Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 118 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (61)

【drop! You got the bone flute of Dapeng’s golden right wing. You already have four items related to the survivors of the Shang Shung Kingdom. The collection progress is 4/5]

[You have entered the final stage of the main journey. The hotel reminds you that the difficulty of obtaining the last item will be ten times that of the previous items. Please act according to your ability and put your own safety first! 】

[Due to the huge disparity in strength, you will be prompted when the last item appears! 】

Thunder after thunder suppressed the sound of the hotel prompts to a minimum, and the bright lightning that tore the sky briefly illuminated the frozen face of the hawk flute descendant in shock and disbelief.

He didn't even care about the bone flute of the Dapeng's golden right wing that was taken away. He stared straight at the crown on Wei Xun's head, his whole body trembling, and his face sometimes turned black and sometimes turned white.

"This, this is..."


Wei Xun good-naturedly told him: "The crown with the horns of the golden-winged roc."


The heir of the eagle flute suddenly raised his voice, almost screaming.

How could it be a crown? How could the crown, which he couldn't even find, be in Wei Xun's hands? !

The first reaction of the descendant of the Eagle Flute was to grab it, but Wei Xun was faster and slapped his face with a bone flute, causing his cheeks to burn and hurt like a thorn snake whip.

This bone flute hurt the heir of the eagle flute and woke him up. A strong wind blew and made him shiver. It was as if he suddenly realized that he was at a king's sacrifice, a king's sacrifice that must not be missed.

No, we can't fight for it, it's too conspicuous, and it would be too embarrassing to make such a fuss at the sacrifice.

Noticing that there were other priests looking here in shock, the successor of the eagle flute suddenly calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Priest Gu Xin, don't be joking."

But looking at the red eyes and slightly trembling hands of the heir of the eagle flute, I realized that his calmness was only superficial: "There is no such thing as the priest Gu Xin who is also the king in the Zhangzhong Kingdom. Please return the crown and bone flute to me quickly."

Yes, the Xiangxiong Kingdom does not have the idea of ​​​​Gu Xin priest serving as king. Wei Xun probably just wants to manipulate him - he is taking out the crown now to win over him.

The successor of the Eagle Flute seemed to have convinced himself, suppressing his shame and anger, regaining his composure, and even glanced at the top of the altar suggestively:

"King Shang Hung and Priest Gu Xin have always been one and the same. It is a great merit for you to find the lost crown. I believe that the Holy Mountain and Holy Lake will not blame you, but if you continue to delay and delay the sacrifice, God will be angry."

The Heir of the Eagle Flute feels that what he hinted is very clear! He is willing to cooperate with Wei Xun and will not blame Wei Xun. Their common enemy is the big devil and they should be unanimous in dealing with the outside world!


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and played with the bone flute he just got. He glanced around and saw layers of altars from a high position. Those Xiangxiong survivors were kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise their heads. In the violent storm, they didn't even know what was going on above. matter.

When you stand high enough, people below you can no longer see you clearly. No one dares to take a closer look at whether the person standing at the top is a person or a dog.

Only the priests on the fifth floor were in disbelief, shocked and astonished, but they subconsciously lowered their heads when Wei Xun looked at them one by one - Wei Xun's image of being ruthless, powerful, and killing people at the slightest disagreement has been deeply imprinted on them. in their hearts.

No one dared to refute him!

"No, this is mine."

Wei Xun stared at him with great interest: "The crown, the eagle flute, the medal, the throne - ah, there is also Lama Cuocha, High Priest Yangjin, Guxin Skin... they are all mine."


ah! ! !

The Successor of the Eagle Flute almost got into a fight with Wei Xun so shamelessly that his mind was heavy and his back was like a gleam of light, thinking of the Xiangxiong remnants and priests, so many people were looking at him, and the Successor of the Eagle Flute was blue in the face. He felt blank for a while, and he was swallowed up by the feeling of humiliation, shame, anger and unwillingness. He wished he could turn back time on the spot. He must kill Wei Xun first.

But at the same time, the successor of the Eagle Flute also thought that the remnants of Xiangxiong and the priests would definitely support him, kill Wei Xun on the spot, and take back the crown and scepter... No, you can't kill him. Wei Xun is a priest of Gu Xin and has to preside over it. King Sacrifice.

As long as Wei Xun sincerely repented, handed him the crown and scepter, and vowed to assist him forever and be his Guxin priest, that would not prevent him from continuing to live...

But after thinking about it for a long time, the successor of the Eagle Flute found that no one actually came up to help him!

Not that many people even noticed that the person wearing the crown and holding the eagle flute was not him.

When Wei Xun turned forward and walked towards the front of the sixth-floor altar, the people on the lower level of the altar even knelt lower and became more pious.

