Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1083 Supplementary update

The reality is that there is no time difference between Wang Yushu's perspective live broadcast and delayed zero-direction live broadcast. The hotel is Wang Yushu's live broadcast under delayed state and Y00's live broadcast without time difference. It's okay if the two people are not together, but the delay is particularly obvious when they are on the same screen.

But I’ve watched the live broadcast, so what else do I need a bicycle for? You must know that another brigade that has attracted much attention, the Ximingren Tour of Gannan, departed on the same day as the Tomb of the Tusi King, and there is no sign of any live broadcast so far! There was no movement at all on the same live broadcast platform as Wang Xiaole's "Principal Taoist Sun", which made some people wonder whether this was the live broadcast room of Taoist Ban Ming. Some people swore that Taoist Ban Ming might have been killed by someone who was interested in life. .

[Based on Taoist Ban Ming’s relationship with Yi Ling and Gui Tu, as well as his current strength, it is impossible for that person to let him live]

Someone posted on the forum and talked eloquently: [Killing the half-life Taoist will not only give a severe blow to metaphysics, but also weaken the power of Guilu and Yi01. If the hotel really wants to let Cen Qin start a live broadcast to monitor that person, he will More good reasons]

[I even suspect that the hotel does not want to see the half-life Taoist, so it would give him such a fatal task. Just wait and see, which side is stronger and which is weaker? It all depends on whether Taoist Half Life can start live broadcasting. But no matter what, after this journey ends, there will definitely be a fierce collision between the two forces! 】

His post unexpectedly attracted the approval of many hard-core Yi Ling/Mingxing people. Even if Yi Ling publicly stated that he has a good relationship with his eldest brother, even if the psychic went to the mutual aid alliance's launch ceremony to give gifts in person, and even said Even at the carnival dinner that just ended, when An Xuefeng and the life-loving people walked side by side across the Hongqiao, there were still many people who firmly refused to believe that there could still be purebred brotherhood in the hotel.

They all felt that either Yi Ling was just a toy of the Life-seeking people, whose innocence was being manipulated by the Life-seeking people, or that Yi Ling wanted to use An Xuefeng to get rid of the Life-seeking people's control. Some people thought that An Xuefeng wanted both. Want - Not only does he want Yi Ling to be his contact guide, but he also wants to use Yi Ling to plot against his fate.

However, after all, the live broadcast on the Gannan Grand Ring Road has not started yet and the situation is unclear, so the popularity of related posts is limited. The most popular posts on the forum today are all analysis posts related to the Tomb of the Tusi King. In particular, Chen Zhi'an's gaze is not like Wang Yushu's. Unlike the live broadcast on his mobile phone, this gaze is closer to the original live broadcast of the hotel. It is a macro observation from a third perspective, including the surroundings. The environment can be seen, and the information content is huge, so there are more places to analyze, including the types of pollution that An Xuefeng and the others have encountered now. Many people have summarized it and speculated on what the core pollution of the Tomb of the Tusi King is. There are countless posts.

If you want to know the pollution of the Tusi King's Tomb, it is naturally most accurate to experience it in person. Unfortunately, there are even restrictions on watching the original live broadcast from this perspective in the hotel's live broadcast room - middle- and lower-class tourists are prohibited from watching, and tour guides such as Ding and below Viewing prohibited. After all, the hotel (···) suffered heavy losses due to excessive pollution in Iceland, and the hotel will definitely not make the same mistake again.

Therefore, a large number of hotel viewers had no choice but to flock to the live broadcast room and hold their noses to watch the live broadcast that was ridiculed as the "baby pure version" on the forum. They don’t know that in reality, the people watching the live broadcast are special talents organized by the state. They think that ordinary people are really watching. Many viewers use the tone of ordinary people to post comments, some are low-key, and some are deliberately funny, especially those in hotels. After the West District viewers noticed that there was such a live broadcast room in reality, countless West District viewers climbed over the wall to watch it, and the barrage became a mess. Governments in other countries that got the relevant news also protested and demanded that the live broadcast room be opened— —

In short, this matter is getting bigger and bigger, causing the country's top brass to go from meeting to meeting, making them extremely busy. But these are not the things that the viewers at the current live broadcast center need to be concerned about. Their goal has only been on the live broadcast since they entered the focus point. The influx of too many viewers has made the real live broadcast room a mixed bag, and the barrage has been completely chaotic. The people from the Special Internet Police Brigade were originally responsible for monitoring the live broadcast in real time, including the number of viewers and barrage, to judge whether the 'audience' they selected this time could meet the hotel's requirements, or whether it would attract ordinary people in again.

But now the barrage is so chaotic that it is impossible to tell whether it is a deliberate attempt to cause trouble or whether it is an ordinary person who accidentally entered.

