Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 113 Exploring the Mysteries of Northern Tibet (56)

When the prompt to kill the Fog Demon General sounded, Wei Xun's body was filled with turmoil. The surging demonic energy rapidly increased in value like a virus in his body, running rampant, and the demonic energy was somewhat out of control.

He could hear another small angry voice, like the legendary split personality, but that voice was actually the Mist Demon General.

This is the first time Wei Xun has used pollution to kill monsters. It is different from the feeling when he swallowed the demon phantom and ate those monsters. The demonic energy obtained by being polluted is more violent and crazy, constantly trying to bite Wei back. A large number of broken and chaotic memories flooded into Wei Xun's mind. They had bad intentions and even wanted to fight to destroy Wei Xun's consciousness.

The Fog Demon General who was polluted by Wei Xun's demonic energy to the core of his origin is not dead yet. He is still struggling, but the direction of his struggle is to counter-corrode Wei Xun. The moment he was contaminated by Wei Xun, he was already judged as 'dead' by the hotel.

The 'Fog Demon General' is dead. Even if he succeeds in counter-eroding and polluting Wei Xun, he is no longer the Fog Demon General, but a new type of monster born by mixing two kinds of demonic energy.

The cruel fight between demonic energies, contaminating and devouring each other, should have been extremely painful. The demonic energy inside the body was fighting, and the body was deformed outside the body. However, the bones were broken, flesh and blood grew abnormally, and Wei Xun could not feel the intense pain of the body deformation.

He sticks to his will and is not polluted or distorted by the Fog Demon General, and at the same time, he still has the energy to think.

【Adventure successful! The fog demon is about to get smarter. He realized that it was too stupid for him to attack the east and west, use the thick fog as bait, and escape in the opposite direction with his core demonic energy! 】

Wei Xun first read the adventure tips, and after reading them, he was dumbfounded. No wonder the Fog Demon General paused for a moment after being taken in by the adventure. At that time, Wei Xun used the blood ladybugs and the demonic energy of the Xiangxiong warriors to give the Fog Demon General the illusion that he was besieged by two big demons, so he left a large amount of thick The fog confuses the 'enemy', and his core demonic energy quietly escapes.

Wei Xun's risk-taking turned out to be a wise one. Fortunately, Wei Xun had many methods. He could seize the moment when the Fog Demon stopped and use various magic weapons to force it to move, and then sealed it into stone bricks to stimulate pollution. Otherwise, the clever Fog Demon would probably be more difficult to deal with.

But now the original demonic energy of the Fog Demon General does not fight against Wei Xun, and his docility allows him to pollute without reducing much power. This makes the current Fog Demon General's anti-pollution erosion more difficult.

This must be the only way a 'smart' fog demon general can turn the corner.

If he resisted violently and the demonic energy and Wei Xun spent a few times, the backlash from the contamination would be much weaker.

If the core is contaminated, is it a sure blow to the monster?

Wei Xun is thinking about this problem. He relies on his high rank now. Even if Wei Xun is weaker than the Fog Demon General on the surface, as long as he seizes the opportunity to pollute the origin of the Fog Demon General, he can only be killed by Wei Xun with hatred. Die' before trying to counter-pollute Wei Xun.

But there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. If you encounter a higher level monster than him, or even a monster of the same level, once Wei Xun's core is contaminated, I am afraid he will end up like the Fog Demon General now.

Can one fight back after being polluted? How should he fight back? Even if the worst situation comes, if he cannot save his own body, how should he take away the enemy's body? Wei Xun thought of a lot in that moment.

The core must be protected.

When this journey is over, he must find where his original core lies.

It's better to swallow it if you can. After all, there are no side effects if the demonic energy bit off is eaten. Contamination can only be used after Wei Xun's research is more thorough.


The thunder-like sound in Wei Xun's mind is the fog demon trying to disturb Wei Xun's soul with the deafening sound. Wei Xun's spirit has become stronger with the experience of * * *, even if the fog demon has washed away thousands of years of memory Crush it, and stand up again and again like a strong bamboo in the wind, which makes the fog demon go crazy.

The clever Fog Demon General was indeed different. He did not continue to fight, but summoned those black and red thick fog-like demonic energies. It stands to reason that Wei Xun polluted the Fog Demon General, and these demonic energies should have rushed into his body, but If the demonic energy is really allowed to come in, Wei Xun's body will most likely change in the direction of the Fog Demon General, making it easier for the Fog Demon General to counter-pollute him.

Seeing the mist rushing towards him crazily, Wei Xun made a prompt decision and used his wild mind.

The cub hid in the snow, and the negative state in human form was no longer there. The raging demonic mist could not find a target to attack, and it began to instinctively wreak havoc like the ownerless demonic energy. The earth shook, and the terrifying whistling sound was like the roar of a wild beast. , the whole canyon was rumbling.

Even the demonic energy in Wei Xun's body that was constantly trying to erode his will was temporarily extinguished, but this was only temporary. Once he returned to a human body, I'm afraid the fog demon general's consciousness would come back.

Even if he pollutes the opponent's core, he cannot underestimate the enemy. Although he has turned into a white wolf in the mission, he is still human in nature, so the feral mind's "eliminating negative state" can work.

If he is alienated as a tour guide and exceeds the human category, then even a wild mind may not be able to take effect.

Wei Xun always summed up his experience. The soft snow could support the weight of the snow leopard cub, but the white wolf king's skull completely covered it underneath. Wei Xun was choked by the snow and sneezed several times. Just when he was about to put away the skull of the White Wolf King, he suddenly felt light.

