Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 117 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (60)

Wei Xun felt his heart was hot, as if he had been licked by a soldering iron. His whole body was cold under the heavy rain, and the heat was particularly obvious.

But it was only a little permed, without any other changes, and there was nothing new in his body. Those murmurs, visual and auditory hallucinations gradually disappeared, Wei Xun's world returned to normal, and * * * withdrew his gaze.

This trial was unsuccessful, but it was not considered a failure.

Wei Xun was very calm, and his mood did not fluctuate too much. He did not expect to succeed at the first try, but he just had the chance to give it a try.

Is it * * * no, you can’t plant a demon seed?

Or is it inappropriate for the heart?

Anyway, there is still a chance. Will you try somewhere else next time?

Wei Xun only spared a little thought to think about this matter, and most of his attention was focused on the successor of the Eagle Flute.

He has changed a lot, in temperament. If he was originally just a silent and resolute Tibetan man, now he has an indescribable power. Especially when he looks directly at others, the strength and majesty in his firm eyes are very obvious. This is something that can only be cultivated by being in a high position. The momentum he exuded was mixed with some indescribable things, forming this momentum.

Except for Wei Xun, all other Tibetans knelt down and saluted when the successor of the Eagle Flute appeared. Even the other priests bowed and gave a half salute.

Either the Heir of the Eagle Flute was hiding his clumsiness in the past, or something new happened, but the Heir of the Eagle Flute has no demonic energy in him. Wei Xun looked at the eagle flute in his hand. This eagle flute was as long as an adult's arm. It glowed with a faint golden light in the dark night and reflected on the white gloves - the right hand of the successor of the eagle flute who held the eagle flute wore a glove.

"King, I'll bring the sacrifice."

Wei Xun's observation lasted only a few seconds, and he looked away before the successor of the eagle flute noticed.

"No need."

The eagle flute preached to the people, and his voice also changed a little, and his tone rose. It sounded a bit sharp, but it was full of power, making people want to obey him unconsciously.

"Someone will bring the sacrifices to the altar."


Wei Xun was affected by the tone of the descendant of the eagle flute and calmly refused, even a little arrogant in his tone: "The sacrifice I brought is the Snow Mountain White Wolf King. No one can control it except the priest Gu Xin.


The heir of the eagle flute glanced at the White Wolf King who was guarding Wei Xun. He seemed not to have noticed that Wei Xun and the White Wolf King had cooperated tacitly to kill the two priests. He did not question the identity of the White Wolf King, nor did he Let Wei Xun grab the White Wolf King and take him away now, but said:

"Half an hour."


Wei Xun responded neatly: "I will arrive at the altar on time."

"Brother Wei! How is it?!"

As soon as Wei Xun returned to the building, Ji Hongcai and others surrounded him.

"The sacrifice is about to begin. How far have you completed your mission?"

"Basically enough."

Qin Xinrong said that the task of the last scenic spot was to collect evidence about bloody sacrifices. The tourists were divided into three places and collected a lot of evidence.

The difficulty of the task is how to leave safely after collecting the evidence. After all, according to Lama Tsocha's speculation, the great demon Chabalen wants to sacrifice everything to open the door to the lake, and everyone here will die.

If a passenger does not know how to give up when he is satisfied and wants a higher degree of mission completion, he is likely to be deeply involved in the sacrifice and unable to escape.

Wei Xun said: "Escape first while the priests are leaving, and find a way to make peace with the others."

Except for Wei Xun, the other surviving priests left with their own sacrifices and eagle flute successors, and Ding Yi was no exception. Wei Xun controlled him to follow the successor of the Eagle Flute, also wanting to obtain more information.

Wei Xun has the human skin of Gu Xin and the White Wolf King as a 'sacrifice'. He is closer to the priest Gu Xin than the high priest Yang Jin. The descendants of Ying Flute will use him, but they will never trust him. The Heir of the Eagle Flute gave Wei Xun half an hour of preparation time, and he must have something to arrange himself. Either it is related to the sacrifice, or it is to restrict Wei Xun, everything is to ensure the success of the sacrifice.

"He's gone crazy."

Lama Cuocao said coldly, and his tone no longer contained the concern and worry he had when he mentioned the successor of the eagle flute: "Yang Jin and I will go to Serincuo to reinforce and complete the seal."

In the turmoil just now, the evil spirit in the heart of High Priest Yangjin shrank and disappeared. Lama Cuocao did not feel the presence of * * *, but felt that he saw the illusory and fierce wolf head behind Wei Xun - it was the Wolf King Dharma Protector!

