Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 123 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (67)


Lama Cuocao couldn't believe it. High Priest Yangjin opened his eyes in shock, and a line of blood suddenly slipped from his left eye, but he ignored it and sneered after the shock.

"The devil is just deceiving people, Chabalan, now you are still stubborn."

"Don't worry about it."

Lama Cuocha calmed down, and the Dharma light around his body surged. When those flying swastikas were exposed to the dark evil energy, the evil energy disappeared like ice and snow, leaving no trace at all.

"Whether it is true or not, you will know after a quick look."

The big demon said quietly, tearing up the magical energy with a wave of his big palm. His voice was like thunder. When he moved, the demonic energy surged into the sky, causing the heaven and earth to stir up the wind and clouds. The wind suddenly rose and swept across all directions. The majestic rainstorm was rolled into pieces by the wind into a curtain of water. Every drop of rain They are full of demonic energy.

But the strong wind did not blow to the southwest. The great devil's intuition made him vigilant. Although these two Bon wizards were difficult to deal with, he secretly felt that the people over there were even less likely to be provoked.

If you mess with it, you will die!

Gandan Baiju is dead. The great devil has been aware of his death since his soul contract was broken. No, maybe it is not death. He remembered that he signed a contract with the successor of the Eagle Flute decades ago, and the demonic energy quietly polluted his soul. Although he had various magical weapons to protect himself, this man was so stupid that he actually led the demon into his body and signed a contract with the devil.

According to the erosion of demonic energy, he should have been reduced to a puppet of the big devil, completely under his control. But somehow, another terrifying and mysterious force intervened in his soul, and it almost squeezed out the devil's contract.

Thriller Global it him?

The big devil glanced at him with fear. The soul of the successor of the Eagle Flute had been taken away by the other party. The person standing there was no longer him, but the existence from that hotel. Otherwise, he would have completely controlled the successor of the Eagle Flute, and the humiliation of having the sacrifice taken away during the sacrifice would never have happened!

The little devil who took away his sacrifice also smelled of the Horror Global Hotel. Where exactly was that place? Could it be that they came for the Lake Gate?

"Hahahahaha, stupid, useless!"

The big demon was wary in his heart, but he laughed wildly. The overwhelming demonic energy swept in and rushed towards Lama Cuocao and High Priest Yangjin: "I have opened the gate of the lake. The great demon king will lead me back, and the demon flame will come back again." Sweeping across the earth, the world will turn into scorched earth, those who know how to do it should run away!"

"Look at this crack in the big lake, it is the portal through which my demon gate invades the human world!"

Something is wrong, Chabalaren is ready to run away. After being sealed for thousands of years, he still has the strength to open the lake gate. He has discovered an underground demon cave that is most likely connected to the Demon Kingdom! This selincuo black lake and the crack in the lake were all deliberate deceptions by him, just to make people ignore the altar.

Chabalaren was about to use his arm to open the demon cave. The moment the demon cave suddenly opened, the majestic demonic energy would surely dissipate the power of the golden bell. At that time, his soul and consciousness will return, and he will be reborn in the demon kingdom through his arm, and no one can stop him!

Open the gate to the lake? Let the demonic army come in and harm the world again? If he stays here any longer, he will be beaten to death! If a demon army really comes in, I'm afraid he will be the first to eat the weak one!

Looking at the earthquake, he estimated the time and it was time for his arm to reach the devil's point. We have to attract the attention of these two immortal wizards!


As the big demon laughed maniacally, the earth shook more and more violently, and hundreds of meters of water rose into the sky. The scene was as spectacular as a volcano erupting, with surging demonic energy surging out. The expressions of Lama Cuoca and High Priest Yangjin suddenly changed in shock.

"No, the crack around the lake is getting deeper. Wrong. We must seal him immediately!"

High Priest Yangjin said anxiously, he had to use the True Eye of the Sun immediately without further training. His seven orifices were bleeding, his beard and hair were all white, he didn't even care about his life, and he was deeply afraid of the big devil. This demon can actually lure him and control him from thousands of miles away in the seal. How powerful it must be.

