Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 121 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (64)


Wei Xun ignored the worried cry of the White Wolf King calling outside, and jumped in with his soft little paws stepping on the cracks on the edge of the stone.

This passage is not actually meant for people to enter, but is a sacrificial path left deliberately when the altar was built. The seven-story altar is built to connect to the sky, and a sacrificial path is left inside to connect to the earth. The sky and the earth are connected, and it is a real altar.

The sacrificial path is very narrow, even a snow leopard cub would have a hard time crawling through it. At the same time, it is almost straight downward, with a steady stream of rainwater pouring in. Drilling inside gives people the illusion of being claustrophobic and about to be submerged in water.

The ghostly light of the demonic fire illuminated the priest's path. This rainwater was also full of demonic energy, but the collision with the demonic fire created a small waterless space, which could only allow the little snow leopard to take a breath before continuing to hold its breath and go down.

Wei Xun was wet all over, roughly calculating the distance he would go down.

Outside, Serincuo Lake is overflowing, submerging the wasteland around the lake, and will soon reach the altar. This is the lake that seals the great devil. If Wei Xun goes to the lake from outside and goes to find Lama Cuocai and the others, it would be too dangerous to find the devil's seal. And the seal is probably down from the lake.

After all, Wei Xun had just taken someone's sacrifice, so it was better to keep a low profile.

It's much safer to walk along the sacrificial path. The descendants of Ying Flute had already made some tricks when building this altar, and built an inner altar underground, like an inverted pyramid. The altar, which originally connected to the sky at the top and the earth at the bottom, added the meaning of "connecting to the devil below".

Wei Xun secretly asked Xiaocui to summon a swarm of insects. In this vast underground area, the evil ghost insect swarms that can eat earth and rocks are the most useful explorers.

The further down you go, the less water seeps in. The rainwater that flowed down before has gone. The inside of the sacrificial hall is getting colder and colder, the temperature has dropped abnormally, and a layer of frost has condensed on the tips of Wei Xun's hair.

The frost is extremely thin, yet very heavy, as if it is covered with a layer of heavy armor. No, it's not the weight of the frost, but the demonic energy contained in it that resists Wei Xun. The demonic fire surrounded the leopard cub's body and burned away the small layer of ice, as if it was bewitched by the aura of the big demon on the demonic fire. The frost no longer adhered to Wei Xun's fur, but the surrounding temperature continued to drop.

"Ah sneeze!"

The little snow leopard sneezed, and Wei Xun became more and more vigilant. The demon seal had Serincuo as its core eye, and the surrounding land and mountains were all part of the seal. The place where the altar was built was right on top of the seal, maybe even at a certain breach in the seal.

He should have descended to the ground now, and if he continues downward, he will reach the inner altar. The place where Yin Baitao and the witches were taken was just the junction of the inner and outer altars. Although it was also inside the altar, it was not as deep as the sacrificial path that Wei Xun was taking at the moment, which was closer to the devil.

Wisps of demonic energy wrapped around Wei Xun's body, penetrating into the demonic fire like a small snake, and burrowed into Wei Xun's hair. The sacrificial path here is no longer narrow, but gradually widens. Wei Xun shook his hair gently to shake out all the demonic energy. He endured the demonic energy, and his own aura became weaker and more concealed, using his natural concealment Those' characteristics are brought to the extreme.

Wei Xun knew very well that he came down here to take advantage and steal food.

The great demon Chabalaren possesses many relics of Zhang Zhung. The crown is in the devil's skin, and the bone flute and the golden bell are in the great demon's body. The former is just a demonic shadow after all, and it has been sealed in the Nine-Layered Swastika Crystal Tower and weakened for thousands of years. The bone flute was given to the successor of the eagle flute by the great demon, so it would be easy to take it back.

Only this last golden bell, which is still embedded in the body of the great demon, is definitely the most difficult to obtain. And it's what makes the big devil's right arm not afraid of the seal. If this problem is not solved, Lama Cuocao and the others will definitely break the seal in the future even if they use their lives to strengthen the seal.