Lama Tongcha was not surprised about how the snow leopard protector on Wei Xun's body turned into the wolf king protector. He was fascinated by Wei Xun. In his eyes, Wei Xun was protected by the three holy beasts of the snow mountain. He was one of the best in a million. The demon slayer, as long as he is around, the devil's plan will never succeed.

Now that the demon in the heart of High Priest Yangjin is gone, the great demon Chabalaren will definitely be aware of it, so Lama Cuocha no longer hesitates, and High Priest Yangjin also looks determined. They are going to do whatever it takes to strengthen the seal and prevent the demon from resurrecting.

"Need not."

When Wei Xun was about to hand over the Guxin skin thangka to Lama Cuoca, the lama shook his head and said: "Presiding over the king's sacrifice, if you wear it, you will be able to feel the snow-capped mountains and the holy lake better."

Not only the Gusin skin thangka, but also the nine-eyed dzi bead bracelets given by Amala, skulls inlaid with gold and silver, radioactive black stones and other items, the lama asked Wei Xun to wear them all. After dressing up, he was in good condition. His dark green cloak was made to look like that of a primitive high priest.

"Messenger, the king's sacrifice cannot be successful."

They divided their troops into two groups and sent lamas and high priests to strengthen the seal. Wei Xun's side could not hold back, and the king's sacrifice could not be successful.

Ji Hongcai suggested: "Kill the successor of the Eagle Flute?"

Killing the successor of the Eagle Flute is equivalent to directly missing the 'King Xiangxiong', and the sacrifice will certainly not be successful.

But Lama Cuocai listened to Wei Xun's detailed description of the strange thing about the successor of the eagle flute, and shook his head solemnly: "He has the bone flute of the Golden-winged Dapeng in his hand. It is protected by the Golden-winged Dapeng. It is immune to all evil and is a Vajra." Not destroyed.”

Just as Wei Xun thought, the descendant of Ying Flute may have used evil tricks to make himself almost a legitimate bloodline of Xiang Xiong, just short of ascending the throne and becoming the new king.

"No need to kill him, I am the high priest."

Wei Xun smiled: "There are many ways to destroy the sacrifice."

Qin Xinrong frowned. Although he was not as rough as Ji Hongcai thought, he still tended to 'make the sacrifice impossible' instead of destroying it after it started. After all, who knows what's wrong with this kind of evil sect's sacrifice? What if it cannot be stopped after it starts, or if it is stopped forcibly, there will be backlash?

But Wei Xun's performance along the way made him believe in Wei Xun's choice.

It only took ten minutes for the few people to discuss it, and Lama Cuocai explained to Wei Xun some key points of Bon sacrifices based on his past experience and what was recorded in the scriptures.

"I will pay attention to Yin Baitao and Xu Yang."

Farewell avant-garde Xun said that the most difficult people to escape from the sacrifice must be Yin Baitao and Xu Yang who were selected as witches and witches. However, danger is also an opportunity. It depends on how they grasp it.

"Take care."

"Take care of yourself."

They are all experienced travelers, and each has his or her own path to continue walking. We have reached the last scenic spot. Everyone has their own choice whether to leave or stay in the dangerous sacrifice to seize more opportunities. Wei Xun was just a suggestion before, not an order. Qin Xinrong and the others would not follow Wei Xun to the death and ask for his protection.

"Brother Wei, please pay more attention to your safety."

Fei Lezhi gave his communicator to Wei Xun, full of worries. Naturally, the most dangerous one among them was Wei Xun, who was involved in dangerous situations and presided over sacrifices. After a few days of journey, Fei Lezhi had tanned a lot and became a lot stronger. The light and confused feeling of not being able to find the direction in life disappeared, and the whole person became calmer and more reliable.

As they are both 'newcomers' and have contact in real life, Fei Lezhi is more sincere about Wei Xun's concerns and concerns.

"rest assured."

Wei Xun put on his hood, held up a crystal lamp, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth:

"It's not me who needs to be safe."

From the beginning of the journey until now, the one who is more dangerous every time is always his enemy.

"You can't run around without me carrying you."

Wei Xun lowered his head, and the White Wolf King was looking at him. The snow-white wolf's ears were twisted, wary of movement in all directions. However, there was not much emotion in the ice blue wolf's eyes, as calm as the Arctic sea. It seemed like it knew it was leaving. From squatting to standing up, it spontaneously walked in front of Wei Xun. It has a large frame, and its shoulders can reach Wei Xun's thighs when standing up.

"The white hair is too conspicuous..."

Wei Xun whispered: "If I have a chance in the future, I will dye it black for you."

