Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 112 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (55)

So much snow from the sacred mountains was piled up together, and it was no longer the ordinary snowball that wrapped the demon corpse. It was so huge that when it rolled, the ground shook violently like an earthquake and rumbled.

At first, the giant snowball rolled very slowly, but when it really rolled up, it became a devastating force. All the snow waves and ravines were flattened by it. No monster could face this giant snowball and crush it with its infinitely powerful momentum. The giant snowball is getting bigger and bigger, and even the thick fog is blown away by the snowball!

"Ouch - Ouch -" Snowball is coming, get out of the way!

Wei Xun ran after the giant snowball, howling loudly to remind other wolves that the straight snow road rolled by the giant snowball was very easy to run on. Wei Xun ran as fast as flying, with the Snow Wolf King running next to him. , the wolf king is very stable and does not howl to alert the wolves.

Wei Xun glanced at the wolves that had not had time to escape, or were struggling with monsters and could not escape. He found that when the giant snowball ran over them, they turned into ice and snow and shattered. After the snowball rolled away, they turned into wolves again. After knowing the snow After no harm was done to the wolves, Wei Xun stopped howling and joined the White Wolf King in biting and killing the demon army that had been crushed into the snow path.

The snow summoned by the wolves has the property of adhering to demonic energy. Most of the monsters in the place where the giant snowball rolls are "sticked away", and the remaining ones are the strongest monsters. Even after being run over by a snowball, they are dizzy and stunned, making it easier to kill them.

The other wolves, who were frightened by the power of the giant snowball, saw this and began to attack the monster that was flattened to the ground by the snowball. But when the wolves began to hunt down the monster together, Wei Xun stopped killing him. He stepped on the snow-covered rocks and jumped up to the snow-capped mountain where he was ambushing at the beginning, looking down at the canyon.

The canyon submerged in the milky white fog clearly had a 'clean' runway, all the way to the end of the canyon.

The giant snowball rolled all the way and swallowed up too many monsters. The snowball continued to grow in size, and in the end it was even wider than the canyon, and it got stuck directly at the exit of the canyon. The entire canyon shook as if it was jumping. The snow outside the giant snowball fell in a circle, and it became much smaller.

There were no demon corpses in the fallen snow—they had all disappeared.

The survivability of monsters is extremely strong. Most of the monsters wrapped in giant snowballs did not actually die, but they were squeezed by hundreds of tons of snow and were completely unable to move. They were all killed by the blood ladybugs in the snowballs.

[Kill 500 Demonic Troops] Project has been completed!

The hotel prompt sounded in Wei Xun's ears, but Wei Xun didn't pay attention at all. The majestic white wolf raised his head, seemingly about to roar, but in fact Wei Xun burped.

All the demonic energy devoured by the blood ladybug when it kills the monsters is given to Wei Xun. It only eats the corpses and does not want the demonic energy.

Wei Xun felt like he was raising a pelican. He generously allowed Blood Ladybug to dispose of the corpses of the monsters - but in fact, these monsters had died in the past. It was more like the magic energy condensed under the blessing of powerful magic. A virtual shadow.

After the Blood Ladybug excitedly handed over the demonic energy to Wei Xun, it was shocked to find that all the corpses it had personally killed had disappeared!

‘Puff puff puff——’

A series of rapid popping sounds sounded, and Wei Xun agreed to Blood Ladybug's request - roll again.

This was what he had originally planned. Looking at the overall situation, Wei Xun could see the battlefield more clearly. Only a few monsters were swallowed up by the giant snowball at once. Those powerful monsters were only stunned for a moment and were not pulled into the snowball. An array of skeleton-like monsters stood in front of the snowball. More than a hundred monsters jumped on the giant snowball, constantly chipping away the snow with their magic energy.

The dense fog gathered again at an extremely fast speed, and in a blink of an eye, the canyon once again became a scene of mist billowing like a sea of ​​clouds.


Wei Xun gave an order, and the giant snowball that had been motionless started to roll again. The first ones to be crushed into the snowball were the monsters that jumped on it. Unlike the first round where it rolled down the slope, this time the giant snowball was "climbing", but the speed was still not slow.

As long as the blood ladybug changes direction, nearly a thousand demon snails under the tortoise shell in the giant snowball will be frightened by it and all squeeze to the other side. Their instinctive fear makes them crazy to stay away from the blood ladybug, and the giant snowball will fall again Scroll quickly.

