Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 116 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (59)

Half a month ago, High Priest Yangjin began to have a recurring dream. He dreamed that the sacred lake turned into darkness, the grasslands turned into wasteland, vultures flew over the bones, the sun turned into the moon, and the stars fell.

"This is obviously a sign of the devil's resurgence."

Lama Cuocao frowned. The strength and faith of High Priest Yangjin were not much worse than his. From this dream, he should be able to see the danger. How could he be bewitched by the devil?

"I dreamed that the lake water turned black, and cracks hundreds of meters wide opened on the edge of the lake, like a giant mouth stretching out, swallowing up cattle and sheep herdsmen, and polluting the earth."

High Priest Yangjin said solemnly: "I stick to my heart and recite the scriptures, and look at the cracks in the holy lake with the true eye of the sun, to see clearly what kind of demon is about to resurrect, but..."

High Priest Yangjin closed his left eye, and when he opened it again, there was a circle of red light in his left eye, which was the True Eye of the Sun. Wei Xun and Lama Cuocai discussed some Bon cultivation methods. One of them is that men practice the sun wheel and women practice the moon wheel. Bon shamans sleep on their right sides every night and visualize a sun in their heart, which is the sun wheel of practice.

When you can reach 'lucid sleep' (meaning that a person has fallen asleep, but is mentally awake and can count twelve thousand heartbeats), the sun disc enters the heart, and then you can observe it in a non-sleep state. Thinking of the sun wheel, directing the bright point of the red light energy channel to the left eye and forming a circle of sunlight in the eye is the true eye of the sun wheel that can eliminate evil spirits and cast down evil spirits.

Nowadays, those who can visualize the sun disc are all eminent monks and great virtues, and those who can form the sun disc in their eyes are rare. High Priest Yangjin's face is dark and red, a color unique to the plateau. His age cannot be seen, but he is probably a hundred years old. He was able to cultivate the True Eye of the Sun, and he must have concentrated on this path for decades. No wonder his body has basically reached the Great Perfection.

The problem is that after cultivating the true eye of the sun, the high priest Yangjin noticed the signs of the demon's resurgence in his sleep. Unlike other Bon priests who would stick to their true intentions and wake up immediately to prevent being bewitched by the demon.

High Priest Yangjin's first reaction was to take a look.

As a result, just one look at it revealed something bad.

"After I woke up, I forgot about this dream. I only vaguely remembered that a major sacrifice was going to be held in Selincuo."

At this point, High Priest Yangjin did not dare to raise his head, his face was filled with shame. He now knew soberly that he might have been deceived by the devil since then.

Then High Priest Yangjin led the two white yaks on the road and walked towards Selinco. Along the way, he would dream about signs of the demon's resurgence every night, and would take a look at it, only to forget the specific things when he woke up. Repeatedly and repeatedly, by the time Serincuo was born, he had already become so deeply possessed by the devil that he only knew how to worship the devil and sing praises to God.


While he was speaking, High Priest Yangjin's pupils suddenly shrank. Wei Xun, who had been staring at his eyes curiously, immediately discovered that the edge of the sun disk in his left eye was black, showing signs of being dyed black. The number of stone brick seals had been used up, so Wei Xun immediately pinched a few wolf hairs and put them in his eyes.

The left eye of High Priest Yangjin was so stimulated that he kept crying. It was a mess. I wonder if the white and soft wolf fur was washed away by the tears. It can no longer be found. However, the sun disk in the left eye of High Priest Yangjin also closed, and everything returned to normal. .

"Don't use the True Eye of the Sun again until the demon seed is removed."

Wei Xun said, Lama Cuocao who was watching from the side also nodded solemnly: "The evil energy enters through the eyes and is hidden in the heart."

High Priest Yangjin looked at the cracks in the holy lake with his true eyes of the sun. Demonic energy entered through his eyes, followed his energy veins, and invaded the sun in his heart, so he had a demonic seed in his heart.

Although there is a dark demon fire to isolate the demon species, as soon as the Yangjin High Priest uses the True Eye of the Sun, there are signs of being controlled by the demon again. The demonic energy came and went again and again, harming the body of High Priest Yangjin. The old man's hair was now much whiter and his expression was much more tired, but he still held on to his spirit and said to Wei Xun and Lama Cuocha:

"They want to hold a king sacrifice and honor Gandan Baiju as King Xiangxiong. I think they may want the king to sacrifice to the lake to open the devil's seal..."

