Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1084 Tomb of the Tusi King (35)

Why is the world different from before?

Li Jun didn't understand that he seemed to have suddenly lost everything just because someone who was more favored by the white tiger was born.

But isn't he the one favored by the White Tiger the most? What exactly went wrong? Li Jun was confused. He just felt that he could not stay here any longer. He wanted to run to the mountains and forests to find Bai Hu and ask the answer himself. But his leg was severely sprained, and the condition was aggravated because he came back from the mountains, so he had to recuperate at home.

After more than a month of training at home, he clearly realized that everything had changed.

The villagers who used to kneel down piously when they saw him regarded him as nothing. The children who used to scramble to please him would bump heads and laugh when they saw him, and then run away no matter what he said. His father moved him from his original room to the back of the room on the pretext of healing, and he was unable to see his mother or his two sisters again.

"You are not the White Tiger, how do you know who it has chosen?"

After Li Jun recovered, he could finally see his father again. He asked this question, but Lao Linjun just smiled bitterly, sighed and shook his head. He wanted to pat Li Jun on the shoulder, but Li Jun ran away. He was going to the mountains and forests to personally ask the white tiger who it had chosen, whether his twin sister was really stronger than him, and whether he...

Is it a sacrifice?

Although most of the villagers ran away when they saw him, Li Jun was very smart and overheard many conversations. He knew that the villagers avoided him because they thought he was a sacrifice, and they were afraid that if they got involved with him, they would become a sacrifice. The product was sacrificed to the white tiger. He secretly went to see his sisters and overheard his mother crying. His mother was very worried and wanted to visit him, but she didn't dare. She was worried that meeting the children who were sacrificed when she had just given birth to twin tigers with the 'tiger energy' in them would hinder Li Jun's health, and she was worried that the children would be sacrificed and die. When Li Jun was lying awake all night and pretending to be asleep, he could still feel his father coming to visit him late at night, sighing and tucking him into bed.

The villagers themselves are weak and need protection, so there is nothing wrong with staying away. The parents still love him as a child, so there is nothing wrong. The two younger sisters are weak and small, like newborn tiger cubs that don’t understand anything yet, so there is nothing wrong with them.

What's wrong with that?

As long as you find the white tiger and find out who is the child who is truly protected by the white tiger and who is the sacrifice, then there will be no problem.

But Li Jun did not find the white tiger in the forest, and later his father forbade him from entering the forest again.

"Children under the age of seven are children of the mountains, and are the same as mountain spirits and mountain ghosts. They will not be used as sacrifices."

His father warned him seriously: "But you are already seven years old."

If a sacrifice is brought into the mountains after the age of seven, isn't it equivalent to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth? Lao Linjun was determined not to let Li Jun go into the mountains again. He took care of his eldest son for seven years. He was not without feelings. He wanted his eldest son, who was the most sensible, to survive.

But Li Jun just wants to find the answer.

His family didn't allow him to go into the mountains, so he went to read all kinds of books. His parents loved him and asked people from the village who went outside to bring him books to read every month, both in the village and outside the village. Only then did Li Jun realize that the world is so big. . One day he excitedly went to his father with a book, spread out the pages of the book, and said that his sisters were returning to their ancestors. Then he was slapped hard by Lao Linjun for the first time.

"These are twin tigers! Don't disrespect them!"

Li Jun's mouth was filled with blood when he was slapped. His ears were buzzing and he was almost deafened. He actually wanted to say something else, but the pain prevented him from saying it.

Why should we believe that a tiger can protect people?

Li Jun thought that if the white tiger was spiritual and could manifest spirits, why he had never seen the white tiger. If the white tiger is just a tiger, it is...a beast.

Then why do you believe that the white tiger can manifest spirits?

"Hey, if you do this, this kid will be designated as a black man."

Wang Pengpai patted his head irritably and muttered: "It's really troublesome, so I don't like villages in the mountains. It's too easy to get into trouble."


Miao Fangfei also felt sad. She recalled the past when her aunt was a girl from the Luohua Cave. At that time, her aunt was also married to a mountain god. The Luohua Cave girl never had a good ending. She was said to be the wife of a mountain god, but in fact, she was no different from the boy and girl who was pushed into the water to sacrifice to the Dragon King.

