Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 110 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (53)

This is a bit troublesome.


Wei Xunruo murmured in a low voice, thinking in a small voice. Although he is not the alpha wolf, he should have a higher status. The wolves were lying in ambush on the snow-capped mountains on both sides, sandwiching a canyon in the middle. Wei Xun and his group of wolves were on a pile of large rocks on the mountain. They had a wide field of vision and could take in the overall situation. They were attracting everyone's attention.

That's why when Wei Xun howled, countless wolves turned to look at him. The only one with a higher position than him was the White Wolf King. Especially since all the other wolves around him were serious big bad wolves, only he and the White Wolf King were completely white.

Although Wei Xun couldn't tell whether the White Wolf King and he were related by blood, they were definitely close, and he was also the closest to the White Wolf King. So Wei Xun came to stop him before he even called White Wolf King twice.

This is a bit difficult to do.

If he were not the wolf king, Wei Xun would rather become a low-end gray wolf, the kind who sneaks away without being noticeable. In this way, he can go find the demon army to play by himself.

But now that he was standing too high, hundreds of pairs of wolf eyes were watching him if he moved even slightly. Unless Wei Xun had an invisibility cloak, it would be difficult to sneak away. Especially since the big wolf pack seems to have set up an ambush formation. If he insists on leaving, it may make the wolves restless, and it will be bad if the demon army happens to attack.

Wei Xun likes clean and beautiful beasts. Although these wolves are not human, they have resisted the invasion of the demon army and died in bloody battles in history. Wei Xun does not want to disrupt the formation of the wolves because of himself.

It would be better to wait until the demon army starts to attack and then sneak away. Anyway, there will be more opportunities then.


Wei Xun felt a rush of heat coming towards his face. He raised his head in surprise and looked at the White Wolf King in front of him, only to find that it was still staring at him.

Why aren't you leaving yet?

Wei Xun also looked back generously. The White Wolf King is really good-looking. Its fur is longer than that of a snow leopard. It is fluffy. Its pointed snow-white wolf ears look very thick. Its ears stand straight forward. It is tall and stands with its legs straight. It looks very imposing and has a firm expression. .

Unlike snow leopards, which live alone, wolves live in groups, ranging from a few wolves to dozens. The wolf pack is highly disciplined and hierarchical. The alpha wolf has absolute rights, including hunting, guarding the territory, and reproducing and mating. Wei Xun and Snow Leopard got along quite a lot, but Snow Leopard's eyes were different from those of the Wolf King.

Except for the abnormal state of snow leopards with scarlet eyes and full of evil spirits, they are usually withdrawn and arrogant. They only get close to Wei Xun and ignore others. They also deliberately avoid crowds and live alone, just like A lonely killer.

The White Wolf King is different. He is calm and majestic, like a king who rules his people.

Wei Xun thought about the skull of the White Wolf King that he had obtained in the Nine-Layered Swastika Crystal Tower. The remnant soul of the White Wolf King was still inside it after thousands of years. It can be seen that the White Wolf King was indeed as miraculous as Lama Cuocai said. Otherwise, it would not be possible for it to lead a large pack of hundreds of wolves to fight against the demonic army.

What would happen if the skull of the White Wolf King was taken out?


The heat suddenly approached, accompanied by the unique cold breath of the White Wolf King. Wei Xun did not retreat, he wanted to see what the White Wolf King was going to do - this was what Wei Xun thought before his head was held by the White Wolf King.

Now he regretted it. He should have backed away if he had known earlier.


The White Wolf King opened its mouth and took half of Wei Xun's head into his mouth. It didn't move its teeth, but Wei Xun was really uncomfortable with the feeling of heat and humidity. He whined in protest, and then some of the body language and rules of the wolf pack slowly entered Wei Xun's mind.

The high-ranking wolf takes the lower-ranking wolf's wolf kiss and head into its mouth to express closeness.

As a low-ranking wolf, Wei Xun looked directly at the alpha wolf and raised his tail, which was extremely provocative. Normally, the alpha wolf should use violence to teach him a lesson.

But it was not angry, but still held its head in its mouth to show its closeness and trust to Wei Xun... It seemed that the relationship between them was indeed different.