The altars on each level are circular, and the altar on the higher level is at the center of the altar on the lower level. From a bird's eye view, it looks like a circle within a circle, like a black vortex. The stairs to the altar are on the outermost side. After ascending to the sixth floor, Defender Xun walked half a circle along the altar and walked to the side facing Selincuo Lake. This is where the king and the priest Xiangxiong sat after the sacrifice began. Where you should stand.

As he walked around, Wei Xun felt the gaze from the highest level of the altar, the seventh level, the giant black sheep representing the devil. It was like a thick shadow, except for the sheep's face, which was white.

This kind of whiteness is more like peeling off the fur and flesh, directly exposing the skull, which looks extremely penetrating. The descendant of the Eagle Flute said that the consciousness of the great devil would come to the black sheep only after the king sacrificed. However, after communicating with Xu Yang and Yin Baitao respectively, Wei Xun knew that the power of the devil had probably already arrived. on this sheep.

Whether it was what Yin Baitao heard with his heart, the evil and rampant laughter, or when Xu Yang went to comb the wool and felt countless protrusions on the sheepskin, which were like human fingernails, it all showed that this sheep had long been abnormal. .

So when Wei Xun was negotiating with the Successor of the Eagle Flute, he was partially focused on the Successor of the Eagle Flute, and the rest was all focused on the Demon Black Sheep. But the other party didn't react at all.

Is it really feasible for Priest Guxin to serve as the king at the same time, or is it that Lama Cuoca and High Priest Yangjin have already begun to strengthen the seal, and the devil has no time to pay attention to it?

Tap tap tap.

Rapid footsteps sounded behind him, and it was the descendant of the Eagle Flute who was chasing after him. He planned the king's sacrifice and had been looking forward to clearing his bloodline for so long. How could he back down due to a sudden accident?

"You are not of Xiangxiong blood, you are fake, the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake will be angry, and no one here can escape!"

He scolded in a low voice: "So many people will die because of you!"

"Recognize your identity. You have no right to speak to the king like this."

Wei Xun ignored his clumsy threats and did not argue with him: "Step back."

[Hahahaha, fuck, it feels so good, I really didn’t expect it to feel so good! 】

[When I became the high priest, I thought it was the peak of pleasure, but the second priest said where is this? When I killed the second priest, I thought it was enough, but the fifth, seventh, and tenth priests jumped out and slapped me in the face. I’ll stop fucking thinking, or now I’ll lose my face again】

[Can you still do this? ? Wei Xun is too bold! I was really convinced when he took out the crown at this time. I thought he had been hiding the crown all this time because he wanted to win over the successor of the Eagle Flute at the critical moment]

[Laughing to death, the descendant of the Eagle Flute also thinks so]

[The Successor of the Eagle Flute is counting, but Brother Wei is treating him like a dog! 】

[Why doesn't this Eagle Flute Heir have such a thick face apply for a job as a city wall? He cooperates with the devil to perform this evil ritual. If I were a policeman, I would have shot him a hundred times! 】

[Yes, he himself is not of the orthodox Xiangxiong bloodline. If he can be King Xiangxiong at the King's Sacrifice, then I think Wei Xun can too! 】

【Be confident! The successor of the eagle flute is better equipped than Wei Xun. Wei Xun now has the crown, eagle flute and brooch in hand. This is the standard outfit of King Xiangxiong! 】

[Brothers, if Wei Xun does this, will the sacrifice be destroyed? If this is the case, has everyone learned the unprecedented method of destroying sacrifices? 】

[If you learn nothing, you will learn nothing]

【Learning now】

The lively discussion atmosphere in the live broadcast room did not affect the cold rainy night. The descendant of the Eagle Flute felt like the sky was filled with ice and fire. When he looked at the Xiangxiong crown on top of Wei Xun's head, his mood was as hot as boiling water and he couldn't help scratching his arms.

He used secret techniques to transform his bloodline, and he was able to feel items related to the Golden-winged Roc. What is on Wei Xun's head is the real crown with golden wings and roc horns.

The successor of the Eagle Flute originally thought that the crown was lost, and even the demon only had the bone flute. The crown was the most important item of King Shang Hung, more important than the bone flute and scepter combined.

If he had the crown in hand, why would he bother to make excuses with the big devil to please Wei Xun? He alone can take control of the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake after ascending to the throne, and suppress the great devil so that it will never be able to stand up again.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute was so excited by his fantasy that he couldn't control himself. His cheekbones turned red. He turned to look at Wei Xun's back, and his heart felt like it was falling into an ice cave.

