Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 122 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (65)

Damn it, why did the devil's arm suddenly move? !

‘The fox cub is back! ’

Wei Xun immediately recalled the fox cub and the demonic fire fiercely. The scarlet flesh and blood around him squirmed and trembled as if alive, expanding and contracting, and vibrating violently. In order not to be shaken out, Wei Xun tightly grasped the folds of flesh and blood next to the golden bell. The leopard cub curled up on the golden bell.

‘Master, I ate it! ’

The remnant soul of the fox cub returned quickly wrapped in magic fire, and slid back into Wei Xun's body. He said excitedly and nervously: 'I ate it, I ate a whole finger! Let's go quickly! ’

Oops, this demon must have been awakened by the fox cub.

Wei Xun felt a little guilty. It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. The return of the fox cub and the demonic fire stimulated the demonic flesh and blood. A thick scarlet muscle was pulled out from the air. The air burned by the hot demonic energy was distorted. A sharp sword light flashed across the room. Xun turned into a human form and cut off the demon tendon with one knife. The magic tendon broke and fell, the last crystal knife shattered directly, and Wei Xun's expression suddenly changed.

"not good!"

Wei Xun immediately turned into a snow leopard, and the demonic energy in his body was rioting! It's a special environment within the demon's flesh and blood. The rich blood and demonic energy are intertwined, and the demon's power resonates. As long as he takes a step slower, he may be violently demonized!

Can't return to human form!

You have to take the golden bell and run away quickly.

But now the situation is really not good. The demonic energy that has lost its target is in chaos and madness, fighting and confronting the pure hot magic power on the golden bell. Under the restlessness, countless new crimson spiderweb-like blood vessels extend from the bulging flesh and blood on both sides, trying in vain to The center is closed together, as if there is a strong vitality to heal the wound.


But there is a golden bell in the wound! There was a sizzling sound like frying, and the smell of burning flesh and blood came over. The half of the fallen magic tendon was directly roasted into charcoal. The five meters of magic energy around the golden bell was swept away, and the devil's flesh and blood turned into coke. It was extremely shriveled, as if it had been drained of essence and blood. Especially the layer of meat film attached to the surface of the golden bell is full of burnt aroma, like fat and lean beef jerky just baked out of the oven.

Wei Xun was shaken by the conflict between the demonic energy and the golden bell. His whole body was trembling and shaking. His whole leopard clung to the golden bell. This rich aroma emerged from his face. Wei Xun reflexively licked it. , bit off some minced meat, and then was stunned.

No soul?

What's going on? This meat tastes the same as before. Although it is full of demonic energy, it is pure flesh and blood. Wei Xun didn't feel the presence of a demon soul inside. Of course, the soul should not exist in flesh and blood, but Wei Xun had a premonition.

He has the 'talent' of devouring demons, or in other words, devouring souls, or more appropriately, devouring demonic energy. Wei Xun is particularly sensitive to demon souls, perhaps because of his racial talent for mutated demons. He could tell that the arm that suddenly moved was not controlled by a demon soul, and there was no soul in it.

No soul? interesting.

The finger-eating incident on the fox cub's side was secondary. Wei Xun originally thought it was because the wrong lama and the others couldn't hold on anymore and let the demon soul return and take control of the body, but now it seems that this is not the case.

If you want to escape, you have to take advantage of the moment. The demonic energy spurting out of the demon's flesh and blood is wiped away by the golden bell, and no new evil energy will come out. The hot and pure mana emitted by the golden bell permeated the surrounding space. Wei Xun thought that if he turned into a human form now, he would not be affected by the resonance of the demonic energy. Although this would not be the case after digging out the golden bell, as long as he ran fast, he would not be affected by the resonance of the demonic energy. no problem.

But Wei Xun really wanted to know what was going on with this demon body. Although the demonic energy was gone, it was shaking and shaking even more violently. The world was spinning. The ice and snow below were crushed and collapsed. Wei Xun was left in the wound on his arm. He was so shaken that he felt that the arm seemed to be changing its direction.

