Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 114 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (57)

[The last scene of exploring northern Tibet, the Devil’s Lake is full of colorful scenery! 】

[During the journey, you have discovered that the last descendant of the Eagle Flute has behaved improperly. He is related to the mysterious Xiangzhong remnants and the cruel killing ritual! 】

[Legend has it that he will preside over primitive and ignorant bloody sacrifices at the banks of Selincuo Lake to awaken the legendary devil. As travelers with a strong sense of justice, you have decided to sneak into the ritual activities, collect enough evidence and hand it over to the police. Please be careful about your own safety! 】

The hotel's warning sound sounded gloomy in the violent storm. When the warning ended, the ominous eagle flute sound became clearer and more like crying. The melodious and sharp flute sound was so harsh that it made people subconsciously irritated and sent chills down their backs. , which is even more magical with the sounds of thunder and rain.

Wei Xun could see a large and terrifying dark demonic energy reverberating in the sky, arousing the demonic atmosphere in the rain pillars all over the sky. It spread out from the forest to the lakeside, like thick and dark cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, more powerful than the fog demon. The general's demonic energy was a thousand times more powerful, and even Wei Xun, even just looking at it, felt his scalp numb, all the hair on his back standing up, and he was trembling.

And there was a line of slightly lighter colored demonic energy, which swept behind Wei Xun and Cuocai Lama along with the sound of the eagle whistle, pulling towards the rich dark demonic energy on the lake and sky in the distance.

"The devil's lake is upside down."

Lama Cuocao stared at the demonic energy on the lake with extreme solemnity and kept reciting the Eight-Character Scripture of Bon Religion. The solemn Dharma light on his body grew stronger and stronger, and the disturbing eagle whistle sound became incoherent and distorted.


Wei Xun held the hand of Lama Cuocao. The moment he heard the sound of the eagle whistle, he returned to his human form and quickly put on his clothes. Glancing at the White Wolf King who was looking up at him, Wei Xun then looked at the several black figures running towards the direction of the eagle whistle. He shook his head at the lama and took out the diamond-turned lama's body.

Lama Cuocai glanced at Wei Xun, and their eyes met. The lama hesitated for a moment, then pressed Wei Xun's button, and his soul entered his body. Only this body can carry the lama's soul full of magic power.

Oddly enough, the human soul counts as a non-living body, but the living but soulless body counts as a living body. Hotels have their own standards for judgment. Fortunately, this diamond-shaped body is not any kind of mummified crystal corpse, and is considered in the category of inanimate.

With quick eyes and hands, Wei Xun quickly put away the Guxin skin thangka, the demon pestle and the lama's body. He put on Ding Yi's dark green cloak and a hood to hide his expression. The bloody ladybugs and other demonic insects had already quietly dug in. , hidden under Wei Xun's cloak.

In just five or six seconds, the sound of running on water came from behind, accompanied by vigilant and hostile Tibetan words. There were at least five or six people listening to this sound.

"Who are you?!"


The White Wolf King roared in a low voice, so ferocious that it scared the other party's voice into silence. Wei Xun keenly heard the click of the safety bolt. These people had guns in their hands!


Wei Xun made his voice hoarse and low, and turned around suddenly, the golden-winged roc emblem on his chest shining with golden light. The dark green hood covered his face, only revealing his pale chin. At this moment, Wei Xun raised his chin slightly, showing a sense of arrogance.

"Called by the bloodline of the great Xiangxiong, I am here to participate in the sacrifice."

"Come to participate in the sacrifice?"

There were five or six Tibetans wearing traditional Tibetan robes. They were all tall and heroic, and they all had weapons in their hands. The leader had a gun in his hand. It's not a local gun, it's a modern firearm, and it can't be obtained by serious means.

They are not remnants hiding like savages in the mountains and plateaus. They have connections with outsiders, and some people even secretly transport firearms to them.

Wei Xun got countless information at a glance. After seeing the golden-winged roc emblem on Wei Xun's chest, the other party's expression softened a lot, but he still stared at the White Wolf King with a gun in his hand and said warily: "It What is it? What was the Dharma light on your side just now?"