If this news is told to the wrong Lama and the others, not to mention how difficult it will be to meet them. Based on the lama's temperament, he will definitely destroy the golden bell and cut off the way for the big devil to destroy the seal. Wei Xun wants to It will be difficult to take away the golden bell.

It's better to split up.

The little snow leopard rolled twice to get rid of the evil spirit completely. Because the upper and lower space here was still too narrow, he would have to crawl forward as a human. Wei Xun still maintained the state of a snow leopard. The snow leopard he transformed into was too young, and the fur between his fingers to increase friction had not yet grown fully, so it was a little slippery on the ice.

That's right, the ground under your feet has been covered with an extremely smooth thin layer of ice. There are layers of ice on the front, back, left and right. The cold temperature has an explanation. It seems that this is not a sacrificial path, but an ice cave. The ice surface glowed with a faint blue light under the reflection of the magic fire, and there seemed to be a dark shadow inside the ice sensing the magic energy. It gradually approached Wei Xun, and the exposed shadow became larger and larger, like a drop of ink falling on the solid ice.

Wei Xun extinguished the demonic fire, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

‘Did you find anything? ’

Wei Xun asked about Hu Zai and Xiao Cui.

‘The Yin Qi is heavier over there’

Fox Cubs refers to the north. According to the geographical location, if they go further north, they should reach Serincuo Lake.

‘The evil spirit is stronger here’

Xiaocui pointed at her feet. They have just reached the top of the inner altar and have to go down to the core area of ​​the inner altar.

The Yin Qi may be some corpses, like various mummies and demonized corpses driven by demons. Demonic energy should refer to the devil's body.

But time was precious, and Wei Xun did not make a hasty decision. He simply took out the crown with golden wings and roc horns. As soon as the crown was taken out, everything around him lit up, like turning on a spotlight. Especially a touch of gold, like the brilliance of the noon sun shining on the golden-winged bird at the front of the crown. The bird's eyes are two rubies, shining like flames, as if they will fly down from the crown at any time.

Even the cold ice was glowing with warm and lustrous light, and the dark shadows hidden in the ice before disappeared, and they hid somewhere.

After he was convinced that * * * would not compete with him for his bloodline, Wei Xun moved the bloodline of the golden-winged roc back to the crown. After all, he had an opponent in the east-west district confrontation mission, the Devil Merchant, and he might be exposed if he always took out the pendant.

It's better to get the crown. After all, after he becomes the king, the audience outside the crown should also know about it.


The snow leopard cub was puzzled. The golden bird shadow on the crown actually pointed to the north, which is where the fox cub said the Yin Qi was heavier, not at the feet where the demonic Qi was strong.

Wei Xun actually gave it a try. After all, when he was looking for the pendant before, it was Wang Guan who had a reaction when he was in the Buddhist Scripture Cave. It can be seen that these Garuda-related items are mutually responsive to each other.

After adding the blood of the golden-winged roc, the 'guidance' becomes clearer.

‘The evil ghost insects separated into thousands and continued to explore downwards’

Wei Xun ordered that there were still about 6,000 worms in the evil ghost insect swarm, which were mainly injured after entering this area contaminated by demons. Sending a thousand insects to explore downwards also takes into account losses.

'good! ’

Xiao Cui responded simply and neatly. Anyway, this is just an ordinary bug, and it is difficult to leave the environment of the Tibetan Plateau. He selected one or two hundred male insect soldier insects with some potential. With magic honey and Wei Xun's blood, it was not difficult to expand the insect swarm. His insect swarm in the future would definitely be dominated by magic insects.

These bugs are now put to good use.

Xiaocui said: 'Master, be careful, I think it's very dangerous there'

‘Then bite me first’

Wei Xun put away the crown and summoned Xiao Cui's body when the surroundings returned to darkness.

'Attack with all your strength'

The emerald-green mother insect, like an enlarged version of a lacewing, appeared on the little snow leopard's neck. It bent its forelimbs and licked something, brewing for a while, and then without hesitation, it took a bite at Wei Xun's fatal throat.