It's useless no matter how good he thinks, the crown is now in Wei Xun's hands. Moreover, when he saw the real crown just now, he was so shocked that he even took the bone flute away from him.

Thinking that the successor of the eagle flute was anxious and angry, and refused to admit it. Without the bone flute in his hand, the king would probably not admit his identity when he went to the sacred mountain and holy lake to offer sacrifices - he was the true bloodline of the golden-winged roc, the real elephant. With the bloodline of a male king, who else could be the king besides him? !

He only thought that he was worried about the sacrifice. This bone flute was given to him by the devil, and the devil definitely did something to it. He has so many magic weapons and treasures, and is protected by the golden-winged roc, so he is not afraid of demons. But what if Wei Xun is killed? Even if the successor of Ying Flute wants to kill Wei Xun now, he knows that priest Gu Xin must not be missing from the sacrifice.

He also planned to wait for the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake to recognize him, and then join forces with Wei Xun to counterattack the Chabalaren Demon Army and seal it.

He didn't want to really release the devil, he would be killed too.

You said it so clearly, why didn't Wei Xun listen? !

Wei Xun treats the successor of the eagle flute as if he is a little gold, and he is like a bitch who wants to build an archway. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Why, you want to use the big devil and Wei Xun to complete the king's sacrifice and ascend to the throne, and then use him to seal the big devil?

You are allowed to take advantage of all the good things inside and outside the co-author, and Wei Xun does all the dirty work. How can you just throw it away and kill the donkey after the big devil uses it?

Wei Xun originally thought that the descendant of the eagle flute had some intelligence, but now he is convinced that the descendant of the eagle flute has been spoiled by Amara and the remnants of Zhang Xiong, and he only thinks about good things even at his age.

"You have to understand that when the sacrificial words are recited, it is you and I who are thinking together."

Seeing that the descendant of the eagle flute had actually arrived at the sacrificial site, he did not dare to make any more noise. The voice seemed to be forced out from between the teeth: "There must be at least two people worshiping the king, otherwise-"

"Didn't you come with me?"

Wei Xun looked at him in surprise, as if questioning why he talked so much.

Yes, there are two people, one is a human and the other is a sacrificial king. This makes sense.

The eagle flute man made a comment and his face darkened. He didn't say it anymore, but that didn't mean that the successor of the Eagle Flute gave up.

Leng Yu beat him away from his rage and was ecstatic and unwilling to be ashamed. The descendant of the Eagle Flute calmed down again and finally stopped thinking about regaining the crown and killed Wei Xun.

One is that he cannot be killed, and the other is that Wei Xun is stronger than him.

Wei Xun comes from that mysterious 'hotel' and is the strongest 'captain'. Judging from the way he used to kill the priests, even if other Xiangxiong survivors and priests attack him in groups, they may not be able to kill him. Drop him.

For the same thing, there are naturally different attitudes towards the weak and towards the strong. The person who inherits the eagle flute is not stupid. He has been looking forward to this king sacrifice for more than ten years. The most important thing now is that the sacrifice is successful and he becomes the Xiang Hung King recognized by the holy mountain and holy lake. Everything else can be put aside for the future.

What's more, even if Wei Xun had the crown and the eagle flute in his hands, he might not be able to be King Xiangxiong. He still didn't understand the problems in the sacrificial speech.

"Priest Gu Xin will recite the sacrificial words first."

The successor of the eagle flute had a straight face, looking at the dark Lincuo Lake in the distance, and actually lowered his voice to remind Wei Xun.

"After the sacrifice begins, the sacrificial words will appear in your ears with a buzzing sound - just follow the sound and read it."

That's why he needs someone closest to the priest of Gu Xin. This humming between the sacred mountain and the sacred lake can only be heard by the real priests recognized by the mountain and lake. The more he hears and recites, the more the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake recognize this sacrifice, and the greater the power it exerts. The 'consecrated' King Xiangxiong will have stronger power.

Wei Xun has the human skin of the Gu Xin priest, as well as the protection of the holy beasts Snow Leopard and White Wolf King. Even if he does not know the classic scriptures of Bon religion, he is the most suitable candidate for the priest. There is no doubt about this.

Taking advantage of a little time before the sacrifice began, the eagle flute successor quickly said:

"The sacrificial words first include the confession of the priest Gu Xin, which is recognized by heaven and earth, and then the sacrifices are offered to the sacred mountains, holy lakes and all nature, which induces the power to come and canonize the king. Finally, the gods come and the ceremony is completed."

The successor of the Eagle Flute spoke frankly, there was no need for him to lie here. After a pause, he said again:

"After you are recognized as the priest of Guxin by the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake, the identity of the priest is confirmed. You cannot be canonized as the king later. When the sacrifice fails, the devil notices something strange, and everyone will die, so you It’s better to give me the crown and eagle flute..."

