Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 109 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (52)

"It's demonic."

Jiang Hongguang and the others always listened to Wei Xun's words. They left an off-road vehicle behind and the others quickly moved forward on the same path, fearing that they would be late and cause trouble to Wei Xun.

Soon the sound of the car faded away, leaving only the lights of the off-road vehicle piercing the dark night like two bright lightsabers. The surroundings were silent, and even the sound of the wind stopped.

Wei Xun was distracted by sensing the status of the bloody ladybug, but the Lama Cuocha, who was wearing a Gusin skin thangka, floated to his side. Holding the demon-conquering pestle, his old and white eyes swept around, revealing a trace of Clearly:

"So we're here."

"Do you know what's going on?"

After listening to the movements of the bloody ladybug, I found that besides 'puff, puff, puff', the emotions it fed back were a mixture of resistance and desire. Wei Xun's brain circuit was very strange, and he guessed whether the corpse in the ground did not suit the blood ladybug's appetite. When he heard the wrong lama speak, he no longer guessed what an insect was thinking and came back to his senses.

"The great demon Chabalaren seduced evildoers and opened the door to the demonic kingdom from the human world, allowing countless demons to invade the human world. The grassland turned into hot sand and scorched earth, and the heroic warriors turned into walking corpses."

Lama Cuocai began to talk about ancient times. Wei Xun listened and found that the general idea of ​​what he said was similar to what Amala said, but it was deeper. Amara mainly talks about the war between Shang Zhung and Tubo, and the only big demon involved is Chabalen.

But what Lama Tsongcha said was much more detailed and closer to the myth. He said that Chabalaren was just the vanguard of the demon kingdom’s invasion of the pure land of the human world. He led the demon army into the human world. The Snow Leopard King, the White Wolf King and the White Antelope King fought for thirty-three days, from Zhajiazangbo to Mugagangri.

The demon army had terrifying methods. The White Wolf King and his wolves died in the thick fog, the White Antelope King died in the strong wind, and the strongest Snow Leopard King fought alone in the heavy rain for seven days. When the demon knife was about to pierce its chest and dig out its heart, millions of troops from the Shangxiong Kingdom, led by the great priest Guxin and the heroic King Shangxiong, arrived and started a decisive battle with the demon army at Sebu Co.

Wei Xun said: "You mean this is the ancient battlefield where Xiang Xiong's army fought against the Demon Army?"


Lama Cuocao sighed softly and recited the Eight-Character Scripture of Bon Religion: "More than a million warriors died on the battlefield. Their bodies were contaminated by evil spirits and their bodies could not be moved. We can only let the sacred mountains, holy lakes and time purify the evil spirits little by little. "

Wei Xun was confused: "It's been a thousand years since that war, has the demonic energy not been purified yet?"

Lama Cuocai shook his head silently, Wei Xun understood.

It seemed that the corpses underground that were about to attack them were probably the remains of the Shang Shung warriors. The demonic energy in their bodies has not completely dissipated for thousands of years. Now the demons have resurrected and been controlled again, becoming the first front line to stop them.

"Are they going to go ahead and stop other people?"


Lama Cuocao said solemnly: "They are coming for us."

He glanced at Wei Xun, then at the snow leopard who was on guard in all directions, and said briefly: "Priest, King Xiangxiong, Snow Leopard."

Wei Xun understood and found it interesting. Historically, it was the Snow Leopard King who stopped the demon army, and King Shang Hung and Priest Gu Xin led the army of millions of Shang Hung. Now they have snow leopards here, Lama Cuoca is wearing a thangka made from the human skin of the ancient priest Gu Xin, and he has a golden-winged roc-horned crown that represents the authority of King Shang Hung. It actually coincides with history in a strange way.

It’s no wonder Lama Tsocha is so confident that they can seal the great demon Chabalen again.

Compared with those years ago, they are now short of millions of Xiangxiong warriors.

"We should purify them."

Wei Xun said seriously, he lowered his eyes with pity and solemnity: "Devils should not tarnish the body of a warrior."

Lama Tsocha must have thought so too, as can be seen from Xiaolin Temple. With his strength, he was able to kill the lamas who turned into ghosts when sealing Xiaolin Temple. But if they are killed in that situation, they will be thrown into the Nine Blood Pools as demons.