Instead of respecting the legendary deified White Wolf King, he felt hostility.

"what is it?"

Wei Xun sneered and said in a condescending tone:

"Don't you need to bring sacrifices to participate in the sacrifice?"

He stared down at the White Wolf King. The White Wolf King, who was in a wary confrontation with the Tibetans, turned his head sharply. Even in the darkness, his wolf eyes were still ice blue and pure. He and Wei Xun looked at each other, and the White Wolf King took a step forward resolutely. Its wolf ears were upright, and the thick white hair on its neck was fluffed back. The White Wolf King wrinkled its lips to reveal sharp fangs, and raised its tail flat, showing a dangerous look. Attack state.

After being a wolf for the entire mission, Wei Xun roughly understood what the White Wolf King meant. Obviously there seems to be a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, but the White Wolf King never retreats. It is the leader of the team who is the first to break up the enemy array and bite the leader to death. Wei Xun follows closely behind and charges with it, and the enemy is about to be killed. Drop it, this is the instinct of the White Wolf King!

Kill? No need to.

Wei Xun secretly possessed the fox cub, which consumed a large amount of accumulated yang energy to improve his strength. Then he squatted down when the White Wolf King was unprepared, grabbed the White Wolf King's two hind legs with his right hand, and grabbed its two front legs with his left hand. Using all his strength, he actually beat the White Wolf King like a pig. Pick it up!

White Wolf King:? ?

The White Wolf King struggled instinctively at first, but Wei Xun was already prepared. The golden mosquito mouthpart caught between his fingers directly sucked it out, and the yang energy he had just consumed was immediately replenished in large quantities. On the surface, he recited a few nonsense words, and the White Wolf King who was originally struggling gradually calmed down.

It's too heavy. Why is a wolf so heavy?

Wei Xun complained in his heart, but on the surface he stood straight and pretended to be relaxed. He looked at the Tibetans and saw them taking a dozen steps back, their faces full of shock and nervousness. Wei Xun looked at them and took a few steps back, as if he was afraid that he would throw the White Wolf King over.

"This is the sacrifice I brought."

Wei Xun said gruffly and dissatisfied, and took two steps forward: "Take me there quickly, don't waste time!"

Since the hotel’s tourist attraction reminder says ‘sneaking into the sacrifice’, either the sacrifice process is not strict, or these people do not all know each other, but come from different places in the Tibetan area for the sacrifice.

Wei Xun has the coat of arms of the golden-winged roc and the blessing of the Xiangxiong Kingdom, so of course he will try the latter. Of course, he could also kill the few Tibetans in front of him and use their clothes to sneak in, but looking at their clothes, at most the one holding the gun has some status and wears an iron badge. Obviously, their status is only enough Peripheral patrols should be difficult to reach the core of the sacrifice.

Wei Xun doesn't like it.

Opportunities are found in danger.

He succeeded. The Tibetans put away their weapons, apologized to him respectfully, separated two people to support him, and walked towards the direction where the eagle whistle came from. Among them was the Tibetan who originally held the gun. His name was Zhawang.

Seeing the White Wolf King being held up by Wei Xun on his shoulders, his ferocious energy was completely gone. After taking a closer look at the pure gold golden-winged roc bird emblem on Wei Xun's chest, as well as the gold chain he "inadvertently" revealed from the third floor of the Buddhist Scripture Cave, the Tibetans became more respectful and tested Wei Xun. Tell everything you know.

It turns out that these Xiangzhung survivors did come from all over Tibetan areas, and some even infiltrated from outside the country. But only figures like priests would bring sacrifices, and the preciousness of the sacrifices would determine his position in the sacrifices.

The White Wolf King is definitely qualified as a sacrifice, even beyond the qualifications. Even if it is currently being held on Wei Xun's shoulders, the Tibetan people do not dare to face it face to face. Wei Xun felt the tip of his cold and wet nose touch his cheek. The White Wolf King became less aggressive and more lazy. Its body was heavy and hot, and the heat could even reach Wei Xun's shoulders and neck through the cloak.