From tilting up, to tilting down. Obviously there is no demon soul controlling it, so why is this demon body moving?

Boom——! !

The deafening thunder could be heard clearly even underground. Wei Xun clung to Jinling tightly, even his tail was wrapped around the folds and bulges. His arm shook violently just now, like an earth dragon turning over, almost throwing him away.

what happens? !

* *

"Oh My God……"

Fei Lezhi's pupils shrank suddenly and his face turned pale. He was soaked and embarrassed. The rainwater flowed into his eyes, but he refused to blink and stared at the lake in the distance. The passengers standing with him all had the same expression. Jiang Hongguang and other experienced passengers even had uglier and more distorted expressions on their faces because they knew better, and they did not even dare to make a sound.

"The arm is broken."

Yin Baitao murmured, seeing an incredible and terrifying sight in front of him. Under the sky covered with thick clouds, torrential rain fell on the dark lake, as if the entire lake was boiling. But between the black lake and the sky, there stood a terrifying shadow as huge as a demon that reached the sky and the earth.

It is darker than the night, and is filled with an unknown and terrifying surging energy. It is so huge and terrifying that it makes people tremble instinctively at the sight of it, and they are completely unable to resist. But just now, a dazzling golden light cut through the darkness, cutting off its 'right arm'!

The broken shadow was about to be reconnected, but the blood-red light and shadow rising like the sun blocked it. Then the white-gold swastika appeared out of thin air. Accompanied by the sonorous and powerful chanting sound, the sun and swastika directly hit the shadow. Shoulder' break.

In an instant, the lake water surged wildly and set off huge waves. The altar by the lake was half submerged in an instant. Even if they only looked at it from a distance, everyone was still frightened by this terrifying momentum to the point where they stopped breathing and their brains went blank.

"come here!"

At the moment of the collision, Yin Baitao covered her ears in pain and fell down. Fei Lezhi panicked and helped her, but saw Yin Baitao's eyes were lifeless and blood was flowing out of her ears. Ji Hongcai, who was standing next to him, immediately pulled them to his side and growled: "If you can't stand it, don't listen, don't look, take a deep breath!"

Not only Yin Baitao, Fei Lezhi felt that his heart was beating so fast that it rushed out of his chest, as if he was hit by a sledgehammer on the top of his head, his brain was buzzing, he was dizzy and nauseated, and his condition improved only after Ji Hongcai pulled him over. Get better. He immediately went to see Yin Baitao, but saw that she was still trembling with panic and fear on her face.

"Baitao, Baitao, wake up. How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Brother Ji, Baitao didn't respond!"

Fei Lezhi looked at Ji Hongcai anxiously, but saw that he was also pale and solemn, and he suddenly became more panicked.

"Don't be afraid, there is a guide."

Jiang Hongguang's words did not let the fear spread any further. He looked at Yin Baitao's situation and said firmly: "There are guides here, and we will be fine."

"But, but..."

The battle on this lake has exceeded Fei Lezhi's imagination. It has never been so exciting in his dreams. Can the descendant of the Fighting Eagle Flute really be able to withstand such a terrifying thing?


Feile subconsciously looked forward. A tall black figure stood in front of all the passengers, standing with his arms folded, looking at the fierce battle of the lake in the distance. He was obviously wearing a tattered dress and had injuries on his body, but his aura was completely different.

Deep, mysterious, and powerful, is this still the descendant of the Eagle Flute?

Fei Lezhi and other newcomers were wary of standing too close, while Jiang Hongguang and other experienced travelers had guesses. They had not experienced it personally, but they had collected various information and heard various legends.

After seeing Fei Lezhi and Yin Baitao's situation improve when they stood behind the successor of Yingdi, Jiang Hongguang confirmed his suspicion.

This is not the original successor to the Eagle Flute.

But the guide who was replaced by the hotel!