"So, he hates the Li family and everyone in Zimata Village?"

Lu Shucheng was a little indifferent: "Then if we kill all the villagers, Li Jun won't stop us."

She didn't care or have any interest in Li Jun's tragic past, she just found it troublesome. The current situation of Zhimata Village may not only be because of Lin Jun, but also the blind faith of the villagers in the past and Lao Linjun's problems. But now the problem is placed in front of them. She only cares about whether Yu Hehui has learned from the information revealed by Li Jun. Find out some of his fatal weaknesses and whether Li Jun has any other back-ups.


An Xuefeng shook his head: "Li Jun has very complicated feelings for the villagers. He has been taught since he was a child that he will become the most powerful Lin Jun and protect all villagers from dangers that will come in the future. After he was born Hou Lao Linjun secretly carved a statue of little Li Jun and placed it behind the white tiger wooden sculpture in the shrine. The villagers worshiped the white tiger, which was actually a sacrifice to Li Jun. Through this method, Li Jun became closer to the villagers and the village. Connected."

"So the villagers sincerely worshiped Bai Hu and Li Jun, and Li Jun truly regarded protecting the village as his responsibility."

"His father must be sick."

Wang Pengpai was in disbelief: "I didn't say that children can die easily. Even if you do, you have to wait until Li Jun grows up and can stand firm. Hasn't Lao Linjun ever thought about what to do if Li Jun dies suddenly??"

"Because they are so closely connected, Li Jun will not die easily."

Yi Ling said calmly, rubbing the tip of the tiger's tail with his fingers: "Li Jun is blessed by the faith of the whole village and is closely connected with Bai Hu. In this way, even if his life is in danger, he will survive because of his faith. If this faith is enough He is so powerful that he even said that other villagers would die for Li Jun, and that Li Jun would not die until the death of Zhimata Village."

"So we must be prepared. Li Jun and the villagers of Zimata are likely to have a life-and-death relationship. If you want to kill them, you have to kill them all."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "There is also what Li Jun thinks, 'He wants to protect all the villagers in danger.' This danger may be the reason why Lao Linjun is so anxious, but we have no way of knowing yet."

"Is he the God of Salt?"

Wang Pengpai was speechless and said: "Did the danger predicted at the beginning refer to the fact that Zimata Village is now polluted by the Salt God? If this is true, it is really a cycle of cause and effect, and you will suffer it yourself."

"But which god is the Salt God? Is it a true god or an evil god? Why is he so evil?"

"It's a true god. There are allusions between the Salt God and Lin Jun."

Miao Fangfei explained, briefly telling the story of the Salt God. It probably means that the original Lin Jun led the tribe to find a land for survival. When they arrived in Yanyang, the daughter of the water god, the Salt God, stopped them from moving forward, hoping that Lin Jun could stay here and she was willing to marry him. Linjun didn't want it, so the Salt God followed him, sleeping with Linjun at night, and turning into flying insects with other gods during the day to block Linjun's path.

In order to kill the Salt God, Lin Jun gave her a green thread and said, 'Tangle with this, and if it suits you, we will live together; if it doesn't suit you, we will leave you.' The Salt God followed the instructions and wrapped the green thread around her. When she turned into a flying insect, Li Jun looked up at the sky. When he saw the flying insect with the green thread on its chest, he shot her to death with his bow. After the death of the Salt God, the sky became brighter. Lin Jun finally led his people to find a place to build the city, and they lived and worked in peace and contentment ever since.

"If you just want to kill the Salt God, she may not be killed in human form, so you have to do it when she is in insect form. If you look for someone with a green line on her chest, it's best to kill her with a bow."

Wang Pengpai quickly concluded, and with lingering fear after speaking, he looked at Yi Ling eagerly: "I'll be good, Director Ling, we shouldn't have to deal with the God of Salt, we won't say that if we beat the young one, we'll kill the old one." Come to the Salt God with Li Jun, we are just ordinary people, how can we kill the God!"

"Maybe we will meet him later, but not now."

Yi Ling showed that mysterious smile that makes people love and hate him again: "At that time, we can try another route into Wuluo Mountain. Although I am very interested in the God of Death, I really hate insects."

