Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1076 Update


Lu Shucheng's lips trembled slightly, doubting his ears, and subconsciously asked a question.

"I may have contracted the disease."

Tong Hege repeated it, his tone was calm, but his voice was very low. Even the sound of the main room door being pushed open was louder than his.

"I'm not sure. I have some intuition, but the possibility is not low..."

"Please come in."

When Tong Hege and Lu Shucheng were chatting in a low voice, they could hear An Xuefeng speaking quietly at the door. He was the one who carried the old man to the coffin, he was the one who took the paper covering for the old man, and now he is the one greeting the villagers. Compared with Li Jun, he is more like a qualified filial son. Director Ling stood next to him with a smile, looking like he was watching the fun, but in fact he took the phone from Wang Yushu's hand, fiddled with it a few times and took pictures of An Xuefeng.

There seemed to be no sense of tension at all, as if the villagers who hesitantly walked into the main room in twos and threes all had blue faces, were tall and thin, had sunken eye sockets, and had no personality at all. They were just like a group of inhuman zombies. Just like walking in slowly. It has to be said that An Xuefeng actually stood there, which made people feel reassured. Lu Shucheng's tense nerves also relaxed a little, and he thought with Tong Hege: "These villagers smell different from you. What's more, even if there is a bad thing, it can't be expelled. The pills you made have already been used to expel it once. "

"Just one more drive will be fine."

"It's feels different."

Tong Hege shook his head. He looked at his hand, loosened and then tightened it several times. The green blood vessels on the back of his hand were beating like a long green worm: "Maybe it's because of the blood of the Li family? I am now It feels weird."

Yes, it's weird. When they entered the main room, they also had a lot of evil spirits in their bodies. At that time, Tong Hege mixed the herbs and made everyone vomit out the evil spirits. But now he feels that even if he drinks the medicine again, he shouldn't be able to 'vomit' it out again.

The thing merged with him.


Tong Hege murmured.

"You have to tell An Xuefeng about this, or find a guide."

Lu Shucheng did not hesitate at all and lowered his voice: "Unless you let me turn into a wolf and eat you, then spit you out after digestion, I can't think of any other means I can use to solve this problem."

"An Xuefeng and Director Ling must have their own methods... An Xuefeng is the incarnation of the white tiger, and he can restrain his anger. Director Ling is very strong, and he has Mao Xiaole under his command. When Mao Xiaole recovers, he will strike you with lightning. The anger should be gone."

"Well, this is indeed a solution."

Tong Hege curled his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes. His chin was so itchy, as if it was eaten by moths. It made him anxious and anxious, and he wanted to use a knife to cut off the piece of flesh and blood. He was also a little anxious when he spoke: "If I go to An Xuefeng, maybe he will Will kill me."


Hearing his words, Lu Shucheng was stunned and frowned: "The possibility is not high, he doesn't look like a person who kills indiscriminately. Just now I went into the room behind the shrine with him. Did you see it? There was a man and a peeler inside. A woman fused with a tiger looks like some kind of witchcraft.”

"An Xuefeng is very angry... I can smell that he is angry. This woman's corpse smells different from those of the Li family, and the old zombie in the coffin. She has no smell. She should be an ordinary person."

Lu Shucheng's sense of smell is very sensitive, but a little biased, perhaps because he has lived with wolves for too long. The delicious things she smells are usually inedible to humans. She is also a picky eater and will refuse or even get angry if she smells vegetables. But ordinary people have no taste for her.

But there are no pure ordinary people in this world. They are more or less yin or yang, and have some smell, but the female corpse has no smell at all. Is it because she has a special horoscope? Or did his life change later? None of this is known now.

However, no matter what, the blending of skinned tigers and human corpses is definitely a very evil method. Whether it is borrowing the tiger's luck or completely contaminating the tiger, it is definitely not a good thing.

"……Listen to you.

Tong Hege's voice became even lower. He and Lu Shucheng were standing on either side of the coffin, like two door gods. Now she took the initiative to go to Lu Shucheng's place and asked her to help block it.

"I want to try it myself first, and if it doesn't work, I'll tell them."

Tong Hege compromised, tinkering with the various medicinal materials he had brought, and hiding behind Lu Shucheng - it was too dirty. Ever since these villagers came in, the concentration of evil in the main room had skyrocketed, and he almost had to return to the main room to lose the air. It was time to show off, which made Tong Hege really feel uncomfortable.

