Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 126 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (70)

Inside the fox cub's belly, the three-color magic fire in the crystal lamp trembled slightly.

Wei Xun frowned. It only lasts about five minutes from the time the mink cub bites the golden bell and returns to the present.

Is the great demon Chabalen down?

Could it be that Lama Tongcha and the others failed in suppressing the seal?

Wei Xun was hiding in the crack and could not see the situation where the demonic energy crystallized, but he could feel the demonic energy spreading and sinking. The only demon that could cause the demonic fire to vibrate was the great demon Chabalaren.

Not only that, at that moment, Ding Yi completely lost control, and Wei Xun could no longer sense his presence. Fortunately, he had destroyed his mind long ago and no information related to Wei Xun was exposed, but Wei Xun still cared.

There is an invasion of tour guides.

The tour guide invaded just now. Was it because the third scenic spot was about to end, or was it because of a problem with the abyss node? Even if Wei Xun still doesn't understand the importance of the abyss node, he instinctively knows that he wants this thing, and other tour guides probably want it too.

Then will they invade Journey for the Abyss Node?

Instead of Ding Yi, is Taoist Feng coming?

Taoist Feng, hey.

Wei Xun sighed inwardly, this person is useful. Purified magic honey is really easy to use, delicious and easy to use. Wei Xun was not very happy that he had prostituted so much purified magic honey from Taoist Feng for nothing, thinking that if it was really his invasion journey...

Will you also bring some magic honey?

Can we have another round of whoring?

You can never have too much of a good thing.

But whether it's a demon or an invading tour guide, their ultimate goal is the magic node.

‘What use is the Abyss Node to a tour guide? ’

Wei Xun quietly asked the hotel in his heart. He found out that the hotel was really good to the tourists and treated the tour guides like stepmothers. If you can't ask questions as a tour guide, you can ask them as a tourist.

‘Will the tour guide stop me from sealing the abyss node? ’

[Only tour guides or abyssal species can open the abyss node. Opening the abyss node will leak the air of the abyss and affect the human world]

Sure enough, the hotel, which he ignored when talking to the tour guide, made a fuss this time when he asked.

Wei Xun was confused: ‘The aura of the abyss is not demonic energy? ’

‘There are not only demons in the abyss’


Wei Xun's heart moved. He originally thought that the demon kingdom was the abyss. After all, he had always been in contact with demons and demon insects. It seemed that was not the case! Just like what Xiao Jin said at the beginning, Wei Xun was too weak to withstand the power of the unknown mystery. He only knew that the Valentine Demon Mosquito was a demon mosquito that lived on the third floor of [Unknown Word].

Countless years ago, Valentine's Demon Mosquito was the weakest Demon Mosquito at the bottom, but the leader of the Demon Mosquito got lucky and absorbed the blood of [Unknown Word] and survived by luck.

Now it seems that they should live on the third layer of the abyss, but this layer should have a proper name, which Wei Xun cannot currently find out.

Since there are three levels, there must be other levels as well. How many levels are there in the abyss? Different races live on different floors? Are the abyss nodes randomly connected to a certain layer of abyss?

Wei Xun actually didn't really believe in the existence of the abyss before. After all, hearing is false and seeing is believing. No matter how much Xiaojin Xiaocui said, he still didn't completely believe it. The inn was so powerful, and those strange items didn't look like they were there now. Maybe the so-called abyssal bugs and demons are just a series of 'abyss' props created by the hotel?

After all, the hotel's symbol is the Maria butterfly, so maybe it's the abyss itself.

But the existence of the abyss node made Wei Xun believe that the "world" of the abyss really existed!

It can cause the feeling of the butterfly tattoo, which can make him have the desire to take away. The guide is alienated and desires to mark the nodes of the abyss... There are many races in the abyss. Is that the alienation of the guide, not only the direction of the devil?

What is the relationship between the hotel and the abyss? Prevent the air of the abyss from polluting the human world, and allow excellent travelers to eliminate the impact... But it does not say that the nodes must be eliminated, or prevent the nodes from opening, but only requires that the abyss nodes be prevented from affecting the human world.


That should be connected to the abyss where the demons are? The hotel only said it was the aura of the abyss. Is this a fixed statement? Or is it unable to specifically determine which abyss the abyss node is connected to?

Why can the Great Demon Chabalen sense this place and want to open it? Can local demons also sense the existence of the abyss?

Wei Xun asked repeatedly: 'How does the abyssal energy affect the human world? How long will it take for it to affect the human world after being turned on? Will the abyssal energy leak out as soon as it is opened? ’

[When the abyss node is opened, the abyssal energy will be gathered, causing it to leak out. The slower it opens, the more leakage and the greater the impact]

[When the abyss node is fully opened, the abyssal energy will no longer leak unless something from the abyss invades the human world]

Ah this?

Wei Xun was surprised, this was different from what he thought.

According to the hotel, the abyssal node will only leak the energy of the abyss when it is opened, but not when it is fully opened?

Then he just switched to the role of tour guide, it was only a few seconds at most, more than ten seconds at most?

This opens it to 50%, and there is no leakage of abyssal energy? Does it leak when you open it to the back? The further back, the slower it opens?

What did he overlook?

