Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 111 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (54)

"They are looking for death."

Wang Pengpeng patted his belly, then he took a cup of tea and drank it himself: "What do you think some people think in their minds? They prefer to go to the road of death instead of living on the good road."

Seeing his nonchalant look, Team Qi nodded.

Originally, he didn't believe it when he heard that An Xuefeng was going to Tibet. An Xuefeng has been getting more and more crazy recently. Will he go to pick up a new guy in person? Wang Yushu has a fishy title, maybe he is pretending to be one. Now it looks like Wang Pengpai is really possible.

Or is there something to kill in Tibet, and An Xuefeng stopped by to pick them up?

Qi Lecheng murmured in his heart.

"Some people say that Wei Xun is a Category X passenger."

He joked like a joke: "It was spread so well that even I heard about it."

"I told you that you are going to have a child care guide on your way back."

After Qi Lecheng left leisurely, Wang Pengpai lowered his face, thought about what he just said, and said "fuck".

They had thought about this problem before, although Mao Xiaole joked that Wei Xun might be a Category X traveler, which would make the tour guide alliance less aggressive.

After all, most of the tour guides are cold-blooded, saying that they want to give Ding Yi a chance to kill the best newcomer tourists in advance. In fact, most of the tour guides in Xiaozhong think that Ding Yi has been stepped on by a newcomer tourist and is embarrassed, and Wei Xun will make a lot of money at a glance. The points are rising hard. You may join their group at some point. It would be too embarrassing if you beat them to the same level as Ding Yi.

It's better to kill them in advance.

These people will be less murderous after knowing that Wei Xun may be an X-type special tourist. However, some tour guides with higher standards will be more willing to attack Wei Xun.

Especially after Mao Xiaole posted that the returning team wanted to recruit new members and invited Wei Xun.

The ability to accept new people when the returning team comes back is a deterrent to the major tour guides.

But if they specifically recruit a person who is suspected of being a Category X traveler and train him to be a tour guide on the way back from childhood, that would be a sign of trouble for many high-ranking officials. Furthermore, it is still unclear what Wei Xun is.

This year, the East District Tour Guide has a new member Wang Bing250. The tour guide also has new blood, and Wei Xun is not too rare. Coupled with the fact that there are talented people like Wan Xiangchun, it is deduced that the task of this year's confrontation lies with the new star tour guides of both sides, and they are even more worried about training Wei Xun into a new star tour guide on their way home. Quota for confrontation tasks.

This quota must be obtained by the tour guide, and it must be C250!

"Tsk, you're so cute."

Looking at the Tour Guide Alliance's posture, Wang Pengpai knew that they hadn't found Bing250 yet. He didn't panic at all, and even thought about the tour guides hijacking the passenger bus and waiting at the terminal to kill Wei Xun. As soon as the car door opened, there was An Xuefeng standing outside——

Haha, he is so evil that he can't help but want to see this scene quickly.

"Diao Deyi, what kind of evil do you have~"

Wang Pengpai hummed "Shajiabang" and returned to the movie theater to continue watching the live broadcast. At this moment, the giant snowball that Wei Xun directed the wolves to make has begun to take shape!

This is all thanks to the White Wolf King.

Wei Xun led a group of wolves howling here, causing many wolves to howl in response. This is the nature of the wolf pack and Wei Xun's purpose. They were led by Wei Xun and howled to the effect of 'Come on, wolves, there are many big enemies here! ’

So they were howling and howling, and some new wolves were tricked into coming over. They wanted to jump on the tortoise shell and chew it, but they were all knocked down by Wei Xun. They were convinced and obeyed, and stood still until the magic snail could no longer spray. It howls wherever it goes, causing the snow waves to attack the tortoise shell.

The magic snails hiding under the tortoise shells fought back vigorously at first. Later, when they saw that Xuelang could not harm them and the wolves refused to step forward, they simply stopped spitting magic arrows. After all, this was also consuming magic energy. .