Wei Xun is a reasonable person. If people respect him an inch, he will return an inch of respect to others, even to the wolf.

When the White Wolf King released his mouth and took a few steps back, Wei Xun took the initiative to step forward, raised his head and touched the White Wolf King's muzzle, and then perfunctorily licked the soft white hair on its snout.

This is a sign of respect and obedience to the alpha wolf.

Sure enough, after that, the White Wolf King looked at him deeply, then turned around and returned to his position.

Wei Xun understood that the White Wolf King had been staring at him just now, probably waiting for Wei Xun to take the initiative to rub noses with him. The White Wolf King left, and no wolf paid attention to his side of things anymore. Wei Xun looked around, and lay down like the other wolves, subconsciously licking the tip of his nose.

In winter, the plateau is covered with heavy snow, and there is thick and cold snow under his belly. But with thick wolf fur, Wei Xun didn't feel cold. The snow was falling heavily, and some of the other wolves were half-buried in the snow to cover up their scent. There was also a layer of snow covering their bodies, making them look like they were completely integrated into the snow-capped mountains. But White Wolf King doesn't have to.

Its long snow-white fur was the best camouflage color in the heavy snow. At this time, it was lying motionless on the highest protruding stone. Wei Xun followed its gaze and found that the White Wolf King was looking at the entrance of the canyon.

Hundreds of wolves were lying in ambush on the snow-capped mountains on both sides of the canyon. Presumably the demonic army would pass through the canyon. Wei Xun released the remnant soul of the fox cub and inquired about the information from the Demon Army. He was now physically the same as a wolf and no longer needed to be possessed by the fox cub. Mantis One and Two also quietly hid in the long hair under Wei Xun's abdomen. Only Xiao Cui remained in the Demonic Insect Ball, while Xiao Jin and Mantis Three maintained their buff status.

After turning into a wolf and losing his hands, Wei Xun found it difficult to hold crystal lamps and narrow crystal knives, but Wei Xun found that his wolf claws had crystal-like amber claw tips, which were extremely sharp and had the same aura as exorcism crystals. In addition to claws, there are also his teeth. If the wolves led by the White Wolf King have such good claws and teeth, it is no wonder that they can fight against the demon army.

‘Master, the demon army is coming soon! ’

An express message came from the fox cubs on the front line: ‘More than 10,000! ’

More than 10,000, an incredible number. Wei Xun couldn't figure out how hundreds of wolves could kill the demon army. Maybe they were just stalling for time. After all, the Fog Demon General did not die, but the White Wolf King and his wolves died. In the fog.

It was extremely difficult for Wei Xun to form an army to destroy the demons. He came back to his senses, fell into deep thought, and no longer looked for the White Antelope King and Snow Leopard King that the Lama had mentioned.

Before, Wei Xun was worried that Snow Leopard would join the mission and become the Snow Leopard King or something like that, but now that he thought about it, he probably wouldn't. After all, only Wei Xun among them is a high-quality tourist who is favored by the hotel.

Wei Xun went through the tasks to be completed in his mind again. He buried his nose in the snow and smelled the cold snow air. The ice and snow on the plateau were pure and flawless, without any impurities. They were as cold and clean as the White Wolf King. They smell exactly the same.

The wolves remained motionless, lying in ambush on the snow-capped mountains, letting snowflakes as big as goose feathers fall on their backs, burying them. The mountains were silent, not even the wind, only the heavy snow fell quietly, and the sky and the earth were pure white——

No, it’s not just the whiteness of the snow, but also the wisps of mist.

It's getting foggy.

Thick white fog and dense snow mixed together, making people lose their vision like a blizzard. The mist spread from bottom to top, and Wei Xun could see clearly. He saw a white ball jumping at the entrance of the canyon.

It was as big as a man's head, and you couldn't see it clearly unless you looked carefully. You thought it was a snowball that had fallen somewhere, and it was quickly submerged in the thick fog, but the alluring and magical scent of it spread all over the place.


Wei Xun swallowed silently. It was because the saliva secretion of canines was too strong. He wanted to eat fragrant boiled fish.