As soon as the words 'sacrifice', 'sacrifice to the lake' and 'devil seal' were mentioned, High Priest Yangjin showed signs of illness again. Wei Xun and Lama Cuocai both told him to stop thinking about it and quickly closed his five senses to protect his body.

"Gandan Baiju is not of the orthodox Golden-winged Dapeng Kingdom bloodline. He cannot afford the king's sacrifice."

Lama Cuocao said in a deep voice, and Wei Xun could hear a bit of anger in his tone. Regarding the demon's resurgence and the need to destroy the seal, Lama Cuocha has always been very calm. Because he knows that the devil's nature is destruction and evil, so he will not be angry with the devil, even if he has to sacrifice himself to seal the devil.

But now he was angry at the Heir of the Eagle Flute.

"After Gandanbai becomes King Xiangxiong, will he be able to break the devil's seal?"

Lama Cuocao recited a section of the Bon scriptures, and then explained to Wei Xun in a relatively easy-to-understand language:

"King Shang Hung and Priest Gu Xin are the envoys sent by Buddha to protect the land of northern Tibet. The snow-capped mountains and holy lakes will obey their orders."

Wei Xun asked: "The Xiangxiong Kingdom has been destroyed for more than 1,600 years, and his sacrifice to the lake is still valid? And the most important thing is that he is not of royal blood, right?"

Lama Cuocao's face became more and more serious, he was deep in thought and did not answer. Wei Xun sorted out his thoughts in his mind. It was roughly that the descendant of the eagle flute and the big demon were working together. The descendant of the eagle flute had secretly killed many people in sacrifices in the past few decades, causing the seal to be broken and the demon to resurrect.

The big demon used magic power to control the Bon priests and the remnants of Shang Hung, or even gave the bone flute of Dapeng's golden right wing to the successor of the eagle flute, so that he could pass the king's sacrifice and become King Shang Hung.

After becoming King Shang Hung, the descendant of the Eagle Flute will worship the lake, and through the king's order, unlock the seal of the holy lake and release the great demon Chabalen from the world.

This all seems very logical, but Wei Xun feels that this matter will not be so simple.

If Chabalaren can really influence so many people from a distance and plant demonic seeds on High Priest Yangjin and others, the power he has seeped out will be too much, and the seal will basically be in vain. There is no need to make it so complicated at all. Sacrifice with kings.

Is it really Chabalaren who used demonic energy to plant demonic seeds for High Priest Yangjin?

In fact, Wei Xun was very concerned about the demonic species that he could see through "one look" and "one more look".

Whether it is Bon religious classics, Buddhist legends, or various supernatural and fantasy novels, demons are always described as evil creatures that can seduce people, confuse people's hearts, and shake their minds. In order to resist evil spirits, some eminent monks will seal their five senses and clear their souls so that evil spirits cannot invade and evil spirits cannot succeed.

To put it simply, it means ‘don’t see’, ‘don’t listen’, ‘don’t think’.

This was very similar to the abyssal species Wei Xun encountered in the hotel - he just named it * * *.

However, the methods of resistance are the same, but the other party is actually fundamentally different. On the one hand, demons actively use demonic energy to invade, seduce, confuse and control all living beings. One is that he is right there, motionless, but because he is so strong, you will go crazy just by looking at him and become his captive puppet.

Could this be the reason why High Priest Yangjin was controlled? Of course, Chabalaren is definitely not comparable to * * *, and Wei Xun is not thinking of Chabalaren.

What High Priest Yangjin was looking at was not the black lake, but the hundreds of meters of cracks that opened up on the edge of the lake.

Wei Xun has a rich imagination. He also passed the assessment mission and knew that during the war, the gate of the Demon Kingdom was opened. Chabalaren led three major demon generals and tens of thousands of demon troops invaded the human world.

Now, where is the gate to the Demon Kingdom?

Closed? Are there any remains? Where are the ruins?

Could it be that what High Priest Yangjin saw was a crack in the Demon Gate, a Demonic Abyss or something like that? So the high priest Yangjin was in a trance after just one look, allowing Chabalaren to take advantage of him?

