Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1073 Update

痋 is a kind of ‘disease’.

It is different from Gu Shu, and these two things are easily confused. Even Miao Fangfei had a preconceived notion at the beginning, thinking that these insects were related to Gu Shu. Especially when Wang Yushu mentioned that Ling Dao said that the cloth was full of insect eggs, it led everyone to a misunderstanding.

But when the golden silkworm Gu was processing the cloth, it swallowed the pollution, but did not identify it as insect eggs, which actually explained a lot.

"Gu worms are concrete, real worms. And 痋 is a kind of, uh, evil spirit?"

Mao Xiaole tried to explain with some simple metaphors: "Although many Gu worm eggs are very small, it is impossible for them to float all over the place like air. Insect eggs have weight anyway. They cannot float in the air without wind, and it is impossible for them to be evenly covered with our bodies."

"These insect eggs are not real insects, but insects in the wind. "Shuowen Jiezi" says that insects are born when the wind moves. The ancients believed that the flow of yin and yang qi will give birth to insects, and some said that wind evil enters the body. In fact, they are all insects in the wind, that is, 痋."

Mao Xiaole nags for a while, and suddenly feels embarrassed and says: "Hey, why am I saying so much useless things? Director Ling can see things in the dark, so he must be able to see insects in the wind. He knows it is 痋 at a glance."

"Haha, the main hall of the Li family was full of small insects at that time, so I didn't come in."

Yi Ling smiled, calm and composed, but actually gritted his teeth secretly.

What? ? The things floating in the air and blowing in the wind in the main hall of the Li family, aren't they real insects and eggs? ? Can't the eggs float densely in the air? Did he think too highly of the eggs? Of course, it's also good to say that they are pollution. Yi Ling can indeed feel that these eggs are polluted.

But he thought it was the type of corn shoots, which were polluted by live insects. Who knew that they were just like bear biscuits, but only polluted in the shape of insects!

Damn it, he trusted his eyes too much. He also told Wang Yushu that there were eggs on the cloth... Damn it, so embarrassing!

"So Director Zero said this on purpose, saying that there were eggs on the cloth."

Mao Xiaole didn't have the ability to read minds, and didn't know why Director Zero, who looked calm on the surface, was crazy inside, so he asked naturally.

Yi Ling smiled and said stubbornly: "After all, it looks like insect eggs."

"Wang Yushu, that idiot, took it seriously. He really thought it was insect eggs and misled all of us. We all thought it was a bug."

Mao Xiaole complained in a long voice: "I didn't expect Director Ling to lie--"

"Do you still want me to tell you everything, Xiaole?"

Yi Ling smiled and said: "Don't be too greedy."


Mao Xiaole really didn't know that Yi Ling didn't recognize it as a worm. After all, he could see through the darkness full of pollution. There was no reason why he couldn't see the densely floating worms in the air. This thing was obviously not a living worm!

[Corn shoots! ]

[The shoots are here! ]

Yi Ling, who successfully deceived Mao Xiaole, breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but vent his anger in his stomach. He turned around and took his anger out on the worm: [You said those things were insect eggs? ? You, a worm, couldn't recognize that they were not living worms? ! ]

[Live worms? Live? 】

Under the earth, the corn shoot held its tentacles, somewhat bewildered, not understanding what its father meant, and stammered to ask for confirmation: [Can be eaten, alive, can't be eaten, dead? 】

But dead things can be eaten! To the corn shoot, soil and minerals are daily delicacies, and things full of pollution are even more delicious! Pollution, in its view, will grow (spread) and grow up (assimilate), so how can it not be considered alive? The father also said that the floating ones are bugs, so how can they not be living bugs?

The father's words are too difficult to understand, is it because it is still young that it can't understand?

[The shoots are small, father! 】

I understand, it is too young! The corn shoot said confidently: [The shoots can't recognize living bugs, the shoots are wrong, father, don't be angry~]

Yiling: ...