‘If it is stopped during the opening process, will the abyssal energy continue to leak? ’


It wouldn't be normal, if a good traveler found a suspected tour guide who was opening an abyss node. If you fight him, the abyss node will be left unattended. If the abyss energy continues to leak out at this time, the tour guide will only have to wait for time and allow the abyss energy to leak out, which will directly cause the outstanding passengers to fail the mission. .

In other words, the abyssal energy will leak out only during the continuous opening process. Switching identities continuously like Wei Xun's is equivalent to continuously clicking on the cracks in the abyss, but not pushing it out all the time.

Therefore, the energy of the abyss was not leaked, or only a little bit that did not affect it was leaked! If other tour guides could be like him, there would be no such thing as the abyssal energy affecting the human world. Even outstanding travelers might have opened the abyss node before they could find a place.

That means that it is impossible to open the node normally as fast as him!

‘How long does it take for the Abyss Node to open? ’

Wei Xun's expression was a little strange: 'Like Ding Yi... no, a second-class tour guide like Feng Daoren, how long will it take? ’

[It varies from person to person, B-level tour guide, about two days]

B-class tour guide, it takes two days to open the abyss node? ?

Wei Xun was really surprised now. Could it be that this abyss node was prepared for him? Otherwise, why would you drive so fast?

‘Where are the second-class elite tour guides? How many days does it take for a first-class tour guide? ’

[Class B elite tour guide, about a day, Class A...]

Before the hotel finished speaking, there was only a booming sound. The whole underground was shaking violently. The gravel fell like rain. Some stone walls cracked due to the heavy pressure, and some stone cracks began to close due to the pressure, including the one where Wei Xun was hiding!

The crack in the stone squeezed his tail, Wei Xun flicked his tail, rolled up the fanatic's knife and held it across the crack. Feeling the strong pressure that could crush a person, the fanatic's knife immediately went crazy. One knife actually resisted the crack in the stone and prevented it from closing!

At the same time, Wei Xun felt that the knife kept calling him excitedly, asking him to hold the knife, split this crack, smash these rocks, and destroy all enemies who dared to oppose them!

The fanatic's sword can only be used to its full potential in the hands of the fanatic Wei Xun.

Yo? Is this a bit conscious? Or is it the instinct of a fanatic?

Wei Xun was surprised. He didn't expect that a knife could communicate with him. Even the Demonic Insect Ball has never seen such movement.

Is it because the Demonic Insect Ball is still incomplete, and the Fanatic's Knife is rudimentary but complete? Or is it because it is a personal-exclusive weapon, not a title-exclusive weapon?

But this kind of weapon is also more dangerous to use. For example, the current fanatic's knife has endless murderous intent and is unruly. If Wei Xun cannot respond to it as soon as possible, I am afraid it will cause trouble.

‘I still have enemies, and I can’t spare my hands. Let's run. It's too difficult to open the cracks. You can't do it with just one knife. Don't be crushed by the fanatic's knife. ’

Wei Xun tried to communicate with Dao.

In an instant, the light on the knife flashed, and the fighting spirit suddenly surged. There was nothing that the fanatic's knife could not do, and the knife alone could resist the enemy! If you want to crush a knife, try it!

In an instant, the crack became more stable and no longer squeezed inward. The Fanatic's Knife resisted all the pressure and no longer called for Wei Xun to join it.

It's so coaxing, this knife is a bit silly.

Wei Xun thought that if the madman had no brains, he would be cannon fodder. This junior sword is only crazy and seems to be brainless at the moment.

But this is easy to control. After all, the fanatic's knife is just a weapon. It is controlled by the fanatic, rather than turning back on the owner.

I don’t know what the gambler’s dice is about, maybe it will be even crazier. Gamblers are no better than madmen.

Wei Xun did not try the dice immediately. He tried his best to restrain his breath. He was familiar with this kind of violent vibration. He had made such a noise when the demon's arm flipped over, but it was not as big as now. Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the entire land of northern Tibet is experiencing an earthquake!

But the demonic energy that was constantly pressing down during the earthquake disappeared. It seemed that it did not continue to go down, but left... But if it really left, there would be no such commotion!

Wei Xun was suspicious of the great demon Chabalen. Could this kind of movement be the return of its demonic body and its demonic body rioting?

That would be terrible! Just one middle finger is 60 meters long. How big and powerful must the entire demon be? Even Wei Xun could hardly imagine it! .

He drives the three-color magic flame, which after all once belonged to the great demon Chabalaren, and also has some weak sensing power. There are also many snow-white demonic spider legs in the fox cub's belly, which are also infected by the evil shadow demonic energy of the big devil. Wei Xun let the demonic fire consume the demonic spider's legs, immediately strengthening the connection between it and the devil.

Various pictures appeared in front of Wei Xun's eyes, as if he was spying on the big devil through a telescope. Not being able to look too much for fear of attracting the devil's attention, Wei Xun quickly glanced twice and his eyes narrowed.

Just as he expected, the great demon Chabalaren escaped from the trap by merging his body and was rioting! But it did not go down to open the abyss node, or rush up to destroy northern Tibet.

It was fighting fiercely with two figures!

At this startling glance, Wei Xun couldn't tell the identity of the two people. He only saw a magnificent and beautiful butterfly like a ball of light!

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