Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1070 Tomb of the Tusi King (24)

"……Alright alright."

Wang Yushu's reputation as a fox and a tiger's pretense is still there, and during the short time they were talking, the old man's body seemed to have changed for the worse, causing several Li family members who were originally guarding the bed to mutter anxiously to Li Jun. After a few words in dialect, Li Jun, who was still hesitant at first, finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

"What do you want?"

What do we want?

Wang Yushu's brain started to spin rapidly and his heartbeat accelerated. This was a precious promise! What does he want? Make Li Jun swear not to harm the entire team? Guarantee that they can survive safely until they return to the B\u0026B at night? Find out the secret of the Li family? still--

"If you have any requests, I'll tell you later."

It was clearly the Li family who had something to ask for, but in the silence it was Wang Yushu who thought more and more anxiously. What request should he make to avoid wasting this opportunity? How can we maximize this opportunity? For a while, his mind was as confused as if he was paralyzed, until he felt a strong hand pressing down on his shoulder, and An Xuefeng's voice sounded:

"The burial of the old man is the most important thing right now. Your Li family owes us something -"

An Xuefeng said in a deep voice, his sharp eyes like a falcon firmly locked on Li Jun's blue-gray face. Even if the eyes replaced by insect chrysalises could not reveal any 'eyes', the subtle expressions on a person's face can not only be detected through the gaze. Clues. After noticing the subtle change in Li Jun's expression, An Xuefeng seemed to say casually before he could speak: "Li Junlin, you are the leader here, so the leader owes us something."

Li Jun didn't say anything, but he didn't refute either. This was his acquiescence.

It felt like his face turned greener... Miao Fangfei thought with uncertainty that the conversation between Team An and Li Jun just now seemed to be a brief confrontation, but she hadn't figured it out yet. The ten of them gathered in a circle and took advantage of the discussion to carry the body. The people quickly exchanged information during this time.

The Li family was nearby. On their face, An Xuefeng was the only one choosing the person to carry the body. In fact, a note from Wang Pengpai was passed around to everyone. The note was rolled into a ball, and the handwriting on it was very messy. It was just like the prescriptions written by doctors in the past, and it took a lot of guessing to understand.

[Old Zombie, full of resentment! ! We are enemies of insects (?)]

Lu Shucheng was the last person to turn the paper around. After scanning the paper, he completely crushed the already overwhelmed soft paper. Under the dim light, everyone's faces were a little solemn. Judging from the information shared by Wang Pengpai, everyone was somewhat mentally prepared for the former. After all, they could guess it from the old man's abnormal nail length and skin gloss, but for the latter, even Wang Pengpai was not sure. uncertain.

Isn’t it true that the Li family has the same mutation? Did the parasite-infected Li family and the dead zombified old man suffer from different pollution attacks? The Li family couldn't lift the old man's body because the zombies were hostile to the bugs?

"The king is surging, everything is springing, and everything is flying."

As the undercurrent surged, An Xuefeng had already selected three people: "The three of you will carry the body to the coffin with me. Yushu Xiaole, you will be videotaping the whole process."

"Got the order!"

When carrying a corpse, you must choose someone with strong yang energy, especially since the corpse is very likely to have been transformed into a corpse, which is extremely dangerous. An Xuefeng possesses the power of the White Tiger, has a strong Wanxiang Chunyang Qi, Wang Pengpai has a deep understanding of all kinds of zombies through his ancestral knowledge, and Bai Feibai's ability is very restrained on corpses. The four of them are considered the best candidates to carry the corpse. He can resist even when faced with a truly transformed corpse. Not to mention that before carrying the body, Wang Pengpeng took out the scraps of cloth he had dyed this morning, and all of them wrapped their hands in the cinnabar-dyed cloth.

However, when they actually stood next to the corpse, all four of them could feel the creepy, cold sense of danger.

It had only been ten minutes since they first entered the hall to pay their respects to the body, but the changes in the old man's body were too great to ignore. The shrouds and trousers on his body were bulging, as if something had grown on the body. The shroud is like an inflated balloon. The shoes on those big feet were so tight that they felt like they would burst at any moment. There was a group of stains in the middle of the white paper that originally covered the old man's face, as if it was stained with some dirty grease. His big green and black ferocious hands on his abdomen also became wet and sticky, and his sharp nails seemed to be covered with dirt. Asphalt looks scary.