Only the guide who has been replaced by the hotel will protect the travelers. They can't leave the side of the eagle whistler no matter what. It is he who protects them.

In this super difficult battle involving demons. Fei Lezhi and the others were so distracted by the fierce battle that they didn't notice that the shaking of the earth stopped suddenly when it reached their feet. The heavy rain mixed with the pollution and demonic energy fell into normal raindrops, and the surging lake water couldn't flow. Up here, even the strong wind seemed weak.

It is the guide who blocks all the power. Standing behind him is absolutely safe!

"If you can bear it, watch carefully. This is a battle between the Bon Lama and the big devil."

Jiang Hongguang said in a deep voice, diverting the attention of Fei Lezhi and others: "Even on dangerous journeys, it is rare to see such a scene!"

Even people who don't understand the legend of Bon religion will instinctively feel terrified when they see this battle directly. What's more, they have checked various information and are familiar with the classics of Bon religion.

"The devil wanted to get out of trouble through sacrifice. Now that the sacrifice failed, the furious devil and the Cuocao Lama fought with the high priest Yangjin. However, because the sacrifice failed, the devil's strength was weakened, and the lama cut off his right arm, putting him at a disadvantage."

Jiang Hongguang explained according to his own understanding. He looked at the successor of the hawk flute, but the other party did not make any movement or make any sound, just like a standing sculpture.

A chill ran across his back, and he instinctively lowered his head in fear, not daring to look any further.

"This sacrifice can really sacrifice a demon."

Fei Lezhi saw that Yin Baitao's breathing gradually stabilized, and finally thought about it again. He still murmured in disbelief: "Is the journey always like this? Are we still on Earth now?"

"We're still on Earth, but the journey isn't always like this."

Qin Xinrong smiled bitterly after hearing this: "Damn it, I have never seen this kind of posture. Not to mention the difficult level, I have never seen it at the dangerous level."

"Only if you have at least an extremely dangerous journey can you encounter this level of supernatural combat."

There were so many super difficulties that Jiang Hongguang didn't dare to think about whether Wei Xun had created this demon. If it were true, he would be too perverted.

How did the sacrifice fail? They couldn't see it from a distance before, but Xu Yang was at the scene but now refuses to say anything. Jiang Hongguang wondered whether the successor of Ying Flute had evil intentions and wanted to attack Wei Xun, but he killed him instead. Without the 'King''s sacrifice, of course he couldn't succeed?

The successor of the Eagle Flute is definitely dead, otherwise the hotel would not replace the guide!

Moreover, this guide is extremely powerful and can actually withstand the remaining power of the devil's battle. Usually, the people who take the place of guides are the hotel's 'customer service'. The 'newcomer customer service' who informs new travelers of various rules when they first enter the hotel, the 'shopping customer service' who guides travelers to buy things in the virtual lobby, etc.

There are various opinions on what the hotel's "customer service" is. Some say it is artificial intelligence, some say it is an assistant created by the will of the hotel, and some even say it is a person who will become the hotel's customer service after the passenger dies.

There are different opinions. It is said that those powerful and top travelers even have special 'private customer service' to connect with them. The stronger the traveler, the higher the customer service level will be. Of course, the newer travelers with better talent will have a relatively lower customer service level at the beginning. high.

Could this be Wei Xun’s customer service?

The customer service personnel who can come down to replace the guide should be related to the people in their brigade. Jiang Hongguang boasts that he has made many journeys in hotels, but his talents are really mediocre. Just by standing here, this customer service can withstand the remaining power of the demon battle. I'm afraid the level is not low.

Only a talented newcomer like Wei Xun can be equipped with this level of customer service.

"The demon's arm has been cut off, so, this battle should be over soon, right?"

Fei Lezhi asked: "Brother Wei hasn't come back yet. Did he go to kill the demon with the lama? It's too dangerous, it's really..."

It's really too dangerous!

Although everyone knows that Wei Xun is very strong, this kind of surreal and terrifying demon is really hard to imagine!