The end of the words was hidden in the violent thunderstorm. Under the watchful eyes of Fei Le, Ji Hongcai and others, one person and one wolf walked into the dark rainy night, and were gradually swallowed up by the darkness.

At this moment, Fei Lezhi was looking at Wei Xun's back, and suddenly realized that the passenger was like this.

They walked in the endless night.

There are many people walking behind, and the weak will spontaneously form a group. They will have partners and friends to support each other.

There are very few people walking in front. They walk too fast and no one can catch up with them. The strong have gone through dangers and hardships, overcome thorns and thorns, become strong and lonely.

Just like on this journey, Fei Lezhi didn't know how many dangers Wei Xun had experienced. Even veteran travelers like Jiang Hongguang couldn't catch up with Wei Xun. He always disappears alone into the night and goes on adventures alone.

Fei Lezhi likes friends, likes to be lively and lively at all times, and has friends to accompany him wherever he goes. Wei Xun is not just a friend, he is more like a 'big brother', like the 'leader' in the circle of second-generation friends when he was a child. At first, Fei Le subconsciously learned and imitated Wei Xun, but soon he found that he could not learn it.

He can't be as wanton as Wei Xun, who enjoys adventure and solitude. He couldn't catch up with Wei Xun and couldn't go on adventures with him——

If he can't catch up, then he won't. Fei Lezhi feels that his greatest advantage is that he 'never embarrasses himself', but every time Wei Xun leaves, Fei Lezhi still can't help but worry, his nerves are tense and he can't relax. When Wei Xun comes back, he will be temporarily relieved, but he will also worry about whether Wei Xun will never come back.

Occasionally he would think that being alone would have a lot of inconveniences after all. If there is a strong person who can be with Wei Xun, then they can also take care of each other.

"Forget it, humans are not as reliable as animals."

Fei Lezhi muttered, not all people are good. Let’s not talk about rubbish tour guides, let’s talk about tourists. Where there are people, there will be disputes of interest and there will be factions. In a small temporary brigade like theirs, there are tour guides who are dog-licking faction, neutral faction, newcomer faction, etc. Fortunately, there are also Wei Xun is the only one with outstanding strength. If another enemy with outstanding strength comes, everything will be in chaos.

In terms of absolute trust, humans are no more pure than animals. Wei Xun and Brother Bao... Brother Lang are also pretty good.

Fei Lezhi patted his head, yes, what was he feeling about spring just now? Brother Wei is not alone now, he has the White Wolf King as his companion. This wolf is stronger than their passengers, and Brother Wei gets along very well with it.

If we all go to the hotel, there is no need to engage in the narrow theory of "people of the same kind are companions". After all, Brother Wei can transform into a leopard. Maybe he and Brother Leopard...Brother Wolf can communicate and get along well.

"Wrong Lama, high priest, we are leaving first."

Fei Lezhi put aside his distracting thoughts, became energetic again, and stood next to Ji Hongcai. Ji Hongcai was communicating with Lama Cuocai. When Feilezhi approached, he did not look back, but patted Feilezhi on the shoulder.

There is no need to say much about the silent communication between men. Newcomers will naturally experience labor pains and confusion when entering a hotel. Ji Hongcai and the others also experienced this. Fei Lezhi and others did not receive much training from the tour guide and did not encounter many dangers to their lives. They also had Wei Xun, a monster newcomer, to compare with them. This was both a good thing and a bad thing.

Ji Hongcai was also happy to see that his mind could turn around.

Not everyone can turn the corner, especially those with a strong temper.

Sometimes people get into trouble and when they see others succeed, they wonder if I haven’t worked hard enough and work hard.

But in the Thriller Hotel, the harder you work, the more dangerous it becomes, especially when you are not strong enough and you are not sure of your own strength, but you want to give it a try.

Without the guidance of a tour guide, it would be difficult to understand how cruel this journey is. If you don't withstand the blow before, you may encounter double the danger later.

* *

The hair was soaked by the rain and stuck to the wound on Yin Baitao's face. The scar was soaked in white by the rain, and it looked even more terrifying without the blood. It was a long cut from the left side of the face, across the tip of the nose, to the right side of the face, ruining Yin Baitao's beauty.

She made the cut with the blade she hid, it was not serious, her hands were shaking, and the cut was like this. But Yin Baitao has no regrets.

She moved her stiff and cold arms. She was only wearing a thin black skirt, or a black robe would be more appropriate. Her hands were tied behind her back with a hemp rope. She was surrounded by humans and animals with numb expressions. They were like animals. Tied and kneeling under the black stone altar.