Wei Xun felt like he was carrying a heavy giant heater, and he was even sweating a little in the freezing rainstorm.

Wei Xun remained calm in response to the White Wolf King's intimacy. The White Wolf King could not understand Wei Xun's words and had no consciousness of being a 'sacrifice'. Wei Xun held Ming Ming on his shoulders and even wanted to stretch his body. Lazy back——

The white wolf king has well-developed muscles on its waist and back. Even if it has been sucked in a lot of yang energy, it is still strong and powerful. It is larger than the largest British Columbia wolf in the world, with a body length of more than two meters. Therefore, when it moves its limbs, Wei Xun will He squeezed its calf harder as a warning, telling the White Wolf King to be more honest.

In fact, Wei Xun couldn't completely hold the White Wolf King's legs. His hands were not small, but the White Wolf King's calves were not thin either, not to mention that he was holding two front legs and two hind legs with one hand. Although it is an exaggeration to say that it is heavier than a pig, the White Wolf King weighs at least more than 70 kilograms. With the thick fur soaked by rain, it is even heavier. The fox fairy is not a creature with superior strength. Wei Xunquan It is supported by the power transformed from a large amount of yang energy.

When the yang energy was not enough, he directly extracted it from the White Wolf King. Wei Xun no longer had any scruples, unlike when he was careful with the snow leopard, for fear of destroying it. He heard the White Wolf King let out a long yawn, licked Wei Xun's hand, and then turned back to lick Wei Xun's cheek.

Wei Xun tilted his head, his hood blocking the way between him and the White Wolf King.

He still used that arrogant and low voice: "Are all the priests here?"

"Yes, all twelve priests are here."

Zawang said respectfully, and suddenly he frowned.

Wei Xun still carried the White Wolf King forward, secretly preparing to take action. The Tibetan must have thought clearly. Twelve priests have arrived, how could he come out again? There must be something fishy——

Zhawang tensed up and said something hurriedly to another person in Tibetan. When Wei Xun heard this, he was surprised and stopped thinking about taking action. Sure enough, the man nodded and left in a hurry. Zhawang turned around and still respected him, but he was a little more anxious.

"Dear priest, there must be evil people in the sacrifice who want to destroy the sacrifice. We must tell the eldest prince as soon as possible!"

[The blessing of the Shang Shung Kingdom: You will get more luck in matters related to the Shang Shung ruins and Shang Shung survivors]

Zha Wang actually did not suspect Wei Xun, but suspected someone else. Prince, it seems that this sacrifice was made by the descendants of the Eagle Flute? He wants to use the power of demons to cleanse his blood? In the name of the prince...does he still want to restore the Sang Shung Kingdom?

It has been more than a thousand years since the Shang Shung Kingdom was destroyed. How could there be so many Shang Shung remnants and Bon priests who were loyal to the 'big prince' and come here to participate in the ceremony? Looking at this ominous black stone altar, I am afraid that everything is caused by the great demon Chabalaren.

"you're right."

Wei Xun nodded and quickened his pace: "There must be no mistakes in the sacrifice. Let's go quickly."

They rushed along the way and encountered several checkpoints. There were more Tibetans with guns, and they were heavily guarded. Wei Xun saw them seriously searching and inspecting Zhawang several times, but no one dared to approach Wei Xun. Everyone was extremely respectful. When one or two Tibetans saw the White Wolf King on his shoulders, they knelt down and kowtowed with a look of horror on their faces. However, they were roughly dragged away by Tibetans holding guns, covering their mouths.

No longer revere the sacred beast of the snow mountain?

Wei Xun saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart. He was led all the way forward, but not in a straight line, but with various twists and turns. Wei Xun sensed strong or weak demonic energy. It was obvious that they were walking in the opposite direction to Selincuo at first, but now they were walking towards the lake. The rainstorm was getting heavier and heavier, but no one held an umbrella to take shelter from the rain. Some people even deliberately raised their faces and opened their mouths to catch the rain falling from the sky.

After walking for a while, they finally reached their destination.

