Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 119 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (62)

Rumbles of thunder followed by explosions resounded across the sky, bright lightning tore through the sky, and the pouring rain was crazy and terrifying. It seemed as if the whole world was going to collapse and be destroyed tonight.

It's over, it's all over.

The successor of the Eagle Flute collapsed on the altar, covered in mud and water. He stared blankly at Wei Xun and the demon Black Sheep fighting together. His heart was filled with sadness and his mind was at a loss. What he was thinking was that the king's sacrifice was over and ruined, or that he was sacrificed to an unknown demon and his life was over.

The demon black sheep is so terrifying and mysterious that at first glance it means that the demon's consciousness has arrived in advance - the king's sacrifice has been completed.

It desperately wanted to kill Wei Xun. Apparently Wei Xun stole its sacrifice to other demons. His life was over, and he had to bear the wrath of the great demon Chabalen - etc.

A ray of light pierced the fog, and the eagle flute man trembled, staring at Wei Xun as if he was seeing a ghost.

If Wei Xun was controlled by other demons and gave sacrifices to other demons, if Chabalaren wanted to take back the sacrifices, he should fight that demon.

Even if he kills Wei Xun in anger, what's the use?

Wei Xun is not a demon who received a sacrifice!

The heir to the eagle flute seemed to have thought of something in the lightning and flint, but the thought was too terrifying and incredible, and he seemed to have thought of nothing. In the dark night, he seemed to see Wei Xun glance at him while fighting with the black sheep, and there was a faint red light flickering in the depths of his black eyes.


The descendant of the Eagle Flute was knocked away directly. He didn't even realize why he suddenly got up and rushed forward, blocking the escape direction of the demon black sheep with his body. He was hit so hard that his chest was dented and his blood surged. The sharp horns of the demon sheep tore the clothes on his chest. The pieces fell, and the skin of the heir of the eagle flute's chest was exposed. His chest was actually densely covered with feather-like flesh scales. Look at it. It looks weird and scary.

It was these flesh scales that prevented him from being killed on the spot by the demon sheep.

But now no one cares about what the eagle flute's chest looks like. The devil sheep's shrill bleating sound makes people dizzy and nauseating. However, it failed in its escape attempt this time and has lost its last chance. The White Wolf King suppressed the demon sheep with his body weight and bit its throat. Wei Xun grasped the corner of the Demon Sheep's plate, and the narrow crystal knife in his hand shattered. He directly used his hand to slam into the Demon Sheep's eyeball.

Bang bang!

Two sheep's eyes as big as a man's fist fell to the ground, bouncing around like pinballs and spinning around.


Even if its throat is bitten or its belly is scratched, it is extremely ferocious. The lively demon sheep suddenly succumbed after losing its eyeballs. It could no longer support the weight of the White Wolf King on its back, and was pressed to its knees with a pale sheep face. There were two bloody holes, and there were obviously no eyeballs, but Wei Xun felt that he was still being stared at fiercely by someone's malicious and angry gaze, and the hateful anger in that gaze seemed to want to cut him to pieces.

Come on then.

Wei Xun smiled and stepped on the sheep's head. A narrow crystal knife appeared in his hand and chopped off the sheep's head. With a thought in Wei Xun's mind, the demonic fire came suddenly, burning violently on the demon sheep corpse and the two eyeballs trying to roll away.

Devil Sheep, die!

The heavy rain fell even harder, but it could not extinguish the fierce and burning demonic fire. Wei Xun didn't feel bad about the food being burned. He dug out the sheep's eyes and absorbed the demonic energy from the demon sheep the moment he killed it - all the creatures on the altar were his sacrifices. The demon sheep After he was too weak to resist, he could of course directly extract the demonic energy of the demon sheep, just like he controlled the descendant of the eagle flute and let him fly over to physically block the sheep.

If Wei Xun wanted to, he could absorb the life force of everyone on the altar in an instant, or turn them all into puppets, and they would be completely unable to resist.

Thanks to the heavy rain that helped him when he was reciting the sacrificial words, he changed the sacrificial words into full sacrifices, so that Wei Xun could monopolize the sacrifices.

The demonic fire burned the demonic sheep to ashes. Wei Xun looked at Serincuo Lake in the distance and saw the black water boiling like boiling water. The black demonic energy steaming majestically on the lake was like an enraged dragon.

