Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1075: Tomb of Tusi King (28)

"You don't know how this is done?"

Yi Ling stood next to the shrine and looked into the room with great interest, his pupils narrowed. In his eyes, the female corpse and the skinned tiger were completely integrated into one. Even the power was flowing and unified, without any trace of cutting or stitching. It was like He is a born deformed man-tiger. how did you do that? Is it also a kind of pollution spreading from Wuluo Mountain?

If it is caused by pollution, then the Li family has four different types of pollution. It's incredible - Yi Ling couldn't help but want to get closer to observe, but was stopped by the force coming from his arm.

An Xuefeng grabbed his arm and said in a deep voice:

"How do you know it's a tiger?"

The light in the room was extremely dim, and ordinary people might not be able to see clearly what was inside. Even if anyone could see clearly into the darkness, they probably wouldn't be able to tell what the corpse was when they saw it - the tiger had all its skin peeled off, and there were still green and red veins criss-crossing the body like a spider web, human corpses and tiger corpses. The fusion of the corpses makes it look very deformed. Who can tell that it is a tiger at a glance?

B has zero energy.

This made An Xuefeng couldn't help but wonder whether he knew the true identity of the female corpse. Although he acted surprised, he was the guide of the Mountain Worship Cult.

A guide to worship the Mountain Cult.

"Captain An, your hands are really big."

But Yi Ling didn't answer him, he just smiled inexplicably and raised his hand slightly. The wide sleeves of his robe did not mislead An Xuefeng, and he directly grabbed Yi Ling's forearm. An Xuefeng's hands were big and powerful, able to completely grasp his forearm, just like an armband or shackles that were too strong, making people subconsciously want to break free. Yi Ling struggled just now, but was held tighter. Just like the instinct of a cat hunter, Yi Ling even felt that An Xuefeng's eyes were staring at him as if they were locked on the prey, full of danger and A sense of aggression.

An Xuefeng's attitude was different from the previous overt and covert confrontations. There seemed to be some real anger that was difficult to suppress. Was it because of the female corpse that was suspected of being sacrificed? Maybe he has the power of the white tiger, and what message did he get from the resonance of the female corpse? Compared with the originally evil Li family gangsters and old zombies, the female corpse indeed looked more miserable, and Captain An had an extraordinary sense of justice and responsibility...

It's normal to feel uncomfortable and angry. Yi Ling doesn't care. It's just that when An Xuefeng looked at him so deeply, his vigilance instinct was like an electric current running up his spine. This kind of oppressive gaze is really good. Yi Ling chuckled. Secretly touching the tip of his teeth with his tongue, he deliberately followed An Xuefeng's movements and leaned closer to him - the two of them were already very close to each other, but now they were even closer. Seeing An Xuefeng frowning and the hand holding his forearm motionless, Yi Ling laughed and said in a very soft voice: "If there is anything you want to know, just go find the answer yourself."

"Do you believe what I say, family?"

After saying this, Yi Ling observed An Xuefeng's face with great interest, and saw that his eyes darkened for a moment, but his expression soon returned to calm.

"If it was said by Zero Guide, I would naturally believe it."

An Xuefeng even smiled, released his grip on his forearm, took a step forward, and closed the narrow door of the room behind the shrine: "But since Director Ling believes that I can find the answer, then I won't It will live up to Zero Guide’s expectations.”

After saying that, An Xuefeng nodded and walked into the main room: "Tong Hege, the herbs will be distributed to everyone after they are prepared."

"Xiao Le, is Li Jun's skin under control? It's time to let the condolences of the villagers in."


"It'll be ready soon!"

Tong Hege and Mao Xiaole answered one after another. Mao Xiaole took a deep breath to suppress his accelerating heartbeat. The main room was such a big place. When Director Ling and Captain An were in a stalemate at the shrine just now, none of them dared to speak. The atmosphere was terrifyingly stagnant. The two people spoke in low voices and could not be heard clearly. Mao Xiaole had the courage to look directly at them, but was glared at by Captain An.

That look in his eyes was really scary. He was indeed a bodyguard. He must have seen blood, right? It’s written like this in novels, what kind of urban soldier king?

Mao Xiaole's nervous mind was running wild and his hands were constantly moving, making final adjustments with Bai Feibai. The paper man has been stuffed into Li Jun's skin. This is a stand-in paper man with the highest specifications. It can withstand three fatal injuries and can slowly recover from lightning strikes. It is said that the paper pulp used to make this paper man comes from Thunderstruck wood has excellent resistance to all kinds of curses and pollution.

To restore it from the size of a palm that can be stuffed into a bag to the size that can support Li Jun, a complicated resurrecting ritual is required. The lowest level of the manual alone requires forty-nine consecutive exercises in one minute. Mao Xiaole is now unable to move his hands normally, so someone must cooperate with him in reciting mantras and doing tricks. Many Taoist techniques are difficult for ordinary people to perform standardly. If you try hard, you may get finger cramps, not to mention there is a time limit, so you must do them smoothly enough.