More and more white demonic groups jumped into the canyon, but the wolves did not make any movement. Wei Xun couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't help but look up at the white wolf king in front of him, only to see it lying motionless on the spot, like a snow sculpture, with amazing patience. At this moment, it didn't look like a wild wolf, but more like a general who had laid out his troops and lured the enemy deeper.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker. The thick fog is like a sea of ​​white smoke rising from countless dry ices, filling most of the canyon. More weird shadows are faintly appearing in the thick fog. Some were tall and slender, and some were weird and ugly. Wei Xun saw hundreds of inferior demon dogs, stronger and taller than Ding Yi. The limbs of the adult inferior demon dogs were burning with bone-white flames, and they were sniffing around cautiously. , but no trace of the wolves was found.

A dozen snow bat-like monsters flew out of the thick fog. They were hovering in the air and observing their surroundings. One of the snow bats even flew in front of Wei Xun. Its wings were as big as a basin, as clear as ice sculptures, and full of brittle bones. Just thinking about it was extremely delicious.

Can’t eat bats, can’t eat bats——

Wei Xun buried his nose and kiss in the snow, hypnotically suggesting himself. He couldn't help it anymore, just like when he ate the demon's shadow, the most instinctive and primitive hunger that came from the depths of the soul could make people completely forget about reason and become a puppet of appetite.

But if Wei Xun was really addicted to desire, he would no longer be Wei Xun. He just likes to indulge a little bit, and then suppresses and tolerates his desire when it arises. This habit, which is comparable to self-abuse, was developed when he could no longer pursue extreme sports to pursue excitement and could only be trapped at home due to a serious illness.

The bat found nothing and flew away again. Wei Xun found that the formation of the demon army was quite complete. There were outposts, heavy demon lizards like armored tanks, and behind them were skeletons with their arms as bows. Wei Xun named these monsters based on their appearance. He wanted to call out Xiao Cui and Xiao Jin to see if these monsters from the 'Devil Country' were different from the abyss monsters in their memories.

But unfortunately, they were in the Ball of Demonic Insects and could only communicate with Wei Xun, but could not see the outside scene. Thick fog has filled the canyon, like a rolling sea of ​​clouds. The demonic army in the canyon is completely invisible, as if they have all disappeared.

However, the white goose wolf king is really very patient. It remained motionless, and the wolves did not make any movement either, as if they were integrated into the snow-capped mountains. Until a certain moment, Wei Xun's heart moved. His sense of smell told him that all the demonic troops had entered the canyon! Wei Xun could no longer smell the specific smell of a certain monster, only a rich mixed aroma that could not be described with food.

next moment--


A long and ethereal wolf howl tore through the silence, echoing over the canyons and mountains. It was the White Wolf King! Wei Xun saw the White Wolf King standing high on the rock, with heavy snow falling on him. His snout was tilted upward, and his head, neck and back were curved in graceful and wild arcs. He had incredible power and blended perfectly with the background of the sky and snowy mountains. In one body!


Wei Xun couldn't help but howl, following the tail tone of the White Wolf King. It felt stupid to howl before launching a sneak attack, but Wei Xun couldn't suppress his primitive instinct. His heart was beating violently, and it seemed like there was hot power pumping from his heart into his limbs and then to the ground under his claws.



After the two of them howled, wolf howls came one after another, resounding throughout the world. The entire canyon was surrounded by wolves ambushing in the snow-capped mountains! Countless wolf howls seemed to resonate with the snow-capped mountains, weaving into a dense web. At this moment, Wei Xun felt that his mind was extending infinitely and integrated into the wolves. He seemed to have lost the concept of 'self' and became a 'whole' with the wolves, and the White Wolf King was the brain and the only commander of this whole!

The howl of a wolf is the command to attack!

Hundreds of large wolves jumped up from the ice and snow at the same time, creating a cloud of snow mist. They charged fiercely towards the demon army in the canyon. When they charged, the wolves no longer howled, like a silent and powerful army.

Wei Xun charged closely behind the White Wolf King. Unlike the snow leopard, the wolf itself could jump off the cliff. It would have been very easy for him to slip and fall when rushing down the steep slope full of ice and snow, but Wei Xun felt as if the snow was holding him up. He didn't have to run at all, it was faster and more stable than skiing. The powerful force pushed him, making Wei Xun feel like he was surfing on a waterfall.