【love peace! 】

[You have been hit by a peace-loving person. In the next half hour, you will not be afraid of poison, radiation, hallucinations, or evil contamination! (Down from Xiaocui level)]

But Wei Xun had done some research on King Xiangxiong's curse before and found that the curse was not simple.

King Xiangxiong’s original words before were, ‘Any attack you make will make the opponent healthier, and any curse you cast will make the opponent luckier…’ In other words, this is a compound BUFF!

As long as Xiaocui's attack brings more negative states, Wei Xun will receive more positive blessings.

However, apart from the radiation that comes from swallowing radioactive ores all the year round, the mother worm originally did not have much offensive power. At most, it would cause some hallucinations.

In order for him to play a greater role, Wei Xun thought of a way. He asked Xiaocui to drink the venom before biting him!

——Anyway, there are plenty of poisons obtained from Dingo. Xiaocui is not afraid of this level of poison, and it will be fine if she drinks it.

I just had the attitude of giving it a try before, but I didn’t expect it to work!

In this way, there were more things to try on Xiao Cui. Thinking of this, Wei Xun began to think about how to maintain the curse effect for a long time - at least Xiao Cui could not meet the devil merchant.

Although the current conditions are limited and he can only try out a poison resistance, it is also very important to Wei Xun. After all, he can only wear five titles, including Traveler, Wild Mind, Archaeological Expert, Adventurer, Demonic Insect Ruler, etc. After the important titles, Wei Xun rarely uses the two titles of Poison Resistance and Strong Resentment Resistance, mainly because he really has no time to wear them.

On the contrary, the evil energy pollution should be a new trick that Xiao Cui has learned. The previous sacrifices were made at the Holy Lake of the Snow Mountains, under the watchful eyes of various Bon gods, and all the sacrifices were sacrificed to the 'Great Demon Wei Xun'. It can be said that Wei Xun's identity as the Great Demon was recognized by many gods.

Although he is not yet strong enough and is a hypocritical demon, with this identity, Xiao Cui, Xiao Golden Blood Ladybug, and the others have also benefited a lot, and each has experienced changes and improvements. However, time is too tight at the moment, and Wei Xun has no time to detail it. look.

Taking Xiao Cui back to the ball of the devil insect, Wei Xun headed north in the direction pointed by the golden bird's shadow. The tunnel is sloping downwards, and originally it could be seen that the ice layer wrapped the black stone, but gradually the ice layer became so thick that it was difficult to see what was underneath, and it was completely impermeable to light.

The upper and lower space is still very narrow, only allowing the little snow leopard to walk normally, but the left and right spaces are a little wider. This ice was condensed by demonic energy, and was a deep and pure dark blue. Wei Xun let the fox cub out to bite a few pieces of broken ice filled with demonic energy, and continued to move forward.

There may be corpses or ghosts in places with heavy Yin energy. Demons are not necessarily feminine, just like magic fire. Chabalaren can control the Demonic Fire. He should not be a purely feminine demon. As he previously separated the Rainstorm Demon General as his 'daughter', it can be seen that there may be attribute conflicts between the Rainstorm and Demonic Fire.

But now the Demonic Fire has been sealed in Xiaolin Temple for a long time, and Chabalaren has been sealed at the bottom of the lake for so many years. This time, the Rainstorm Demon General is mainly used. Maybe he is more negative now?

As Wei Xun walked, he wondered about the attributes of the great demon Chabalaren. Are the attributes of demons destined by nature, or can they gradually change according to their own talents and means? What kind of devil is he himself?

Apart from being very good at eating and getting hungry easily, Wei Xun has not seen any talents in himself so far. Maybe swallowing is his talent? He had previously drawn the alienated demons in his nightmares and searched online, but could not find any similar demons.

According to Xiaojin, demons all have magic patterns. Maybe the demons don't understand the language, and most of the inferior demons can't even speak, but the magic patterns contain a lot of information about the clan, just like an ID card.