So he doubted whether Bai Feibai could help, so he just gave it a try. Even if they fail, Team An will be there to take care of it - with Team An's reaction speed and flexibility, it should be no problem.

Fortunately, Bai Feibai gave Mao Xiaole a surprise. He said that he had cultivated his mind in Taoist temples and it was not for nothing. Even if Mao Xiaole just verbally described the technique to him, he could react immediately and do it quickly and standardly. .

"Brother Fei Bai, your talent in this area is really great!"

When the resurrecting ceremony was over, the stand-in paper man stuffed into the skin bag completely integrated into Li Jun's skin bag, gradually supporting his entire skin. Mao Xiaole felt the paper man supervising the changes in Li Jun's skin bag, and sighed with Bai Feibai:

"If you had been practicing Taoism in the mountains like me since you were a child, you would definitely be a very powerful Taoist priest. Really, there are not many people who are talented in this area!"

"The micro-manipulation of controlling the paper double is all done by you, I just did the tricks."

Bai Feibai shook his head, spread his hands, and relaxed his fingers that were twitching spasmodically. It would be better to apply a hot compress if possible, but I don't have that much time now. With Tong Hege's hand, he swallowed the herbal medicine to dispel the disease - again, these herbs are more effective when boiled into a medicinal soup, but now the conditions are limited, they can only be rolled into balls. The core is Wang Pengpai's bottle containing Dingfeng Dan. Mixed with plasma, after Bai Feibai swallowed the pills, he only felt a strong smell of blood in his throat, which made him almost nauseous.


At this moment, someone threw a small object towards him, which was somewhat reflective. Bai Feibai's hand was now weak, but Lu Shucheng's throw was accurate, and he still caught it. When he looked down, he found it was a mint candy. Not only was he involved, but everyone in the hall was given a candy by Lu Shucheng. Even she herself hurriedly took a candy after swallowing Tong Hege's herbal medicine and complained: "Your medicine is really bad." It’s getting worse and worse.”

"You have to eat it if it tastes bad, otherwise you will die."

Tong Hege also quarreled with Lu Shucheng rudely, and then looked with some doubts at An Xuefeng, who was standing next to Li Jun's skin, lowering his head and talking to Mao Xiaole. Although Mao Xiaole's power has been fully demonstrated just now, it is a definite fact that Li Jun has a disease in his skin and is still conscious.

Due to his own power attribute, Tong Hege is more sensitive to insects and evil spirits. Even now that Mao Xiaole's surrogate paper man has taken control of Li Jun's skin, the instinct that makes him extremely disgusted and want to dodge and retreat is still there. It's even getting worse.

And this was not the only thing that made him feel uncomfortable in this hall. The strange and dangerous darkness, the old zombie coffin placed quietly in front of the shrine, and even the Five Thunder Techniques did not make it react. An Xuefeng and Lu Shucheng In the room we just entered, the weird and bizarre Li family had already consumed most of the herbal ingredients, as well as their companions who were missing in Wuluo Mountain and whose life or death was uncertain.

Plants hate this place, as if the original nature has been distorted, and normal people are incompatible with this place and have become aliens. All this made Tong Hege extremely stressed. He took a deep breath to suppress his boredom, and scratched his face in annoyance during the quarrel with Lu Shucheng. When Mao Xiaole struck down the first Five Thunder Technique, the three Li family members were all dead. Blood sprayed everywhere, and they were quickly wiped out into ashes by the Five Thunder Technique.

At that time, Tong Hege, Miao Fangfei, all of them were more or less splattered with blood. Just like the leader who was torn to pieces in public at the door, the Li family had extraordinarily much blood in their bodies, even if their skin was electrocuted. The skin was burnt, but the blood in the skin was still flowing. Tong Hege seemed to have a few drops of blood splashed on his face, and the stench of bugs made him almost vomit. But fortunately, thunder and lightning came, along with some strong burnt smell, and the evil stains stained by the blood splashed on their bodies were also washed away.

Normally, everything has been cleaned up.

Bugs are so disgusting.

Tong Hege scratched hard with some disgust. The area on his chin was really itchy and slightly bulging, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito.

But there are no mosquitoes this season.

Tong Hege was silent for a moment, then decisively crushed one of the extra pills he had made and applied it to the area that seemed to have been spattered by blood. If conditions didn't allow it, he would have put on a herbal mask. After applying the herbal medicine, the area seemed to be no longer itchy, and was just filled with the coolness of the herbal medicine. However, even so, Tong Hege was still uneasy, and his heart suddenly became cold as if it had fallen into an abyss.

It shouldn't be so unlucky.

It shouldn't be right?

No, no, it could be a coincidence...

The possibility of coincidence is too low. In any case, this matter cannot be hidden——

"Tong Hege? Why are you so stunned now? Quickly lend your hand and help Li Jun to the front of the shrine!"

