Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 115 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (58)

Wei Xun, a ruthless man who had just single-handedly killed the former high priest, who would dare to oppose his request? What’s more, he claimed to have ‘heard the voice of God’.

But the problem is that he still carries the ‘sacrifice’ White Wolf King with him! Now that the White Wolf King is still there, should he be allowed to carry the White Wolf King to see the eldest prince?

But he can't be allowed to kill the White Wolf King in advance. After all, the sacrifice only accepts living sacrifices.

The other priests were in pain from being burned by Wei Xun and were too weak to say anything. Other Tibetans did not even dare to look up at Wei Xun.

"Forget it, I have to report the villain to the gods first."

Wei Xun took in all their expressions and said seriously: "No one is allowed to disturb me."

If you first make a request that is difficult to fulfill and then take a step back, few people will refuse the second request. Sure enough, when Wei Xun said this, the other priests were relieved and had no objection at all. I even felt that Wei Xun was too pious and upright and too considerate of them for not insisting on seeing the eldest prince, but reporting to the gods first.

The priests were no longer resentful of Wei Xun for burning them with divine fire, but some of them were actually a little grateful.

So Wei Xun majestically took Ding Yi to monopolize this building that was specially built for the priests to rest temporarily.

Wei Xun chose a room at random, and as soon as Wei Xun closed the door, Shi Zhuan's detention time was up. Wei Xun quickly locked the bewildered high priest in with quick eyes and hands, and then sent Lama Congchai in to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, and then he held the White Wolf King in his arms.

On the surface, he was checking on the White Wolf King, but in fact Wei Xun was checking on Ding Yi.

Just when he used parasitic wasps to control Ding Yi, Wei Xun asked him to use props to block the live broadcast. But Ding Yi's props are not as pornographic as Bing Jiu's. He can only block his live broadcast split screen, but the audience can still see Ding Yi from the perspective of Wei Xun's live broadcast room.

So when he returned to this building, Wei Xun secretly ordered Ding Yi to go back to his room without meeting him - even if they didn't meet, Wei Xun could still 'communicate' with Ding Yi. For a rebellious slave, the demon can crush the slave's soul and devour it. But Wei Xun only shattered Ding Yi's mind and turned him into a fool, but did not destroy his soul.

After all, the tour guide's soul signed a contract with the hotel, and Wei Xun didn't want to cause trouble. Ding Yi's soul is still under Wei Xun's control, and Wei Xun checks it carefully.

Ding Yi shouldn't be so stupid. Wei Xun didn't hide the contract this time. Ding Yi clearly knew that he was still alive, so he shouldn't have betrayed him in such a hurry. Moreover, Wei Xun never killed him, nor did he give Ding Yi any hint that he would definitely kill him. He shouldn't have jumped over the wall in a hurry.

Wei Xun checked it again and found something strange.

First of all, the cocoon on Ding Yi's body disappeared.

He originally had three parasitic wasp cocoons, but the first two were used up. The last one, Wei Xun, was 'hatched' by Xiao Cui. If the parasitic wasp hatched, it would be the same as the one in the body of the successor of the Eagle Flute, which was protected by Wei Xun. Just take control.

Wei Xun asked Xiaocui to track the cocoon, but found that it was already dead.

'died? ’

Wei Xun said calmly: "How did you die?"

Xiaocui said: 'I died when I encountered a powerful magic power and the magic power counteracted it'

The bee cocoon is inherently fragile. It is swallowed by Xiaocui and then 'produced'. It is a gentle erosion and will not be too damaged. But if another tyrannical magic force is exerted on it in an attempt to control the cocoon, it will die under the impact.

‘Is it Taoist Feng? ’

Wei Xun's first thought was related to the bee cocoon, the owner of the mother bee, the tour guide behind Ding Yi.

But he always felt it was more than that.

When Wei Xun was quenching Ding Yi's consciousness, he felt an invisible resistance. This kind of resistance is extremely corrosive, and feels different from the parasitic wasps and mother wasps on the hands of the Bee Taoist. It's something that's more powerful and hidden, making it impossible for people to detect it.

It is eroding Ding Yi's consciousness and quietly affecting Ding Yi's choices. If Wei Xun hadn't been reminded of the third attraction in the hotel and decisively crushed Ding Yi's mind without hesitation, I'm afraid if it eroded deeper, Wei Xun would have been discovered. A contract with Ding.

This is...are there other big tour guides involved?

* *

"Hahaha, hahahaha, okay, I've been discovered, I've been discovered!"

In a completely dark space, there was a half-new but not old bus parked. It had the words 'Thriller Travel Agency' painted on the side, and the blue and purple butterfly logo was a little faded. In addition to it, there are more buses, cruise ships and airplanes in the depths of darkness. Sometimes they appear quietly and then disappear, like a ghost parking lot.

All transportation was empty, except this bus. In the driver's seat sat a man in uniform. He looked like the driver, but he was several times smaller, like a primary school student, and wore a strange and tattered silver-purple cloak.

The small-sized uniform was stiff and tight around his body. The hands exposed from the cuffs were wood-colored, and the finger joints were ball-shaped, but they were very flexible in movement. He was holding two small wooden figures in his left hand and right hand respectively, shouting "bang bang fan" in his mouth, and bumping the wooden figures with his left and right hands, having a great time like a child.

When he finally got tired of playing, half of the hair of the little man on his left hand fell off, and the head of the little man on his right hand was knocked off his head.

"A female bug bang bang bang."

He casually twisted off the head of the little man on the right and swapped it with the little man on the left. He had a great time playing with it. What was shocking was that the wooden man was so small, but the painful and horrifying expression on his face was so real.