"There should be no need to kill the demon. According to the level of our journey..."

Jiang Hongguang laughed in the middle of his speech. Don't mention the level of the journey. Now there is no level division at all, even demons have come out. The only difference between their journey and the extremely dangerous journey is probably that they are just watching in a safe place, and they don't fight the demons with real swords and guns.

"I think it should just seal the demon, not to the point of killing him."

Lin Qiming, who had been silent since he stopped following Ding Yi, suddenly said: "Ding Yi is not dead... Be careful."

"Ding Yi... We have a guide here, he won't have a chance to do anything."

Qin Xinrong said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid he will go to find the guards."

"Brother Wei's White Wolf King is also missing."

"It should also go to find the guards."

Fei Lezhi guessed: "If it is really Brother Leopard, then it is very loyal to Brother Wei, and it must go to find him."

"Cuocha Lama, High Priest Yangjin, White Wolf King, Brother Wei, this, sealing the demon should be relatively easy, right?"

Fei Lezhi looked eagerly at Jiang Hongguang and others for confirmation: "Right?"

"There is still an hour and a half until six o'clock in the evening, we should leave soon."

Jiang Hongguang and others have not experienced this level of battle, but it is correct to use time to calculate. There is still an hour and a half for the "sightseeing" time of this scenic spot to end. Although there will be delays occasionally, it usually does not exceed half an hour at most.

Especially since they had to drive to the Qiangtang safe zone in the end, which was a long way from anywhere. Even if they drove in shifts without sleep, they would have to drive for two days, not to mention the dangers they might encounter on the way.

If they delayed here for too long, they would not be able to get to Qiangtang in time and take the bus sent by the hotel.

"That's good..."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough——"

Before Fei Lezhi could let go of his worries, Yin Baitao in his arms had a series of violent coughs. He was at a loss and patted her back. Yin Baitao's eyes finally brightened up, but she looked extremely weak, with white and peeling lips: "Laugh..."


A purple lightning that penetrated the sky and the earth struck with thunder, striking the center of the black lake. In an instant, the entire lake was filled with brilliant electric light, like a pool of plasma, dazzling and magical. Even the huge demon phantom dimmed in an instant, and the terrifying power was pervasive, making people tremble with fear and suffocation.

"What, what?"

Fei Lezhi was so shocked by this natural phenomenon that his breathing stagnated and he didn't hear Yin Baitao's words clearly.

"Laughing, it, it's laughing."

Yin Baitao said hoarsely, clenching Fei Lezhi's arm, the veins on the back of his hand popped out, and he said with all his strength: "Devil, it's... a devil."

"It's laughing wildly!"

* *

"Fuck it!"

The moment the lightning struck the Black Lake and the lightning filled the entire lake, Wang Pengpai jumped up and cursed directly. He stared at the live broadcast screen, his eyes swept back and forth between the split screens of other hostels and Wei Xun's almost completely black live broadcast screen. He squeezed the Coke can that had just been opened and the Coke splashed all over his hands and body.

"Impossible, this, this is impossible, Bai Xiaosheng, fuck, Xiaole, fuck."

Wang Pengpai subconsciously wanted to communicate with his teammates, but then he remembered that they were all out. Wang Yushu pretended to be An Xuefeng, Bai Xiaosheng and Wan Xiangchun tracked Bing 250, Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng went to northern Tibet, and now they are probably all nervous.

He stared at the live screen, picked up the phone and put it down again, and couldn't help dialing a number several times. As soon as the other party answered, Wang Pengpai asked: "Did you see the lightning?!"

The person on the other end of the phone complained: "I saw it, Wang Pangzi, my ears were not deafened by the thunder, but you shouted at me."

"This demon did it on purpose!"

Wang Pengpai said in a deep voice: "It deliberately let the lama cut off its soul right arm. I think after its soul right arm is missing, its body right arm will also be disconnected from itself, and the soul corresponding to the body will be synchronized."

