, it was the point he clicked the moment he switched to the identity of a tour guide.

Is this a place that only tour guides can discover? Can’t the passengers find it?

"Abyss node, abyss..."

Wei Xun thought thoughtfully. If the passage to the Demon Country, the Gate of the Lake, etc. are not related to the abyss of the hotel, this abyss node can be regarded as simple and clear, and the relationship is named.

Passengers don’t respond and only respond to tour guides?

Let’s go, or should we take off the title and take a look?

Did the passenger really not respond?

Wei Xun didn't want to just leave, so he touched the pit again. The next moment, Wei Xun's head buzzed, it was a hotel alarm!

【alarm! alarm! Found the abyss node (opening degree 30%), outstanding traveler Wei Xun, you are now summoned by the hotel! 】

[Extremely dangerous mission issued! 】

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