He held his breath and couldn't get it out, and he was so angry that he got a new belly full of anger. He shouldn't have chatted with the corn shoots!

"This is really scary. If we really keep being vigilant about the poisonous insects, it will be a big problem."

Mao Xiaole was still there in fear: "Fortunately, Tong Hege's herbs are very useful."

After helping the old zombie to bury the body, they went to the fire room to rest. Tong Hege said that his body was full of insect eggs, so he borrowed Wang Pengpai's mixed blood to spray. At that time, Wang Pengpai was actually very confused. He only heard Yi Ling say that insects would hatch quickly if they fed on blood. Lian An's blood was just food for insects. Wouldn't his mixed blood spraying on them be pure food? How could it possibly kill insects?

Tong Hege also pondered for a moment, then hesitated and said: "It's hard to say, just think of it as my ability. In the mountains, I can occasionally feel the emotions of other creatures and hear what they say, just like the mountain ghosts in the mountains." "I used this power to collect many precious herbs in the mountains in the past, so there shouldn't be any mistakes. Just now I heard the voice in the wind, saying that we are all full of worms, and I felt that the wind didn't like the bottle of blood you brought, so I wanted to try it." ... "The wind didn't like the bottle of blood that Wang Pengpai brought because there was a Dingfeng Pill in that bottle of blood, and Tong Hege tasted it." Mao Xiaole muttered: "He even dared to eat that kind of mixed blood. You can't judge a person by his appearance." Tong Hege even dared to drink that kind of blood of unknown origin... Yi Ling was also speechless. He put Tong Hege, Lu Shucheng and corn shoots in the same faction. His family members seemed to have some strange food habits, but what is Dingfeng Pill? "Dingfeng Pill."

Yi Ling said with profound meaning.

"Yes, it is said that the osmanthus seeds produced by the osmanthus tree facing the moon can calm the cold wind."

Mao Xiaole also sighed: "I didn't expect this thing to be really useful. It's not all folklore remedies."

In short, through this, coupled with Miao Fangfei's test with the golden silkworm Gu, and Mao Xiaole and Bai Feibai's understanding of the relevant knowledge, everyone basically determined that what invaded their bodies was vulgaris, which was much more evil than the voodoo. They are pervasive and cannot defend themselves at all. Wherever there is wind, there will be evil spirits. They got so many in such a short time, which means that the entire hall of the Li family is basically occupied by evil spirits.

What will happen to the Li family who have been living here?

"He's definitely a bad guy."

Mao Xiaole affirmed: "Even if there are extremely deceptive real insects living in their eye sockets, it is definitely evil that has the upper hand."

Hate is an evil spirit that can contaminate all people and animals. And living insects, even Gu insects, will be infected by the disease.

"When wind evil enters the brain, that is, evil enters the brain, that person is really hopeless. Evil will move with the wind, and we think that everyone in Zimata Village may already be evil."

"Those people will come to express their condolences soon. No matter how high the concentration of evil is here, we might die suddenly if we go out. We have to find a way, and the Li family is a bit special."

Mao Xiaole pointed at Wan Xiangchun and Bai Feibai who were busy not far away: "When the corpse was being carried to the coffin, the security team, Wang Pengpai, Wan Xiangchun and Bai Feibai were all infected with the corpse poison. The security team was protected by the power of the white tiger. Let’s not talk about the body... Wang Pengpai and the others were infected with Lao Zang’s corpse poison, but their ailments are gone.”

"Normally, shouldn't you die faster? But how can the corpse poison be offset by the evil?"

Mao Xiaole still hasn't figured out why this is happening. This is completely knowledge that cannot be learned in Taoist temples. How can corpse poison counteract the evil spirit? Then his lightning-inducing technique is particularly effective against zombies. Can it also restrain evil spirits?

"Team An and the rest supported me and believed my speculation, so we decided to do this."