[What is radium? 】

[Jiuluoyu goes to Baidu by himself]

【What's this? Special photography crew? Are live broadcasts so awesome now? 】

[No, no one thinks it’s too much. They really plan to blow up a village. Can’t they think of another way to save it?]

[Where the hell did the Virgin come from to sneak into the live broadcast room? Didn’t you hear what Director Ling said? Didn’t you see what happened to these villagers? Calling them zombies is an exaggeration. Do you think it's too much to blow up the zombies with a thunder tube? You'll just feel like Ray Tube doesn't have enough! 】

[It’s all scripts, don’t worry]

Originally, the barrage was very restrained, and they were just discussing dangers, popularizing Tujia customs, and discussing different ways of breaking up the situation of each faction. It had the atmosphere of a meeting of the older generation. I don’t know when the atmosphere of the discussion changed. It's okay to say that the barrages that were suspected of being ordinary people infiltrated, but some of the barrages actually started to break down.

[Are these people Internet celebrities? so hot! 】

[This tiger claw and tail are so flexible. Where did you buy it? 】

[The guide’s white hair is so smooth. It looks better than any fake hair I’ve ever seen. Is it new from any company? 】

[The man wearing the tiger ears is so tall, he must be 1.9 meters tall. How much padding is needed? 】

【Touching the tail! I hit it, I hit it, ahhhhh! 】

[The head-buttoning team is dispatched, give me a quick kiss! 】

[It's so funny, just pressing the head isn't enough, it needs to be a low-headed team, after all, there's such a height difference]

[Wow, Director Zero, don't listen, it's a bad review! ]

Seeing these comments, You Ziming's pupils were shaking! Especially when he saw many comments talking about Director Zero, saying that he just likes tigers and An Xuefeng, You Ziming's fists were hard, and he wanted to ban all these comments and give his friend a clean name!

It's true that his friend likes big cats, but it's different if tiger ears grow on tigers and on humans! Good brothers can also shake hands, hold paws, and wrap their tails around each other's waists and call each other family. That's Captain An, whom he respects, and his good friend, don't say anything! And Captain An is over 30 years old, so it's impossible, this, this, this...

Seeing Captain An wrap his tail around Yi Ling's waist, his eyes were burning, and the two stood closer and closer. Yi Ling was very interested in touching his tail and paws. That kind of atmosphere made even a straight man like You Ziming feel weird, and he subconsciously avoided his gaze. People with high moral sense think that they should not spy on their friends' privacy. You Ziming wanted to turn off his phone, but other viewers were all watching, and even the bullet screen was floating faster. Where did this live broadcast angle come from? What rubbish! Even if his friends really like it, such private things cannot be broadcast live.

When he thought that there was a team of high-tech talents specializing in analyzing live broadcasts in the country, and that they would also see these, You Ziming felt suffocated for his friends. Chen Zhian, who was sitting next to him and looking into the distance, exclaimed "Wow!", which made You Ziming's heart tormented. His fingers twitched several times and wanted to cover the child's eyes.

But even if the sky eye is blocked, you can still see through your hands. You Ziming's hands finally blocked his face, and he lowered his head to watch the live broadcast through his fingers. He hypnotized himself in his heart, forget it, Yi Ling must know about the live broadcast, so there is no problem. He believes that Captain An and his friends-uh, why are they sitting next to each other? !

"Oh oh!"


A low exclamation came from the room. You Ziming, like a startled bird, immediately looked over with a fierce look, staring at the young special police officers who had just lost their voices. The older Taoist priests didn't have any special expressions - in order to better analyze the live broadcast, the Taoist priests had already blocked the barrage, and they didn't need to complete the barrage performance anyway.

And there was nothing surprising about the current live broadcast. Isn't it just An Xuefeng and Yi Ling sitting down to talk? Young people just don't have the concentration, what's the fuss. The Taoist priests were calm and soon attracted their attention to what An Xuefeng and Yi Ling were discussing. They couldn't know the information that Yu Hehui read from Li Jun at the time, but now they heard it from An Xuefeng.

"The Li family of Zhima Tower is the descendant of Li Shi, who is the descendant of Linjun, the leader of the Nanjun clan in Gu Ba County."

An Xuefeng and Yi Ling said: "So the Li family's belief in the white tiger has been passed down for many years, and they are very pious. The whole Zhima Tower village believes in the white tiger."

"When Li Jun was born, a beast came down from the mountain one night, bit the Li family's sheep to death and left. No one saw what it was, but only saw the paw prints it left at the entrance of the village, which were tiger paw prints. At that time, Linjun was Li Jun's father. He was very happy and said that this was a good omen and was definitely the blessing of the white tiger. He immediately announced that Li Jun would be his successor, and that Li Jun would become the new Linjun a hundred years later - the whole village of Zhima Tower also agreed with this."