The Salt God, who can turn into flying insects and cover the sky, can completely overwhelm Yi Zero's interest in God!

"So it can be said that Salt God and Lin Jun have a grudge. This can be regarded as a murderous feud."

Miao Fangfei tried to analyze: "So the so-called 'danger coming in the future' refers to the invasion of the Salt God?"

"Li Jun doesn't think so."

An Xuefeng shook his head and explained: "He believes that the real dangers are other things. Only if he becomes Linjun can he protect the village. He believes that the white tiger is a beast and the Salt God is the real god, so he believes in the Salt God instead. Let the whole village be 'blessed' by the Salt God, make the twin sisters alive as the core of the formation, and send Lao Linjun to his funeral, all for the sake of everyone in the village."

"Well, to be honest, it's not incomprehensible even if Li Jun went dark to take revenge on the village, but he said it was to protect the village..."

Miao Fangfei hesitated to speak, but Lu Shucheng said directly: "Is this person crazy? Was he contaminated at the first sight of the Salt God?"


"I'm not crazy."

In the Li family hall, Li Jun, who was forced to answer everything under Wang Yushu's live broadcast, repeated coldly: "I'm not crazy."

With the paper man supporting his skin, Mao Xiaole felt that Li Jun wanted to raise his hand, so he simply freed one of his hands to see what Li Jun wanted to do. Who knew that Li Jun just knocked on the coffin behind him, sneered and said maliciously: "You still cause trouble for me after you die, father, this is what you want to see."

"Do you still think that the twin tigers are useful? Can they be Lin Jun? You're laughing so hard - they are fools. They can't even recognize them even after they are ten years old. If you say they are Lin Jun, they will be better than me. Mr. Lin?”


Li Jun laughed: "The white tiger is just a beast, and it is impossible to protect the village. Only the power of God is worth relying on."

There was fanaticism in his eyes, he held his arm and said nervously: "The white tiger is a beast, but God - God really exists."

"I have seen God with my own eyes."

The author has something to say

I will write more tomorrow, bum bum bum!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1302:09:13~2023-12-1323:03:41~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Yisuye, read a book, I am talking nonsense, you should believe less;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the mines: Xin Yao, 3 cat heads; Yi Shu Ye, 2; Hibernation, Wow wow wow wow, I'm talking nonsense, don't believe me, isi., 523282111;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Tianwen collected 140 bottles of Peter Pan; 120 bottles of Mianmiantang; 65 bottles of Shique; 40 bottles of soy milk and isi.; 39 bottles of zxy Yongyule; 34 bottles of Dugu; Xiao, Yishuye , 灬丨西 30 bottles; Wen Ruyin 26 bottles; Warm Wen is the Plague of the God of Plague, Unseen Qingshan Lao 25 ​​bottles; Zi Zi Outside the Early Winter 24 bottles; Xiao Ximi Comes to My House^^ 23 bottles; Yun Che Lao 21 bottles of White; 20 bottles of Rabbit Jiu, Yunjia Jiu, Youzhijiu; 15 bottles of small greeting cards; 14 bottles of Moonlight; 13 bottles of Wang Lalan Wants to Sleep, black sesame flavored paste; 12 bottles of Murphy's Law; You Shi 11 bottles from Brother; 10 bottles from Crazy Weekend, Yunxu, Liangxin, Mudansheng, Pindao Zhizhiyishao, Qingqingshui, 35688703, Yanwuqing, Sanqianke; 9 bottles from general readers; Junge Jin , 5 bottles of monarchy; is it still being abolished today? 4 bottles; 52095666, 05, strawberry-flavored donuts, flying fish, magic chirping, Sakuye 2 bottles; Xiao, Ta-da's sheep's hooves, Lu Li Qiguang, bottle, silence, soul cabbage, Gole, flower Snow, Yu Nanxue, Nidhogg, Huayu in the Small Town, Yilin, 50545239, Jiangshan Old Woman, Ruimu Mu, Come back for a long time, Gu Xingmian, Hot Dry Noodles, Qian Yu, Youyun Bujigui, (ーー゛), gossip, P10, falling dye, Xiaotou_jj, I want the moon? Come to me, G protein-coupled receptor, Silver Wing Fish, 3927 Summer Garden, Miracle Stops Hair 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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