His voice became even lower: "Don't worry, now that this place is being watched by the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake, the devil will not appear. We have to wait until the end of the sacrifice and the devil descends on the black sheep. At that time, you and I will work together to kill him..."

The devil is invisible and has terrifying power that ordinary people cannot contend with. Only when his consciousness comes to the black sheep is the most vulnerable time. When he and Wei Xun kill the black sheep and let the White Wolf King devour the black sheep, the demon will be severely damaged. When they use the power of the sacred mountain and holy lake to strengthen the seal, the demon will have to be sealed for at least another hundred years.

When the demons revive in a hundred years, they won't have anything to worry about.

[The criminals are telling the truth! 】

'Police' is not just a simple identity, it brings some special benefits to Wei Xun, such as 'lie detector' (which can determine the truth and lies told by criminals), as well as firearms expertise and fighting expertise. Fine, you won’t die until the ambulance arrives, and these are the five characteristics of slang.

It was almost as if the hotel had cheated on him.

This made Wei Xun think deeply. The purpose of hotels has always been to train tourists and stimulate their maximum potential. The 'Police' status it gives Wei Xun comes with five bonus features. Not only is he an excellent traveler, the hotel gives him corresponding 'protection', but also the difficulties the 'Police' will encounter next are too great.

I am afraid that the hotel has judged that there is a disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves. Wei Xun's own strength and his status as a policeman still put him at a disadvantage, and he can barely fight against the opponent. He has to go through infinite trials and setbacks to have a small chance of success.

Without the identity of the police, Wei Xun is no match for the other party and will die immediately upon encounter, which would lose the meaning of training.

The only people who can make the hotel make such a judgment are the Great Demon Chabalaren and the Lake Gate leading to the Demon Kingdom.

From this, we can conclude that sealing the devil again is not as simple as the successor of the Eagle Flute said. Even if the sacrifice is destroyed, there is a high chance that the big devil will unblock it. It would be better if he had both the crown and the eagle flute in his own hands. Wei Xun never thought of cooperating with the successor of the eagle flute.

On the contrary, the fact that the descendant of the Eagle Flute was considered a criminal by the hotel made him think deeply.

Ordinary people may naturally think that the vast majority of them are criminals after knowing about bloody sacrifices, slaves, and the cruel evil deeds of 'gods' to witches, and the descendant of the Eagle Flute who caused all this is the proper criminal leader. .

But Wei Xun didn't think so.

The hotel is not a good place either. The eldest brother doesn’t laugh at the second brother. What The Legend of the Eagle Flute has done is just drizzle compared to some tour guides.

Since there is no justice, how can we talk about crime?

What's more, the descendant of the Eagle Flute is a 'receiver', which is equivalent to a partner of the hotel. Regardless of his strength, his status in the journey should be the same as that of Li Gui Pingping.

In other words, what the heir to the Eagle Flute did before was nothing to the hotel. And something he did in the third attraction was judged as "criminal" by the hotel staff.

Therefore, Wei Xun, the "excellent traveler", is asked to punish the criminals.

Wei Xun guessed that the hotel gave him police status and various preferential treatment in the hope that he would prevent the Heir of the Eagle Flute from committing crimes and arrest him and return him to the hotel - or even shoot him on the spot.

As for what he did, which was considered a crime by the hotel... Wei Xun had some guesses.

Wei Xun pondered: "You are telling the truth."

The successor of the Eagle Flute said anxiously: "Of course I am telling the truth! If you want to seal the devil, you should listen to me——"

Wei Xun: "I won't listen."

Heir of the Eagle Flute:? ! !

In order to remain serious, both the descendant of the eagle flute and the priest Gu Xin should look at the holy lake and stop looking left and right at each other. Therefore, the descendant of the eagle flute cannot look at Wei Xun's expression at this moment, even if he is almost angry to death by Wei Xun again.

The successor of the Eagle Flute stopped trying to convince Wei Xun, calmed down, and contemplated his heart.

As he said, after the sacrifice began, the identity of the priest Gu Xin was first confirmed, and then the eldest prince and the priest Gu Xin jointly offered sacrifices to the sacred mountain, holy lake and nature. This is the key.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute has spent decades, even making deals with demons, and using secret methods to change his own bloodline. He is certainly qualified to be a great prince. It's just that without the crown and the eagle flute, it would be difficult for him to pass the next step of being crowned king.

The descendants of the Eagle Flute dreamed of sacrifices to kings, and read all the classics and history of the Shang Shung Kingdom, especially those related to sacrifices and canonization.

So when he cooperated with the devil, he was keenly aware of the devil's plan.

