Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1074 Tomb of the Tusi King (27)

"Director Ling——" Mao Xiaole looked at the white-haired guide beside him, hesitant to speak. Director Ling must know, he really wanted to ask what kind of ghosts the Li family was, but he was worried that Director Ling would talk too much, he couldn't be fooled like Wang Yushu, Mao Xiaole swallowed his question and continued: "Professor Yu has touched these human skins and said that they are all human skins over a hundred years old, which can be regarded as 'cultural relics'." "Professor Yu is very powerful, he can draw out the 'consciousness' of cultural relics and communicate with them, and can also control cultural relics to a certain extent. Of course, this depends on the completeness of the cultural relics." "Oh?" Yi Ling raised his eyebrows, he still remembered that Yu Hehui said that he could tell the age and background story of cultural relics when he investigated them. At that time, he was quite curious, would Yu Hehui also have a pair of special eyes? It turned out to be a dialogue. Yi Ling touched the long whip in his hand thoughtfully. This scarlet long whip was passed from his mother to his brother, and then to him. It has a long history. I wonder if it can be considered a cultural relic. Is there any "consciousness" in it that can communicate with people?

"Brother Bai is also very powerful. He can restore corpses."

Mao Xiaole did not notice Yi Ling's distraction. Originally, they wanted to destroy the whole Paper Horse Tower of evil people and let Mao Xiaole sweep them. As a result, when this weird human skin and strange insects appeared, Team An immediately changed their strategy and felt that it was better to be more cautious. So let Bai Feibai, Yu Hehui, Wan Xiangchun and Miao Fangfei work together to control the "Li family".

Miao Fangfei used the golden silkworm Gu to subdue those strange insects and then embedded them back into the human skin eyes. Bai Feibai restored the skin bag and let them return to the original corpse state as much as possible. Xiangchun heated blood in the skin bag to add some vitality and popularity, which made it easier for Yu Hehui to call out the consciousness of the skin bag and control these Li family members.

The villagers who came to pay their respects had already arrived at the door. They couldn't wipe out all the Paper Horse Tower monsters at once, so they simply controlled the Li family and put on a good show to see what was going on with this Paper Horse Tower village.

"We haven't even entered Wuluo Mountain yet. There must be more weird things in the mountain than outside."

Mao Xiaole muttered. They all had the same idea. They had to figure out what was going on with this complex splicing-style contamination in the relatively 'safe' Paper Horse Tower, otherwise it would only be more dangerous and there would be no time to deal with it.

"Maybe, wouldn't that be more interesting?"

Yi Ling smiled: "It's a very clever idea, but there's a problem."

"How are you going to deal with Li Jun?"

As they talked, Yi Ling and Mao Xiaole walked to the middle of the hall together. The other three Li family skins had been dealt with and were slumped on the ground. Miao Fangfei and the others were surrounding Li Jun's human skin, which was still suppressed by Yi Ling's whip in the middle of the hall.

Li Jun's human skin is different from others. Other human skins were damaged when they were struck by the first Five Thunder Art. The second thunder, even if it was just the residual power, destroyed most of them. It was indeed a "dead skin". But Li Jun's human skin is different. It is still extremely intact. Even under the bombardment of the Five Thunder Art, there is no damage.

But there is something very strange. If the skin is really so indestructible, then when it senses the coming of lightning, the ghosts should instinctively shrink inside the skin, right? How could they rush out madly and let the lightning strike?

Yi Ling circled Li Jun's skin twice with interest. He could see through this human skin, and he could see the deeper dark color gathered at the head of the human skin. This reminded him of the ant colony that encountered a flood in the documentary. Ants will spontaneously roll into a big ball, and the ants on the outside will continue to die, but the ants inside will eventually have a chance to survive. Will the ghosts that rushed out of the skin in large quantities at the moment when the thunder fell be the same, dispersing the power of the lightning?

Is Li Jun's skin really indestructible? Not necessarily. Most of the power of thunder goes to destroy the gushing ghosts. The power of thunder that falls on the skin is naturally dispersed, allowing a small part of the ghosts hidden in the skin to survive.

Interesting, is this a subtle survival instinct, or is it the command of Li Jun's consciousness? Ghosts are a kind of pollution. If Li Jun's consciousness is on ghosts, does it mean that pollution itself can also give birth to consciousness?

Can pure pollution give birth to consciousness?


Yi Ling was staring at Li Jun's head in thought, and suddenly saw seven shiny big centipedes crawling out of the seven orifices of human skin. His breathing stagnated, and he took a step back without leaving a trace, and saw these centipedes with forearm-length, two-finger-thick, black shells and red feet. The tentacles were swaying, and the iron-like jaws were flashing cold light, following the sound of the bell in Miao Fangfei's hand and returning to a rattan pot she placed on the ground.

Behind the centipede was a group of densely packed little spiders, which looked like they had just hatched, their shells were still somewhat transparent, and after crawling out of Li Jun's skin, they curled up and died in large groups, like dust. After a while, the hole where the mouth was originally moved, and a large black and white spider crawled out. It crawled back to Miao Fangfei's palm in a somewhat listless manner, and was fed by Miao Fangfei with blood before it recovered some of its energy and spirit, and was put in her pocket.

"No, there are too many pollutants in Li Jun's skin."

Miao Fangfei exhaled, and cold sweat dripped down her forehead: "My poisonous insect can't eat it."