This is a seven-story platform made of huge black stones. The diameter of the bottom floor is nearly a hundred meters, and each floor is about one and a half meters high. It becomes narrower and more pointed as it goes up, like a strange pyramid. Although there is no cement, loess or other materials to fill it, the altar is very stable.

The strange thing is that when you look at it ten steps away, you still see a flat wasteland beside the lake. Only when you get closer can you see the altar. And when we walked near the altar, the rainstorm became much lighter.

The altar had not yet been completely set up. Someone was driving a line of yaks carrying black stones. When Wei Xun and others came, they all saluted. Wei Xun remembered the direction from which the eagle whistle sounded, and the person who led him was changed from Zawang to one wearing a silver badge, and led Wei Xun to a large one-story building made of earth and stone behind the altar to rest. .

"Where to put the sacrifices?"

Seeing that he always looked at the White Wolf King, Wei Xun took the initiative. He raised his eyes and saw an animal pen built with black stones next to the building. There were smells of various beasts inside, and even heavy rain could not wash away the strong smell of blood.

"Put it there?"


The other party hesitated, so Wei Xun simply ignored him and walked directly to the animal enclosure. The leader tried to stop him, but was given a threatening look by the White Wolf King. He was so frightened that his legs went weak and he sat down in the mud. He was too weak to stand up.

Wei Xun walked to the animal pen and looked inside. He saw two white yaks, a dozen blue sheep, a small group of wolves, a few eagle-like raptors with their wings tied, and dozens more. A person whose hands and feet are trapped. The strange thing is that the beasts in the animal pen do not attack each other, but lie down separately as if they have been drugged.

When Wei Xun approached, except for the small group of wolves, the other beasts retreated in panic, not even daring to neigh. Their movement made the crowd even more numb and weak. Wei Xun looked towards the crowd and saw three acquaintances: Qin Xinrong, Ji Hongcai and Fei Lezhi.

They were different from the dull people, they were all cautious about their surroundings. When Wei Xun arrived at the animal enclosure, they looked up inadvertently, and then lowered their heads pretending to be numb.

Qin Xinrong and Ji Hongcai concealed their expressions very well, but Wei Xun noticed a hint of anger in Fei Lezhi's eyes.

anger? to him? No, it was because of his dark green cloak - Feile thought he was Ding Yi?

It seemed that the three of them were imprisoned in the animal pen and had something to do with Ding Yi.

Wei Xun saw it and left the animal enclosure. He sneered arrogantly at the Tibetans who were leading the way after rolling in mud and finally caught up to him: "Are these considered sacrifices? If I put the white wolf in, I'm afraid of them. Scared to death."

"Yes, you are right."

The Tibetan people couldn't help but nod their heads and asked tentatively: "Either, you -"

"I want to see which priest is here."

The majestic and low Tibetan language sounded. Wei Xun looked back and saw more than ten people wearing sacrificial robes walking out of the building. When Wei Xun said, "These are also considered sacrifices," the leader's expression changed. No change, but the other priests all showed more or less angry expressions.

But when they saw the White Wolf King carried on Wei Xun's shoulders, their anger turned into shock and disbelief. It looked really funny.

"Which priest is coming? Of course it's me."

Wei Xun said confidently and glanced at the bunch of priests... eleven, one missing. While thinking about it, Wei Xun saw five Tibetans pushing out a man in a dark green cloak. One of the Tibetans was the one who was with Zhawang at the time.

"High Priest, he has no struggle at all, like a soul——"

The Tibetans reported to the leading priest. After hearing this, the high priest sullenly went to check on the man they were dragging. This dark green cloak made Wei Xun recognize him as Ding Yi at a glance.

A tour guide can have multiple tour guide cloaks. Before Wei Xun went out on an assessment mission, he realized that Ding Yi had rebelled and directly destroyed his mind. Now his body and soul are still there, but he has become a living dead. If He was manipulated by the high priest like a vegetative person, looking like he had lost his soul.

"He is not a real priest, he is a villain who sneaked into our midst and tried to disrupt the sacrifice."