A line of people passed by, the sound of whips sounded, and all the people and animals bowed their bodies and buried their heads in the mud submissively. Yin Baitao also leaned down, and she knelt on the outermost side, next to the stairs. Yin Baitao turned her face sideways, squinted her eyes, and saw through the pouring rain that the wet black skirt was that of a sacrificial witch.

The shrine maidens who have attained wisdom are the concubines of the gods, and they will stand high on the fourth floor of the altar.

If Yin Baitao had not cut her face decisively, she would have stood on a high place instead of being reduced to a human victim who was about to be bloodletted and killed. But the witch must be enlightened by the 'Devil King'. Thinking of the scene at that time and the woman's sharp and painful scream, Yin Baitao still felt shuddering.

But she has no regrets.

[Random Mission: Sacrificial Miko]

[Task Level: Difficult]

[Task description: Many times, you have to go deep into the enemy camp and hide among the enemies in order to obtain more intelligence. Are you willing to sneak into this evil sacrifice as a witch, find out more information, and expose this ignorant and primitive sacrifice? 】

[Task has failed]

[You have discovered four clues:

1. The origin and selection criteria of witches

2. Outer altar and inner altar

3. Kaihui

4. Demon God]

[Based on the clues discovered, you can get corresponding rewards after the attraction ends]

It was precisely because of receiving the task that Yin Baitao blew the eagle flute as a test when the priest selected the witch - if the sound was played, it was considered a success, and if it was not played, it was considered a failure.

Yin Baitao had gotten close to the heirloom of the eagle flute, and had several discussions on the topic of the eagle flute. She had also learned an instrument in the past, so it was relatively easy for her to make a sound.

But Yin Baitao couldn't bear it and was "gained wisdom" by the devil. Naturally, the witch's disguise failed, and the punishment was that she became a human sacrifice.

But she also found more clues, and all her efforts paid off. As long as I can live, as long as I can survive. Ding Yi became a priest, maybe she could get Ding Yi out in exchange for clues. Or other companions, if they would make a fuss about the sacrifice, she would also have a chance to escape in the chaos.

Yin Baitao was even more worried about Xu Yang. There were so many nasty and disgusting things done to witches. Xu Yang was taken away as a witch boy, and he would probably suffer a lot of torture. When Yin Baitao was waiting outside the altar with other witches, she heard a "kick", which was like the sound of an animal's hooves hitting the ground.

Then some kind of force affected Yin Baitao's nerves, making her brain go blank. She had no consciousness of her own and blindly followed orders.

If Yin Baitao hadn't heard the maniacal laughter, the infiltrating evil and terror suddenly woke her up, I'm afraid she wouldn't have had time to scratch her face, and would have walked into the altar in a daze and numbness.

Xu Yang doesn't have a title like her. What if it's too late to discover the danger? He was still young and blind, so he didn't have a guide dog or a cane with him.

Although Yin Baitao knew that Xu Yang was smart, he also knew that he was stubborn, arrogant, and eager to become stronger. He admired Wei Xun, wanted to become useful and powerful, and wanted Wei Xun to look at him differently.

But this kind of thinking puts him at greater risk!

Yin Baitao was thinking wildly. She was thinking too much and fast at the moment. She couldn't calm down and her body was shaking in the heavy rain. After all, she was just an ordinary person growing up in a peaceful era, and she didn't encounter much danger in the first two attractions until now. The bloody cruelty and barbarity made her tremble all over.

Would there be such a barbaric and bloody sacrifice in this era? Will there be that disgusting wisdom-opening ‘ritual’? She had heard that in ancient times, a country in the West regarded bulls as the incarnation of gods, and the selected saints had to serve bulls and have sex with bulls after bathing and purification. She only thought of it as a story at the time, but she did not expect that today's society would still There really is this disgusting remnant of savagery.

Is this reality, or is it an illusion created by the hotel? Is northern Tibet really northern Tibet, or is it just an illusion?

For a moment, Yin Baitao didn't know whether it was illusory and terrifying, or whether reality was more terrifying... No, I can't think about it anymore. She tried her best to bring her thoughts back and continued to think about Wei Xun. Only when she thought of Wei Xun, she would have a lot of courage in her heart and be able to calm down more.

Xu Yang had his own ideas, and he was only willing to listen to Wei Xun. If Wei Xun is here and Wei Xun can come, Wei Xun will definitely arrive before the sacrifice. He cannot die on the way.