But the most terrifying thing was that when the four of them gathered around, a gust of wind came from nowhere and blew up the white paper covering the corpse's face! No one had time to react, and in an instant the old man's purple face was revealed. Li Jun said that his father died last night and was to be enthroned today, but the old man did not look like he had just died. He seemed to have had his skin pulled out before he was alive, with the muscles on his face exposed and the bones covered with shriveled and hideous pillars of flesh. A big black mouth was open, with almost all the teeth missing, leaving only two beast-like fangs on the left and right sticking out like daggers, not like humans. The scariest thing is the old man's eyes. His eye sockets are empty and deeply sunken, but there seems to be a flash of black light, just like the reflection of a lamp shining on a beetle, making the corpse seem to be alive. He stared at An Xuefeng with desire, his bones were frozen by this cold and evil gaze.

At this moment, no one dared to make a sound, and Wang Yushu’s hand holding the live broadcast on his mobile phone was trembling. Until the cold wind blew, the white paper covering the old man’s face fell down again, blocking his terrifying corpse-like face. Just now Everything they saw seemed to be an illusion, but the four people beside the bed knew that it was not an illusion, and cold sweat covered their backs.

"It's a shame, I'm so immoral and smoking idiot, I'm a turtle..."

Wang Pengpai couldn't hold it back, he was so frightened that he began to curse in a low voice, with a fierce look in his eyes, ready to take out his mixed blood bottle at any time. Wan Xiangchun's eyes trembled and his whole body froze. He was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Bai Feibai was still calm, but he also looked at An Xuefeng.

What should I say, whether to move or not.

"Old man, we will take you to your grave."

An Xuefeng was the calmest in the face of important events. He acted as if he hadn't seen the changes in the old man's body. He said a few words with his usual expression, and then reached out to the old man's left shoulder and back. Seeing that he was moving, Wang Pengpai gritted his teeth without giving up, and then lifted the old man's left leg. Bai Feibai lifted the old man's right shoulder and back almost at the same time, leaving Wan Xiangchun, who hesitated for a moment, and finally He also went out of his way to lift the old man's right leg.

Carrying a corpse by four people seemed a bit too fussy, but everyone who was alert and ready to take action could see that Wang Pengpai's face turned red the moment he lifted the corpse, and Wan Xiangchun and Bai Feibai also exhausted their whole bodies. With so much strength, their legs couldn't straighten up completely, as if what they were carrying was not a corpse, but some huge heavy iron block. Only An Xuefeng, who possessed strange powers, was able to handle it with ease and helped others share some of the burden. weight.

It was only a few steps from the wooden bed to the coffin on the wooden platform in the middle of the hall, but these few steps made Miao Fangfei and others feel in suspense. They finally relaxed after seeing An Xuefeng and the others successfully put the body into the coffin. tone. The strange thing is that such a heavy corpse did not break the coffin or crush the wooden platform after being placed in the coffin. If it weren't for the uncontrollable trembling of Wang Pengpai's arms, people would doubt whether the corpse was really that heavy.

"Thank you..."

After the body was placed in the coffin, the Li family members who had been standing far away as if they were afraid of disturbing the encoffining finally came over and were busy. Some picked up the old clothes of the deceased and stuffed them beside him, and some picked up the longevity quilt and carefully covered it with him. The covering paper should be removed from the corpse before the coffin is closed, so that the relatives of the deceased can pay their last respects to the remains. However, as the eldest son, Li Jun froze beside the coffin for a long time, but begged An Xuefeng to remove the covering paper. It seems that he is the true filial son and grandson.

The body had been carried, and they had also seen it when the covering paper was blown up by the wind. An Xuefeng also had a guess in his mind. Needless to say, he stepped forward and took off the covering paper. The old man's face was still the same as before. There were too many changes, but under the dim light, his face was a little dark, as if he had grown fine and dense black fluff. The hair in the sunken eye sockets had grown longer, which was different from the eye sockets with insect pupae. A different kind of terror.

But other than that, there was no other abnormality in the old man, and the Li family was able to close the coffin smoothly. Li Jun seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief. While the other three were busy around the coffin, he walked up to An Xuefeng, thanked him for his help, and then said there was no need to trouble them for the rest of the wake.