"Lama, the current degree of damage to the seal... Can Chabalen plant a demon seed on the chest of High Priest Yangjin from a distance? Summon so many people?"

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully, Wei Xun asked.

Lama Tongcha looked grave and shook his head.

"Then if High Priest Yangjin is in a trance and his defenses are reduced to a minimum..."

Lama Cuocha remained silent, and Wei Xun knew that he was acquiescing.


After Chabalaren recruited so many people and worked so hard to make the successor of the Eagle Flute ascend the throne and become the king, it might not be as simple as just unlocking the seal.

"I'll go out and take a look."

Wei Xun said that he would contact Jiang Hongguang and others to explore whether other priests and Xiangzhong survivors had the same problem as High Priest Yangjin.

Probably not. High Priest Yangjin was the strongest among them, so it was worthy of the devil to first lure him to see the cracks and then use the demon seeds to control him. Others may not need to bother so much, and perhaps there are devout believers in the devil among them.

Wei Xun glanced at High Priest Yangjin again, focusing on his heart. The demonic energy that I bitten before was so strong, perhaps because it was not only the demonic energy of Chabalaren, but also the influence of the gate of the demon kingdom/the crack of the abyss. If you don't use the demonic energy and just look directly at the indescribable things, If you can plant a demon seed...

Wei Xun had an immature and dangerous idea.

He wants to plant a * * * demon seed for himself. Is this possible?

The power that quietly crushed the cocoons and controlled Ding Yi most likely came from other great tour guides, which made Wei Xun obsessed.

This is not a question of whether the identity vest of a tourist guide will fall off. Wei Xun is wondering whether the other party will realize the existence of Xiao Cui (female insect) through the cocoon? Could it be that through Ding Yi's strange alienation and the contract on his body, it was discovered that he has the ability to "alienate the tour guide"?

A high-level minor demon after alienation, a mother insect with special abilities.

Coupled with the pioneer of the journey to the 30th North Latitude, the fragments of Maria's butterfly items, etc., Wei Xun's own value is even more coveted than the status of a New Star guide or a New Star tourist.

Wei Xun has too many good things, but his ability to resist risks is still too low compared to the hotel's top strength.

It is true that if he waits until the end of this journey and joins the powerful returning team, he will be protected, and even if the other party is suspicious, they will not take action against him.

But he couldn't always move with the returning brigade, and he couldn't always be under their protection - Wei Xun didn't want to be an unweaned child who needed others to take care of and protect him. What’s more, the journey is ever-changing and anything can happen.

Only when he has the power can Wei Xun feel at ease. It is not his character to be dependent on others and protected.

Wei Xun knew that he still lacked a trump card.

The demon seed obtained is a double-edged sword, and Wei Xun is also in danger of being controlled by it. But from that previous gaze, he knew that he was one with An Xuefeng, and the contract signed between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng was also valid for him.

This is an insurance. If you plant a demon seed, even if your love disappears, according to the contract [Party A shall be responsible for Party B's board and lodging, Party B's physical health, and Party B's mental health], as long as the contract exists Within the time limit, it will not control him or harm him.

And it specially signed Wei Xun, because Wei Xun must be useful to An Xuefeng and the returning team, so it will not hurt Wei Xun.

The contract period is half a year. Wei Xun believes that his strength will never stagnate, and what he needs is time.

Weigh the pros and cons and choose the one that is more beneficial to you, like the innate talent of the Wei family.

If you watch * * * more, you can really plant His demon seeds in your body...

The opportunities are limited, before * * *'s love disappears...

If there is an opportunity later, it is not impossible for him to counter-control the demon species.

Of course, before that, we need to find out the composition of the demon species in the body of High Priest Yangjin and confirm whether this method is feasible.

"High Priest Yangjin, please take care of me."

Wei Xun left the lamp filled with magic fire to Lama Tongcai, with purple flames inside. Black flames surrounded the demon seed on the chest of High Priest Yangjin, and red flames were used by Wei Xun to burn stone bricks. There is no cooling time for stone bricks. Once the number is used up, just keep burning it with magic fire, and you will get another number after a while.