Yin Baitao's blind admiration for Wei Xun is no more than Fei Le's, and she feels relieved when she thinks of Wei Xun. If Wei Xun comes, and she wants to tell him all four clues, Wei Xun will definitely be able to analyze more things and completely destroy the sacrifice. Yin Baitao even wondered whether Wei Xun's identity would be different from theirs.

The mission of the scenic spot says [As tourists with a strong sense of justice, you have decided to sneak into the sacrificial activities, collect enough evidence and hand it over to the police]. Yin Baitao didn't believe that when it came to demon sacrifices, serious police could handle it.

She was even thinking, could Wei Xun be the 'police'? After all, Wei Xun was separated from them. They first entered the sacrifice to collect information and found many clues. If Wei Xun comes in, Yin Baitao believes that Jiang Hongguang and the others will tell all the clues and various evidences to Wei Xun.

Then isn't Wei Xun the 'police' in the mission description?

The more Yin Baitao thought about this idea, the more it made sense. Growing up in modern society, the word ‘police’ always makes people instinctively feel safe. Although Wei Xun is not a police officer in reality, he is so calm, reliable and powerful. Yin Baitao is willing to think so. She thinks about the clues she found over and over again, for fear of forgetting any of them.

At the same time, she is still looking for opportunities.

After all, the 'police' always comes a step late, and Yin Baitao is not weak at heart. She passively resists when encountering difficulties and only waits for rescuers. She has always been looking for an opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that all the animals are kneeling in one place, and any movement is particularly conspicuous. She originally thought that she might be able to unite with Ji Hongcai Fei Lezhi and others to escape, but Yin Baitao did not see Fei Lezhi and the others among the people.

This made Yin Baitao more willing to believe that Wei Xun had arrived. Fei Lezhi and the others were sacrificed by Ding Yi, and Ding Yi could not be kind enough to save them. If they were able to escape, it was most likely Wei Xun who took action.

Wait, be patient, the patrol guards have guns in their hands, don't rush.

Yin Baitao bit her lip tightly, the severe pain making her cold and numb body tremble, and she cheered up again.

Tap, tap.

Yin Baitao's face suddenly turned pale!

She heard it again, heard that voice again! As a miko, she heard it outside the altar at that time. The animal's hooves hit the ground, making her lose consciousness. It was not normal, a power in reality, it was terrifying, supernatural, and unexplainable——


Suddenly, the voice stopped and stopped next to Yin Baitao. Yin Baitao trembled all over, and she crawled deeper.


“God does not need incomplete sacrifices.”

The cold boy's voice rang out in the thunderous rainstorm, and Yin Baitao couldn't identify the owner of the voice for a moment.

"Pull it down."

The two Tibetan guards immediately grabbed Yin Baitao and dragged him down. They held Yin Baitao's shoulders tightly with their big steely hands like they were catching chickens. But she didn't struggle, but struggled to raise her head.

She heard it, it was Xu Yang's voice! In the dark night and the storm, Yin Baitao couldn't see many things clearly, but she could see Xu Yang clearly. Xu Yang was also dressed in a wide black robe, revealing his thin white neck. He was holding a golden lamp in his hand, with flames burning on it.

There was no lampshade, but the heavy rain could not extinguish the burning flames.

The three-color Wei Xun's flame!

Yin Baitao calmed down instantly. She quickly glanced at the huge black sheep in front of Xu Yang, and then immediately lowered her head. Before the Tibetan guards could suppress her head or directly use 'Look Directly at God' The crime broke her neck.

Xu Yang was helping her leave, at least out of the circle of humans and animals. Yin Baitao's mind was extremely clear at the moment. The most important thing she wants now is to find Wei Xun.

Yin Baitao was roughly dragged away, and her whole body hurt terribly, but she did not struggle, but was docile and tried her best to protect herself.

But at the next moment, the two Tibetans who were dragging Yin Baitao were caught off guard and suddenly knelt down. She was also forced to kneel down again, and her face was directly pressed into the muddy water.


Yin Baitao choked on the sewage, and the pain of suffocation made her instinctively struggle desperately. But the more she struggled, the harder the Tibetan people pressed her. Yin Baitao could almost hear the sound of her bones breaking. Just when she was almost suffocated and desperate——

"Are you... the one who blew the eagle whistle?"

Yin Baitao heard the Tibetan language, but she didn't understand it, and her ears were filled with sewage. It was the Tibetan guard who nervously raised her face. Yin Baitao coughed violently. She opened her eyes and saw the successor of the Eagle Flute in front of her, surrounded by people.

