Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1086 Tomb of the Tusi King (37)


Yi Ling suddenly clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, and heard him smile and say: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that if the Li family is blown up later, your trial of helping with the funeral will be aborted. ”


Miao Fangfei and others were stunned when he heard what he said. Everyone was struggling with the Salt God. Now who can remember the original "Help the Li family"? What's more, the Li family is like this, so there is no need to help. Could it be that they wanted to steal Lao Linjun's coffin, blow up the Li family, and then take it with them along the way into the mountains? No, it’s too difficult!

"Hey, how can we not be doing the Li family a favor?"

Wang Pengpai said obediently: "Assisting the Li family to send all the filial sons and villagers who turned to the Salt God back to the west, isn't it considered a great favor to the Li family?"

"The Li family and the Hu family are right to help the tiger, right?"

Yi Ling smiled slightly and was noncommittal. An Xuefeng stared at him for a moment and suddenly said: "Has the experiment on corn shoots produced results? Are the radium tubes effective?"

After hearing Yi Ling say, "The Li family will be blown up in a while," An Xuefeng felt that it was the results of the experiment, and the power of the radium tube must be very strong, so Yi Ling said it was a sure thing to blow up the Li family.

"Yeah, very good."

Yi Ling's smile deepened, but he did not continue.

"Then how do you plan to let us test it?"

Miao Fangfei looked at An Xuefeng and then at Director Ling, then cautiously opened her mouth to try and give a message to Director Ling.

"How about finding the Salt God statue."

Director Zero snapped his fingers and blinked. The pure white eyelashes are fanning, looking pure and beautiful. But that didn't stop Miao Fangfei and the others from being shocked by Yi Ling's words.

"Eh——? Is the trial to find a statue of the Salt God?"

Miao Fangfei couldn't help but said: "But, but..."

But we originally wanted to find the statue of the God of Salt, otherwise bombing the Li family would leave hidden dangers. Can this be considered a trial?

"But finding the Salt God statue is much more difficult than finding a funeral."

Miao Fangfei was interrupted by Wang Pengpai before she could finish her words. He said with a grimace: "Ling Dao, good Ling Dao, to tell you the truth, even if you don't say this is a trial, we will definitely work hard to find the Salt God. After all, everyone is worried about the statue. But it’s one thing to look for it, but it’s another thing to find it.”

"Wang Yushu asked via live broadcast."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "Even in the live broadcast, I couldn't get any information from Li Jun. He said, 'Even I don't remember any news related to the statue. This is the power of God.'"

"Indeed, if a statue of a god has contaminating divine power, it is indeed invisible, unheard, and unthinkable."

Yi Ling was not surprised. He raised his index finger and shook it: "Only gods can talk to gods, and only devout believers can feel gods."

"So you plan to let us become believers of the Salt God to sense the statue?"

Miao Fangfei's mind turned quickly, but Yi Ling still shook his head and said seriously: "Our family members who worship the mountain religion believe in Wuluo Mountain. The mountain god is greater than anything else. How can you believe in a small god like the salt god after you believe in the mountain god?" God? After you have worshiped Lord Taishan, will you still worship the ox-headed horse noodles?”

"So, Director Ling, you have already found the statue of the god. Are you going to give us some clues and let us search for it like a tomb?"

Wang Pengpai racked his brains and asked, but Yi Ling gave him a cold side glance and laughed awkwardly.

“Only God can talk to God.”

An Xuefeng stared at Yi Ling with a pair of dark eyes, and suddenly said: "Are you planning to become a god?"

Become, become a god? An Xuefeng's words made Wang Pengpai and others speechless. There was silence for a moment. Yi Ling was also stunned and looked at him with wide eyes. Then he laughed out of nowhere, overjoyed: "Hahahahaha, what do you think? When I said I wanted to find a god statue, was I actually implying that I wanted to become a god? "

"Hahahahahaha, Xuefeng, you are so cute, a god? You actually think like this, you are truly worthy of being you!"

Yi Ling laughed heartily and wantonly until An Xuefeng's face turned evil and he tried to pull away the tiger's tail before laughing and gasping: "According to the normal routine, after saying 'Only gods can talk to gods' , shouldn’t it be me who wants to preach to you and develop you into true believers of mountain worship, preaching that belief in the mountain god will make your wishes come true, and pray to the mountain god to find the idol.”

Yes, according to the normal way of the evil cult, this seems to be the case. It seems that they all thought wrongly. Wang Pengpai and others were a little embarrassed, but Yi Ling did not look at them, but just looked at An Xuefeng, with a smile on his face. Still feeling uneasy, he smiled and said, "So why do you ask this? Do you think I can become a god?"