On the snowy road, the wolves originally chasing Snowball dispersed to hunt the monsters, but soon they felt the familiar earthquake and rumbling sound of the earth.

Seeing giant snowballs crushing wolves towards me:?

Except for the white wolf king who jumped up the mountain wall in advance to avoid the giant snowball, the other wolves were crushed into snow cakes by the snowball. Wei Xun directly asked the blood ladybug to do ten rounds first. He also put Mantis No. 1 and No. 2 in, asking them to help roll away and swallow some of the demonic energy. At Xiao Cui's suggestion, Mantis No. 1 and No. 2 brought hundreds of insect eggs produced by Xiao Cui and bee eggs obtained from Bee Taoist with them when they scored.

Xiaocui currently has insufficient energy in her body to produce complete demonic insect eggs. However, if these low-quality demonic insect eggs can absorb sufficient demonic energy, they can spontaneously replenish their energy and turn into complete demonic insect eggs. Those Demon Bee eggs have lost some vitality after being transported by the mother and daughter bees, so they can be replenished accordingly.

No one knows that the pure white giant snowball has become the happy ball of the Wei Xun Demon Insect. Wei Xun no longer paid attention to the giant snowballs, but followed the few spots of strong demonic energy he observed on the snowy peaks to kill them.

The giant snowball sticks to the middle and low-level monsters, but the high-level and powerful monsters still have to be killed by him. Some high-level monsters are extremely powerful, almost to the point of demon phantoms. The devilish aura of such monsters is condensed so solidly that even if a giant snowball rolls over, it won't stick to it at all, but it is easily torn off by Wei Xun!

Wei Xun's attack method is different from that of a regular wolf. He does not bite the neck or kill with one blow. Instead, he is more flexible and cunning. He is as slippery as a loach. Every time, he rushes past with the snow waves and retreats after taking one bite. , at first he seemed to be at a disadvantage, being suppressed and beaten by the brutal monsters, but the situation would soon be reversed.

The monster was horrified to find that every bite of the demonic energy bitten by the little white wolf was solid, and the demonic energy bitten away by it would not return to him, it would all disappear!

But the little white wolf that had devoured so much demonic energy did not gradually weaken like other wolves and finally turned into a handful of white snow. Instead, it became more energetic as he fought!

The thick fog covered everything, Wei Xun was enjoying the killing, and the three-color magic flames flew with him.

The black magic flame hides in Wei Xun's shadow, assassinating the monsters that sneak up on him. The purple magic flame absorbs the magic energy and transforms into various monsters, which can lure or sneak into the enemy to attack.

And when Wei Xun bites a certain monster and escapes, the red magic flames will eject like fire bombs and burn on the monster, roasting it into Wei Xun's favorite flavor.

The one who killed as fast as Wei Xun, and even more cleanly, was the Snow Wolf King. It is extremely smart and specializes in killing monsters that are large and may affect the rolling of the snowball. The snow wolf's fur can withstand the attacks of demonic energy, and the snow wolf's minions can tear and purify the demonic energy. The most important thing is that the Snow Wolf King kills decisively, killing with one blow every time, unlike Wei Xun who kills and eats at the same time. He even went up to the next level.

After the giant snowball rolled ten times, the canyon that was originally crowded with more than ten thousand demon troops was cleared. Only a few powerful monsters and flying monsters were still resisting. The whole wolf that Wei Xun had eaten was round, and his belly was bulging. , but he did not lose his mind due to the fun of fighting and devouring. On the contrary, as the number of monsters decreased, Wei Xun became more vigilant.

He keenly felt that the fog around him was getting thicker and the color was changing. The mist that was originally as pure white as milk is now stained with an unknown scarlet color. Wei Xun could feel this ominous scarlet demonic energy blending into the thick fog, emerging from the demonic corpse!

The snow had no time to swallow up the purified demonic energy, and the demonic corpses killed by the wolves were all filled with an evil scarlet demonic aura. The thick light red mist made the wolves start to get restless - just a little bit.

After all, most of the demonic energy has been 'purified' by nature's cleaners - Wei Xun and the demonic insects. Only a few demonic corpses killed by the wolves had no time to eat and were wasted.