He wore the traditional dress of King Shang Hung and trimmed his beard and hair. He looked completely different and even more majestic. The successor of the Eagle Flute seemed to be listening to the Tibetan's report. His careful and scrutinizing eyes fell on her scratched face, and then his eyes gradually softened.

Immediately afterwards, under the unbelievably shocked eyes of the Tibetans, the descendant of the Eagle Flute actually bent down, said a few words to Yin Baitao, and then stretched out his hand to her - but he was not the only one who reached out at the same time!

Yin Baitao was shocked at first, and was thinking frantically about what the Eagle Flute Heir was doing and what he meant. Her current situation couldn't be worse. She should hold his hand anyway. Then she couldn't understand Tibetan, and didn't know what the Eagle Flute Heir was saying. Would it be more dangerous if she held his hand? But when she saw another person who reached out his hand to her, Yin Baitao threw all the questions about whether the Eagle Flute Heir was dangerous or not behind her. Her eyes lit up with surprise, and she stood up without hesitation. With all her strength, she passed over the Eagle Flute Heir and held the man's hand tightly! The Eagle Flute Heir's face suddenly became very ugly, and his eyes were full of anger, but he was still suppressing it: "Priest Guxin, what are you doing?" "King, what do you want to do again?" Wei Xun pulled Yin Baitao up, lowered his eyes and quickly swept his eyes over her body. It was only a moment, and others could hardly notice that he had looked at Yin Baitao instead of staring at the Eagle Flute Heir. "She is a woman related to God, so she should be handed over to me."

"Although she was not chosen by God to enjoy, she is good enough."

The Eagle Flute Heir narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully: "Priest Guxin, the kings of all generations of Zhangzhung have their princesses to receive the ceremony together when the king sacrifices. She can play the Eagle Flute and is qualified to serve this bone flute with the golden right wing of the Great Peng. When I was with her, I also saw that her quality was good. I am not a layman who only pays attention to appearance, but also pays more attention to character."

"I would like to let her become my princess, what do you think?"

The Eagle Flute Heir spoke Tibetan all the time. Wei Xun saw Yin Baitao was surprised and happy, but only looked at him, and only had a vigilant look at the Eagle Flute Heir, and smiled slightly.

He naturally knew why the Eagle Flute Heir said this abruptly.

In fact, it was not abrupt. After discovering that the Eagle Flute Heir was not bewitched by the devil, Wei Xun understood.

When Wei Xun and the White Wolf King left the building together and went to the altar, he was stopped by a Tibetan. The Tibetan was very respectful to him and showed Wei Xun the golden Dapeng bird medal.

This is the medal that the Eagle Flute Heir wears on his dress.

Wei Xun followed the Tibetan out, and after a while, he saw the Eagle Flute Heir behind a pile of black stones.

The Eagle Flute Heir was waiting for him to spy with him.

In fact, Wei Xun figured out something from the change in the attitude of the Cuocha Lama towards the Eagle Flute Heir. If the Eagle Flute Heir was really possessed by a demon, the Cuocha Lama would not show such indifference, or even cold eyes. After all, the Lama knows that the demon is evil by nature, and that people possessed by demons will do all kinds of wrong things, which is not what they really want.

Unless the Eagle Flute Heir still retains his reason, but still cooperates with the demon regardless of the bad consequences.

When Wei Xun saw the Eagle Flute Heir before, he found that he did not have any demonic energy.

Sure enough, after a brief chat with the Eagle Flute Heir, Wei Xun understood. Indeed, the Eagle Flute Heir was not possessed by the devil. He was very rational and even understood. After the devil helped him purify his blood and became the real Zhangzhung Queen, he would use him and the Guxin priest as sacrifices to open the Lake Gate.

All these Eagle Flute Heirs knew.

The Eagle Flute Heir was raised by Amara since he was a child. This old man who could easily pick up a string of nine-eyed Dzi beads had countless good things in his hands. The various ornaments, gems, and Buddha statues on the Eagle Flute Heir all had great magic power and could protect him from being possessed by the devil.

After casually showing Wei Xun the treasures on his body, the Eagle Flute Heir kept silent and stared at him, waiting for Wei Xun to ask him "why".

Why did he still cooperate with the devil when he was sober and knew that the devil would harm him in the end?

It's so funny, can't you see through this? Do you still need to ask why?

It's just a matter of trying to get the skin of a tiger, and then he expressed his grievances, unwillingness, difficulties, and how to prove himself.

So no matter whether Wei Xun led the White Wolf King as a sacrifice; no one cared about it when he got rid of the high priest, but his reputation spread rapidly, making everyone respect him; or Wei Xun killed the second priest, the fifth priest, the seventh priest, and then the tenth priest, and the Tibetans with guns stood like fools next to him, and the Eagle Flute Heir came late after Wei Xun had killed all the people.