Xiao Jin looks like a demon bee, but in fact the black and yellow patterns on its body imitate the pattern of the demon bee, so it can deceive the guarding peak and steal honey.

The magic marks on Wei Xun's body are unclear. He was still young as a demon when he was transformed, so the magic marks were not fully developed and the demonic characteristics were not complete. Many demon races have a protective mechanism when they are young. The demon patterns are in a mess, and it is difficult to identify which race they belong to, so that they will be recognized and eaten by hostile species.

Does the great demon Chabalaren have magic patterns?

Wei Xun has been thinking about a question. Is this big demon Chabalaren, his demon army, and the demon kingdom the same thing as the abyss that Xiao Jin Xiaocui talked about?

According to what they said, the demonic insects are not actually demons. To be precise, they are 'abyssal species'. In addition to demons, there are also ghosts, modified species, giants, goblins, etc. It is a very complete world.

But Xiao Jin couldn't remember how it came on the journey or how its companions came.


The tips of the leopard cub's claws slipped on the ice. The tips of its claws were too immature and hadn't grown yet. When the tunnel sloped downwards more and more, it couldn't maintain its balance when the ice surface became too slippery.

Wei Xun responded to the situation and simply lay down, sliding down the slope like a penguin gliding on the ice. Now the entire channel is like a very thick cylindrical water pipe, with an inclination angle of more than 45 degrees. The plush belly friction prevented him from spinning. Wei Xun controlled the speed of his descent and carefully observed the front, leaning his leopard ears forward.

When he found an obstacle in front of the smooth road, he calmly grabbed the ice and slid forward a few meters with a harsh sizzling sound, finally stopping in front of the obstacle.

What is this?

Wei Xun took out the magic fire, and in the faint light there was an icy edge-like protrusion in front of him. It occupies most of the passage and is not very wide. At first glance, it looks like ice, but if you look closely, the material is different from solid ice. It was bone white, glowing with a cold white light when the firelight illuminated it.

bone? Corpses? jade? Ice board?

Wei Xun tried to climb up and walked a few meters inside. Then he found that the bone-white jade-like thing was a whole piece, getting wider and higher as it went back. The ice cave passage also expanded and widened with it. When When Wei Xun walked about ten meters, the height and width of the ice cave were enough for a person to stand up and walk.

"Crystal? Gradient color?"

Fifteen meters later, Wei Xun reached the end of this 'crystal'. From bone white at the tip, the color gradually deepens and finally turns scarlet. When we arrived at Scarlet, it was four to five meters wide and still cylindrical. When you walk on it and look down, you will see a certain height, almost a story high.

The scarlet giant cylinder is much wider than the 'crystal', and has many folds, and the folds are filled with ice and snow.

Wei Xun took out the crown, and the golden roc bird's light and shadow was still flying forward. But Wei Xun did not continue to move forward. He put away the crown and returned to the connection between scarlet and 'crystal'. He changed back to his human form, put on his clothes, took a knife, and tried to dig out a piece.

It's so hard that it can't be dug at all, and even a fox cub can't bite it. Wei Xun tried various methods, and finally found that if he burned it with magic fire, a small layer on the surface of the "crystal" that could be burned would crack and roll up, rolling out a crystal plate the size of A4 paper, like parchment paper.

This is enough.

The title of archaeologist doesn't work, maybe this doesn't count as a relic. After all, it is just a green title, and it is normal that its functions are limited.

But Wei Xun is also an adventurer! You must know that if you take risks on something, you will definitely know what it is from the feedback!

【adventure! 】

【Adventure successful! You get Chabalan Devil Middle Finger Nails baked to crispy perfection! 】

This rolled white 'crystal plate' immediately became brown and crispy, with a caramel color on the surface, giving it the unique burnt aroma of barbecue. But Wei Xun rarely focused on this.

These are the nails of the Great Demon Chabalen!

Wei Xun's heartbeat accelerated sharply, and he instantly turned into a snow leopard, running toward the tip of his nails like a silver whirlwind. But after running a few steps, the defender stopped and looked back, his silver-white beard trembling rapidly.