The giant tortoise shell is also a special kind of monster. It wants to walk, but unfortunately it moves too slowly, and there is a thick layer of snow on its back, so it really can't walk. In the end, he simply lay still and didn't move.

It is easier for the wolves to pile snow on it.

Wei Xun took the opportunity to jump on the turtle's shell to see how solid the snow was. After half an hour of hard work, he could kill thirty or forty monsters alone. However, Wei Xun called so many wolves over and only made half a pile of snow. ball'

He was quite satisfied with this speed, and the next thing he thought about was how to make this 'snowball' roll.


"Ouch ouch ouch——"

The wolf is not invincible, and Wei Xun's throat was dry after howling for half an hour. He simply took a bite of snow and chewed it, but heard a long and familiar wolf howl in the distance in response.


Um? Does this sound sound familiar?

After all, Wei Xun was inexperienced as a wolf, so he didn't recognize him right away, but the wolves he led were extremely excited. Some of them were lying down and howling with their eyes closed, while others were lying down and howling. Now they stood up and howled excitedly. In response, some wanted to charge at the tortoise shell again, but only after seeing Wei Xun standing on top did they retreat with their tails between their legs.

It's the White Wolf King.

When Wei Xun thought about it, he heard the howling in the distance getting longer and longer, and there was a feeling of worry in it.

Wei Xun translated it, and the meaning of this wolf howl was probably 'Where is the wolf - is the wolf okay -'


The wolves on Wei Xun's side were so excited that they were wagging their tails like dogs. They stretched their necks and howled passionately, 'Here - the wolf is here - the wolf is okay -'


The other party yelled briefly, to the effect of 'Shut up! ’


The howls of wolves stopped suddenly, and the wolves on Wei Xun's side stopped howling on the spot, but their eyes were a little blank. He was obviously the first to ask where they were, so why did he shut them up?

Wei Xun found it interesting. If he hadn't been a wolf, he wouldn't have heard that there were so many emotions in the wolf's howl. After coming back to his senses, Wei Xun continued his research. He pushed up the giant snowball, but found that he could not push it up even with all his strength. Compared with the snowball, he was like a sesame on a sesame cake.

Although the location here is good, Wei Xun is not satisfied yet. He wants to push the giant snowball to the entrance of the canyon. Wei Xun and the wolves around him changed their positions and started howling again, causing all the snow waves to hit one point. But the tortoise shell was as stable as a mountain and motionless, without being pushed at all.

The power is still not enough.


As they howled, the White Wolf King in the distance began to howl again, still meaning 'Where is the wolf? Is the wolf okay?' This time the wolves did not dare to respond blindly, but Wei Xun felt something in his heart. If you can call the White Wolf King to stir up the snow waves, that should be enough to push the snowball.


Wei Xun responded loudly, changing the tune three times, to the effect of 'The wolf is here - the wolf is not good - the wolf is coming soon -'

The other wolves didn't know why the little white wolf was so bold and dared to reply to the wolf king's howl. However, at the next moment, the White Wolf King was heard howling anxiously:

‘The wolf is coming! ’


Why should we treat them differently?

Even if he got the White Wolf King's response, Wei Xun would not be idle. Wei Xun directly took out the skull of the White Wolf King and placed it on the top of his head. The skull was incomplete, missing the mandible, but it looked just right for Wei Xun to wear, like a wolf bone hat.

Wei Xun felt a strong force coming from the Wolf King's skull into his body. It was not an illusion. He glanced around and found that the wolves next to him had taken a few steps back. The wolves' eyes were filled with respect and confusion, as if they couldn't figure it out. How could the little white wolf have the aura of the Wolf King?

Wei Xun cleared his throat and tried to howl. Suddenly he was pleasantly surprised and felt that his howling contained more energy, but the snow wave he stirred up was hundreds of times larger than before. Even the giant tortoise shell was shaken by the rush, and the magic snails hiding underneath were shaken. Thinking that he was going to overturn the bastard's shell, he was so stimulated that hundreds of demonic energies surged out and turned into demonic arrows to attack Wei Xun!