And he didn't question Wei Xun at all, and gave him half an hour to deal with the mess.

The Eagle Flute Heir wanted to win him over, and this man was both crazy and calm and rational.

Whether it was the White Wolf King or Wei Xun's killing of the priests controlled by the devil, the Eagle Flute Heir thought that he was going to fight against the devil, and this hotel was going to fight against the devil.

And Wei Xun had the strength to do so.

Isn't this exactly what he wanted!

The Eagle Flute Heir beat and pulled Wei Xun, revealing a lot of information to him. He also said that after the king performed the sacrifice, the devil's consciousness would descend into a black sheep, and in order to befriend Wei Xun, he called Xu Yang over - he was the lamp-holding boy who served the devil.

Even when Wei Xun and Xu Yang chatted alone for ten minutes, the Eagle Flute Heir also agreed generously, and pretended not to see the extra three-color flame in Xu Yang's hand.

But Wei Xun never reached an agreement with him.

Or rather, Wei Xun just smiled and didn't talk to him at all.

This confused the Eagle Flute Heir. Seeing that the sacrifice was about to begin, he suppressed his anger and walked to the altar with Wei Xun and other priests. As he walked, the anger on his face disappeared and he became calm again.

Wei Xun knew what the Eagle Flute Heir was thinking. He must be thinking, "Anyway, you have to kill the demon. It is impossible to let the king and the priest be devoured, otherwise the lake gate will open. In this case, Wei Xun will definitely protect the safety of the 'king'. Even if he doesn't agree now, it's okay.

But the Eagle Flute Heir was probably still worried, so he made such a decision when he saw Yin Baitao on the road. He is certainly not a prince who suddenly falls in love with Cinderella covered in mud.

The Eagle Flute Heir thought Yin Baitao was useful.

First of all, Yin Baitao was chosen by the demon god, but she was not bewitched by the demon god. Although she scratched her face and fell to the point of human sacrifice, it also shows that she can resist the temptation of the demon.

Secondly, Yin Baitao is the only woman in the team. As a guide, the Eagle Flute Heir only traded with the hotel, but he also knew how powerful the hotel was.

As he said, the king's sacrifice is not just a ceremony for the king to ascend the throne. The relationship between the king and the queen will also be recognized by the sacred mountain and holy lake. Usually, the queen who participates in the king's sacrifice will be the future queen of the Xiangxiong Kingdom.

There will be a certain connection between the king and the queen.

The Eagle Flute Heir is trying to establish this kind of connection with Yin Baitao, so as to obtain the protection of the hotel!

In his opinion, the people who can be sent by the hotel to solve the demon problem and the problem of his Xiangxiong Kingdom should be important figures in the hotel. If he has a connection with Yin Baitao, will he also be able to enter the magical hotel?

The Eagle Flute Heir wants to insure himself again. And when he said that he wanted Yin Baitao to hold the bone flute of the golden-winged Roc, he was trying to win her over.

But Yin Baitao didn't understand, and Wei Xun stopped him.

The Eagle Flute Heir's eyes were almost full of anger, but he probably thought about it and still felt that Wei Xun would be the high priest of Guxin who would stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and Wei Xun's favor was more important than the illusory hotel.

So the Eagle Flute Heir didn't insist after all, and even gave Wei Xun five minutes to let him talk to Yin Baitao.

Yin Baitao immediately picked the key points and told Wei Xun all the important clues she had obtained. Time was very tight. After Wei Xun heard Yin Baitao's last words, he walked towards the altar with him and the priests under the patient urging of the Eagle Flute Heir.

The seven-story black stone altar was like a pyramid, standing in the storm and on the desolate shore of Selin Co Lake.

The people kneeling outside the altar were the sacrifices, and the people kneeling on the first floor of the altar were the slaves.

Wei Xun and the Eagle Flute Heir stood side by side and climbed the altar step by step.

[Ding, you have obtained all the clues and evidence collected by the travelers! ]

From the second floor of the altar upwards, there were people standing, and they would only kneel down when they passed by.

The people kneeling on the second floor of the altar were the remnants of the Zhangzhung people, and the people kneeling on the third floor of the altar were the Tibetans holding weapons and guns. They were the "Zhangzhung Warriors".

In this era, they could actually build a decent altar for the Eagle Flute Heir. It looks funny, but it is terrifying to think about it carefully.