Lama Tsocha never killed them, and he also hoped that someone could purify the evil spirit and purify their souls so that the lama could be reincarnated as a human being.


Lama Cuocai glanced at Wei Xun approvingly. He held the demon-conquering pestle in his hand and stared at the ground beneath his feet. Wei Xun held a narrow crystal knife in one hand and a crystal lamp filled with magic flames in the other. Snow leopards stood guard beside Wei Xun, one person, one soul and one leopard standing on the quiet ground.

A long while passed.

"Lama, are we going to wait like this?"

Wei Xun broke the silence.

"Yes, they will come to us from under the earth."

The wrong Lama said seriously.

But Wei Xun sensed the "empty" and "hungry" emotions emanating from the blood ladybug. It was eager to go far away, and kept making "puff" sounds to Wei Xun - it probably wasn't trying to escape, but the underground underground in the distance. There's something attracting it...or rather a corpse.

Could it be that the first wave of corpses that hit them had been eaten by blood ladybugs?

"I don't feel demonic."

Wei Xun used the crystal lamp in a decent manner, and the magic flame rolled up in the night sky, pointing to the northeast like an arrow from a string: "Is it over there?"

If it is true as the Lama said, the demonized corpses will attack them spontaneously. Now they don't dare to come over, probably because they are afraid of the bloody ladybugs, so they have to change places to catch another wave... At the same time, Wei Xun was surprised, Lama Congcha could even feel the demonic energy of the demonized corpse, why? Can't sense the bloody ladybug?

Or is it inherently hidden?

Lama Tsocha also felt strange. He clearly felt a large amount of demonic energy coming from the ground just now, but before he could get close, it all disappeared without a trace. He originally thought it was a trap by the devil, and he was trying to hide his aura before making a sneak attack, so he kept ready, but now it seems that's not the case?

"We must not let the devil harm everyone. We must take the initiative."

Wei Xun said righteously, Lama Cuocao was wondering if the three of them were too strong together, making the demonized corpses afraid to approach. Hearing what Wei Xun said, his heart trembled. Yes, if the devil really has a conspiracy, it would be a waste of time for them to wait here.

But to be honest, it is impossible for a person to chase the demon. It is impossible for a person to be faster than the demon. Even if it is just a demonized corpse, he would have to ride a fast horse to catch up.

"Get in the car."

Wei Xun got on the off-road vehicle and sat in the driver's seat: "Lama, give me the direction. I won't be able to drive for a while. If I encounter an attack, I'll beg you."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Lama Cuocao responded seriously. He saw that Wei Xun had to use all his hands and feet to control this 'fast horse', and he understood that he 'couldn't take action'. Lama Cuocao crossed the car and sat cross-legged on the roof of the off-road vehicle. The view here is the best. Once an enemy appears, he will discover it for the first time.

Putting the demon-subduing pestle in front of his knees, Lama Cuocao looked forward with blazing eyes, concentrating on: "Follow the direction of the demon flame."


Wei Xun drove all the way, and the direction the magic flame pointed was actually controlled by him secretly, which was the blood ladybug's movement route. As he expected, this bloody ladybug went to eat the underground demon corpse. The direction the wrong lama pointed every time was the same as the direction the blood ladybug ran.

Wei Xun saw that their car was driving in circles and knew that the demonized corpses were afraid of the blood ladybugs and were attracted to them. Therefore, the underground distribution of the demonized corpses was almost a hollow circle with the blood ladybugs as the center... Wei Xun's heart After thinking about it for a while, he decided not to let Demon Flame follow the Blood Ladybug, but pointed in the direction of Serincuo Lake.

Anyway, the demonized corpse ran with them, the mantis stalking the cicada, and the oriole behind. They attract the demonized corpses, and the blood ladybugs eat them behind, without delaying their journey to Serincuo, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Sure enough, as Wei Xun expected, after he drove towards Selincuo, Bloody Ladybug immediately followed him from a distance. But as time passed, Wei Xun became more and more surprised. The blood ladybug was eating corpses faster and faster, and the time it stayed at each location was getting shorter!

So much so that they are now like this——

Trouble Lama: "Stop here."

Get off the car and wait for a quarter of an hour.