"The wake will last until 12 noon. Other villagers will also come. After the funeral banquet at noon, they will accompany the spirit to perform a funeral."

Li Jun said: "You can go and have a rest. You can take whatever you want from the food in the fire room."

Nerves are so tense now that everyone needs to relax. Although Wang Yushu still wants to stick to the front line and stay here for the live broadcast, An Xuefeng undoubtedly pulls him to rest.

"What key clues are we going to miss..."

Wang Yushu hesitated.

"I can make Banban stare here. Brother Wang, just listen to Captain An."

Miao Fangfei said, lowering her voice: "You have been live broadcasting at a close distance just now. If you have something on your body, you have to deal with it in time. This is the case for all of us."

Got something on you? Why didn't he feel like he had something on it?

Wang Yushu's heart skipped a beat, and he felt inexplicably uneasy. When he went to the fire house and sat by the fire pit, he suddenly felt a little afraid - he saw An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai, Bai Feibai and Wan Xiangchun carrying the body. The people stretched out their hands, and the cinnabar cloth strips wrapped around their hands were untied and fell to the ground. You can clearly see that there is a layer of fine black hair growing on the palms of the four of them!

Only the hair on An Xuefeng's palms is black and white, mostly white, and is so soft that you can't see it clearly unless you look carefully.

"The corpse poison is so powerful, even Cinnabar can't protect it."

Wang Pengpeng bared his teeth and wrinkled his fat face: "Xiao Le, Xiao Le, quickly take my bag and take out the soaked glutinous rice. This corpse poison must be pulled out as soon as possible!"

"I have some herbs here that may have some effect on corpse poison."

Tong Hege took the initiative and said, "Brother Wang, can you lend me your bottle of blood?"

That bottle of mixed plasma can be regarded as Wang Pengpeng's magic weapon. It is very precious and cannot be borrowed with just a word. Tong Hege could only smile bitterly and said helplessly: "Maybe I brought too many herbs with me and attracted insects. Now I'm covered in insect eggs... and you have a lot of them too."

"The hall is full of insects, and there are insect seeds in the dust. Everyone who has gone in has them!"

The author has something to say

Wang Pengpai, Bai Feibai, and Wan Xiangchun stretched out their hands: corpse hair was growing on their palms!

An Xuefeng stretched out his hand: There are tiger hairs on the palm of his hand (bhi)

Zero Guide [Thumb]: How can I not love it!

Let Captain An send 500 red envelopes to the babies today to show their love!

It's the end of the month and the babies are giving me the nutrient solution, which is about to expire.