On the fourth level of the altar, kneeling were the witches who had been enlightened by the ‘gods’. They had numb expressions, pale faces, and were not very old. Their thin bodies knelt on the ground, like fragile cattails in a storm.

In modern society, there are still remote mountainous areas that cannot be reached by the police. There are so many bad habits that the world cannot know, just like the Qiebi Village in the last trip to Xiangxi.

[You are the police recognized by all the passengers on this trip! You have obtained the identity of a special police! Please uphold justice, rescue and protect innocent people, and let the guilty get the punishment they deserve! ]

Uphold justice? Identity of a special police?

Wei Xun lowered his head and covered the corners of his mouth that were raised with a smile. He suddenly thought of An Xuefeng. Remember that An Xuefeng seemed to be a policeman in reality.

The captain of the criminal police brigade of the capital public security.

If An Xuefeng encountered such a thing, what would he do?

Shoot the criminals who dared to resist, shoot the criminals who dared to escape, capture all these criminals, and rescue those innocent and pitiful witches and children?

The criminal police captain's shooting skills should be very accurate, and his fighting skills must be very powerful. Even if the Tibetans have guns in their hands, he and his team will definitely not be afraid.

When the priests who followed them reached the fifth level of the altar, they stopped going up. This is where the Bon shaman should stand. Going up, the highest seventh level of the altar stood the black sheep representing the gods, and the shaman child who worshipped the gods.

The Xiangxiong Kingdom and the Guxin priests stood on the sixth level, which was second only to the gods. At this point, only the Eagle Flute Heir and Wei Xun could walk side by side.

In the past, in the Xiangxiong Kingdom, the Guxin priests had a higher status than the king, and were the dual peaks of religion and power. Only when the king was offering sacrifices, the king went up to the altar first, and then the Guxin priests.

Seeing the sixth-level altar so close, the Eagle Flute Heir was so excited that he couldn't help himself even though he was soaked by the cold rain. How many years, how many years he has been waiting for this moment.

When he was young in Xiaolin Temple, when he heard the lama Cuocha say that 'he is not of the Garuda's bloodline', Amara's astonished and unbelievable eyes were like a thorny whip, hitting his heart hard.

This wound has not healed yet.

Humiliation, unwillingness, resentment, disbelief, pain.

As he grew older, the scar did not heal, but instead oozes a foul-smelling thick liquid. Especially when Amara was as gentle to him as before, and the remnants of Zhangzhung still respected him, Gandan Baiju became more painful and resentful.

He felt that Amara's gentleness was hiding contempt and disdain.

Otherwise, why did he keep stopping him from going to Qiongzong Mountain again!

Do you think he is not of Shang-hung blood and is a hybrid? !

He felt that the Shang Shung survivors were respectful but scrupulous.

Do they know his true identity, and do they think he is unworthy? !

It was Amala who taught him since childhood that he was of the bloodline of the noble Garuda. It was these remnants who taught him how noble he was.

Why are you saying he is not now? !

He prayed to Buddha and worshiped God. He was in great pain and just wanted to ask why.

But did God show up? Did Buddha appear?

Only the devil appears as soon as he bows!

In this case, he abandoned the gods and Buddhas. He wanted all those people to look at him, and he was King Shang Hung.

He is the king!

The descendant of the Eagle Flute closed his eyes hard, opened them again, and then he stepped forward resolutely to ascend the sixth floor of the altar.

But his arm was grabbed by someone.

This man was so powerful that the descendant of the Eagle Flute was stunned for a moment, unable to break free immediately. Then he watched helplessly as Wei Xun stepped ahead of him and climbed onto the sixth floor altar.

Heir of the Eagle Flute:? ?

"The sixth floor altar, it is the king's turn to ascend first——"

The successor of the Eagle Flute gritted his teeth. If he didn't want to ruin his king's sacrifice, he would have shouted out directly.

I should have boarded first!

"Yes, the king came first."

Wei Xun smiled. He thought about the various reactions and methods that a real policeman, such as An Xuefeng, would have in such a scene.

But after all, he is not a serious policeman. Wei Xun will only use his own methods to let the evildoers know what it means to be heartbroken.

In front of everyone, with the Eagle Flute successor looking in shock and disbelief, Wei Xun took off his hood, took out the crown of the Garuda, and put it on his head.

Snowy lightning pierced the sky, and the diamonds, jewels and gold of the crown that had been around for thousands of years were still dazzling.

"Who says that the priest Guxin can't also be the king?"

Wei Xun snatched the eagle flute from the hand of the successor of the eagle flute, held it in his hand like a scepter, and straightened the crown.

"I also want to be this king."

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