Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 120 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (63)

No matter if he's angry or not, it's mine once it's in my hands.

Wei Xun had a smile on his face, but he had no intention of giving anything away. The bloodline of the Garuda can only exist in items related to it. Wei Xun first took it into the crown and hid it in the belly of the fox cub, and then immediately transferred it to the gold chain pendant.

This pendant is a task item for the competition. It involves the confrontation between the east and west districts, and even the hotel has very preferential treatment. Wei Xun was just on guard against robbery.

After all, he is also the owner of the hotel, so he shouldn't be robbing things. Although the successor of the eagle flute signed a contract with the hotel first, he sacrificed the successor of the eagle flute based on his ability, and he also risked the blood of the golden-winged roc based on his ability. Logically speaking, the successor of the eagle flute should be It's his.

It would be shameless for him to take a bloodline now.


There seemed to be a chuckle high in the sky that only he could hear, with an unknown meaning.

Wei Xun's expression didn't change, as if he hadn't heard anything. He knew that the other person could hear what he was thinking - this was intentional.

Fortunately, the other party did not take action.

Wei Xun's mind turned away from the bloodline of the golden-winged roc and looked curiously at the successor of the eagle flute. The heir of the Eagle Flute revealed the contract with the hotel, which was a taboo, and actually attracted all the * * *. What punishment will he suffer?

Wei Xun guessed that it was something like division. After all, if the descendant of the Eagle Flute was still intact, it would be impossible for him to get the blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng. After all, the risk was aimed at him as a whole. The most Wei Xun can do is mutate the bloodline of the descendant of the Eagle Flute, purify the bloodline, and upgrade the bloodline. It is impossible to extract it.

In other words, the descendants of the Eagle Flute were divided?

Although on the surface he is still the descendant of the eagle flute, he has actually been divided into the 'bloodline of the descendant of the eagle flute' and 'the body of the descendant of the eagle flute'?

But why hasn't he fallen apart yet?

The eagle flute successor in front of him no longer trembled, but stood frozen on the altar, like a stone sculpture. But he was not broken or disintegrated. Wei Xun could not sense the parasitic wasps in his body, and he did not know what was going on inside the body of the successor of the Eagle Flute.

While Wei Xun was observing, suddenly, the successor of the Eagle Flute opened his eyes.


Opened your eyes?

"you're awake."

Wei Xun looked at him strangely and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Are you not dead yet?

He was really curious now, and the eagle flute in front of him gave him a strange feeling. He is a descendant of the eagle flute, but he is not a descendant of the eagle flute. Wei Xun couldn't feel his soul at all. Logically speaking, the descendant of the Eagle Flute should be a living dead.

Or is it that for exposing the contract, the successor of the Eagle Flute did not receive much punishment?

It shouldn't be.

"I'm okay."

The successor of the Eagle Flute blinked slowly, then looked at Wei Xun, gave him a deep look, and solemnly said: "The demon's resurrection is imminent. We must lead others to evacuate the altar, otherwise the flood will flood the earth and everyone will die. !”

What nonsense are you talking about.

"You don't want to be king anymore."

Wei Xun took off the golden-winged roc-horned crown and spun around in front of the successor of the eagle flute. He didn't even stop when he reached out to take it. He wanted to see what the successor of the eagle flute was going to do.

But unexpectedly, the descendant of the Eagle Flute reached out not for the crown, but took Wei Xun's hand, and only held it for a second before letting go. Then he nodded solemnly to him and said solemnly: "I'll take them away first, Demon Slayer, I'll leave it to you here."


"The sacrifice is not over yet, don't you want to be canonized by the king?"

The descendant of the Eagle Flute let go quickly, but Wei Xun directly held his hand backwards and interlocked with his fingers. Wei Xun held the golden mosquito mouthpart between his fingers and took the opportunity to prick him, but he didn't suck out any blood.

Without soul and blood, what kind of person is the current Heir of the Eagle Flute?

"Hey, isn't this the heir to the eagle flute... Okay, just wait until you get to Tibet."

Wang Pengpai was originally on the phone with Mao Xiaole, but Wei Xun's live broadcast had completely attracted his full attention.

"I think the descendant of the Eagle Flute is dying, and he still wants to leak the contract. He is really looking for death."

Opposite me, Mao Xiaole didn't want to talk about Tibet, but he chatted with Wang Pengpai on the phone about the live broadcast.

"I think the hotel is a simulated guide, and we have to complete this journey."

Although a guide on the journey is key, he may die prematurely, or break the contract and be kicked off by the hotel.

The tour guide cannot kill the guide, but if a tourist kills the guide because he is greedy for the guide's wealth, or there is some dispute of temper, the hotel will not react much. This journey is equivalent to having no guide. As for the later attractions, the hotel will not care whether there will be additional dangers due to the lack of guides, or even if the attraction is simply inaccessible.

You must consider the consequences of killing the person who led the way.

But if the guide himself violates the contract, he will be fired by the hotel. So depending on the difficulty of the upcoming journey, the hotel may simulate a guide and lead the brigade through the journey.

This simulated guide is just a simulated person. He is only responsible for visiting the scenic spots and has no emotions or joys. Just like NPCs.

"Although we have reached the end of the third scenic spot, when the big demon revives, it is also necessary for the hotel to simulate the guide. Why is the descendant of the Eagle Flute the 'Shang Hung King'? Maybe it will be useful in sealing the demon."

Wang Pengpeng babbled: "The Tour Guide Alliance sent B-level elite tour guides to keep an eye on Wei Xun. Wang Yushu couldn't even attract attention. I think they may have been waiting on the bus. Not only are there The Butcher Alliance, there is probably a kid from the Shepherd Alliance - I think Ding Yi is almost destroyed, he should be the guy who plays the puppet."