It's a snowfall. The wolves are running down the snowy mountain. The ground is shaking. The ice and snow are shattering and splashing like jade avalanches. It seems that there is a rumble of thunder from deep in the earth. The snowy mountain avalanches and rolls down tens of millions of tons of snow. It's like a scene described in a mythical scroll. The snow waterfall was like a churning dragon charging with the pack of wolves. The distance of a thousand meters was approaching in an instant. Before Wei Xun could feel enough, he had already rushed into the canyon demon army!

Hundreds of wolves are already a large number for an ordinary wolf pack, but rushing into the army of ten thousand demons is like ink dripping into the sea. The canyon battlefield was divided by snow waves. The White Wolf King who was originally in front was nowhere to be seen. In front of Wei Xun were five inferior demon dogs!

With the momentum of charging down at extremely high speed, he directly killed two demon dogs and disabled one, but Wei Xun only felt a little dizzy. He licked the demon blood that splashed around the kiss, swung away from the vicious attack of the three-headed demon dogs, and then bit the three-headed demon dogs to death with his own mouth like lightning in less than five seconds.


Wei Xun sucked the devil's blood in big mouthfuls, looking extremely ferocious and crazy, but in fact his sanity had returned. The wolves that can fight against the demon army are indeed no ordinary wolves. Tearing apart a demon dog is as easy as tearing a spicy stick. Even if Wei Xun Alien takes action himself, it will not be easier.

It seems that for this assessment task, transforming into a wolf is a convenience given by the hotel. But it’s too slow to kill like this by yourself.


Wei Xun threw the bloody ladybug, charged up and leaped up, biting the snow bat flying low in the air. The snow bat struggled violently. Its motive method was to shoot out the demonic energy in the form of sound waves, directly inflicting heavy damage. Enemy guts.

But Wei Xun just shook his wolf ears casually and chewed the snow bat raw. It was like honey-glazed chicken bones. It tasted crispy and sweet, but it was a bit weak.

Wei Xun smacked his lips. It felt like eating marshmallows. It seemed like a lot but he didn't feel full at all. Although these demonic soldiers had demonic energy on their bodies and were ferocious enough, after killing them, they realized that there was only a tiny bit of demonic aura.

Wei Xun no longer bothered with these little devils. He jumped onto the snow wave as tall as a city wall, found the direction and ran towards the entrance of the canyon. The canyon looks like a gourd, with a small mouth and a big belly. The ground is not completely flat, but has a downward slope from the entrance to the exit. Wei Xun wants to annihilate the Demon Army, but it would be too stupid and inefficient to do it alone.

Wei Xun stepped on the snow rocks and the corpses of the demon army and flew through the canyon, crossing the snow slopes piled up by snow waves one after another. As soon as the snow waves met the impact of the wolves, he killed more than a hundred demons. The wolves and the remaining The demon army fought in a melee, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, but Wei Xun found that there were not as many demon corpses as he had imagined.

He took a closer look and found that the snow was swallowing up the devil's body and condensing into large or small snowballs. Wei Xun crushed a snowball, and the demon's body was still there in the disintegrated snow, but the demonic energy on it was gone.

Snow is purifying and processing the demon's corpse to prevent the evil energy from polluting the earth.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xun suddenly had an idea in his mind.

From the moment the demon army appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to have heated discussions.

[I feel like I am watching a 3D fantasy blockbuster. The howling of wolves causes avalanches, and wolves can surround and kill monsters. Is this really real? ! 】

[We have all entered the thriller hotel, what else is unreal?]

[In this way, Wei Xun's pressure will be much less, and the wolves can help him kill the demon army together]

[Those killed by the wolves were killed by the wolves, and those killed by Wei Xun were killed by him, so they cannot be counted together]

[Blindly guessing a task item is the number of demons slain. With so many demon army guards, it is impossible for Wei Xun to kill them all. It should be enough to kill a number]

[I don’t think so. If this is the case, Wei Xun should kill weak monsters and gather enough numbers as soon as possible. Why would he kill this one]

[No matter how strong Wei Xun is, this bastard is not easy to deal with. You see, Wei Xun has no place to speak! 】


The white wolf quickly dodged dozens of magic arrows that were shot at it. Howling, the snow waves surged and rolled towards the enemy in front of him. But the snow waves several meters high hitting the opponent are just a slight undulating snow edge.