"Why not."

An Xuefeng asked: "If even the current salt god that brings pollution can be called a god, then 'non-humans' can be called gods."

The inhuman nature he talks about does not refer to animals, plants, microorganisms and the like, but to existences like Zero Guide that clearly look like humans but often appear inhuman. Yaoshou, An Xuefeng's words made Wang Pengpai's scalp numb. Isn't this equivalent to scolding Director Ling for not being a human being? No matter how good-tempered a person is, he must be angry, but Ling Dao was not angry at all. He continued chatting with An Xuefeng with a smile: "Pollution can indeed make gods quick and give gods incompatible powers. But what you said is not right either. , If you want to become a god, the most important thing is to have the knowledge and understanding of the masses for thousands of years. "

"Just like the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain, first the local people worshiped and worshiped Wuluo Mountain, and then the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain came into being, but it was just a mountain god of an unknown mountain. Now the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain has become like this Being powerful and having overwhelming authority is inseparable from pollution.”

Is the Wuluo Mountain God worshiped by the Mountain Worship Cult actually like this? An Xuefeng and others were startled, and they firmly remembered everything Yi Ling said. But he stopped talking about Wuluoshan next, and changed the topic back, saying with a smile: "But one thing you said is right, I should be able to become a god, if I want to, I have such a hunch. "

Yi Ling smiled even more when he thought of the dazzling sunlight that woke him up in the middle of the night and the faintly heard prayers. Their family does have some incredible ancestry. It seems that he and his brother both have some sunbird ancestry, but they are not from our brother seems to be from India, not from Inca. He seems to be from Iceland. Anyway, his ancestry Quite strange.

If he wants to be a god, he must be the sun god, and it has nothing to do with the Tujia people. But An Xuefeng actually thought that he could become a god, which made Yi Ling feel like he had met someone he knew. He was in a good mood and stopped beating around the bush and said to An Xuefeng directly: "The Salt God and the White Tiger are old enemies. If the gods are enemies, then the white tiger can also be called a god."

Yi Ling's words were astonishing: "Xue Feng, you have already been recognized by Lao Linjun. Don't deny it. He must have recognized the power of the White Tiger in you, so you should become the White Tiger God. This way you can easily I found the statue of the Salt God. If you want to kill the Salt God in the future, you must at least have the help of your identity. It is a long-standing Tujia myth that Lin Jun kills the Salt God. Lin Jun represents the tiger, and the tiger kills the Salt God. The repetition of myths should be an established fact.”

"So, become the White Tiger God and let me see it, Xuefeng!"

The white tiger is such a huge white tiger. You can definitely lie on it and sink into its fur! Yi Ling has no interest in the salt god formed by the insects, but if he can use this opportunity to experiment with "reenacting the myth", it can really allow a person to have the power of a god and turn the white tiger into a bigger and more beautiful white tiger god. , that couldn’t be more interesting!

"Do you think I can become a god?"

It was An Xuefeng's turn to be speechless. He stared at Yi Ling with strange eyes for a while, and raised his eyebrows: "It's true that the White Tiger and the Salt God are old enemies. If your logic is good, as long as my With increased strength and approval from the villagers, there is indeed a high probability that the Salt God statue will be detected."

Yi Ling nodded happily: "That's right."

The one who knows you best is your enemy, and the one who has the keenest sense of the Salt God should be the White Tiger.

"No, no, this, ah, me."

Wang Pengpai couldn't get into the topic at all. After waiting for a long time, he patted his forehead and struggled to bring his thoughts to the same level as An Xuefeng and Yi Ling: "Okay, okay, then the question is how can Captain An I have gained the approval of the villagers. They are already like that, so it is impossible for them to approve it again. "

"Just blow up the Li family and kill all the villagers, so that they can all be freed."

This time it was Lu Shucheng who spoke, looking at An Xuefeng with a somewhat complicated look: "Ling Dao said it before."

The souls of the villagers have not completely fallen, and the shrine of the White Tiger still holds the last bit of the White Tiger's blessing power. The villagers have fanatical faith and expectations for the White Tiger. As long as the White Tiger finally 'defeats' the Salt God, kills the miserable villagers who are completely controlled by the Salt God, and allows their last flash of inspiration before their souls dissipate to see An Xuefeng's transformation into the White Tiger, then he can harvest the entire land. Family village 'recognition' and belief.