“Folks, let’s talk about your custom of condolences here!”

Compared with the bleak atmosphere here, the entrance to the hall was very lively. Although Wang Yushu had already given his cell phone to Yi Ling, he and Wang Pengpai were still extremely competent. They asked the villagers one on the left and the other on the right:

"This is a live broadcast to promote the Mountain Worship Cult. Mr. Li Jun has promised that our guide will fully cooperate."

"Don't you want to bring something to express your condolences? We all need it over there."

"What is your relationship with the Li family? Are you relatives? How close are you to each other?"

"Why didn't you bring incense ashes and refused to bury the old man of the Li family?"


Wang Yushu's live broadcast was energetic enough by himself, and Wang Pengpai and Wang Pengpai together were noisier than two hundred ducks. Only when the villagers slowly stood in front of the coffin to express condolences, they would temporarily let this person go and torture him later. The villagers came.

Mao Xiaole and the others were standing on the other side of the shrine, alert and ready to take action at any time. However, most of the villagers who came in first took a look at the Li family, went to the coffin to express their condolences, and then turned around and left. Each of them was extremely silent. Even if Wang Pengpai and the others were asked about it, no one spoke. After the condolences were over, they left the main room and went outside to stand in the courtyard, motionless, like twisted sticks sticking out of the mud. Dark green branches.

The door of the hall was always open, and the condolences came and went in silence. Yu Hehui and others kept counting, but there were too many villagers - how could there be so many people? An Xuefeng even stood guard at the door of the hall, not leaving even a step. Sometimes he glanced at the villagers who were offering condolences in front of the coffin, and sometimes his eyes fell on the patio outside the hall.

The good news is that it is no longer pure darkness outside. Although the light is still a little dim, it is just like a cloudy day, without the creepy feeling that darkness brings to people. If you go out at this time, you might be able to walk normally without a light.

The bad news is that those villagers really stood in the courtyard and refused to leave! They stood in dense rows, like a blue nail board. Their eye sockets were so deep that I couldn't even see them clearly, but I could feel the cold and cold gaze, nailing them on the shrine opposite the main door. On that black coffin.

The coffin has not been closed yet. It should have been closed long ago after paying homage to the remains, but I don’t know whether it was Li Jun and the others who were afraid for a while, whether the old zombies continued to reject them, or whether An Xuefeng and the others came too early to kill them. In short, the old man is currently lying flat in the coffin, with the coffin lid upside down and another layer of paper covering his face. However, it cannot stop the terrifying aura it emits. None of the villagers who paid homage in the past can resist it. Condolences came quickly, as if there was a ghost chasing behind me. Even if you are worshiping, you don’t dare to get too close.

However, this is convenient for An Xuefeng and the others to hide the traces of their actions. At least they can't see clearly from a distance, so it's not easy to find out what's wrong with Li Jun and the others.

"Hey, why are these people still hanging around?"

Villagers are still pouring into the patio and into the main room. Wang Pengpai's face almost froze with laughter. Finally, he couldn't help but leave Wang Yushu behind. He walked to Bai Feibai who was far away from the villagers and complained in a low voice that only the two of them could hear: "Are they... What kind of dirty tricks are you trying to do? You can't just wait for lunch. With so many people here, we can't all exchange information together. Do you think these villagers have found out? I always feel scared. ——”

"Maybe he's just waiting for a meal."

At this moment, Bai Feibai interrupted him and said calmly: "Director Ling said that there will be a funeral banquet of the highest standard at noon today."

"They stayed on the patio, possibly waiting for the banquet to start, but we can't wait any longer."

Bai Feibai showed the back of his hand to Wang Pengpai, and saw a dense rash on the back of his originally smooth and clean hand, which looked very oozing.

The author has something to say

Let Fei Bai send 500 red envelopes to the babies today!

I’m too sleepy to write now. I’ll correct the typos when I get up. Take a bow!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0602:38:43~2023-12-0606:09:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: a pig under the peach tree 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 26 bottles of Liuluan; 20 bottles of Fruit; 10 bottles of Yanwuqing; 5 bottles of A Pig Under the Peach Tree; 1 bottle of Laosandaosi, Mumuzi, and Mufeng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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