The high priest said solemnly: "The omniscient God discovered his infidelity, took away his soul and threw it into the nine blood pools. We will peel off his skin and pour his blood on the altar to show our dignity. , together with the three sacrifices he offered——"

After hearing this, Wei Xun understood that Ding Yi offered Ji Hongcai and the others as sacrifices and became priests in the same way as him. Ji Hongcai and the others each have their own unique features (titles), so naturally the three of them can compare to two precious big white yaks.

After knowing this, Wei Xun was no longer silent and said, "Wait a minute."

The interrupted high priest remained calm and calm, not angry, and finally ordered: "Drag him down." Then he looked up at Wei Xun and nodded to him: "Please stand next to me."

The twelve priests also have rankings, with their status getting lower and lower from front to back. The high priest asked Wei Xun to stand beside him, which was a confirmation of Wei Xun's sacrifice and made him directly become the second person.

But Wei Xun ignored him and scolded the Tibetans who were about to drag Ding Yi down in a bad tone: "I said wait, are you going to disobey my order?!"

The Tibetans did not dare to move. When the high priest saw this, he solemnly said: "He is a villain, a sinner, and -"

"What a villain and sinner, bah!"

Wei Xun said rudely: "He is a priest from the same area as me. Are you blind? Can't you see that our cloaks are the same!"

The high priest looked at the dark green cloak on Wei Xun's body - and so did everyone else's attention. Just now, all the attention was taken away by the White Wolf King carried by Wei Xun. Now, at a glance, the cloak on his body actually looked like the priest who was beaten as a villain. same!

"Where are you from?"

The high priest immediately became vigilant, but Wei Xun's questioning voice was louder than him: "You are the high priest, a messenger sent by God to act on behalf of the human world. Why don't you know where we come from?!"

Me, am I a messenger sent by God to act on behalf of the human world?

The high priest was stunned. After he reacted, he immediately defended himself seriously: "No, I am not a messenger of God. I am just a loyal servant who presides over sacrifices for the gods -"

Serious Bon priests do not regard themselves as 'servants of God'. Bon religion has no gods, only Buddhas. It seems that these people are also controlled by demons. The god they are talking about may be the 'Demon God'

"How can a servant preside over sacrifices? Only the priest Gu Xin can stand side by side with the prince to sacrifice to the gods!"

Flowers blossomed on Wei Xun's bar. He had walked to Ding Yi and quietly controlled his soul. Ding Yi's soul was still under his control, and with Wei Xun controlling him, he suddenly felt like a recharged machine.

When the high priest's face turned dark and he was about to speak, Ding Yi suddenly woke up!

"Let go, let me go!"

He grunted, broke free from the Tibetan's grip, ran to Wei Xun, and said hoarsely and excitedly: "You're finally here, you're finally here... I discovered the villain's flaw. He wants to frame me and kill me." If it weren't for you... please save me!"

"Of course I will uphold justice for you, and the sacrifice must not be wrong!"

Wei Xun stood in front of Ding Yi with his righteous words and looked directly at the high priest: "Villain, what else do you have to defend?!"

Just now you praised me as a messenger of God, why did I become a villain so quickly?

The situation became too fast. Not only was the high priest stunned by his combination of punches, but other Bon priests and even the Tibetans next to him were dumbfounded. They were all stunned by Wei Xun's combo of punches.

How could the high priest be a villain? He was so pious, could recite all the scriptures, and heard the voice of God. It should be the new guy who was lying.

But the Bon priests looked at Wei Xun and felt that he had a special charm. No matter how righteous, this was the real priest and it was impossible to lie.

[The blessing of Yongzhong Bon Religion: You will get more luck in matters related to Yongzhong Bon Religion and Bon priests! 】

Yes, the high priest just said that the man was demented and had his soul taken away by God, but as soon as the priest came, the man woke up?

Could it be that the high priest was really lying? Is the high priest the villain, the one who wants to disrupt the sacrifice?

"I'm not a villain."

The high priest felt subtle changes in the surrounding atmosphere, and something was wrong with the looks from others. According to his character, he should directly fight with those who dare to slander him and use that person's blood to wash away his injustice.