The restless wolf howl suddenly sounded from the entrance of the canyon, rarely accompanied by sadness and uneasiness. When Wei Xun arrived, he saw all the surviving wolves gathered at the entrance of the canyon, forming a siege.

But even though they were angry, with their ears standing forward and the hair on their backs exploding, they did not attack. The wolves were restless and wandering around. When Wei Xun arrived, they made way for him.

Wei Xun's performance in the battle won the respect of the wolves.

He walked to the front and found the White Wolf King standing there. It stood upright, as upright as a snow sculpture, and faced a group of warriors with a firm expression.

Rather than being a warrior, he is more like a demon controlled by demonic pollution.

The demonized Xiangshung warrior.

They were wearing strong armor and had dull eyes. Their black and red faces were covered with horrific demonic marks. Their eyes were full of raging demonic murderous intent, and occasionally there was a flash of unyielding pain. These warriors were controlled by demonic energy, but the demon was cunning enough not to completely demonize them.

As long as they are not completely demonized, they are not monsters. In the eyes of the wolves, they are companions and comrades-in-arms.

The wolves guarding the snow-capped mountains will not attack their companions, but the Xiangxiong warriors controlled by demons raise their bows and arrows at them.


Hundreds of bowstrings vibrated, and arrows rained down on the wolves. The pack of wolves instinctively fled in all directions, but the White Wolf King did not take a step back. It stood guard at the entrance of the canyon, and the howling of the wolves caused waves of snow to hit the sky.

But Xuelang, who could withstand the demonic arrows, was powerless in the face of Xiangxiong's arrows. Although the white wolf king's snow wall blocked most of the arrows, the arrows shot by the several Xiangxiong warriors led by him showed a faint trace of the arrows. Shining with golden light, it was an arrow blessed by the Bon priest. It was supposed to be shot at the demon army, but at this moment, it easily broke through the snow and fog and shot at the White Wolf King.

But the White Wolf King actually stood still, because once it ducked, the arrows would hurt the wolves behind it. It blew past like a whirlwind made of snow, and the incoming arrows were either chewed to pieces or knocked down by its sharp claws. But before one round of arrows stopped, the next round came again, and several arrows shot directly at the head of the White Wolf King!



The threat of death caused the wolves to howl, and they set off heavy waves of snow, but this was not the aimless attack they had done in the past. The snow waves led by Wei Xun cleverly concentrated the snow waves in one direction, hoping to wrap the Xiang Hung warriors in the snow.

If you can't attack, then trap them. With the thinking of a wolf pack, you may not think of this. They just instinctively imitate the strong and imitate Wei Xun's methods!

The heavy snow clung to the bodies of the Xiang Hung soldiers, blinding their sight and forming a thick wall of snow blocking them in front of them. The situation suddenly eased. But the White Wolf King did not hide behind the snow wall. It jumped directly onto the wall, its wolf eyes fixed on the rear of the Xiangxiong warrior, and howled anxiously.


'Where is the wolf - the wolf is back -'

Wei Xun shook his wolf ears and ignored the call of the White Wolf King. During the confrontation between the White Wolf King and the demonized Xiangxiong warrior, he quietly walked around to the rear. How long is the phalanx formed by more than 500 Xiang Hung warriors? Along the way, Wei Xun saw that all of them looked ferocious, with blue veins popping out on their foreheads, especially some of the particularly tall generals.

But every time their eyes returned to clarity, white mist would penetrate from their seven orifices. The white mist billowed like more than 500 people smoking cigarettes together. In an instant, their eyes returned to chaos, and Wei Xun could see clearly.

He had discovered from his previous snowball rolling that the fog would dissipate wherever the snowball rolled. Snow absorbs demonic energy, and the fact that fog is absorbed by snow shows that it is not a normal fog, but a manifestation of the permeated demonic energy.

Now the demon army in the canyon is almost finished, but the fog demon general has not appeared yet, which is unreasonable.

...Perhaps, the Fog Demon will always be there.

Wei Xun understood. Wei Xun already had a plan in mind on how to deal with the Fog Demon General, or even kill him.

He approached a Xiangshung warrior and stood up. Although he is not as big as the Snow Wolf King, he can still hold someone's shoulders when they stand up. Wei Xun paid attention to Bai Wu's direction. When the warrior Xiang Xiong's eyes were filled with confusion, his body was filled with atomized demonic energy. Any more energy would completely turn him into a demon, so Wei Xun stood still.