Mao Xiaole was still a little excited when he mentioned this. He raised his right hand. Strangely enough, Mao Xiaole's upper arm to forearm was scorched black, but his right hand holding something was intact and still the same as before. Yi Ling had been interested in the things in Mao Xiaole's hands before. This time the child took the initiative to show it to him, and he naturally looked at it openly.

He saw that what Mao Xiaole was holding in his hand was a small wooden seal.

"This is the Ying Taihuang Mansion Seal. It is a seal passed down by the Shangqing Sect in the past. It can attract the true life spirit, subjugate demons and eliminate monsters, govern all gods, and cleanse ghosts and evil spirits*"

Mao Xiaole was a little embarrassed: "My master gave it to me. There will be a Luotian Festival at the end of November, which is being held in our Maoshan Mountain. I told the master that I would go down the mountain to practice before then, and he gave me the seal in advance. , told me to carry the induction with me, and when the time comes, I will overwhelm the people of the same generation at the Luotian Dajiao... Ahem, but I am still very powerful even without this seal. Just now I just borrowed the seal, and its main body is Lei Zhenmu. Use it as a medium to create the Five Thunder Techniques to draw thunder.”

The steps to use this seal were too cumbersome. It would take the villagers a long trip to express their condolences after he had followed the steps. How could it be as crude and simple as directly performing the Thunder Technique? The blessing of Lei Zhenmu is definitely enough.

This is indeed the case. After Mao Xiaole came out, he first used his left hand to perform a Thunder Jue, and after a break, he used his right hand to perform a Thunder Jue. The four Li family members were finished. It's just that the damage was too great. It would take at least half a day for his hands to recover on their own. But if he uses the old ginseng whiskers collected by Tong Hege and the support of Captain An, he can recover in almost a quarter of an hour.

"But here's another weird thing."

Mao Xiaole asked in confusion: "Director Ling, why have I removed all the evil in the Li family's bodies, but their skin is still left?"

Hate will completely corrode a person, from the flesh and blood to the bones and skin. It is better to understand it in terms of pollution and erosion. Mao Xiaole used a Thunder Jue to strike out, the pollution was cleared away, and the Li family should no longer exist.

How could there be a piece of skin left? Not only Li Jun, but other members of the Li family also had their skins left, and what’s incredible is that judging from Li Jun’s skin, his skin is even conscious!

"It's so strange, how could something like this happen?"

Mao Xiaole murmured: "The bugs in their eyes also fell out and were swallowed by the golden silkworm Gu. These are real bugs."

Are bugs and their special skin immune to the disease? Or have they reached some kind of balance? but--

"It's so strange. How come such people exist? It's like they are spliced ​​together as a test subject. The bugs in their eyes can control people, the evil can control people, and the skin has its own consciousness... so many different With the pollution put together, I can actually communicate with other 'people' normally!"

What the hell is this? Mao Xiaole was so sick that he wanted to vomit just thinking about it!

The author has something to say

Dear, this is the spliced ​​pollution that is characteristic of our Tusi King’s Tomb!

The paper horse tower is just three parts, there are more inside!

The big stage of the Tusi King's Tomb, come if you dare!

Next week I need to adjust my schedule and update time. If I don’t update before 11pm/11pm every day next week, I will send out red envelopes that day!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0223:51:21~2023-12-0303:36:58~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Qian Yu Youyue 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xin Yao Xi Maotou, Qian Yu Youyue 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: I hold up 52 bottles for the pot fish; 10 bottles for Zouzai and Xia Tian; 7 bottles for Moze Yuluo; 5 bottles for Wandering in the Clouds; 2 bottles for the fleeting years of the sea of ​​clouds; 2 bottles for Chattering, Qu Concubine Qing, Jiangshan old woman, Xiao Ximi was played with by Xun Xun, Yu Nan Xue, Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Poria Cake, Ye Ling Xue, Qing Xiao,. 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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