Li Jun was raised as Linjun since he was a child. The village of Zhima Tower was primitive and simple. As a person favored by the white tiger, he would even have villagers kneeling down to him when he walked on the road. Those older villagers respected him even more than the old Linjun. Lao Linjun also focused all his attention on Li Jun. In an environment where having many children is a traditional blessing, Lao Linjun has been taking care of Li Jun attentively until Li Jun was six years old, when his mother became pregnant again.

And Li Jun is indeed smart. He can remember things at a young age. Growing up in such an atmosphere, he naturally thinks that he is blessed by the white tiger and is born superior. Li Jun likes to run into the mountains and forests. He wants to see the real white tiger. The Li family doesn't care. After all, he is a person blessed by the white tiger and will definitely not get hurt in the forest.

"Ah this."

Miao Fangfei couldn't help but mutter a few words. This is too irresponsible. What if something happens? The people in this village are too backward in thinking. Somehow, she had a vague ominous premonition in her heart. Mountain villages, clans, traditional beliefs, coupled with backwardness, can easily lead to tragedy.

Li Jun is indeed a child. No one cares about him or reminds him. He dares to go wherever it is dangerous. Sooner or later, something will happen. On his seventh birthday, Li Jun ran into the mountains again. Because both his family and the villagers swore that the white tiger had appeared when he was born, and that the white tiger would come to celebrate his birthday - this is the easiest time to meet a white tiger in the mountains.

So he ran to the mountains on his birthday that year, but a landslide had just occurred in the mountains a few days before, and Li Jun accidentally fell into a crevice and fainted. When he woke up, it was already the next day, and no one came to find him.

This was very strange, after all, the banquet on this night every year was a big event in the village, and Li Jun would definitely attend. Li Jun didn't understand, he was covered in mud, limped back home with difficulty, and only found out what was going on after he got home.

Last night, when his father was supposed to go to the mountains with the villagers to find him, his mother gave birth to twins in the chaos.

"In the memory read by Yu Hehui, Li Jun was extremely confused about the twins."

An Xuefeng spoke in a low tone: "When the twin girls were born, they had white and black hair on their bodies, and the older sister even had a tail."


Yi Ling sat on the corn shoots and listened with great interest. He wrapped one hand around the tentacles of the corn shoot, always feeling its reaction to the radium tube, and with the other hand he grabbed the tip of An Xuefeng's tail and played with it. Miao Fangfei, Wang Pengpai and Lu Shucheng also stood on the corn shoots after being invited by him, but they didn't dare to come or sit down and stood not far away to listen.

After hearing that the twin girls were born with hair and tails, Miao Fangfei's first reaction was, 'Is it pollution caused by white tigers? ! ’, but after hearing Yi Ling say ‘return to ancestors’, she silently shut her mouth.

So scientific... Is the first reaction of zero derivative so scientific?


An Xuefeng also glanced at Yi Ling strangely, and continued: "Atavistic humans include those with hair all over their bodies, long tails, and many breasts and heads. These phenomena are not common among atavistic humans. impossible."

"But Lao Linjun believes that this is the real blessing of the White Tiger. The Li family has a pair of legendary twin tigers. The whole Zimata Village was boiling, and Lao Linjun immediately announced that the twin sisters would be his heirs. , they will become the new Linjun after a hundred years, and the whole village of Zhimata agrees with this. "


Miao Fangfei couldn't help but said: "What about Li Jun? He is also favored."

"When Li Jun was born, a tiger came in the dark, killed a sheep, and never showed up."

An Xuefeng shook his head: "The villagers said that the sheep were sacrifices to the white tiger. They understood it wrong at first - Li Jun was not the person protected by the white tiger, he should be a sacrifice. So Li Jun disappeared, and the twins Zhihu was born, this was Baihu’s choice.”

"So when Li Jun came back alive the next day, everyone in the village was surprised."

Speaking of this matter, An Xuefeng couldn't help but speak in a heavier tone: "After Lao Linjun was overjoyed over his son's return alive, he actually felt incredible deep down in his heart."

"How did the sacrifice come back alive?"

The author has something to say

Let Captain An send 500 red envelopes to the babies today!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1223:37:38~2023-12-1302:09:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Xin Yao and 1 cat head;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 110 bottles of Si Si Ke Ji, 29 bottles of llcr, 8 bottles of Mu Yao, 5 bottles of Xiao Xin, 4 bottles of Grandma Qi'er, 2 bottles of Yi Lin and Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Miracle Stopped Without Hair, Ye Ling 1 bottle of Xue, Mufeng, Laosandaosi, GPCR, Yunanxue, ?(???ω???)?, Ji, 3927 Summer Garden, Wandering Clouds and No Return;

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