Wei Xun took the White Wolf King away from the black stone building. As soon as he went out, he saw several priests waiting nearby. Their eyes lit up when they saw him coming out, and they hurriedly walked towards him——

In addition to the altar being built around here, there is only this building specially built for the prince and the Bon priests. Wei Xun just went in to communicate with God, and after closing the door, the other priests could only wait outside in the rain.

Now that he's out, it should be that he's finished communicating with God and doesn't have to monopolize a whole building. Then can they also go in——

Before these priests could talk to Wei Xun, they saw him leaving the white wolf king at the door of the building.


"wait for me here."

Wei Xun touched the White Wolf King's face and looked him eye to eye. The White Wolf King is very large, and is taller when squatting than when Wei Xun is squatting. It leaned forward and put its big paws on Wei Xun's shoulders.

The white wolf's eyes were cold and fierce, with a hint of fierceness, but its deep, fluffy, hot body kept pushing into Wei Xun's arms, and even licked the tip of Wei Xun's nose. .

Wei Xun leaned back to dodge, but was almost crushed and lost his center of gravity. He was crushed by the White Wolf King and fell into the muddy ground. He frowned and clicked his tongue. Seeing Wei Xun's expression drop, the White Wolf King finally stopped pressing it hard. It was more heroic and fierce than any other wolf dog, but it obeyed Wei Xun's orders and squatted down to guard the building. door.

Wei Xun gave a few orders, and when the White Wolf King stopped moving, he turned around and walked away without any worries - laughing to death, could An Xuefeng's wolf still not understand human speech and not know how to guard the door?

Besides, he just went to the animal pen next door to bring Fei Lezhi and the others out.

Sure enough, those priests who wanted to go back for a rest saw that the new high priest had left the White Wolf King at the door without a leash, and they immediately did not dare to approach him anymore.

"I want to bring out a few people to serve my sacrifice."

Wei Xun arrogantly said to the Tibetan guards guarding the animal enclosure: "I want to offer the purest and most precious sacrifice to the god. The muddy water on the ground cannot dirty its white hair."

His deeds of suppressing and sealing the 'villains' and controlling divine fire spread like wildfire. The guards almost knelt down and saluted on the spot when they saw him coming. They didn't hesitate at all to Wei Xun's orders and just let him choose as he pleased.

"Such a noble and powerful sacrifice must be taken care of carefully."

Several priests came over and one of them spoke. Wei Xun glanced at him sideways. The man who was standing behind the high priest was the second one. The sacrifices he brought were a group of human sacrifices.

The priest seemed to be complimenting him, but in fact his eyes were not straight. Wei Xun knew what he was thinking as soon as his mind changed.

The sacrifices that are qualified to be offered to the gods are more noble in their eyes than those Tibetan guards. Therefore, it is understandable that Wei Xun chooses "sacrifice" to serve his sacrifices and disdains others.

Although, the second priest did not want him to choose the human sacrifice he brought - if his human sacrifice was used to take care of the White Wolf King without saying whether it would be eaten, wouldn't this kind of service be unfair? Does it mean that the sacrifices he brought were of lower status than the sacrifices of the new high priest?

Although this is true, it doesn’t look good after all!

Wei Xun ignored him and picked Fei Lezhi and the others. Seeing that the human sacrifices Wei Xun picked were all from the same area as him, brought by the twelve priests, and had no intention of using them to establish authority, the second priest nodded reservedly, thinking that Wei Xun was a communicative and not so rigid person. But before he could talk to Wei Xun, Wei Xun turned around and took the three people back, ignoring him at all.


The second priest's face was gloomy and he snorted in anger. Wei Xun heard him snort from behind, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

When it comes to dealing with demon seals, the more people the better, more people are more likely to be a burden. It is enough to grasp the strongest Yangjin High Priest.

Furthermore, even if a demon seed was planted, the sacrifice brought by the high priest Yangjin was a white yak, while the sacrifice brought by the second priest was directly a human animal. Either he is not a good person, or he turns out to be a potential believer of the devil - anyway, according to the hotel's instructions, people like him will be handed over to the police.

It is simply unbelievable that an illegal organization like Thriller Hotel still knows how to call the police.

"Guard, are you the guard?!"

Being brought into the building by Wei Xun, Fei Lezhi was the first to hold back and spoke with excitement.