He must not be allowed to unblock!

Lama Cuocha didn't say anything. Yang Jin was right. The devil must not be allowed to unblock and open the lake gate. But somehow he always felt something was wrong.

Wei Xun, the demon slayer, is not here, nor is the white wolf king, the holy beast of the snow mountain. Logically speaking, they should be here. Especially major events such as the unsealing of demons and the emergence of the Lake Gate are impossible for them to avoid.

What happened and where did they go?


Seeing that Lama Wrong was actually hesitant, High Priest Yangjin yelled anxiously, but before he could say the next sentence——


Several more terrifying bolts of lightning as thick as pythons struck out of thin air. The lightning was so dazzling that it could blind people's eyes. For a moment, there were bright and bright lightning everywhere. Lightning was striking the middle of the black lake, and hundreds of electric snakes were flying around the huge demon's shadow, connecting the lake to the great demon Chabalen, like a prison of lightning.


The demon roared in pain, and after being struck twice in a row, he suddenly shrank. He no longer maintained the huge demon statue, leaving only a black shadow more than two meters high. He tried to avoid the lightning, but was chased and struck by lightning one after another. Ordinary people could not understand the demon's words, and only felt the deafening thunder, as if the sky was about to collapse. Even the high priest Yangjin gasped when he saw this.

"The crime of opening the lake gate caused the Buddha to rain down thunder!"

Lama Cuocao said sternly: "Chabala Ren, go back to the seal quickly, otherwise your demon soul will be chopped into pieces by thousands of divine thunders, and you won't even have a chance to fall into the blood pool!"


The big demon was struck so hard that he fled with his head in his hands to delay time, but was sealed and restricted to Serincuo Lake. He was chased by lightning and struck five or six times in a row, and even the demonic shadow became illusory. Of course he wouldn't be afraid of lightning strikes if his body was there, but the demon soul, which had lost countless powers, still couldn't withstand repeated electric shocks.

Is this lightning really just chasing him?

The big demon couldn't bear being hacked, and he was muttering in his heart, this formation was only used when he led the demon army to invade the human world thousands of years ago. According to the posture, there really is no Lake Gate!

Damn it, he didn't want to do this, he just wanted to escape back to the Demon Kingdom. After finally surviving the lightning strike, another bloody sun fell in front of me. It was the damn High Priest Yang Jin who used his True Eye of the Sun again!

The big demon cursed in his heart and gathered demonic energy to resist, but on the outside he was still laughing wildly, saying that the thunder and lightning were coming just to open the gate of the lake, and soon thousands of demonic armies would emerge from the bottom of the lake and trample the world!

Now even Lama Tongcha had no time to think anymore. He used all his strength to join hands with High Priest Yangjin and vowed to seal the demon back! The two old men were covered with wounds, and the crazy attacks that cost their lives and souls made Chabalaren groan incessantly. He kept cursing in his mind why the devil's cave was not opened and the golden bell was not taken away.

If he doesn't return to the demon body, I'm afraid his soul will be severely damaged and he will really be forced back into the seal.

He has no confidence that he will survive another thousand years!

At this moment, the big devil's eyes changed and he was suddenly ecstatic!

The damn golden bell disappeared, and the demonic energy that had been suppressed and devoured in his right arm surged again. He could return to his arm!

"Hahahaha, the gate to the lake opens, and you all will die!"

He yelled crazily, facing Lama Cuocao and High Priest Yangjin with a fatal blow. The terrifying power made even Chabala Ren frightened. He had to leave immediately. He couldn't bear it if he didn't leave!

What a close call, but luckily I can get my arm back! The great demon Qiabalen launched countless demonic energies, and his soul took the opportunity to escape. The blazing red light and gold and silver swastikas collided with the demonic energy. After a brief confrontation, they actually swept the demonic energy and pushed it across the dark lake. But the expressions of High Priest Yangjin and Lama Cuocai suddenly changed.

"Ran away!"