Wei Xun felt that countless demonic energies were entangled together like twists, which was very delicious, and he was immediately ready to move. He hasn't had supper today... Wei Xunzhuangruo was too close and had no time to avoid, so he opened his mouth slightly——


Wei Xun, who opened his mouth to wait for his meal, was directly knocked away by a huge force, even so exaggerated that he flew out. He saw a giant wolf covered in blood descending from the sky like a superman. When it hit Wei Xun, it faced hundreds of magic arrows and roared furiously.


The earth shook and the snow rolled up, and a huge snow wave surged up, like a huge slap directly hitting the tortoise's shell, actually turning it upside down!

The demon snails stuck inside the tortoise shell, turned upside down and exposed their fragile bodies:? !

Several magic arrows that escaped the net hit the White Wolf King, but it didn't even take a step back. Its muscles were tense and it was about to pounce in and start killing. This step was seen by Wei Xun. This is not possible!

In desperation, he bit the White Wolf King's tail on the spot, and due to the excessive momentum, he directly hit the White Wolf King's hind legs.


The white wolf king turned around without mercy and growled seriously, telling the little white wolf not to cause trouble. But the tip of its nose just happened to touch a piece of hard bone, which was the skull of the White Wolf King on top of Wei Xun's head. Smelling the familiar scent, the White Wolf King was stunned for a moment. When he looked at the Little White Wolf again, his eyes softened slightly.

But Wei Xun didn't care about the change of the White Wolf King's mood. He stopped the White Wolf Queen and let out a wolf howl, and slapped the bastard's shell with a small slap in the snow wave.

Those magic snails were stuck to this giant protective shell and couldn't leave. They were already panicking and trying to flip over the tortoise shell again. With their help, Wei Xun's Xuelang actually managed to knock over all the tortoise shells.


Wei Xun obediently touched the White Wolf King's snout, pretending to admire him and muttered something to the effect of, 'The wolf is okay, the wolf (king) is so strong, the wolf wants to learn to howl', and wanted to coax the White Wolf King to bark again. He kept leaning towards the White Wolf King, trying to make the Wolf King feel friendly with the White Wolf King's skull on his head.

The White Wolf King looked at him deeply, wondering if he understood what Wei Xun meant, and howled again, causing waves of snow to fall, knocking over the bastard's shell. The newly dazed magic snails were exposed again. Before they could panic again, the snow waves set off by Wei Xun came again, helping them to climb over again.

Then the White Wolf King Xuelang knocked them over again with a slap.

Magic Snail:?

After going back and forth for more than ten times, the giant snowball became rounder and rounder, and Wei Xun finally 'pushed' it to the entrance of the canyon.

Just as Wei Xun expected, the snow would automatically wrap around the monsters. As they pushed along, countless monsters were rolled into the snowball. The snowball was too big and there was nowhere to hide. Once it rolled up quickly, it would be even more dangerous. It’s hard to hide.

But looking from top to bottom, the canyon is filled with undulating snow beams like waves, and the slope from the entrance to the exit of the canyon is not slope enough, so the giant snowball is likely to get stuck before it rolls halfway.

"If you go forward, you will have something to eat, but if you go back, you will have nothing to eat. If you break the snowball, you will have nothing to eat." ’

On the way over, Wei Xun quietly put the blood ladybug inside the giant snowball. The captured blood ladybug became more obedient, and Wei Xun took it back into the fox cub's belly and fed it blood, and the relationship between them deepened.

On the way to slay the demon, the blood ladybug saw that the demon corpse was also hungry and excited, but it only conveyed the consciousness of "hungry" to Wei Xun, and did not dare to fight back for the time being.

The huge snowball swayed downwards because as soon as the blood ladybug entered, the demon snails were immediately scared and squeezed to the side.

"Awoo--" Roll away.


The blood ladybug, which received the order, immediately released a terrifying aura, scaring the demon snails to crawl hard, but they were stuck on the turtle shell, where could they crawl to? Just under the urging of the force in the same direction--

The giant snowball that was about to fill the entire canyon rolled down with a rumble!

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