I'm still feeling uncomfortable today. I feel very tired and very sleepy. I haven't recovered from my sleep for a long time. The supplement I promised yesterday will have to be moved to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I will definitely get it. I have applied it several times before. I am really not in a good condition. Sorry, bow!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2823:11:23~2023-11-3023:39:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 4 old friend songs; 1 song of Wow Wow Wow Wow, Si Xue, Miracle Stops No Hair;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 Little Lions from Phuket Island, Songs of Old Friends; 1 piece from Lin Linlin, Meng \u0026 Tang Luo, Dynamic Lizard, and Maomao Wants to Go to Heaven;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xin Yao Xi Cat Head, 4 Berlin; 3 Bamboo Leaf Green, Sweetheart; 70262462, Wang Lalan Wants to Sleep, Ju Tu, What is the Name of Phuket Island? The Little Lion Ji, Moon Rising Yu Yu, 2 from Fengcheng Yanyu, Xia Tian, ​​and Kaibe; 1 from 64556713, 65386387, Meng \u0026 Tang Luo, Hibernation, Luo Yuan, and Yuziluo;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 453 bottles of Ye Qianyu; 264 bottles of Zhizhi Peach; 220 bottles of How Far Is Forever; 213 bottles of tedah; 206 bottles of Dongwang Saki; 181 bottles of Song of Old Friend; Bai Yexing and Suspect X 140 bottles of Dexian, Whisper, and Qin Yiyuan; 129 bottles of Dark Fragrance and Shuying; 100 bottles of Kari, Guguguluululu; 99 bottles of I Want to Knock Any CP; 92 bottles of Xi Mimi; 90 bottles of Muhui; 87 bottles of Yueying Herring; Yu Zi Luo 83 bottles; Mu Zi Tian Xin Wang Qi 81 bottles; The Moon 75 bottles; Yan Xi Zao 73 bottles; l, the boss is unconscious 70 bottles; Changbai Mountain Tour 68 bottles; Xuanyuan Alpaca, Maosang 63 bottles; Moze Yuluo, Shen There are 60 bottles of "Speaking of Light"; 56 bottles of "Yan Qing"; 55 bottles of "Little Bread and He"; 54 bottles of one-click mental state query; 50 bottles of "All the Cute Boys in the Bookshelf, Qingfeng Mingyue, Hanasaki Ranれ" and "I am Lin Sui's Dog". ; Ye Chenchen, 49 bottles; Xiao Ximi's wronged brother, 47 bottles; Mixia is not Mixia, 44 bottles; Aluoha, Mingzi, Hua Nongying, 242 bottles; undercurrent, Persimmon, All Living Beings Before the Buddha, HN, All-Mongolian Referendum— 40 bottles of Equal Justice, Qianmu, Cordyceps Sinensis; 35 bottles of Beibei Pumpkin Bear, Cat Cat; 34 bottles of Autumn White Dew; 33 bottles of Aurora; Look (⊙o⊙), Ray, I raise the flag for the pot fish, angelellfdiy, Charing Street , 30 bottles of Kaibe; 27 bottles of delicious repair hooks, let me have it; 26 bottles of tutu; 24 bottles of Yeyouyou, Zhuyu; 22 bottles of Pingyue Wuqiu, Yeziqing; words, wearing wolf skin? Xiaohong hat, Sui, Shuang Walking by the Leaves, An Bianqiu Xiu, Wang Wang Wang Wang, The Vanished Seeing the Light Dies, One Fall and Hundreds of Lights, Flying Shadow, Wu Jian, Ge Qin Tai, Come to Learn Romance, Zhao Ye Qing, Yi Yi Xu Yu丶, Xiao An An Da , Hua Xie Lian Cheng, 彽婳 20 bottles; Jiuhuan Shi°, The Cat Who Stays Up Late 18 bottles; Yingmen Wuliu 17 bottles; Lin Linlin 16 bottles; Bamboo Butterfly Shadow 13 bottles; Tangmo Yumo 11 bottles; Ji Xiaoyue , He Yuyue, Qingwu, Hua Xi, Magic Chirp, Recalling the Past, Shi Yujue, 64224986, Xue Luo Xia, So happy to go to school, ax_Abyss Butterfly Can Dream of Little, Under the Umbrella, The Seventh Cup of Milk Tea, Seeds, Witch Qinghe, Sitting up in shock while dying of illness, already a waste fish, I am Wei Xuechen’s?, Ji Xiaoqi, Thursday, Xiaofanfanzi, Ruyuan, Qingxiao, Very unhappy QwQ, Waste Zai only 10 bottles of "Want to Make Salted Fish", 58378411, "Dream Whale on the Pillow", "Yun Xi", "The Other Side of Peach Lotus", "Frost Descent"; 9 bottles of "Hengwu" and "General Passing by Readers"; 8 bottles of "Lotus Seed Soup", "Misty Rain in the Red Dust" and "Remaining Dreams"; 6 bottles of "Xiao Yu"; 6 bottles of "Mushroom?" Favorite milk tea, Luo Ran, YYACT, Carp's Carp, 66150639, Xiao Mo, Detective Yingying, Save a Pocket of Xinxin, this is a nickname, Seer, 67294067, 5 bottles of Starry Sky; 266522894 bottles; 3 bottles of good drink; Xun Yuan, Xiyan Suiyue, Qingyi, Yi Yu, Pirates, Qin Baochuan's Xue Yuting, Clive., Jiangshan Laozi 2 bottles; Moumou,. , Laosandaosi, Yu Nanxue, Cai Cai, Qu Feiqing, Fuguang, Luoyue, Banmengfusheng, Huayu in the Small Town, One San, 45393055, Ling Lingzi., Qingmeng Xinghe, La Ge Long day, dusk, age mirror, sea bream chazuke rice, carbs that are always on the road to losing weight, Anubis’ dog, miracles stop without hair, Shu, Spiritual Insect No. 996, Wandering Clouds but I don’t know where to go, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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