When warrior Xiang Xiong's eyes became clear, it meant that the atomized demonic energy had been purified by himself. Wei Xun observed the pattern several times. When the eyes of the soldier Shang Hung in front of him returned to reason again, and when he saw the white wolf face to face with him, the soldier Shang Hung showed worried eyes, as if he was worried that the white wolf would be injured and urged him to leave quickly.

Then he saw the white wolf open his mouth like a smiling Samoyed and spit out a breath of demonic energy at him.

Soldier Xiangxiong:? ?

The eyes of Xiangxiong warrior once again turned into fierce chaos.

The demonic energy that Wei Xun had just cooked was too much. Except for the blood ladybugs, the other demonic insects were also eaten one by one until their stomachs were so full that they could no longer eat any more. Food must not be wasted, so Wei Xun simply sent the excess demonic energy into the crystal in the fox cub's belly.

The crystal that can perfectly seal the magic energy is directly used by Wei Xun as a magic energy storage bottle. The magic energy flows from Wei Xun or the demon insect's body, and is dyed with Wei Xun's breath. It can be said to be Wei Xun's magic energy. .

In this way, Wei Xun, whose human form cannot be alienated and unable to use his own demonic energy, has an alternative method of using demonic energy. Like him, his demonic energy is highly concealed and quietly invades the brain of Xiangxiong warrior and is found here. A white crystal of demonic energy appeared.

It is it that continuously attracts the white mist demonic energy to flow into the bodies of Xiangxiong warriors and controls their actions. Wei Xun's demonic energy circled around twice to confirm that it was just the simplest magic crystal that repeatedly executed the orders set in advance, and that there was no consciousness of the Fog Demon General in it. As long as the demonic crystal is not destroyed, it will not be discovered.

After confirming this, Wei Xun's black magic energy carefully circled around the white magic crystal, like knitting a black sweater. Soon, the white magic crystal glowed, attracting countless white mist demonic energies. These demonic energies would first enter the white magic crystal, and then flow into the body of the Xiangxiong warrior. This time, some of them were stained with a slightly invisible ink color.

Once you've done this, the next step is easy. Wei Xun no longer had to lie on everyone's shoulders, he just had to walk past the team of Xiangxiong warriors. Soon, the eyes of Xiangxiong warriors were still fierce and blank, but the evil energy they exhaled was light ink. It's just that the ink color is too light, and it's mixed with the incoming white magic mist, making it completely unclear.

When the other demonic energy of the white mist was gradually consumed and purified by Xiangxiong warriors, these pale ink-colored demonic energy was breathed out of his body and integrated into the vast white mist.

Wei Xun found that he was more comfortable with the use of demonic energy, as if he was born with it. He can even masterfully control it so that his magic energy particles stick to the magic mist, maintaining the shortest distance from being noticed by the fog demon general.

Has he become stronger, or is the Mist Demon General too weak? No, neither.

It's because his demonic energy is of high rank.

Wei Xun could clearly feel that his strength was weaker than that of the Mist Demon General. His demonic energy was hidden in the demonic mist because it was at a higher level.

Even in their infancy, high-level demons have an advantage over their lower-level demons, right here.

Wei Xun wanted to know what his alienated state was like, and why he became stronger - was it because he heard * * *'s murmurs?

Anyway, it helped him a lot.


[Hey, does Wei Xun want to awaken the demonized warrior Xiang Xiong? 】

The wolf pack stirred up layers of snow waves, and the confrontation between the demonized Xiangxiong warriors and the demonized Xiangxiong warriors, which were silently puffing away smoke, had been going on for a while. In this confrontation, a young white wolf was active at the forefront.

Worrying about the affectionate wolf howling, it braved the rain of arrows and kept approaching the demonized Xiangxiong warriors, throwing snow on their bodies, but refused to bite them harshly. Everything proves that White Wolf is making every effort to awaken the demonized Xiangxiong warrior.

Its efforts are touching, but unfortunately, all the white wolf's efforts are in vain. The Xiangxiong warriors remained unmoved and attacked him mercilessly. He was almost injured several times. The White Wolf King roared at him reproachfully, biting the white wolf's neck in punishment and pressing it behind him, but nothing could be done. Stop the white wolf from rushing forward and keep working hard.