"I wanted to cut Pinocchio into pieces for a long time, but the iron corpse I raised was still a piece of wood... Damn it, why are they still shaking hands?"

Mao Xiaole disdained harsh words, and then said dissatisfiedly: "It's been a bit long, why do you still hold it this way?"

"You don't care, he's just a simulated guide."

Wang Pengpeng couldn't even laugh or cry. Watching the live broadcast screen showing Wei Xun shaking hands with the successor of the Eagle Flute, they still held each other's fingers... They held each other for at least a minute or two, and he was murmuring in his heart.

Wei Xun must have discovered that there is something wrong with the successor of the eagle flute. Yes, the simulated guide is just like an NPC. It's weird if you can't see the problem.

So is this testing the opponent's strength? Condition? Otherwise, why would you hold it for so long?

"I haven't even shaken hands with Teacher Sanshui... I washed my hands three times with Wugen water before going out today."

Mao Xiaole complained: "The captain doesn't care about this? He's a stupid simulator who doesn't know how to let go. Don't hold hands with Teacher Sanshui until the end of time. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Mao Xiaole suddenly sneezed a series of times and couldn't stop at all. Wang Pengpai felt his head hurt when he heard it on the phone.

"Fuck, whoever scolds Master Dao behind his back, I'll take care of him."

Finally, Mao Xiaole stopped. His voice was hoarse. He was suspicious that someone was going to harm him. He made calculations but did not take action directly.

What a joke, if someone could really make Mao Xiaole sneeze for such a long time by scolding him behind his back, then Mao Xiaole would just forget it and cause more trouble.

"Hey they finally let go."

Wang Pengpai also knew that in order to prevent Mao Xiaole from getting angry, he didn't mention it and directly changed the topic:

"Hey, I just said the captain will speak out."

* *


The White Wolf King let out an impatient and low-pitched roar, interrupting the gaze between Wei Xun and the successor of the Eagle Flute. Wei Xun took advantage of the situation and retracted his hand. When he saw the White Wolf King crossing his body and standing between him and the successor of the Eagle Flute, he smiled thoughtfully.

When shaking hands just now, Wei Xun asked many questions, such as how you obtained the blood of the golden-winged roc, where is the devil, and how did you confront him. But the descendant of the Eagle Flute didn't answer. Wei Xun couldn't feel his pulse, and his body was as cold as a corpse.

Moreover, all the feather-like fleshy scale bumps that were originally present on the Heir of the Eagle Flute's skin have also disappeared.

Sure enough, there is something strange.


The White Wolf King roared again, as if urging. Everything happened too fast just now, it only took five minutes from the time when the devil sheep was killed to now. But the thick black demonic aura surging from the shore of Serincuo Lake is getting stronger and stronger.

The thunder and rain seemed to be accompanied by the ferocious roars of gods and demons, and the earth shook violently, as if the entire black stone altar was about to collapse completely. The water in Serincuo Lake kept pouring out, like a flood caused by a heavy rainstorm, instantly submerging the wasteland beside the lake and submerging under the black stone altar.

"Then I'll leave it to you to evacuate everyone."

The heir of the eagle flute still didn't reply, as if he had nothing else to say except leaving and retreating. Wei Xun took a deep look at him, turned around, and walked to the top of the altar with the White Wolf King. When he first climbed the steps, he suddenly turned his head and stared at the successor of the eagle flute, and saw that he was still standing there, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

As if looking at him and smiling.

Was it controlled by the hotel, or was it replaced by something?

It has something to do with the hotel. As the captain, Wei Xun can feel a slight atmosphere of the hotel. Maybe the journey wasn't over yet, and the eagle flute successor was gone. Maybe the hotel had simulated a guide for them to deal with the troubled brigade.

But Wei Xun always felt that there was something strange about the successor of the Eagle Flute. The White Wolf King had separated the two of them just now. He was alert but did not attack, which could explain something.

Is it possible that...

In that case, there would be no need to worry about the eagle flute being passed down.

Seeing his smile, Wei Xun smiled warmly back and waved to him before turning around and continuing to climb to the top.

Yin Baitao told him before that the altar is hollow inside, and there are inner and outer altars. The place where the witches were enlightened by demons was in the inner altar, but where exactly it was and how to get there, Yin Baitao couldn't tell.

The witches were brought in blindfolded. When they got to the place and took off the blindfolds, they were quickly confused and confused and couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

Xu Yang made it clearer. He was blind, and no one would care whether he pried into the secret. But I didn’t know that Xu Yang had the title. Although the title of ‘Blind Perception’ requires a blind cane or a guide dog to be effective, it does not limit the material of the blind cane.

When Xu Yang was serving the black sheep, he knelt on the ground and scrubbed its hooves. After wiping, he held the leg of the lamb and lowered it down. When the hooves of the lamb struck the ground, the structure of all the surrounding buildings became clear to his mind.

This altar is hollow.

Wei Xun walked to the highest altar, turned half a circle, and lifted a giant black stone from the corner, revealing a dark hole. The heavy rain continued all the time, and the water flowed down and poured into the cave entrance, gurgling like a small waterfall.

The hole is not large enough for an adult to enter, but it is the closest entrance.

"Come to me, through another passage."

Wei Xun threw the magic fire and went down, blocking the water flow and illuminating the darkness at the same time. He patted the White Wolf King's neck: "You will find me, right?"

Just like the snow leopard, find another way out in the Zhangzhung ruins.

After saying that, Wei Xun turned into a little snow leopard and put all the fallen clothes into the fox cub's belly. The snow leopard cub nimbly avoided the White Wolf King's blockage and got directly into the entrance.

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