But somehow, the high priest felt that this man was so upright and resolute and a devout believer in God. He did not want to be misunderstood by the other party, so he held back his anger and tried to defend himself:

"I can chant..."

He can recite all the scriptures of the Bon Religion. This is what he was born with. This is a gift from heaven. He is the high priest of the Bon Religion. How can he be a villain!

But he still wasn't finished.

"You are not allowed to speak. Villains are the best at using words to confuse people and control others. This is how you control him!"

Wei Xun said in an evil voice, while Ding beside him couldn't help but nodded. It proves that he is right. Seeing that the high priest's face was dark with anger, his hands were shaking, and he was about to take action directly, Wei Xun's expression softened, and he actually took a step back and handed the steps:

"I think you have a good temperament, so you shouldn't be a villain. But the sacrifice is coming, so I have to think more."

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the expressions of the high priest and other priests softened.

"I have a way to determine whether a person is a believer and servant of God."

Wei Xun said solemnly, he secretly used more Yang Qi, carried the White Wolf King with one hand, and held out a crystal lamp with his free right hand, and the three-color magic fire danced in the lamp. Before the other priests could react, Ding knelt on the ground, trembling all over:

"Sacred fire, you actually brought the divine fire!"

Hearing what he said, the eyes of the other priests were wrong, and the high priest stared at the flames in deep thought.

"Yes, this is the divine fire."

Wei Xun spoke boldly and looked directly at the high priest: "The gods are thick fog, strong wind, and heavy rain. The left hand is the three-color divine fire."

Since this demonic fire belongs to the Great Demon Chabalen, it is now a divine fire!

How could Wei Xun ask the high priest to recite scriptures? That was something the high priest was good at. The easiest way to defeat your opponent is to pull your opponent into the area you control.

For example, the magic fire is completely controlled by Wei Xun.

Wei Xun has a better understanding of the journey. Everything he obtained in the previous attractions has a specific use in the end. The more he gets, the more options he ends up with.

When the high priest identified Ding Yi as a villain and wanted to kill him and the sacrifices he brought (Fei Lezhi and others) for blood sacrifice, Wei Xun was bound to save Ding Yi. To protect Ding Yi is to go against the high priest.

Wei Xun's sword took an eccentric approach and went straight to the extreme. All he had done before was to get rid of the high priest - he wanted to become the high priest himself without exposing the demonic insects or using demonic energy, and he also had to get the support of other priests. support!

He is practicing in advance. If he joins the return journey as a passenger and goes on a more advanced journey with the strong man, the strong man's perception will be much more sensitive than his teammates this time. At that time, Wei Xun will not use magic insects and magic energy unless absolutely necessary.

Wei Xun is so proud that even without them, he can pass the level perfectly.

"Yes, this is my god's three-color divine fire."

The high priest nodded solemnly and responded.

"Sacred fire will not harm devout believers of God."

Wei Xun smiled and summoned the three-color magic fire from the lamp. The blazing flames cannot be extinguished by rain, they are burning out of thin air.

"If you are burned by the divine fire without feeling pain or death, then I will believe you."

The high priest looked at him deeply and said solemnly: "Okay."

He has a clear conscience and firmly believes that he is a devout believer in God and will not be burned to death by divine fire.

"Well, those who have such courage are the believers of God."

Wei Xun praised, letting the three-color demonic fire burn onto the high priest.


As soon as the demonic fire burned the high priest, Wei Xun felt something strange. There is no demonic energy on the surface of the high priest's body, but there is a bit of strange demonic energy in his heart, which has the same origin as the demonic fire.

It is the demon seed of the great demon Chabalaren, which is different from the demonic crystal of the Mist Demon General. This demonic seed was deeply planted in the heart of the high priest, distorting his cognition. He regarded the original demonic items as divine objects, and his belief was deeply ingrained. From the moment the high priest recognized the three-color magic fire, Wei Xun knew that his past knowledge and memory was still there.