"So, Zero Guide, you have determined that radium tubes can destroy villagers."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Yi Ling snapped his fingers happily, and the soil of the ravine-ridden land began to undulate again. The corn shoots were swimming up from the depths of the soil like a giant python, and a section of bright yellow, as huge as a small hill, The insect's body arched out of the ground. Lu Shucheng and An Xuefeng, who had a keen sense of smell, wrinkled their noses for a moment and stared at the insect body exposed by the corn shoots like hunters.

There was a patch of bright yellow skin that was the same color as a rotten persimmon, showing an ominous dark orange color. It seemed that the skin was ulcerated and sunken, and a thick, dirty orange-green juice could be faintly seen flowing along the insect's body. The peristalsis is squeezed and flows down, and after falling on the soil, it condenses into jelly, just like the blood of shrimps and crabs that solidifies when it encounters air.

And under the skin that had become almost transparent due to ulceration and edema, several dark skeletons with facial features sunken into black holes could be vaguely seen. They were colliding and squeezing, and their terrifying faces were tightly attached to the inside of the worm's skin, and they were twisted and ferocious, as if At any time, it will break through the epidermis, emerge from the pupa, and descend into the human world. However, in fact, the skeletons flowed out as the blood-like pus corroded and dissolved, turned into a darker liquid, fell to the ground, and solidified into a mud-colored sticky jelly.

The outline of the skull is still imprinted under the swollen and almost transparent skin, but it is just an outline, like a handprint pressed on a glass filled with water mist, like the person who was struck by ball lightning and burned to coke in the cartoon of my childhood, but there is no body. , leaving only a burnt black humanoid shadow on the ground. And the outline of the skull was completely invisible after the skin gradually returned to its original opaque yellow color.

The author has something to say

There will be another update soon, my dears! There is an extra update today! I originally wanted to post all 6,000 words together, but I just finished 5,000 words and saw that it was almost twelve o'clock. I posted one chapter first, and then another chapter after finishing it, to finish the Li family!


Zero-derivative purity belike

Inhuman PurityX

Earth Butterfly PurityX

Furui Controls Purity√!


Zero Guide [swearing]: My brother is a sunbird in India!

The Mingxingren:?

The Inca Empire was not India’s stinky younger brother!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1423:12:26~2023-12-1523:45:25~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Heji and Yuanjin 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: TSLV, Xin Yao Ting Xun Mi Xiang Xi Mi Kuan, Tian Nan Xing, Yuan Jin, nc2; Ju Tu, will you write about Gannan next time you change your name, reading, it’s snowing in New York, Qian Yu, 666632911;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Guluo 230 bottles; Meow_iao 200 bottles; Eat Fish Tonight 74 bottles; Qianruo Xiamo 54 bottles; Little Fool 40 bottles; 2811054936 bottles; 55534 bottles; Yabi Mi Little Rabbit 32 bottles; 31 bottles of Brother Jian’s Kuchazi; 30 bottles of Xiaolin; 20 bottles of Liuyao and Xiuxi; 15 bottles of Drinking Water Hardly, Mountains and Forests; 14 bottles of zeenew; 14 bottles of Poet Going to the Sea, Feng Hydrogen, Jing Mo, and Si Xue , Pei Ran, Jia Jia Jia Jia, Life-Happy Husband, Xun Chen Gui Chen, Cui Men No. 1 Cultist, Wan Shan Xiao Lou, He Meng, Feng Yan, Fang, Burger Loves Wallace, Mo Mo, Xian Tan, Mu Yao, Sea Salt Popcorn, Grape Oolong, Xiao Xiaole, Fanatic, TISAB, all authors saw my comments, Wang Di Chun Xin Tu Cuckoo 10 bottles; 7 bottles will be landed this year; Murphy's Law, I want the moon? Come to me , 5 bottles of Detective Yingying; 4 bottles of King Quan; I don’t know what to call it, Lagrange, Sour Lime, Jiangshan Old Woman, Little Heart, 2 bottles of Han Yumo; Qin Baochuan’s Xue Yuting, Banmeng Fusheng, Du Lulu , Ji, Golai, Nao Sandaosi, 05, Shangshu of the Ministry of Finance, Yu Nanxue, Talliu's Marriage Certificate (Xiao Ximi, (ーー゛)), Zifeiyu, Huayu in the Town, Chu Xiayue , The Crying Medium Doesn’t Cry, 6624623gg, 52095666, Xihua, Yan Chenchen, Miracle Stops Without Hair, Yilin, Xiao, Shuoye, Jutu, Wandering Clouds Without Knowing Return, all for me 99,?(???ω ???)?1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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