Yes, just like what was said in the barrage, the enemy in front of Wei Xun looked like a tortoise shell made of white bones. However, this tortoise shell was too big, with a diameter of a hundred meters, occupying almost half of the canyon, and was extremely conspicuous. Like a hill. When Wei Xun found it, he saw dozens of wolves biting and scratching on the turtle's shell, but they had nowhere to eat.

Their sharp claws could not cause any harm to the tortoise shell, but hiding under the tortoise shell were nearly a thousand flesh bugs with fragile bodies but capable of spitting out demonic energy and arrows, like earthworms, but they could attack and injure them. It's like a dog eating a tortoise - there is no way to eat it.

This was Wei Xun's first time seeing such a symbiotic monster. The giant tortoise shell-like monster only had extremely strong defense power, was slow in movement, and had no attack power. This group of flesh bugs are highly aggressive but fragile. Wei Xun killed several of these monsters on the way here. Although they look like devil bugs, they are not devil bugs. Most of them are huddled in various hard shells, like The snails from the Demon Realm taste like gummy bears.

Wei Xun also felt that it was very rare to see thousands of them hiding under one shell, but his target was not these demonic snails.

"Ouch, ouch!"

More than a dozen wolves howled together with Wei Xun. Amid the resonance of the wolf howls, a larger snow wave rose up and attacked the tortoise shell with a roar of thunder. However, its defense is too strong, and the impact of the snow waves cannot cause any damage to it. The monsters under the bastard's shell immediately fought back, but the range of their magic arrows was limited. Wei Xun led the pack of wolves to stand in a mean corner, and the magic arrows could not hurt them at all.

Wei Xun expressed satisfaction when he saw the strip of snow sticking to the giant tortoise shell.

"Ouch——" (continue!)

He had come all the way to save these wolves that were willing to howl with Wei Xun. Some of them were almost killed by the demon army, and some were almost killed by a sneak attack. Wei Xun did have a certain status among the wolves, but the Snow Wolf King was missing. As soon as Wei Xun howled, the wolves were willing to follow him, and now he had thirteen wolves around him.

not enough.

Wei Xun saw the snow waves rising from the wolf howl again, but before they could stick to the tortoise's shell, they were shattered by the swarm of magic arrows. The current snow waves caused by these wolves could not achieve his goal.

But Wei Xun already had a backup plan.



The howls of wolves suddenly sounded one after another, getting closer and closer, and the sounds were filled with murderous rage. Eight wolves came from the east chasing a ball of magic fire. This ball of magic fire moved in an extremely coquettish way. Ruojiruoli was swinging in front of the wolves, burning the tips of their noses from time to time, but ducking away when they flew to bite. .

The audience in the live broadcast room almost couldn't help but laugh out loud after seeing these eight wolves, because they were so miserable. Their beautiful and thick wolf fur was burned into pits and bald patches. It was unbearable to look at them. No wonder they pursue the demonic fire with all their might.

But the speed of the demonic fire was getting faster and faster, and it was impossible for the wolves along the way to stop it. Seeing that the demonic fire was about to fly away, the wolves roared in anger and unwillingness. At this moment, a snow-white wolf shadow fell from the sky!


Just a roar was heard, and the red magic fire that was acting recklessly just now was directly pressed under the claws of the white wolf. Then the white wolf swallowed the magic fire in one gulp, not giving it a chance to struggle. The flames that had been playing with the wolves before were used by the white wolf. It was solved with the power of thunder. It raised its head majestically, stood tall and straight, with the tip of its tail turned up, full of scorn.


This is powerful!

The eight wolves touched the white wolf's snout one after another to show respect, and then they began to respond to the howls of the white wolf and the other wolves.



More wolf howls resonated and caused more snow waves, like strips wrapped around the shell of a giant tortoise. This time, even if the magic snail fired another magic arrow, it could no longer completely break all the ice and snow.


not enough!

[What is Wei Xun doing? 】

Someone on the barrage in the live broadcast room was puzzled. The defensive power of the tortoise shell in this demon country is too high. Even if the snow on the sacred mountain can spontaneously swallow the magic power and wrap the monster, it cannot hurt it at all. It just covers the tortoise shell.