Apart from Ding Yi, only Wei Xun has Ding Yi's dark green cloak!

"Who else could it be but me?"

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and took off his hood. Seeing his face, Ji Hongcai exhaled. Qin Xinrong noticed that the Tibetan guards were respectful to Wei Xun, and the other priests were outside. Wei Xun had the building alone, so his identity... Qin Xinrong was also relieved.

Fei Lezhi was so happy when he saw Wei Xun coming that he wanted to pounce on him in excitement.


A low growl like a warning made Fei Lezhi's conditioned reflex stop him in place: "Brother Bao, I was wrong - ah? Where is Brother Bao?"

Why is there a white wolf at Wei Xun's feet?

“It’s the change within the journey.”

Wei Xun briefly told the story of the Snow Leopard King, the White Wolf King and the White Antelope King, the three holy beasts of the Snow Mountain, and gave the Snow Leopard a reasonable reason for the change.

It was An Xuefeng Snow Leopard, and Wei Xun was hiding it. If a big tour guide interferes with the journey, this snow leopard might become a surprise. Wei Xun never does useless things.

"So that's it."

Wei Xun believed whatever Fei Lezhi said. When he heard that Wei Xun had turned into a white wolf and fought against the demon army in the assessment mission, he suddenly realized: "No wonder Brother Wei, your hair and eyes haven't changed back yet... Hey, Brother Wei You must be related to white-haired animals! They are so beautiful with white hair and blue eyes!”

"Let's get down to business."

Fei Lezhi has a positive and optimistic personality, but he is also arrogant and always strays from the topic. Qin Xinrong and Ji Hongcai looked at each other, and Qin Xinrong organized his words to tell Wei Xun.

After Wei Xun stayed behind in the early hours of last night, Jiang Hongguang and the others listened to Wei Xun's words and took the first step. On the way to Selincuo, they also encountered dangers such as wild beasts chasing cars and demonized mummies. Fortunately, they were all surprised. risk. After they arrived at the outskirts of Selincuo at four or five in the morning, Jiang Hongguang and others decided that the convoy would wait for Wei Xun here for the time being, and then go to Selincuo after everyone was gathered.

It is the tour guide's job to take tourists to the scenic spots on time. Even if there is a delay, the hotel will punish the tour guide, not the tourists, so they can wait with peace of mind.

Then the brigade did not wait for Wei Xun, but Ding Yi.

"Ding Yi doesn't look right."

Qin Xinrong frowned and recalled: "He was very nervous, his whole body was shaking, his movements were a little uncoordinated, and his arms often turned and twisted."

Fei Lezhi said: "I suspect he has Parkinson's disease."

"I originally thought that we would all fuck Ding Yi together."

Ji Hongcai said: "Anyway, the guards are here. It's the same as Ding Yi. There is no shortage of him as a tour guide."

"But Brother Jiang didn't let me move, so everyone left with Ding Yi."

He was embarrassed to look at Wei Xun when he spoke, fearing that he would be angry and think they were cowards. But Wei Xun was noncommittal: "Then what?"

Ji Hongcai said: "When we entered Serincuo, we met those Tibetans."

"The hotel gave us our identities. Fang Yuhang, Xu Zishi and Yu Chengfu went to move the black stones to build the altar. Jiang Hongguang, Xu Yang, Yin Baitao and Lin Qiming were taken away by a priest, and the three of us were treated as sacrifices by Shit Ding Yi. Handed over and locked up in an animal pen.

"Is there a way to communicate with each other?"

Seeing that there was no nervousness or anxiety on their expressions, Wei Xun knew that the passengers had ways to communicate with each other.

"Yes, there is a radio communicator, and we will be in contact every two hours."

The people in the brigade were divided into three places, each collecting clues. However, there were people at every point, which was quite complete.

"The yaks brought vats of blood. Every time they built a black stone altar, they would pour blood on it, letting the blood seep into every stone crevice. Fang Yuhang said it was a mixture of various animal bloods, including sheep blood, cow blood, etc. Blood, deer blood, wolf blood, human blood, vulture blood, fish blood and antelope blood.”

Fang Yuhang was a professional sommelier before he entered the journey. He has the green title of "Sommelier" and can taste the ingredients in liquids.