High Priest Yangjin fell to the ground with a face as soft as gold paper. His left eye was sunken and full of burn marks, and he was completely blind. His right eye was also blurred. But he could feel that they had defeated the demonic energy just now, but did not hurt the demon's soul.

Chabalaren escaped! The seal is still there and the demon body is still there, so there is no way he can escape from the seal range. Could it be that the Lake Gate opened and he escaped into the Demon Gate? !

The soul of the wrong lama was so weak that it became translucent, the gold and silver swastikas completely disappeared, and the soul was almost dead. But after all, his soul was close to the Great Perfection, and he was a bit stronger than the high priest Yangjin. After realizing that Chabalaren's soul had escaped, he immediately looked at Serincuo Lake.

The turbulent water of the lake rolled with terrifying force, and the cracks at the bottom of the lake were like the mouth of an abyss, seeming to swallow everything. If the Lake Gate really opens, the only thing they can do is to throw themselves into the Demon Lake and suppress the Demon Gate with their bodies.

But Lama Cuocha still felt that something was wrong. Although there was evil energy in the lake, it was not heavy, and more of it was concentrated on the lake. It was more like the evil energy falling from the rainstorm to the lake surface, rather than from the bottom of the lake. Demonic flames spurting out from the depths.

On the contrary, more and heavier demonic aura came from behind!

"Yang Jin stop!"

Lama Tongcha stopped the high priest Yangjin who was staggering and about to throw himself into the lake. He suddenly turned around and faced off with the demon's shadow for decades. He believed in his intuition even more. The devil is not in the lake, but behind him!

"what is that?"

Lama Cuocao rushed to the back where the demonic energy broke out, but he was suddenly stunned the next moment. Even he couldn't understand the scene in front of him!

"what is that?!"

Boom—boom—! !

The rolling thunder shook the earth, but it could not suppress the violent earthquake coming from deep in the earth. Jiang Hongguang and the others looked ugly. The vibration was too close to them. Only those standing directly behind the successor of the Eagle Flute were not affected. People standing slightly on both sides could feel the terrifying vibration!

"Big earthquake, the ground, the ground cracked!"

Xu Yang's voice was so tight that it was trembling. He hugged the guide dog Duoduo tightly and his face turned pale. With the guide dog at hand, he could see ten meters underground. The terrifying cracks were extending from the ground to the ground at an extremely fast speed, and he sensed something extremely terrifying, just under the cracks!


"Can't run!"

Jiang Hongguang grabbed Xu Yang and held him down firmly: "It's even more difficult to run away at this time. The Descendants of the Eagle Flute will protect us!"

He didn't believe that the successor of the Eagle Flute would protect them! But the reality is like this. The earthquake was so severe that no one could stand still. Only the successor of the Eagle Flute was still stable behind him. Let alone running away, I was afraid that he would be knocked down as soon as he went out!

Fei Lezhi and other newcomers could only believe in the old man's experience, and looked at the cracking of the earth not far in front of them in horror. Jiang Hongguang, Ji Hongcai and others took out their weapons and were on alert, but in fact even Jiang Hongguang had no way of knowing what was going on outside and whether the descendants of the Eagle Flute could withstand it. But running away now is even more dangerous!

It had only been ten seconds since the thunder and lightning fell. Several cracks opened in the ground in front of them, and a large amount of soil was pushed up, forming several earth bags, like bamboo shoots breaking through the earth. Suddenly, the mounds of soil on both sides broke apart almost at the same time, and a gray-white hard object like a rock flew upwards, and below it was a scarlet cylinder, rising up like two hills!

No, it wasn't just two. Soon, gray and white stone hard objects broke out of the ground on the other two sides, connected to scarlet columns. There was a rumble, and four red cylinders rose from the ground in the eyes of the passengers in shock and disbelief. Then, when they stretched to a certain point, a scarlet city wall broke through the ground. These four scarlet columns grew like watchtowers on the city wall, and the surging demonic energy lingered on them, which was terrifying and shocking.

"This is the magic hand!"

Lama Cuocao lost his voice and the meaning in his words was shocking.