Lama Tongcha: "The demonic energy has disappeared. Keep moving forward, in the direction of the demonic flames... stop here."

Get off the bus for five minutes.

Lama Tsocha: "The evil spirit has disappeared, continue...stop, no, no need to stop."

Wrong Lama: ...

Wrong Lama:?

"The devil is so cunning."

Wei Xun sighed, and Lama Cuocai nodded solemnly. If the demonized corpse attacks from underground, although it is difficult to deal with, it is still better than this demonic energy appearing and disappearing. It seemed that this demon was actually much more troublesome than he thought.

The wrong Lama is nervous. If the demonized corpse cannot be solved in advance...

"There are three great demon generals in Chabalaren's demon army, who are in charge of thick fog, violent wind and heavy rain respectively."

Lama Tsocha said: "Thirty-three years ago when I strengthened the seal, only the thick fog demon generals woke up. But seeing how cunning the demonized corpses are now, I am afraid that the seal was seriously damaged and all three demon generals have awakened."

"The thick fog demon will be Chabalaren's left protector, the violent wind demon will be Chabalaren's right protector, and the heavy rain will be the daughter of his condensed demonic energy. We are going to Serincuo Lake to strengthen the seal, and we will definitely meet blocked by them."

"Are they stronger than the demon phantom?"

Wei Xun asked with great interest. Thanks to the blood ladybug eating faster and faster, he drove faster and faster along the way without wasting much time. At the current speed, if we run for another hour and a half, we will arrive at 5:30 in the morning. But after all, they were eating and eating and did not catch up with Jiang Hongguang and the others in front of them. However, Wei Xun put insect eggs on Jiang Hongguang, Qin Xinrong and the others in advance, so the passengers did not encounter the demonized corpse blocking their way.

"In terms of demonic energy, they are on the same level as the demon phantom."

Lama Tsocha explained: "But in addition to the demonic energy, they each have their own original demonic power, which is very powerful."

In Wei Xun's ears, it's like, "They each have their own flavor."

"Squeak chirp."

A group of Tibetan wild donkeys passed by in front of them. Wei Xun turned the steering wheel to make a detour and slowed down the car. Taking this opportunity, a white figure flew in from outside, crossed the half-open window, and landed on Wei Xun's lap.


The panting sound was as rapid as a train starting to move, and the mink cub collapsed directly on Wei Xun's legs, panting hard. From the moment Wei Xun put it down in the car until now, the mink cub has been chasing the car for a long time - even if it is a corpse that turns into a flying fox, a mink spirit, and a fox spirit, it has never had the experience of chasing an off-road vehicle in its life. !

Wei Xun held the steering wheel with one hand, scratched the mink's chin with his right hand soothingly, and secretly fed it a drop of purified magic honey. The mink suddenly stopped panting. It narrowed its eyes in contentment, hummed and rubbed coquettishly, rubbing Wei Xun's fingers with its chin.

A drop of scarlet as big as a sesame seed moved from the fur on the mink cub's chin to between Wei Xun's fingers. It went outside to collect blood ladybugs for Wei Xun. The blood ladybug had stayed in the fox cub's belly for a long time and was familiar with its scent and would not attack.

Wei Xun just sensed that the blood ladybug had finished eating - not that it was full, but that it had eaten all the demonized corpses. The emotion it conveys seems to be clearer, but it is still primitive. It can only express to Wei Xun "full, but not full yet" in a messy way, and convey to him the emotion of "expectation".

But when Wei Xun didn't respond, Bloody Ladybug wasn't angry either. It fell from Wei Xun's fingers into the seam of the clothes, and then got into the clothes, trying to climb up. Wei Xun felt the emotions conveyed by the blood ladybug. It was the first time that it wanted to take the initiative to suck blood!

Wei Xun felt that the connection between himself and the blood ladybug was deepening. It seemed that it was not that it could not be contracted, but that it had to eat enough corpses? Maybe it cannot be contracted when it is in a special sleeping sealed state, and it can only be unsealed by eating a corpse.



Wei Xun clearly refused and emphasized emphatically.

'Absolutely not'

Blood Ladybug has just eaten so many demonized corpses! No matter how it ate, Wei Xun would never let it lie directly on his chest to suck blood. Just imagining it was unacceptable to him.