Qin Xinrong summarized the information he got from various places and sent it to Wei Xun. Wei Xun asked Lama Cuocai and High Priest Yangjin to come out and listen.

"Those animal sacrifices were all drugged, as were the human animals. I think they are not all Tibetans, they may have been abducted from elsewhere."

When talking about the people who were tied up, Fei Lezhi showed a bit of anger and intolerance: "Half of them are teenagers and girls, and the rest are adults, old people, and five children. There are forty-five in total. I secretly Talk to them, no one cares about me.”

"When we were kidnapped, there were only teenagers and girls in the animal pen." Qin Xinrong added: "The adults, the elderly, and the five children were brought in in different batches."

In other words, in addition to the second priest, there were three other priests who also presented human sacrifices. Counting Ding Yi, there were a total of five priests.

This is something to focus on.

"There were people in the middle with shovels, shoveling away the soil in the middle, and burying something underground. I don't know what it was - I smelled the smell of blood, and looking at their big basket, it was the same as what Brother Jiang said was for spices. The basket is very similar.”

Ji Hongcai is bold and careful: "Brother Jiang and the others were grinding spices together, and dozens of people were grinding them. Some people were grinding spices, and some were grinding ores, pigments, etc. After grinding, they mixed them, poured them into a big basket, and were eaten by yaks. They were taken away... But in the last communication, Brother Jiang said that Xu Yang and Yin Baitao were taken away alone, saying that God had chosen them to be the witches and witches in the sacrifice. "

"Miko and witch?"

Lama Cuocai lost his voice and suddenly floated in front of Ji Hongcai, his face extremely serious: "Tell me in detail, what are they crushing?"

"Brother Jiang said there are bones, highland barley, sheep or cow hearts, black stones, and a thick black incense coiled like mosquito coils."

Ji Hongcai was afraid that the lama might not know what mosquito coils were, so he drew circles for him.


Lama Cuocao watched him draw circles, and his soul trembled. He was obviously greatly shocked. When listening to the story of High Priest Yangjin before, Lama Cuoca had a wrong expression, but now he seemed to have completely confirmed his suspicion. Lama Cuocao suddenly turned to Wei Xun, and Wei Xun, who had been listening, asked:

"So, it's the next day?"

"Huh? Yes, yes."

Qin Xinrong reacted the fastest: "It's the second day after arriving in Serincuo. It's six o'clock in the morning."

From what they just said, Wei Xun realized that Wei Xun entered the assessment task in the dark night. When he came out, it was dark outside, with a strong storm and heavy rain. He could not see the passage of time, and "all members arrived at Serincuo" 'The last scene of exploring northern Tibet, the Devil's Lake is so colorful and beautiful! ’ The hotel reminded Wei Xun that he didn’t immediately realize that one day had passed.

According to the itinerary, they will only stay at the Selincuo scenic spot for a total of two days. They will leave at 6 pm on the second day. They will be on the road for the next two days and the journey will end when they arrive at Qiangtang Nature Reserve.

Six o'clock in the morning, six o'clock in the afternoon, only twelve hours left.

Wei Xun directly overturned all his plans. Just looking at the time, the sacrifice will probably start soon!

"Messenger, this, this is not a king's sacrifice, this is not just a king's sacrifice!"

Lama Cuocao was so anxious that his voice trembled, and his pearl-colored soul was so chaotic that it became transparent. He was greatly shocked. He hurriedly spoke a few ancient Xiangxiong language, and then immediately changed it to Mandarin, and uttered a few phrases: "Sacrifice, Blood sacrifice, Demonic Kingdom!”

"Yangjin's lineage is not in Xiaolin Temple, he doesn't know!"

In Xiaolin Temple, the oldest Bon temple, only the dead Lama Congcha knows the most mysterious secrets of the ancient Zhangxiong Kingdom.

"King Shang Hung and Priest Gu Xin are the envoys sent by Buddha to protect the land of northern Tibet. The snow-capped mountains and holy lakes will obey their orders."

Lama Tsocha said what he had said before, his voice tight and his tone completely different: "Whenever the old and new kings change, the king sacrifice hosted by Priest Gu Xin is not only the new king's succession but also the sacrifice of the sacred mountain and holy lake. The lake is the gateway between the human world and the demonic kingdom.”

