Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1085 Tomb of the Tusi King (36)

"Have you seen God with your own eyes?"

Yu Hehui coughed and gasped, interrupting Li Jun's words and irritating him coldly: "You have just seen the statue of the Salt God."

Judging from the memory of Li Jun he read, a vague statue carved from salt stone had appeared many times and occupied a large space in Li Jun's memory. The 'memories' of cultural relics read by Yu Hehui were mostly left by those who had the strongest emotions towards cultural relics in history, such as its creator, its owner, and its destroyer. As a 'cultural relic' itself, Li Jun must follow the rules when reading his memory.

His most intensely emotional memory fragments accounted for the majority of Yu Hehui's readings, and were relatively clear.

The proportion of memory images related to this salt stone sculpture is almost equal to the images related to the twins of the Li family. This shows that Li Jun has a particularly strong emotion about it. Yu Hehui boldly guessed that this was a statue related to the Salt God or salt. A sacred token to deceive Mr. Li.

Sure enough, because Yi Ling, An Xuefeng, Mao Xiaole and others showed too much strength, Li Jun misjudged the overall strength of the team and mistakenly thought that Yu Hehui already knew everything, so he no longer concealed it and followed his words. : "The statue of God is the incarnation of God in the human world. Seeing the statue of God is like seeing God."

Li Jun sneered and said mockingly: "And the statue I saw is not a wooden tiger that the villagers can easily carve. It has real divine power on it and is a real miracle."

"Without the blessing of the Salt God, I would probably be dead."

He hammered the coffin hard, making a loud bang, and twisted his face into a ferocious smile: "After all, all the villagers wanted to kill me at that time, just for the sake of the twin tigers who were no different from fools."


A muffled sound came from the coffin, startling everyone who was listening carefully to Li Jun's words.

"Li Jun, can you please stop knocking on the coffin all the time? It's not a wooden board. It scares the audience every time!"

Wang Yushu, who was nearest, was so frightened that his mobile phone was shaking. He directly stood on the moral high ground and accused: "Don't knock anymore, otherwise -"

"Treant, shut up."


Mao Xiaole's voice made Wang Yushu, who was squatting on the ground, reflexively close his mouth. He looked over in surprise, only to see that Mao Xiaole had performed the Five Thunder Techniques again at some point, clasped the seal and looked at the coffin with a solemn face. , the suddenly tense atmosphere made Wang Yushu's breath stagnant, and a bad idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Could it be that Li Jun didn't knock the coffin board just now?

Yes, is the old zombie in the coffin finally rising? !

Yu and Hui both realized something was wrong here, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn, except for Li Jun. After a brief silence, he laughed, the laughter was sharp and creepy: "Hahahaha, hahahahaha, fool, fool, I have to say, they are fools, fools!"

"I will say it if you are alive, and I will say it if you are dead. Father, do you want to get up? Can you get up? Do you still have the strength to hit me? Hahahaha——"

"Xiao Le?"

Hearing Li Jun's words, Wang Yushu was sweating profusely and his scalp was about to explode. Wasn't this a perfect way to anger the old zombie? What if he really turns into a corpse? Director An and Ling and the others are not here! Why didn't Mao Xiaole shut Li Jun's mouth? Why did he still let him say it to anger the old zombie? ! But out of trust in his partner, Wang Yushu did not stop him. He just stood up and stood closely next to Mao Xiaole, making a gesture of 'live broadcast together'.

The old zombie is a believer of the Mountain Worship Cult. This is the live broadcast of the Mountain Worship Cult, so it should be somewhat restrained. Wang Yushu was really unsure. He stared at the old zombie in the coffin, who was staring angrily and with black hair all over his body. He couldn't help but talk about Ling Dao, and Ling Dao seemed to have really appeared. That sound just now The knocking on the coffin seemed to be just an auditory hallucination, and then there was no movement from the old zombie in the coffin. No matter how much Li Jun laughed and provoked, he remained lifeless, as if he was really a dead body that could not move.


After observing for a while, Mao Xiaole finally said: "There should be a set of formations in the coffin, connected to the earth."

"The corpse energy and resentment on its body was originally very heavy, but it was almost invisible after it was placed in the coffin. The coffin is absorbing its corpse energy and resentment and supporting the formation. If it leaves the coffin with brute force, the formation will be ineffective at first and worst at worst. It will backfire."

"But it's already a zombie."

Wang Yushu stuttered, can a zombie be rational and know not to leave the coffin?

"Perhaps it was the obsession during its lifetime, or it may be its own mind."

Mao Xiaole showed a solemn expression: "I originally thought that it would be black and stiff at most, but if it really starts to regain consciousness, at least it will be hairy and stiff."

Zombies are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. If a corpse is buried in a corpse raising ground, it will not take long for it to transform into purple zombies. It will be highly poisonous and the corpse will no longer rot, but at this time it is just a poisonous corpse. Only when it transforms into white rigor mortis or black rigor mortis will the body be able to walk slowly.