[It’s difficult. It’s easy for Wei Xun to kill monsters, but it’s not easy to purify Xiangxiong warriors]

[Yes, how can Baiwu be killed]

Observant viewers in the live broadcast room can find that the white mist is the direct cause of controlling the demonized Xiangxiong warriors, but they have not completely turned into monsters, but still retain some sanity and struggle desperately. This is very tricky.

[Is it okay to stuff snow into the mouth of Xiang Hung warrior? 】

[How much must be stuffed in? What’s more, Wei Xun can’t even get close to them now, so how can he stuff the snow in? 】

[I guess the mission item should be to purify the Xiangxiong soldiers without harming them]

[This is difficult to handle. There must be more than 500 people here. Purify the past one by one and get the Year of the Monkey, the Horse and the Moon]

[There is not much time left for Wei Xun. Look at the thick fog in the canyon gradually turning black and red. I am afraid that the Fog Demon General is about to arrive.]

[This fog demon general is not a good thing. After so many demon soldiers were killed before, it did not come out. Instead, it absorbed the demonic energy after their death.]

[If the Fog Demon General directly comes forward and crushes the entire field, then Wei Xun and the wolves will not have to fight. The assessment task cannot be done like this. The demon general assigned to Wei Xun should be the kind of extremely greedy and selfish]

[He ignored the casualties of the demon army, and the more wolves killed the demon army, the more he wanted. In this way, the Mist Demon General can openly absorb the demonic energy after the death of the demon army and strengthen himself]

[Even if the wolves kill all the demon army, he will absorb all the demonic energy and the entire canyon will be shrouded in thick fog, and the wolves will not survive]

[Wei Xun must leave the battlefield quickly before the Fog Demon General takes action! He has killed so many demonic troops, so he should have completed one of the missions. Don't be greedy at this time! 】

[If we wait for the Mist Demon General to show his power, Wei Xun will be finished! 】

"Purify? Hiss, that's not right."

Wang Pengpai, who was watching the live broadcast, said to himself: "Why doesn't Wei Xun use snowballs anymore?"

As long as the giant snowball rolls over, completely wraps up the Xiangxiong warriors, and then uses the purifying properties of snow to slowly eliminate the demonic energy in the Xiangxiong warriors, Wang Pengpai doesn't believe it and Wei Xun can't think of it.

"No matter what happens, there will still be the White Wolf King."

The Xiangxiong warriors who were covered by the snow waves set off by the White Wolf King were obviously much slower than other Xiangxiong warriors in swallowing the white mist, and they also stayed awake longer. As long as Wei Xun leads the White Wolf King to attack all Xiangxiong warriors, no matter how many times at a time, their demonic energy will be gradually purified.

As long as you are willing to think about it, there are always more solutions than difficulties. This is not a journey without solutions.

The problem is that in Wang Pengpai's eyes, Wei Xun clearly does not want to purify the Xiangxiong warriors!

He even rushed up and bit the White Wolf King's mouth when he was impatient and wanted to howl and stir up snow waves.


Wang Pengpai watched with horror, thinking that it was lucky that Wang Yushu was gone, otherwise he would definitely have to edit these clips.

After Wei Xun entered the assessment task but was not elected as the White Wolf King, Wang Pengpai began to suspect that there was something fishy about the identity of the White Wolf King.

He knew more about the hotel. Wang Pengpai could guess just by guessing what identity Wei Xun would have in a mission like this, and these identities were not difficult to guess.

Wei Xun completed the first two attractions 100%, and was bound to get items related to the Shang Shung Kingdom and the Bon priests. He also had the title of Wild Mind and was closely related to the Snow Leopard.

Therefore, Wei Xun either became a Xiangxiong warrior or a Bon priest accompanying the army. If he was dealing with the Fog Demon General, according to legend, he might also become the White Wolf King. Wei Xun conquered the demon fire in Xiaolin Temple. The demon fire originally belonged to the great demon Chabalaren, and he also had a very small chance of becoming a member of the demon army.

But although he became a white wolf and had a high status, he did not become the wolf king. Wang Pengpai could guess what he was after thinking about it.

Unless An Xuefeng entered the mission with him, this would not be the case.