"In the old days, the entrance to the demonic kingdom's invasion of the human world was at the bottom of the lake. It was the 'Lake Gate' leading to the demonic kingdom. I, I thought, according to the scriptures, the gate to the lake was at the time of Yumcuo——"

"Wrong Lama, calm down!"

Seeing that Lama Cuocai was so flustered and incoherent, Wei Xun immediately shouted, picked up the White Wolf King and gave Lama Cuocai a nudge. Lama Tongcha shivered and immediately came to his senses, his soul looking much calmer.

"The scriptures say that the devil was divided into two parts, and they were sealed in the nine-layered swastika crystal tower and Serincuo. The lake gate leading to the devil's kingdom was destroyed by the Buddha with a vajra at Dangra Yumcuo. It was suppressed by the Nine-Layered Swastika Crystal Tower, and the Demon Lake became a Holy Lake from then on.”

"The scriptures cannot be wrong, but, but, the nine kinds of blood represent the nine blood pools, the sheep's heart represents the devil, the bones and highland barley represent various sacrifices, the sacred stone (black stone) communicates with the underground, and the vortex (black incense coil) represents the lake water aisle"

Lama Cuocao trembled: "They want to reverse the king's sacrifice and open the lake gate to the demon kingdom in Serinco!"

People controlled by the devil used Jiuzhong blood mixed with bones, highland barley hearts and other powders to draw devil's symbols on the land. Gather the only remaining Sang Hung remnants in the world, the Bon priests, and use them and various sacrifices on the evil black stone altar to change Gandan Baiju's bloodline and make him the real Sang Hung King.

When Gandanbaiju truly becomes King Xiangxiong, he and the high priest will be sacrificed as 'King Xiangxiong' and 'Priest Guxin', completely polluting the holy lake and opening the lake leading to the Demon Kingdom. Door!

Maybe the great demon Chabalaren is about to succeed. What High Priest Yangjin saw, the terrifying crack extending outward from the black lake was the prototype of the Lake Gate!


Deafening thunder tore through the sky, covering up the knocking on the door.


Without any warning, the locked door was pushed open, and a violent storm full of demonic energy rushed in. It was dark as night outside, with lightning and thunder. A pale face as wet as a water monkey quietly appeared outside the door.

His eyes were slit into two slits, and the corners of his mouth were raised high, which was too exaggerated. This smile was really weird and made people uncomfortable. He was the second priest.

"High Priest, the sacrifice is about to begin. The eldest prince asked me to invite you."

His voice was extremely high-pitched and strange, with a kind of dizzying buzzing sound. He smiled and looked at Lama Cuocao next to Wei Xun and High Priest Yangjin behind him, his eyes as solid as a painting: "They——"

Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, Wei Xun transformed into a snow leopard and then immediately into a human, and all his clothes immediately fell to the floor. Everyone was shocked. Who would have thought that this was an attack? Only the White Wolf King pounced on the second priest at the same time, as if he and Wei Xun were connected, and threw him to the ground.


The White Wolf King shook his head, blood spurted out, and a ball as big as a rubber ball rolled over with a smile in its eyes - it actually bit off the second priest's head!

The next moment, countless dark demonic energy like octopus tentacles emerged from the broken head. High Priest Yangjin froze. The look in his eyes was struggling but was immediately replaced by thick black demonic energy.

As if he was bewitched, he pulled out the sharp knife and silently stabbed Wei Xun, who had his back turned to him. The Lama realized the mistake, and he immediately raised his hand to block it, but the sharp knife drew an incredible arc, bypassing his blockage and stabbing Wei Xun!

All this happens in an instant, and after an instant, everything stops.

The demonic energy in the broken head of the second priest fell as soft as a withered plant. The high priest Yangjin's face turned blue and his eyes turned white and he fell to the ground.

The murmurs rang in Wei Xun's ears, and only he could hear them.

Perhaps because Wei Xun had just suffered a fatal attack, the murmurs became even louder and louder. Countless unclean and twisted messages with powerful energy impacted his consciousness, almost causing a phantom to appear in front of Wei Xun's eyes.