Suck the blood he drew out in advance and stored in the syringe, okay. It won't work if you stick it directly to the flesh to suck blood.

‘Puff! ’

However, the blood ladybug did not obey and continued to climb up. The emotions it conveyed to Wei Xun were stained with the evil spirit of blood, and the popping sound had a special oppressiveness, actually trying to force people to obey its orders. ——Compared with Xiaocui and Xiaojin, it is more aggressive and ferocious, and will bite back on its owner if it is slightly dissatisfied!


Before Wei Xun had time to deal with the blood ladybug, let it recognize who its master was. He heard a slight snap in his clothes, like nails crushing sesame seeds. Wei Xun lowered his eyes and found a red dot floating in the air, falling out of the seam of his clothes and landing peacefully on the floor mat of the car.

At the same time, the mink that was clinging to Wei Xun's lap held its face with its small paws in disbelief, and the mink was completely confused.

It, it seemed like it was slapped by something just now?

And this feels strangely familiar?

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Diao Zai 'swore loudly' and stepped on Wei Xun's shoulder and jumped up on the back of the chair. He looked around angrily with his hair all over his body, only to see Snow Leopard lying lazily on the back seat, his beautiful body stretched out, and he yawned - No, Snow Leopard is impossible. Hit it with your tail.

Who did it? !


The snow leopard snorted and glanced sideways at the mink cub. To the mink cub, this was simply a naked mockery!

"Zai Zai, come."

Wei Xun didn't need to look back to understand what was happening. The power that drew the blood-flying ladybugs and the mink cubs just now was probably the 'snow leopard protector'.

But what criteria does it use to extract people?

Before, Wei Xun thought that it would drive away anything that wanted to invade his body, but that was not the case with the Blood Ladybug - could it be because of his mood?

Whatever invades his body will be driven away. If Wei Xun refuses, will it fly away?

How to explain the mink cub? Or should we say that it is not a fully automatic pumping machine, but has its own emotions and judgments in it.


The master called me Zaizai!

Wei Xun's words made the fox cub feel proud again. It snorted at the snow leopard, quickly jumped over Wei Xun's shoulder and landed in front of his feet. It grabbed the bloody ladybug with a small claw. Wei Xun could feel that the blood ladybug did not return to sleep, nor did it die. It was more like it was frightened.

After being caught by the mink, it immediately crawled along the mink's fur to the tip of the tail farthest from Wei Xun. The whole ladybug was filled with a sense of "climb, I'll crawl now".

"Lama, be careful."

Wei Xun reminded. The return of the bloody ladybug shows that the 'level' of demonized corpses has been passed.

Next, I'm afraid we will have to face the three demon generals of fog, wind, and rain mentioned by Lama Cuocao.

Moreover, Lama Tsocha said there were one million Shang Shung warriors—let’s count it as one million.

But the blood ladybug only ate a thousand corpses, so where did the remaining demonized corpses go?


Wei Xun suddenly felt something was wrong, and he was about to brake immediately. At this moment, the hotel prompt sounded in Wei Xun's ears.

[Assessment Task: The Battlefield of the Fog Demon General]

[Task Level: Dangerous]

[Task description: You have completed all the previous attractions 100% perfectly. You are the best quality traveler and have been included in the hotel's focus list. Although you are already on the main line of sealing the great demon, the demon level is too much higher than yours and the journey level is too high. The hotel only cares about your future and does not want you to die early, so can you access the difficulty level? The final main line of unblocking depends on your performance in the assessment task]

[Mission Note: Passengers who die during the assessment mission will not really die. But you will lose the opportunity to unblock the difficulty of the journey. 】

[Task goal (reaching any one will be considered as passing)]

【1. Kill 500 Demonic Army】

[2. Awakening (purifying) five hundred Xiangxiong warriors]

【3. Defeat the Fog Demon General】

【4. Kill the Fog Demon General】

[5. While all members of Xiang Xiong’s army survive, kill all the demon army and kill the fog demon general]

[If you can complete all the above five items, you will get the 'Excellent Traveler' mark issued by the hotel! 】

Thick fog came silently from all directions, and the off-road vehicle Wei Xun was riding in gradually dissipated like a mist. The wrong lama, off-road vehicle, and snow leopard all disappeared. Only the mink cub hugged his calf tightly, the little furry face was in shock.