If we follow the official missions, Wei Xun, Cuocha Lama and Snow Leopard should deal with three demon generals respectively. According to the scriptures, Wei Xun should deal with the Fog Demon General, Snow Leopard should face the Rain Demon General, and Lama should face the strong wind.

Wei Xun's performance was so good that it completely exceeded the difficulty of the journey. If the difficulties set up by the hotel were not difficult for him, there would be no point in training the passengers. Therefore, the existence of the assessment task is not only to assess Wei Xun's strength, but also to weaken his help.

Wei Xun himself is already strong enough and outstanding. If he adds Lama and Snow Leopard, wouldn't it mean that he will go to heaven?

Therefore, it is estimated that one of the Lama and the Snow Leopard will die, or both will be seriously injured. Lama Tongcha's body has been condensed into diamonds, and his soul is about to reach the Great Consummation. If he can seal the devil again, he probably won't die at the hands of the Storm Demon General.

That damn Snow Leopard.

But Snow Leopard is An Xuefeng!

Of course, he was well hidden and couldn't be discovered by the hotel, so he should be sent to the Rainstorm Demon General.

He would be in the same assessment as Wei Xun, so it was purely because there was some kind of contractual connection between them.

An Xuefeng can transform into many kinds of animals, from wild soul to son of nature to arch druid. He has complete mastery of more than ten kinds of beast transformations. Special animals with alienated powers such as white wolf king and snow leopard can also transform into animals. Five kinds, An Xuefeng was still picky and only chose the strongest five kinds: sea, land, air, frigid zone, and tropical zone.

It's just that An Xuefeng has basically stopped transforming during the journey in recent years. His spirit has reached the point where even if he turns into a beast, he will be contaminated during the high-level journey. Therefore, except within the returning team, no one else knew about the beast he would turn into.

"My dear, could it be that * * * is really with Wei Xun..."

Wang Pengpai was still doubtful before, but now he is seventy-eight percent convinced.

Seeing that the White Wolf King was repeatedly provoked by Wei Xun, but suppressed his irritability and anger and did not explode, Wang Pengpai couldn't help but recite Amitabha.

"Amitabha, bless Wei Xun for falling in love with Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng, bless..."

Something suddenly occurred to him.

What if Wei Xun found out that the snow leopard he had cared for all the way and the snow wolf he bitten repeatedly during the assessment mission were actually humans, An Xuefeng...

Wei Xun won't be angry, right?

He has always treated the snow leopard as a wild beast, but you must know that it is a human being...

Oops, if others knew that it was An Xuefeng, they would probably feel happy, excited, and honored, but Wei Xun...

Wei Xun......

Why is Wang Pengpai so unsure?

"Amitabha, bless Wei Xun and his teammate An."

Wang Pengpai prayed devoutly: "I hope those little tour guides will stop causing trouble. Sister Xiao Lecheng will intercept them in advance so that Team An does not have to take action."

If there was no tour guide guarding the finish line, and Lu Shucheng, the others, and Wei Xun could connect smoothly, everything would be easy.

If a tour guide really dared to hijack the car and wait at the finish line, ambush and kill Wei Xun, causing An Xuefeng to transform from a leopard into a human in advance...

Wang Pengpai shuddered, seeing in the live broadcast that the White Wolf King finally couldn't bear it anymore and bit the little white wolf's head. Somehow, this intimate scene actually made Wang Pengpai feel sad.

* *

When the white wolf king Shen Nu bit his head again, Wei Xun knew that he had pissed him off. But Wei Xunhun didn't care - could the White Wolf King's bite be considered a bite? It could only be considered a mouthful at best.

Wei Xun was more concerned about the fog in the sky. As time went by, the fog that filled the canyon became thicker and thicker, changing from pure white to black and red. The surrounding visibility was very low. Although the snow on the ground could absorb the magic, it was only a drop in the bucket. Where there was no magic mist, it was only from the ground to the wolf's thighs. Wei Xun could not even see the upper body of the White Wolf King clearly.

Nearly half of the wolves lay down, unable to breathe. They have been in the magic mist for too long and have been corroded by the evil energy. Demonic energy is extremely polluting and aggressive. No matter how holy the magic weapon is, it will eventually be contaminated by the demonic energy. Therefore, whether humans or holy beasts fight against the demonic army, if they are involved in a protracted war, they will definitely suffer in the end.