Such a huge city wall column is actually just a hand of the devil? !

Such a big movement, is it just a hand of the devil coming out? !

The giant devil's palm is missing its middle finger!

For a moment, both the wrong lama and the passengers were shocked, but the direction of shock was completely different. The wrong Lama has a keen sense. There is nothing special about this demonic hand. The demonic energy wrapped around it is indeed Chabalaren's, but it has been weakened a lot. It can reach the earth without being affected by the seal. This is his right arm.

Looking at the horrifying demonic aura above, I'm afraid Jin Ling is gone.

But if Jin Ling is not there, the seal will take effect!

Just hearing a loud roar, this giant hand rising from the ground like a mountain was unable to move after half of its palm emerged from the ground. It seemed to be bound by invisible power. Lama Cuocao could see countless scriptures like chains. It tangled up like a snake, tied up the giant hand, and tried to pull it back to the ground.

The giant hand was trembling and struggling, and the demonic energy was surging crazily. Seeing this, the wrong lama instinctively recited scriptures, helped seal and then bound the giant hand. There are layers of unanswered questions in my heart.

Could it be that the big devil was making noises in the east and west, deliberately using his magic hand to attract his attention, and at the same time, there was a riot in Serin Lake?

It's impossible. He sensed that the devil's soul is in this devil's hand.

Is it a perception error? Lama Cuocao really couldn't figure out why the devil returned to his own hands. If it was to escape, why would the devil's hands come out of the ground and come back to him?

Move the battlefield? Making noises in the east and attacking in the west? !



The invisible chains suddenly tightened, and Jing Le's huge demonic palm became shorter and smaller inch by inch. The scarlet flesh and blood twisted the demonic palm and twisted and deformed. An ugly and terrifying face protruded from the palm. It opened its mouth angrily, as if roaring.

Why, why did the magic hand crawl into the ground!

Chabala Rin can’t figure it out even more than Lama Tsocha! He sensed that a fierce battle was going on at the moment when the golden bell's obstruction dissipated, and his soul was almost suppressed again by the joint efforts of Lama Tsocha and High Priest Yangjin. He had no time to explore and think before he returned to his magic arm, which only took a few seconds.

But I didn’t expect it to come out again!

This is impossible. He has planned everything long ago. The devil's palm should rush into the devil's cave. How come it goes in the opposite direction? !

who is it? Who is causing trouble? Is it the devil who took away his sacrifice?

impossible! The entire Serin Co and its surrounding mountains are all covered with a huge ancient Bon seal, which will not let go of any evil energy. If the devil causes trouble, he will either be bound by the seal or destroy the seal.

But the seal is clearly intact!

Chabalaren couldn't understand, but Lama Tsengcha didn't want to beat him up immediately when he saw the devil coming out. The demon who lost most of his body and was restrained by the seal was no longer as rampant as before. He was beaten unilaterally and was beaten to the point of losing his mind. The soul of Lama Cuocao became more and more transparent, but the beatings became more and more severe, and his eyes were as bright as two bright pearls at night.

This is a chance to kill the devil.

While his strength is declining and he is trapped by the seal, this is the perfect opportunity!

"Oh, ma, straight, mo, yeah, sah, lai, de!"

The golden swastika characters were condensed again. Lama Cuocao recited the Eight-Character Scripture of Bon Religion, and his soul glowed like burning. He was burning his own soul! Not enough, the power is not enough to completely destroy the demon. Even if he is bruised, twisted and deformed, and the demonic energy is scattered, the situation of the wrong lama is actually worse than that of the demon.

He can't hold on much longer, his soul will dissipate soon, and before that he must kill the demon!

"Lama Wrong, don't beat me, the passage to the Demon Kingdom will be opened soon!"

Chabalaren was terrified. He felt the cruelty of the wrong lama. This lama was crazy and not afraid of death, but he didn't want to die! While resisting the lama's attack, he tried his best to fight his way up. He also gave up. He must escape from the seal today, otherwise the weakened man will have no chance to escape and will be trapped by the seal and will die!