"A demon thump thump thump."

He pulled out the little man's hair again and stuck it on the face of the other little man. He laughed with satisfaction and imitated the sound of gunshots:

"Hide and seek, I like hide and seek the most."

"Let me find out, let me find out, who are you."

Suddenly he turned his head, and his horrifying, puppet-like head turned ninety degrees, staring straight at the car door. The sound was like a piece of wood being squeezed by the impact, and it sounded extremely terrifying.

"Is it you, Butterfly? Is it you? Is it you? Is it you-"

The originally closed car door opened at some point, and a butterfly flew in. It was the size of a human head, glowing with beautiful fluorescence. When it opened its wings, it was as red as a ball of fire. When it closed its wings, it sprinkled silver frost. It was extremely beautiful. It flew lightly towards the driver's seat, and the puppet in driver's uniform grinned and opened its arms to greet it.

In an instant, the butterfly turned into a phantom, and the puppet man's fingertips shot out thousands of puppet threads invisible to the naked eye, and the confrontation came to an end in an instant.

The puppet's right arm was broken, and the butterfly fell into colorful scales. The puppet smiled and picked up his right arm and put it back on. The butterfly fluttered towards the driver's seat, where the tour guide and conductor usually sit. Then the butterfly disappeared and turned into a little boy with colorful hair.

He was wearing a white shirt, overalls, black leather shoes, and a silver-purple cloak. He looked like an elegant and mysterious little prince. He did not wear a hood and his face was exposed. Even if he returned to his human form, there were still black and slender butterfly tentacles between the colored hair on his head.

The boy was holding a puppet that he had taken from Pinocchio.

"Mother worms? If there are any mother worms, they must all be mine."

His voice is indistinguishable from male to female, and it sounds very nice. He casually pulled off the sticky hair on the puppet's head, placed the puppet by the window, and closed his eyes to rest.

"Pinocchio, come to the Butchers' Alliance, or die."

"Hehe, are you inviting me to your house?"

Pinocchio's eyes were so wide that he smiled and took off the limbs of the little man in his hand and put them on again: "Do you have any fun toys at home? I want new toys."

He emphasized: "New toys, there must be new toys that are fun enough, otherwise I won't like to go. Your parents are too strict, hehe, it's boring."

He threw away the villain, took out a mobile phone from his pocket, leaned half of his body to show off, and put it in front of the face of the person next to him:

"Look, this is a new toy that I'm going to grab soon. Your toy must be more fun than mine."

What was opened on the phone was Ding Yi's live broadcast room. In the split screen of the live broadcast, Wei Xun was wearing a dark green cloak. The dark green color matches his white hair and skin color very well. Audiences who don't know the previous information may mistakenly think that he is a tour guide.

Wei Xun carelessly combed the White Wolf King's hair, and then 'accidentally' pulled off a handful of wolf hair. The white wolf king was so hurt that he bit Wei Xun's hand, but it wasn't really a bite. He just held his hand in his mouth as a punishment, and then used his hot body to forcefully press Wei Xun's arm, preventing Wei Xun from letting go of his hand. The hand moved again.

Wei Xun smiled at it, then changed his hand and continued to pluck the wolf's fur.

The White Wolf King had so many wolf hairs that Wei Xun would not lose even a handful of them. If it weren't for the fear of being too conspicuous, Wei Xun would have planned to shave it from head to tail with a razor.

The Snow Leopard is gone, but the White Wolf King is still there. The same intimacy and trust, the same hair that can exorcise evil spirits, and most importantly, the same taste, blood full of yang energy.

If Wei Xun only thought that it was an important holy beast that sealed the great devil, he probably wouldn't think much about it. He would only think that they might be the three holy beasts in one body, and they could also transform into the White Antelope King or something like that.

But the problem is that he knows that this snow leopard is raised by An Xuefeng.

Wei Xun was too lazy to think about whether the White Wolf King had seen him eating monsters during the assessment mission. It was obscured by thick fog and the audience could not see it, but it was impossible for the White Wolf King not to notice it if he had intended it. Anyway, even if the other party asked Wei Xun about it in the future, he would have a perfunctory excuse.

But he estimated that he might have white-haired animal PTSD in the future. When he saw that the animal had white hair, he suspected that it was An Xuefeng's pet.

A snow leopard can transform into a white wolf, who knows if it can transform into anything else?

At this moment, the wrong Lama suddenly appeared. He was stronger than the high priest and would come out two minutes earlier.

Wei Xun asked: "How is it?"

"The demon seed cannot be removed, otherwise the big devil will find out the clues."

Lama Cuocao said solemnly, but his expression was calmer than before: "Wrap the demon species with the dark black demonic fire and isolate it. Yang Jin can probably regain his sanity."

"Is it okay to let him out?"

"In the short term, there will be no problems."

Wei Xun nodded, and sure enough, when High Priest Yangjin came out two minutes later, he did not seal it into the stone brick again. The first thing the high priest did when he came out was to salute Wei Xun.

"High Priest, the situation is critical now. Let's keep the story short."

Wei Xun supported him and asked directly: "What's going on with this sacrifice? How did you get planted with a demon seed? How did they come here from all over the world?"

"This started half a month ago."

The high priest knew everything, and his face was still a little ugly. He was worried that he was bewitched and controlled by the devil and regarded him as a god. But Lama Cuocao persuaded him to calm down, so High Priest Yangjin did not immediately go out to fight the big devil.

"Half a month ago, we both started having the same dream every night."

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