The great demon Chabalaren claimed that he was still sealed, so he sent his daughter Rainstorm Demon General to watch the ceremony. This was naturally an honor and protection for the descendant of the Eagle Flute.

But the descendant of the Eagle Flute knows very well that demons have no good things. He has been carefully trained by Amala since he was a child and is proficient in the history of various Bon scriptures. Naturally, he knows that the Rainstorm Demon General is said to be the daughter of the great demon, but in fact he is the incarnation of his demonic energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the clone is a demon.

The key is to offer sacrifices to the sacred mountains, holy lakes and all nature here.

Heavy rains are, of course, part of nature.

The sacrificial words for this sacrifice are roughly first recited by the priest Gu Xin, dedicating all living things on the altar to the sacred mountains, holy lakes and all nature. Then Prince Shang Hung also expressed his stance.

It is said that all the creatures on the altar include the Gu Xin priests and King Shang Hung, as well as various Zhang Hung warriors and priests, but in fact they belong to the Shang Shung Kingdom, especially the Gu Xin priests and Shang Hung kings. King Shang Hung is the same as the holy mountain and holy lake, so of course he will not be a sacrifice.

But if there is a Rainstorm Demon General among the sacrifice objects, it will be different.

I'm afraid that once Priest Gu Xin and his eagle flute descendants really recite this sacrificial word, they will really become sacrifices to the Rainstorm Demon General, the great demon Chabalen, and be at his mercy!

Once it really develops to this point, the consequences will be disastrous! The descendants of the Eagle Flute don't know about the Gate of the Lake. This is a secret that only the lamas of Xiaolin Temple and the priest Guxin of the past generations know. But thinking about becoming a demon sacrifice, there is definitely no good thing.

Therefore, he took precautions and worked hard to change the sacrificial words to remove "heavy rain" from nature. When the sacrifice comes to this point, he will not recite the sacrificial words that ring in his mind, but will recite the ones he changed.

The sacrificial words are in ancient Zhangzhong language. This ancient language of more than 1,600 years ago has long disappeared in time. Even those Zhangzhong survivors, the current Bon priests, probably only understand a few characters. Only Gandanbaiju, who had been hardworking and intelligent since childhood, learned all the Xiangxiong language by himself with the help of Amala.

Even now that the Shang Shung Kingdom has long since disappeared and been abandoned by time, he is still studying all these things that have long been useless, thinking about not letting the history of the Shang Shung Kingdom disappear completely, and shouldering the responsibility of the great prince.

Who would have thought...that's all.

The Legend of the Eagle Flute: When you contemplate your heart, you will see that there is no sadness or joy, and all the unwillingness, depression and anger have gone away. The only thing he thinks about now is to become the real King Shang Hung through this king sacrifice.

Since Wei Xun refused to cooperate, he would not remind Wei Xun when the sacrifice arrived -

The lightning and thunder stopped at some point, and only the heavy rain was still falling. Apart from the sound of rain, there was no other sound in this world, which was noisy and silent. Wei Xun felt the eagle flute in his hand warm slightly.

He couldn't see the golden-winged roc's horned crown shimmering in the dark night, but in fact this light penetrated the endless darkness and was incredibly reflected on each level of the altar. No matter what everyone was thinking about, All suddenly returned to peace.

Plop, plop.

Hua la la la——

The sound of the heartbeat and the pounding rain gradually merged into one, and then returned to silence. In the end, only the voice of High Priest Guxin could be heard on the altar.

Wei Xun felt words appear in his mind one after another, primitive and simple, more like weird syllables, completely different from modern speech. Wei Xun couldn't understand its meaning, he could only feel the power contained in it.

"Gorkha, Zantho, Bu."

When Wei Xun imitated the pronunciation and pronounced the first syllable, the feeling in the dark lake and the snow-capped mountains in the distance became extremely clear, as if he could 'see' the vast snow-capped mountains. Every snowflake sees a drop of water in the holy lake. The heaven and earth are natural, and the holy mountains and holy lakes have existed since ancient times. I don’t know how many years have passed and how many secrets have been hidden.

For a moment, Wei Xun was almost swallowed up by the overwhelming feeling of vastness, and his whole person was lost in the vast nature. But the skin of the Gu Xin priest behind him was so hot that his consciousness returned instantly.

Not everyone can recite this sacrificial word that can move the nature of heaven and earth, only the priest Gu Xin.

"Karda, Coronado, Gipland."

Wei Xun continued to read. He originally had no idea what these syllables meant, and could only vaguely understand their general meaning.

But he has the ‘black talk expertise’ that comes with being a police officer.

The so-called slang is naturally understood by criminals but not by ordinary people.