But the wolves cannot leave. They want to prevent the elephant warriors from entering the canyon and protect the snow-capped mountains and their companions. This is engraved in their instincts. The fog demon will be so cunning that it only takes five hundred demonized Xiangxiong warriors to drag the wolves into a slow death situation.

This made Wei Xun feel that the death of the Demon Army was intentional by the Fog Demon General and he did it intentionally.

Otherwise, why did these five hundred Xiangxiong warriors come out after the demon army was almost completely destroyed? Don't let them take the lead?

There were even a few flying monsters in the air before, but after the thick fog turned black and red, those monsters stopped making any movement.

Either the figure is hidden by the magic mist, or it is swallowed up silently.

From this we can infer the character of the Mist Demon General.

"Woo, ow--"

Wei Xun set off waves of snow, covering the wolves infected by the demonic energy. Seeing this, the White Wolf King let go of his head and howled. With just one sound, the snow wave covered all the wolves. Whether they were lying down or standing, they were like a building rising from the ground. igloo.

The earth is white with snow, and the thick fog is black and red. Only the White Wolf King and Wei Xun are left here, facing off against five hundred demonized Xiangxiong warriors.

Thick fog obscured everything. Although Wei Xun could not see the expression of the White Wolf King, he could hear its increasingly low and impatient growl - the White Wolf King was different from other wolves. If the Xiangxiong warriors attacked them again, he would He would really ignore his primitive instinct and kill these Shang Hung warriors.

Wei Xun briefly tasted the magic mist... and felt that it was almost enough.


He roared loudly, the earth shook, and the rumble started again. The giant snowball that stopped at the end started rolling again. The magic snails and tortoise shells in the snowball were eliminated, leaving only the bloody ladybug pushing the ball. Although it was a magic insect, there was no trace of magic on the surface. Won’t be wasted by snow. At this moment, Bloody Ladybug's emotions were full of anger and madness - after killing so many monsters, there wasn't even a single corpse!

it! Hungry!

When it was angry, it could snowball at an incredible speed, but this time the giant snowball did not roll bigger and bigger. Under the wear and tear of the black and red magic mist, it rolled smaller and smaller. In just a few dozen seconds, it was only There are so many people left!

It's now!

The snowball suddenly exploded, and under Wei Xun's control, the blood ladybug's carapace separated, revealing two crystal light red membrane wings - of course ladybugs can fly! The inconspicuous blood ladybug burrowed directly into the thick fog. In an instant, the fog surged and the deafening rumbling sound was like thunder.

'what are you? ! ’

Wei Xun could understand that this thunderous rumbling sound was actually some kind of magic word! The blood ladybug was supposed to bite Wei Xun back, but the terrifying aura lurking around him scared the blood ladybug, so it unleashed its fury and ferocity on the thick fog. Suddenly, there was the sound of pattering rain, and the thick fog It was raining blood!

'Who are you? ! ’

There was a roar of thunder one after another, and the fog demon was shocked and angry. Monsters don't have as many fancy tricks as humans, and their most advanced attack method is to devour each other and contaminate each other. This thick fog is all caused by the fog demon transforming itself into a rain of blood. It is contaminated by the demonic energy of the blood ladybugs. He must reluctantly let go of that part of the demonic energy, otherwise the pollution will gradually spread!

'Damn, damn -'

The fog demon general became furious. As a thick fog enveloped the bloody ladybug, more demonic fog surged towards the Xiangxiong warriors, trying to turn them directly into monsters!

But before the thick fog could invade, the Xiangxiong warriors spit out black demonic energy from their seven orifices. The magic crystals in their brains were directly crushed. Start polluting!

‘Truce, truce! You can't attack me at this time, you don't follow the devil's rules! ’

Damn it, devils don’t have any rules.

Wei Xun allowed the blood ladybug and his own demonic energy to develop freely, and he and the White Wolf King bit and killed the demonic mist together. The furious demonic mist was no longer completely intangible, and the thick mist fell from the sky in wisps, squirming and twisting, Like an inverted black and red whip. Two-thirds of the black and red whips were fiercely whipped at the Blood Ladybug and the Black Devil Qi, while the rest were directed at Wei Xun and the White Wolf King.

The White Wolf King was like a ray of white lightning dodging among countless long whips in the thick fog. He didn't get a single whip, but brutally tore several whips into pieces. He didn't lose the slightest bit, and even still had some strength left. It was obvious that in the fierce battle, it But he was able to move towards Wei Xun while fighting, and crush the long whip that attacked the little white wolf.