Hostel focus list? Is there such a thing?

As the thick fog gathered, Wei Xun read the assessment tasks a few more times and couldn't help but feel amazed. I remember when he was a tour guide, new tour guides were directly dragged into the dangerous group. When doing tasks to open up new attractions, the hotel never reminded them of "high difficulty!" ''Danger! 'some type of.

Things are different now.

We are about to reach the final scenic spot, and there is actually an assessment mission. What Wei Xun finds most outrageous is that if you die during the assessment mission, you will not really die, but just lose the opportunity to unlock the difficulty of the journey.

By doing this, the brigade really gives a lot of preferential treatment to travelers with great potential.

I just don’t know what the ‘Excellent Traveler’ logo is for.

What Wei Xun was thinking directly about was the final mission reward—it’s already here, wouldn’t it be a waste not to get all the rewards?

This kind of upcoming task also makes Wei Xun happy. He likes every unexpected event on the journey. This is exciting enough!

Wei Xun felt that the excitement in his heart could not be suppressed, as if it was turning into a stream of air that was about to pour out of his throat. Wei Xun couldn't help but open his mouth:


It was a wolf howl!

In an instant, dozens of pairs of green wolf eyes looked at him at the same time. These were only those near Wei Xun. There were more of the same kind hidden in the thick fog. Wei Xun turned his face, and his face at this moment was reflected in the eyes of the gray wolf next to him - a very beautiful, but relatively young, white wolf face.

Have I turned into a wolf? ?

[Absolutely, absolutely, what kind of difficult task is this? ! 】

[Why did Wei Xun turn into a wolf? How to do this! 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly filled the screen fiercely.

As they approach the last scenic spot, the number of viewers in Ding Yi's broadcast room gradually increases and is now close to one hundred thousand. With Wei Xun's outstanding performance, he is definitely the best rising star tourist this year. Regardless of whether it is a tour guide or a tourist, no matter what his intentions Thoughts, countless people are looking forward to witnessing the birth of the new star passenger!

Nowadays, if you are a fan of Wei Xun, you will not suffer a loss or be cheated. If you are a fan of Wei Xun, you will make a profit. They are Wei Xun’s first batch of old fans!

However, Wei Xun's live broadcast style is really hard to describe. Either he didn't turn on the flashlight at night, so the audience couldn't see the most exciting scenes of exploring the Zhangzhung ruins. Or in a black tent - well, just to protect Wei Xun's privacy.

But there were so many spectators at the Xiaolin Temple that they couldn't bear it. Although the Xiaolin Temple was either dazzling by fire or a dark scripture cave on the first night, at least we could roughly see what Wei Xun was doing. Even if the scene of him fighting the demonized spider was blocked by the damn spider web - at least the spider web would rise and fall with the fierce battle.

The viewers who have been following the live broadcast no longer ask for clear pictures. As long as it is not completely dark, just by watching the cobwebs shaking, they can brainstorm millions of words about Wei Xun's battle with the demonized spider.

However, everything changed from that day on. Wei Xun's live broadcast split screen began to go black randomly!

There were barrages pointing this out when Wei Xun was sleeping in the tent, but the quality of Wei Xun's tent was very good and it was so dark that it was completely invisible. This was already recognized by the audience, and not many people cared about it.

It was only when Fei Lezhi and the others opened the tent curtain that the poor audience discovered that Wei Xun had turned into a little snow leopard based on the light that shone into the tent!

At that time, some viewers were puzzled. Although the little snow leopard was cute, he was ready for Wei Xun to transform into a mink. He specially invited the mink traveler girl he wanted to date to watch the live broadcast. How could Wei Xun turn into a snow leopard? Got it!

This old man was ridiculed by the barrage. After the ridicule, a barrage gave him some popular science, saying that there are two ways for a wild mind to transform into a beast. Wei Xun took the path of imitation. Travelers who can follow this path will There will be no limit on the number of animals he can transform into, which means that Wei Xun can transform into a snow leopard and other wild animals in the future.