Chabalaren wanted to escape. In front of him was the crazy wrong lama, and behind him was the abnormal successor of the eagle flute. It was not easy to break through on either side. If the golden bell hadn't disappeared, he would have wanted to run down. The devil's cave was down there, which was the key to his real escape!



The entire soul of the wrong Lama burned brightly, like a sun. He crashed into Chabalaren, and his magic power ignited the demon's body like fire, connecting it with the seal. Chabalaren roared in pain and anger, with a hint of panic. He felt that his body and soul were being burned again. This lama actually wanted to use his soul as fire to ignite the seal and burn him alive!

I want to live, I want to get rid of the seal!

The big demon's roar caused bursts of thunder, and he rushed upward with all his strength, even knowing that he could not escape due to the seal - huh? !

The big devil jumped directly into the sky, and all the seals that trapped him before disappeared! Yes, the seal disappeared. The wrong lama who originally burned his soul to merge with the seal was ejected. His soul was almost broken but did not dissipate. The seal disappeared too coincidentally. His suicidal attack was not successful. His breath was dying and he could no longer move.


Another lightning struck down, but this time it struck not Serincuo Lake, but the ground where they had just fought fiercely. The demon in mid-air was struck down by lightning, and his whole body was trembling with electric light. However, he did not escape, but fell directly into the pit with the force of his fall.

It was the devil's palm that penetrated the ground, leaving behind a terrifying deep pit. It was pitch black and the bottom could not be seen. The wind roared past, and there was a terrifying demonic energy surging and rolling in the pit. It was not released, which made people feel terrified.

"What's this?"

* *

Time goes back ten minutes.

"Is the magic arm going to reach the ground so soon?"

Wei Xun took the golden bell brought back by Diao Zai. There was a seal in the earth. Without the golden bell, the demon's arm would have been sealed again. It's better to get to the ground quickly, so that you are far enough away from him.


After this golden-red bell fell into Wei Xun's hands, it rang on its own. The clear ringing sound seemed to be able to purify people's souls. It naturally emitted a golden-red light. In the ringing sound, the crown of the golden-winged bird's horns appeared. The bone flute on the right wing of Garuda and other items all vibrated faintly, as if they were resonating.

At this moment, Wei Xun felt that his whole body was clear and pure, and all the evil spirits contaminated by others were completely eliminated.

【drop! You got the golden bell in the heart of the Dapeng. You already have five items related to the survivors of the Shang Shung Kingdom. The collection progress is 5/5]

[You have collected all the main line items of the journey, and you have truly revealed the main line of the journey! 】

The hotel prompt sounded in Wei Xun's mind. In a daze, he seemed to see scenes from this journey. The scenes of finding the Garuda coat of arms, getting the crown, and winning the eagle flute were all in his mind. Replaying it in my mind, every item is related to the successor of the eagle flute.

[Prove yourself and become King Xiang Hung. This is the successor of the eagle flute. Gan Dan Bai Ju’s lifelong obsession, for which he did not hesitate to make a deal with the devil]

The hotel prompt sounded in Wei Xun's mind, and every item related to the survivors of the Xiangxiong Kingdom paid attention to the life experience of the descendant of the Eagle Flute.

When he was young, he solemnly gave the golden-winged roc emblem, which represents honor and trust, to the Xiangxiong survivors and accepted their allegiance. His face, which was trying to be serious, could not hide the smile of joy and pride.

When he was a sickly young boy, he and Amala went down to the third floor of the Sutra Cave, but they could not enter the secret room no matter what. The token in his absent-minded hand fell to the ground. In the pit of the wall in his sight, the golden necklace pendant shimmered.

When he was young, he hid the pain and shame in his heart after learning the truth about his identity. He read the classics all night long, trying to find the crown of Xiangshung to prove himself, and finally found the secret about the Dragon God Waterway in a scroll. But when he went down to the Dragon God Waterway, he didn't find the crown or the eagle flute. He only saw a huge arm as big as a mountain and a golden bell.