Many hundred-year-old zombies have just reached this situation. The white zombies and black zombies are highly poisonous and can move, but they move slowly. They are afraid of sunlight, fire, water, dogs, and chickens. There are ways to deal with them. a lot of.

But when it comes to the situation where the copper skin and iron bones become stiff, even a Taoist priest with profound knowledge must deal with it carefully. Mao Zhan moves quickly, jumps like flying, is not afraid of ordinary fire, and is no longer afraid of the sun*. The most important thing is that its consciousness begins to recover. The higher the Taoism, the clearer the consciousness. At that time, it cannot be simply regarded as a human being. Dead thing.

Mr. Li just died last night. His rapid transformation into a black zombie is incredible, and his transformation into a hairy zombie is beyond common sense and impossible. But this place is so evil, there are so many things that go beyond common sense, so it’s not surprising.

It's just that the formation with Mao Zheng and the Twin Tigers as the core is really tricky. It was so tricky that Mao Xiaole wanted to drag Wang Yushu to do the Thirty-six Strategies for a moment. When Wang Yushu asked him in a low voice, "Can Mr. Li do the live interview?" it was like watching a dead man talking with all the FG inserted. .

"Father, he can't speak. After all, he has passed away."

Li Jun laughed and said: "If you are afraid of father, then there is no need. He will never raise his body at this time. After all, this is his most pious wish in his life."

Li Jun smiled strangely: "He dreams of returning to his ancestors with the legendary twin tigers and responding to his ancestors' orders."

"Ancestor? The first Linjun?"

Wang Yushu asked keenly: "Where to go back? Where does he want to go? Go to the mountain for burial... Lin Jun's ancestor is in Wuluo Mountain?"

"Who knows, I don't care about that."

Li Jun smiled evilly, with a kind of condescending pity: "From the moment he lay in this coffin, it is impossible for my father to succeed again. Once the coffin is destroyed, the twin tigers that are also the core of the formation will be completely destroyed at the same time. If you don't come, let us send my father away, or there is a chance that his wish will come true.

"It's just the Mountain Worship Cult. It happened to be the Mountain Worship Cult that stopped this funeral. Hahahaha, look, father, the mountains are also preventing you from going back. The mountain gods don't care at all like fools, so-called twin tigers. !”

"You mentioned 'stupid' and 'idiot' many times. Do you have any psychological trauma about this?"

Li Jun's words revealed so much information that people had no time to react and were all led by his words. Fortunately, at the next moment, calm and steady words came from behind the shrine, suppressing Li Jun's wild laughter.

Bai Feibai walked out. He was wearing gloves and smelled of disinfectant. He said lightly: "Judging from big data, people who have returned to their ancestors are indeed prone to mental retardation, mental retardation and other problems. What do you mean? "My twin sister also has this problem?"

"Mr. Bai!"

Wang Yushu and others looked over in surprise. Bai Feibai nodded in front of everyone, but his eyes were still on Li Jun. He was calm, but his gaze was very oppressive. Li Jun stopped smiling, staring at Bai Feibai with his dark eye sockets, silent.

But Bai Fei gave him a blank look and continued: "You said before that you were almost killed by the villagers because of the 'twin tigers'. It was because of their IQ problems that made the villagers think that the twin tigers were incomplete. It needs sacrifices to become complete."

"You accidentally obtained the statue of the Salt God before... In other words, you were imprisoned as a sacrifice in a village ancestral hall or temple. By chance, you discovered the statue of the Salt God. Under the influence of divine power, you gained abilities. Turned into a bug and controlled the power of human skin, and escaped? "

Bai Feibai had been paying close attention to the changes in Li Jun's expression when he spoke, and could change the direction of his speculation at any time. By the end, Li Jun's face was expressionless and he was mumbling something dirty. But under Wang Yushu's live broadcast, he couldn't avoid the problem at all. All the questions Bai Feibai asked were immediately interesting. Moreover, during the autopsy behind the shrine, he also paid attention to the conversation in the main room and knew all the information well.

In the process of asking and answering, the past events are restored.

After the twin tigers were born, all the villagers placed their hopes on them. People don't think much of the tiger twins who act ignorant and slow when they are babies, and even think that these strange things are the symbol of "tiger"!

However, when they were still slow and clumsy when they were seven years old and could not understand the villagers' prayers, many people began to murmur in their hearts. With Li Junzhuyu in front of them, everyone was used to the extremely intelligent 'Xiao Linjun', so they naturally felt that there might be some flaw in the twin tigers.

‘It would be great if the twin tigers were as smart as Li Jun’

I don't know when this expectation spread, but gradually it became that the sacrifices were not given to the twin tigers, which resulted in their mutilation. Even Lao Linjun couldn't suppress the villagers' fanatical wishes. In the end, as Bai Feibai speculated, everything slipped into an irreversible abyss.

"But you have no way of knowing the whereabouts of the Salt God statue."

Li Jun suppressed it for a while, then suddenly showed a strange smile and stared directly at Wang Yushu's mobile phone.

"Even if it's a live broadcast, you can't get any news from me."