Obviously, wild snow leopards are rarer. Wei Xun first chose to imitate snow leopards. It is normal for him to be familiar with snow leopard habits. But he can turn into a snow leopard in less than ten days. He is definitely a genius among geniuses, and he is definitely born to be very suitable for the title of Wild Mind!

Of course, there are also sour barrages of yin and yang, saying that Wei Xun wanted Snow Leopard to be strong and turned into Snow Leopard, but turned out to be a useless cub. Might as well become an adult mink, at least better than a cub.

Then they were swollen in the face by the scene of the cub Snow Leopard planning to hunt Demon Flame.

Facts have proved that snow leopard is very useful during this journey to northern Tibet. Even if it’s just a little snow leopard.

But what happened next was incomprehensible to the audience.

Because they encountered a black screen for fifteen minutes!

Without any warning, the moment Wei Xun transformed from a little snow leopard back into a human, his live broadcast split screen went black.

No reason!

At that time, the barrage was full of question marks. Countless people ran to Jiang Hongguang and the others to split the screen to see, only to find that everyone else was normal except Wei Xun, whose screen was black!

The fifteen minutes of black screen was simply torture. The post "Is Wei Xun dead?" became a hot topic on the forum. Countless viewers analyzed whether this was because Wei Xun had obtained some kind of shielding prop, a live broadcast bug, or Wei Xun was out of control. It was a big event and there was a lot of noise.

Fifteen minutes later, Wei Xun appeared on the live broadcast screen again, neatly dressed like a normal person. It was as if the pause button had just been pressed on time and nothing had actually happened. What made the audience even more devastated was that Wei Xun then went directly to the Sutra Cave - apparently in these fifteen minutes of darkness, he had captured the black magic flame by unknown means!

[Those who can follow the live broadcast until now are definitely Wei Xun’s big-hearted true fans]

There is a faint barrage.

[There are also various large brigades that want to introduce Wei Xun]

[There are also various tour guides who want to watch Dark Shark Wei Xun]

[I cried, it was really torture from a tourist tour guide]

[Brigade observers who follow Wei Xun, thank you for your hard work! 】

[Still surviving data analysis bosses, how are you? 】

[Laughing, how should Wei Xun analyze this? Did he use unknown shady means? 】

[Thank you for the invitation, real Wei Xun fans are already waiting for the vlog]

[Laughing to death, Wei Xun’s 10-year-old fan came here uninvited, who would watch the live broadcast?]

[Please, I can't stand it anymore. Please ask the brigade that will bring in Wei Xun to get him a shielding prop as soon as possible. I would rather he block normally than do this kind of thing all the time, okay?]

Therefore, when Lama Cuocai talked about the three demon generals, the barrage had already started in harmony [Waiting for a thick fog]

[Wait for a thick fog]

[Did I get some strange prophetic title? I can actually see the future - bet on a thick fog]

[With Wei Xun’s character, he definitely wants to confront the Demon General head-on. According to the advanced mathematical formula: frontal rigidity = wonderful picture, wonderful picture = Wei Xun's physical shielding. From this, it can be seen that the wonderful picture of Wei Xun's frontal rigidity and demon general will be blocked, and it will be thick fog when it is brought in]

【Mathematical Genius】

[Wei Xun rescued Lama Cuocha and brought him out. He shouldn’t have to pass all three tests, right? It should be that he passed one, the lama passed one, and then they passed one together? 】

[It is speculated that Wei Xun passed through the thick fog, Lama passed through the strong wind, and when the final heavy rain came, it was time to reach the great demon of Serincuo. I heard the wrong Lama Chai say that the fog and the wind are the left and right guardians respectively, but the heavy rain is the little daughter of the great demon condensed with the evil energy. It is reasonable to speculate that as long as Wei Xun can get through the fog, he can directly face Chabararen]

【Mathematical genius】

The audience was enthusiastic about speculation in the barrage, but in fact, Wei Xun's live broadcast split screen has always been a boring driving scene - at the beginning, when Wei Xun Lama got out of the car and said that a demonized corpse was approaching, the audience in the live broadcast room was very excited .

But just like the story of the boy who cried wolf, repeated over and over again, although the wrong lama does not seem to be telling lies, they should be chasing the demonic energy, but the lack of demonized corpses still makes the audience gradually Distracted.