The golden bell is just a phantom, but it is an opportunity for him to purify his bloodline. He didn't want to make a deal with the devil, but when he walked out of the Shang Shung ruins in despair, Amara noticed something strange. From then on, he was forbidden to go to Qiongzong Mountain again, and even sent him to Xiaolin Temple for retreat.

Pain, struggle, fear, unwillingness, and finally fell into darkness and made a contract with the devil. The devil's fire ignited Xiaolin Temple. With the help of the devil, he used the golden bell to purify his blood.

Finally, when he arrived at the sacrifice, he was holding an eagle flute and wearing the costume of a Xiangxiong king. He couldn't believe that he was defeated by a young man wearing a crown.

He was trained to be King Shang Hung since he was a child, but he never learned how to be himself. The Shang Shung Kingdom has been destroyed for thousands of years, but a remnant is protecting the last bloodline. Time has passed by until now. Bon priests and King Shang Hung protect the sacred mountains and lakes to prevent demons from resurrecting and invading the human world.

‘King Xiangxiong’ exists for the tranquility of northern Tibet, for the faith of the survivors, and for the inheritance of characters that are no longer in use and the history of allusions that have long been forgotten.

When he is no longer ‘King Shang Hung’, there is no point in living anymore.

[You have completed the main plot of this exploration of northern Tibet - it turns out that I really cannot become King Shang Hung. Five items from the Xiangxiong remnants belong to you. When you hold two or more items, you will receive the special title ‘False King’! 】

[False King (special title): You are a false king. Except for your people, no one can recognize your existence. Your live broadcast will be temporarily blocked. And special titles will not occupy the title column]

[False King (Eagle Flute): The music you play with your eagle flute will be able to save the souls of the dead and lead them back to heaven - of course, everything is an illusion. In fact, you have not saved the souls of the dead, and the souls of the dead will definitely riot. After all, you are just False King]

[False King (Heraldry): You can give your coat of arms to others. When others wear the coat of arms, they will be absolutely loyal to you - of course, everything is an illusion, and they will not be loyal to you, but You will definitely betray, after all, you are just a false king]

[False King (Necklace): The necklace will become your guardian, and you will become very lucky - of course, everything is an illusion, and you will not have any luck]

[False King (Golden Bell): When you use the Golden Bell, you will be able to expel all evil spirits and suppress demons - of course, everything is an illusion. The evil spirit will break out soon, and the devil will revive abnormally. After all, you are just a false king]

【False King (Crown): When you wear the crown, you will be the real king! All the above negative effects will be reversed into positive ones! 】

What a great title!

Wei Xun's eyes lit up. Each of these titles was simply stronger than the five. Not only was it the shielding title he needed most at the moment, but the crown had both positive and negative effects.

It's just that this crown is too conspicuous and easily attracts the attention of others. Moreover, this thing is not an exclusive item and may be robbed. If you want to maintain the status of blocking live broadcasts, you must carry at least two items with you.

This carry-on cannot be placed in the belly of a fox cub, nor can it be placed in any storage items. It must be carried by Wei Xun. Wei Xun thought for a while, put on his coat of arms, picked up the golden bell, and sure enough he got [Your live broadcast room has been blocked! 】 tips.

In fact, the most concealed things are coats of arms and necklaces, but with the necklace, you won’t have any luck! ’ The DEBUFF was a bit scary, but Wei Xun still didn’t move.

Wei Xun is very happy. It turns out that after completing the main line of the journey, he will get the corresponding title! The most important thing is that this is a special title and does not need to occupy the title column. Wei Xun is worried that only five titles are not enough.

[You can increase the level of any title! (Note: For difficult journeys, the promotion level is from the dark blue title to the lower one. You can upgrade the green title to blue, and you can upgrade the blue title to dark blue. After the upgrade, the previous title will disappear)]

Is there such a restriction?

Wei Xun frowned. He originally wanted to upgrade Adventurer and turn it into a purple title Treasure Hunter. Or improve the title of Demonic Insect Dominator. But now the level is not enough, and the title of adventurer is quite interesting, and Wei Xun doesn't want it to disappear. If he completes the tasks step by step, he can get titles such as archaeological expert, adventurer, treasure hunter, etc. But if he upgrades now, the adventurer will be gone.