"It is on the surface that it wants to revive its soul to escape, to contain the wrong lama and the high priest Yangjin, and deliberately let them cut off their right arm. But in fact, it separated its own demon body from its right arm, repairing the plank road in the open, but secretly crossing Chencang. It is bold and smart enough. Qi Lecheng, you have studied it deeply, what level do you think this is Demon? "

Qi Lecheng said: "It's hard to guess. It's too dark there, Wei Xun, and the magic fire only illuminates a little. It would be great if we could shine a light to see the demon's body clearly. It's hard to confirm the level just by looking at the soul through the live broadcast."

"But I guess its level is not low. After all, it is a famous demon recorded in the Bon scriptures. And it was the vanguard of invading the human world from the Demon Kingdom."

"Yes, the vanguard, from the Demon Kingdom to the human world." Wang Pengpai frowned and muttered: "Damn, the more I look at it, the more wrong it seems. The Lake Gate, the Demon Kingdom passage, the lightning must be wrong. You say, why do I feel something is wrong? This Lake Gate is not really a node connecting the human world and the abyss? This shouldn't be right!"

"Look at this lightning, the electric light, I think the hotel hint is very obvious."

Qi Lecheng paused and muttered: "The possibility is definitely more than half. "

Wang Pengpeng refused to believe the reality: "This, with the difficulty of the journey, it shouldn't really be possible, right?"

"Hey, if you ask me, there is no difficulty level in this journey."

Qi Lecheng sneered: "Let's not talk about it for now, I'm going to get in the car."

Wang Pengpeng was alert: "Get in the car? Which car are you getting on?"

"Of course it's the bus to northern Tibet. It's interesting. I didn't plan to go there originally. But I didn't expect that there would be a new abyss node. Hey, to be honest, is that guy An Xuefeng on this journey? Is he? It’s easier now, but at this rate if not, we may not be able to catch up.”

"Do you really think this is an abyss node?"

Wang Pengpai stood up directly: "Two more abyss nodes have appeared. If this one is true..."

That would be bad!

"Whether it is true or not, you have to go and see. If it is, it must be destroyed."

Qi Lecheng drawled his voice, and the background chatter on his side was a little noisy: "We can't let the nodes be marked by the tour guides from Butcher Shepherd and the others. This kid Wei Xun is so unlucky. There must be a tour guide invading the journey. I'll hang up first." , get in the car, get in the car!”


A busy signal came from the other side of the phone. Wang Pengpai's expression changed uncertainly, and he gritted his teeth and dialed a few more numbers. It turned out that it was either a busy signal or the other party was also on the way to northern Tibet.

"Impossible, how could this be the abyss node? Ding Yi, that loser, can't possibly make it to this kind of journey."

Wang Pengpeng scratched his hair and went a little crazy: "Why should he be a new star tour guide like Bing250, who can even reach the difficult level and have an abyss node? Could it be that Ding Yi is really a hidden boss? ?I do not believe!"

"It's bad."

Wang Pengpai sent several messages to Mao Xiaole and the others, closed his phone and worried: "It shouldn't be, it really shouldn't be, but the level of this devil, hiss, it shouldn't be, it shouldn't be."

He wished he could chase him to the north of Tibet, but he had to look after his family. Wang Pengpai was as irritable as if his butt was burned by fire, spinning back and forth.

If the journey to 30 degrees north latitude is the return journey for passengers, then the abyss node is the arena for fierce competition among tour guides.

This abyss node is the key to the guide's alienation, growth and evolution! If you can enter the abyss node, even if it does not return to zero, it is very likely to activate the alienation state. Returning to zero means that the health value and SAN value have bottomed out. It is not so much a 100% alienation as a 100% death mutation. Only a tour guide with great willpower can survive it.

Those who can be alienated without returning to zero are even rarer, and they are still rare to this day.