Many people have a fear of giant objects. When they know that the 'wide crystal' they are standing on, explored and studied, and even burned with magic fire, is actually just the devil's fingernail, many people will break into a cold sweat and be shaken by great fear. Live your mind.

But Wei Xun was not afraid. He turned into a snow leopard almost instantly, because changing from a snow leopard to a human was the fastest way to take off his clothes, and it could attract * * * comments and even stares at any time. The snow leopard took two steps as if to escape to test whether this was a trap set by the devil to seduce people.

If the devil still doesn't move at all...

Wei Xun calmly walked back to the junction of bone white and scarlet. There were the clothes he left behind when he transformed into a snow leopard, and the 'crisp devil's nails' that looked like large slices of bread.

The snow leopard cub squatted in front of this nail, as if making a difficult decision. Finally, it lowered its head resolutely and took a bite.



It's literally baked to crispy perfection, like the crust on the best puff pastry cream of mushroom soup, nice and crispy. But Wei Xun only nibbled a little bit, and after confirming it, he put it into the fox cub's belly.

He nibbled on this not because he was hungry, but for comparison, to try.

Just one piece doesn't explain the problem.

Wei Xun repeated his old trick, using magic fire to 'roast' a small amount of scarlet flesh, and then took the risk.

【Adventure successful! You get grilled and extremely poor quality Chabalan Devil Middle Finger Meat! 】

Wei Xun ate a little without changing his expression, then tore the piece of meat into two halves and fed half to the blood ladybug and half to Xiaocui.

Xiaocui was very happy and thanked her master softly. Her face was covered with burnt charcoal but she was eating with relish. But the blood ladybug was in pain. After taking two bites, she started pretending to be dead and refused to eat.

Looking at their performance, Wei Xun had an idea.

These fifteen-meter-long 'crystal plates' ranging from narrow to wide are just the nails of the big devil, the giant scarlet cylinders are its fingers, and maybe even further down, it is his complete, sealed body.

But there is no soul in this body.

This demon tastes different from what Wei Xun has eaten before. It is an absorption problem. When he ate Devil's Shadow and all kinds of demonic energy before, he absorbed it immediately after eating it. Even if there was too much demonic energy, he would be restless and feel overly full, but he would absorb it very quickly.

But when eating these, although there is demonic energy in them, this demonic energy gradually overflows with the 'digestion' and is absorbed by Wei Xun.

This is a true demonic body.

It was completely different from the demon remnants, demonic energy, demonic shadows, demonic energy condensed alienated bodies, etc. that Wei Xun had seen before.

It is a solid body... It can be said that it is the first time Wei Xun has seen a complete demon body.

The reason why it is said to be a body, not a corpse, is that firstly, the bloody ladybug does not like to eat, and secondly, although the demonic energy in its body is silent, it is not weakening and dying, but more like being sealed.

So that’s it!

Wei Xun felt like he had opened the door to a new world.

He has encountered so few complete demons (not counting Dingo) that Wei Xun always thought that even if there was demonic energy, he would be considered a complete demon. Even the 'Demon Army' he encountered in the assessment mission was just a demon. Wisps of residual demonic energy were condensed, but they were not real entities. Wei Xun's eating of them was just biting the demonic energy on their bodies.

The same is true for the burning ghosts in Xiaolin Temple and the mutated demonic energy attached to the lama's soul.

So much so that he realized for the first time the difference between a demon's body and a demon's soul!

I don’t know where the soul of this big demon went, leaving behind such a big body - maybe its soul was fighting with Lama Tsocha and the others in Serincuo?

Wei Xun excitedly walked forward and walked more than sixty meters before reaching the end of the finger. It suddenly became clear to him that the joints on the back of the demon's hand were bulging like hills. Its five fingers stretched out in different directions and inserted into the ice and snow, like five caves. Wei Xun walked out of one of the 'caves'.


Wei Xun tried to pose the devil, and found that if he looked at it from the perspective of the big devil, it should straighten its arms diagonally upwards, with the fingers of its palms spread out, trying to reach upwards and forward. Wei Xun saw a large piece of ice and snow falling down. The ice and snow in the folds of its scarlet skin were loose and newly accumulated, rather than frozen inside forever.