[Does he want to attack the monster hidden under the bastard's shell? 】

Some people speculated that "there must be at least hundreds of them gathered together. Don't tell me, this is really convenient."

[Yes, if Wei Xun’s mission really kills the number of monsters, then it would be much more convenient to overturn the bastard’s shell and kill these monsters than to find them one by one]

[Tsk, I think it’s more of a waste of time. If I had the skills to deal with this bastard shell, I would have killed countless monsters long ago]

[I also think Wei Xun’s choice is not a good one. Yes, there are at least hundreds of monsters under this bastard’s shell, but if you want to move them, you have to overturn the bastard’s shell.]

[Wei Xun's strength is unstoppable. Didn't you see that he found so many wolves? 】

[But it’s useless to look for wolves! No matter how many wolves there are, they still won’t be able to eat this thing. He can attract so many wolves, so he might as well make the wolves help him kill other monsters. Don’t keep working hard for this.]

[Hey, don’t tell me, this tortoise shell really looks like a big snowball after being wrapped in snow]

[A guess, does Wei Xun want the snow to suck the monsters to death? 】

[Joke, if the snow can suck the demon army to death, why should the wolf do it? Look, the snow is just stuck to the monster's shell, and it has no attack, attack or power at all! 】

[Wei Xun is confused, what on earth does he want to do! 】

"Wei Xun is... making snowballs?"

In the movie theater of the returning brigade, everyone else left, and only Wang Pengpai stayed behind. He took a sip of wine, picked up a fried peanut with chopsticks, and watched Wei Xun's live broadcast happily.


Don't look at anything else, let go of your imagination, Wei Xun leads the pack of wolves howling, and wraps snow on the giant tortoise shell, isn't it like rolling a huge snowball!

Wang Pengpeng believed that what Wei Xun did must have his intentions.

But that white wolf king... hiss...

Wang Pengpeng always felt that because of his enthusiasm towards Wei Xun, he didn't look like a serious tool wolf. While he continued to watch the live broadcast, he took his mobile phone to open the real-time live broadcast screen recording, and wanted to drag the progress bar to see the White Wolf King.

But as soon as Wang Pengpai opened the hotel APP, there were 99+ unread messages, and many people in various groups were @him, which was shocking. Wang Pengpai took a casual look and saw that most of them were messages from big travelers in the brigade with whom he had good connections, and he inquired openly or covertly.

Wei Xun's performance among the group of people was so good that even though Mao Xiaole posted on the forum that Wei Xun was sincerely invited by the returning team, there were still many people in the team who were itchy and didn't want to let go.

First, the returning brigade had not recruited new members for several years, so the sudden recruitment was abnormal. Many passengers even asked Mao Xiaole tactfully if his account had been hacked/dazzled/obsessed, and Mao Xiaole was so angry that he was half dead.

Second, even if the returning team really wants to recruit new members, it depends on whether the new members want to go. There are better orcs in their team... ah, no, it's a better atmosphere and more generous treatment, maybe it will suit the newcomers' eyes.

To be honest, everyone in the returning team is a bit crazy, so maybe the newcomer will choose.

Another group of people were thinking about the snow leopard.

The snow leopard is called Xuefeng (named by Wei Xun), which really makes people think a lot.

[Pengpai, I got the good monkey wine from the pot, let’s go and have a drink]

[Pangpang, we brothers haven’t gotten together for a long time. I’ve set up a table at Hecuilou and called the brothers. You have to come! 】

[Brother Wang, Captain An saved my life back then, but I never found anything good to repay. This time I got something——


"What kind of evil intentions does Diao Deyi have? I, Xiao Wang, don't care about face at all~"

Wang Pengpai clicked all the messages and sang an adapted version of Shajiabang with great interest. Just as he was about to watch Wei Xun leading a group of big bad wolves to make snowballs again, he heard a knock on the door, followed by a lively voice. Young male voice:

"Damn it, why is this door locked? Wang Pengpai, open the door quickly, I know you are at home!"

"No one is home at the station you visited."

Wang Pengpai was so happy that he walked towards the door while watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and said in a pretentious manner: "Please press the # key to leave a message."