The vast majority of tour guides are reluctant to die and do not want to die. Therefore, the Abyss Node is crucial for tour guides, especially the Tour Guide Alliance. Usually the leader guides of the top major alliances, especially those with mature alienated forms, have abyss nodes in their hands, and there are countless secrets in them. It is said that the abyss hides the shocking truth about hotels around the world.

However, the number of controlled abyss nodes cannot exceed twice the journey of 30 degrees north latitude, otherwise there will be a catastrophe. This is a fact that the captains of the major brigade keep silent.

If there are too many abyss nodes, big trouble will happen.

Since the tourists discovered the Tusi King of Western Hunan, the tour guide in the West District has discovered a new abyss node. It is said that there is also one in the East District, but it has not been confirmed which force is in the hands of it.

This newly emerged abyss node is best destroyed! But Wang Pengpai knows that as the year-end celebration approaches, the tour guides will be crazy about it. Originally, many people were paying attention to this journey, but Wei Xun, and there were many elite tour guides. They are not fools, they all know the possibility that this 'Demon Passage' is the Gate of the Lake.

The possibility of them invading the scenic spot and killing Wei Xun before was not high. After all, it would cost too much. They could just wait on the bus at the end.

But now... tsk.

I'm afraid this journey will have to be pierced through a sieve, and if it really is an abyss node, the hotel's control over the journey will be reduced, and it will become easier to invade the journey...


Wang Pengpai gasped because of his toothache and murmured: "Captain, this, this, oh, what kind of luck is this."

It's hard to say. If you hit the newly opened abyss node, you can destroy it nearby without having to make another trip.

Let's talk about it, this sealed abyss node has been contaminated, and the captain's previous recuperation may have been in vain. What's more, he will soon go to the Laplange Snow Mountains with the Dream Chaser team to find the Shambala Cave.

"What's this all about?"

Wang Peng was about to cry but had no tears. To be honest, he originally wanted to see Wei Xun on this journey and wanted the captain to take a rest. Why did he encounter so many things!

I'm afraid the tour guide won't let the entire northern Tibetan brigade go when they encounter the Abyss Node. Even if there are powerful brigades guarding them, those lunatics will definitely take action at all costs.

"What's the matter? Why did we catch up?"

Wang murmured surgingly.

The captain and Wei Xun are so unlucky, this is simply a misfortune!

* *

"Only one arm left?"

Miserable, Wei Xun rolled and flipped several times in the violently shaking crack, and quickly regained his balance. He sent Mantis One out to explore the situation, but learned the shocking news.

Unlike what he imagined, it was not that the entire demon body was sliding down, but only the right arm!

Does the fracture have exorcism power?

Wei Xun glanced at the burns on Mantis No. 1's leg, felt it, and became even more confused.

Why does the magic power on this scar feel so similar to the aura of the Tsocha Lama?

Not very similar, just the same!

It's strange, how did he cut off this demonic arm even though he didn't feel the aura of Lama Tsocha?

What was he doing by cutting off his arm? Prevent the big devil from using the golden bell embedded in his arm to break away from the seal?


Wei Xun sensed that there was indeed no demonic energy in this arm, and it was all suppressed by the golden bell. Without this arm, the demon's body would be suppressed even more.

But this arm is completely unaffected by the seal!

It was originally suppressed by the seal and unable to move, but now it is rushing underground.

"Could it be that its target is there?"

Wei Xun murmured, remembering that when Hu Zai and Xiao Cui were exploring the way, they said that the evil energy was stronger the further down the altar.

Is this arm just rushing down? What's below? There is no big demon controlling it, and there is no demonic energy, so why is it still going down?

Wei Xun was full of curiosity. He left the remnant soul of the fox cub here, ready to swallow the golden bell at any time. He climbed out of the crack and climbed to the surface of the devil's arm. He found that this passage went up for some distance. It was not squeezed out of the ground by his arms, but seemed to have been dug in advance. This is simply like a magic hand train running slowly on the track, going diagonally downward at a speed that will not disturb the seal at all, but the speed is a bit slow.