The black-backed iron-toothed centipede Gu is the most powerful poisonous insect on Miao Fangfei's hand, and can chew through bulletproof vests. The spider mother Gu can lay thousands of eggs in a short period of time. Although these eggs are extremely weak and the little spiders they give birth to will die within a few minutes, the eggs will absorb a large amount of negative energy when hatching. After the death of the little spiders, This energy will not leak out, and is perfect for cleaning up blood pools, pools, boxes, etc. that are contaminated by unknown curses.

However, Li Jun's skin bag could not be bitten by the black-backed iron-toothed centipede, and there was so much pollution in the skin that the spider mother Gu could not fully absorb it even after she collapsed. If it is treated like other skin bags, it won't be long before the evil in Li Jun's body can pollute everything again and regain his strength. This situation made Wan Xiangchun and Miao Fangfei a little angry and frustrated, and Yu Hehui also smiled helplessly.

"In this case, there is nothing we can do."

In the somewhat depressed atmosphere, Bai Feibai's voice sounded, as calm as ever. He took off his glasses and put them aside, and looked at Mao Xiaole: "Xiaole, just follow the previous backup plan. I have to rely on you this time."

"It's us adults who are so useless."

Yu Hehui sighed, somewhat blaming himself for putting all the burden on a young man. "

"Yeah, Gu insects can't do much, Xiao Le, you are the best."

Miao Fangfei sighed straightforwardly: "What would I do without you?"

"Sir, I've grown up a long time ago! And wasn't this agreed before? After all, I have Maoshan's orthodox heritage, so it's normal for me to be stronger."

Mao Xiaole raised his chin coolly. Yi Ling found that the roots of his ears were red, and his face was obviously much thinner than he showed. He was very happy to be praised.

"I don't care. Anyway, I don't need to do anything to use it. Brother Fei Bai, are you sure you want to help me? You have no experience in this area, and it can easily backfire."

"I have some research on Maoshan Taoism, it's just a personal interest."

Bai Feibai said seriously: "I practiced with a friend before. He is a very qualified Taoist priest and taught me some things. I also went to live in his Taoist temple there, so it's no problem to help him."

A famous Taoist priest? Do you want to make friends at the end of the year? Mao Xiaole murmured in his heart, but Bai Feibai was quite reliable, so since he said so, he just believed it.

"Zero Guide, we plan to use a paper man to drive Li Jun's skin."

Not forgetting their 'responsibilities', Mao Xiaole and Yi Ling explained, while they were about to take something from their yellow cloth bags, they suddenly froze in their movements.

Oops, he forgot that he can't move his arms yet! What should I do? If I ask Brother Fei Bai and the others to help now, it would be as stupid as a child. He is nineteen years old and doesn't want to be treated as a child anymore.

"Paper man driver? That's a good idea."

He has never seen a moving paper man. Is there any opportunity to touch it with his own hands? Yi Ling was looking forward to it very much. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Mao Xiaole looking at him and leaning against his ear. He lowered his voice in embarrassment: "Leader Ling, can you help me take out the folded paper man from the inner pocket of the cloth bag?" ?”

"Of course."

I'm really dozing off and bumping into the pillow. Is there such a good thing? Yi Ling agreed immediately, and even returned the favor by handing the whip to Mao Xiaole's still intact hand so that he could hold it first. He put one hand on Mao Xiaole's shoulder, and with the other he went to dig through the yellow cloth bag Mao Xiaole was carrying - Yi Ling Knowing that Mao Xiaole was saving face, he simply stood in front of Mao Xiaole. No one else could see clearly what they were doing. They could only see the two people standing very close to each other, touching their heads and talking, which was surprisingly intimate. Miao Fangfei was stunned, Bai Feibai adjusted his glasses several times, Yu Hehui frowned in worry, and Wan Xiangchun opened his mouth and hesitated.

Until a deep male voice came from the shrine.

"What are you doing?"

"Xue Feng, look, there are moving paper figures——"

Yi Ling turned around and saw the tall An Xuefeng standing next to the shrine. He looked at him with a frown and the tiger ears on his head turned into airplane ears. He couldn't help but smile and showed him what he was carrying in his hand. A paper figurine that looks like a kitten. He had never called anyone's name in such an intimate manner. For a moment, Miao Fangfei and the others' pupils were shocked and they doubted their ears.

But Yi Ling didn't care about other people. With the big tiger with tiger ears and tail, no one could draw his attention away. Letting go of Mao Xiaole, putting the paper man into his hand, and taking back the whip, Yi Ling walked up to An Xuefeng and spoke in a brisk voice with a hint of intimacy: "It would be great if this paper man could be made into the peripherals of our Mountain Worship Cult." It will definitely be a big hit. Maybe we can also make some White Tiger peripherals to sell! Wang Yushu’s live broadcast is good, and then we can sell it through live broadcast – wow!”

Yi Ling looked from An Xuefeng's side to the room behind the shrine and couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

"That's amazing. How did you do this? I really should ask Wang Yushu to come over and take a photo. I'm sure it will become a hit!"

No wonder An Xuefeng and Lu Shucheng stayed in this room for so long. On the floor of this narrow room was a stone platform, with a very strange female corpse lying on it. Only her head and neck could be seen clearly. Outside, the rest of the body was wrapped inside a skinned tiger!

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