Wei Xun picked up his own titles, and the green titles that would be meaningful to upgrade include Painless Person, Traveler, Poison Resistance, and Strong Resentment Resistance. Blue title has a wild mind.

Forget it, let’s not improve it yet.

He somewhat wanted to improve his title of Painless One, and also wanted to see if the 'Passenger' had a more advanced title. Anyway, the rewards can be used after the journey is over, so take a look when you go back.

[You get a reward of 20,000 points (double for novice travelers!)]


Wei Xun was startled and raised his eyebrows. Twenty thousand points is really a lot!

"The hotel is really nice to tourists."

Wei Xun sighed sincerely. You must know that his last trip was a trip to 30 degrees north latitude, and he didn't get any extra points! The tour is really stingy with the tour guide’s points. They just don’t want people to change the countdown to death so easily. They have to maintain a sense of urgency at all times.

So stingy!

Wei Xun was digging in the ground while criticizing the hotel. Yes, digging the ground. He didn't stop what he was doing when he heard about the reward. At this moment, Wei Xun was at the place where the demonic energy gathered deep in the ground. He saw that a piece of land as big as a manhole cover was filled with crystallized demonic energy!

This is a good thing. It takes the most intense and pure demonic energy to condense over tens of millions of years and in an absolutely unique environment. It is extremely precious. As long as a strawberry-sized piece is needed, the inferior demonic insect in his hand can advance!

With such a large piece of demonic energy crystallized, even Xiao Cui might be able to level up again! The crystallized Xiaocui, Xiaojin and other demonic insects all went crazy, and even the blood ladybugs made a popping sound, expressing their strong interest in things other than corpses for the first time.

To dig or not to dig, that is the question.

With such a large piece of demonic crystal, even ghosts would know there is something wrong. But Wei Xun is not the kind of person who enters the treasure house and returns empty-handed. If he gave up such a large piece of demonic energy crystal because of danger, he would definitely regret it.

Is this what the devil's arm was thinking of? Such a large piece of demonic crystal should be able to expel Jin Ling. Is he trying to escape by switching his arms?

What's underneath this demonic crystal?

Is it possible to dig using physical methods? Is it okay to not touch it with demonic energy?

Before the hotel reward notification came, Wei Xun used his alienated nails to dig in bit by bit, starting from the corners, digging in bit by bit cautiously, and always being alert and ready to run away. Fortunately, no changes have occurred.

[You will be able to obtain super-level equipment or weapons that can improve with your strength and are most suitable for you! 】

[Your identity is detected as a passenger. 】

"Can I only get one?"

coming! Wei Xun picked up his energy and began to bargain with the hotel.

"I have a dual identity."

Anyway, he blocked the live broadcast, and now he can finally say whatever he wants.

[Please make a decision within five minutes! 】

"Can't you go back to the hotel and choose again?"

Wei Xun frowned and thought to himself. He had been interested in this reward before and wondered if the tour guides and tourists could each get one. After all, the number of pieces was not marked. But now it’s obvious that the hotel only detected his ‘passenger identity’

If the passenger title is removed and two identities can be detected, can he obtain two items?

"The journey is over, and Ding Yi is useless."

Wei Xun murmured: "It should be no problem, I'll just give it a try."

If there was no shielding title, he would not try it. But now, Wei Xun feels that it should be okay.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to be a tour guide, he just wants to give it a try.

Just for a moment.

Wei Xun immediately removed his title of passenger, and sure enough! The test results changed to [Your identity is detected as a passenger] [Your identity is detected as a tour guide], and these two items did not disappear just because he wore the title of passenger again.

But Wei Xun's attention at the moment is not on this reward!

He stared blankly at his men. The moment he switched titles, he got a new hotel prompt.

【You discovered the abyss node! 】

In an instant, the originally stable demonic energy crystal began to tremble.

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