There is no incident at the moment, Wei Xun is just driving. During the live broadcast of the journey, there is often a day of driving/sailing/walking on foot. Usually the audience will do their own things at this time. But after all, there is such a thing as "demon corpse lurking", and everyone doesn't want to miss the wonderful scene, so they chat about it in the live broadcast room.

[To be honest, even though Wei Xun is almost at the end, I still can’t believe that a difficult journey can be accomplished like this by him]

[Isn’t it true? Even if I watched the whole process with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it—because all the wonderful operations were physically blocked by Wei Xun! 】

[To this day, I still don’t know what the Nine-Layered Swastika Crystal Tower looks like]

[To this day, I still don’t know how Wei Xun conquered the black magic flame]

[I still don’t know what Wei Xun’s naked body looks like]

【? ? ? You above are not normal! 】

[It’s so funny, haven’t you discovered it yet? Whenever Wei Xun changes from a cub back to a human, his live broadcast will go black! 】

[Damn it, it seems to be true, I wouldn’t even have noticed it if you didn’t tell me]

[Coincidence, but will the wild mind be naked when it returns to human form? ? ? First time I heard of it! 】

[Do your wild animals wear clothes? That must be naked! But I didn’t react. After all, it was the first time I saw someone whose initial title was Wild Mind. In the past, those who had this title were the little guy, the big guy, the big guy. They either had shielding props or brought convenience clothes, the kind that can change clothes in a second]

[In fact, this title is relatively rare, and more tour guides should pursue this title. After all, ahem, tour guides can’t even see it, after all, they all have hotel cloaks]

【I want to see Wei Xun change more! I'm greedy, and the leopard cub can't satisfy me anymore! 】

[Snow leopard king, white wolf king, and white antelope should change into at least one. Please, he is really good at turning into white animals! 】

[The original color wolf is more handsome]

[No, I want white! ! 】

[Albino animals generally have genetic defects and various diseases, okay? The original color is obviously healthier and stronger]

[I show my cards, I just want to see Wei Xun with white hair and blue eyes, he is so good-looking]

【Me too】

【 1】

[But do wild animal species affect people’s appearance? 】

[It seems that he can, or maybe Wei Xun hasn’t fully mastered it yet. You see, he has become like a cub. Maybe he doesn’t have enough control, so he looks like a beast.]

[Sounds reasonable...can I expect a leopard with leopard ears and a leopard tail? 】

[What’s a snow leopard without a plush tail? [Thunder! ]]

[The snow leopard has a big tail, but its ears are very small. To be honest, I prefer wolf ears. The deer boss on the way back is my dream idol...]

【Beware of orcs! (Oh, me too, then it’s okay)]

[Go to hell orcs! (Oh, me too, then it’s okay)]

[Be bold, Wei Xun is also an orc, and there is no clear connection between him and the snow leopard! 】

[Stop thinking about everything, okay? Wei Xun is to a snow leopard just like a serious person is to a pet]

[Oh, you are blushing.jpg (Wei Xun Snow Leopard version)]

【let me see! .jpg (Snow Leopard Probing Head and Brain Version)]

[Damn it, can you still post emoticon barrages by charging points? Learned a lot! (quietly ask if this is a real picture or a p-picture)]

[This is a real picture, when Wei Xun and Xue Bao were kissing, I saw them get married with my own eyes]

[It’s true, I have seen Wei Xun and Xue Bao break up, just this morning]

[Nonsense, I saw them get together again, the spoiled Leopard is the best]

[Okay, don’t say it anymore, Wei Xun only got close to Snow Leopard in order to become a wild soul. You guys start kowtowing now, and when Wei Xun wants to change, it won’t be BE on the spot]

[No, stop nagging! Damn it, there’s something going on! 】

[It was so funny that Wei Xun was facing a thick fog]

[Isn’t this normal? ? With Wei Xun's strength, he has to face the Fog Demon General alone? ? 】

[Why are the Lama and Snow Leopard gone? Isn’t this a legitimate golden finger earned by Wei Xun himself! 】

[Don’t panic about the above, I suspect this is an assessment task]

[Objectively speaking, Wei Xun’s rank is low and the difficulty of the journey is low. It is impossible for him to face the Great Demon Chabalen, but he has already come here. The difficulty of the journey should be unlocked only for him]