"God damn # key." The other party laughed angrily: "You want me to carve a # key on your door?"

"We are a team of brothers. How can you turn away brothers like you?"

"Team Qi, look at what you said." Wang Pengpai cried out: "According to the Qing Dynasty, Fujin received Fujin, and Fujin received Fujin. I am just a deputy team member. I am not giving you face by hosting you. He will wait for Captain An to come back. If I go to your place again, you will see——"

"No, if you invite this evil star to my residence, I'm afraid your life will be shortened."

The other party said: "Open the door quickly, I'm here with news... Do you know that the Butcher Alliance, the Twelve Alliance and the tour guide alliance are going to assassinate Wei Xun at the end of the journey?"

"Hey, isn't this the Qi team? Long time no see. Come and sit inside."

Wang Pengpeng walked all the way to the living room and saw a floating door in the middle of the spacious living room. It stands to reason that there are only two doors in the hotel station, one leading to the hotel lobby and the other leading to reality. Except that members of one's own brigade can enter, there is no such thing as visiting each other.

This floating door is actually the 'brothers' brigade' channel that can be opened with a cost of 100,000 points.

The Feihong Brigade, ranked second in the Eastern District, clamored every year to replace the Returning Brigade and reach the top spot. The passengers and subordinate brigades from both sides were incompatible with each other when they met outside. They competed for resources and newcomers' vlog income and competed with each other. But in fact, the relationship between the two parties is not bad. They always use this door to communicate and visit, and have never been discovered by outsiders.

Some news is not safe even if it is told on the hotel app. It is safest to communicate face to face at the brigade station.

"I said, Wang Pengpai, you are increasingly losing sight of rabbits and letting go of hawks."

The floating door opened, and a young man stepped out of the halo. He was dressed very avant-garde, with three ear studs on each side of his ears. He wore goggles on his face, a pink hoodie with a skull printed on his chest, and his pants were full of jingles. Wearing all kinds of silver chain decorations, everyone is smiling and seems to get along well with everyone.

"Hey, you are the only one left in this hotel? Everyone else has gone to Tibet?"

"How can I? We are all busy with our journey. Captain Qi, you have some tea."

Wang Pengpai also smiled and looked behind the young man: "Why didn't Xiaoqing come this time? Yushu made him a washboard. It helps to shed his skin."

"Hey, isn't it Xiaoqing who wants to raise a little leopard cub to cause trouble? How old is he? I didn't bring him here. It's embarrassing."

The young man said lightly: "If you want it, just go find it yourself. Do you want me to find a leopard for him?"

"What a coincidence, we also have a little leopard in our team."

Wang Pengpai pretended to be surprised and said: "It's just the big snow leopard raised by Team An. You know, oh my god, this little leopard is so cute..."


Suddenly the young man exclaimed: "This snowball is really piled up!"

I saw him touching his goggles, and on the left lens was Wei Xun's live broadcast split screen. Then he pretended to apologize and said to Wang Pengpai: "Pengpai, isn't this Xiao Cui? He recommended a new guy to me. He was so anxious that he would hang himself if I didn't look at him. I had no choice but to look at this new guy. It’s really good.”

"That's not a coincidence. My captain also likes a new guy recently and has gone to check them out."

Wang Pengpai stopped pretending and picked up his phone to watch the live broadcast. On the contrary, when the young man heard what he said, he raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Captain An really went in? At his level, if he wants to enter the low-level journey, he must use the title of Wild Mind.

"Not good."

"Could it be snow..."


Wang Pengpeng smiled and pointed at the live broadcast screen to see the majestic white wolf king.

"It's this Snow Wolf King!"

"That's a virtual mission."

The young man hesitated for a moment and exhaled angrily: "Wei Xun has the skull of the White Wolf King on his body, otherwise he would not have passed the mission in wolf form."

Wang Pengpeng opened his innocent eyes wide: "Ah? Is that so?"

"Okay, your mouth is starting to look more and more like a clam shell."

The whole team waved, sat down on the sofa, took out a thermos cup and drank ice-cold Coke: "The Butcher Alliance plans to hijack the car and kill Wei Xun just after the journey."

"I'll give you a vaccination first. The other party may send out second-class elite butchers."

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