Wei Xun originally wanted to burn the high priest directly to death with magic fire, but found that his body was extremely hard, almost comparable to the "glass crystal" of the wrong lama, and it was very difficult to burn him to death. What's more, it's just the demonic energy in his heart. If the high priest is burned to death by the demonic fire, this matter will be exposed to the great demon Chabalen.

Chabalen knew that Demon Huo was imprisoned in Xiaolin Temple. If he found out that the wrong lama would be exposed, it would be terrible.

And knowing that the high priest was not evil and was as powerful as the wrong lama, Wei Xun felt that killing him was a waste.

Wei Xun's mind changed and he had a new idea. He controlled the magic fire to burn more violently. In fact, the temperature of the inner flame was very low and would not burn people's skin.

"I really didn't get burned!"

"It's really not hurt!"

When the three-color magic fire was withdrawn by Wei Xun, revealing the high priest who was unharmed in the flames, the other priests were shocked. Even though they believed that they were also pious, they did not have the confidence to step into the divine fire and believed that they would not be burned to death. .

But the high priest did it!

The Tibetans knelt down and kowtowed desperately. This was simply a miracle! At this moment, everyone was convinced by the high priest. Even if he only brought two white yaks, which were not as good as Wei Xun's White Wolf King, he was the well-deserved officiant!

The high priest slowly opened his eyes. Being stared at by so many reverent eyes, the high priest only looked at Wei Xun. Even though he firmly believed that his piety would prevent him from being burned by the divine fire, he still felt as if he was recognized by God after he passed the test. , the corners of his lips couldn't help but smile.

Presumably Wei Xun will no longer doubt him.

The high priest thought to himself, smiled calmly and said: "I..."

"You are indeed a villain!"

Wei Xun showed disgust and hostility on his face and sternly accused him. The high priest's smile froze on his face, and the other priests were also shocked. The Tibetans kowtowed a few more times, and then they felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.


The high priest could not suppress his anger. He felt that Wei Xun was too unreasonable. He could enter the divine fire without getting hurt. How could he be a villain? !

"The power of the gods is so great, how can you not be burned when you come into contact with the divine fire?!"

Wei Xun directly threw the White Wolf King towards the high priest, scolded him harshly and at the same time summoned the magic fire. When the high priest was dealing with the White Wolf King in a panic, Wei Xun let the three-color magic fire burn towards the other priests.

The priests subconsciously went to help when they saw the high priest being attacked. When they saw the three-color demon fire coming, some of them instinctively dodge, and some of them ran into it without any fear - they firmly believed that their piety was no weaker than that of the high priest, and they would never Suffering burns.

But the fact is——


Screams of pain were heard one after another, and all the priests were in severe pain from being burned by the demonic fire. Wei Xun had the right control not to burn them to death, and focused most of his attention on the high priest. His strength is not much weaker than that of the Cuocha Lama, and his body has been refined to the Great Perfection. When the White Wolf King bites it, no blood comes out. Even if it is a little weak due to blood-sucking, it is enough to prove how hard the high priest's body is.

Wei Xun did not use the crystal narrow knife, but fought the high priest with his bare hands. He has a free system of body skills and offensive skills, coupled with the strong and light movement of the fox cub, and this is the first time that he fights side by side with the White Wolf King in human form, but one person and one wolf cooperate with each other tacitly, and he is actually suppressing the high priest in the fight.

Their attack was as violent as the wind and rain, and the high priest was confused. When he heard the screams of other priests, his will was shaken.

"The villain is indeed cunning. If I hadn't deceived you, I'm afraid you wouldn't have exposed your flaws!"

No, no, that's not the case. He didn't make any resistance, the divine fire just didn't burn him.

Then why were the other priests injured and in severe pain? !

He is not a villain. Are the other eleven priests all villains trying to destroy the sacrifice? !

Or is it this new priest who deliberately controls the divine fire and causes unrest? Is he the real villain?

But how can the villain possess the divine fire, how can he control the divine fire? !