Lu Shucheng's words brought Tong Hege back to reality. Just as he was in a daze for about ten seconds, the people in the main room started to move very efficiently. Yu Hehui indirectly controlled the three Li family members by controlling the 'cultural relics', while the paper man who controlled Li Jun was controlled by Mao Xiaole. They were arranged to kneel in front of the shrine and next to the coffin. In just a short time, they were all arranged. It was just like the Li family was waiting in the main room for the villagers to express their condolences before they broke up. There was nothing visible at all. When there was a flaw, even the bugs living in the eye sockets were arranged by Miao Fangfei. There is no problem at all except that their legs and feet are currently not flexible and a bit soft.

After all, he is a paper man, and it takes some time to get used to it before he can walk normally. Tong Hege and Lu Shucheng moved Li Jun to the coffin and asked him to kneel there. The coffin was always placed in front of the shrine, and Yi Ling stood next to the shrine. His eyes fell on them with interest, making Tong Hege want to speak but then held back.

It wasn't until Li Jun's skin was laid out that Tong Hege and Lu Shucheng retreated to the coffin. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yi Ling's figure crossing the coffin, walking briskly with An Xuefeng, and walked to the main room door together.

"I feel suffocated when I think about so many villagers infected by parasites coming in soon."

Lu Shucheng complained, and then looked at Tong Hege strangely: "Why did you suddenly stop talking? Are you okay?"

"Lu Shucheng."

After she asked, she saw Tong Hege, who had been lowering his head, looking up at her, his brows furrowed tightly, and his chin seemed a little swollen, especially against the background of the green herbal residue, it looked even more swollen and strange. It smelled... Lu Shucheng moved his nose hesitantly.

She thought Tong Hege smelled a bit delicious.

Unlike before, it always smelled like grass that made wolves lose their appetite.

"Tong Hege, what's wrong with you?"

It's not good, Lu Shucheng lowered his voice and asked again, using an angry voice that only the two of them could hear.

Things that make her feel appetizing are never good things.

The next second, Tong Hege's words made her pupils shrink suddenly and she felt dizzy.

"I was spattered with blood just now, so I might have contracted the disease."

The author has something to say

There will be another chapter soon, I’ll update it when it’s finished! The babies should all be asleep, don't stay up late, get up tomorrow morning and watch it together!

I don’t know why I’m so stuck today. I feel wrong writing, deleting and deleting. I’m really sorry that I’ve reached this point. I’ll give you a red envelope in the next chapter!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0323:00:09~2023-12-0602:38:42~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: 1 briquette QwQ;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: briquettes QwQ6; An Qingyou. 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: 2 instant noodles from Su Xiao; 1 from Amo who wants to go to bed early, who keeps falling in the flower room, Ku Cha Zi with Ximi, and Zhou Zhou who has no brain;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xin Yao, jedesire, August 18, 4; Yanyan, 3; Xiaoyuer, Baili, 53684975, 5777944y, Su Xiao’s instant noodles, and brainless Zhouzhou 2; Feitianjing, l, Amo should go to bed early, Huai'an, this is a nickname, Xiaoqing, ax_abyss butterfly can dream of Xiao, Ziyingluo 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 160 bottles for the picky rabbit; 140 bottles for Don’t Touch Me Meow Meow, Wangdi Chunxin Tuo Cuckoo; 100 bottles for Searching in Poetic Dreams; 90 bottles for Qingying; 77 bottles for Yi Zhenhuai’an; 77 bottles of He Ji Page 71 bottles; Gu Gu Gu Lu Lu Lu 70 bottles; Jun Zhe Yue 60 bottles; Shen An, who is not crazy in life, 50 bottles; Briquettes QwQ 46 bottles; 45161266, 67064253, egg custard, l40 bottles; Nexus, _38 bottles of Endless Summer; 37 bottles of Rain Gradually; 36 bottles of Tiannanxing; 34 bottles of Stars will be sent; 30 bottles of Shexiao, 977, Maotuaner, Wu; 28 bottles of Xiaoyuer; Weir, Yang Mieme 120, Zhenjiu, Yunshuitian, Mo Xibai, August 18, Mozhu 20 bottles; Murphy's Law 14 bottles; Years of Enron, Teacher Bailiu's Dog, Kaibe, Mo Shen, Happy Every Day *^O^*, Mysterious Waiter, Lingxi, Terminalia lobata, Chocolate Ice, Moshang Yunmu 8 bottles of Jui; 5 bottles of Mu Xi and Xishui Xi; 4 bottles of Lagrange and Yu Nanxue; 5 bottles of Mu Xi and Xishui Xi; 4 bottles of Lagrange and Yu Nanxue; Xin, Ruan Ling Gao, Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Zhujian Li, and Xi Yan Years, Mumuzi 2 bottles; Miracle stopped without hair, Eighteen-year-old stranger, Huayu in the small town, Jiangshan old woman, Xiao, Lao Sandaosi, Qingxiao, Ling Lingzi., Ye Lingxue, Yilin, Lang, Longyi Baishiqiu, Wandering in the clouds but never returning, Carbohydrates that are always on the road to losing weight, Poria Cake, Luoyue, Mu.ic, 68981073, Xingxinghaiyueguang, Baiyueguang's standard configuration, Bingji, Chen Rulinu Dream, Rui Nao Xiao Jin Shou, just want to see and ask, moment. , 1 bottle of good drink;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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