He would suddenly tamper with the sacrificial words at this time, instead of waiting until the king was canonized and the god came to do it. It was Chabalaren who was anxious.

Lama Cuocao and High Priest Yangjin should have taken action to strengthen the seal, so that the big devil could seize all the sacrifices and increase his own strength.

Wei Xun couldn't help but lick his lips. He was still hungry.

This demon sheep is just the carrier of Chabalaren's consciousness, not his incarnation. There is not much demonic energy in his body, but it is just a snack.

Wei Xun felt so hungry, burning with hunger. He had never been so hungry from the time when Drunken Beauty in Xiangxi lost control until now.

The person who was sacrificed was the 'Great Demon Wei Xun', who can only be regarded as a demon cub now. The sacrifice did not match his identity, and the gap between the big demon and the demon cub made Wei Xun feel crazy and hungry.

You have to eat, you have to eat more, to become a big devil.

Desire and reason are fighting each other, and everyone on the altar, including animals and priests, are all desserts in Wei Xun's eyes.

It is a sacrifice that gives your soul and body to him.

It smells really good.

Wei Xun's eyes narrowed in intoxication, enjoying the temptation of delicious food. His sanity gradually collapsed, the devil in his heart was ready to move, and his will almost slipped into an uncontrollable abyss.

When he couldn't control it anymore, he hugged the white wolf king who was vigilantly raking away dust, buried himself in the thick wolf fur, took a deep breath, rubbed it, and nibbled off a few wolf hairs.

After the demonic energy was suppressed again, Wei Xun let go of the White Wolf King and looked at what it dug out.

The demon sheep was burned into a pile of ashes by the demonic flames. The ashes were impervious to water and fire, heavy as sand, and could not be washed away by heavy rains, but they were peeled away by the White Wolf King.

Among the ashes was a golden bell as big as a soybean.

The White Wolf King was about to bite the golden bell into pieces, but Wei Xun put his hand into the wolf's mouth and snatched it out.

No hint, this is not the last main quest item.

But it must be related to the Great Demon Chabalen.

Wei Xun could hardly wait to find the devil, but before that. He has one more thing to do.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute lay in a state of disgrace in the cold muddy water. When the devil sheep screamed in agony for the last time, his brain felt like it had been hit by a heavy hammer. In an instant, everything was turned upside down, and his eyesight went black and he lost consciousness. He even thought he was dead until he was awakened and opened his eyes in confusion. His blurry vision became clear. He saw the dark green cloak and Wei Xun.

"Ho ho!"

The eagle flute made a sound of panic in the throat, and the conditioned reflex was to retreat desperately. The moment he saw Wei Xun, he was convinced that he was not dead - he was of the blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng, and he would go to Wei Molongren even if he died.

That's where gods and Buddhas live, there can't be demons!

There is no way Wei Xun——

"Yo, you know?"

Wei Xun chuckled, and the descendant of the Eagle Flute trembled, his eyes frightened.

Yes, yes, Wei Xun could see what he was thinking, and his soul was controlled by Wei Xun. Sure enough!

"You, how dare you."

The bearer of the eagle flute spoke incoherently: "Are you not afraid——"

The descendant of the Eagle Flute regretted it so much. Now he had figured everything out. Before, he didn't want to think about it or didn't dare to think about it. But putting aside his worries, he figured it all out!

Wei Xun, he is also a devil!

The kingdom of Xiangxiong was destroyed, and both the crown and the eagle flute were lost in the Dragon God Waterway. The great demon Chabalen had the bone flute with the golden right wing of the roc, so how could he not have the crown? !

If Wei Xun can get the crown of Dapeng's Garuda horns, he must be connected with Chabalaren! Otherwise, how could he still have the three-color magic fire in his hand?

This Chabalan was so vicious and vicious that he actually placed Wei Xun next to him, and Wei Xun even sat on the priest Gu Xin's seat. The successor of the Eagle Flute understood clearly that this sacrifice was completely under the control of the great demon, and his plots and thoughts might have been completely seen through by the demon.

No, it's not all under the control of the big devil, because Wei Xun is obviously rebelling!

He stole the sacrifice that was going to be sacrificed to the big devil. The devil's name he read in the sacrifice was himself, so the devil sheep attacked Wei Xun in a rage!