Judging from the standard alone, the sacrificial words in the ancient Xiangxiong language also meet this standard, and Wei Xun can understand the meaning of the sacrificial words. Just like what the successor of the Eagle Flute said, the sacrificial words he is reciting now are to offer sacrifices to the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake. He confesses his identity as the priest of Gu Xin and is recognized by heaven and earth.

But Wei Xun didn't believe that the successor of Ying Flute would give up his status as king so easily and his canonization as king. It is true that what he said may be true. Gu Xin's priest moonlighting as a king will not succeed. At that time, Wei Xun will either give him the crown and the eagle flute and let the successor of the eagle flute become King Xiangxiong, or the failure of the sacrifice will attract the attention of the devil.

But whether the sacrifice failed or not, for Wei Xun, it was just a matter of whether he would face the devil sooner or later. Anyway, he would have to fight sooner or later. For the descendant of the Eagle Flute, the meaning is different. The sacrifice failed, and his decades of hard work were in vain. He will no longer be able to become King Xiang Hung. He may even be in danger of death because he borrowed the power of the devil.

He will never sit still and wait for death. I am afraid that there is a fraud in this sacrifice, and it will be discovered and used by the descendants of the Eagle Flute.

Although he had secretly ordered Xu Yang to be prepared, Wei Xun was still thinking.

Sacrifice, sacrifices on the altar, sacrifices on the altar... Sacrifice to the sacred mountain, holy lake and all nature, nature, heavy rain, devil...

Wei Xun figured it out.

The heir of the eagle flute stared solemnly at Serincuo Lake, and heard the sacrificial words coming from Wei Xun's mouth. Even though he should keep his mind calm now, the more the heir of the eagle flute listened, the more surprised he became. Wei Xun actually recited the entire sacrificial words. The words are simplified without any errors or omissions.

In other words, he heard all the sacrificial words, and the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake fully recognized him as the priest of Guxin!

This is, this is really...a good thing. Unexpectedly, in this day and age, there are still Guxin priests who can be fully recognized. The sacrifices he presides over will receive the highest recognition from the Holy Mountain and the Holy Lake, and the strongest King Xiang Hung can be canonized.

Even if he is the descendant of the Eagle Flute, his heart trembles.

If Wei Xun is willing to assist him and cooperate with him... forget it.

The eagle flute spreads the eyes, nose and heart, and solemnly recites the sacrificial words. The long tunes like reciting epic poems sound like singing.

As the eldest prince, he also recognized Wei Xun as the priest of Gu Xin.

The first stage of the sacrifice is completed!

The next step is to offer the sacrifices on the altar to heaven and earth, to the sacred mountains and holy lakes, to all nature and... to the heavy rain, to the devil.

The hand of the successor of the Eagle Flute suddenly clenched tightly. Wei Xun and he almost repeated this section of the memorial speech. Wei Xun read one sentence first, and he read another sentence immediately after. When Wei Xun recited the name of Heavy Rain and sacrificed himself to the devil, he would most likely become a sacrifice to the devil and be controlled by the devil!

But except for Wei Xun, the others on the altar will not become the devil's 'sacrifice', because he, the successor of the eagle flute, has not recited the sacrificial words and has not agreed!

The whole people and animals on the altar must be sacrificed to the gods only after the decision is made by the priest Guxin and King Xiangxiong. Only they themselves can make the decision. In other words, after Wei Xun recited the sacrificial words, the only one who was sacrificed to the devil was himself.

Of course, Wei Xun has the White Wolf King, who comes from the magical 'hotel'. The descendant of the Eagle Flute believes that he will never be completely controlled by the devil directly, but he may not be able to control his body.

The successor of the eagle flute can take advantage of that moment to take back his eagle flute and crown, and then read out the adapted sacrificial speech! In this way, the sacrifice words of Priest Guxin and Prince Xiangxiong are inconsistent, and the second phase of the sacrifice will not be completely completed. At least on the 'Heavy Rain' where they clashed, the 'Heavy Rain' will not receive sacrifices other than Wei Xun. Taste.

Even because Wei Xun is the priest of Gu Xin, it is impossible for the devil to fully obtain Wei Xun before the sacrifice is completely completed.

With the crown and the eagle flute in hand, the successor of the eagle flute can completely abandon Wei Xun, forcefully recite the sacrificial words, and let the sacrifice continue! Anyway, the power between heaven and earth has been aroused, and Wei Xun will no longer be needed to canonize the king, and he can no longer stop the sacrificial process.

When Gan Dan Bai Juzhen becomes King Xiang Hung, Wei Xun will no longer be able to take away the crown and eagle flute from him. Even the power he gained from his status as a priest of Guxin would be greatly reduced because he could not fully conduct the sacrifice. In this way, if he wants to seal the demon, Wei Xun can only join him, and he will gain all the initiative!