Wei Xun moved forward along the arm until he reached the broken base of the middle finger. Taking advantage of the darkness, he sent Mantis No. 2, No. 3 and other demon insects to check the tips of other fingers. He himself squatted on the broken base of the middle finger, staring at the empty space. This line of ground.

Suddenly, the little snow leopard possessed him, and with such large movements that he almost fell down, he quickly fished out something with his quick eyes and hands.

"What's this?"

The dark silver shiny stone resembles a silver nugget, but is brighter than the silver nugget, even bright enough to be a bit transparent. There is a stone like this on the ground of the passage every certain distance.

‘Ah, it’s the Thorium magic mine! ’

At this moment Xiaocui said in surprise.

‘Thorium magic mine? ’

'Yes, this is the gift the devil merchant put out yesterday, but his one is only as big as a mung bean, smaller than the one the owner picked up.'

Wei Xun pondered: 'What's the use of him giving you this...? ’

‘It’s meant for claws, but it’s actually useless to me. It is more useful for the master and the Tianhu brothers. ’

Xiaocui said respectfully: 'This is actually the egg of a special kind of demonic insect, the Thorium demonic insect. It can be integrated into the nails, coating the claws with thorium, making them as sharp as a knife and not easy to break. It can detect various toxins and will be shiny and beautiful. ’

Xiaocui said: 'It is very special. Before it encounters the nail, it looks like an ore. It will only gradually break out of the shell after being integrated into the nail. It will live between the nail and the thorium layer until it reaches adulthood. Therefore, Thorium demon insect eggs have the property of attracting nails, especially to demons. Demons can't help but walk towards the Thorium Demonic Insect Egg until it attaches to their nails. Weak demons may even be unable to control their hands and feet. ’

'But it's so rare that it's too wasteful as a trap, and it's really useful and pretty, so a lot of it is in the hands of the Archdemon. ’

At this time, other demonic insects who were searching for information came back. After hearing the news they found, Wei Xun thought: 'They... prefer big nails? ’

'Yes, they prefer a family to live together'

A family... Wei Xun shuddered. Even though he knew that there were all sorts of strange things about demonic insects, thinking about a family living on his fingernails... he still blacklisted this kind of demonic insect.

But useful.

"No wonder……"

Wei Xun's expression was a little weird. He took out the fifteen-meter-long middle finger nail (which was cut off when the fox cub ate it). The next moment, the demon's arm slid more than ten times faster. It was like lightning!

After Wei Xun retracted his nails, the devil's arm slid as slowly as an old cow pulling a broken cart.

He got it.

The other fingers on the devil's right hand only have a nail base, and only the longest middle finger has a nail that is fifteen meters long. This would be difficult to explain if the devil hadn't arranged it in advance.

Did he dig a passage to the ground in advance, and then use Thorium eggs as 'attraction power? ’

Wei Xun was thoughtful and quickly figured out everything.

The devil's body is sealed, and even if the right arm is embedded with a golden bell, it is impossible to unseal it with the entire body. You can tell by looking at the fact that the devil's arm is raised to its highest position and is still far away from the ground.

He borrowed the power of the Trouble Lama to cut off his right arm - or cut off the right arm of his soul. Is this soul related to the body? Let’s put it this way for now.

Not everyone can cut off the right arm of the great demon's soul, so he just made a plan and let his right arm 'get out of trouble'. In order to not be affected by the seal at all, the demon did not use consciousness to control the demon arm, but set it in advance. track.

To allow the magic arm to walk along this passage, even in order not to lose speed, the nails of other fingers were removed, leaving only the longest middle finger nail. Is he trying to let the magic arm reach the depths of the ground silently, that hole full of demonic energy?

Who would have thought of it? I don’t know whether it should be said to be sinister and cunning or unbridled. If Wei Xun hadn't removed its middle finger before, I'm afraid that at that speed, the magic arm would have rushed them underground.

"What's under the ground?"

Wei Xun was very curious, could it be some kind of treasure of a great devil, something beneficial to the devil?