He laughed loudly: "Because even I don't remember anything related to the statue. This is the power of God!"


"You mean there is a statue of the Salt God hidden in this village?"

"In the village, or in the surrounding mountains and forests."

An Xuefeng had been listening to the news coming from the main room: "The salt particles that Li Jun used to pollute the well fell from that statue."

"My dear, this is getting more and more terrifying the more I talk about it."

Wang Pengpai's round face trembled, and he screamed strangely: "Now I would rather fight against those old rice dumplings than get involved with these ghosts and ghosts - Ling Dao, good Ling Dao, let's put this If the film explodes, you really won’t hit Li Jun and come to the Salt God, right?”

"What did Li Jun say in his memory that the Salt God statue is really here?"

But Yi Ling became interested and circled the tentacles of the corn shoots thoughtfully. The corn shoots had been entrenched underground in Zhimata Village, and everything around them was within its hunting range. When An Xuefeng said to Li Jun Before the villagers polluted it with salt grains, the corn shoots had eaten the soil minerals underground in Zimata Village and drank the groundwater. This water and soil are quite delicious, but they are by no means rich in pollution, and there are no salt particles like delicious lard residue, so Yi Lingcai and An Xuefeng alluded to it, saying that the salt will dissolve in the water and there will be no residue. .

The salt pollution that Li Jun threw into the well has most likely dissipated, and there are no crystals left.

In the same way, if there really is a statue of the Salt God in this area, which is the master of the Salt God's power (pollution), it will definitely be like a beacon to the greedy corn shoots, and it will definitely be discovered and hunted back in seconds.

But if the corn shoots don't sense it, then there are many possibilities - the Salt God statue may have been destroyed, the Salt God statue may not be in this area, it is outside the corn shoots' sensing range, and the Salt God statue may be in a special dormant state. , there is no external radiation pollution, or it is contained in a container that can isolate pollution, etc.

Yi Ling is now really interested in this statue, but when he thinks about the composition of the Salt God, he can't help but feel disgusted... Could it be that those snow-white salt grains are essentially insects? Maybe the statues of the Salt God are all It's made up of live insect eggs, insect skin, and insect corpses. It's disgusting just thinking about it. It would be fine if the corn shoots could be found casually, but if Yi Ling had to look for them specifically, that would be unnecessary, really unnecessary, and maybe An Xuefeng and the others could blow up the statue by blowing up the Li family - huh?


Yi Ling suddenly thought of a good idea.

The author has something to say

The next chapter is time to show the purity of zero conductivity!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1323:03:42~2023-12-1423:12:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: there are 3 wooden swords in the world;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xin Yao, Xi Cat Head, and CC 2; Nan Feng played with Xi Mi, Wu Qiao, and Zaou Zai in Xi Ming’s arms; 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 222 bottles of Ci Xiaoci; 200 bottles of Dong Yanyan; 139 bottles of Isnd; 98 bottles of Yanyu; 4927993092 bottles; 89 bottles of Shen Luoxue; 60 bottles of sweet preserves for my beloved; shopping for food and drinks, clams, 50 bottles of Wu Jian and Desolate Ruomu; 41 bottles of Vox's Dog; 39 bottles of Changyeyue; 38 bottles of Mo Yichan; 30 bottles of Brainless Zhouzhou, Eryaomu, and Nanjiu; 25 bottles of Muyao; Tanghuaxie, A?, Cha Lilili, InaRen, Asi (cannot escape the serial version), Yun Miaomiao 20 bottles; Ye Ye Ye ~ 19 bottles; Jinjiang Xiaoshou 18 bottles; l17 bottles; Jun 14 bottles; Cen Sangqi 12 bottles; you are a bargain 11 bottles; Wangzai eats steamed buns, wolfberry picking tea, Yanwuqing, Qingxiao, Mao Miaomiao, Zhongli Yihuan, Yuanjing, what is the name of the little lion in Phuket Island, axvkvcug, Glass-flavored cat, Mi Sheng, Weiwei's schedule is full, Yaozhou, Shi Yanqing, Wei Jinghong, Xia Xia, ax_Abyss butterflies can dream of small, hibernating black cats, Mu Dansheng, 66610 bottles; Let me have 5 bottles of Yu Yue, Jin Yan, and delicious Xiu Gou; 2 bottles of Meow, Li Qingfei, Sour Lime, and Yan Mo; Wandering in the clouds without knowing where to go, 60361802, Little Hipmi was played with by Xun Xun, (ーー゛), Huayu in the Small Town, Xiao, Infatuation Returns Beauty 3, Chattering, Lagrange, Orange Road, Yan Chenchen, Come back for a long time, 66246239, Monarchy, Hot Dry Noodles, Potato, Ban Meng Fusheng, Dugei Laozi 99, Yuri, Yu Nanxue, Gu Xingmian, The Crying Medium Doesn’t Cry, 52095666, Miracle Stops Without Hair, 3927 Summer Garden, Du Lulu, Go Lai, Yilin 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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