He blinked and saw the White Wolf King. The huge white wolf raised his skull and looked at the leopard cub in the snow pit. His eyes were a little confused, as if he didn't understand where the little white wolf had gone. But the familiar scent of the leopard cub made the White Wolf King still pick it up.

They are all mother beasts holding cubs in their mouths. The White Wolf King was inexperienced, so his hold was neither light nor heavy. Fortunately, Wei Xun was not afraid of pain. He instinctively curled up his limbs and held his tail up in front of him. This crazy dense fog attacks indiscriminately, and the White Wolf King is the most powerful. Countless black and red long whips are staring at it to attack, but the White Wolf King holding the leopard cub cannot use his mouth or claws. But it is still sharp, and its combat effectiveness has not decreased at all.

Being held firmly by the White Wolf King, and looking at the raging demonic energy, Wei Xun no longer wasted time and directly drained the pot.

He drew out all the demonic energy he had poured into the bodies of the Zhang Shung warriors.

[Awakening (purifying) five hundred Xiangzhong warriors, completed! 】

[Kill all the demon troops and the fog demon general while all members of Xiang Hung’s army survive. Complete! 】

[The assessment task has been passed perfectly. You have completed five task objectives in total! 】

He completed the assessment task directly, and the illusion created by the task in front of him naturally collapsed!

Wei Xun saw the Xiangxiong warriors at the entrance of the canyon coming to life. They raised their swords and raised their bows to directly confront the demonic energy. The tall and strong generals headed by them took big strides to meet the White Wolf King and came to meet them.

He saw a pack of wolves covered in snow jumping up and running to the side of the Xiangxiong warriors to fight alongside them. There were also many wolves running towards them, howling in joy of victory, and the howling of the wolves stirred up heavy waves of snow.



The snow waves gradually dissipated, and the giant wolves running on the snow waves gradually turned into mist. The Xiangxiong warriors who fought bravely against the magic mist were entangled with the magic mist, and they also turned into nothingness. The fog in the entire canyon, the canyon The endless snow-capped mountains on both sides dissipated and dissolved like heavy fog under the sun.

The wolves and the Xiangxiong warriors are all dead long ago. They belong to the past, not the present.

There seemed to be one or two lonely wolf howls echoing in the empty land. With a soft click, the White Wolf King's skull fell to the ground. The huge skull had deep eye sockets, as if it contained a soul.

Wei Xun put the skull of the White Wolf King into the belly of the fox cub. Being a wolf this time gave him a profound experience, especially when he lifted the snow with the skull of the White Wolf King. Wei Xun felt that he would be with a wild wolf when he went back. , maybe he can turn into a wolf.

As for the white wolf king who was very kind to him during the entire mission and took care of him——

Wei Xun shook his body. The snow leopard cub kicked its legs and claws vigorously, but it couldn't touch the ground. He is still being held by the White Wolf King!

Why is the White Wolf King still there? !


The howling wind made the little snow leopard squint his eyes. Wei Xun looked towards where the sound came from and saw Lama Tongcha walking towards him hurriedly. The lama's soul was covered with scars from being blown by the strong wind, and a small part of the magic pestle was cut off by unknown reasons. But even though he was scarred, his eyes were firm. When he saw the two wild beasts, the lama was not even stunned, and his eyes fell directly on the little snow leopard. body.


Earth-shattering thunder swallowed up the words behind the lama, and terrifying lightning tore through the sky, but the lightning was dark red and exuded an ominous atmosphere. The strong wind that followed was filled with strong demonic energy, but this demonic energy was not attached to the wind, but to the wet water vapor in the air.

Wei Xun glanced around and found that the surroundings were no longer icebergs and snowy valleys, but they were not the same barren land as before. In front of us is a rough gray-green wasteland with only sparse vegetation and the occasional rugged black stone. In the distance is a hazy sky, and beyond that are rolling black mountains. A snow line can be seen on the top of the mountain in the far distance.

But between the wasteland and the dark mountains, there is a vast, gloomy lake.

Lama Cuocai walked quickly to them and looked solemnly at the large lake in the distance: "After the dense fog and strong wind, there is -"


Explosions of thunder and lightning came one after another, threatening to tear the sky apart. Dense hailstones fell from the sky, followed by strong winds and rain. The heavy rain was like a sky hanging upside down, and all directions were swallowed up by the heavy rain. This heavy rain was filled with evil energy, and when it fell to the ground, the soil and sand became dark and cold.

The human skin thangka worn by the lama glowed with a pure white light that could not be blasphemed, blocking the heavy rain full of evil energy. Wei Xun was not affected by the rain at all, and was completely blocked by the beast holding him in its mouth.

"The Rainstorm Demon will pile up beads. The daughter of the Demon King, if she doesn't fight, she must be doing something even more evil!"

The wrong lama spoke very quickly: "Heavy rain, Devil's Lake, something happened to the seal!"

[Hey, everyone has arrived at Selincuo, the Devil's Lake where the power is reflected, please ask the tour guide Ding Yi...]

The hotel's prompt sounded, but the person speaking at the end was no longer the brigade captain Wei Xun, but actually the tour guide Ding Yi! Tour guide Ding came up again and again. Apparently he saw the last scenic spot and wanted to cause trouble when Wei Xun passed the assessment task.

Wei Xun also killed Ding Yi without hesitation and turned him into his puppet. He could have been more meticulous, but right now Ding Yi was not the most important thing.


The eerie and eerie sound of the eagle whistle sounded from behind Wei Xun and Lama Cuocai!

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