The high priest was completely confused. He instinctively fought back, but the shaking of his heart and faith made his offensive full of mistakes. He was bitten on the left arm by the White Wolf King without paying attention. Wei Xun rushed up and stabbed the high priest in the back. The threat of death made the high priest dodge sideways regardless of his dislocated arm, but Wei Xun's claws still pierced his chest. There was a sharp pain in his chest, but the high priest's brain was clear for a moment.

No! This priest is wrong. How can he cooperate with the evil white wolf so skillfully? He is the villain!

No, no, he has the divine fire, he is the messenger trusted by God...

No, divine fire, God, three colors, three-color magic flames, how can God be a demon, is it God or a demon——


The high priest screamed in pain, shrill and terrifying, his heart was torn in pain. At this moment, Wei Xun had turned to face him, and saw a thick black demonic energy flowing out of the blood hole he had poked in the high priest's heart, trying to get into the high priest's brain. Wei Xun immediately knocked his head on the high priest's chest and quickly took a bite of the demonic energy.

The high priest, whose blood vessels were originally black and tight, as if he was about to explode, stiffened all over, and the dark color of his blood vessels actually faded, and his scarlet eyes became clearer. Seeing that his resistance was weakened, Wei Xun directly locked him up in the burning Xiaolin Temple stone bricks, and sent the wrong lama in at the same time.

The stone bricks did not limit the number of people to be imprisoned, but it would take one time to imprison one person. Wei Xun also sent the three-color demonic fire in. With the demonic fire in the stone bricks, the imprisonment time would be longer. This was Wei Xun's experience in imprisoning the fog demon.

[Imprisonment time: five minutes]

Only five minutes? Wei Xun was shocked. This high priest was really powerful. You should know that the imprisonment time of the stone brick is based on Wei Xun's rank, the maximum is 24 hours, and the minimum is one second.

The high priest can only be imprisoned for five minutes, and the perfected Lama Cuocha is stronger than him and can only be imprisoned for three minutes. And such a powerful Lama Cuocha can only reinforce the seal. Only by dying together can the great demon Chabalaren be hurt, and there is no guarantee of killing it.

The great demon Chabalaren is extremely strong. Wei Xun just ate the demonic energy as thin as beef shreds, and he felt unprecedented fullness, which he had never felt before when he ate various demons, even when he ate demon phantoms.

Just this trace of demonic energy made the fog demons that had been making trouble no longer dare to pollute, and they completely stopped. It was the rank. The rank of the great demon Chabalaren was very high, the highest that Wei Xun had ever eaten. He even had "indigestion". A large amount of pure demonic energy was too late to digest, and it rushed around in his body. The body's self-protection mechanism allowed these demonic energies to be preserved in another form--

Wei Xun's face changed slightly, and he felt that he had grown a tail.

It was when the tour guide was alienated, the demon's tail, the sharp and flexible black long tail, the peach heart tail tip, was completely blocked by the dark green cloak, and wrapped around Wei Xun's waist twice.

Even so, the demonic energy had not been completely digested.

Feeling that the evil spirit was about to emerge from other parts of his body, Wei Xun no longer hesitated. He immediately hugged the White Wolf King, who had come to his legs and sniffed cautiously, and even wanted to put his wolf head into his cloak to explore. While the White Wolf King hesitated and did not refuse, Wei Xun buried his head in its chest and ate a mouthful of the White Wolf King's hair.

The wolf hair was like a stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablet. The majestic evil spirit melted away, dissolving part of it, and the rest became more docile. Without the accumulated evil spirit, Wei Xun's tail disappeared immediately.

The white wolf hair and snow leopard hair have the same effect.

Without allowing the White Wolf King to struggle, Wei Xun coldly stabbed it directly, grabbed its front and back legs and carried it on his shoulders, turned to the other priests, and said coldly:

"The blasphemer has been executed by me, who agrees and who opposes."

The other priests were speechless. How dare they object? If there were any objections, wouldn't it mean that they who were burned were the evildoers?

Moreover, Wei Xun was full of murderous aura, and the coldness in his eyes made it impossible for people to raise any intention of resistance.

"Okay, since no one objects, I will be the high priest from now on."

Wei Xun said coldly: "I heard the voice of God, I want to see the eldest prince."

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