[Difficulty unblocked? ? Is the journey difficult because of a certain passenger unblocking it? ? Is this true? ! 】

【How did I not hear it being said! 】

[Yes, it is true, as long as the tourists are good enough - they have to be particularly good. I suspect that the completion of Wei Xun's first two attractions was 100%]

[No, is this news that normal live broadcast room viewers can know? ? I've become a high-end traveler, so why do I still act like a fool! 】

[The audience in Wei Xun's live broadcast room is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the person posting the barrage may be a top passenger... So the boss in front of you, are you missing a leg pendant! The kind that went to college! 】

[Oh my god, my god, please, I just want to know, is this assessment task dangerous? ! 】

[It’s not dangerous because you won’t die. Even if Wei Xun really dies during the mission, he will not die during the journey, he will just lose the qualification to unlock the difficulty level]

[To be honest, I think the possibility of Wei Xun passing the assessment task is very high, it depends on how many goals he can complete]

[How many goals? 】

[Yes, the assessment task will give one to five goals according to the difficulty level. If any goal is completed, it will be considered passed. If you complete them all, there will be a death reward]

【? ? ? What the hell is the death reward? ? 】

[Ah, that makes sense, but it’s actually a special reward, which is pretty good. It’s just that everyone who has received this reward, except Team An, has died. Everyone says that there is a curse on this reward, so they call it a death reward]

【...This is a class that I cannot touch.】

【Upstairs 1】

[Only completing one goal counts as success? Then I think Wei Xun has no problem]

As soon as this barrage came out, it was immediately slapped in the face by the live broadcast.

【What the hell? is this real? Oh my god? 】

[Why did Wei Xun turn into a wolf? ! 】

After receiving the assessment task, I turned into a white wolf.

Wei Xun quickly confirmed whether the skull of the White Wolf King was still in the fox cub's belly. After confirming that he had not used the title of Wild Mind, Wei Xun quickly figured out his current situation.

‘The White Wolf King and his wolves died in the thick fog’

This is what the lama said about the legend of the three sacred beasts of the Holy Mountain resisting the demonic army. The White Wolf King and his wolves died in the fight against the demonic army led by the Fog Demon General. Wei Xun is now a member of the wolf pack.

It's a little different from what Wei Xun thought, but it's acceptable. Before, Wei Xun was thinking about how to accomplish the fifth goal, 'Kill all the Demon Army and kill the Fog Demon General while all members of Xiang Xiong's army survive'? Wei Xun has a lot of confidence in purifying the demon army and even fighting against the fog demon general, but preserving Zhang Xiong's army is a problem.

But now it looks very simple.

Shang Hung's army arrived at the battlefield after the White Wolf King and the wolves died. As long as he led the wolves to defeat the demon army in advance, Shang Hung's army would naturally not appear on this battlefield.

It seems that he is the White Wolf King.

Wei Xun suddenly raised his head, his wolf ears twitching and the tip of his nose wrinkled slightly - he could already smell the sweet scent of the devil in front of him!


Wei Xun let out a long roar, which means you all should stay still. He had no experience in controlling wolves. In order not to get in the way, and to be wary of the demon army's tricks of devouring souls and becoming stronger, Wei Xun planned to let the wolves stay put and assassinate the demon army himself.


Before Wei Xun could finish his wolf howl, he was pushed hard. The opponent's strength was too great. Wei Xun took two steps back before standing still. When he looked up, he found that his eyes had just reached the white hair on its chest.


The other party looked at him with reproachful ice-blue wolf eyes, and let out a warning growl in his throat, saying in wolf language to the effect of 'stop barking, keep quiet'

Seeing Wei Xun stunned as if he had been knocked unconscious, the huge and majestic white wolf paused and touched Wei Xun's forehead with a soothing wolf kiss. But Wei Xun didn't pay attention to its tender behavior, but looked at the tail of the big white wolf - it was really big, standing very straight, and the wolf's tail was raised high. The other wolves bowed their heads and gave way when the white wolf came over.

Wei Xun looked at the other person and then at himself.

The case was solved, it was so funny that he was the White Wolf King, he was just white, a wolf.

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