But Wei Xun was walking in the opposite direction to the White Wolf King!

Compared with the calm and fierce White Wolf King, he obviously lacked fighting experience. While fighting fiercely, he was whipped several times, and his long snow-white hair was suddenly stained red with blood. But the little white wolf was even more ruthless. Even though he was shivering in pain, he bit the mist drawn toward him and tore the enemy into pieces!

Hey, it doesn't hurt.

Wei Xun did everything carefully, even if the thick black and red fog covered the battlefield and he couldn't see his fingers, he still pretended to tremble in pain. The White Wolf King's nervous call rang not far away, but Wei Xun ignored it and walked in the opposite direction. He was looking for the core of the Fog Demon General.

The thick fog in the entire canyon is the magic energy of the Fog Demon General. It is not as solid as the demon phantom that Wei Xun encountered before. It is too difficult to completely purify it by just eating it. As long as a wisp of fog escapes, it will It doesn't count as killing it.

The most difficult task in this assessment is to ‘kill the Fog Demon General’. Defeating him is not difficult. With the temperament shown by the Yiwu Demon, I am afraid that it will soon run away to preserve its strength.

The polluted demonic energy will be cut off and thrown away. This is something that the fog demon general who has killed thousands of demonic troops to enhance his own demonic energy cannot bear.

It was too difficult to find the core of the Fog Demon General in the thick fog that shrouded the entire canyon. Wei Xun searched for it countless times. I don’t know how long it took. Anyway, it was already past six o’clock in the morning. Even the number of adventures with the living body I've refreshed everything, but still can't find it.

Wei Xun was trying to force it to escape!

'Ah - I'm so angry, I'm so angry, just wait, wait for the cruel demon's revenge! It will crush you and devour you! ’

The blood mist is fading amidst the rumbling sound, and the Fog Demon is preparing to escape! It was really convenient to be able to understand the demon's language. Wei Xun felt that it was angry and cut off the contaminated part. The demonic mist over the entire canyon spun into a black and red tornado at high speed. The powerful and terrifying force seemed to uproot the mountains. The earth is torn apart. But Wei Xun knew that the origin of the Fog Demon General was not here.

He occupied the exit of the canyon in advance, which was leading to Selincuo Lake and the seal of the great demon Chabalaren. A wisp of scarlet mist floated rapidly, and the mist particles were dyed with a little bit of imperceptible black.

【adventure! 】

At the moment when the Fog Demon was about to escape, Wei Xun directly launched his adventure. He didn't care about the outcome of the adventure. At the moment when the Fog Demon was about to stop due to the adventure, the white wolf roared and set off rolling snow waves. He took advantage of the snow waves to rise into the air, stepped on the top of the waves and leaped out with all his strength!

In less than a second, the wisp of original mist had moved again. Wei Xun did not hesitate to throw gold-inlaid silver skulls and nine-eyed dzi beads in mid-air to restrict its direction of movement. On the only escape path, Wei Xun smashed the hot Xiaolin Temple stone bricks!

[The hot stone bricks of Kobayashi Temple can trap the enemy in the fire of Kobayashi Temple (illusion)]

When the stone brick absorbed the original mist from the fog demon, Wei Xun summoned the magic fire, and the three-color flames exploded, all pouring into the stone brick. Under the cover of the demonic fire, Wei Xun's eyes were dark.


The gray and white stone bricks turned red when burned by the magic fire. No one knew that in the magic mist inside the stone bricks, a bit of black magic energy expanded instantly like ink droplets dropped into water. Wei Xun spent several hours to secretly mix this into The fog demon reveals its own demonic energy in the fog like a hidden poisonous bee and stings it. This is Wei Xun's final killing move!

【You defeated the Mist Demon General! 】

Without the support of the snow waves, the white wolf fell from the sky like a white swan with broken wings and fell to the ground. But when he was about to fall to the ground, a handful of snow waves rose up and caught him like a huge palm.

Wei Xun fell into the soft snow, and his nose and mouth were filled with the cold snow air and the breath of the White Wolf King. He was a little dizzy from the fall, but when he heard the hotel's slow prompt, he showed a satisfied smile in the snow.

[You killed the Fog Demon General! 】

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