There are also new traces of friction on the surrounding ice walls.

It is reaching out, toward the altar, and toward the world.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute is right, one of the demon's arms has been 'unsealed'. If the sacrifice continues completely, I am afraid that the entire demon body will be completely unsealed!

But perhaps because the sacrifices suddenly stopped and there were no sacrifices, or because Lama Cuocao and High Priest Yangjin strengthened the seal, the body no longer struggled outwards. The soul also leaves the body and fights with the lama and others.

In other words, what was placed in front of Wei Xun was a pure and powerful body of a great demon.

good chance!

But Wei Xun's face showed expressions of heartache, regret, and reluctance.

He didn't give up and said in a very sweet and soft voice: "Zai Zai, can you--"

'cannot! ’

The fox cub was so frightened that he burst into tears: ‘I can’t eat, I really can’t eat! ’

‘You are allowed to use up all your yang energy to expand your abdominal capacity’

Wei Xun spent a lot of money: "You can eat the magic honey if you want, and there are ghost hair fragments, and by the way, the bee eggs should taste good too."

‘I can’t eat it, I really can’t eat it’

The fox cub sobbed and said sadly: 'I'm just a little fox! ’

The fingernails are fifteen meters long and the middle finger is sixty meters long. How big must this whole demon be?

The fox cub can’t even think about it!

Wei Xun did ideological work for the fox cub for a long time and devoted himself to exploring its limits. Finally, the fox cub became strong and said that it could only eat one finger at most.

Really can’t be any more!

‘Then eat your middle finger’

Wei Xun murmured, his middle finger was longer.

Eat as much as you can, there is no time to choose now, the devil may come back at any time. Although he knew that its eyes, heart, or other places were more precious, judging from its length, it was difficult for Wei Xun to explore there. After all, his target was the golden bell on the demon's arm.

Dig up the golden bell and the devil will definitely find it.

It is the right way to bite off more than you can chew, and to accept it as soon as it is good.

Without any further delay, Wei Xun left the fox cub and the magic fire at the base of the demon's finger, allowing it to freely use the items in its belly. Then Wei Xun continued to move forward - the one who could break through the seal was the demon's right arm inlaid with a golden bell.

That means the last main item of the journey, the golden bell, is right in front!

The demon's arm is as wide as a runway, but it is too long. Wei Xun has been running all the way and still hasn't reached its elbow. Maybe the big demon has no elbows? Every once in a while, he took out the crown to confirm the position of the golden bell. Finally, after fifteen minutes, the golden bird-shaped light and shadow no longer flew forward, but hovered in the original place.

This is it!

Wei Xun's sharp eyes saw a trench-like crack on the side of the arm, and there seemed to be a little golden light flashing inside. The little snow leopard ran over there and found that it was not as hard as other scarlet skins, but bloody, and the flesh was trembling and beating, as if the wound had not healed yet. And the temperature got higher the further in, and there were black burn marks.

The heart of the Garuda can burn evil dragons to ashes.

The golden bell is embedded here!

The little snow leopard held the crown of the golden-winged Roc in its mouth and jumped into the flesh wound. The wound was burned and corroded close to the bone, which looked very deep. It was like a cliff to the little snow leopard. Wei Xun didn't care that he was covered in blood. He jumped very accurately and landed directly near the golden bell. This golden bell was several times larger than the one hanging on the neck of the demon sheep. It was like an apricot, half of it was exposed, and the other half was covered and swallowed by the demon's flesh and blood. Wei Xun found that the snow leopard's claws were more convenient to deal with the demon's flesh and blood. He immediately wanted to dig out the flesh and blood and take out the golden bell. But at this moment, the "earth" shook violently and suddenly lifted up. Wei Xun rolled directly into a pool of blood, with his claws tightly hooked on the golden bell. He tried his best to restrain the breath of his whole body and was completely hidden. The demon's arm moved!

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