It can't be the passage to the Demon Kingdom. It shouldn't be. After all, it is directly under the altar, still some distance away from Selin Co., and not within the scope of Selin Co. and the Great Crack.

Wei Xun is also very interested in cracks, but it is safer to wait until he resumes his status as a tour guide to explore such things. It is best to have a shielding title. But instead of exploring the cracks, he wanted to see the free Thorium insect eggs and underground demonic energy spots.

"This devil must have a conspiracy."

Wei Xun said solemnly: "Lama Tongcha, High Priest Yangjin, I'm here to help you."

While he was talking, he had already ordered the three Mantis brothers to collect Thorium insect eggs along the way. They searched faster than the magic arm could move forward. After the first twenty meters of the magic arm were cleared, the magic arm finally stopped moving. At this time, the collected insect eggs Probably a handful.

Wei Xun tied all the insect eggs in a magic scarf, gathered them into a ball the size of a golf ball, and then tied the ball to the top of a hiking pole.

'dig up'

Wei Xun ordered the swarm of demonic insects through Xiaocui, and they were first-rate at digging tunnels. At the same time, he fixed the trekking pole on the devil's ring finger at an upward angle.


The roar started again, and the devil's arm that was originally tilted downward began to turn upwards after the thorium eggs. Wei Xun climbed on the devil's fingers and adjusted the angle of the trekking pole. The demon's arm is indestructible and has great power when turning. It can crush ice and rocks as easily as grinding tofu. When it became almost perpendicular to the ground, Wei Xun quickly adjusted the trekking pole so that it was close to the devil's ring finger.

Vertically upward.

Afraid of not having enough power, Wei Xun added a few more insect eggs.

An insect egg twenty meters away can trigger the devil's arm. There were more than a dozen insect eggs in the ball he wrapped, and they were almost all covered.

"Go ahead."

Wei Xun jumped down in time when the demon's arm started to move upward, and watched it rush upward like a rocket along the channel dug by the evil ghost insects.

In order to swallow the golden bell in time, Wei Xun also placed the mink cub on the devil's arm, and it rode away on the devil's arm like an astronaut.

The main reason is that there may be adventures in the future. Although the mink cub is transformed from a corpse flying fox, it is not a demon after all. It is relatively weak and Wei Xun does not want to hurt it.

"Let's go."

Wei Xun continued to walk down the sloping passage, collecting thorium eggs along the way. He wanted to explore what was in the underground that was full of evil energy.

* *

"Oh, ma, straight, mo, yeah, sah, lai, de!"

The heavy rain was like a waterfall and the wind was blowing by the Serincuo Lake. The dark demon came fiercely. The fragile light-colored mana layer seemed to be broken in a moment, but it remained strong. Lama Cuocao recited the Bon Eight-Character Sutra without changing his expression. His soul was extremely weak, but a bright and bright light bloomed in this extremely weak soul.

Gold and silver swastikas flew around him, meeting the demon's every attack. Behind him, the high priest Yangjin, who was covered in blood, was as angry as silk, covered in blood, and most of his body was disabled. His left eye was closed tightly, and his whole body was glowing with magic light.

He was actually burning his life to restore his True Eye of the Sun! It was just now that he and the Cuocai Lama jointly attacked and broke off the right arm of the demon soul! Without the influence of the golden bell on the seal, as long as he recovers and the two of them attack together again, they can push the big devil back into the seal again!

But after his right arm was cut off, the demon not only didn't get angry, but kept laughing crazily! The wrong lama instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he had no time to think in the fierce battle.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, like an earthquake! High Priest Yangjin spit out a mouthful of blood and turned even paler.

"No, what is this?!"


Chabalaren laughed crazily, the lightning and thunder were him laughing wildly, the devil's words boomed like thunder, he was playing with the taste: "Wrong error, Yang Jin, I've had enough fun with you!"

"Despair, tremble, I tell you, this is the shock of the lake gate being opened!"

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