This is demonic internal strife!

If Wei Xun dared to rebel, he must have something to rely on. It was because something happened to the great demon Chabalaren and he was weak, or something else, but Wei Xun had completely turned against the great demon! If he doesn't kill the demon, the demon will definitely chase him to the ends of the earth.

If there is a chance, he still has a chance.

Wei Xun will use him, and he can help deal with Chabalaren. Only he knows the real reason why the big demon revived and escaped from trouble. It's not that the seal is seriously damaged, but the golden bell with the heart of the roc embedded in Chabalaren's right arm covers up the evil energy. The seal that has the same origin as the Zhangzhong Kingdom is blinded by the golden bell. This is... not good!

"So that's it."

The descendant of the Eagle Flute looked up in horror and saw Wei Xun smiling like a devil: "It's the Golden Bell."

Devil, Wei Xun is a devil! He controlled his mind, and he deliberately let him think in this direction! It's over, Wei Xun knows all his secrets, and he is no longer useful.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute was so frightened that he was shaking like chaff, not knowing that this was the fear and oppression secretly imposed on him by Wei Xun. Wei Xun wants to squeeze out all his secrets!

However, what Wei Xun didn't expect was that what the descendant of the Eagle Flute continued to talk about was not information related to the devil, the golden bell, or how he obtained the secret method of the roc bird blood.

"Don't, don't kill me. I know more secrets. I also know, yes, by the way, I signed a contract with your hotel. You can't kill me, you can't. Look, it's a contract."

The heir of the eagle flute spoke incoherently. He seemed to be grabbing the last straw and dug his nails into his chest like crazy. He found bloody flesh and blood. His nails dug into a silver-white corner and tried to pull it out——

[The guide to explore northern Tibet: The successor of the Eagle Flute, violated the rules, leaked the hotel contract, and committed the crime of leaking secrets]

The elegant and low voice rang in the ears of the eagle flute successor. Only he could hear it. It was the owner of the hotel who was doing business with him at that time! The heir to the Eagle Flute was stiff all over, as if he suddenly turned into a stone sculpture and became motionless.

[According to the contract, everything you own will belong to the hotel and become its merchandise]

Something was wrong, Wei Xun felt that the parasitic wasp in the body of the descendant of the eagle flute could not be contacted at all. Not only that, even the soul of the descendant of the eagle flute was losing control!

Someone wants to take away the soul of the successor of the Eagle Flute from him! That is an absolutely irresistible force. It's not the Chabalan demon, it's the hotel!

If the guide leaks the hotel contract, he may be severely punished!

Wei Xun's heart was trembling, and his back was covered with cold sweat. His intuition told him not to look, not listen, or not think now, but that vaguely familiar terrifying power made Wei Xun's heart beat violently and his brain spin rapidly.

How did the hotel contact the guide? Who was going to punish the bearer of the eagle flute? Could it be the owner of the hotel? Could it be him?

If, what if...

The devilish nature made Wei Xun's various emotions become more intense, especially the instinct to chase excitement and the instinct to be curious about dangerous things. It's like knowing that this thing is dangerous and you might get beaten if you push it, but you still want to push it and take a look. cat cat.

All these thoughts were just a moment. The moment before he felt that the soul of the successor of the Eagle Flute was completely out of control, Wei Xun made a decision.

【Adventure on the Descendants of the Eagle Flute! 】

The descendant of the Eagle Flute was so frightened that he screamed desperately not to, but could not make a sound. At this moment, he would rather be controlled by Wei Xun, but he could only listen to the verdict of the hotel owner in despair. The male voice was obviously elegant and pleasant, but to him it sounded no different from a devil. The slow tone was more like torture.

[Strip off the soul, lifespan, body, and blood of the successor of the Eagle Flute—]

【Adventure successful! You have obtained the rare bloodline of a golden-winged roc! 】

A little golden bird suddenly appeared in Wei Xun's hand. Before he could see it, he quickly put the little golden bird into the crown and then put the crown into the belly of the fox cub.

When he felt the familiar feeling of being watched and the visual and auditory hallucinations came again, Wei Xun smiled.

Sure enough it is * * *

[Honey, I want this]

Wei Xun thought in his heart, his tone was very sweet, he knew the other party could hear it.

【You won’t be angry, right】

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