But Wei Xun smiled calmly, put on his cloak, stepped forward, and used a narrow crystal knife to cut off the demonic tentacles on the broken head of the second priest. His bare feet, with a little blood on his pale toes, were particularly dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Xun saw the drop of blood disappear as if it was wiped away by invisible force. His feet felt like they had been held by ice cubes, so cold that he almost lost consciousness.

【Are you worried about me】

Wei Xun's lips moved slightly, but no sound came out, just the shape of his mouth, but Wei Xun knew that the other party could 'hear' it.

Wei Xun got dressed. Everything happened so suddenly. Ji Hongcai and the others only reacted quickly now. Fei Lezhi ran to close the door. Ji Hongcai and Qin Xinrong held down the unconscious high priest Yang Jin and looked at Wei Xun, waiting for his instructions.

"You guys wait here for a moment."

Wei Xun put on his hood and went out carrying the narrow crystal knife. There was a violent storm outside, and the pouring rain hit him like hailstones, and thunder followed one after another, like the roar of a demon. The rain slid down from the edge of the hood like a curtain, and the dark green cloak was as dark as a shadow.

Other priests were waiting ten meters away from the building. Just as the second priest said, the sacrifice was about to begin.

Wei Xun's face was calm, but he was actually affected to the point where he was unable to control his emotions. The swelling, full and noisy sounds filled his brain's five senses. Only by venting could he return to normal.


Wei Xun gave them a friendly greeting, and then without any warning, Wei Xun raised his knife and killed the fifth priest. The White Wolf King bit the seventh priest. At the same time, Wei Xun even had time to throw a stone brick to seal the tenth priest. .

They were all priests who offered human sacrifices just like the second priest!

There was chaos in the violent storm, and the screams were muffled by the thunder. The White Wolf King killed the seventh priest, and Wei Xun pulled out the narrow crystal knife that pierced the heart of the fifth priest. His right cheek was spattered with blood, which was diluted by the rain into a dark pink color and dripped down his cheek and from his chin. .

[I will encounter... more dangers]

He said silently, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, his skin was too pale, and blood was the only bright color.


"God told me that the second, fifth, seventh, and tenth priests are all villains. The sacrifice is about to happen, so there can be no surprises."

Facing the alert and panicked eyes of everyone who looked at him like a devil, Wei Xun smiled. His lowered fingers were slightly warm. It was the White Wolf King who was licking his fingertips and between his fingers, licking away the blood of others stained on it. The scent of others.

Wei Xun looked straight at the tall man behind the gathering crowd. He is no longer the simple Tibetan robe he wore when we first met him, but is now wearing a retro, brand-new King Xiangxiong robe.

Wei Xun walked towards the successor of the Eagle Flute. No one dared to stand between them. The crowd moved aside like Moses parting the sea. The successor of the eagle flute stood there and did not step back, but Wei Xun saw him tightening his grip on the pale golden bone flute in his hand - this eagle flute was really beautiful, and it looked like it was made of Dapeng gold right wing bone. The real, legendary bone flute.

"King, are the sacrifices about to begin?"

Wei Xun stopped five steps in front of him. When the successor of the Eagle Flute frowned and was about to speak, he took out the human skin thangka of Priest Guxin and draped it on himself.

"Only King Shang Hung and Priest Gu Xin can preside over the king's sacrifice, right?"

The pupils of the descendant of the Eagle Flute suddenly shrank, then returned to normal.

Yes, only King Shang Hung and priest Gu Xin can preside over king sacrifices. The closer it is, the higher the probability of the sacrifice being successful.


The heir of the eagle flute was silent for a long time, as if weighing, and finally he spoke in a solemn voice, ignoring that Wei Xun had just killed so many people.

"High Priest, let's go."

Wei Xun smiled. No one knew that he was falling into horrific auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations at this moment, and his mind was almost insane. There seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him from high in the sky. Although they had restrained their power a little, they were full of warning——

The other party was angry, and he was dissatisfied with Wei Xun's method of attracting his attention every time.

But Wei Xun's lips moved slightly, not as a beg for mercy or to please, but as a provocation.

【you love me? 】

[But you can't touch me, you can't be with me, you're not even as good as a wolf... Is this your love? 】

[Would you like to think that we are closer together]

Wei Xun put his left hand on his heart, issuing an invitation like a seductive devil.

【Do you——want to enter my heart】

【Come to monitor me? 】

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