The winner will be him!

The successor of the eagle flute listened carefully as Wei Xun recited the names of the gods of the snowy mountains one by one. Every time he recited the names of the gods of the holy lake, a magnificent force poured into the seven-story altar. The giant black sheep that had been lying quietly on its side stood up, with the sheep's eyes His eyes penetrated the darkness and fell on Wei Xun.

Xu Yang clenched the three-color magic fire in his hand. In this large lamp that could only be held with two hands, under the three-color flame was not lamp oil, but a stone brick.

Wei Xun briefly talked to him before, and when he knew that Xu Yang would serve as a witch boy, standing next to the magic sheep during the sacrifice, and standing on the highest level of the altar, Wei Xun transferred the rights to use the stone bricks and magic fire to Xu Yang .

Once something goes wrong during the sacrifice and the magic fire turns black, Xu Yang will take action immediately. Use Xiaolin Temple stone bricks to seal Wei Xun, and use magic fire to burn Black Sheep.

‘What does it mean when the demonic fire turns black…? ’

‘It’s just that I’m controlled by the devil’

Xu Yang still remembered Wei Xun's smile and wrote lightly: "So Xu Yang, remember to use stone bricks in time."

That's being controlled by the devil! How could Brother Wei be so calm? !

Moreover, Brother Wei actually entrusted him with such an important task. This was such a huge amount of trust.

Xu Yang vowed that he would do a good job!

He stared intently at the demonic fire burning in the lamp. Suddenly, Xu Yang found that the red and purple flames were getting weaker and weaker, while at the same time, the dark flame gradually became stronger.

Xu Yang was shocked.

Is what Brother Wei said true? He, is he going to be controlled by the devil? How is that possible? Xu Yang couldn't help but want to see Wei Xun's figure, but he couldn't see it. The rainstorm was so heavy that it seemed like water was being poured down from the sky. Even the sacrificial words sounded vague and unclear. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if the whole world was going to be flooded by the rainstorm.

Almost there!

The heartbeat of the eagle flute successor is getting faster and faster, almost joining the sound of the rain. Wei Xun has almost come to the end of his memorial speech. He is now reciting the gods in the nature of Bon Religion!

The Dragon God, the Lan God in the underground world, the Nian God in the earth world, the God of Praise, and then the ones in the upper world... Oops!

Why is the rainstorm getting heavier and heavier? !

The noisy rain was even loud enough to affect the hum of the distorted mountains, heaven and earth. This is, this is...

The descendant of the eagle flute listened carefully and felt horrified in his heart.

This is the devil tampering with the sacrificial words!

The heir to the Eagle Flute, who was extremely focused, suddenly came back to his senses, as if awakening from a nightmare. He was shocked to find that the heavy rain falling from the sky was so terrifying that it was almost impossible to breathe. The majestic rain curtain obscured Serincuo Lake, and it even seemed vaguely like a majestic waterspout rising from the center of the lake, drawing tons of lake water straight to the sky, and then crashing down.

Something's wrong!

Something happened to Serincuo, something happened to the devil's seal!

The heir of the eagle flute had chattering teeth, and the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen, and he could not move his eyes. Suddenly he felt great panic. The devil, the powerful devil, was far more terrifying than he imagined.

No, we can't let Wei Xun read it anymore!

The descendant of the eagle flute seemed to suddenly wake up. Once Wei Xun continues to recite the god of rainstorms, he may really become a sacrifice to the devil, and then the sacrifice will be completely out of control! I can't reverse the sacrifice with my own power!

Stop, stop!

The descendant of the Eagle Flute regretted it. He had personally seen the seal at the bottom of Serincuo Lake. The devil only showed one finger. He underestimated the power of the devil. Even he and Wei Xun together might not be able to stop the devil. How could Wei Xun be allowed to become a sacrifice to the devil again?

But it's too late!

Stop, stop...don't continue reading...

The descendant of the Eagle Flute had long forgotten the sacrificial rule of always looking at the holy lake. He turned to look at Wei Xun, his lips moved, but he was completely speechless. Under the heavy rain, he couldn't even see Wei Xun's expression clearly, and could only hear Wei Xun's voice reciting the sacrificial words.

"Keira, Uruula, Kajie"

Witnessed by the God of the Sun, the God of the Moon, and the God of the Stars.

"Mandirs, Horulakbang, Kejira"

I, Priest Guxin, will sacrifice all the sacrifices on this altar to——

There was no longer any warmth in the body of the successor of the eagle flute, and it was cold to the bone. He understood, and he understood the demon's tampered sacrificial words. The sacred mountains, holy lakes, and gods from all walks of life who were supposed to enjoy the sacrifices only became witnesses of the sacrifices in the tampered sacrificial words.

This is a sacrifice to the devil!

The devil wants to greedily enjoy all the sacrifices!

It is arrogantly provoking the gods of the mountains. This is so powerful! The energy contained in each syllable of Wei Xun is gradually rising. It is the heavy rain that has blessed the power of his words. In this way, I am afraid there will be no need for the successor of the eagle flute to speak again. As long as Wei Xun finishes reciting the sacrificial words, everyone on the altar will be sacrificed to the devil by him!

Stop reading it, you can’t read it anymore——

The bearer of the eagle flute could not make a sound, and could only listen desperately to Wei Xun's drawn-out voice as he pronounced the last syllable.

"Dilantea, Shadi Aida."


Yes is the final modal particle of one section of the sacrificial speech, and the second section of the sacrificial speech ends.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute felt so exhausted that he couldn't hold himself up and suddenly sat down on the altar.

It's over, everything is over, he was sacrificed to the great demon Chabalaren by Wei Xun, and all the creatures on the altar were sacrificed to the demon.

There is no other way.

He felt that his eyes were dark, his mind was empty, and his body was getting cold and hot for a while. This was probably the demonic power pouring into his body... No, he couldn't give up just like that. He wants to be king, he must be King Xiangxiong, how could he just become the devil's puppet!

The successor of the Eagle Flute tried his best to calm down. He suppressed distracting thoughts and contemplated his heart, but the sacrificial words echoed in his mind, making it impossible for him to calm down.

Sacrifice words, sacrifice words...wait!

The heir of the eagle flute was stunned.

Dilantya, Shadi Aida...this is not the ancient Xiangxiong language of the Rainstorm Demon General!

Nor is it the ancient Xiangxiong language of the Great Demon Chabalen!

Who was Wei Xun talking about last? To whom did he sacrifice the entire altar? !

This is a sacrificial word to the great devil, and it can only be sacrificed to the devil. But the descendants of the Eagle Flute racked their brains and couldn't find a big demon with this name in the history of Bon Religion!

Boom——! !

The deafening thunder can scare people out of their hearts. Even though they accepted all the sacrifices, the rainstorm did not get heavier. On the contrary, the thunder and lightning that disappeared before reappeared in the dark night rain, like a monster roaring with great momentum. Originally, the previous pure rainstorm was more terrifying, but the descendant of the Eagle Flute knew it.

Pure heavy rain is pure demonic power. These lightnings and thunders do not belong to the Rainstorm Demon General. Sure enough, he did not accept the sacrifice, and Wei Xun's sacrifice was not given to him.

The heir to the eagle flute's brain was in confusion, and the ancient Xiongwen he had learned in the past was turned into a mess in his mind. Dilantya means protection, guarding, and guarding. Shadi Aida means honesty, reality, and crying.

Protect honesty and cry? What's this? !

To whom did he sacrifice? Who did Wei Xun sacrifice? !

Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly at the violent storm. He felt countless powers coming to him from this altar, from heaven and earth, and from all directions. He felt the fear of the fox cub, the excitement of Xiaojin Xiaocui and the demon insects. For the first time, he felt that the connection between himself and the blood ladybug was so close.

He felt his horns, his thin tail, the wings on his back - he could show them at any time if he wanted. He could hide if he didn't want to.

Wei means protection, protection, and guarding.

Xun means honesty, reality and crying.

Durantea, Shadi Aida.

Wei Xun.


At the highest point of the altar, on the seventh floor, an angry sheep cry sounded. This scream, accompanied by the roaring thunder, is extremely terrifying! Wei Xun suddenly turned around and grabbed the attacking black sheep at a speed that no one else could see clearly. He did not grab the black sheep's sharp horns but tore directly into its throat. Blood spurted out, a piece of bloody sheepskin was hooked on Wei Xun's sharp claws, and a wound was made on his cheek by the sharp sheep's horns.

The blood flowed down and reached Wei Xun's lips. He tasted his own blood and the angry demonic energy in the rainstorm.

Wei Xun raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a big smile.

Be angry, be angry, the more angry the powerful enemy is, the more excited Wei Xun becomes. Regardless of demon sacrifices and demon control, simply change the object of sacrifice to himself, wouldn't it be done once and for all?

bring it on.

Seeing the demon black sheep attack again, Wei Xun did not dodge. The next moment, he saw a silver-white figure flying towards him. The white wolf king and the black demon sheep bit each other. Wei Xun stabbed the demon with a narrow crystal knife at the same time. sheep.

He also wants to be this devil!

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